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`- wu 1 c aL(..2Ut.t:NJ J. : a ueshy cup or tube that surrounds the
`thallus 2 : the saclike bract that subtends the pistillate flower
`of sedges of the genus Carex and that in fruit becomes a flask::::
`shaped envelope investing the achene
`pe•rig.y.nous \pJ'rij<1nds\ adj [NL perigynus, fr. peri- +
`-gynus -gynous] 1 : borne on a ring or cup of the rec.eptacle
`surrounding a pistil (........,petals) ( .......... stamens) 2 : havmg sta(cid:173)
`mens and petals borne on a ring or cup of the receptacle sur(cid:173)
`rounding a pistil and usu. adnate to the calyx although
`appearing to be situated upon it- compare EPI<";JYNOUS
`pe·rig.y.ny \-ne\ n -Es [peri-+ -gyny] :the quality or state of
`being perigynous
`peri-he·li·al \:pero:heleol \ adj [NL perihelion + E -a!] : of or
`relating to perihelion
`-s [NL perihelium,
`\:pera:helyan, -lean\ n
`perihelion fr. peri- + -helium, -he/ion (fr. Gk helios sun) -
`more at sOLAR] : periastron in the solar system: the point in
`the path of a planet, comet, meteor, artificial planetoid, passing
`star, or other celestial body that is nearest to the sun- op(cid:173)
`posed to aphelion; compare APSIS, PERICENTER, PERIGEE; See
`APHELION illustra uon
`peri-hepatitis \:pero+ \ n [NL, fr. peri- + hepatitis] : in-
`flammation of the peritoneal capsule of the liver
`peri•jove \'pera,j~v\ n -s [F phijove, fr. phi- peri- (fr_. qk
`peri-)+ Jove (Jupiter), 5th planet from the sun] : the pomt m
`the orbit of a satellite of Jupiter nearest the planet's center(cid:173)
`compare APOJOVE
`peri·kar• \:pera:kareal\ adj [NL perikaryon + E -al]
`: of or relating to a perikaryon
`peri-karyon \:pero+ \ also pericaryon \ "\ n, pi perikarya
`[NL, fr. peri- + Gk karyon nut, kernel -more at CAREEN]
`: the cytoplasmic body of a nerve cell
`Tper·il \'perol sometimes -(,)ril\ n -s [ME, fr. OF, fr. L
`periculum, peric!um trial, attempt1 danger - more at FEAR]
`1 : the situation or state of bemg in imminent or fearful
`danger : exposure (as of one's person, property, health, or
`morals) to the risk of being injured, destroyed, or lost : a
`position of jeopardy (in constant.........- of death) (a time of moral
`.........-) 2 a : something that imperils : a source of danger or
`possible cause of loss : RISK (to lessen the .-.....-s of the streets)
`(the ~s of a turgid rhetoric -Van Wyck Brooks) (a ~ is
`marine if it threatens a waterborne vessel -H.L.Haehl)
`b : conduct subjecting one to possible civil or criminal lia(cid:173)
`bilities 3 archaic : risk of incurring a penalty or of suffering
`unhappy consequences in saying or doing something that is
`prohibited- used as an imprecation (by my soul's .........-) (that I
`speak the truth, my ~ be my proof -Lord Byron) syn see
`DANGER- at one's peril : being responsible for any harmful
`or destructive consequences (a new order in party politics,
`which party leaders will disregard at their peril -A.N.Hol·
`com be) (a person who uses fire is bound to. keep it under con(cid:173)
`trol at his peri!-F.D.Smith & Barbara Wilcox)
`2,peril \ "\ vtperileda/so perilled; periled also perilled; peril-
`~~s~ a/!~/~:~1~~1iPee~~i~/ t~0fi~1~~~ ~ha~a~~~~i h~A~~:i~f
`you pulled a Mountain Battery mule's tail-Rudyard ~piing)
`peri·lampidae \,pera'\ n pi, cap [NL, fr. Perilampus,
`type genus (fr. Gk perilampein to shine around, fr. peri- +
`lampe in to give light, shine) + -idae- more at LAMP] : a small
`family of Hymenoptera comprising insects that are mostly
`secondary parasites on other insects (as of the orders Diptera
`and Hymenoptera)
`pe·ril·la \pa'rila\ n, cap [NL, perh. d!m: of J!era leat!'ter bag,
`wallet, fr. Gk pera] : a genus of Astatic mmts havmg four
`didynamous stamens, a bilabiate fruiting calyx, and rugose
`nutlets -
`per•ill•aldehyde \:per<il+ \ n [perilla (oil) + aldehyde] : a
