
` Hawley’s
`Condensed Chemical
`Fifteenth Edition
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`Richard J. Lewis, Sr.
`Mylan Ex 1039, Page 1
`Mylan Ex 1039, Page 1


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`Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Fifteenth Edition
`ISBN 13: 978-0-471-76865-4
`ISBN 10: 0-471-76865-0
`Copyright © 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.All rights reserved.
`Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
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` Lewis, Richard J., Sr.
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`Mylan Ex 1039, Page 2
`Mylan Ex 1039, Page 2


`3 with blue metallic
`taste; odorless. D
`<, oxidizing materi-
`d methanol; decom-
`groscopic. Decomposes above 220C. Very soluble
`in water; resistant to acid decomposition. Produced
`by N-acylation of a-phcnoxypropionic acid and G-
`aminopenicillanic acid (produced by fermentation
`using Penicillium chrysogenum).
`Grade: NF.
`Use: Antibiotic.
`water; insoluble in alcohol; slowly oxidized byair to
`potassium platinichloride.
`See potassium
`potassium polymetaphosphate.
`the manganate in an
`The molecular weight may be as high as 500,000.
`hotsolution of the
`Properties: White powder; odorless. Insoluble in
`potassium phenoxymethylpenicillin.—(po-
`m dioxide; on cool-
`water; soluble in sodium salt solutions that may have
`tassium penicillin V).
`Is of the permanga-
`high viscosity.
`CAS: 132-98-9. KC,,H,,N,OS.
`Derivation: Dehydration of monobasic potassium
`Properties: White, crystalline powder; odorless.
`Very soluble in water; slightly soluble in alcohol;
`Grade: Technical, FCC.
`insoluble in acetone.
`Grade: USP.
`Use: Fat emulsifier and moisture-retaining agent in
`Use: Antibiotic.
`See sodium metaphosphate.
`osion risk in contact
`ul oxidizing agent.
`lorizer, bleach, dye,
`nation of skin, re-
`edicine (antiseptic),
`(DKP; po-
`potassium phosphate, dibasic.
`cals, air and water
`potassium polysulfide._K,S,,.
`tassium hydrogen phosphate; potassium mono-
`Properties: Crystals. Soluble in water and alcohol.
`phosphate; dipotassium orthophosphate).
`Hazard: Moderatefire risk. Toxic by ingestion, irri-
`tant to skin and eyes.
`Properties: Hygroscopic, white crystals or powder.
`Use: Fungicide.
`Very soluble in water. Converted to pyrophosphate
`by ignition.
`Derivation: Action of phosphoric acid on potassium
`Grade: Commercial, pure, highest purity, NF, PCC.
`Use: Buffer in antifreezes; ingredient of “instant”
`fertilizers; nutrient for penicillin culturing; humec-
`tant; in pharmaceuticals; foods as a buffer, seques-
`trant, and yeast food; and as a laboratory reagent.
`potassium os-
`mass; decomposes
`» 490C.
`sium in oxygen.
`osion risk in contact
`xidizing agent. Irri-
`potassium prussiate, red.
`See potassium
`potassium prussiate, yellow.
`See potassium
`potassium 3-pyridinecarboxylate.
`tassium nicotinate.
`See po-
`agent, oxygen-gen-
`See potassium
`Desssham persul-
`77,mp decomposes
`soluble in alcohol.
`aturated solution of
`lizing agent. TLV:
`|: TWA 0.1 mg/m’).
`lic materials.
`. teducing agent in
`anufacture, analyti-
`1oter, pharmaceuti-
`ur-maturing agent,
`Synthetically pre-
`lid; moderately hy-
`potassium phosphate, monobasic.
`potassium acid phosphate; potassium diphos-
`phate; potassium orthophosphate; potassium dih-
`ydrogen phosphate). KH,PO,.
`Properties: Colorless crystals. D 2.338, mp 253C.
`Acid in reaction; soluble in water; insoluble in al-
`Derivation: Action of phosphoric acid on potassium
`Grade: Technical, CP, FCC.
`Use: Baking powder,nutrient solutions, yeast foods,
`buffer and sequestrant,
`lab reagent.
`potassium phosphate, tribasic.
`phosphate, neutral; potassium phosphate normal,
`tripotassium orthophosphate; potassium phos-
`phate, tertiary; tripotassium phosphate).
`CAS: 7778-53-2. K,PO,eH,O or K,PO,,.
`Properties: Granular, white powder; deliquescent.
`Mp (anhydrous) 1,340C, d (anhydrous) 2.564
`(17C). Soluble in water giving strongly basic solu-
`tion. Insoluble in alcohol.
`Grade: Reagent, technical, FCC.
`Use: Purification of gasoline, water softening, liquid
`soaps,fertilizer, in foods as an emulsifier, laboratory
`potassium phosphite, monobasic.
`Properties: White powder. Hygroscopic; soluble in
`potassium pyroantimonate.
`Properties: White, crystalline powder or granules.
`Slightly soluble in cold water; readily soluble in hot
`water; insoluble in alcohol.
`Grade: Reagent, technical.
`Use: Starch sizes and flame-retarding compounds.
`potassium pyroborate.
`See potassium tetra-
`potassium pyrophosphate.
`tassium pyrophosphate; potassium pyrophos-
`phate, normal). K,P,O,e3H,O.
`Properties: Colorless crystals or white powder.
`Somewhat hygroscopicin air (deliquescentata rela-
`tive humidity of above 40-45%). Similar to tetraso-
`dium pyrophosphate exceptfor greater solubility. D
`2.33, dehydrates at about 300C, mp 1,090C. Soluble
`in water; insoluble in alcohol.
`Grade: Technical, 99.4%, 60% solution, FCC.
`Use: Soap and detergent builder, sequestering agent,
`peptizing and dispersing agent.
`potassium pyrosulfate.
`fate, anhydrous). K,S,O,.
`Properties: Colorless needles or white, crystalline
`powderor fused pieces. D 2.25 (25/4C), mp 325C.
`Soluble in water (converted to potassium bisulfate).
`(potassium acid sul-
`Mylan Ex 1039, Page 3
`Mylan Ex 1039, Page 3


