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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
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`Microsoft Press
`A Division of Microsoft Corporation
`One Microsoft Way
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`Copyright © 1994 by Microsoft Press
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in—Publication Data
`Microsoft Press computer dictionary : the comprehensive standard for
`business, school, library, and home/ Microsoft Press. —— 2nd ed.
`ISBN 1-55615-597-2
`2. Microcomputersa—Dictionaries.
`1. Cornputers—-Dictionaries.
`1. Microsoft Press.
`11. Title: Computer dictionary.
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
`Page 2
`Apple Extended Keyboard
`attached by linking one to the next in a series
`called a daisy chain. See also bus, device driver,
`port, serial communications.
`Apple Extended Keyboard A 105-key keyboard
`that works with the Macintosh SE, Macintosh II,
`and Apple IIGS computers. See the illustration.
`This keyboard marks Apples first inclusion of
`function. or F, keys, the absence of which was
`long cited by users of IBM PCS and Compatibles
`as a shortcoming of the Macintosh. Apple also
`made several other changes to the layout of exist-
`ing keys, which, combined with added keys and
`lights, make the Apple Extended Keyboard quite
`similar in layout to the IBM enhanced keyboard.
`Apple key A key on Apple keyboards labeled
`with an outline of the Apple logo symbol (G).
`On Apple’s universal ADE and Extended key-
`boards, the Apple key and the Command key are
`the same key, which serves a purpose similar to
`that of the Control key on IBM and compatible
`keyboards. It is generally used. in combination
`with a character key as a shortcut to making
`menu selections or to starting a macro (a stored
`sequence of commands).
`App[e’I‘alk An inexpensive local area network de-
`veloped by Apple Computer that can be used by
`both Apple and non~Apple computers for com-
`munication and sharing of resources such as
`printers and file servers. Macintosh computers
`plug into the network through the printer port
`(serial port 13); n0n—Apple computers, such as
`IBM PCs, must be equipped with AppleTaIk hard-
`ware and suitable software. Apple'I‘alk is
`baseband network that transfers information at a
`raw speed of 230 kilobits per second and links up
`to 32 devices (nodes) using CSMA/CD (Carrier
`Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection)
`over a distance of about 1000 feet on shielded.
`twisted-pair cabling known as LocalTalk cable.
`The network uses a layered set of protocols simi-
`lar to the 150/081 (International Organization for
`Standardization/Open Systems Interconnection)
`model and transfers information as packets of
`data called frames. AppleTalk supports connec-
`tions to other AppleTalk networks
`devices known as bridges, and it supports
`connections to dissimilar networks through dew
`vices called gateways. See also frame.
`application A computer program designed to help
`people perform a certain type of work. An appli-
`cation thus differs from an operating system
`(which runs a computer), a utility (which per-
`forms maintenance or generaI—purpose chores),
`and :1 language {with which computer programs
`Apple Extended Keyboard.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
`Page 3
`application developer
`are created). Depending on the work for which it
`was designed, an application can manipulate
`text, numbers, graphics, or a combination of
`these elements. Some application packages offer
`considerable computing power by focusing on a
`single task, such as word processing; others,
`called integrated software, offer somewhat less
`power but include several applications, such as a
`word processor, a spreadsheet, and a database
`application developer A person who designs,
`specifies, and researches the appearance and
`function of an application program. An applica-
`tion developer might or might not do any of the
`actual programming.
`application development language Loosely, a
`computer language designed specifically for cre-
`ating applications. Because most computer lan-
`guages could be used for this purpose, the term is
`reserved for those languages having specific
`high-level constructs aimed toward record de-
`sign, form layout, database retrieval and update,
`and similar tasks. See also application, applica-
`tion generator, fourth-generation language.
`application development system A program-
`ming environment designed specifically for pro-
`ducing applications. The term usually implies the
`combination of a text editor, a compiler, and a
`linker. An application development system might
`also contain libraries of common software rou-
`tines that can be used in developed programs.
`application file See program file.
`application generator A software development
`system that allows a programmer to lay out an
`application and define its functionality, after
`which the application generator produces the
`necessary source or machine code for that appli-
`cation. Because applications are so diverse,’ap-
`plication generators are difficult to create and are
`often limited in the types of applications they can
`produce. Application generators are included
`with some database prograrns and use built—in
`sets of instructions to generate program code. See
`also application.
