1997 IEEE
`International Conference
`Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
`Volume I
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1007, Cover


`1997 IEEE
`International Conference
`Acoustics, Speech, and
`Signal Processing
`Volume I of V
`Plenary, Expert Summaries, Special, Audio,
`Underwater Acoustics, VLSI
`April 21-24, 1997
`Munich, Germany
`Sponsored by
`The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
`Signal Processing Society
`Co-Sponsored by
`DPG, GI, lTG, and TUM
`IEEE Computer Society Press
`Los Alam itos, California
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1007, Cover-2


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`IEEE Computer Society Press
`10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
`P.O.Box 3014
`Los Alamitos, CA 90720-1264
`Copyright© 1997 by The Institute of Electrical and Elect ron ics Engineers, Inc.
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`IEEE Computer Society Press Order Number PR07919
`ISBN 0-8186-7919-0
`ISBN 0-8186-7920-4 (case)
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`IEEE Order Plan Catalog Number 97CB36052
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`+ The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1007, Cover-3


`Table of Contents
`Volume I
`Plenary, Expert Summaries, Special, Audio,
`Underwater Acoustics, VLSI
`Conference Committee ....................... ...... .... ..... .. .... .. ... ..... ...................... ... ................................. xvi
`IEEE Signal Processing Society .............................................................. ... ........ ... ..................... xvii
`ICASSP 1998 in Seattle ... ............. ... ........................ .. ................ ................................................ xviii
`Call for Papers ............................. ..... ........... .. ........ ... ........ ....... ...... .............. ................................. xix
`ICASSP-98 Paper Cover Sheet .. .... ............ .......... .................................... ........... ..... .. ............... .... xx
`IEEE Copyright Form ..................................................................................................... ............ xxi
`Plenary Lectures and Expert Summaries
`Space-Time Processing for Wireless Communications ............................................... .. ................ 1
`A. Paulraj
`Variability ofPerformance in Video Coding ........ : ........................................................................ 5
`D. Pearson
`Expert Summaries ............................................ ....... ........... .................. ........................... ............... 9
`R. Chellapa, R. de Mori, G. Giannakis, H. Musmann, H. Ney,
`M. Smith, J. Treichler and M. Zoltowski
`Signal Processing for Education
`Expanding Team Experiences in DSP Education ....................................................................... ll
`D. Etter and G. Orsak
`Interactive Classroom for DSP/Communication Courses ........................................................... 15
`H. Abut and Y. Oztiirk
`Experiences in Teaching DSP First in the ECE Curriculum .......... ............................ .. ............. 19
`J . McClellan
`Analog Signal Processing: A Replacement for the Sophomore-Level
`Circuit Analysis Course .............................................................. ... ............................................... 23
`D. Munson
`Re-Engineering the Electrical Engineering Curriculum ............................................................ 27
`S. Mitra
`New Methods for Design of SP-Algorithms
`Structural Subband Decomposition: A New Concept in Digital Signal
`Processing .... .. .... ... ...... .. .. ................. ...................................................... ... .. .. ... .... ... ......... .............. 31
`S. Mitra
`A New Algorithm for the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem .......... .. .......................................... 35
`K. Huper and U. Helmke
`A Lattice Structure for Perfect Reconstruction Linear Time Varying
`Filter Banks with All Pass Analysis Banks ............ ........................... ..... .. ...... ................. ........... 39
`S. Dasgupta, C. Schwarz and M. Fu
`Algorithm Design for Structured Systems: Application to Pole Placement ........ .. .. .... ............ .. 43
`S . Paul and J . Nossek
`UNDA HAY .. .¥, LiBRARY ~-~
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1007, p. (cid:89)


`Actions ofNoncompact Groups and Algorithm Design: A Case Study .. ......................... .... .... .. . 47
`K. Diepold and R. Pauli
`Discretization Issues for the Design of Optimal Blind Algorithms ..... ..... ....... .. .... ... .... .... ....... .. 51
`R. Kennedy, D. Borah and Z. Ding
`Continuous-Time Envelope-Constrained Filter Design via Laguerre
`Filters and H(InD Optimization Methods ... .. .. .... ...... ...... ...... ..... ......... ............... ... ... ... ................ 55
`Z . Zang, A. Cantoni and K. Teo

