`Maryadele J. O'Neil, Editor
`Patricia E. Heckelman, Senior Associate Editor
`Cherie B. Koch, Associate Editor
`Kristin J. Roman, Assistant Editor
`Catherine M. Kenny, Editorial Assistant
`Maryann R. D'Arecca, Administrative Associate
`Published by
`Merck Research Laboratories
`Division of
`Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA
`Mylan Ex 1046, Page 1

`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 89-60001
`ISBN Number 0-911910-00-X
`ISBN Number 978-0-911910-00-1
`Copyright © 2006 by MERCK & CO., INC., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA
`All rights reserved. No part of this book or electronic product may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means,
`electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission
`in writing from the Publisher. Inquiries should be addressed to The Merck Index Editorial Offices, P.O. Box 2000, Merck
`& Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ 07065.
`Printed in the USA
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`Mylan Ex 1046, Page 2

`8653 (cid:9)
`Sodium Perchlorate
`Caution: Prevent swallowing of soln.
`USE: Bleaching straw and other fibers, ivory, sponges, bristles,
`waxes, textiles; in laundering, dentifrices, soaps.
`THERAP CAT: Antiseptic (topical).
`THERAP CAT (VET): Mouthwash.
`8653. Sodium Perchlorate. [7601-89-0] Irenat. CINa04;
`mol wt 122.44. C128.96%, Na 18.78%, 0 52.27%. NaC104.
`Monohydrate. White, deliquesc crystals. Dec -130°. d 2.02.
`Very sol in water. Keep well closed.
`USE: In the explosives industry.
`THERAP CAT: Thyroid inhibitor.
`8654. Sodium Permanganate. [10101-50-5] MnNaO4; mol
`wt 141.93. Mn 38.71%, Na 16.20%, 0 45.09%. NaMnO4.
`Trihydrate. Reddish-black, very hygroscopic granules. Very
`sol in water; dec by alcohol.
`8655. Sodium Peroxide. [1313-60-6] Sodium dioxide;
`sodium superoxide; Solozone. Na,02; mol wt 77.98. Na
`58.96%, 0 41.03%. The product of commerce contains 90-95%
`Na,02 . Prepd by heating sodium metal to 300° in aluminum
`vessels with a current of air from which carbon dioxide has been
`removed. Prepn of the octahydrate: Penneman, Inorg. Synth. 3, 1
`Yellowish-white, granular powder. Absorbs water and CO2 from
`the air. Freely sol in water, forming sodium hydroxide and hydro-
`gen peroxide, the latter quickly dec into oxygen and water. With di l
`acids H202 is formed which remains stable. In contact with organic
`matter or readily oxidizable substances ignition and explosion may
`take place. Keep tightly closed and protected from contact with
`organic or oxidizable substances.
`Caution: Irritant and corrosive. See Sodium Hydroxide.
`USE: Bleaching animal and vegetable fibers, feathers, bones,
`ivory, wood, wax, sponges, coral; rendering air charged with CO2
`respirable as in torpedo boats, submarines, diving bells, etc.; purify-
`ing air in sick rooms; dyeing and printing textiles; chemical analysis.
`General oxidizing agent.
`8656. Sodium Persulfate. [7775-27-1] Sodium peroxy-
`disulfate. Na205 S2; mot wt 238.10. Na 19.31%, 0 53.76%. S
`26.93%. Na2 S20s. Toxicity data: DaVal, Arch. Ital. Sci. Farm-
`acol. 2, 445 (1933).
`White, cryst powder. Gradually dec; decompn is promoted by
`moisture and higher temp. Initial soly in water at 20°: 549 g/1; dec
`by alcohol and silver ions. MLD in rabbits (mg/kg): 178 i.v.
`Caution: Highly irritating to skin, mucous membranes.
`USE: Bleaching and oxidizing agent; promoter for emulsion
`polymerization reactions.
`8657. Sodium Pertechnetate "mTc. [23288-60-0] Pert-
`scan; Ultra-Technekow. Na0499mTc. Na99mTc04. Prepn: Keller,
`Kanellakopulos, Radiochim. Acta 1, No. 2, 107 (1963), C.A. 59,
`1256a (1963); Kanellakopulos, AEC Accession No. 31424, Rept.