`liquid compound C3HsC6H aCHO found esp. in the essential
`oil of an Asiatic mint (Perilla jrutescens var. nankinensis) and
`yielding an anti-oxime that is about 2000 times sweeter than
`sucrose; 4-isopropenyl·3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-benzaldehyde
`perilla oil n : a light yellow drying oil obtained from the seeds
`of mints of the genus Perilla and used chiefly in varnish,
`printing ink, and linoleum and in the Orient as an edible oil
`perilla purple n : a dark purplish red that is paler and slightly
`~l~~~ !~~n ~~~~sihJ'~lf~~h~~~der and paler than raisin, and
`per·il·less \ 'per~II:>s sometimes ·(,)rill-\ adj: free from peril
`per•il•OUS \'peraJas sometimes -eril-\ adj [ME, fr. OF perilleus,
`fr. L periculosus, fr. periculum danger + .-osus -ous- more at
`FEAR] 1 : full of, attended with, or involving peril : beset by
`perils : HAZARDOUS (perpetual struggle for the preservation of
`a .........- and precarious extstence - T .L.Peacock) (feel that .-.....(cid:173)
`fascination which haunts the brow of precipices -Nathaniel
`Hawthorne) \if crossing the parkway was.........- for them on week(cid:173)
`ends, it was nsky at all times -E.J.Kahn) 2 : capable of in(cid:173)
`flicting harm or injury : DREADFUL (foam of.........- seas -John
`Keats) (a .........- stone cliff high above the river -Amer. Guide
`Series: Pa.) 3 : subject to the possibility of destruction,
`damage, loss, or grave change at any moment (never lose a
`sense of the whimsical and .........- charm of daily life -L.P.
`Smith) (old man who trots along under a .........- tower of painted
`straw chairs -Gertrude Diamant) syn see DANGEROUS
`per·il·OUS•lY adv [ME, fr. perilous + -ly] : in a manner or to a
`degree involving peril (.........-close to defeat)
`per·il·OUS•ness n -ES : the quality or state of being perilous
`peril point n : the rate in tariff legislation at or below which
`imports of a commodity reach a volume that endangers
`business or employment
`perils of the sea : perils resulting from dangers peculiar to
`sea navigation : MARINE PERILS; specif : perils to a ship or
`her cargo causing damage to or loss of ship or cargo in the
`course of navigation on the high seas or navigable waters
`that in admiralty law is not attributable to latent defects in
`ship or cargo, to an unseaworthy ship, or to unskillful seaman(cid:173)
`perils of war : the war hazards specif. assumed under a policy
`of insurance
`peri·Iymph \'pero+,-\ n [ISV peri- +
`lymph] : the fluid
`between the membranous and bony labyrinths of the ear -
`compare ENDOLYMPH
`-atic (as
`peri-lymphatic \:pero+ \ adj [pe_rilymp~ +
`lymphatic)] : relatmg to or contammg penlymph
`perimedullary zone \:pero+ ... -\ n [ISV peri- + medullary]
`pe·rim·e·ter \pa'rim~d-a(r)\ n -soften attrib [F pirimetre, fr.
`L perimetros, fr. Gk, fr. peri- + metron measure - more at
`MEASURE] 1 a (1) : the boundary of a closed plane figure
`(the .........- of a circle)
`(2) : the measure of the boundary of a
`closed plane figure; spec,f : the sum of the lengths of the line
`segments forming a polygon b : a line or strip bounding or
`protecting an area (small cities on the .........- of the reservation
`~~1:~kk g~~~z~B~~r~~iU~nJ~~n~e~fh~ ~ b~fbae~h~~~i;g dii~~
`trict) c : outer limits (criticism which attempts to bring to
`literature insights found outside its .........--C. W.Shumaker) (the
`.........- of possible excursions was reduced -Andre Maurois)
`(House of Representatives report described the .........- of the
`legislation -U. S. Code) 2 a : an instrument for examining
`the discriminative powers of different parts of the retina often
`consisting of an adjustable semicircular arm with a fixation
`point for the eye and variable stations for the visual stimuli
`.._..A. "'Y" •uvu.":>c, 1uu:sc1e ;- i~L ~zum- more at
`-""· ••. y-•.