`Use: Acid flux in analysis,
`laboratory reagent.
`potassium pyrosulfite.
`See potassium meta-
`potassium rhodanide.
`See potassium thioc-
`potassium ricinoleate.
`Properties: White paste. Soluble in water. Combus-
`Use: Emulsifying agent.
`potassium silicate.
`Properties: (Solid) Weight ratio SiO,:K,O varies
`with grade from 2.1:1 to 2.5:1; colorless anhydrous
`lump, shattered or granular. Solublein waterat high
`temperature and pressure; insoluble in alcohol. (So-
`lution) Colorless liquid, Bé range 29-48 degrees.
`Derivation: Supercooled melt of potassium carbon-
`ate and pure silica sand.
`Use: (Solid) Manufacture of glass and refractory ma-
`terial, welding rods, high-temperature mortars,
`binder in carbon arc-light electrodes, detergents,
`catalyst, adhesives.
`potassium silicofluoride.
`See potassium
`potassium sodium carbonate.
`potassium carbonate.
`See sodium
`potassium sodium ferricyanide.
`Properties: Red crystals, over 99% pure. Mp (de-
`composes); nonhygroscopicandstable. Easily solu-
`ble in water.
`Derivation: From ferrocyanides.
`Use: Blueprint paper and photography.
`potassium-sodium phosphate.
`potassium phosphate.
`See sodium-
`(Rochelle salt;
`potassium sodium tartrate.
`sodium potassium tartrate).
`CAS: 304-59-6. KNaC,H,0,e4H,0.It is salt of .(+)-
`tartaric acid.
`Properties: Colorless, transparent, efflorescent crys-
`tals or white powder; cool, saline taste. Unstable
`above 225C, d 1.77, mp 70-80C. Soluble in water,
`insolublein alcohol, loses waterof crystallization at
`Derivation: Potassium acid tartrate is dissolved in
`water, the solution saturated with sodium carbonate,
`concentrated after purification, and crystallized.
`Grade: Highest purity, reagent, commercial crystals
`or powder, NF, FCC.
`Use: Baking powders, medicine(cathartic), compo-
`nent of Fehling’s solution, silvering mirrors.
`potassium sorbate. —(potassium-2,4-hexadie-
`CAS: 590-00-1. CH,CH:CHCH:CHCOOK.
`Properties: White powder. Mp 270C (decomposes),
`d 1.36 (25/20C). Soluble in water (25C).
`Grade: Technical, FCC.
`Use: Bacteriostat and preservative in meats, sausage
`casings, wines, etc.
`potassium stannate.
`CAS: 12125-03-0. K,SnO,e3H,0O.
`Properties: White to light-tan crystals. D 3.197. Sol-
`uble in water; insoluble in alcohol.
`Grade: Technical.
`Hazard: Highly toxic. TLV: 2 mg(Sn)/m'.
`Use: Textiles (dyeing and printing), alkaline tin-plat-
`ing bath.
`(stearic acid potassium
`potassium stearate.
`CAS: 593-29-3. C,,H,,COOK.
`Properties: White, crystalline powder; slight odor of
`fat. Mw 322.57. Soluble in hot water and alcohol.
`Grade: Commercial, contains considerable palmi-
`tate; FCC.
`Use: Anticaking agent, binder, emulsifier, stabilizer
`for chewing gum, base for textile softeners.
`potassium strontium chlorate.
`um potassium chlorate.
`See stronti-
`potassium styphnate.
`Properties: Yellow prisms. Mp loses water at 120C.
`Hazard: Explodes when shocked or heated.
`Use: High explosive.
`potassium sulfate.
`CAS: 7778-80-5. K,SO,.
`Properties: Colorless or white, hard crystals or pow-
`der; bitter saline taste. D 2.66, mp 1,072C.Soluble in
`water; insoluble in alcohol.
`Derivation: (1) By treatment of potassium chloride
`either with sulfuric acid or with sulfur dioxide, air,
`and water (Hargreaves process); (2) by fractional
`crystallization of a natural sulfate ore; (3) from salt-
`lake brines.
`Grade: Highest purity medicinal,
`crude, CP, agricultural, reagent, technical.
`Use: Reagentin analytical chemistry, medicine (ca-
`thartic), gypsum cements, fertilizer for chloride-
`sensitive crops such as tobacco and citrus, alum
`manufacture, glass manufacture, food additive.
`potassium sulfhydrate.
`See potassium hy-
`potassium sulfide.
`CAS: 1312-73-8. K,S.
`Properties: Red or yellow-red crystalline mass or
`fused solid. D 1.75 (20/4C), mp 910C. Deliquescent
`in air; soluble in water, alcohol, and glycerol; insolu-
`ble in ether.
`Mylan Ex 1039, Page 4
`Mylan Ex 1039, Page 4

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