`Local Adaptive Algorithms for Information Maximization in Neural
`Networks, and Application to Source Separation ........... ..... .. ............. ... .. ..... ... ........................ ... 59
`J. Dehaene and N. Twum -Danso
`Quick Aggregation of Markov Chain Functionals via Stochastic
`Complementation ..... ... .. .... .......... ....................... ....... ....... ................................ .. .. ... ............. .... .. ... 63
`K. Dogwu;ay and V. Krishnamurthy
`A Rank Preserving Flow Algorithm for Quadratic Optimization Problems
`Subj ect to Quadratic Equality Constraints .... ....... .... ... ...... .. .......... .. ............ .... ... ..... ... ................ 67
`J. Moore and D. Jiang
`Speech-to-Speech Translation
`Verbmobil: The Combination of Deep and Shallow Processing for
`Spontaneous Speech Translation ................ ................................... ....... .. ..... ... .. ...... ........ ............. 71
`T . Bub, W. Wahlster and A. Waibel
`Prosodic Processing and its Use in Verbmobil .... ..... .... ................ ..... ...... ......................... ...... ..... 75
`H. Niemann, E. Noth, A. Kie/]ling, R. Kampe and A. Batliner
`The Language Components in Verbmobil ..... .......... ..... ... .. ... ... ..... ..... ..... ...... ... .. ...... ....... ... .. ...... .. 79
`H. B lock
`The Karlsruhe-Verbmobil Speech Recognition Engine ............. ........... ....... ........ ......... ....... ... .. .. 83
`M. Finke, P. Geutner, H. Hild, T. Kemp, K. Ries and M . Westphal
`An Experiment on Korean-to-English and Korean-to-Japanese Spoken
`Language Translation ...... ..... ...... ....... .... .... .... ... ... .... .... .. ...... ............... ..... ............ ... ... .... .. ... .. ... .. .. 87
`J. Yang and J. Park
`Multilingual Person to Person Communication at IRST ... ....... ...... ....... .. .... .......... ..... .... .. .......... 91
`B. Angelini, M . Cettolo, A. Corazza, D. Falauigna and G. Lazzari
`Fast Word-Graph Generation for Spontaneous Conversational Speech
`Translation ......... .. ...... ... ..... .... ....... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .. .. .. .... ..... ...... ...................... ... ..... ..... ... .... .... .. .. 95
`T. Shimizu, H. Singer and Y . Sagisaka
`JANUS-III: Speech-to-Speech Translation in Multiple Languages .......... ... .... ................. .... ... . 99
`A. Lauie, A. Waibel, L. Levin, M . Finke, D. Gates, M. Gaualda, T .
`Zeppenfeld and P. Zhan
`State-Transition Cost Functions and an Application to Language
`Translation ....... ...... ..... ........... ...... ........ ... ...... ... ... ...... ..... .. ....... ..... .... ...... ... .... ... .. .... ..... ......... ... .... 103
`H. Alshawi and A. Buchsbaum
`Hybrid Language Processing in the Spoken Language Translator .. ... ....... .. ................. ........ .. 107
`M . Rayner and D. Carter
`Finite-State Speech-to-Speech Translation .................................. ... .... ...... ... ... ..... ...... .......... ..... 111
`E . Vidal
`An Experimental Bidirectional Japanese/English Interpreting Video
`Phone System Using Internet .... ... ... .. .. ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ......... ...... .......... ... ........ ..... ... ......... ... ...... . ll5
`S. Hiraoka, M . Hoshimi, K. Matsui and J . Junqua
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1007, p. (cid:89)(cid:76)