`application layer The layer of network stan-
`dards concerned with providing services to net-
`work users at an app1ication—based level. The
`seventh, and highest layer in the Open Systems
`Interconnection (OSI) model developed for the
`International Organization for Standardization
`(180), the application layer relies on services per-
`formed at lower levels but is the layer least in-
`volved with the underlying network hardware.
`Tasks performed on the application layer vary
`with the uses of a network, but they might in-
`clude login procedures, electronic mail, terminal
`emulation, database management, and the opera-
`tion of file servers and print servers. See also ISO/
`OSI model.
`application processor A processor dedicated to
`a single application. A hardware circuit designed
`to speed the matching of text strings is an appli-
`cation processor.
`application program See application.
`application programming interface Abbreviat-
`ed API. A set of routines that an application pro-
`gram uses to request and carry out lower—level
`services performed by a computer’s operating
`system. An application program carries out two
`types of tasks: those related to work being per-'
`formed, such as accepting text or numbers input
`to a document or spreadsheet, and those related
`to maintenance chores, s_uch as managing files
`and displaying information on the screen. These
`maintenance chores
`are performed by the
`computer’s operating system, and an API pro-
`vides the program with a means of communicat-
`ing with the system, telling it which system—level
`task to perform and when. On computers run-
`ning a graphical user interface such as that on the
`Apple Macintosh, an API also helps application
`programs manage windows, menus, icons, and
`so on. On local area networks, an API, such as
`IBM’s NetBlOS, provides applications with a uni-
`form means of requesting services from the lower
`levels of the network.
`application software See application.
`application-specific integrated circuit See gate
`arbitration The process of monitoring and man-
`aging competing demands for a resource that are
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
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`authoring language
`overloading a device. The volume control of a ra-
`dio is an attenuator. The opposite of attenuation
`is arnoigficafion.
`attribute Literally, a characteristic. Two kinds of
`elements in computing are commonly referred to
`as attributes. In databases, the name or structure
`of a field is considered to be an attribute of a
`record. For example,
`the files LASTNAME,
`FIRSTNAME, and PHONE would be attributes of
`each record in a PHONELIST database; the struc-
`ture of each field, such as its size or the type of
`information it contains (alphabetic or numeric),
`would also be attributes of the record.
`In screen displays, attributes refer to such ele-
`ments as additional information stored with each
`character in the video buffer of a video adapter
`running in character mode: Attributes control the
`background color and foreground color of the
`character, underlining, and blinking.
`audio Relating to frequencies in the range that
`can be perceived by the human ear——frorn about
`15 hertz through 20,000 hertz (15—20,000 cycles
`per second). See also audio response, synthesizer.
`audio output See audio response.
`audio output port A circuit to which the com-
`puter sends signais to be output as audible tones.
`The circuit is a digital-to—analog converter. If the
`circuit contains an amplifier, the circuit can be di-
`rectly connected to a speaker; if the circuit does
`not contain an amplifier, it must be connected to
`an amplifier for the signal to be audible.
`audio response Any sound produced by a com-
`puter; specifically, spoken output produced by a
`computer in response to some specific type of in-
`put, such as a request for a telephone number. A
`computer or program ‘capable of producing an
`audio response might combine words from a
`digitized vocabulary, or
`it might synthesize
`words from tables of phonemes. To Output
`sounds, it might use either its internal speaker or
`a specialized device known as a speech synthe-
`sizer or audio response unit. Depending on con-
`text, audio response can be synonymous with
`frequency response, meaning the sensitivity of a
`device over the spectrum of audio frequencies.
`See also frequency response, phoneme.
`audiovisual Relating to any type of material that
`uses both sight and sound to present information.
`audit In relation to computers, an examination of
`equipment, programs, activities, and procedures
`to determine how efficiently the entire system is
`performing, especially in terms of ensuring the
`integrity and security of data.
`auditing The process an operating system uses to
`detect and record security-related events, par-
`ticularly any attempt to create,‘ access, or delete
`objects such as files and directories. Records of
`security-related events are stored in a File Com-
`monly known as a security log, whose contents
`are available only to those with the proper permis-
`sion. The level of auditing can usually be adjust-
`ed to maintain a balance between security needs
`and economy of operating system resources. See
`also security.
`audit trail In relation to computers, a means of
`tracing all activities affecting a piece of informa-
`tion such as a data record "from the time it enters
`the system to the time it leaves. An audit trail
`documents the path from input to output and
`should provide enough information to recon-
`struct or verify the entire sequence, either manu-
`ally or through automated tracking procedures.
`For example, when several people are working
`on a document in a networked environment. an
`audit trail makes it possible to know who made a
`particular change and when, or even to see the
`document before and after that person's changes
`were made.
