week without even consitlering the statistics
`for the Atari ST‘.
`l read the ll)l11.|'iL‘.g:1t1lt:S group regularly,
`and the topics there r;tt1gr: l*i'on1 lJL‘l‘lCl]lTI.’il‘l-:-
`ing oi’ video Frtune ran: to the lack of sleep
`caused hy playing so‘ rl/l:':':'.="5 Citzifizzttitate.
`The hottest topics right now are discttssions
`of strategy (and cries for hell!) in Uftr'22tn'
`Uur/t-river"/d If and Star Car.rm2l /I.
`The MS-DOS games archive is located on a
`computer at Lowell Uttivet'sity in t'\/l:t.-:sael1t1-
`sells. (The internet atltlress is l'tp.t1lowell.etlII.)
`tlte sharew'.trt.'
`titles from
`“Dr:-c" O'Neill, who checks uploaclccl files For
`to I11'.i.l\'(‘ sure the softwtlrt: is not
`copyriglttctl material. in £1ct.ttplo-.tdingcopy—
`rightetl material to any lntcrnct host is -a big
`no-no. A lar_2_e
`repository liar
`/-Imymrur scenarios was shut Liown by the Ml-
`ministration at Kansas State Uuiv<:tsit_v due to
`com plain ts
`Iiom Tl‘llfCt:-Sl.Xl}’ about one
`copyrl htcd
`progtaul whicli
`LI|'Ill')i'lLFL‘i.‘l by an irmspottsilalc user.
`In '.1tlditiun, there are lug MS-DOS game
`repositories at the Univer.-;ir_v ofMicl1igat1 I-.1r—
`cltive.wu.\tl.etlttl. There is a daily inllilx oi.
`prog1".uns into the "i\/lSDOS_lJ|’l,(').»\lTIS"
`directory, and the latest demos :1l‘|L'l otl1eI'|1etv
`solitware are often posted there first.
`I reeelitly
`Llownloatletl £1 tlemo oFthe l.1’J}!rJlfJJ‘gt' .?g‘.l11iL'
`which was enough to revive Lemtntniligluania
`for an all too short while.
`-l‘l'It.‘t‘t' was 21 ptontise to s:1y.s‘o:nr:tliiItglitr—
`tlicr -.1bout DJ"/Jlamrtty on the lnternet. and
`while 5 act: pI'(}llilli[.'i tue lrom going into too
`much L crttil. sulliee it to 5:1)’ that e—m:til is lots
`quiclter than postal play, and con1puterar.lju-
`LliL".tLots (programs known to
`(lie Dl|)lUil]‘.1{;ylllltllliultls "the
`JtItlge") are available on hosts
`in the U.S..
`J\ustr-alia. and
`Soul h l\|i'ir.‘:: i.Ull:l1l(llt.'l1]0Sl'()li
`llle l)(JtJlil<Ct.'pll1g chores. l“-low
`ili only someone would write
`an SVGA front end for the
`it is now possible to play computer games,
`talk about computer games, and even design
`Computer games (in a fashion) on the Internet.
`Apogcc and Epic are :1v:1il:ihle,
`as well as demos oFman_v popu-
`lar commercial
`titles. 'l'l1t-re is
`also a directory ol” nothing hut
`text adventures and :1 large til-
`rcctory of l‘l1l.'i(It'll:]l‘lt‘tIll1-I gzuue.-:
`which run the gamut Frotn a
`primitive. Sp:rt.'e fiitrtiz/en clout:
`to the ll‘l]|'.|l't.'.‘iSlVI;' ufillout
`‘em up" C.-'.'t/m't£\'.
`which rivals many current coutmercial olli:r-
`ings. Directories for patches and utilires can
`also he iotitttl liertt. anti there is even a com-
`prclircusive archive olithe eltrctronic ll1'.1gil7.ll1L'
`C.itm:t'tl'2_yltu'. whiclt ii.'il|.LIl'L'h'
`l'(.'Vl¢..‘w.5 (inclutling
`screenshotsl) of new and existing |u'ot|t1cI‘s.
`Files are couipressetl with PKZII’. althou Ili
`several other compression fort1t;its are zilito
`'l'|1e :1rcl1ive is maintainetl hy Brian
`cl1ive.tnstlos.e¢.lu] and O-.tltl-arid University
`loult.oalcl:tI1d.e(lu]. among otliers, and .1 so-
`pcrh collection oi ll.’/izzziatvr software at
`Ulliversity oi‘ lndian:1 Iitp.cic;t.intliana.etllll.
`Tl1t.'1‘C is even an archive at the University oi‘
`lowsl wlticlt
`is tlevutctl
`to garrtc solutions,
`hints and wa|l:rl1I'oup,lis! One of the largest
`:lt'L‘lliVU sites (probably the busiest as
`well} i.-: the liztmotls "wuarcl‘tivc" at Wfl§i1il1g-
`ton University
`jutlgc output!
`tl1:tt's a whirlwintl tour of Internet
`gaining. We Lltielted at a few olthe major ports
`(ll'iC‘.!ll, httt there are many hayotts anti l‘1;lL'l<-
`waters to be explorctl. and the goutl news is
`there will soon he easy access to all of‘
`them. The growth Ulitllc lntetnet. enstlres that
`this vast ocean ol‘ tlatu. discussion and dive!‘-
`sions will soon he lapping al evet'yont:'s lap-
`top. ifit isn't so:1ltittt_.r_ their shoes nlreatly. (So
`r/Jrtfrwliy my socl-ts are so wet!) cow
`Strategies of the Month
`A monthly column to improve the quality of play
`SOLITA1RE'S JOURNEY ° Many games, like Klondike the
`“standard" solitaire, can't be won every game, but you will have to play
`with some level of skill in order to get your average above the standard
`averages that have been set-up. It may take some practice at the game.