`MOUSE] : the connective~ tissue sheath that surrounds a muscle
`and sends partitions inward which form sheaths for the bun(cid:173)
`dles of muscle fibers; often : the portion sheathing the bundles
`distinguished from epimysium
`peri•natal \;per::J+ \ adj [ISV peri- + natal] : occurring at
`about the time of birth(.........- mortality)
`per.ine \'pe,ren, -rin\ n -s [prob. fr. G, fr. NL perinium]
`per·i·ne-al \:pera:ne~I\ adj [NL perineum + E -al] : of or
`relating to the perineum
`perinea- comb form [NLperineum] 1: perineum (perineocele)
`(perineoplasty) (perineotomy) 2 : perineum and (perineo(cid:173)
`per·i·ne•or·rha·phy \,perone'6rofe\ n -ES [ISV perinea- +
`-rrhaphy] :suture of the perineum usu. to repair a laceration
`occurring during labor
`peri• nephric \:pero+ \ adj [NL perinephrium + E -ic] 1 : of
`or relating to the perinephrium 2 : occurring about or sur(cid:173)
`rounding the kidney
`(fr. NL peri(cid:173)
`peri•nephritic \ "+ \ adj [ISV perinephrit-
`nephritis) + -ic] : PERINEPHRIC; also : of or affected with
`peri-nephritis\"+\ n [NL, fr.perinephrium + -itis]: inflam(cid:173)
`mation of the perinephric tissue
` \,pero'nefreom\ n, pi perineph·ria \-eo\
`[NL, fr. Gk perinephros fat about the kidneys (fr. peri- +
`nephros kidney) + NL -ium - more at NEPHRITIS] : the cap(cid:173)
`sule of connective and fatty tissue about the kidney
`per-i·ne-um also per·i·nae-um \,per~·ne~m\ n, pi peri·nea
`\·e<J\ [NL, fr. LL perinaion, perineon, fr. Gk perinaion,
`perineos, fr. peri- + -inaion, -ineos (fr. inan, inein to empty out,
`defecate)- more at IRE] : an area of tissue marking externally
`the approximate boundary of the outlet of the pelvis and as
`usu. demarked giving passage to the urinogenital ducts and
`the rectum; sometimes : the area between the anus and the
`posterior part of the external genitalia esp. in the female
`peri•neural \;pera+ \ adj [ISV peri- + neural] : occurring
`about or surrounding nervous tissue or nerves
`peri·neu·ri·al \!pera:nyure~I\ adj [NL perineurium + E -a/]
`I : of or relating to perineurium 2 : PERINEURAL
`peri·neu-ri-um \,pero'nyureom \ n, pi perineu-ria \-eo\ [NL,
`fr. pert·· + neur- + -fum] : the connective~tissue sheath that
`surrounds a bundle of nerve fibers
`pe.rin•i•U111 \po'rineom\ n, pi perin.ia \-eo\ [NL, fr. peri-+
`lfn- + -fum] : the sculptured outer coat of a pollen grain
`peri•OCUlar \:pere+ \ adj [peri· + ocular] : surrounding the
`eyeball but within the orbit(~ space)
`tpe.ri-od \'piread, 'per-\ n -s [ME pariode, fr. MF periode, fr.
`Antecedent Phrase
`Consequent Phrase
`period 2c
`ML, L, & Gk; ML period us period of time, punctuation mark,
`fr. L & Gk; L, rhetorical period, fr. Gk periodos way around,
`circuit, period of time, rhetorical period, fr. peri~ + hodos way,
`journey - more at CEDE] 1 a obs : customary or ordained
`~h~frt~r~1ne::~t~::for~it~~~~;c~~)keb ~~~h!shr;:{fSif!a~}i~~~~i~~
`~~~i;: :e~~~;~~cE;2e~; :~~{l:~:C";~rii~~d~:n{~~c~t~f s~~e~~i
`clauses (rounded .-.....-s) (stately .-.....-s) b : PERIODIC SENTENCE
`c : a musical structure or melodic section usu. of eight or
`sixteen measures and of two or more contrasting or comple·
`mentary phrases and ending with a cadence 3 a: the full pause
`with which the utterance of a sentence closes b : a pomt of
`time marking a termination of a course or an action : END,
`~7~~~~s;~T~?~g <f[~g;::si~· it ·~s~F~~a;~~r(~~::?e~,0[o~:ih~~
`with ... disease put a.........- to his honorable life -C.G.Bowers)
`4 a obs : final outcome : CONSUMMATION b obs : the goal of
`~~~~~~~.0~c~l~~~~e~ ~b~bt fh~ bi~g~~t1~of~f~t~~~~fr~~~~s~
`e : PERORATION (to hear the admiral's .......__ to the piece -Lee
`Rogow) 5 a: a point . used to mark the end of a declarative
`sentence, the end of an abbreviation (as Eng., Mr.), or the end
`of a paragraph heading or outline heading- often used inter(cid:173)
`jectionally at the end of a statement to indicate and emphasize
`that the statement is finished and complete without further
`qualification or discussion (private profit by public servants
`~e}~~v~~>e(~~n~fu~f~n g~h~~a~;'e~~~~h;s th~r~~:· t;; ;j!{,st~
`-H.W.Baldwin) (not just unlucky in love, but unlucky, ~>
`b : a division of time in a rhythmic series : a temporal unit of
`measure; specif : a rhythmical unit in Greek verse composed
`.v _ - · · _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u .. , ... Lua.L 1~ an epoch or
`in the history of civilization (the Reformation ........... ) (art in
`Yicto.ri!ln .........-) (furniture of tf?e .Empire.........-) c : a time oftcJ
`mdefimte length but of d1stmct1ve or specified chara
`: SPELL <-:---:.of la~iness) <---:s of .a~~iety) (a.........- of wet wca(t
`(.-.....-s of nsmg pnces) d • a divisiOn of geologic time lor.