`No. KFK-197, 73 pp (1964), C.A. 62, 7350d (1965). Clinical
`application for labelling red blood cells: D. Ducassou et al., Br.
`J. Radio!. 49, 344 (1976). Diagnostic use in Meckel's diverticulum:
`D. R. Cooney et al., J. Pediatr. Surg. 17, 611 (1982); in thyroid
`neoplasm: M. Vome, K. Jarve, Eur. J. Nucl. Med. 13, 362 (1987).
`Review of diagnostic use in brain scanning: J. G. McAfee et al., J.
`Nucl. Med. 5, 811-827 (1964); in thyroid function: M. S. Sucupira
`et al., Int. J. Nucl. Med. Biol. 10, 29-33 (1983).
`THERAP CAT: Diagnostic aid (radioactive imaging agent).
`8659. Sodium Phosphate. Dibasic. [7558-79-4] Dibasic
`sodium phosphate: disodium hydrogen phosphate; disodium ortho-
`phosphate; disodium phosphate: DSP; phosphate of soda; secondary
`sodium phosphate. HNa, 04 P: mol wt 141.96. H 0.71%, Na
`32.39%, 0 45.08%, P 21.82%. Na2HPO4. Industrial production:
`Faith, Keyes & Clark's Industrial Chemicals (John Wiley, New
`York, 4th ed., 1975) pp 746-754. Toxicity of heptahydrate: H. F.
`Smyth et al., Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 30, 470 (1969).
`Anhydr, exsiccated sodium phosphate. Hygroscopic powder.
`On exposure to air will absorb from 2 to 7 mols H2O, depending
`on the humidity and temp. Sol in -8 parts water, much more sol in
`hot water. Soly per 100 gal water increases from -14 lbs at slightly
`>0° to over 900 lbs at 95°. Insol in ale. pH of 1% aq soln at 25°:
`9.1. Keep well closed.
`Dihydrate. Sorensen's phosphate; Sorensen's sodium phos-
`Heptahydrate. Crystals or granular powder. Stable in the air.
`d -'1.7. Sol in 4 parts water, more sol in boiling water; practically
`insol in alcohol. The aq soln is alkaline, pH -9.5. LD50 orally in
`rats: 12.93 g/kg (Smyth).
`Dodecahydrate. Translucent crystals or granules; readily loses 5
`mols of water on exposure to air at ordinary temp. mp 34-35°
`(when it contains the full 12 mols of H2 0). d --1.5. Sol in 3 parts
`water; practically insol in alcohol. Aq soln is alkaline, pH -9.5.
`Keep well closed and in a cool place. Incornpat: Alkaloids, anti-
`pyrine, chloral hydrate, lead acetate, pyrogallol, resorcinol.
`Caution: Anhydr form may cause mild irritation to skin, mucous
`membranes; intern. causes purging.
`USE: As sequestrant, emulsifier and buffer in foods. As mordant
`in dyeing; for weighting silk; in tanning; in manuf of enamels,
`ceramics, detergents, boiler compds; as fireproofing agent; in sol-
`dering and brazing instead of borax: as reagent and buffer in ana-
`lytical chemistry.
`THERAP CAT: Cathartic.
`THERAP CAT (VET): Laxative.
`8660. Sodium Phosphate, Monobasic. [7558-80-7] Sodi-
`um biphosphate; sodium dihydrogen phosphate; acid sodium phos-
`phate; monosodium orthophosphate; primary sodium phosphate.
`H2 Na04 P; mol wt 119.98. H 1.68%, Na 19.16%, 0 53.34%, P
`25.82%. Naff2 PO4. It is about 99% pure.
`Monohydrate. White, odorless, slightly deliquesc crystals or
`granules. At 100° loses all its water; when ignited it converts into
`metaphosphate. Freely sol in water; practically insol in alcohol.
`The aq solo is acid. pH of 0.1 molar aq soh]. at 25°: 4.5.
`Dihydrate. Orthorhombic bisphenoidal colorless crystals, imp
`60°. d 1.915. At room temp crystallizes with 2H2 0. Directions
`for max yield: Beans, Kiehl, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 49, 1878 (1927).