`CONQUERED KINGDOMS: - Using a well mixed force is quite
`essential. It is important to support one type of unit with another that can
`eliminate their nemeses. This type of a combination can devastate your
`opponents onslaught. This mix is also vital when tcleporting with a
`wizard. A wizard with only archers being teloportecl into an area in
`which you have not explored could quickly be eradicated by a few
`catapults. * A great challenge: Try not utilizing any dragons on map 5.
`This is a challenge that should only be tried after using all the unit types
`several times.
`BATTLES OF DESTINY - Artillery is a very important unit type that
`can wreak havoc upon anyonc's front lines. They are by no means the
`most powerful unit, but they can punch holes in that “unbeatable”
`defense that some speak of. - If you have not tried all three methods of
`startin g, you may want to try some of the others. It is almost like
`playing a completely different game. The strategies you will need to
`employ change significantly if you are playing for a set amount of time
`or an unlimited game.
`Quantum Quality Productions
`1046 River Avenue. Flemin a ton. N. J. 08822
`(_'irt‘l‘t- Kt-.trlt.-r .‘>'t=.-‘vr'('t- new
`lacking into the Internet
`("letting access to an Internet account isn't as
`easy as picking up a phone and suhscribin . as
`with the commercial networks. Most users n the
`lI1tI:1'net have accounts tllruuglt their associulioll
`with an 0l'g‘.lni'{.:l.ll0l1 with Internet/Usenet ac-
`cess; usually .1 large comp.tn_v with govt-rtttiieltt
`nzonucclion.-. or it tutivcrsity. Sonic tttiiversities do
`olier accounts to private itttlividuals fitr :l. fee. but
`must restrict access to mctnhcrs nFtht: school.
`‘t access is
`The only other way For one to
`through a private bulletin lioarti system [l3llS)
`that is an "ollieial" Usettetflutertiet site. Many
`privutc B355 have access to :1 lintitetl I1LlH1l)Cr()f
`Usenet news groups and nlilcr limited r:-mail
`capability. Finding such a buartl is :1 matter of
`poking around the B1353 in your area. Phone
`ttumhcrs and information can usually be liiuntl
`in local computer weekly magazines and at lot::tl
`user-group rnectiugs.
`Tltt-re are several good sources oliitiforiiiatiott
`on the IntcructiUsem::. A nice overview of
`worltlwicle networks is John Qttartcrlnaifs Wu‘
`1l'I:t't?'f.\.'. CorJ.tpmci' Networlzt mm’
`.S"y:.rcm.r Worlzltuidr.
`|‘JlllJll!il‘lI.:tl by Digital Press.
`12 Crosby Drive. Betlford. MA 0l730 (800)-
`545-8321. Quttrterm.-in
`monthly ncwslt:ttcI', Matfruit N.-vw. whicll t:uvL'rs
`the lnternet, amtung others‘ Contact Matrix in-
`formation and Dll'L'CEO|'}' Services. "fill
`Suite 500. Austin. TX 7370!. ("2-12) 32¢)-903].
`Other gt-ttcrul
`sources inclmle Brim?/u»':h’t'IiI'
`Mzrgrrzitte, 5970 S. Vivian Sn. Lirtlcmn. CO
`(303) 973-21222, and 0rrl.r'm'
`wlti-;|t can be found on most computer pI.1l)lit:‘.1—
`tiort lll:\-\v'S5l'3I1ClS. Iiliw
`{ ‘urn;-urer tittiitftrp '|'l’rrrlrl'
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1025
`Page 76

`In the Old West. you couldn't tell the bad guys from the
`good guys by how ugly they were (you had to rely on the color
`oftheir hats). But in FreddyPhadras, Frontr‘erPham'racr'st even a
`scrawny. sissifiecl. oneearecl Pharmacist can be a good guy.
`AI Lowe, creator of Leisure Suit Larry, spins a yam of school-
`marrns and chorus girls with hearts dgold, cowboys and Indians,
`and varmints and heroes. |t'sthe bra nd-new. age-old tale of
`Freddy Pharkas, a gunslinger who gave itall up for his love of
`pharmacology. Together with his faithful Indian compa nion,
`Srini Bagdnish, Freddy sets out to save bu colic, boring
`Coarsegold from a fate worse than Hollywood adaptation.
`5odon'tjust groan at all those old hor-3e—opera cliches.
`' Be one. Strap on your spurs for a saga that skewers every
`' Western underthe sun. Mosey on down to your software store
`T and ask for Freddy Pharlras, Frontier Pharrnacisl:
`And smile when you say that.
`See your local retaileror call 1-300-3266654.
`Circle Reader Service H39
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1025
`Page 77

`Into the Volcano
`of Death
`A Trip Into the Fiery Environs of TSN’s
`by Smmrel {V'gcr) Brtlter ll
`The Sllatlow oi Ysethlus
`Ulllitltilutl llour in nnt- party)
`Si2.‘li;'|Iu.trtIl: lul ll} III:uI~. tm
`The Sn.-II.I |’\lt-l\_.vnI|t, plus §‘l,fllillrI'Il(mIll I't1t
`ntem lo Mt-tlitlt-.t| Lttml.
