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`Aruba Networks et al. Exhibit 1014 Page 00001

`D A
`IEEE Global
`Conference & Exhibition
`Dallas, Texas 0 November 27-30, 1989
`Conference Record
`Vol. 1 of 3
`“Communications Technology for the
`19903 and Beyond”
`i"".EEE Sponsored by IEEE Communications Society,
`H and the Dallas IEEE Section
`Page 00002

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`Page 00003

`Tueuday Morning 9:00 AM - 12 Noon
`Multi-wavelength Network Technology and Applications Metropolitan
`L. Kazovslty. Beilcorc. USA
`J. Stern, British Telecom Research Lab., UK
`L. Kazovsky
`Optical Communications
`FSK with Direct Detection in Optical FDM Networks
`]_p_ Kaminow, AT&T Bell Labs. USA
`Multidimensional Optical Switching Networks
`D_w_ smith, I’. He-aley, S.A. Cassidy. British Telecom Research Labs, UK
`Optical Signal Processing for Local—Access Networks
`L_ Kazovsky, Bellcore, USA
`A Consideration on Single-mode Fibers for Frequcncy—Division-Multiplexing Ttarismission Systems
`N. Shibata, K. Nosu. NIT Trarismission Systems Labs., Y. Azuma, NTT Telecommunicatiotts Serv. Supp, Japan
`Multiwavetength Technology for Local Loop Applications
`D.B. Payne, A.M. Hill, British Telecom Research Labs, UK
`Switching In Coherent Multi—Carrier Systems
`B. Strebel. EJ. Bachus, I. Vathke, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut fur Nachrichtcntechnik Berlin Grnbll, Germany (FR)
`Advanced Digital Radio Systems in Propagation Environment Sapphire
`P. Balaban, A'I'&T B ell Labs, US A
`W.D. Rummler, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`W.D. Rummler
`Communications Systems Engineering
`Radio Communication
`Experimental Results for Multirnode Interference during Dispersive Fading
`P. B alaban. AT&T Bell Lahs., USA
`Multimodc Interference Generation in the Horn Reflector Antenna System During Multipath Fading
`I.1. Kenny. AT&T Bell Labs, USA
`'I‘ilted—Beam-, Beam-Widtl't— and Space—Diversity Improvements on Various Paths
`A. Satoh, 0. Sasaki, NTT Radio Communication Systems Labs., Japan
`Further Results of Angie and Space Diversity Measurements on a L.ine—of—Sight Radio Link
`S.A. Mohamed, C:.D. Riclurtan, P.W. I-luish, British Telecom Research Lab., UK
`Statistical Distribution of Parameters in a Variable Delay Two—Ray Propagation Model
`P. Balaban, V.P. De-wal, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`A Microwave Radio Path Data Acquisition System
`R.I. Finger, MCI Telecommunications Corp.. USA
`Scattered Microwave Energy and Building Surface Features
`A.R. Nocrpcl. A. Ranade, Bellcore, USA
`Mobile Radio Communications Topaz
`A.D. Kucar, BNR, Canada
`A.D. Kucar
`Radio Communication
`Technological State of the Art and Future Trends of High-Speed Digital Mobile Communications
`'1‘. Hattori. H. Suzuki, NIT Radio Communication Sys. Lal3s., Japan
`900 MHZ Multipath Propagation Measurements for U.S. Digital Cellular Radiotelephone
`T.S. Rappaport, S.Y. Seide}, Virginia Polytechnic Ins. & St. Univ., R. Sirtgh. LCC,, USA
`Adaptive Equalization and Viterbi Decoding for Digital Mobile Radio Systems
`R. D’Avclla, E. Turco. ITALTEL Sit, L. Moreno, Consultant, Itaty
`Adaptive Equalization in TDMA Digital Mobile Radio
`M. Uesugi, K. I-lonma. K. Tsuhal-ti, Matsushita Comm. Industrial Co., Ltd, Japan
`A Comparison of Least Squares and Gradient Adaptive Equalization for Multipath Fading in Widebend Digital Mobile Radio
`R.A. Ziegler, J.M. Cioffi. Stanford University, USA
`Probability of Error Analysis of Digital Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulation wffwo Bit Differential Detection & Offset Receiver
`Diversity in Fast Rayleigh Fading
`S.M. Elnoubi. Wichita State University, USA
`A Simulation Package for Digital Cellular Mobile Radio Applications
`H. Hasherni, Sharif University of Technology. Iran