`than an epoch and included in an era e : a stage of cull
`hav~ng a definable plac~ in ~nd space; specij : the len
`of time a pottery style lS mamtamed 10 a certain area 9
`number k that does not change the value of a periodic funct
`f when added to the independent variable: j(x+k)=f(>:)·
`: the .smallest s.uch number 10 : a sequence of elementS Or
`creaszpg atomi~ n!Jmbers as repres~nted usu. in horizor
`rows m the penodic table from one tnert gas to the next ~.
`that may be short (as from helium through fluorine 0~ r;
`neon through chlorine) or long (as from argon throL
`bromine) 11 a: one of the divisions of the academic day •
`time appointed for a recitation or lecture or for study phy~i
`training, luncheon •. assembly, or other activity : a ~lass he
`b : <?ne ~f the portiOns usu. of equal dura.tion into which .
`playmg time of a game (as hockey, polo) IS divided
`SYll EPOCH, ERA, .AGE, AEON: PERIOD, . the most general
`these terms, can designate any extent of time (a period of a f
`seconds) (the period of five thousand years prior to recorc
`history) EPOCH often designates the beginning of a pcri1
`esp. a striking or remarkable beginning (this is an epoch
`the end and the beginning of an age -H.G.Wells) but m~
`oftel"! designates a peri9d set off by some significant 'or striki
`quahty, event, or senes of related events (an epoch in 1
`annals of printing -Encyc. A'":,ericana) (the Renaissar
`epoch -G .C.Sellery) ERA, often Interchangeable with EPO
`in its more frequent meaning, is a period, usu. of histo
`m::trke<J. by some new or. c~aracterizable order of things (t
`Vxctonan era) (the Chnstlan era) (an era of singular cri
`and upheaval -J.W.Aldridge) AGE, usu. interchangeal
`with but possibly more definite than ERA, is used frequently 0
`period dominated by a central figure or clearly marked fcatL
`(the a.tomic. age) (the age of ~hak~speare) (the age of Rcaso
`AEON IS an Immeasurable or mdefimtely long period (Mars j1
`planet which has rusted away, its oxygen having been used~
`aeons ago -J.G.Vaeth) (the hour of waiting seemed an ae.
`to the impatient child)
`2period \ "\ adj 1 : relating or belonging to an historic
`period : deriving from or fashioned after the style prevale
`m a particular period (.........- furniture) (.........- costume) 2 : rc
`resenting realistically a particular historical period· esp : d
`pending largely on ~vocation of a period for effect (.........- pia:
`(.........-novel) (an amusmg .........-study of manners -Time)(.........- filn
`per·iodate \~por, (')Rer+ \ n -s [ISV periodic (acid) + -ate] :
`salt of a penodtc actd
`pe.ri-od-ic \!pire:tldik, :per~, -dek\ adj [F phiodiqae, fr.
`periodicus, fr. Gk periodikos, fr. periodos period + -ikos -ic(cid:173)
`more at PERIOD] 1 a: characterized by periods :occurring:
`regular intervals (.........-phases of the moon) (.........-municipal clc'
`tions) b : occurring repeatedly from time to time : Rl
`CURRENT, INTERMIITENT (.........- epidemics) (.........- drinking spree!
`: FREQUENT (one of Bermuda's .........- power failures -Tinu
`2 : consisting of a series of stages or processes that is regular!