`lue \'h.ut.1
`PLll3llSH1":lv?fl-ICISI; Iho Sierra Network
`Cm rsrcgoltl. CA
`winion was ".1 lovely port. ruled by a king.
`All races were welcome and times were
`happy. Then tt'ouhle artivetl in the Form
`ollAt:1:tltkian Slowfoot, a wivard that the king
`invited to live in a castle on the island. Art1ak-
`ll l‘L.r\‘|’E RS:
`l(l§iJ1(.llLl|':".' play nice and one night, whether h_v
`intent or mimtlventttre. evoltetl a volcanic em p-
`tion. The volcano (named Yserhius) httriecl his
`digs in lava. Now the place is only open to the
`more adventurous tourist trade. That's where we come in.
`The .'§brr.c!ort: of'}'.'l?.tr!! is The Sierra Network's entry into multi-
`player roleplaying on thr.’ computt-r. [Each person can run one t:h:tr:tcter
`at 3 time and he joined lay up to three other lTlCllLl5 to l1at:l«;. slaslt :ttlLl.
`pttzzlc their way through the clcpths ofthe volcano in whielt the action
`tal-res place.
`resents a 3-D _vou-are-there perspective a la Drrtrgeatr
`The game
`/l'Ir25rt'r' or U rfrrrrr Ur1c1't'r‘tr,vrJt'Irtl. There are I} areas in l":r°t'br'r:r.
`iclentical except for name, and tltey serve to separate the 1layt‘rs into
`communities of ill to Bl}. One t'n:1_v have as ntany as six clt.'1r.1cter_s in
`the stahles reatlv For play and simply select the dt.-:;iI'etl character‘ ht-liore
`entering one orrltcse art-as.
`During movement. the screen is split in to three sections. The upper
`lelit wintlow shows what the party sees. Underneath this '
`a srnall text
`window where tlialogue lirom the players and game ttte.-ts.tges appear.
`The right side of the test window has a scrollhar that n1a_v he 1|$t.’l.l to
`review past messages. In the middle of this hat is a lnclt: that, when
`clicked upon. freezes the text window so that :tn important rnessagc
`can be studied.
`l quickly turned ol'l"the
`For :1 liatute version.
`sounds lmttt my PC speaker.
`Your Presence is Requested
`The lirst order ttflsttsittcss in playirtg l’f-‘cr-
`Hrrt is creating one or more cl1.1r;1ctt-rs. There
`are six classes, eight races. and two :tlignI11t:I1tS
`[hartnon_v and chaos). The classes are thief.
`knight. harhaI'i.1n. rangt-r. cleric and wiz-.1rt.l.
`The seven races are elves.
`tlw:1tvcs, htttnans.
`trolls. ores. gnomes.
`gtentlirts :tnd l‘I'.lll’lll'Ig_.*:. To cI'e;tte a Cl'I:lf;It:tt'I’, one Cltooses a class antl
`race. ’l'ht-n one can choose the artworlt that will
`character or (lcsign the L‘l'J:li‘:!L'[er in cletail and leave the art work until
`later. The l'ilCI.‘S‘ are very lwelievahle. hut it wottltllJeniceLoh:tve:1 greater
`selection oft-xpre_-zsions and lmirstyles. The player l‘l‘.l{l)" h‘eelyiunIpl):1t.'lt
`and Forth in the creation process. but once one leaves a section.
`points one has spent From that pool are set. One :tll(}|.‘1l1L'.'s points lrom
`separate pools to stats, spells antl sltills. The stats that one may raise are
`stI'eI'tgtl1 (the hetter to womp on _votI my dear’). t.lelcnse. (the hartler to
`he wornpetl onl. agility which helps one elude spell effects, and
`initiative tvltich tleteranines who wotnps tvhen. "ll1rce other stats
`(tlc-.\:lt:|'ity, hit points and mana points)
`increase naturally as one
`‘e$ in level.
`There are three groups of’. spells: attack. defense and utility. which
`motlif'y atrrihtttes. heal or provide inFormatioI1. Tl]t.‘I't: are 24 spells.
`Wlten :tlloc.;ttin5.; points For spells. one shoultl take care not to punt
`up the level ofa spell too much hcfore one can set: ltow l1ll.ICl‘l that spell
`will cost to cast per level. There are I2 levels for eacll spell. and one
`can only cast the level that one lifts paid their titles to. That may tnt::tn
`that a spell rnay he iltellicctive at low levels. or it may mean that one
`cannot :1llbt'tl to cast it at ltiglter levels until one has gainetl several more
`experience levels.
`The tigl'lt—l]aI‘1(.l side of the screen shows the portrait:. of players in
`the part)’. liach of the poI'traits may he exatninetl
`to gain li.ttthet
`information :1bOUEOl1ESClr:ll1ll one's lellotvs. A large area in the tnitlclle
`may be used to Show player it1lbrttt;ttitJtI. a map ofthe level the party
`is on. or the nztrnes oliplayers who are on the
`map. The hottom part slluws ieolts for player
`inventor_y, spells. skills and game option.
`such as saving the player's position.
