`Enhancement and Bandwidth Compression
`of Noisy Speech
`Invited Paper
`Abstract-Over file past several years fllere has been considerable
`attention focused on file problem of enhancement and bandwidth
`compression of speech degraded by additive background noise. This
`interest is motivated by several factors including a broad set of impor(cid:173)
`tant applications, file apparent lack of robustness in current speech(cid:173)
`compression systems and the development of several potentially
`promising and practical solutions. One objective of this paper is to
`provide an overview of the variety of techniques that have been prcr
`posed for enhancement and bandwidth compression of speech degraded
`by additive background noise. A second objective is to suggest a uni(cid:173)
`fying framework in tenns of which the relationships between these
`systems is more visible and which hopefully provides a structure which
`wiD suggest fruitful directions for further research.
`T HERE ARE a wide variety of contexts in which it is
`desired to enhance speech. The objective of enhance(cid:173)
`ment may perhaps be to improve the overall quality, to
`increase intelligibility, to reduce listener fatigue, etc. Depend(cid:173)
`ing on the specific application, the enhancement system may
`be directed at only one of these objectives or several. For
`example, a speech communication system may introduce a
`low-amplitude long-time delay echo or a narrow-band additive
`disturbance. While these degradations may not by themselves
`reduce intelligibility for the purposes for which the channel
`is used, they are generally objectionable and an improvement
`in quality perhaps even at the expense of some intelligibility
`may be desirable. Another example is the communication
`between a pilot and an air traffic control tower.
`In this
`environment, the speech is typically degraded by background
`noise. Of central importance is the intelligibility of the speech
`and it would generally be acceptable to sacrifice quality if the
`intelligibility could be improved. Even with normal unde(cid:173)
`graded speech, it is sometimes useful or desirable to provide
`enhancement. As a simple example high-pass filtering of nor(cid:173)
`mal speech is often used to introduce a "crispness" which is
`generally perceived as an improvement in quality.
`The speech-enhancement problem covers a broad spectrum
`of constraints, applications and issues. Environments in which
`. an additive background signal has been introduced are com(cid:173)
`mon. The background may be noise-like such as in aircraft,
`street noise, etc. or may be speech-like such as an environment
`with competing speakers. Other examples in which the need
`Manuscript received June 22, 1979; revised August 28, 1979. !his
`work was supported in part by the Defense Advance Research ProJects
`Agency monitored by the Office of Naval Research under Contract
`N00014-75-C-0951-NR049-328 at M.I.T. Research Laboratory of Elec(cid:173)
`tronics and in part by the Department of the Air Force under Contract
`F19628-78-C~002 at M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory.
`The authors are with M.I.T. Research Laboratory of Electronics and
`M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory, Cambridge, MA 02139.
`for speech enhancement arises include correcting for reverber(cid:173)
`ation, correcting for the distortion of the speech of underwater
`divers breathing a helium-oxygen mixture, and correcting
`the distortion of speech due to pathological difficulties of the
`speaker or introduced due to an attempt to speak too rapidly.
`Even for these examples, the problem and techniques vary,
`depending on the availability of other signals or information.
`For example, for enhancement of speech in an aircraft a
`separate microphone can be used to monitor the background
`noise so that the characteristics of the noise can be used to
`adjust or adapt the enhancement system. At the air-traffic
`control tower, however, the only signal available for enhance(cid:173)
`ment is the degraded speech.
`Another very important application for speech enhancement
`is in conjunction with speech bandwidth compression sys(cid:173)
`tems. Because of the increasing role of digital communication
`channels coupled with the need for encrypting of speech and
`increased emphasis on integrated voice-data networks, speech(cid:173)
`bandwidth-compression systems are destined to play an in·
`creasingly important role in speech-communication systems.
