
`Hawley ’s
`Condensed Chemical
`Fifteenth Edition
`as Wiley first
`a generation
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`building the
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`the 20th
`beyond their
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`«3 knowledge
`avide you the
`Richard J. Lewis, Sr.
`Mylan Ex 1036, Page 1
`Mylan Ex 1036, Page 1


`Copyright © 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. All rights reserved.
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
`Lewis, Richard J., Sr.
`Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Fifteenth Edition
`ISBN 13: 978-0—471—76865—4
`lSBN 10: 0-471-76865-0
`Printed in the United States of America.
`Mylan Ex 1036, Page 2
`Mylan Ex 1036, Page 2


`:s with an H20.
`stals. Mp 482C,
`n water and a1—
`d sodium ch10-
`fused. The un-
`A cold solution
`ie solution con-
`11 risk in contact
`c acid.
`1 reagent.
`3.865 (16C), (2)
`roses), (2) 175C
`ganic materials.
`:al reagent, oxi-
`crystals or pow—
`;es). Soluble in
`ssolved in water
`The solution is
`tlly in solution.
`act with organic
`actericide; man—
`ir poisoning by
`er, turning yele
`1 carbon dioxide
`about 20% by
`iposes), bp 657
`r with evolution
`ated at 300C in
`it of dry air from
`en removed.
`)n risk in contact
`:red metals, and
`agent. Keep dry.
`f miscellaneous
`iles; deodorant;
`ter purification;
`ion for diving
`ng and printing;
`ore processing; analytical reagent; calorimetry; ger—
`micidal soaps.
`(sodium peroxydisulfate).
`sodium persulfate.
`CAS: 7775—27-1. NaZSZOW
`Properties: White, crystalline powder. Soluble in
`water; decomposed by alcohol; decomposes in
`moist air.
`Hazard: By ingestion, strong irritant to tissue. TLV:
`0.1 mg/m3.
`Use: Bleaching agent (fats, oils, fabrics, soap), bat-
`tery depolarizers, emulsion polymerization.
`(sodium phenolate; sodium
`sodium phenate.
`CAS: 139A02—6. CfiHSONa.
`Properties: White, deliquescent crystals. Soluble in
`water and alcohol; decomposed by carbon dioxide in
`the air.
`Derivation: Phenol is dissolved in caustic soda solu—
`tion, concentrated, and crystallized.
`Hazard: Strong irritant to skin and tissue.
`Use: Antiseptic, salicylic acid, organic synthesis.
`sodium phenobarbital.
`See barbiturate.
`sodium phenolate.
`um phenate.
`Legal label name for sodi—
`(sodium sulfocar—
`sodium phenolsulfonate.
`bolate). HOCGH4SO,Na02H,O.
`Properties: Colorless crystals or granules. Slightly
`efflorescent; chars at high temperature, evolving
`phenol. Soluble in water, hot alcohol, and glycerol.
`Use: Medicine (intestinal antiseptic).
`(sodium a—toluate).
`sodium phenylacetate.
`Properties: Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol,
`ether, and ketones; 50% aqueous solution has pH
`7.0—8.5 and is pale yellow. Solution tends to crystal—
`lize at 15C.
`Grade: 50% solution, dry salt.
`Use: Percursor in production of penicillin G, interme—
`diate for producing heavy metal salts that act as
`See tryparsamide.
`phenolate). C6H4(C6H5)ONa04HZO.
`Properties: Practically white flakes. Bulk (1 38—43
`1b/cu ft, pH of saturated solution in water 12.0—13.5.
`Soluble in water, methanol, acetone.
`Use: Industrial preservative (bactericide and fungi—
`cide), mold inhibitor for apples and other fruit (pos-
`sodium phenylphosphinate.
`Properties: Crystals. Mp 355C (decomposes to give
`phenylphosphine), stable at room temperature. Sol—
`uble in water.
`Use: Antioxidant, heat and light stabilizer.
`sodium phenyl sulfinate dihydrate.