`All {‘Jll1'l1.£‘:ll"t'\'tFl')Tl-K is static. Tltmtglt the look '
`ol'tl1t-tttttlergrottrttl is plcasrtttt, but not spec-
`tacular. the still shots oltht: monsters are very
`l)t::ttttil‘ully dtztvvrl, with lctv exceptions. The
`same pictures are used For Inonsrers of the
`.-:.1tnt-_ category. For cxatnple, the picture that
`represents the sahettootlt also rc-pre‘_nl5 lCl.:
`lions. Imtttticutes (yecltl) antl others ol the cat
`fitmily. For now. no souutl hoattls are stIp-
`ported. hur Snttnt‘lhl.tsl'crsupport is promisetl
`Swbosedlu lnautzarwscafl
`Bee in tttebtmets
`oF.»1J'Ils mmtatrL.‘It. ‘
`,5“ 3n?'J§5hed's3"-it
`Prt_t.'{' 72>‘
`The .14 skills are divided into groups lty
`el1at::ett:r cl:1ss. I",.'1cltelassha.s Fott I'sltills which
`are tlelitttlts hat that (‘l:1ss. Tlten, some skills
`l"mI'n other classes will be act.]uitet.l as one rises
`in levels. antl others only he act|uit'etl as the
`reward For completing qttesls. Home sltills :tre
`active all
`the time. such as weapon skills,
`others must he invol-tetl (luring nmvemeI‘tt or
`_ comhat. For the starting player, the t-rnpltttsis
`”' here should he on weapon sltills; at lit'st. be-
`‘ cause hacking will be the primary means ol"
`disposing Ull|lIUI]:S1L:l'!i liar the lirst lcw levels.
`There are only 27 places to carry items. Sis
`ol'then1 lot items worn. one place where items
`CrHltptl.'t'l" (irrrrrirrg ll’m'.1.«.F
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1025
`Page 78

`of I.-.‘}fI1a:nix’s Arse’: l{rff'Jl' I’rrrIf,(5r. Carr:f11m'r Gm 1:" e':I.'I'III 3 SiIII1I|:1{ioI1 ofrhc Ycar. Thr int:-51'
`Gr:-at W7!‘ 1’/arty: ztizlsturpicct: rr:IIIsII I||WIIy uruund the world to rclivc thu: hcrnism nF
`WW2 Eumpu.-.1n :Iir I:nmiI:Ir,.,/’
` .Qm134?fl|fi~E;(T;]Jlt)sivc ground support mi.-ssium.
`Strnfr an mcmy md.-Ir insmllnrinn, then pull up and escape
`through :1 flak-filled sky. Destroy bridges and V-1 rocket sites
`in the LighI:I1iI1gs and Thutltiurbults uflht: 9111 Air Furrc.
`Paillsiaking hi.\‘tm'iI:;1i accilrucy and curring-edge 3Spacc
`technology l‘n:lkC /'i¢'£'5 Ow!‘ .I':'IrI'qpc the pinnacle uF\V\V2
`flight silmllarion.
`* Fly For Crcar Hrirnin. (icrnmny or the U.5. and battle
`£1moL1s accs like J\doIf'C-:I|Iand. Wally McLeod. and
`Julinny _[o|III5tm.
`* Pilot 25 classic w:Irbirds including :11: P-SID MI.Isr:mg.
`the Fockc-Willi‘ I 90D, and the Me5scr.sI:|'In1ilt 262.
`‘A’ Unm:Itc|'u:d gr;IplIic LII.-I:IiI includes squadron rnaricings.
`i:I:[Stl'Ll|'l'lI.':[1[-]J{.'l‘rt'Cll mckpits. and Ilistori-:.1]Iy aulthcntic
`‘A’ Lalunch gruuml altlilciis on targets such as the Gcrm.1I1
`Panzer IV, and rlu: Duck :ImpiIibious truck.
`D 59Q! smiiu -[.35.
`VISIT ‘(OUR L0(I2r\|. S()F'l‘\VARE I:I=.1'AII.F.Iz (‘IR c'.AI.I. (800) 326-6654 To ORDER.
`Circle Reader Service #90
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1025
`Page 79

`t.'.\:(.'l‘I:1l'lgL'Ll between players atppenr. and 20 in
`two bugs. This ll: not :1e'.1tly eltntigli to carry
`till the quest items (me will :‘tCtl1ll't_'. special
`itents that can cast spells. nntl pntinn.-:
`restnre health [mints and n1:1n:1. lf'ir were not
`liar the n1:1n;1 trick (citpl:ti11ecl later), players *'
`wmtltl he pnppirtg h:1t‘l-: and forth tn thestore
`:1 Fret cv1:r_v t)tl1erl1g|1t,11 rm l‘lt'|' L1 rge ntli.-::1I1ce
`and :1
`trnecss which I luclieve Wtllllcl qtlicltl}-‘
`:.legr:1t e the pctl'mr'r1:Ir1i:e nftht‘ gatne.
`The Reception
`Upon entering the lieltl
`til‘ play. the first
`things we will see -.111: the three .‘it'rlIL'lllFL‘5
`l'l‘I:'l[ cnntml :1 player's life. 'l'l1ere is the Tttverit where one |'t'I‘.l)J’
`posts from players :ll'I(l easily t.leteI'I11it1e who is there. One tnrly trim
`tI0l'J\-'t3f:£t.' with 11 nyo ne in tl1is:11'e;: hy elieltitlgtitl theirI1:1I11e:tt1(ltypi11g
`:1 n1ess:1ge. Next. is the castle-liltc strtlcttlre t_‘:1llt_'ll the Cuiltl l-lull tlmr
`serves :15 n trrtining hall. geltenil .-ttnre and pnwnshup. Ht-lore tluing
`amytlting else. one 5l‘tUlllll enter the lace}! mu] ]JLll'(.'ll:1h't: equipment.