`USE: In baking powders; in boiler water treatment; as dry acidu-
`lant and sequestrant for foods: Tidridge, Pals, US 3030213 (1962 to
`THERAP CAT: Urinary acidifier.
`THERAP CAT (VET): Urinary acidifier.
`8661. Sodium Phosphate, Radioactive. [8027-28-9] Sodi-
`um phosphate 32P; radioactive sodium phosphate; sodium radio-
`phosphate (32P); Phosphotope.
`Aq soln of mixed radioactive phosphates with a pH range of 5.0-
`6.0. Contains radioactive monobasic sodium phosphate (NaH2-
`32PO4) and radioactive dibasic sodium phosphate (Na2I-132PO4 )•
`32P is a pure beta emitter with a half-life of 14.3 days.
`THERAP CAT: Antineoplastic; antipolycythemic; diagnostic aid
`8658. Sodium Phenolsulfonate. [1300-51-2] Hydroxyben-
`zenesulfonic acid sodium salt; sodium sulfocarbolate. C6H5NaO4-
`S; mol wt 196.16. C 36.74%, H 2.57%, Na 11.72%, 0 32.63%, S
`16.35%. HOC6H4S03 Na.
`Dihydrate. White, odorless crystals; slightly bitter taste; some-
`what efflorescent in dry air. One gram dissolves in 4.2 ml water, 0.8
`ml boiling water, 140 ml alcohol, 13.5 ml boiling alcohol, 5 ml
`glycerol. The aq soln is neutral.
`THERAP CAT: Intestinal antiseptic.
`THERAP CAT (VET): Has been used as an intestinal antiseptic, in
`dusting powders for ulcers, slowly granulating wounds and in dilute
`solution in the eye.
`8662. Sodium Phosphate, Tribasic. [7601-54-9] Trisodium
`orthophosphate; trisodium phosphate; TSP; Oakite. Na304P; mol
`wt 163.94. Na 42.07%, 0 39.04%, P 18.89%. Na3PO4. Crystal-
`lizes with 8 and 12 mols of H20.
`Dodecahydrate. Colorless or white crystals. When rapidly
`heated melts at -75°. Does not lose the last mol of water even
`on moderate ignition. d 1.6. Sol in 3.5 parts water, 1 part boiling
`water; insol in alcohol. The aq soln is strongly alkaline. pH of
`0.1% solo: 11.5; of 0.5% soln: 11.7; of 1.0% soln: 11.9. Tech-
`nical crystals are sometimes made with excess alkali to prevent
`caking and give more alkaline solutions. LD50 orally in rats:
`7.40 g/kg, H. F. Smyth et al., Ant. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 30,470 (1969).
`Page 1488 (cid:9)
`Consult the Name Index before using this section.
`USE: In photographic devt
`boiler scale, softening water:
`leather; in detergent mixture.
`8663. Sodium Phosphite
`125.96. H 0.80%, Na 36.50q
`Pentahydrate. White, hygi
`!nation (25°): -684.2 kcal/ms
`8664. Sodium Phosphot
`molybdophosphate. Mo, 2 N
`60.88%, Na 3.65%, 0 33.84%,1
`White crystals. Freely sol in
`USE; As reagent in chemical a
`8665. Sodium Phosphoti
`tungstophosphate. Approx 2Na,
`White, granular powder. Sol ii
`USE: As reagent for alkaloids,
`8666. Sodium Polyaneth(
`anetholesulfonic acid sodium sal)
`polymer. A polymer of anethM
`oped as an anticoagulant, it was
`complement action and lowers
`Ref: Demole, Reinert, Arch. E.
`(1930); Friedmann, Klin. Wochc
`Pathol. 1, 311 (1948).
`Light brown powder. Insol ii
`slowly goes in soln with neutral
`heat, dil alkalies and dil acids.
`USE: To inhibit blood coagulath
`gent to encourage the growth of r
`colloidal solns such as milk and gel
`8667. Sodium Polymetapt
`ham's salt; "sodium hexametaph
`phosphate; Hy-Phos. (NaP03),.
`phosphates; not a hexamer. Prepd
`urn metaphosphate: Bell, Inorg.
`see Sodium Metaphosphate.