`The conceptual basis for narrow-band speech-compression
`systems stems from a model for the speech signal based on
`what is known about the physics and physiology of speech
`production. Because of this reliance on a model for the signal
`it is not unreasonable to expect that as the signal deviates from
`the model due to distortion such as additive noise, the per(cid:173)
`formance of the speech compression system with regard to
`factors such as quality, intelligibility, etc., will degrade.
`is generally agreed that the performance of current speech(cid:173)
`compression systems degrades rapidly in the presence of
`additive noise and other distortions and there is currently
`considerable interest and attention being directed at the
`development of more robust speech compression systems.
`There are two basic approaches which are typically considered
`either of which may be preferable in a given situation. One
`approach is to base the bandwidth compression on the as(cid:173)
`sumption of undistorted speech and develop a preprocessor
`to enhance the degraded speech in preparation for further
`processing by the bandwidth compression system. It is impor(cid:173)
`tant to recognize that in enhancing speech in preparation
`for bandwidth compression the effectiveness of the prepro(cid:173)
`cessor is judged on the basis of the output of the bandwidth(cid:173)
`compression system in comparison with the output if no
`preprocessor is used. Thus, for example, it is possible that
`the output of the preprocessor would be judged by a listener
`to be inferior (by some measure) to the input but that the
`output of the bandwidth-compression system with the pre(cid:173)
`processor is preferred to the output without it. In this case,
`the preprocessor would clearly be considered to be effective
`0018-9219/79/1200-1586$00.75 © 1979 IEEE
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1016, p. 1586

`in enhancing the speech in preparation for bandwidth com(cid:173)
`pression. Another approach to bandwidth compression of
`degraded speech is to incorporate into the model for the signal
`information about the degradation. A number of systems
`based on such an approach have recently been proposed and
`will be discussed in detail in this paper.
`As is evident from the above discussion, the general problem
`of enhancing speech is broad and the constraints, information,
`and objectives are heavily dependent on the specific context
`In this paper, we consider only a small
`and applications.
`subset of possible topics, specifically the enhancement and
`bandwidth compression of speech degraded by additive noise.
`Furthermore, we assume that the only signal available is the
`degraded speech and that the noise does not depend on the
`original speech. Many practical problems, some of which have
`already been discussed, fall into this framework and some
`problems that do not can be transformed so that they do.
`For example, multiplicative noise or convolutional noise
`degradation can be converted to an additive noise degradation
`by a homomorphic transformation [I], [2]. As another
`example, signal-dependent quantization noise in pulse-code
`modulation (PCM) signal coding can be converted to a signal
`independent additive noise by a pseudo-noise technique
`Even within the limited framework outlined above, there is a
`diversity of approaches and systems. One objectiVe of this
`paper is to provide an overview of the variety of techniques
`that have been proposed for enhancement of speech degraded
`by additive background noise both for direct listening and as
`a preprocessor for subsequent bandwidth compression. Many
`of these systems were developed independently of each other
`and on the surface often appear to be unrelated. Thus another
`objective of the paper is to provide a unifying framework in
`terms of which the relationship between these systems is more
`visible, and which hopefully will provide a structure which
`will suggest further fruitful directions for research.
`In Section II, we present an overview of the _general topic.
`In this overview we classify the various enhancement systems
`based on the information assumed about the speech and the
`noise. Some systems based on time-invariant Wiener filtering,
`for example, rely only on an assumed noise power spectrum
`and on long-time average characteristics of speech, such as the
`fact that the average speech spectrum decays with frequency
`at approximately 6 dB/octave. Other systems rely on aspects
`of speech perception or speech production in general or on a
`detailed model of speech.
`Sections III-V present a more detailed discussion of several
`of these categories of speech-enhancement systems. In partic(cid:173)
`ular, Section III is concerned with the general principle of
`speech enhancement based on estimation of the short-time
`spectral amplitude of the speech. This basic principle encom(cid:173)
`passes a variety of techniques and systems including the
`specific methods of spectral subtraction, parametric Wiener
`ftltering, etc. In Section IV, speech enhancement techniques
`which rely principally on the concept of the short-time period(cid:173)
`icity of voiced speech are reviewed, including comb-filtering
`and related systems. Section V discusses a variety of systems
`that rely on more specific modeling of the speech waveform.