`authentication In a multiuser or network operat-
`ing system, the process through which the system
`validates a user’s logon information. The authen-
`tication process involves comparing a user’s
`name and password to a list of authorized users;
`if the operating system detects a match, the user
`is granted access to the system, but only to the
`extent specified in the permission list in that us-
`er's account. See also permission, user account,
`user name.
`authoring language A computer language" or ap-
`plication development system designed primarily
`for creating programs, databases, and materials
`for computer-aided instruction (CA1). The most
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
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`clatabase machine
`damping A technique for preventing overshoot
`(exceeding the desired limit) in the response of a
`circuit or device. An amplifier circuit, for ex-
`ample, might contain components that damp the
`output, preventing it from exceeding a critical
`Darlington circuit Sometimes called a Darlington
`pair. An amplifer circuit consisting of two transis-
`tors, often mounted in the same housing. The
`collectors of the two transistors are connected,
`and the emitter of the first is connected to the
`base of the second. Darlington circuits are used
`to provide high—gain current amplification,
`Darljngton pair See Darlington circuit.
`DASD Sometimes pronounced “dazz—_dee.” Acro-
`nym for direct access storage device, a data stor-
`age device on which information can be accessed
`directly, rather than by starting at the beginning
`of the data and passing sequentially over all in-
`tervening storage areas. Thus, a disk drive is a
`DASD unit. A tape is not a DASD unit because the
`data is stored as a linear block. Compare sequen-
`tial access; see czlsodirect access.
`DAT See digital audio tape, dynamic address
`data Plural of the Latin datum, meaning an item
`of information. Following classical usage, one
`item of information should be called a datum,
`and more than one item should be called data:
`“The datum is,” but “the data are." In practice,
`however, dam is frequently used for the singular
`as wellas the plural form of the noun. Compare
`data acquisition The process of obtaining data
`from another source, typically one outside the
`system. It can be done by electronic sensing, as
`in process control or communications, or through
`data terminal input, as in online transaction pro-
`cessing, or from some magnetic medium, as in
`batch database processing.
`data aggregate A collection of data records or
`blocks that typically includes a description of the
`placement of each block within the collection
`and its relationship to the entire set.
`data attribute Structural information about data
`that serves to establish its context and give mean-
`ing to it. The term is also used to refer to descrip-
`tive structural information about a data field in a
`data bank A repository of data, any substantial
`collection of data.
`database Loosely, any aggregation of data; a file
`consisting of a number of records (or tables),
`each of which is constructed of fields (columns)
`of a particular type, together with a collection of
`operations that facilitate searching, sorting, re-
`combination, and similar activities.
`database administrator Abbreviated DBA. The
`individual or group of individuals responsible for
`a database. Typically, the DBA is responsible for
`determining the information content of the data-
`base, determining the internal storage structure
`and access strategy for the database; defining
`data security and integrity checks; and monitor-
`ing database performance and responding to
`ch'anging requirements.
`database analyst An individual who provides the
`analytic functions required to design and/or
`maintain applications requiring use of a data-
`base. The functions performed by a database
`analyst are, in a database context, much like the
`functions performed by a systems analyst in a
`programming context.
`database designer An individual who provides
`the design and implementation functions re-
`quired to implement and/or maintain appli-
`cations that use a database. The functions per-
`formed are, in a database context, much like the
`. functions performed by a programmer in a pro-
`gramming context.
`database engine The program module or mod-
`ules that provide access to the functions of a da-
`tabase management system (DBMS). A database
`engine is used as an interface between the data
`manipulation language (DML) or programs Writ-
`ten in conventional programming languages and
`the functions supported by the DBMS.
`database machine A computer peripheral device
`that, from the viewpoint of the computer, directly
`executes database—related' tasks, relieving the main‘
`computer of the execution of these tasks. Data-
`base machines can be attached to the computer
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
`Page 6
`IEEE 802 standards
`allows the user to indicate the position of the in-
`sertion point for text editing.
`[BG Interblock gap. See inter—record gap.
`[BM Advanced Keyboard See enhanced keyboard.
`[BM AT keyboard See AT keyboard.
`IBM PC/XT keyboard See PC/XT keyboard.
`IC See integrated circuit.
`I-CASE Acronym for Integrated Cornputervhided
`Software Engineering, which is software that per-
`forms a wide variety of software engineering
`functions such as program design, coding (writ-
`ing the actual program lines), and testing parts or
`all of the completed program.