`Clear, hygroscopic glass. nip 6:
`slowly. Depolymerizes in aqueou
`phosphate and sodium orthophospht
`Sodium hexametaphosphate
`Quadrafos; Hagan phosphate; Mica
`salt as the principal agent. Supplied
`and as small, broken, glass-like pan
`to 8-8.6). Insol in organic solvent
`flocculating properties, coagulate alt
`slightly sol compds such as calcium •
`USE: Water softeners and deters
`ing, laundry work, textile processiin
`of softening industrial water supplies
`8668. Sodium Polystyrene S
`nium A; Kayexalate. A cation excha
`Marketed as a powder, insol in w
`methyl cellulose.
`THERAP CAT: Ion-exchange resin
`8669. Sodium Propionate. [1
`urn salt; Impedex. C3H5NaO,; mol
`Na 23.93%, 0 33.31%. CH3CH,C0
`Transparent crystals, granules. D
`tral or slightly alkaline reaction to
`ml water, in -0.65 ml boiling w
`Most active at acid pH: Wolford,
`(1945); Olsen, Macy, J. Dairy Sci. 25
`Mylan Ex 1046, Page 3

`)asic. [7558-79-4] Dibasic
`it phosphate; disodium ortho-
`phosphate of soda; secondary
`1wt141.96. H 0.71%, Na
`4PO4. Industrial production:
`:hemicals (John Wiley, New
`xicity of heptahydrate: H. F.
`10, 470 (1969).
`Mate. Hygroscopic powder.
`2 to 7 mols H2 0, depending
`parts water, much more sol in
`vases from —14 lbs at slightly
`tic. pH of 1% aq soln at 25°:
`te; Sorensen's sodium phos-
`lar powder. Stable in the air.
`A. in boiling water; practically
`ine, pH —9.5. LD50 orally in
`als or granules; readily loses 5
`t ordinary temp. mp 34-35°
`1120). d —1.5. Sol in 3 parts
`Sq soln is alkaline, pH —9.5.
`Incompat: Alkaloids, anti-
`yrogallol, resorcinol.
`mild irritation to skin, mucous
`d buffer in foods. As mordant
`Lining; in manuf of enamels,
`as fireproofing agent; in sol-
`as reagent and buffer in ana-
`mobaSiC. [7558-80-71 Sodi-
`phosphate; acid sodium phos-
`; primary sodium phosphate.
`%. Na 19.16%, 0 53.34%, P
`slightly deliquese crystals or
`when ignited it converts into
`; practically insol in alcohol.
`tq soln at 25°: 4.5.
`moidal colorless crystals, mp
`.lines with 2H2 0. Directions
`'hem. Soc. 49, 1878 (1927).
`water treatment; as dry acidu-
`ge, Pals, US 3030213 (1962 to
`lioactive. [8027-28-9] Sodi-
`mn phosphate; sodium radio-
`phates with a pH range of 5.0-
`ic sodium phosphate (NaH2-
`um phosphate (Na2H32PO4 ).
`ife of 14.3 days.
`ipolycythemic; diagnostic aid
`)asic. [7601-54-9] Trisodium
`TSP; Oakite. Na3 04 P; mol
`P 18.89%. Na3 PO4. Crystal-
`Mite crystals. When rapidly
`Se the last mol of water even
`3.5 parts water, 1 part boiling
`n is strongly alkaline. pH of
`7; of 1.0% soln: 11.9. Tech-
`with excess alkali to prevent
`utions. LD50 orally in rats:
`Hyg. Assoc. J. 30, 470 (1969).
`Sodium Sesquicarbonate
`USE: In photographic developers; clarifying sugar; removing
`boiler scale, softening water; manuf paper; laundering; tanning
`leather; in detergent mixture.
`8663. Sodium Phosphite. [13708-85-5] HNa203 P; mol wt
`125.96. H 0.80%, Na 36.50%, 0 38.11%, P 24.59%. Na2 HP03.
`Pentahydrate. White, hygroscopic cryst powder. Heat of for-
`mation (25°): —684.2 kcal/mole. Freely sol in water. Keep well
`8664. Sodium Phosphomolybdate. [1313-30-0] Sodium
`molybdophosphate. Mo12Na3040P; mol wt 1891.20. Mo
`60.88%, Na 3.65%, 0 33.84%, P 1.64%. Na3 PO4.12Mo03.