`As we will discuss in detail, in some cases, parameters of the
`model are obtained from an analysis of the degraded speech and
`used to synthesize the enhanced speech. In other cases, the
`results of an analysis based on a model for speech are used
`to control an enhancement filter, perhaps with the procedure
`being iterative so that the output of an enhancement ftlter is
`then subjected to further analysis, etc. Many of these systems
`also incorporate a number of the techniques introduced in
`Section III, including Wiener ftltering and spectral subtraction.
`In Sections III-V, the focus is entirely on systems for en(cid:173)
`hancement with the evaluation of the systems being based
`on listening without further processing.
`In Section VI, we
`consider the related but separate problem of bandwidth
`compression of speech degraded by additive noise.
`In Section VII, we discuss in some detail the evaluation of
`the performance of the various systems presented in the earlier
`sections. In general, the performance evaluation of a speech(cid:173)
`enhancement system is extremely difficult, in large measure
`because the appropriate criteria for evaluation are heavily
`dependent on the specific application of the system. Relative
`importance of such factors as quality, intelligibility, listener
`fatigue, etc., may vary considerably with the application. In
`Section VII, we summarize the performance evaluations that
`have been reported for the various systems presented in this
`paper. Since the evaluation of different systems has generally
`been based on different procedures, environments, etc., no
`attempt is made in the section to compare individual systems.
`In general, however, we will see that while many of the en(cid:173)
`hancement systems reduce the apparent background noise
`and thus perhaps increase quality, many of them to varying
`In the context of bandwidth
`degrees, reduce intelligibility.
`compression, however, various systems provide an increase
`in intelligibility over that obtained without the incorporation
`of speech enhancement.
`As indicated in the previous section, our focus in this paper
`is on degradation due to the presence of additive noise. Even
`within this limited context there are a wide variety of ap(cid:173)
`proaches which have been proposed and explored. Conceptu(cid:173)
`ally any approach should attempt to capitalize on available
`information about the signal, i.e., the speech, and the back(cid:173)
`ground noise. Speech is a special subclass of audio signals
`and there are reasonable models in terms of which the speech
`waveform can be described and categorized. The more speci(cid:173)
`fically we attempt to model the speech signal, the more poten(cid:173)
`tial'for separating it from the background noise. On the other
`hand, the more we assume about the speech the more sensitive
`the enhancement system will be to inaccuracies or deviations
`from these assumptions. Thus incorporating assumptions and
`information about the speech signal represents tradeoffs which
`are reflected in the various systems. In a similar manner sys(cid:173)
`tems can attempt to incorporate detailed information about
`the background noise. For example, the type of processing
`suggested if the background noise is a competing speaker is
`different than if it is wide-band random noise. Thus enhance(cid:173)
`ment systems also tend to differ in terms of the assumptions
`made regarding the background noise. As with assumptions
`related to the signal, the more an enhancement system at(cid:173)
`tempts to capitalize on assumed characteristics of the noise
`the more susceptible it is likely to be to deviations from these
`Another important consideration in speech enhancement
`stems from the fact that the criteria for enhancement ulti(cid:173)
`mately relate to an evaluation by a human listener. In different
`contexts the criteria for evaluation may differ depending on
`whether quality, intelligibility, or some other attribute is the
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1016, p. 1587

`.J ... J....J .. {p(nl} JL /\.,.A. A.
`"' '·· ,, .
`p, • ,.
`Fig. 1. A speech production model.
`3 >
`"' 0
`Fig. 2. An example of resonant frequencies of an acoustic cavity.
`(a) Vocal-tract transfer function. (b) Magnitude spectrum of a speech
`sound with the resonant frequencies shown in (a).