`Page 00004

`Tuesday Morning
`9:00 AM ~ 12 Noon
`Switching Programrnability Cannes
`G.S. Kuo, NYNEX Corp., USA
`S. Liu, GTE, USA
`(3.5. Kuo
`Communications Switching
`A Service Designer’s Functional View of Intelligent Network
`R.D. Gove, IA. Roberts, Ameritech Services, USA
`An Architecture for Progranrrttable Network Elements
`F.L. Ross. DSC Communications Corp, USA
`A Feature Programming Platform and Interface
`B.M. Coker. Ericsson Network Systems, USA
`Defining Intelligent Network Services in a Multivendor Distributed Environment
`HS. Fung. GTE Labs.. USA
`Service Creation in an Intelligent Network
`RE. Bright, M. Morgan, EJ. Weiss, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`Real—Ti:ne Mentat Programrning Language and Architecture
`A. Grimshaw. University of Virginia, A. Silberman, .l.W.S. Liu. University of Illinois, USA
`Service Programmability in intelligent Networks
`S.F. Knapp, F.G. Oram, Bellcore, USA
`Advances in Computer Communications Monet
`M. Sarraf, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
`K. Joseph, David Sarnoff Research Labs., USA
`M. Sarraf
`Computer Communications
`Data Communications Systems
`A Distributed Queue Metropolitan Area Network for Combined Video. Voice, Wideband Data and Narrowband Data
`M. Kadoch, A.K. Elhakeem, Concordia University, Canada
`Performance Analysis of Integrated Data]Volce Star Topology Circuit-Switched Networks
`I. Rubin, J.K. Lee, University of Caiifomia, L.A.. USA
`Analysis of an Integrated Services 'I'okcn—Contro1lcd Ring Network
`P.C. Wong, Hong Kong Polytechnic, T.S. Yum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
`Designing High Speed Controllers for High Speed Local Area Networks
`P. Martini, M. Ruppreciit, Technical University of Aachen, Germany (FR)
`Preventing Overload and Verifying Link Stability in an Irnplernentation of the DPNSS Layer 2 Protocol
`M.V. Stein. A.W. Berger, I.S. Kent. AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`Mini.murn~Cost Dimensioning Model for Common Clrannel Signaling Networks Under Joint Performance and Reliability Constraints
`Y. Lim, GTE l..abs., USA
`On Transparent Bridging of CSMA/CD Networks
`C.K. Kwok, B. Mukherjee, University of California, Davis, USA
`Integrated Network Management and Security Monte Carlo
`M. Allen, Northern Telecom, Inc., USA
`D.N. Zuckennan, A'I‘&T Be1lLalJs., USA
`Network Operations and Management
`Standards Activity Board
`An Architecture for Integrated Network Management
`A. Kara, M. Kawasumi, S. Nakai, NEC Corporation, Japan
`Activity-Based User Interface for Network Management
`S. Rabie. V. Carter, G. Wilbur. BNR, Canada
`A Network Status Monitoring System Using Personal Computer
`L. Chang, W. Chan, I. Chang, P. Ting, M. Nelzrakanti, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`Customer Management of Local Exchange Carrier Services Using 031
`B. Alper, J. Bretscher, T. Grim, D. Kuhl, P. Silverman, Ameritech Services, USA
`Voice—B ased Security: Identity Verification over Telephone Lines
`T.C. Feustel, G.A. Velius. Bellcore, USA
`Assuring System Data Integrity - an Overview
`J.K. Akesori, Bellcore, USA
`Standards for Security in Open Systems
`W.S. Ford, BNR, Canada
`Page 00005

`'1 .-egday Morning 9:00 AM - 12 Noon
`SESSIQN 7 HDTV and Picture Processing in Communications Coral
`K. Murano, Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd., Japan
`H. Yasuda, NIT. 1393“
`CHAIRPERSONS: T. Aoyama, NTT Telecommunications Network Lab, Japan
`D. Lombard, CNET/PAB/ETR. France
`Signal Processing and Communication Electronics
`Tclematic Services and Terminals
`Satellite and Space Communication
`Development of MUSE and Compatible MUSE Systems
`M_ Kanazawa, T. Nishizawa, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Iapan
`compatible Digital High Definition Television -Broadcasting by Satellite
