Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
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`You are the
`You start with a brilliant idea. ..
`You prototype your concept on :1 small
`scale quickly and inexpensively. ..
`You smoothly integrate mult:'—user
`applications as you need them...
`You have aE Bring your com-
`pany online. Tie the workgroups to the
`customers. Distribute all kinds of infor-
`mation and electronic media. Or maybe
`launch a new business in cyberspace.
`You need more than just a BBS —-
`you want -:-.-
`- for creating
`your own online service. A system that
`is tailored to your mission. And nobody
`can do it better than you.
`Start Right the First Time
`The Major BBS‘ Version 6.2 gives
`you everything you need to
`e-mail, forums, polls, file libraries, QWK,
`teleconference, a user registry, and more.
`Right away, you can plug in one or two
`modems in a DOS-based 386 or better
`and go online.
`% your look and feel with
`the built-in Menu Tree“ and text block
`editor. Use Locks and Keys" security for
`intuitive access control. Create unlimit-
`for accounting and
`ed user classes
`system management.
`Enjoy auto-generated
`M1-IS importing!’ exporting, full multi-
`lingual support, time analysis and user
`reports, CD-ROM utilities, remote Sysop
`management, "doors" to an auxiliary
`machine, an activity audit trail, auto-
`cleanup and timed events — hundreds
`of special features designed to make
`your are as sysop am
`and Assembly, they provide far greater
`languages or xBASE derivatives.
`But that's just the beginning...
`You Need It? You Got It...
`Expand Your Horizons
`Next, you can integrate a wide array
`of add-on options. Installation is as easy
`as "A:lNSTALL”. The Major BBS takes
`full advantage of -' -
`dynamically link these features into
`your system.
`For instance, FaxiOnI:'ne lets you
`provide outgoing fax-mail and fax data-
`base services to your users. Search and
`Retrieve gives you a full document data-
`base, with support for graphics files and
`fax attachments. AndE mail and
`newsgroups can pipe right in with the
`Major Gatewayllntemet package.
`Other DLL extensions available from
`Galactioomm include Shopping Mail, The
`Major Database, Entertainment Collection,
`Dial-Out, and a special version of the
`RLPo1'nt GUI design tool.
`Use the Menu Tree designer to place
`these new options in the most conve-
`nient location.
`::.-.:—..»~. —='-'
`you decide which users will have access.
`Over 150 independent software ven-
`dors offer a wealth of products you can
`cleanly add to your system as DI..Ls.
`Plug in software such as:
`I multimedia document servers
`I MLS photograph databases
`I credit card verifiers
`I FIDO. QWK, RIME mail support
`I online bidding networks
`I employment classifieds
`I 1-900 payment and tracking
`I interactive rnultiplayer gain
`I worldwide "chat” networks
`I automatic call-back verifiers
`I contact management databases
`I alternate user languages
`I photograph dating services
`I online purchasing systems
`I satellite news delivery
`I remote management tools
`I and much, much more...
`Each of these products integrates
`directly into your system,
`taking full
`advantage of our :=-._.s"jE:-
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
`Page 2

`We just provide the tools.
`As you grow, you add more lines, hook
`up your LAN, connect to the Internet...
`And you experience the success of
`your own, unique orriine seroice.
`Major BBS also works smoothly with
`non-intelligent hardware by vendors
`such as Digilloard and Boca Research.
`And Connectivity For All
`Only The Major BBS gives you the
`ability to support modems, serial con-
`nections, [PX/SPX LAN channels, direct
`X.25 circuits, and TCP/II’ sessions — all
`on one computer. Each channel group
`can have different menu branches and
`security controls, at your option.
`The Adwmced LAN Option lets you
`create a bank of channels that will
`dynamically accept calls from computers
`around your office —- directly through
`your '.'.
`You can also provide % and
` - -t'._aj r_':-_:_[.
`access at low cost via the
`X.25 Sofiruere Option and a PC )(Net card
`— you avoid the inefficiencies and
`expense of a PAD.
`And our new Internet Connectivity
`Option lets you integrate a%
`directly into your BBS. You don't need a
`separate machine to provide telnet in,
`telnet out, FTP client, and FTP server fea-
`tures to your users. Anonymous FTP and
`Internet surcharges are aiso supported.
`A Bright Future Awaits You
`There are few limits to what you can
`accomplish with The Major BBS. The full
`.'_-_I._-—' to the BBS is available, to
`give you the ultimate flexibility. Write
`your own add~on options, or tweak a
`particular function to your exact needs.