`icon In graphical environments, 21 small graphics
`image displayed on the screen to represent an
`object that can be manipulated by the user. See
`the illustration. Icons are visual rnnemortics; for
`example, a trash can represents a command for
`deleting unwanted text or files. Icons allow the
`user to control certain computer actions without
`having to remember commands or type them at
`the keyboard. Icons are a significant factor in the
`"user—frienclliness" of graphical user interfaces.
`See also graphical user interface.
`Print Manager
`iconic interface A user interface (method of en-
`abling a person to interact with a computer) that
`is based on icons rather than on typed com-
`mands. See also graphical user interface, icon.
`[DE Acronym for Integrated Device Electronics. A
`type of disk—drive interface in which the control-
`ler electronics reside on the drive itself, eliminat-
`ing the need for a separate adapter card. The IDE
`interface is Compatible with the Western Digital
`ST—S06 controller used by IBM in their PC/AT
`computer but offers advantages such as look-
`ahead caching to increase overall performance.
`identifier Generally, any text string used as a la-
`bel, such as the name of a procedure or a variable
`in a program, or the name attached to a hard
`drive or a floppy disk. Compare descriptor.
`idle A reference to the time (idle time) during
`which a device is operational but not in use; also,
`the state (idle state) of such a device while it is
`awaiting a command to begin working.
`idle character In communications, a control char-
`acter transmitted when no other information is
`available or ready to be sent. See also SYN.
`id]: interrupt An interrupt (3 signal to the micro-
`processor) that occurs when a device or process
`becomes idle.
`idle time The time during which a device, pro-
`cess, or system is not actually busy working—
`executing instructions, for example, or transmit-
`ting data.
`[BEE Pronounced “eye—tn'ple—ee." Abbreviation for
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
`an organization of engineering and electronics
`professionals; notable for developing the IEEE
`802 standards for the physical and data—linl< lay-
`ers of local area networks following the ISO
`Open Systems Interconnection model.
`IEEE 488 The electrical definition of the general-
`purpose interface bus (GPIB) as standardized by
`the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi-
`neers. The IEEE 488 standard specifies the data
`and control lines for the bus and the voltage and
`current levels to be used with the bus. See also
`general—purpose interface bus.
`IEEE 696/S-100 The electrical definition of the S-
`100 bus used by early personal computer systems
`based on the Intel 8080, Zilog 25-80. and Motorola
`6800 microprocessors. S-100 computers were ex-
`tremely popular with early computer enthusiasts.
`They had a completely open architecture, permit-
`ting the configuration of systems with a wide
`range of add-on expansion boards. Several com-
`panies still offer systems based on the 5-100 bus.
`IEEE 802 standards A set of standards devel-
`oped by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Elec-
`tronics Engineers) to define methods of access
`and control on local area networks (I.ANs). The
`IEEE 802 standards correspond to the physical
`and data—link layers of the widely accepted [50
`Open Systems Interconnection model, but they
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
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`International Federation of Information
`that become the basis for a larger sort that later
`merges the groups into one list.
`International Federation of Information Pro-
`cessing See IFIP.
`International Organization for Standardiza-
`tion See 150.
`In com-
`internet Abbreviation for interrierwork.
`munications, a set of computer networks—p0ssil)ly
`dissimilar—]'oincd together by means of gate-
`ways that handle data transfer and the conversion
`of messages from the sending network to the
`protocols used by the receiving network (with
`packets if necessary). In Apple-‘i'aik parlance, an
`internet is defined as a set of AppleTalk networks
`linked together.
`When capitalized (Internet), the term refers to
`the collection of networks and gateways that use
`the TCP/IP suite of protocols.
`interpolate in mathematics, to estimate interme-
`diate values between two known values in a series.
`interpret To decode and execute a statement or
`an instruction. The term usually refers to execut-
`ing a program by decoding a statement, execut-
`ing it. decoding the next statement, executing it,
`and so on.
`In contrast, compilation involves
`decoding all statements into executable code-,
`executing that code is a separate step. Compare
`compiler-, see also interpreter.
`is inter-
`interpreted language A language that
`preted (translated and executed statement by
`statement), as opposed to a compiled program,
`in which all statements are translated prior to any
`execution. BASIC is well known for being an iri-
`terpretcd language, although most ctirrenr imple-
`mentations allow (or require) the programmer to
`compile the program as well. LISP and APL are
`also interpreted languages. Compare compiled
`language; see also interpret.
`interpreter A program that translates and then
`executes each statement in a program written in
`an interpreted language. See also compiler, inter-
`preted language, language processor.