`CAS: 25932—110 mf: C6HSOES-Na02H20.
`Hazard: A mild eye irritant.
`See “Nutrifos” [Solutia];
`sodium phosphate.
`sodium metaphosphate; sodium phosphate, diba—
`sic; sodium phosphate, monobasic; sodium
`phosphate (P—32); sodium phosphate, tribasic;
`sodium polyphosphate; sodium pyrophosphate;
`sodium pyrophosphate, acid; sodium tripoly-
`(DSP; disodi—
`sodium phosphate, dibasic.
`um phosphate; sodium orthophosphate, secon—
`dary; disodium orthophosphate; disodium hydro—
`gen phosphate).
`CAS: 7558—79—4. (l)NaZHPO,. (2) Nazl-lPO402HZO.
`(3) NaZHPOJO7HZO. (4) Na2HPO4012HZO. The dihy—
`dratc (2) is also marketed as the duohydrate.
`Properties: Colorless, translucent crystals or white
`powder; saline taste. (1) Hygroscopic; converted to
`sodium pyrophosphate at 240C; (2) mp loses water
`at 925C, (1 2.066 (15C); (3) d 1.679, loses 51120 at
`48C; (4) mp 35C. (1 1.5235, readily loses SHZO on
`exposure to air at room temperature, loses 12H,O at
`100C. Soluble in water; very soluble in alcohol; pH
`of 1% solution 8078.8. Nonflammable.
`Derivation: (1) By treating phosphoric acid with a
`slight excess of soda ash, boiling the solution to
`drive off carbon dioxide, and cooling to permit the
`dodecahydrate to crystallize; (2) by precipitating
`calcium carbonate from a solution of dicalcium
`phosphate with soda ash.
`Grade: Commercial, NF (1) and (3), FCC (1) or (2).
`Use: Chemicals, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, textiles
`(weighting silk, dyeing and printing), fireproofing
`wood and paper; ceramic glazes, tanning, galvano—
`soldering enamels, analytical
`cheese. detergents, boiler—water treatment, dietary
`supplement, buffer, sequestrant in foods.
`sodium phosphate, monobasic.
`acid phosphate; sodium biphosphate; sodium
`orthophosphate, primary; MSP, sodium dihydro—
`gen phosphate).
`CAS: 7558—80—7. (1) NaHZPO4. (2) NaHZPOgHZO.
`Properties: (1) White, crystalline powder. Slightly
`hygroscopic. Very soluble in water. Has acid reac-
`sodium acid
`sodium metaphosphate
`3504100C; (2) large transparent crystals. Mp loses
`water at 100C, (1 2.040. Very soluble in water; insol—
`uble in alcohol; pH of 1% solution 4.4—4.5. Non-
`Mylan Ex 1036, Page 3
`Mylan Ex 1036, Page 3


`Derivation: By treating disodium phosphate with
`proper proportion of phosphoric acid.
`Grade: Commercial, food,
`(2) NF, (1) FCC.
`Use: Boiler—water treatment, electroplating, dyeing,
`acid cleansers, baking powders, cattle feed supple—
`ment, buffer, emulsifier, nutrient supplement
`lab reagent, acidulant.
`sodium phosphate (P-32).
`phosphate). A radioactive form
`phate (which phosphate is not spe
`phosphorus—32 which can be us
`See phosphorus-32.
`Grade: USP, as solution.
`Use: Biochemical research, medic
`(sodium radio—
`of sodium phos—
`cified) containing
`ed as a tracer.
`inc (diagnostic aid,
`retention offiller and fiber and in pH control, boiler—
`feed—water treatment, and as a food additive.
`sodium phospho-lZ-molybdate.
`um— I 2-molybdophosphate.
`See sodi-
`sodium phospho-lZ-tungstate.
`] 2-tungstophosphate.
`See sodium-
`insitol hexaphos—
`sodium phytate.
`phoric ester, sodium salt). CEHQOZ4PfiNa9.