`most important. Thus speech enhancement must inevitably
`take into account aspects of human perception. As we will
`indicate shortly, some systems are heavily motivated by per(cid:173)
`ceptual considerations, others rely more on mathematical
`In such cases, of course, the mathematical criteria
`must in some way be consistent with human perception, and,
`while an optimum mathematical criterion is not known, some
`mathematical error criteria are understood to be a better
`match than others to aspects of human perception.
`In the following discussion we briefly describe some aspects
`of speech production and speech perception that in varying
`degrees play a role in speech-enhancement systems. Following
`that we present a brief overview of a representative collection
`of speech-enchancement systems, with the intent of cate(cid:173)
`gorizing these systems in terms of the various aspects of
`speech production and perception on which they attempt to
`Speech is generated by exciting an acoustic cavity, the vocal
`tract, by pulses of air released through the vocal cords for
`voiced sounds, or by turbulence for unvoiced sounds. Thus
`a simple but useful model for speech production consists of
`a linear system, representing the vocal tract, driven by an
`excitation function which is a periodic pulse train for voiced
`sounds and wide-band noise for unvoiced sounds, as illustrated
`in Fig. 1. Furthermore, since the linear system represents an
`acoustic cavity, its response is of a resonant nature, so that
`its transfer function is characterized by a set of resonant
`frequencies, referred to as formants, as illustrated in Fig. 2(a).
`Thus, if the excitation and vocal-tract parameters are fixed,
`then as indicated in Fig. 2(b), the speech spectrum has an
`envelope representing the vocal-tract transfer function of
`Fig. 2(a) and a fme structure representing the excitation.
`Many of the techniques for speech enhancement, particu(cid:173)
`larly those in Sections III and V are conceptually based on
`the representation of the speech signal as a stochastic process.
`This characterization of speech is clearly more appropriate in
`the case of unvoiced sounds for which the vocal tract is driven
`by wide-band noise. The vocal tract of course changes shape
`as different sounds are generated and this is reflected in a
`time varying transfer function for the linear system in Fig. 1 .
`However, because of the mechanical and physiological con(cid:173)
`straints on the motion of the vocal tract and articulators
`such as the tongue and lips, it is reasonable to represent the
`linear system in Fig. 1 as a slowly varying linear system so that
`on a short-time basis it is approximated as stationary. Thus
`some specific attributes of the speech signal, which can be
`capitalized on in an enhancement system are that it is the
`response of a slowly varying linear system, that on a short(cid:173)
`time basis its spectral envelope is characterized by a set of
`resonances, and that for voiced sounds, on a short-time basis
`it has a harmonic structure. This simplified model for speech
`production has generally been very successful in a variety of
`engineering contexts including speech enchancement, synthe(cid:173)
`sis, and bandwidth compression. A more detailed discussion
`of models for speech production can be found in [ 6] -[ 8] .
`The perceptual aspects of speech are considerably more
`complicated and less well understood. However, there are a
`number of commonly accepted aspects of speech perception
`which play an important role in speech-enchancement systems.
`For example, consonants are known to be important in the
`intelligibility of speech even though they represent a relatively
`small fraction of the signal energy. Furthermore, it is generally
`understood that the short-time spectrum is of central impor(cid:173)
`tance in the perception of speech and that, specifically, the
`formants in the short-time spectrum are more important than
`other details of the spectral envelope. It appears also, that the
`first formant, typically in the range of 250 to 800 Hz, is less
`important perceptually, than the second formant [ 9] , [ 10] .