`}3_ Macq, J.P. Choffray, P. Delogne, J.C. Stiennon, L. Vandendorpe, University Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
`A Compact 100.150 Mbfs HDTV DPCM—AQ Codec
`O. Kawai, T. Okazaki, K. Matsuda, T. l-losokawa, T. Yamanaka. Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan
`Digital CODBC for Re-a1—tirne Processing of Broadcast Quality Video Signals at 1.8 Bits/Pixel
`M.]. Shalkhauser,W.A. Whyte, Ir., NASA Lewis Research Center, USA
`Video Compression for Manned Space Missions
`R_ Viola. European Space Agency, The Netherlands, L. Chiariglione, CSELT, R. Russo, Selenia Spazio, Italy
`Bi-lcvci Image Coding with MELCODE - Comparison of Block Type Code and Arithmetic Type Code
`F. Duo, S. Kim), M. Yoshida, T. Kimura, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan
`A Lcvel—Plane Coding Scheme for Progressive Transmission of Gray-Scale Images
`K. Takahashi, Y. S ato, N. Ishii, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
`SESSION 8 Multiple Access Communications Emerald
`D. Saha, George Washington University. USA
`CHAIRPERSON: R. Pickholtz, George Washington University, USA
`Computer Communications
`Communication Theory
`Stability of Heterogeneous Slotted ALOHA Network.-_;
`J.A. Silvester, S. Wang, University of Southern California. USA
`Improved Multiple Access Schemes for Very High Speed Optical Fiber Local Area Networks Using a. Passive Star Topology
`N. Mehravari, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`Block Coding Capacity of Digital Subscriber Lines by t.he Structured—Channe1 Technique
`K. Sistanizadeh, J.W. Lechieider, Bellcore, USA
`Address Assignment for Multiple~Access Systems Based Upon the Theory of Congruence Equations
`S.V. Marie, E. Titlebanm, Z. Kostic, University of Rochester, USA
`A Hand—Shake Protocol for Spread Spectrurn Multiple Access Networks
`M.'I‘. Hsiao, S. Jiang, Purdue University, USA
`A New Approach to Modeling Multiple Access Circuit»-Switched Rings
`H.M. Ghafir, C.B. Silio, I12, University of Maryland. USA
`The DQDB Protocol — What about Fairness?
`P. Martini, Technical University of Aachen, Germany (FR)
`SESSION 9 Network Design For Quality Assurance Senators
`AN. Kashpcr, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
`Quality Assurance Management
`Dynamic Routing in the AT&T Network - Improved Service Quality at Lower Cost
`G.R. Ash, E. Oberer. AT&T Bell L.abs.. USA
`Dynamic Routing of the Italcable Telephone Traffic: Experiences and Perspectives
`A. Di Benedetto, P. La Nave, C. Sisto, Italcable, Italy
`Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Traffic Routing in a Metropolitan Network: A Case Study
`P. Chemouil, M. Lebourges, P. Gauthier. Centre National d’Emdes des Tele., France
`Performance-Reliability Improvement in 3 Distributed System
`J"... Vita. V. Catania, L. Milazzo, Universita Di Catania, Italy
`Diverse Routing in the Unified Facilities Optimizer
`S. Sen, S.I. Vohnout, University of Arizona, R.D. Doverspike. Bellcore. USA
`A Method of Computing the Coefficients of the Network Reliability Polynomial
`E. Ayanoglu, C.—l... I. AT&T Bell Labs, USA
`Page 00006

`In: Progress In Coherent Optical Systems Metropolitan
`G. Pani, Universita di Parma, Italy
`K. Minemura, NEC Corporation , Japan
`. G. Prati
`Optical Communications
`Communication Theoiy
`Coherent Multicharmel Broadcast Network
`Coding of Optical On-Off-Keying Signals Impaired by Phase Noise
`LJ. Cirnini, IL, GJ. Foschinj, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
`Phase-Noise and Polarization State lnsensitive Coherent Optical Receivers
`G. De Marchis, S. Betti, F. Curti, E. Iannone, B. Daino. Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy
`M—ary Phase—Sh.ift—Keying Optical Heterodyne Communication System
`K. Kiasaleh. Tile University ofTexas at Dallas, USA