`Advanced Neural Application s
`From Neural Networks to Neural Strategies ..... ...... ..... .. .. ..... ....... ....... .... ..... ... ..... .... .. .......... .... 119
`C. Goerick, B. S endhoff and W. von S eelen
`Neural and Traditional Techniques in Diagnostic ECG Classification .. ................ ...... ....... .. .. 123
`R. Silipo and G. Bortolan
`Unsupervised Learning for Blind Source Separation: An
`Information-Theoretic Approach ........... .................... .............. .... .... .. .... ....... ...... .. ......... .... ... .... 127
`D. Obradouic and G. Deco
`Applications of Neural Blind Separation to Signal and Image Processing ............................. 131
`J. Karhunen, A. Hyuarinen, R . Vigario, J. Hurri and E. Oja
`Communications and Neural Networks: Theory and Practice ........................................ .. ...... 135
`M. Plumbley
`Robust Vector Quantization by Competitive Learning ........................................... .. ............... 139
`J. Buhmann and T . Hofmann
`Recognizing Faces from a New Viewpoint ......... ..... ......... ....................... ....... ..... ............... ... .. .. 143
`T. Vetter
`Hybrid Optimization ofFeedforward Neural Networks for Handwritten
`Character Recognition ... ..................... .............. ............. .. ............ .......... ... ....... ... .... .......... ........ .. 14 7
`W. Utschick and J. Nossek
`Reading Checks with Multilayer Graph Transformer Networks ........ .. .... .. ... ...... ................... 151
`Y. LeCun, L. Bottou and Y. Bengio
`Neural Networks for Process Control in Steel Manufacturing ............... .. ................... .... ........ 155
`M . Schlang, E . Broese, B. Feldkeller, 0 . Gramckow, M. Jansen,
`T. Poppe, C. Schaeffner and G. Soergel
`A Neuro-Dynamic Programming Approach to Admission Control in ATM
`Networks : The Single Link Case .. .. ............................ ........ ................... ... .... ..... ..... ........ ....... .... 159
`P. Marbach and J. Tsitsiklis
`Signal Processing Technology for Multi-Media Human-Machine Interaction
`Issues in Measuring the Benefits of Multimodal Interfaces .... .. ........ .. ................... ................. 163
`J. Flanagan and I. Marsic
`Multimodal Interfaces for Multimedia Information Agents ..................... ... ... .. ................ .. ..... 167
`A. Waibel, B. Suhm, M. Vo and J. Yang
`Smart Rooms, Desks, and Clothes .. ............................... ................ ....... .. .................. ................. 171
`A. Pentland
`Human Machine Interaction by Voice and Gesture ............................................. .. .. .. ........... .. . 175
`N. Jayant
`Audio-Visual Interaction in Multimedia Communication ...................................... ....... ..... .... .. 179
`T. Chen and R. Rao
`LIP Motion Modeling and Speech Driven Estimation ... ......... .. ......................... ... .. .............. .... 183
`F. Lauagetto, S. Lepsoy, C. Braccini and S. Curinga
`Voice Source Localization for Automatic Camera Pointing System in
`Videoconferencing .. ..... ............. ... ................. ... .... .... ....... ................ ....... ... .. ............ .. .... .... ........... 187
`H. Wang and P. Chu
`Video Interface for Spatiotemporal Interactions Based on
`Multi-Dimensional Video Computing ... ....... ........... .......................... ... .............. ...... ................. . 191
`A. Akutsu, Y. Tonomura and H . Hamada
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1007, p. (cid:89)(cid:76)(cid:76)