`Thus it is possible to apply a certain degree of high pass filter(cid:173)
`ing [ 11], [ 12] to speech which may perhaps affect the first
`formant without introducing serious degradation in intelligi(cid:173)
`bility. Similarly low-pass filtering with a cutoff frequency
`above 4 kHz, while perhaps affecting crispness and quality
`will in general not seriously affect intelligibility. A good repre(cid:173)
`sentation of the magnitude of the short-time spectrum is also
`generally considered to be important whereas the phase is
`relatively unimportant. Another perceptual aspect of the
`auditory system that plays a role in speech enhancement is the
`ability to mask one signal with another. Thus, for example,
`narrow-band noise and many forms of artificial noise or deg(cid:173)
`radation such as might be produced by a vocoder are more
`unpleasant to listen to than broad-band noise and a speech(cid:173)
`enhancement system might include the introduction of broad(cid:173)
`band noise to mask the narrow-band or artificial noise.
`All speech-enhancement systems rely to varying degrees on
`the aspects of speech production and perception outlined
`above. One of the simplest approaches to enhancement is the
`use of low-pass or bandpass filtering to attenuate the noise
`outside the band of perceptual importance for speech. More
`generally, when the power spectrum of the noise is known,
`one can consider the use of Wiener filtering, based on the long(cid:173)
`time power spectrum of speech. While in some cases such as
`the presence of narrow-band background noise, this is reason(cid:173)
`ably successful, Wiener filtering based on the long-time power
`spectrum of the speech and noise is limited because speech is
`not stationary. Even if speech were truly stationary, mean(cid:173)
`square error which is the error criterion on which Wiener
`filtering is based is not strongly correlated with perception and
`thus is not a particularly effective error criterion to apply to
`speech processing systems. This is evidenced, for example, in
`the use of masking for enhancement. By adding broad-band
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1016, p. 1588

`noise to mask other. degradation, we are, in effect, increasing
`the mean-square error. Another example that suggests that
`mean-square error is not well matched to the perceptually
`important attributes in speech is the fact that distortion of the
`speech waveform by processing with an all-pass ffiter results
`in essentially no audible difference if the impulse response of
`the all-pass fllter is reasonably short but can result in a sub(cid:173)
`stantial mean-square error between the original and ffitered
`speech. In other words, mean-square error is sensitive to phase
`of the spectrum whereas perception tends not to be.
`Masking and bandpass ftltering represent two simple ways
`in which perceptual aspects of the auditory system can be
`exploited in speech enhancement. Another system whose
`motivation depends heavily on aspects of speech perception
`was proposed by Thomas and Niederjohn [ 12] as a preproces(cid:173)
`sor prior to the introduction of noise in those applications
`where noise-free speech is available for processing. In essence,
`their system applies high-pass f:tltering to reduce or remove the
`first formant followed by inimite clipping. The motivation
`for the system lies in the observation that at a given signal(cid:173)
`to-noise ratio infinite clipping will increase, relative to the
`vowels, the amplitude of the perceptually important low(cid:173)
`amplitude events such as consonants thus making them less
`susceptible to masking by noise.
`In addition, for vowels
`the flltering will increase the amplitude of higher formants
`relative to . the first formant, thus making the perceptually
`more important higher formants less susceptible to degrada(cid:173)
`In the speech enhancement problem considered in this
`paper, noise-free speech is not available for processing as re(cid:173)
`quired in the above system. Thomas and Ravindran ( 13],
`however, applied high-pass filtering followed by infmite
`clipping to noisy speech as an experiment. While quality may
`be degraded by the process of filtering and clipping, they claim
`a noticeable improvement in intelligibility when applied to
`enhance speech degraded by wide-band random noise. One
`possible explanation may be that the high-pass ftltering opera(cid:173)
`tion reduces the masking of perceptually important higher
`formants by
`relatively unimportant
`Another system which relies heavily on human perception of
`speech was proposed by Drucker [ 14] . Based on some per(cid:173)
`ceptual tests, Drucker concluded that one primary cause for
`the intelligibility loss in speech degraded by wide-band random
`noise is the confusion among the fricative and plosive sounds
`which is partly due to the loss of short pauses immediately
`before the plosive sounds. By high-pass ffitering one of the
`fricative sounds, the fsf sound, and inserting short pauses
`before the plosive sounds (assuming that their locations can
`be accurately determined), Drucker claims a significant im(cid:173)
`provement in intelligibility.