`repeated: CYCLIC(.........- vibration) 3: of or relating to a pcrio
`(house was pleasant and comfortable, they were too sophist
`cated to be.........- -Scribner's) 4 a: of or relating to a form c
`construction found in some Greek odes in which the secon
`and third in a group of four strophes are alike in structure an
`the first and fourth differ from these and from each oth..:
`b : expressed in or characterized by periodic sentences (..(cid:173)
`per·iod·ic acid \:por.J,T:adik-, :perJ\ n [ISV per- +
`: any of a series of strongly oxidizing acids that are the highc~
`oxygen acids of iodine and may be regarded as derived fror
`a hypothetical iodine heptoxide 120 7 by union with varyin
`amounts of water: as a : a hygroscopic crystalline aci1
`Hsl06 obtainable by electrolytic oxidation of iodic acid -
`called also orthoperiodic acid, paraperiodic acid b : an un
`stable acid HI04 that forms stable salts and is obtained as :
`white residue by dehydration of orthoperiodic acid by heat(cid:173)
`called also metaperiodic acid
`lpe·ri·Od·i·cal \:pire:ad<ikol, :per-, -dek-\ adj [L periodicus -f
`E -al] 1 : PERIODIC 1 (when the bookmobile pulls in for its,.....
`cal1 -Saturday Rev.) 2 a : published with a fixed interva
`usu. longer than a day between the issues or numbers (news
`papers and.........- publications) (keeping up with the.........- litera tun
`on the arts) b : published in, characteristic of, or conncctcc
`with a periodical (.........- book reviews) (.........-room in a library)
`2periodical \ "\ n -s : a magazine or other publication ol
`which the issues appear at stated or regular intervals -
`used of a publication appearing more frequently than annuall}
`but infrequently used of a newspaper
`periodical CiCada n : SEVENTEEN-YEAR LOCUST
`pe-ri·od·i•cal·IY \:pire:ad<ik(o)le, -dek-, -li\ adv 1: at regular
`intervals of time 2
`: from time to time : RECURRENTLY,
`This is a common long form of the table. Roman numerals and letters head(cid:173)
`ing the vertical columns indicate the groups (there are differences of opinion
`regarding the letter designations, those given here being probably the most
`generally used). The horizontal rows represent the periods, with two series
`removed from the two very long periods and represented below the main
`table. Atomic numbers are given above the symbols for the elements, and
`atomic weights or (in square brackets) mass numbers of the isotopes of
`longest known half-life are given below the symbols. Compare ELEMENT table
`VIlA Zero
`IV A VA VIA 1.008 4.003
`8 -9- ---w-
`-3 - -4 -
`10.82 12.011 14.008 16.000 19.00 20.183
`6.940 9.013
`_1_3_14 15 --ur--17 _1_8_
`_1_1_ ~
`M m
`a ~
`~ ~
`!VB VB VIB VIIB ~ IB liB 26.98 28.09 30.975 32.066 35.457 39.944
`22.991 24.32
`30 -31- 32 33 ""34" 35 ~
`~ 20 21
`Cr Mn
`39.100 40.08 44.96 47.90 50.95 52.01 54.94 55.85 58.94 58.71 63.54 65.38 69.72 72.60 74.91 78.96 79.916 83.80
`y ~ m ~ n
`b ~ N ~ ~ fu ~ ~ n
`~ &
`I ~
`85.48 87.63 88.92 91.22 92.91 95.95
`101.1 102.91 106.4 107.88 112.41 114.82 118.70 121.76 127.61 126.91 131.30
`---ss- 56 5'7 72 73 74 ~ ~ 7'778 79 80 _8_1_ ---s2 83 ----s4 85 --s6
`Th w
`a ~ m
`~ ~ fu n ~ m ~ M
`~ h
`132.91 137.36 138.92 178.50 180.95 183.86 186.22 190.2 192.2 195.09 197.0 200.61 204.39 207.21 209.00 210
`[223] 226.05 227
`58 I 59 I 60 I 61 I 62 I 63 I 64 I 65 I 66 I 67 I 68 I 69 I 70 I 71
`Tb Dy Ho
`Eu Gd
`140.13 140.92 144.27 [145] 150.35 152.0 157.26 158.93 162.51 164.94 167.27 168.94 173.04 174.99
`I 97
`I 96
`I 95
`I 94
`I 93
`I 92
`u ~ ~ ~ ~ D
`232.05 231 238.07 [237]
`I 98
`I 99
`102 I
`fu ~ fu
`Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Ex. 1013, p. 3

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