`interprocess communication Abbreviated IPC.
`The ability, provided by :1 multitasking operating
`system, of one task or process to exchange data
`with another. Common IPC methods include
`pipes, semaphores, shared memory. queues, sig-
`nals, and mailboxes.
`inter-record gap Abbreviated IRG; also called an
`interblock gap. An unused space between data
`blocks stored on a disk or tape. Disks and tapes
`have gaps between records (sectors on disk) to
`enable new data to overwrite the oicl without
`harming adjacent data. Because the speed of
`disks and tapes fluctuates slightly during opera-
`tion of the drives, new data cannot be written
`precisely within the space occupied by the old
`if disks and tapes did not include inter-
`record gaps, the new data could overwrite a por-
`tion of the adjacent data.
`interrogate To query with the expectation of an
`immediate response. For example, the main com-
`puter on a network might interrogate an attached
`terminal to determine the termina|’s status (ready
`to transmit or ready to receive).
`interrupt A request—For—attention signal that can
`be passed by either hardware or software to 21
`computer's microprocessor. An interrupt, some-
`times called a trap, causes the microprocessor to
`suspend its current operations, save the status of
`its work, and transfer control to a special routine,
`known as an interrupt handler, that causes a par-
`ticular set of instructions to be carried out. Inter-
`rupts can occur for many reasons ranging from
`normal to highly abnormal-, these can include ser-
`vice requests from various hardware devices, er-
`rors in processing, program attempts to do the
`impossible, and (rarely) memory problems and
`imminent failure of some vital component. When
`a microprocessor
`receives interrupt
`from more than one source, a hierarchy of “per-
`mission" levels Called interrupt priorities deter-
`mines which of the interrupts is handled first.
`Many operating—systen1 functions such as open-
`ing files, reading from files, and closing them can
`be accessed through interrupts. By using inter-
`rupts, 21 program can communicate with the oper-
`ating system.
`Interrupts are the microprocessor’s means of
`communicating with the other elements that
`make up a computer system. If a constant stream
`of interrupt requests would disrupt or complicate
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
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`logic array
`to, and to trace back some number of instructions
`when execution is halted for any reason. See also
`logic array See gate array.
`logic bomb A logic error in a program that crops
`up only under specific conditions (usually when
`least desired or expected). The term bomb im-
`plies an error that causes the program to fail
`spectacularly. See also logic error.
`logic chip A chip that processes information, as
`opposed to simply storing it. A logic chip is made
`up of logic circuits. See also logic circuit.
`logic circuit An electronic circuit that processes
`information by performing a logical operation on
`it. A logic circuit is a combination of logic gates; it
`produces output based on the rules of logic it is
`designed to follow for the electrical signals it re-
`ceives as input. See also gate.
`logic diagram A schematic that shows the con-
`nections between computer logic circuits, speci-
`fying the expected outputs from a specific set of
`logic error An error in program logic—for ex-
`ample, using a faulty algorithm. A logic error
`causes a program to produce incorrect results,
`but it does not prevent the program from run-
`ning; consequently, a logic error is often very dif-
`ficult to find. See also logic. semantics, syntax.
`logic gate See gate.
`logic operation An expression that uses logical
`values and operators. The term is often (although
`not necessarily) synonymous with Boolean oper-
`£m'on,- in strict usage, :1 logic operation is at bit—level
`manipulation of binary values, and a Boolean oper-
`ation is a manipulation of true and false values. See
`also Boolean operator.
`logic programming A style of programming,
`best embodied by Prolog, in which a program
`consists of facts and relationships, from which
`the ptograrnming language is expected to draw
`logic-seeking printer Any printer with built-in
`intelligence that lets it look ahead of the current
`print position and move the print head directly to
`the next area to be printed.
`if a logic-seeking
`printer encounters a line that consists of nothing
`but 80 space characters, for example, it skips the
`line entirely. A printer without a logioseeking
`feature moves across the line, taking the time to
`“print" each space character. Most printers today
`are logic—seeking. The feature can save time on
`pages that are filled with spaces. On typical text
`pages, however, a logic—seeking capability does
`not speed the print job noticeably.
`logic symbol A symbol that represents a logical
`operator such as AND or OR. For example, the
`symbol + in Boolean algebra represents logical
`OR, as in A + B(read “A OR B," not “A plus B").
`logln Seelogon.