`Indexing and Search of Multimodal Information .... ........................................................... : ... .. 195
`A Hauptmann and H. Wactlar
`Acoustic Indexing for Multimedia Retrieval and Browsing ..................................................... 199
`S. Young, J. Foote, G. Jones, K. Sparck-Jones and M. Brown
`Broadcast News Transcription ................................. ..... .. ... ...... .. .. .... ... ... ......... ... .... .. ... ....... ... .. .. . 203
`F. Kubala, H. Jin, L. Nguyen, R. Schwartz and S. Matsoukas
`Image/Speech Processing that Adopts an Artistic Approach Toward
`Integration of Art and Technology ....................................... ..... ... .... ....... ..... : ........................... .. 207
`R. Nakatsu
`Microphone Array Signal Processing
`Noise Cancelling for Microphone Arrays ...... ....... ............................ ......... .............................. ... 211
`J. Meyer and C. Sydow
`A Microphone Array System for Speech Recognition ... ........ ....... .... ... .... ........... ........ ............... 215
`K. Kiyohara, Y. Kaneda, S. Talwhashi, H. Nomura and J. Kojima
`Strategies for Combining Acoustic Echo Cancellation and Adaptive
`Beamforming Microphone Arrays ... ......... ... ....................................................... ........... ............. 219
`W. Kellermann
`A Steerable and Variable First-Order Differential Microphone Array ..................... .. ............ 223
`G. Elko and A Pong
`Microphone Array Based Speech Recognition with Different Talker-Array
`Positions .............. ..... ........................................................... ............ .... ................. .... .................. . 227
`M. Omologo, M. Matassoni, P. Suaizer and D. Giuliani
`Acoustic Source Location in a Three-Dimensional Space Using
`Cross power Spectrum Phase ........................................................................ ........ ... ................... 231
`P. Suaizer, M. Matassoni and M. Omologo
`Superdirective Microphone Array for a Set-Top Videoconferencing System .......................... 235
`P. Chu
`Simultaneous Echo Cancellation and Car Noise Suppression Employing a
`Microphone Array ........ ... ...... ........ ..... .... ..................................................... ............................. ... 239
`M. Dahl, I. Claesson and S . Nordebo
`Analytical Evaluation of a Self-Calibrating Microphone Array ............................................... 243
`S. Nordholm and I . Claesson
`Microphone Array Response to Speaker Movements .. .. ................................................ ........... 24 7
`Y. Grenier and S. Affes
`A Digital Processing System for Source Location and Sound Capture by
`Large Microphone Arrays .. ... .. ........ .. .. ... .. ....... ......................................................................... .. . 251
`H. Silverman, W. Patterson, J. Flanagan and D. Rabinkin
`DSP for Mobile Communication
`8-D Unitary ESPRIT for Joint 2-D Angle and Carrier Estimation .............. .. ......................... 255
`M. Haardt and J. Nossek
`Quality Enhancement of Coded and Corrupted Speeches in GSM Mobile
`Systems Using Residual Redundancy .... .. ...................................... .. .. .. .. .. ...... ... ........................ 259
`T . Hindelang, W. Xu and C. Erben
`Pilot Assisted Coherent DS-CDMA Reverse-Link Communications with
`Optimal Robust Channel Estimation ...... ... .......... .... ............................. ................................ .... 263
`F. Ling
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1007, p. (cid:89)(cid:76)(cid:76)(cid:76)


`A New Frequency Estimator Applied to Burst Transmission .......................... ..... : ........ ..... .. .. . 267
`C. Bergogne, M. Bousquet and P. Sehier
`Unified Specification of Control and Data Flow .......................... .. ................. ........ ............. ..... 271
`T. Groetker, R. Schoenen and H. Meyr
`Reconfigurable Processing: The Solution to Low-Power Programmable DSP .......... ... ........... 275
`J. Rabaey
`DSP Cores for Mobile Communications: Where Are We Going? .. ... ..... .............. ................. .... 279
`G. Fettweis
`DSPs in Mobile Communication in the United States .......... ......... .......... ............. ...... ...... .. ..... 283
`S. Kasturia and C. Warwick
`FRIDGE: An Interactive Code Generation Environment for HW/SW CoD esign ...... .. .. .. .. ..... 287
`M. Willems, V. Bilrsgens, T. Grotker and H. Meyr
`Staying Ahead of the Game in Silicon for Digital Mobile Communications ... ................ ........ 291
`R. Subramanian, M. Barberis and H. Dawid
`Echo Cancellation
`Approximation of Optimal Step Size Control for Acoustic Echo
`Cancellation ..... ...... .. ...... .. .............. .. .. .... ..... ........................... ....... ..... ......... .. ..... ........ ... .... ..... ... ... 295
`C. Antweiler, J. Grunwald and H. Quack
`Subband Stereo Echo Canceller Using the Projection Algorithm with
`Fast Convergence to the True Echo Path ................................................... ......... .. .... ..... ..... ...... 299
`S. Makino, K. Strauss, S. Shimauchi, Y. Haneda and A. Nakagawa
`A Better Understanding and an Improved Solution to the Problems of
`Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation .... ..... ........... ...... ........ .. .... ............... ..... ..................... 303
`J . Benesty, D. Morgan and M. Sandhi
`Comparison of Three Post-Filtering Algorithms for Residual Acoustic
`Echo Reduction ................... .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ..... .................... .... ....... .. .... ....... ... ... ....................... .......... 307
`V. Turbin, A. Gilloire and P Scalart
`Audio Coding & Transducer
`Audio Coding Using Sinusoidal Excitation Representation ........................... ... ..... ... ...... .. ...... 311
`W. Chang, D. Wang and L. Wang
`Optimum Bit Allocation and Decomposition for High Quality Audio Coding ........................ 315
`X. Wei, M. Shaw and M. Varley
`The D5 Lattice Quantization for a 64 Kbit/S Low-Delay Subband Audio
`Coder with a 15Khz Bandwidth ................................................................................................ 319
`K. Hay, S. Saoudi and L . Mainard
`An Experimental Audio Codec Based on Warped Linear Prediction of
`Complex Valued Signals ............. .. ............................. .... ............. .. ... .... ........ .. ..... ..... .. ................ . 323
`A. Harmii, U. Laine and M. Karjalainen
`High Quality Low Complexity Scalable Wavelet Audio Coding ............... .. ..... ... .... .. ........... .... 327
`W. Dobson, J. Yang, K. Smart and F. Guo
`An Efficient Tonal Component Coding Algorithm for MPEG-2 Audio NBC .................. ..... .. .. 331
`Y. Takamizawa, M. lwadare and A. Sugiyama
`Spectral Amplitude Warping (SAW) for Noise Spectrum Shaping in Audio
`Coding .... ... ..... ........ ... ..... ... .. ....... ...... .. .... .. .. ..................................... ...................................... ....... 335
`R. Lefebvre and C. Laflamme
`Petitioner Apple Inc(cid:17)
`Ex. 1007, p. (cid:76)(cid:91)