`l.:1stl_\'. there is the volcatm iI5L'll- with. :1 mp anti hnrrnm entI'.'Ince. >lql'It3
`lmtmrn entrance is For pL'r)plt' who lmve 5:1\'C(.l their position ;1I1tl need
`tu step utlt
`to the store to get u cup 0|‘ n1:1n:1 or such lll<C. One 111:1_v
`telepnri um and re-enter l1ere \'.'i|l‘I0tI't l-.-.1vingtn slog all the way Incl:
`down on Foot.
`‘i1t.‘l‘l 1T‘It.'l‘|'ll1L'|'t)l'[l‘lC party
`(_luml1:11 wurlts :11." 11 series tllil'tll1|1tl3a'. ttntl
`gets 1n:1c1 once every rmtntl. I-'..1cl1 rm1I11'l one rnrty hack with :1 weapon,
`Cast :1 spell. use :1 skill or use sontetltiilg in une's patch. When all the
`pnrly lI:t.'i been pulled. their :tt.'tii1t1x' re:«11lts and those trlthe !l‘l0I1St'L‘l'S
`:1 re sltowtt in the small text winrlnw helmv tl1e picture nFtl1t't11nt1steI'5.
`At this point, the pl:t_\'L‘l' 1n:1_\' he tle;ttl. A hcginning ]1l.1_\'n' slmnltl
`exp:-e1 tn the r! Ir.-r. However, in inn.-;1 ezises, snmt-one else in the party
`will he nhle to cast :1 tcsus::it:1tr.- .~. ‘lull untl hrin I the l:l\'t:I l_);1:.'l\'. In lile.
`P .
`Tlllill raw: DEIKTOP Ifll'0ill COCIIPIL’
`1 13.‘x\'
`" flame rlrrrni in M. swixirlns lit
`ii: our over atiilhr to more accurately
` D titer tunlmlriidt. liaise
`_,- ‘turns your lttylaarcl title a tatlrpfl tarrrol panel allowing
`yw lil easily trttan ilia ltays tvriliatit fairing your eyes all ilie

`ll’ ll"! ill! Mil’ Will’ 10 Fill
`l503l 686-1809
`54.50 FUD diary:
`Dania! irtqt.-t'n'a5 imltnmn
`order lot $23.95 plus
`Send chalk or mama
`inning and handling in:
`S-'i.|1[llfA!! 51.011) lor
`IIME BASE P.i.'0!ll!t-'I.l'
`30175 limlrenline Dr.
`EfJ§E.|'iE_. OR 97405
`t'TI'r(‘li’Rr-.w.rl1-: St -1 H": (‘ iflflfz
`This spell will even work in (.‘(‘J]‘l1l'):'l[. which is
`_ nice as one has in sttwive in nrder to collect
`the goodies. iliall 0l‘[l1(.‘]‘J:1l"l')’ dies. one is sent
`lo tl1e opening screen :1nd may enter
`ztgailt at the top entr:1m:e.
`.1 while, most
`lighting will hecmne
`routine. All members in the party will cast
`cleath darts and nmst of the l‘fl0l‘]:\'U.’|'5 will die.
`-, Tlinse that are leli will eveirttlttlly :stIct:11n1l1.
`|‘nrtun:1telg.r. most
`lights may he lied from.
`Since Fighting takes more ‘time th:tt1 lleeing.
`this is welcome lbr those in :1 lturry tn cum-
`pletc :1 quest hefore leaving. lixcept Iiir loca-
`tirm-triggered ct1C0lII1l<.‘I‘H.
`the ntttnber of
`opp-:1siI1g tnnlisters is nicely tatiloted to the Ittllnhet nlvpeuple in the
`. -It
`Cnuese Your ti.-:tiun"‘
`Quest for Story
`This is not the case liar quest ettt:tJuntets. Quests are the staple diet
`uf adventurers in the vnlmno. 'l'l1e rt:w:ttc.l:-' lint cmnpletittg them are
`quite nenerotts. in sonic cases. skills ur hl.:ll:.‘a‘:Irt:llt}t}Stt:t‘lt}I'Wt1'fl|‘mnS are
`gainetil. r:1ther than experieitce. F.ven at the higltest levels. the later
`qttests were qtute exeittitg.
`l finnitl my [):lllllS sweaty
`on several <Jec:tsio11s, espe-
`cially during the Qtiesr 11F
`the Four Parrtpers. The li-
`mil lJ:1[|.'lL‘ took about :1 h:1lF
`hour and was nip :1 ntl trick
`For 21 party nl"11inetee11tl1 E0
`l'l‘]lr1'y-l:ll:|Zl1 level
`was 3 level 1‘) wi7.."1rd :1t the
`i did not tlic tlltring
`the Fiight, hut was nce:ti:inn- F.tyl'.ll,."5'§’;flItu.nm.1;‘_
`:1lly nwn tn under ten hit
`points. M10111 Eli rnintttes into the light. l
`l‘l;tCl nu m:tn:t wi1It:1:tI1tlu.'a:1
`using items to u::t.~:t
`I hard one elttttge lelit in :t 5t:tlll'ul‘ Life when
`;*\1‘1mlr.l(i;111 finally expitetl. In the E.nliltilqut-:51. l was at level 2.3 and
`with El level 53lmI'l311ri1t11 and :1 level 84 elerie.Sever:1l Iimt-:.' during tl1e
`running ligltts I was tle-.1cl -.1nr.l these two wlayers were (lawn to 5,000
`nr fewer hit points. Since ntatny high level n1o11:ite1'.s' I.':n1 tleliver blows
`lJt'JiJti.:‘a‘ we miglll well lnwe ttll tlietl. Most
`qttests can be coznpletetl in one or two hours and nizty he l'L'HllmC(l at
`it later time il'At1ecess:1ry. A couple ufthe quests require the participation
`oi‘-.1n0ti1er pztrly. l thuttgltt this was a nice l'(}Ll-Cl], and it was not h.1rtl
`to find :1t‘t(Jll1Cl‘ putt)’ that wnnltl cooperate.