`H.W. Arnold, Belleore, USA
`P. Adachi, NTT Electrical Communications Lab., Japan
`Radio Communication
`A Slotted Aloha with Multiple Common Receivers Ov
`K. Sakakibara, M. Serizawa. Toshiba R&D Center. Jspan
`12.2 Mobile Teletext Rec
`f an Integrated Voice/Data Mobile Radio System
`Arlington, USA
`Page 00007

`2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
`Tuesday Afternoon
`I SESSION 13 Communication Software for Switching Systems Cannes
`K_ Nakamura, Fujitsu Limited, Japan
`Communications Software
`Process Management and Control Software for Distributed Telecommunications Switching Systems
`'1‘. Murai-ran1i, N. Araki, Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Co., Japan
`p-‘H1131 Composing Software Architecture for Advanced Telecommunication Services
`'1'. Nishjzono, T. Takenalca. M. Monden, ATR Communication Sys. Res. Labs, Japan
`Application of Virtual Storage to Switching Systems — An Implementation of CTRON Kernel on a. General~Purpose Microprocessor
`3‘ Kosai, I_ Kogilcu. T. Ohlcubo, NTT Electrical Communication I..ab., Japan
`NEAX61 Regression Tester
`K, Taya, I. Matsuda, Y. Saitolt, M. Aoyama, NEC Corporation, Japan, I). Dillhoff, NBC America, USA
`An Object-Oriented Troubleshooting Expert System for Electronic Switching Systems
`Y_ Hibjng, K_ Fujimoto. NTT Operations Systems Development Center. Japan
`Automatic Programming by Desigrt Specification Database for Communication Software
`K. Malcuta, H. Ace. T. Atsumi, T. Yamamoto, Totsuka Works Hitachi Ltd.. Japan
`SESSION 14 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in Network Management Monet
`J.G. Kneuer, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
`V.B. Lawrence, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`Computer Communications
`Network Operations and Management
`AI-Assisted Telecommunications Network Management
`AA. Cove, T.M. Moruzzi, ED. Peterson. GTE Government Systems Corporation, USA
`Automating the Special Service Work Flow
`J.M. Ackroff. AT&T Bell Labs. USA
`MUPLES: An Expert System for Multipoint Circuit Layout
`M.P. Tale, R. K. Mehrotra. P.D. Ting. AT&T Bell Labs. USA
`Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Meeting Network Management Challenges in the 19905
`K.D. Cebulka, M. J. Muller. C.A. Riley. Bellcore, USA
`Telecommunications Diagnostic Expert System
`V. Nuclrolls, Rockwell International. USA
`A Knowledge-Based Approach to Intelligent Network Trouble Analysis
`BY. Lai, Bellcore, USA
`Packet-Switching Network of Dynamic Architecture Based on Artificial Intelligence
`2.’. Zhu, Nanjing Inst. of Com. Eng, PR. of China
`Intelligent Multiplexing Nodes Monte Carlo
`D.M. Brady, Base(2) Systems, Inc, USA
`C.A. Siller, J11, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
`TJ. Aprille, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
`Transmission Systems
`Digital Cross-Connect Systems: Network-Based Vehicles for Private T1 Resource Management
`CA. Siller, Jr., M.L. Cohen, T.J. Aprille, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
`Intelligent Multiplexers with Digital Cross-Connect Capability—A Requirement in Network Evolution
`3. Hearst, DSC Communications Corporation, USA
`The Application of Intelligent Tl Multiplexers in Hybrid and ISDN Networks
`J.L. Melsa, H.R. Scull, Tellabs. Inc., USA
`Integrated ISDN D-Sm"-var for Intelligent Networking
`I-«H. Eberl. P. Chen, Tim_eplcx_ USA
`C3939“? Sharing in 81‘! Imfigrated Voicefflata Packet-Switched Multiplexer: Optimal and Sequential Solutions
`13. N. Bui, H. Korezlioglu. E.N.S.T.. France
`A11 Efficient Synchronization Method for Dual Bus Networks
`3. Casale, A. Lombardo. S. Palazzo, Univcrsita di Catania. Italy
`Page 00008

`Tuesday Afternoon
`2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
`SESSION 16 Video and Image Coding Com!