`White crystals. Freely sol in water.
`USE: As reagent in chemical analysis.
`8665. Sodium Phosphotungstate. [51312-42-6] Sodium
`tungstophosphate. Approx 2Na,,0.P205.12W03.18H20.
`White, granular powder. Sol in water.
`USE: As reagent for alkaloids, uric acid, potassium.
`8666. Sodium Polyanetholesulfonate. [52993-95-0] Poly-
`anetholesulfonic acid sodium salt; anetholesulfonic acid sodium salt
`polymer. A polymer of anetholesulfonic acid. Originally devel-
`oped as an anticoagulant, it was soon found that it possesses anti-
`complement action and lowers the bactericidal action of blood.
`Ref: Demole, Reinert, Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharrnakol. 158, 211
`(1930); Friedmann, Klin. Wochenschr. 14, 215 (1935): Stuart, J.
`Clin. Pathol. 1, 311 (1948).
`0 (cid:9)
`S03- Na*
`Light brown powder. Insol in alcohol. Swells in water and
`slowly goes in soln with neutral reaction. Aq solns are stable to
`heat, dil alkalies and dil acids.
`USE: To inhibit blood coagulation in vitro, and as diagnostic rea-
`gent to encourage the growth of pathogens in blood. To stabilize
`colloidal solns such as milk and gelatin.
`8667. Sodium Polymetaphosphate. [50813-16-6] Gra-
`ham's salt; "sodium hexametaphosphate"; glassy sodium meta-
`phosphate; Hy-Phos. (NaP03 ) 5. A mixture of polymeric meta-
`phosphates; not a hexamer. Prepd by rapidly chilling molten sodi-
`um metaphosphate: Bell, Inorg. Synth. 3, 103 (1950). Reviews:
`see Sodium Metaphosphate.
`Clear, hygroscopic glass. mp 628°. Sol in water, but dissolves
`slowly. Depolymerizes in aqueous soln to form sodium trimeta-
`phosphate and sodium orthophosphates.
`Sodium hexametaphosphate detergents. Calgon; Giltex;
`Quadrafos; Hagan phosphate; Micromet. Mixtures contg Graham's
`salt as the principal agent. Supplied in the form of a powder, flakes,
`and as small, broken, glass-like particles. Sol in water (pH adjusted
`to 8-8.6). Insol in organic solvents. Possess dispersing and de-
`flocculating properties, coagulate albumins, and inhibit the crystn of
`slightly sol compds such as calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate.
`USE: Water softeners and detergents. For leather tanning, dye-
`ing, laundry work, textile processing; for the "threshold treatment"
`of softening industrial water supplies.
`8668. Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate. [9003-59-2] Reso-
`nium A; Kayexalate. A cation exchange resin charged with sodium.
`Marketed as a powder, insol in water; also as an emulsion with
`methyl cellulose.
`THERAP CAT: Ion-exchange resin (potassium).
`8669. Sodium Propionate. [137-40-6] Propionic acid sodi-
`um salt; Impedex. C3 H5 Na0,; mol wt 96.06. C 37.51%, H 5.25%,
`Na 23.93%, 0 33.31%. CH3CH2COONa.
`Transparent crystals, granules. Deliquescent in moist air. Neu-
`tral or slightly alkaline reaction to litmus. One gram dissolves in
`—1 ml water, in —0.65 ml boiling water, in —24 ml alcohol at 25°,
`Most active at acid pH: Wolford, Andersen, Food Incl. 17, 622
`(1945); Olsen, Macy, J. Dairy Sci. 29, 173 (1946).
`USE: Fungicide, mold preventative.
`THERAP CAT: Antifungal (topical).
`THERAP CAT (VET): In ketoses of ruminants (glucose precursor).
`Antifungal agent. Has been used in dermatoses, wound infections,
`8670. Sodium Rhodizonate. [523-21-7] 5,6-Dihydroxy-5-
`cyclohexene-1,2,3,4-tetrone disodium salt; [(3,4,5,6-tetraoxo-l-
`cyclohexen-1,2-ylene)dioxy]disodium. C6Na,06; mol wt 214.04.