`Party Time
`There is ;1.\'nci:1l lilit grow-
`ingtintler the \I'tIlt.‘.‘1l1{). This '-
`is :1.-asisterl hy the t’:lSt.' with
`which one may enn1m1ini-
`care while rhert-._}tI.~1t typing '
`and hitting return semis :1
`inessage to the party. One - “
`Inity speak [0 '.111_vone in 1111
`nt '11 by typing their ntzme
`lillluwed by :1 coltut. Mes-
`.-etges tnay he sent tn every-
`one on t|1e Hillllt‘
`level hy
`eliciting mt lll{!}11'.lpl‘JLlL(U|‘l
`with the mnuse.
`rmummwn an
`rw are tE:T$1l.!ll.lLlL l'$IIllJtl"~‘."?""'- ‘
`There: :1re tn:1ny guilds t1fpl:1yers that hnltl t)rg;t|1i7.e1l events. and
`most of the guilds halve sntltetl out :tre11.~.
`11:; "tlieir" territory. where
`111en1bcrst)Ftl1:tt guiltl r11:1yl1eli1tI11Ll mustnlithetin1e.i\l1igl11n:1iutit)'
`of the people there are lrietttlly.
`l1L'lpl'l.ll and quite gettertnut all their
`time. As: .1 new pl:1_ve1'.
`i never had any trmthle lintling "nltler" pl:t}’t!l'E-
`('mnp1t.'m' t’iimritr_!; '.'-"rrr1'i.l
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1025
`Page 80

`Rm :r_u ZtI..-.1:m"
`.-\ur!u.n ur TM I‘nm:r nj‘ Eflnum
`"r\ 1'{)I{Sill_L] and cr1_E[{l£f!l_fl'
`gmlic u'hcn' the l.t‘L'”'
`hum-:1 L'¢I',L{c cuts 1IrcH—
`H¢'!I'tt)‘:tf (ll Krnndur. "
`s\>e|'um-‘ Nu w|4‘rnx'
`.*\uI In rl‘ nl \\'m'J:L:.-)f:J
`“The iduul of a.n1:IhiHing
`yum gnrrw will al
`in my
`!.'!lrr£'}I|IIg HIM:
`I Inusi
`’1L'(l1'lu:\’ L'nrfm'.u' it. "
`I"-'\.4w.\n N1» I:'.?‘_i:l.-‘J
`.-\ntI|uI ul HI" Krnlfk Hmmumr
`"I fun’? mum [nM:' and
`«mi-:[u:'Iirn: Hm:
`|':cuuII'J'u| pi:-ra: uj mm-
`fr'('u'nI1 um brim!
`njzrm im‘ Imrfc.“
`cinematic intru-
`any ul H:.'Im}'uJ'
`on the M311-' York Tinwe:
`l-.umchc.~‘ :1|l—ncu- Ix-.;:cm|.~a
`ml" Wit”-:::1ui:I.
`ritnry-luH||1]_v mu]
`ilmm-r.-ac |_.'ull
`llu: muwl 11.-:1li:-r.i:.‘. Jctuilu.-LI
`:-:n"r1}_;x: L'I‘II.‘lI'l'g'
`culnlml. Uppnnunrs nu!
`only act hut think LI:+n11;
`I'u:\'nILIE:'nI1-ary urrifirianl
`the L\'uml:_-re: of
`Minlkt-Ini.‘| Fnr the fiI'.~‘l
`frnlnu.-5 nf
`.'II‘I|| Dy11;1111ix's
`tr: crunr-:
`"\:irm:-1|" f-'rlI‘|.'|I£'I§\.‘.
`\\’l£|.!T| mun: than 5i_\‘I\'
`spvl Is
`IllEI_i_{iL"z‘I| pmvu-1'5.
`11:: nm-.
`PIRI OF nlf. Sli.Hn.u um I
`Visit YDL11‘ local S(‘JftW1-1l'l_‘ :‘ctailc1‘ ur Call (800) 32645654 to order.
`Circle Reader Service #9!
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1025
`Page 81

`to go out with. Older plug.-i:r5 will l'I'L*L|1:cl1t'l}'
`at ncwhia: and pmn-.-u.'t
`lulllllg -
`thcm 3.{.'L'|1l'l‘lL1lfll'C levels qtiiclily and tcucliitig '
`the Sl‘I0l‘l cuts to liunt:
`it:-.1tling ml Lllltflalti,
`I hutl l'R.'£||.1L'|1L (JC-
`ca.-;ion to ask other explurur.s' wlu.-rc to Lulu: a It
`item or the uttlcr in which to do things.