`Logo A programming language often used to
`teach programming to children, developed origi-
`nally by Seymour Pape1't at MIT in 1968. One im-
`portant feature of Logo is turtle graphics. Turtle
`graphics enable the programmer to make simple
`drawings by telling the '‘turtle’’ on the screen to
`move forward, right, left, and so on. Once he or
`she masters the simple drawing environment, the
`programmer (often a child) starts to discover the
`more sophisticated features of the language, which
`are drawn heavily from the LISP programming
`language. Logo is considered an educational lan-
`guage. although some firms have sought to make
`it more widely accepted in the programming com-
`munity. See also turtle. turtle graphics.
`logoff Also called logout. The process of termi-
`nating a session with a computer accessed through
`a communications iine—usually a computer that
`is both distant and open to many users. Logging
`off is the users means of telling the computer, “I’m
`finished; go ahead and disconnect." It is not the
`same as shutting down (turning off) 3 computer.
`logon Also called login. The process of identify-
`ing oneself to a computer after connecting to it
`over a communications line. During a logon pro-
`cedure. the computer usually requests the user’s
`name and a password. On a computer normally
`used by many people, a logon procedure pro-
`vides a means of identifying authorized users,
`keeping track of their usage time, and maintain-
`ing security by allowing access to sensitive files
`only to people cleared to use them.
`logout Seelogoff.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
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`multiple-pass printing
`such as disk input and output, video support,
`keyboard control, and many internal functions
`related to program execution and file mainte-
`nance. MS-DOS is a single-tasking. single-user
`operating system with a command-line interface.
`MSDOSLCIM One of two hidden system files in-
`stalled on an MS-DOS startup disk. MSDOS.COM,
`called IBMDOSCOM in IBM releases of MS-DOS,
`contains the software that makes up the heart
`(kernel) of the operating system. See also IO.SYS.
`msec Colloquial form of millisecond. See milli-
`MSI See medium-scale integration.
`MS-Windows See Windows.
`MTBF Abbreviation for mean time between fail-
`ures. The average time interval, usually expressed
`in thousands or tens of thousands of hours (some-
`times cailed power—on hours or POI-1’), that will
`elapse before a hardware component fails and
`requires service.
`MT'I'R Abbreviation for mean time to repair. The
`average time interval, usually expressed in thou-
`sands of hours, that will elapse before a hardware
`repair becomes necessary.
`Multibus A computer expansion bus designed by
`Intel Corporation that
`is used extensively by
`designers of high-performance workstations. A
`hignbartdwidth bus (capable of extremely fast
`data transmission), Multibus also allows multiple
`bus masters. See aim bus.
`Multi-Color Graphics Array SeeMCGA.
`rnultifile sorting The process of sorting a body
`of data that resides in more than one file.
`Mu.lti.Fir1der A version of the Apple Macintosh
`Finder that provides support for multitasking.
`The primary use oFMu1tiFir1der is to allow mul-
`tiple applications to be simultaneously resident
`in memory. A single mouse click switches be-
`tween applications, and information from one
`application can be copied to another. If the active
`application allows true multitasking, background
`tasks can be processed. See also Finder.
`multifunction board A computer add—in board
`that provides more than one function. Multifunc-
`tion boards for personal computers frequently of-
`fer additional memory, serial/parallel ports, and a
`multilayer In board design, a term referring to a
`printed circuit board consisting of two or more
`layers of board material. Each separate layer has
`its own metallic tracings to provide electrical
`connections between various electronic Compo-
`nents and to provide connections to the other
`layers. The layers are laminated together to pro-
`duce a single circuit board to which the compo-
`nents—such as integrated circuits, resistors, and
`capacitors—are attached. Multilayer design al-
`lows many more discrete paths between compo-
`nents than single-layer boards do.
`In computer—aided design (CAD), a term refer-
`ring to drawings, such as electronic circuits, that
`are built up using multiple layers, each with a dif-
`ferent level of detail or a different object, so that
`distinct parts of the drawing can easily be ma-
`nipulated, overlaid, or peeled off.
`multimedia The combination of sound, graphics,
`animation, and video. In the world of computers,
`multimedia is a subset of hypermedia, which
`the elements of multimedia with
`hypertext, which links the information. See also
`hypermedia, hypertext.
`forms Computer printer paper ar-
`ranged in sets with carbon paper between the
`sheets (or with 3 chemical coating that emulates
`carbon on the back of each sheet except the last-,
`such forms are called carbonless forms) to pro-
`duce copies of output from impact printers. Mul-
`tipart forms are designated by the number of
`copies in a set, as 2-part, 5-part, and so on.
`multipass sort A