`And to address the needs of very
`high-end applications, Galacticomm has
`launched a
`to provide The Major BBS platform for
`minicornputers to supercomputers.
`Integrated solutions,
`and custom development are available
`-from Ambassador dealers worldwide.
`is available to you
`via voice, fax, BBS, Compuserve, and the
`Internet. A quarterly magazine called
`The Major News provides you tips and
`tricks,aswellasa E forthird-
`party productsand services. Andregular
`software improvements bring you the
`latest in online technology.
`For more infor-rnation, give us a call
`at 1-800-328-1128 (or 305-583-5990 out-
`side the U.S. and Canada). And let's turn
`your visions into %
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
`Page 3
`atform gives you this power.
`No other BBS
`"Doors" even let you interface to
`ient/server databases and other DOS
`aplications, as well as the programs
`ritten for multinode BBSes.
`'ith the Freedom to Grow
`As your system takes off, you can
`Id --
`"__:_ '
`multitaskers or stacks of computers.
`mply add Llser Six-Pack licenses and
`mok up more modems.
`0NI.‘lT!-[E Mayor: BB5 GIVES YOU
`11!: POWER TO surronr OVER 100
`sruurrahmous HIGH-SPEI-:D USERS
`In performance tests reported by
`urdwatch Magazine, The Major BBS
`14.4 modem rates (1750 cps), and over
`at 28.8 modern speeds (3300 cps]. In
`ost real world cases, even more simul-
`neous users are possible.
`You can use multiport hardware
`ch as the GalactiBoa.rcl and GalactiBox
`_: ofinter-
`1 and external modems. (Galaclicotnm
`the only BBS manufacturer with multi-
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
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`the use of other PC's, software on a
`Novel] File Server, etc. You connect the
`PC that runs Major BBS to an ethernet
`cable that has TCPIIP connected to it,
`and you can play.
`tions added to the BBB. But the telnet
`in function requires a small shim
`between the GOD] and the TCPIIP
`stack to intercept calls to port 23, a
`telnet convention.
`he drive to develop tools connecting
`bulletin boards to the Internet is
`picking up steam strongly going into
`the fall of 1994. The latest to announce
`an Internet connectivity solution is
`Galacticomm, Inc. They’ll be demoing a
`new option for The Major BBS at ONE
`BBSCON titled the Internet Connec-
`tivity Option or (ICO). Priced at $995.
`the new software package is slated for
`availability by October 1, 1994.
`The Internet Connectivity Option
`provides inbound and outbound telnet
`and ftp for The Major BBS. This means
`callers to a Major BBS system can
`telnet or ftp out to other services on the
`Internet, and Internauts, conversely,
`can telnet or fip into the bulletin board
`system. The package, developed by
`Galacticomm’s chief engineer Bob
`Stein, is unique in a couple of key ways.
`First, it is reasonably self sufficient. It
`consists almost entirely of software,
`including changes to Major BBS itself,
`some additional applications, and a
`TCPIIP stack from Ipswitch, Inc., of
`Wakefield Massachussetts. The result
`is a series of layers of software between
`Major BBB and the LAN adapter
`allowing the four basic functions imple-
`mented in this release.
`This is somewhat similar to the packet
`Windows we described in our March
`issue. As a result, it does not require
`The basic architecture relies on a
`layered design. The Major BBS itself
`normally relies on an underlying
`communications software library called
`the Galacticomm Software Break-
`through Library or GSBL. This is the
`low level comm routines the company
`originally offered with a modem board
`sold by Galacticomm and it is inter-
`esting to note that The Major B38 was
`originally a demonstration BBS to
`demonstrate use of the GSBL for
`communications applications.
`The [CO requires a new version of
`Major BBS. Version 6.25 and later will
`incorporate a new layer in the GSBL
`called The Galacticomm Custom Device
`Interface or GCDI. The GCDI allows
`vendors to interface devices to the
`GSBL simply by providing a Dynamic
`Link Library or DLL program.
`The heart of the Internet Connectivity
`Option or ICO is the TCP,-"IP stack fiom
`Ipswitch, Inc. titled the Piper!IP
`TCPIIP Kernel. This is a DLL that
`implements the Transmission Control
`Protocolllnternet Protocol necessary to
`connect to the Internet. This particular
`stack is interesting in that it exists
`mainly in Protected Made memory and
`leaves a very small footprint of perhaps
`8 KB in the PC's main memory when
`using a LAN driver.