`Properties: Hygroscopic powder. Water-soluble.
`Use: Chelating agent for trace heavy metals, color
`improvement, medicine.
`sodium picramate.
`CAS: 831-527. NaOC6H2(NOZ),NH,.
`Derivation: Yellow, water-soluble salt resulting
`from neutralization of picramic acid with caustic
`Hazard: Dangerous fire and explosion hazard when
`dry. Toxic by ingestion and skin absorption.
`Use: Manufacture of dye intermediates, organic syn—
`sodium phosphate, tribasic.
`um orthophosphate; trisodium phosphate;
`ary sodium phosphate; sodium orthophosphate,
`CAS: 7601—54—9. Na,Po,o12H,o.
`Properties: Colorless crystals. D 1.62 (20C), mp
`75C (decomposes), loses 12HZO at 100C, pH of 1%
`solution is 11.8—12.0. Soluble in water. Nonflamm—
`Derivation: By mixing soda ash and phosphoric acid
`in proper proportions to form disodium phosphate
`and then adding caustic soda.
`Grade: Commercial, high purity, CP, FCC (anhy—
`drous), anhydrous salt also available.
`Hazard: Toxic by ingestion, irritant to tissue.
`Use: Water softeners, boiler-water compounds, de—
`tergent, metal cleaner, textiles, manufacture of pa—
`per, laundering, tanning, sugar purification, photo-
`graphic developers, pajnt
`cleaners, dietary supplement, buffer, emulsifier,
`food additive.
`sodium phosphate tribasic dodecahydrate.
`CAS: 10101—89-0. mf: O,P03Na012HZO.
`Hazard: Low toxicity by ingestion.
`sodium phosphide.
`CAS: 12058~85-4. Na3P.
`Properties: Red solid. Decom
`in water, forming phosphine
`Hazard: Dangerous fire ris
`k, reacts with water and
`acids to form phosphine.
`poses on heating and
`sodium phosphite.
`Properties: White, crystalline powder. Hygroscopic.
`Mp 53C, bp 200—250C Soluble in water; insoluble
`in alcohol. (decomposes).
`Use: Antidote in mercuric chloride poisoning.
`White powder
`sodium phosphoaluminate.
`composed primarily of sodium aluminate (hydrat—
`ed), sodium phosphate (ortho), and s
`mall amounts of
`sodium carbonate and sodium silicate.
`Use: Paper industry as a sizing adjunct, as an aid in
`sodium platinichloride.
`See sodium chloro—
`sodium plumbate.
`Properties: Fused, light«yellowrlumps. Hygroscop—
`ic, decomposed by water and acids. Soluble in al—
`Hazard: As for lead.
`sodium plumbite.
`Derivation: Solution
`Hazard: Highly toxic, corrosive.
`See lead.
`of PbO (litharge) in sodium
`Use: Doctor solution for improving the odor of gaso—
`line and other petroleum distillates.
`sodium polyphosphate.
`MPHOW The two
`most important crystalline sodium polyphosphates
`are the pyrophosphate (n = 2) and the tripolyphosp»
`hate, also called the triphosphate (n = 3). The term
`sodium polyphosphate also includes the system of
`vitreous sodium phosphates for which the mole ratio
`of NaZO/PzQ, is between I and 2.
`Hazard: As for sodium phosphate.
`Use: Sequestering and d
`eflocculating agents, primar-
`ily in water treatment, food
`processing, and cleaning
`compounds; heavy-set detergent builders.
`See sodium metaphosphate
`; sodium pyrophosphate;
`sodium tripolyphosphate.
`sodium polysulfide.
`Properties: Yellow-brow
`n, granular,
`polymer. Bulk d 56 lb/cu ft. Combustible.
`Use: Manufacture of sulfu
`r dyes and colors, insecti—
`cides, oil—resistant synthetic rubber (“Thiokol”), pe-
`troleum additives, electroplating.
`Mylan Ex 1036. Page 4
`Mylan Ex 1036, Page 4

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