`atlways I'L‘(.‘t:l\~'C(l
`:1 rcspunsc that was li'icntlly
`Hc1'L'. as uls:cwhcrt' on TSN.
`hlnoms. Minty players go '.1l'0l.1I1ll in pairs. and
`llirt whilc platyiitg.
`1 must tu.ln1it
`I was not
`immunr: to this aspect m_vs::ll,
`\\'/uni-:11 can
`ct-;|l1::ct qnitc ;I hit of :ttti:nllun't
`vo r:.1no. giw.-n ‘.1 Ftictndly mtttlrc. ivlost l')l-llll.‘ time. L‘\r't.’l'_\’Ul1t.'L‘uI1(llIi.'l.‘-
`tltciitsclvt-5; within lJOl]l'lCl5. Oi cnu|':it.-.
`in any l:1rg-: group of |]{..‘JF,Itv'V
`ll'I(_‘I‘L' will hr :1
`lcw l:1gg:11't_l5 who lmw: not
`liully L1l‘1Lll.‘rSLUO(.l gootl
`n1;I|1I1L-I's. Don: has only to compl:1in hy hitting the contpluint hutlon
`[l'J:l[11p]J(,'t1rs on l'l'IL‘ TSN mcnu nntl action will be taken.
`'|'ln.-i'c;n'c;1iso guild W:l1‘SWl1r.'l‘L' morr: org:1ni2c(l conflict mitt-2: plilcc.
`/\s 1fll‘[ olithc rnap and party scction ol" the Inenu,
`is possihlc to
`cl1;tllL-Iigc nTl1t.‘l' parties. l.:l1illlCI1f.’,L‘li ol"tl1is |‘lill'LII'L‘ produce nothing of
`vnlur. I1iit1xp('ricI1Ct'FOr ltilling otl1i:rpl.1ycrs.:1r1d noitt-I11sluItlt:sst>|1u.-
`l1&l.‘ill'|('plIZ'l<|_'I(_1L‘l-CL‘!Sl{llll.S0l1‘|C|'lC()}'IlL‘ still do it tliottglt. A ~.~.~.1)' out For
`this l'I;15l)t'cI'i proviclctl, howcvcr; oI'u;- I11-sly siritply “rnutcli oIIt's'cll';1J1cl
`not he liable to being challc11gcLl. Ont I'J‘l;!_\’ also mute 0ni:s::ll':1g;tiI1st
`l1t:ii1git)in<:tl so that out: will not ht: jninctl hy othcts while waiting l-GI
`-.1 |i'i::nu.|.
`Brickbats of Outrageous Fortune
`Thu grunt mztinrity Olilll)’ u:<pcriL'itcL' with l'm't'Ji'ri:l1:1s been ptisitiw.
`i'\.%:il\\':ty.\', lltotiglt. lllL‘I'(.':lrL':I lcw lll{.'21‘ strttgglingintl1cuiI1In1ct1t.i“\lti:r
`tlu: litst tun lIfVL‘l:a or so, tnuncy c<::lwia tn IIIEIELUI.
`l]:.lVC llllllltlllh now
`it on. On
`l‘l'll|('l'I to Sl'|l‘IlI.l
`is not
`and l'l'lL‘I'l.‘
`\\’t‘L’l-:(‘l‘|t.l5' rhc s_\'stt‘n‘1 can he sltlggisli as it
`':tt1I‘.1tion. Also, cmsltcs will l1'.1ppI.'n
`- as rlir I‘I('.f\'I.|'nI'l-: drops users ll can no luny,::I'
`support. Since TSN relies on 'l'c|¢-nut to L‘;il‘l‘_\'
`it :1crnss: Tl1L' country, Tc-lcm*1's pmhlt-m.~: arc
`also l'l'lClI‘S. Ovcr Ncw Years llay.
`|'.'l'.l5l1(.'Ll, hringi|1g clown L'.lU.{lUl} ll.\|.'l':i oi‘.
`TSN.lnthu:tin1c since, ll‘ll|1gS'.ll‘L' :i[ill'.1lll[lL'
`llatlty arountl
`the edges.
`l’c1‘iod:. uli group
`' -.‘i‘;1sl1-:5l1:tvc 0a;u.'LI1':'etl. but lltings‘ apps.-:tt to he:
`settling, clown.
`A new rcvi.-iion ol‘ }’st'i'l;ftr5 is coInin«__-,
`' will fix SUI1‘ll.'(}liIl‘lC bugs in Elk‘ g.-nnc. During
`mypl:1y. I Found no latigs [l1;‘I1 ;I|li:r.‘tL'tl thc players in an ;1cl\'cr5r.' I1'I;1I1l1I;‘I'.
`'|'|1::i'L-:1rc.~:r:vcml bugs that I113)’ he llll<.L‘11 mlvatiatagc (ll. hy ll1U]!ll1_\’t.'l'.\-‘.
`ltowcw;-r. Ont: in p:n'tit;ul;1r gives plityum li3.UUD cxpcricncc points for
`rcpc:ttm'lly entering .111(l lcaviitg at
`t't_)nn1 without lighting the |noI15tC1's
`thcrc. lltis has pl'0l..'lLICL‘l.l pl:tyt:t's with luvcls in the lI1|l'l(ll'L'Ll.‘i who lmvc
`hccn pl(1_\'ll‘lg only :1 Few r.'l:1_ys.