`A Fast Noise-Scaling Algorithm for Uniform Quantization in Audio
`Coding Schemes ................. ........ ..... .... ............ .. ... .... ..... ................ .. .... ..................... ..... ...... .. ...... 339
`C. Serantes, A. Pena and N. Prelcic
`Pyramid Vector Coding for High Quality Audio Compression .... .. .. ............................ ....... .... . 343
`D. Cadel and G. Parladori
`Subband Audio Coding with Synthesis Filters Minimizing a Perceptual
`Distortion ..... .... ... ... ...... .. ......... .................. .. .......... , ...................... ............ .. .. .. .......... ............. ...... . 347
`K. Gosse, F. Moreau de Saint-Martin, X. Durot, P. Duhamel
`and J . Rault
`New Results in Low Bitrate Audio Coding Using a Combined
`Harmonic-Wavelet Representation .... .. .... .......... .. .... .... ... ......... ... ..... ....... ........... ... ... ......... ....... .. 351
`S. Boland and M. Deriche
`Adaptive Inverse Control of Weakly Nonlinear Systems ............................................. .. .......... 355
`W. Klippel
`Microphone Array & Active Noise Control
`Broadband Beamforming with Adaptive Postfiltering for Speech
`Acquisition in Noisy Environments ................................................................................ ...... ..... 359
`S. Fischer and K. Kammeyer
`Near-Field Beamforming for Microphone Arrays ... ... ...................... .... ..... ... .... ...... .... .. ....... ...... 363
`J . Ryan and R . Goubran
`A Robust Adaptive Microphone Array with Improved Spatial Selectivity
`and its Evaluation in a Real Environment ................................................................................ 367
`0. Hoshuyama, A. Sugiyama and A. Hirano
`Tracking Multiple Talkers Using Microphone-Array Measurements .... .. .. .. ...................... .. .. . 371
`D. Sturim, H. Silverman and M. Brandstein
`A Robust Method for Speech Signal Time-Delay Estimation in
`Reverberant Rooms .... .. ... ..... ...... .............................................................. ...... ..... ... ......... ... .... ..... 375
`M. Brandstein and H. Silverman
`A Model-Based Approach to Active Noise Cancellation Using Loudspeaker
`Array ... ....... ..... ... ..... ... ... .......... ... ........ ... ... .... ...... ......... ... ..... ........................... .............. ...... .. .... .... 379
`J. Gu and S. Yau
`Reverberant Sound Field Analysis Using a Microphone Array .............. .. ............................... 383
`W. Tager and Y. Mahieux
`Minimisation of the Maximum Error Signal in Active Control ............................. .. .......... ...... 387
`A. Gonzalez, A. Albiol and S. Elliott
`Subband Active Noise Control Algorithm Based on a Delayless Subband
`Adaptive Filter Architecture .. .. ................ ....... .. ......... .. .. ... .............. .. ................. ... ..... ............. ... 391
`J. Yun, D. Youn and Y. Park
`Nonlinear Active Noise Control in a Linear Duct .............................. .. ...... ........... .-................... 395
`P. Strauch and B. Mulgrew
`Fast Exact Filtered-X LMS and LMS Algorithms for Multichannel Active
`Noise Control. .. .... ... .... ... ........... .... ... .............. .... ..... ........... ... ...... ..... ........ .. .... .................... ........ .. 399
`S. Douglas
`A Novel Frequency Domain Filtered-X LMS Algorithm for Active Noise
`Reduction ..... ...... ..... ........ ...... ..... .. ..... ......... ......... ... ....... .............. ........ .. .... ... ..... .......... ...... ... ... ..... 403
`T. Kosakat, S . Elliott and C. Boucher
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1007, p. (cid:91)