`In discussing perceptual attributes we indicated that the
`short-time spectral magnitude is generally considered to be
`important whereas the phase is relatively unimportant. This
`forms the basis for a class of speech enhancement systems
`which attempt in various ways to estimate the short-time
`spectral magnitude of the speech without particular regard to
`the phase and to use this to recover or reconstruct the speech.
`This class of systems includes spectral subtraction techniques
`originally due to Weiss et al. (15], [16], and which have
`recently received a great deal of attention [17]-[22] and
`optimum ftltering techniques such as Wiener ftltering and
`power spectrum ftltering. These systems will be discussed in
`considerable detail in Section III. As we will see, many of
`these systems which appear on the surface to be different
`are in fact identical or very closely related.
`In addition to directly or indirectly utilizing perceptual
`attributes most enhancement systems rely to varying degrees
`on aspects of speech production. For example, in Section IV,
`we describe in detail a variety of systems that attempt, in
`some way, to capitalize on short-time periodicity of speech
`during voiced sounds. As a consequence of this periodicity,
`during voiced intervals the speech spectrum has a harmonic
`structure which suggests the possibility of applying comb
`ftltering or as proposed by Parsons [23] attempting to extract
`in other ways, the components of the speech spectrum only
`In essence, knowledge of the
`at the harmonic frequencies.
`harmonic structure of voiced sounds allows us in principle to
`remove the noise in the spectral bands between the harmonics.
`As discussed in Section IV, speech enhancement by comb
`ftltering can also be viewed in terms of averaging successive
`periods of the noisy speech to partially cancel the noise.
`Another system, which attempts to take advantage of the
`quasi-periodic nature of the speech was proposed by Sambur
`[24]. As developed in more detail in Section IV, his system
`is based on the principles of adaptive noise cancelling. Unlike
`the classical procedure Sambur's method is designed to cancel
`out the clean speech signal, taking advantage of the quasi(cid:173)
`periodic nature of the speech to form an estimate of the
`speech at each time instant from the value of the signal one
`period earlier.
`In the model of speech production, we represented the
`speech signal as generated by exciting a quasi-stationary linear
`system with a pulse train for voiced speech and noise for
`unvoiced speech. Based on this model, an approach to speech
`enhancement is to attempt to estimate parameters of the
`model rather than the speech itself and to then use this to
`synthesize the speech, i.e., to enhance speech through the
`use of an analysis-synthesis system. A particularly novel
`application of this concept was used by Miller (25] to remove
`the orchestral accompaniment from early recordings of Enrico
`Caruso. In this system homomorphic deconvolution was used
`to estimate the impulse response of the model in Fig. 1. A
`similar approach to noise reduction was proposed by Suzuki
`[26], [27] whereby the short-time correlation function of
`the degraded speech is used as an estimate of the impulse
`response of the linear system. This system is referred to as
`splicing of auto correlation function (SP AC). A modification
`of SPAC is referred to as splicing of cross-correlation func(cid:173)
`tion (SPOC). A number of systems also attempt to model
`the vocal-tract impulse response in more detail. As we dis(cid:173)
`cussed previously the vocal-tract transfer function is charac·
`terized by a set of resonances or formants that are perceptually
`important. This suggests the possibility of representing the
`vocal-tract impulse response in terms of a pole-zero model
`with the analysis procedure directed at estimating the associ·
`ated parameters. The poles in particular would provide a
`reasonable representation of the formants.
`AU-pole modeling of speech has had notable success in
`analysis-synthesis systems for clean speech. A number of
`recent efforts have been directed toward estimating the param(cid:173)
`eters in an all-pole model from noisy observations of the
`speech such as the systems by MagiU and Un [ 28] , Lim and
`Oppenheim [29], Lim [18], and Done and Rushforth [30].