`jout-ncy’s End
`'l"l1c gain: but ctttcrtrnitittg, hut what made this an L-xpct'ii:nn;r.' to
`hi: srivotcd are the inziny guutl pcuplu with which l
`\'i'.'[l[lII'L'(l Forth.
`There is no S1.'ll)SIl1'Ll[C Ibr the con1p:1nion.s:l1ip nlintlutrs .1ntl
`givcs am: all tl'lL‘ mole; one \\’{'l1llLl wish For the lI1[I.‘I'ilI.'Ei(}l1 [lull in llll."
`core of this game. I now lmvc :1 nn111l1L‘I'ol'pc0plc whom [ L'0I1.\'lClL’I'
`good li-it:ntls. and I will he pl.1_vin_s:, long :1l'tc1' this .1rti~;'lci:; .*:I.Il)miltu.'tl.
`Mo:-‘i olilln: people I met W(.'l'(: lhurullglily atldictctl to l"m'l')im:tt1tl to
`TSN in gem.-r.1l. ‘l‘l'IOSI;'
`\-'l.I'l'I¢_) po.«'st:.-.‘.-: the n1ont'y would bu wcll 5l.'W'I.'(.l
`to try out TSN and }”m'/2r'ri.s'.
`'l'l1o:.':: who L‘l1UUSL' to journey ll1L‘1"L'. ht
`:il.|l”t: and look for V'g,t:r (or VgcI' clscwltcrcl and say‘ hi. caw
`PLAY BY Mllll
`:,«=.'«».=.:r.=,=i,=t.:.:::,.t. ,§§g8g§g§g;g§g§g8
`asteralda you
`control I
`The Next Empire
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`319$?’n°.§§ln'i;l”'° I...
`Each unlversa is
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`® C I O
`...tha only game that lend: you
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`Ihln one, showing your fIael‘a
`sensor views every turn ...alang
`with clear. complete slats on
`each slarshlp you deslgn, build,
`and maneuver Individually uslng
`up In 21 dllfaranl onhnard
`' $7.50 per turn; no hidden fees
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`- last game [two weeks per turn] or
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`Recently nmdfl FEM
`game In a nationwide
`ptaynr magazine
`survey 1'
`(..'i'n.‘l'¢- l'\’r_-arr‘:-r St-t vii. I.‘ ilfiiti
`Reality Simulations, Inc.
`PO Box 22400
`Tempe, AZ 85285-2400
`602 96757979
`{.‘rmi,rJi:It'r (Jmm':i_:;
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1025
`Page 82

`1Crtors’%%of Gb% iiifiSi;",
`, .
`Here's what they're
`saying about
`. a dull
`“. .
`mix of
`‘. “
`our “ray matte!‘
`‘ :03-ii’§m_ly_:fi.;é,d_,.
`.;v"A-‘;ide'n.Ghinfi'5 and
`“‘-’_ . .' you will wargfio -
`'. snatch th'is_an,'_e"up.
`ad laéks will-
`1 “fie g"_
`-, .'
`I‘ » hook yowngh-t from '
`-Ga'r=e'j1av*'=_,'*!a9a='_"‘?; 5
`“If3!¢_:.Ez"€_Z17ae._the um-
`.this gq.1_m3~wilZ nugget
`, -yo§n;=needs-”__ %
`-Tl"i'e__ l1Zl_ewarl:-:_|lii'I.5‘i_.i'|i:"'a'taj".'3"_-.
`“TIiére:\ia§1zlehjt3r'of}§ood 1
`fim Here for‘ the g" fgiphic _.#
`.~.Cump;:1_ter'G:I/ni'jri'n{g World _
`v- /
`51% g?i"U'ph-icsrrctrc
`,‘.‘fiand-dmwrg 256-cainr
`wo}'Tzs of-'.di"t .
`. Highly
`55‘ "'-
`. as puz:Amzgv;LVia2g’%fqA;R;§bics-Cube _with_;
`"“— '
`, M
`-Th e‘-N Quark. Advoca
`y¢f!M':r:rnvelb:-::ir:5b§}, "
`cigcre R:-.m'er s'e
`AT vdijnLocaL*so;IwAaE;;DEALER; 55 % A;L|.__1?-;
`m-(_TI_*,fsn=)__kMaanday7rrj;1aj;.?-1' outéide u.-5;. _a_I|f'2o9;'s33';44.§a gg}a_;ja_ _
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1025
`Page 83

`A Survey of On-tine Games
`hile ill‘l'lflCl:ll computer opponents
`and rolwplaying partners are a con-
`venient and uliten rewarclittg as )L‘L'[
`of cuntptttt-r gatning. we IL-r.-l
`the best
`opponetttfpttrtlter is at ltuman one. At CC:'lV,
`we heliexre very strongly that n1ulti-player
`gaming in virtttal.
`tele-ctammunicated envi-
`rotttnents is the littttre Ulitllc hubby. No mat-
`ter howsopltisticatetl the artificial intelli ence
`algorithms become, or how user-liricnd y the
`interface. the computer will never be able to
`match the perverse gaining brilliance of the
`lnlman l‘I'll|'lll. And besides.
`the computer
`doesn't care t11tlCl'I itryott gloat.
`to give
`listing t1fg:t111es is tlesignetl
`reatleI's an ovt.-rview of the mtllti-player espe-
`rienees availaltle on several enn1tt1ereial on-
`these brief
`line services. We hope that
`descriptions might prompt some of those
`anters who have never had the pleasure of
`httman—to-lniman garning to

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