`Hearing Aids and Computer Music
`Practical Supergain Head Sized Arrays .... ................................. .. .. .. ....... ....... .. .. .. ... .. ...... ..... .... . 407
`D. Masmoudi, D. Dallet and J. Dam
`A Multichannel Compression Strategy for a Digital Hearing Aid ........................................... 411
`T. Schneider. and R . Brennan
`Multi-Microphone Sub-Band Adaptive Signal Processing for Improvement
`of Hearing Aid Performance: Preliminary Results Using Normal Hearing
`Volunteers .................................................. ... ................... ... ....... ....... .......... ................. ...... .... .. ... 415
`P. Shields and D. Campbell
`Environmental Noise Reduction Based on Speech/Non-Speech
`Identification for Hearing Aids ... ..................................................... .. ... ................ ............. ... ..... 419
`K. Itoh and M. Miz ushima
`Blind Separation of Multiple Speakers in a Multipath Environment.. ...... ........ .... .. ...... .. ....... 423
`R. Lambert and A. Bell
`A Single-Chip 1,200 Sinusoid Real-Time Generator for Additive
`Synthesis of Musical Signals ...... ... ... ........... ... ...................... .. .. .............. .................. ............... ... 42 7
`F. De Bernardinis, R. Roncella, R . Saletti, P. Terreni and G. Bertini
`A Generalized Musical-Tone Generator with Application to Sound
`Compression and Synthesis ... ..................................... .. ..... ..... .... .................... ................ .. ......... 431
`C. Drioli and D. Rocchesso
`A Singing Voice Synthesis System Based on Sinusoidal Modeling .......... .......... ........ ............. 435
`M. Macon, L. Jensen-Link, J . Oliverio, M. Clements and E. George
`Time-Scale Modification of Audio Signals with Combined Harmonic and
`Wavelet Representations .............. .. .. .. ............. .... ................................... ... ..... ............... ....... ...... 439
`K. Hamdy, A. Tewfik, S. Takagi and T. Chen
`A Waveguide Model for Slapbass Synthesis ............................................ .. .... ............ ............ ... 443
`E. Rank and G. Kubin
`Minimum Perceptual Spectral Distance FIR Filter Design .... ...... ...... .... .................. .. ............. 44 7
`S. Wu and W. Putnam
`A Phase Interpolation Algorithm for Sinusoidal Model Based Music
`Synthesis ... ................... .. .... ............................ ............................ .. ...... ... .... ... ...... .. .............. ........ . 451
`X. Qian and Y. Ding
`Analytical Approximations of Fractional Delays: Lagrange
`Interpolators and All pass Filters ........................................................... ................. .................. . 455
`S. Tassart and P. Depalle
`Improved Discrete-Time Modeling of Multi-Dimensional Wave Propagation
`Using the Interpolated Digital Waveguide Mesh ..... .... ............. ................ ........ ......... ... .. ... ...... 459
`L . Savioja and V. Valimaki
`Matched Field Processing
`Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Selecting a Gee-Acoustic
`Environmental Model ........................................... ...... ...... ......... ... ...... .... ..... .... .... ... ....... ........ ..... 463
`C. Mecklenbrauker, P. Gerstoft, P. Chung and J. Bohme
`Tuning Genetic Algorithms for Underwater Acoustics Using a priori
`Statistical Information .... ..................... .. ....... .... ... ...... ... ....... ....... ................... .... .. ... ... ..... ..... ...... 467
`M. Rendas and G. Bienvenu
`Robust Beamformer Weight Design for Broadband Matched-Field Processing .... .. ............ .. .471
`K. Harmanci and J . Kralik
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1007, p. (cid:91)(cid:76)