`Extensions to pole-zero modeling have also been proposed
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1016, p. 1589

`by Musicus and Lim [31 1 and Musicus [32]. These various
`approaches are described and compared in detail in Section V.
`The above discussion was intended as a brief overview of
`the general approaches to speech enhancement. In the next
`three sections we explore in more detail many of the systems
`mentioned above.
`In particular, in Section III, we focus on
`speech-enhancement techniques based on short-time spectral
`In Section IV our focus is on speech
`amplitude estimation.
`enhancement based on periodicity of voiced speech and in
`Section V on speech-enhancement techniques using an analysis(cid:173)
`synthesis procedure.
`In general, in enhancement of a signal degraded by additive
`noise, it is significantly easier to estimate the spectral ampli(cid:173)
`tude associated with the original signal than it is to estimate
`both amplitude and phase. As we discussed in Section II,
`it is principally the short-time spectral amplitude rather than
`phase that is important for speech intelligibility and quality.
`As we discuss in this section, there are a variety of speech(cid:173)
`enhancement techniques that capitalize on this aspect of
`speech perception by focusing on enhancing only the short(cid:173)
`time spectral amplitude. The techniques to be discussed can
`be broadly classified into two groups. In the first, presented
`in Section Ill-A, the short-time spectral amplitude is estimated
`in the frequency domain, using the spectrum of the degraded
`speech. Each short-time segment of the enhanced speech
`waveform in the time domain is then obtained by inverse
`transforming this spectral amplitude estimate combined with
`the phase of the degraded speech.
`In the second class, dis·
`cussed in Section III·B the degraded speech is frrst used to
`obtain a filter which is then applied to the degraded speech.
`Since these procedures lead to zero-phase ftlters, it is again
`only the spectral amplitude that is enhanced, with the phase
`of the ftltered speech being identical to that of the degraded
`In both classes of systems discussed below no conceptual
`distinction is made between voiced and unvoiced speech and in
`particular in contrast to the techniques to be discussed in
`Section IV the periodicity of voiced speech is not exploited.
`Both classes of systems in this section are most easily inter(cid:173)
`preted in terms of a stochastic characterization of the speech
`signal. - While this characterization is more justifiable for
`unvoiced speech it has been shown empirically to also lead
`to successful procedures for voiced speech.
`A. Speech Enhancement Based on Direct Estimation
`of Short-Time Spectral Amplitude
`When a stationary random signal s(n) has been degraded by
`uncorrelated additive noise d(n) with a known power density
`spectrum, the power density spectrum or spectral amplitude
`of the signal is easily estimated through a process of spectral
`subtraction. Specifically, if
`y(n) = s(n) + d(n)
`and Py(w), P,(w), and Pd(w) represent the power density
`spectra of y(n), s(n), and d(n), respectively, then
`Consequently, a reasonable estimate for P:(W) is obtained by
`subtracting the known spectrum Pd(w) from an estimate of
`P y( w) developed from the observations of y(n ).
`Speech, of course, is not a stationary signal. However, with
`s(n) in (I) now representing a speech signal and with the pro(cid:173)
`cessing to be carried out on a short-time basis we consider s(n ),
`d(n), and y(n) multiplied by a time-limited window w(n).
`With Yw(n), dw(n), and Sw(n) denoting the windowed signals
`y(n), d(n), and s(n) and Yw(w), Dw(W), and Sw(W) as their
`respective Fourier transforms we have
`1Yw(W)I2 = !Sw(w)l2 + !Dw{w)l2 + Sw(W) · D!,(w)
`+ S!(w) · Dw(W)
`where D!,(w) and S!(w) represent complex conjugates of
`Dw(w) and Sw(w). The function 1Sw(w)l2 will be referred
`to as the short-time energy spectrum of speech. For speech
`enhancement based on the short-time spectral amplitude, the
`objective is to obtain an estimat

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