`ORGANIZERS: W.B. Pcnnebaker, IBM, USA
`H. Yasuda, NTT Integrated Communications Lab.. Japan
`CHAIRPERSONS: W.B. Pcnnebaker
`H. Yasuda
`Tclematic Services and Terminals
`15.1 Model—Basod Image Coding
`D. Pearson, University of Essex, UK
`Standardization ofMo'vi.r1g Picture Coding for Interactive Applications
`L. Chiariglione, CSELT, Italy
`The ISOJCCITT Standard for Continuous-Tone Image Compression
`G.K. Wallace, Digital Equipment Corporation, USA
`16.4 A 34 MEIT/S Codcc for High Quality Television Transmission
`T. Langlais, Z. Picel, J.M. Martin. T.R.T., France
`Image Coding with Finite State Vector Quantization Utilizing Extrapolation Selection
`C.N. Manilcopoulos. G. Antoniou, New Jersey Institute ofTechnology. H. Sun, Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA
`Two Dimensional Hybrid Image Coding and Transmission Over Noisy Channels
`D.G. Daut, G. Li, Rutgers University, USA
`SESSION 17 Network Protocols and Performance Emerald
`B. Mukherjee, University of California-Davis, USA
`S.S. Rappaport, State University of New York, USA
`CHAIRPERSON: Al Leon-Gancia, University of Toronto, Canada
`Computer Communications
`Data Communications Systems
`Traffic Control in an ISDN Multiplexor
`B. Kraimeche, Pratt Institute, USA
`TDMA LAN with Multiple Bus Topology for Wide Area Applications
`N. Kuroyanagi, Tokyo Engineering University, Japan
`17.3 A Study of Priority at the Transport Layer i.n Local Area Networks
`l(.S. Vastola, J. Rangarajan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
`Effect of Slot Size on TDMA Performance in Presence of Per Slot Overhead
`M. Sarraf, AT&T Be1lLabs.. USA
`Queue with Poisson Cluster Arrival Process Arising in ATM Networks
`IBM 'I‘..T. Watson Research Center, USA
`Throughput Analysis ofCDMA Access Policies in Radio Determination Satellite Service
`V. Li, University of Southern California, L. C. Pond, Hughes Aircraft Company, USA
`Performance Analysis of ISDN Switching Systems
`OE. Moharram, BNR, Canada
`SESSION 18 System Methods in Quality and Reliability Senators
`J. Hudepohl, Northern Tcle-com, USA
`T. Plevyak, AT&T Network Systems, USA
`J. Hudepohl
`Communications Systems Enginecring
`Quality Assurance Management
`18.1 Visual Representation Methodology for the Evaluation of Software Quality
`K. Nakamura. Fujitsu Limited, Japan
`Tackling Productivity and Quality Through Customer Involvement and Software Technology
`H.S. Burns, R.A. l-Ialliburton, AT&T Bell Labs. USA
`Fault Tolerance: A Verification Strategy for Switching Systems
`R. Paterson, G. Tumer, A. Dunne, BNR, Canada
`Software Quality Via Rapid Prototyping
`A.K. Jain, P.D. Ting. AT&TEe1l Labs., USA
`18.5 Concurrent Engineering: Practices and Prospects
`ll’. Penncll, R.I. Winner, Institute for Defense Analyses. USA
`18.6 Use ofAutomated Testing in Circuit Switching System Technical Analysis
`R. N. Pu, W.B. Perldnson, Bellcnrc, USA
`Page 00009

`wndnesday Morning 9:00 AM - 12 Noon
`SESSION 19 Design and Simulation of Present and Future Lightwave Systems Metropolitan
`AF. Elrefaie, Belicorc, USA
`Optical Communications
`191 Modeling of Nonlinearity in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
`A_A.M. Saleh. AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`performance in the Presence of Laser Chirp of High Speed Optical Communication Systems Employing Semiconductor Laser Preamplifiers
`3.5. Fyath, JJ. O’Reilly. University of Wales, UK.