`C 33.67%, Na 21.48%, 0 44.85%.
`0 Na
`Violet crystals. Sol in water with an orange-yellow color;
`slightly sol in soda soln; insol in ale. Solns are unstable even in
`the refrigerator, and must he prepd fresh every other day.
`USE: As a reagent for barium and strontium.
`8671. Sodium Selenate. [13410-01-0] Na,O4 Se; mol wt
`188.94. Na 24.34%, 0 33.87%, Se 41.79%. Na2 Se04. Acute
`toxicity study: C. Nofre et al., C.R. Hebei. Seances Acad. Sci.
`257, 791 (1963). Review: NTP Technical Report on Toxicity
`Studies of Sodium Selenate and Sodium Selenite (NIH 94-3387,
`1994) 121 pp.
`Decahydrate. [10102-23-51 White crystals; very sol in water.
`LD50 i.p. in mice: 18.45 mg/kg (Nofre).
`USE: Insecticide in some horticultural applications.
`THERAP CAT (VET): Dietary growth promoter for poultry and
`8672. Sodium Selenide. [1313-85-5] Na,Se; mol wt
`124.94. Na 36.80%, Se 63.20%. Prepd by adding selenium to a
`soln of sodium in liquid ammonia: Hugot, Compt. Rend. 129, 299
`(1899); Ann. Chico. Phys. [7] 21, 34 (1900); Feher in Handbook. of
`Preparative Inorganic Chemistry vol. 1, G. Brauer, Ed. (Academic
`Press, New York, 2nd ed., 1963) p 421.
`Amorphous crystals. d u) 2.625. mp >875°. Turns red on ex-
`posure to air and deliquesces. Dec in water. Insol in ammonia.
`Hemienneahydrate. Fine needles. Turns red on exposure to air
`and deliquesces.
`Decahydrate. Needles. Turns red and then brown on exposure
`to air.
`Hexadecahydrate. Prisms. mp 40°. Dec in air to sodium
`carbonate, selenium and a small amount of sodium selenide.
`8673. Sodium Selenite. [10102-18-8] Selenious acid di-
`sodium salt; Selenase. Na2 03 Se; mol wt 172.94. Na 26.59%, 0
`27.75%, Se 45.66%. Na2 Se03. Prepd by evaporating an aqueous
`solution of sodium hydroxide and selenious acid between 60° and
`100°: Krak, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 12, 530 (1929); by heating a
`mixture of sodium chloride and selenium oxide: Cameron, Mac-
`allan, Proc. Roy. Soc. 46, 13 (1890). Metabolism: M. Sandholm,
`Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol. 33, 6 (1973); H. W. Symonds et al., Br. J.
`Nutr. 45, 117 (1981). Mutagenicity study: M. Nodo et al.. Mutat.
`Res. 66, 175 (1979). Toxicity study: Cummins, Kimura, Toxicol.
`Appl. Pharmacol. 20, 89 (1971). Clinical effect of selenium sup-
`plementation on immune cell function: M. Roy et al., Biol. Trace
`Elem. Res. 46, 115 (1994); L. Kiremidjian-Schumacher et al., ibid.
`183. Clinical evaluation as immunostimulant in head and neck
`cancer: eidem, ibid. 73, 97 (2000); in treatment of radiation-asso-
`ciated secondary lymphedema: 0. Micke et al., Int. J. Radiat.
`Oncol. Biol. Phys. 56, 40 (2003).
`Tetragonal prisms. Stable in air. Freely sol in water. Insol in
`alcohol. LEN, orally in rats: 7 mg/kg (Cummins, Kimura).
`USE: Removing green color from glass during its manuf; alka-
`loidal reagent.
`THERAP CAT: Selenium supplement.
`THERAP CAT (VET): Selenium supplement for livestock.
`8674. Sodium Sesquicarbonate. [533-96-0] Urao; trona.
`C21-INa3 06; mol wt 190.00. C 12.64%, H 0.53%. Na 36.30%, 0
`Consult the Name Index before using this section.
`Page 1489
`Mylan Ex 1046, Page 4

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