`The telnet out, flp out, and ftp in func-
`tions of the ICC are really just applica-
`Bob fleln, Gslsctlcomm, Inc.
`The TCP.-’IP stack, in turn interfaces to
`a packet driver. This conforms to the
`basic Clarkson Driver packet driver
`concept that has virtually become a
`standard for PCs. The basic Galacti-
`comm design
`ODlIPK'I‘.COM driver written by Daniel
`Lanciani, who coincidentally is the
`main designer of the Ipswitch kernal as
`well, to interface the system to Novell's
`Open Data-Link Interface LAN
`protocol. But you could conceivably
`replace 0D|PI(T.C0|I with another packet
`driver for SLIP or PPP for example, to
`connect the system by modem to an
`Internet Services Provider using the
`Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) or
`the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) as
`The resulting package offers some
`interesting features. Callers can
`connect to a site using Major BBS
`global commands available from almost
`Images..] or ltelnst hocltacom.
`Intsrnauts who telnet in will simply be
`connected to the normal Maior BBS
`logon prompt. FTP callers can either
`login with their existing logon name
`and password to access all file directo-
`ries that correspond to BBB file
`libraries, or as “anonymous” following
`the normal Internet convention to gain
`access to a limited series of files made
`available to the public. Additionally,
`Gslacticomm is making an Internet
`Connectivity Development Kit available
`to their third-party developers allowing
`them in turn to develop additional
`capabilities. The DLL architecture
`afforded by their new Galacticomm
`Common Device Interface allows these
`plug-in applications. They can use flinc-
`tions such as regtcpsvrfl to register a
`server to listen for connections on a
`specific TCP port number (telnet
`listens on port 23, ftp on port 21,
`gopher on port 80 by convention) or
`tcpdial() to initiate a connection to
`another system. The company is hoping
`to inspire their active thin-d—party devel-
`oper community to build applications
`such as archie clients, gopher servers,
`WWW servers, and so forth to add to
`the basic system. Availability and
`pricing on the development kit has not
`been set.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
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`convention is so widespread it should
`be easy to implement, and is actually a
`real keystroke saver.
`Galacticomn: faces a big development
`curve for SMTP, NNTP, domain name
`service, and routing issues, but for
`basic telnetfflp access into and out of a
`Major BBS system, the [CO seems to
`fill the ticket with a minimum amount
`of other hardware and software. Galac-
`tioomm, Inc., 4101 SW 47th Ave, Suite
`101, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314;
`(305)583-5990 voice; (305)583-7488
`fax; (305)583-7808 BBS.
`E E E
`I I I
`The package does NOT includeT-
`someitems normally considered pretty
`basic such as the Simple Mail Trans-
`sendingfreceiving electronic mail, the
`Network News Transport Protocol
`(NNTP) for sendingfreoeiving USENET
`news, or any form of internal domain
`name service. For the present, these
`who buy ICO at $995
`will automatically get
`Gatewayflnternet add-
`on option, normally
`priced at 5249. at no
`additional cost. This is
`an e-mail and USENET
`gateway that uses the
`Unix to Unix Copy
`Program (UUCPJ 3
`protocol to send and
`receive mail. Existing
`Gstswayflntornet users
`will be credited $150
`toward the purchase of
`the Internet Connec-
`tivity Option. And at
`some point
`in the
`future t_hey intend to
`add SMTP and NNTP
`Connectivity Option
`ending the
`dependence on UUCP
`for mail.
`We did telnet and ftp to
`system, which was
`running on a 14.4 kbps
`SLIP connection at the
`time, which didn't
`allow it to show off
`much with regards to
`performance, but did
`demonstrate the func-
`tions. One interesting
`aspect was that from
`any command prompt,
`you can enter an FTPA
`command with a site
`name, and it would
`automatically do an
`anonymous ftp logon,
`including entering the
`login prompt, and your
`e-mail address on the
`Galacticomm system as
`the password. We're
`not real clear on why
`we haven't seen this
`nifiy feature anywhere
`else before, since the
`THE MAJOR BBS Version 6.25 or Later
`Galacllcomm Software Bresltthro
`Llbrsry GSBL)
`filth Galactlcomm custom Device ntsrfsos ( ODI)
`ICO Telnet In Shlm
`P|per:‘|P Temp Kemsl
`NOWIIO - Daisllnk Interface OD
`Boardwatch - September 1994
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1029
`Page 7

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