`Envelope Statistics for Filtered Optical Signals Corrupted by Phase Noise
`L_J_ Greenstein, G.I. Foschini. G. Vannucci, AT&T Bell Labs. USA
`Feasibility Study on Optical Heterodyne MSK Receiver Using Synchronous Demodulation
`R_ Papannareddy, Purdue University, USA
`Threshold Gain Difference Requirements for Nearly Single—I..ongitudir1al-Mode Lasers
`J.C. Cartledge. AF. Elrefaie, Bellcore. USA
`P31-arneters Affecting Mode Partition Noise in Laser Transmission Systems
`M. Ramadan, Rockwell International, USA
`A PC Based. CAD Environment for Fiber Optic Simulations
`S.V. Ahamed. City University of New York, V.B. Lawrence, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
`SESSION 20 Local Radio Networks Sapphire
`M. Kavehrad, University of Ottawa, Canada
`Communication Theory
`Radio Communication
`A Packet Radio Network Using Inhibit Sense Multiple Access with Capture
`J.L. locicero, D.R. Ucei, Illinois Institute of Technology, l{.I. Zdunek, Motorola. Ir1c., USA
`Ring Model for Local Radio Communications
`.T.T. McCartin, T.T. Ha, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
`The Coded Tone Sense Protocol for Multihop Spread—Spectmm Packet Radio Networks
`T. Yum. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, K. Hung, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hong Kong
`Design Algorithms for Multihop Packet Radio Networks with Multiple Directional Antenna Stations
`T. Yum. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, K. Hung, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hong Kong
`Placing Repeaters in MuIti—l-top Packet Radio Networks
`AK. Kakaes, The George Washington University. R.R. Boorstyn, Polytechnic University. USA
`Adaptive Terminal Synchronization in Packet Data Networks
`HM. Ahmed. Boston University, USA
`Mobile Satellite Communications Systems Topaz
`R.W. Huck, Communications Research Center, Canada
`R.W. Huck
`Satellite and Space Communication
`High Efficiency Voice Activated CDMA Mobile Communication System Based on Master Code Synchronization
`R. De Gaudenzi, R. Viola, European Space Agency, The Netherlands
`A FD/DAMA Network Architecture for the First Generation Land Mobile Satellite Services
`T.Y. Yan, U. Cheng, K. Dessouky, C. Wang, W. Rafferty, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
`Flexible Power and Bandwidth Allocation in Mobile Satellites
`L. Keycs, Spar Aerospace Limited. Canada
`FDMA Irnplemeritation for Domestic Mobile Satellite Systems
`M. Wachira, D. Bossier. B. Skerry, Telesat Mobile, Inc., Canada
`A Mobile Communication System Providing Integrated Voice/Data Services Over Power Limited Satellite Channels
`S.K. Bose. I.l.'T'., India, I.1. Gordon, Bond University, Australia
`The MSAT-X Marcos B2 5 atellite Experirnent: Ground Segment Results
`T.C. Jedrey, N.E. Lay, K1. Dessouky, C.M. Chectharn, I.F. Parkyn. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
`A Feasibility Study of a Mobile Communication Network Using a Constellation of Low Earth Orbit Satellites
`M. Richharia, University of Surrey, P. Hansel, Lo gica Space & Def. Sys. Limited, UK, P.W. Bousquet, CNES, France, M. O'Donnell,
`British Telecom International, UK
`Page 00010

`Wednesday Morning 9:00 AM - 12 Noon
`SESSION 22 Human Reliability Issues Affecting Switch Performance Cannes
`S. Ahmed, Bellcorc, USA
`G. Brush, Bellcore, USA
`S. Ahmed
`Quality Assurance Management
`Practical Applications of Human Reliability Analyses
`D. K. Lorenzo, JBF Associates, Inc., USA
`The Nature of Human Error
`D. Meister, Naval Ocean Systems Center, USA
`22.3 Modeling Procedure Errors in Switching System Reliability Analysis
`S. Ahmed, G. Brush, Bollcore. USA
`22.4 Human Factors Considerations During Operations & Maintenance
`RI. Duphily, RID Engineering Co.. USA
`225 A Basic Study on Human Error in Communication Network Operation
`T. Yamarnura. K. Yata, T. Yasushi, H. Yarnaguchi, NTT Transmission Systems I..abs., Japan
`23 .3
`SESSION 23 Restoration of Fiber Networks Monet
`T. Flanagan, BNR, Canada
`Optical Communications
`Transmission Systems
`23.1 High-Speed Sclf—Hcaling Ring Architectures for Future Interoffice Networks