`FASTMAP: A Fast, Approximate Maximum a posteriori Probability
`Parameter Estimator with Application to Robust Matched-Field Processing ...... ...... ..... .. .. ... 475
`B. Harrison, R . Vaccaro and D. Tufts
`Electromagnetic Matched Field Processing for Source Localization ..... ............ .. .. ..... ............ . 4 79
`D. Gingras, P. Gerstoft, N. Gerr and C. Mecklenbriiuker
`Detection, Classification and Localisation
`Power-Law Processors for Detecting Unknown in Signals in Colored Noise ................... ...... 483
`I . Kirsteins, S. Mehta and J. Fay
`Multitarget Detection/tracking of Echoes with Known Waveform:
`Algorithm and Applications .. .. ......... .... .... .. ...................... ... .... ...... ........ ...... ... ..... .................. .... . 487
`V. Rampa and U. Spagnolini
`Detection of Gaussian Bandpass Transients Under Impulsive Noise: A
`Wavelet Transform Approach .............. ....... ............ ... ... .. ........ ... .. .. .... ..... ... ..... .. .. .. ..................... 491
`F. Garcia and I . Lourtie
`Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Magneto-Acoustic Localisation .... ... ..... .... ....... .......... ..... 495
`G. Dassot, R . Blanpain and C. Jauffret
`Barankin Bound for Source Localization in Shallow Water .................................................... 499
`J. Tabrikian and J . Kralik
`Underwater Transient Signal Processing: Marine Mammal Identification,
`Localization, and Source Signal Deconvolution ...................... .......... .. .............. ............. ......... .. 503
`Z. Michalopoulou
`Numerical Optimization of Non-Adaptive Microphone Arrays .. ......... ..... .. ............................. 507
`A. Goldin
`Joint Direction-of-Arrival and Array Shape Tracking for Multiple
`Moving Targets .... ... .. .... ...... .. ; ............ ... ... .... ..... ..... ...... .... ... .. ... ... ....... ... ........ .. ..... ...... ......... ..... ... 511
`J . Goldberg, A. Perez-Neira and M. Lagunas
`Comparison of Probabilistic Least Squares and Probabilistic
`Multi-Hypothesis Tracking Algorithms for Multi-Sensor Tracking .................... .. .......... ........ 515
`M. Krieg and D. Gray
`Direction Finding with Imperfect Wavefront Coherence: A Matrix
`Fitting Approach Using Genetic Algorithm ...... ........... .. .......... ...... ............. ........ ................. ..... 5.~.-
`A. Gershman, C. Mecklenbriiuker and J. Bohme
`Design of an Optimum Wideband Active Sonar Array with Robustness .......... .. .. .. .. ............ .. 523
`S . Abeysekera andY. Leung
`Ocean Signal Processing
`Multi path Time-Delay Estimation .... ..... .............. .... ... ...... ...... .. ................................................. 527
`J. Fuchs
`Fast Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Multiple Signal Initialization ........................... 531
`R . MacLeod and R . Vaccaro
`An Algorithm for Detecting Closely Spaced Delay/Doppler Components .. ................ .... .. ... .... 535
`A. Habboosh, R. Vaccaro and S . Kay
`Improvement ofTDOA Measurement Using Wavelet Denoising with a Novel
`Thresholding Technique ..... ... ... ............ ...... ...... ..... ....... .............. ... ...... .... ........... .. ... .. .... .. .... ...... . 539
`S . Wu, H. So and P. Ching
`A Short-Time Wiener Filter for Noise Removal in Underwater Acoustic
`Data .. ... ......... .... .... .. ... .. .... ... .. : ...... ... ..... .... .. ... ........ ... .. .. ................. ................ ............................ ... 543
`C. Therrien, K. Frack and N . Fontes
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1007, p. (cid:91)(cid:76)(cid:76)


`Fast Approximate Subspace Tracking (FAST) .... .... .......... .. .. .... ....... .......... ... ....... . : ..... .. ... ..... .... 54 7
`D. Tufts, E. Real and J . Cooley
`A Subspace Framework for Fast Parameter Estimation with Known
`Waveforms .......................... .. ......... .. .. ......... .. ... .... ..... .... ...................... .. ...... .. ....... ...... ... ... .. ......... . 551
`B. Freburger, D. Tufts and T. Palka
`Terrain Classification in Polarimetric SAR Using Wavelet Packets ............. ...... ..... .... ..... ... ... 555
`N . Keshava and J. Moura
`Electromagnetic Matched-Field Processing for Target Height Finding
`with Over-the-Horizon Radar .. ..... ... .... .................. ... .. ......................... ....... ............. ....... ........... 559
`M. Papazo

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