`T. Wu, DJ. Kolttr, R.H. Cardwell, Bellcore, USA
`23.2 Considerations and Concerns for Survivability of the Chicago MSA Fiber Optic Network
`.T.F. Luby, M. Dziatlcicwicz, Illinois Bell, USA
`Principles and Technologies for Planrling Survivability - A Metropolitan Case Study
`T. Flanagan, BNR, S. Oxner, D. Elkaim, Bell Canada, Canada
`Protection of SONET Based Networks
`R.D. Hall, 5. Whitt. British Telecom Research Labs., UK
`Topology and Suvivability of Future Transport Networks
`J.K. Conlisk, U S WEST Advanced Technologies, USA
`The Evolution of Service Protection in the BT Network
`I. Davidson, 1. Hawker, P. Cochrane, British Telecom Research Labs., UK
`SESSION 24 New Operations Issues in the Intelligent Network Monte Carlo
`R.W. Horn, Northern Telecom, Ltd., Canada
`Network Operations and Management
`Communications Switching
`24.1 Network Operations: Key to Network Services
`GJ. Dennis, Bellsouth Services. T. Silcri, Northem Telecozn, R.G. McC-‘rath, BNR, USA
`24.2 Next Generation Switching Operations: A Fiber Center Perspective
`M. Ahrens, Bellcore, K. Harmer, Pacific Bell, USA
`24.3 Network Directory Concept for an Intelligent Network
`K. Sato, T. Omiya, NTT Communication Switching Labs, Japan
`24.4 Alternatives for the Transport ofISDN Customer Network Management Messages
`T. Bowers, Bellcore. USA
`24.5 Access Control and Authorization Plan for Customer Control of Network Services
`C. Yo, GTE, USA
`24.6 An Expert System-B ased Approach to Capacity Allocation in a Multiscrvicc Application Environment
`S. Erfani, M. Malek, H.‘Sachar, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`Page 00011

`Vet-‘lnesday Morning 9:00 AM — 12 Noon
`Packet Video Networks Coral
`J, Zdepski, David Sarnoff Research Center, USA
`D. Raychaudhuri, David Sarnoff Research Center, USA
`J_ Zdepski
`Data Communications Systems
`Packet Video T1-ansmission Through ATM Networks
`F. Kishino, ATR Comm. Sys. Res. Labs, N. Ohta, NIT Laboratories, Y. Yasucla. H. Yasuda, University of Tokyo. Japan
`Modgijng and Analysis for Packet Video
`3.; Huang, Street Electronics Corporation, USA
`I Packet']‘1-a_n5poIt of VBR Interfrarne DCT Compressed Digital Video on a CSMAICD LAN
`J_ zdepskg, K. Joseph, D. Raychaudhuri. David Sarnoff Research Center. USA
`Routing Functional Arrangements for a Distributed Switching System in BISDN
`H_ Yasuda, K. Talcami, NTI‘ Communication Switching I..abs., Japan
`A Variable-Rate Image Coding Scheme with Vector Quantization and Clustering Interpolation
`A_ Ge,5},o_ Y. Ho. University of California, USA
`Queueing Analysis of Continuous Bit~Strearn Transport in Packet Networks
`A_ B113;-gava, M.G. Hluchyj, Codex Corporation. P. Humblet, Massachusetts Institute of Tech., USA
`Implementation of Video CODEC with Programmable Parallel DSP
`M. Nornura. J. Suzuki, N. Ohta, S. Ono, N'I'I'Transmission Systems l..abs.. Iapan
`giESSIQN 26 Performance, Design and Analysis of Computer Networks
`H.T. Mouftah, Queens University, Canada
`M, Ilyas, Florida Atlantic University, USA
`;iI~IAIRPERSON: H.T. Mouftah
`Communications Systems Engineering
`Computer Communications
`A Discrete—Tirne Single Server Queue with a Two—Level Modulated Input and its Applications
`K. Liao, LG. Mason, INRS—Teiecornmunir:ations, Canada
`Performance Degradation in Heterogeneous Local Computer Network Interconnections
`Y. Zhang, B. Jabbari, George Mason University, USA
`Performance Evaluation of a New CSM AICD Protocol Based on the SRPT Principle
`L. Schmickler, C. Goerg, Aachen University of Technology, Germany (FR)
`Throughput Analysis of a Class of Selective Repeat Protocols in I-ligh—Speod Environrnents
`P. Tran-Gia, University of Wurzburg, Germany (FR), H. Alnnadi. P. Kermani, IBM Research Division, USA
`Transient Performamre Analysis of Nonpersistent CSMA and C5MA—CD Protocols
`L. Icreb, 'I‘echnicaJ'University of Budapest, Hungary. M.A. Marsan. University of Milan. Italy
`Queueing Time for the Outbound Call Management System
`M. Sarrttf, A'I'&T Bell Labs.. USA
`Performance Analysis of Multiple-Packet Messages in Unidirectional Bus Networks
`C. Chao, M. Ilyas, Florida Atlantic University, USA
`:i6.8 Transient Approximations for Jackson Networks
`I.M. Andrewartha, CONVEX Computer Corporation, RE. Cantrell, Texas A&M University, USA
`SESSION 2'? New Services and Human Interface for the Future Network Senators
`ORGANIZERS: M. Adachi, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd, Japan
`J.H. Derby, IBM, US A
`' I-IATRPERSON: M. Adachi
`Communications Software
`Telematic Services and Terminals
`37.]. Communication Workstations for B-IS DN: MONSTER (Multimedia Oriented Super Terminal)
`H- Karnata, T. Katsuyarna, T. Suzuki. Y. Minakuchi, K. Yano. Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.. Japan
`7.2 All Improved Mandarin Speech Dictation Machine for Intelligent Tenninals of Advanced Communication Networks
`L-s. Lee, I-Ly. Gu, F-11. Liu, National Taiwan University, C-y. Tscng, Institute of History 8: Philology, Taiwan
`Phonetool: Integrating Telephones and Workstations
`C- SCh.mandt, M.I.'I'., S. Casner. University of So. California, USA
`Extended Document Architecture for Maps
`W- Kfimeyarna, H. Tornirtaga, WASEDA University. Iapart
`IBM Products for Persons with Disabilities
`F; Adam, H. Crepy, D. Jameson. 1. Thatcher, IBM. USA
`H“31'3ICh.ica1 Software Definition Sttucttlrc for Intelligent Network
`K Okaaa, K. Sato, Y. Kondo, NTI‘ Communication Switching Labs., Japan
`Imernationai Operator Direct Connect (IODC) Services - An_Overview
`13-0 Adhikari, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`Page 00012

`W” dnesday Afternoon
`2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
`SESSION 28 Lightwave Networking Metropolitan
`R.D. Gitlin, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`A. Albanesc, Bellcore, USA
`S. Kartolopoulos, AT&T Bell Labs, USA.
`Communication Theory
`Optical Communications
`BLAZELAN: A Photonic Local-area Network for Distributed and Parallel Processing
`Z. Haas. AT&.T Bell Labs., USA
`28.2 Multi—Gb;'s Optical Cross—connect Switch Architectures: TDM versus FDM Techniques
`K.Y. Eng, M. Santoro, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`28.3 High-Perfonnance Optical Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Enhancements of FDDI and IEEE 802.6 DQDB
`MJ. Karol. RD. Gitlin, AT&T Bell Labs., USA
`Synchronous versus Asynchronous CDMA for Fibcr—Optic LANS Using Optical Signal Processing
`W.C. Kwong, P.R. Prucnal, P.A. Perrier, Princeton University, USA
`Integrated Voice;'Data Services on a Plastic Optical Fiber Local Area Network
`P.R. Guardieiro, Univcrsidadc Fed. dc Uberlandia, S. Motoyarna, Universidadc Estadual de Campinas. Brazil
`Signal Flow Graphs for Path Enumeration and Deflection Routing Analysis in Mullihop Networks
`E. Ayanoglu, AT&T' Bell Lebs., USA
`28.? An Analytical Technique for Evaluating Packet Routing Policies in Metropolitan Area Networks
`B. Kliasnabish, Student Member, IEEE, Canada
`SESSION 29.A Basic Exchange Communications Radio Sapphire
`D.A. Duet, Bell South Services, USA
`CHAIRPERSON: S.H. Lin, Bellcore, USA
`Radio Communication
`‘29.A.1 Wireless Digital Access
`J.F. Mullen. International Mobile Machines Co., USA
`29.A.2 Applications and Economics of the New Exchange Radios for Basic Exchange Telecommunications Radio Service (BETR)
`W.R. Hampton, Rockwell International Corporation. USA
`29.A.3 The Application of Microwave TDMA Techniques to BETR Service
`MJ. Morris, SR Telecom Inc., Canada
`29.A.4 Exchange Radio Technology
`RJ. McGuire, Rockwell International Corporation, USA
`SESSION 29.3 Speech Processing in the European Digital Mobile Radio System Sapphire
`LE. Natvig, Norwegian Telecommunications, Norway
`J.E. Natvig
`Signal Processing and Communication Electronics
`29.B.1 Speech Processing in the Pan-European Digital Mobile Radio System (GSM) — System Overview
`LE. Natvig, S. Hansen, Norwegian Telecom. Adm. Res. Dept., Norway, I. de Brito, CNET, France
`29.3.2 Speech Codec for the European Mobile Radio System
`P. Vary, K. I-Icllwig, Philips Komm. Ind., Germany (FR), C. Galand, M. Rosso, IBM, J.

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