said-sound and said pointerwtdggered aammanieatien mgggggg and said gmphi
`s Mmm% and further comgrising a human communication sound
`,:;g,:1Iext or ascii,
`-31. (ourrerttly amended}
`‘Fha method of claim 1, wherein the stepg of
`a:_bit;a£iag_sending and receiving are is carried eut with one at said communications comgrising
`said video; am said graphic; ggg said pointer-mggerggmessag m
`and fudher comprising text or ascii.
`32. {currently amended) The method of claim 1, wherein the step; of
`m§mufl is carriectoutwith
`said graphic: and said minter—!figgg@ m§53L
` text or ascii.
`.33. (currently amended)
`The method of ctaim 1'r’G. wherein said step of
`arbitrating is t:arried_ out with said-souadand said pointer-triggered
` .
`and fudher inciuding ‘the sjgg af arbilrating wflh the contrafier comguter
`communicate a hygmantgmmunicatton seund and text or ascii ta the other of the participator-
`to determine which at the participator computers can
`@ 8
`4. (currentty amended) The method of claim 170, wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with said pointer-triggergg sammunisattan _rp_e;s_._§g_e_ and said graphic.
`and further infctuding the stag of arbitrating with the controlter ocm[guter'aad~wherein~sa:id»~s-tap
`to determine which of the partécipatoaf computexfi pan
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5001

`communicate test or ascii to the cilia? of the participator computers least-aeassli.
`35, (currently amended) The method of claim 170. wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with saidacuneaad said vldecanri said graphic, and further including
`the stag of arbitrating with the controllerwmmler
`arbitrafiag to determine which of the paaticipator computers can communicate a human
`communication sound and taxi or ascii to the other of the participator computers
`35. (currently amended)
`The method of ciaim 170, wherein said step of
`arbltrailng -is carried out with said-sound-and said graphic and said pointer-triggered message,
`s»-aibitrating and further including
`the 5129 of arbitratigg'with the controller commute: to dcte'rmine which of the participator
`computers can ccmmunicale a human communication sound gnd wt or ascii to the other of
`the participator computers tel-tt—er~asefi.
`37. (currently amended) The method of claim 1Y0. wherein said step of
`arbilrcting is carried out with said graphic and saidwdw,
`mduw and further including the stay; of arbitrating with the controller comguter to
`determine which of the participator computers can communicate tag or ascii to the other of the
`participator computers
`38. (currently amended} The-method of claim ‘:70, wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carded outwith said video and said graphic and said pcintentrtggered meggage,
`and further including the stag ct arbiirating with the controller
`comguter to determine which of the garticigator comgutcrs can communicate text or ascii to thg
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5002

`other of the aarticigator cemguters
`39. (currently amended}
`The method of claim ‘E70. wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with said video and said pcintewriggered mmmmmmm
`arbitraiing with the controlier comguter to detennine which of the participator computers can
`cemmunicate text or ascii to the other of the participator computers
`and further including the stag of
`40. {currently amended)
`The method of claim 170. wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried outwith said video and said graphic-and said pointer-triggered
` .
`41, (currently amended) The method ofciaim 176.w
`aiiaiiaaiingi-is-aaziieei-out-5\tit!1~5aiei-aésund mijgbeg inc!i._:digg the stat; of aibitrafiag with the '
`ccmroiier comguier to determine which of the ggrticigator comguters can communicate a
`iguinan communication sound.
`42. (currenliy amended) The method of ciaim 1?0. wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out withm said video, and further inctuding the stag of
`arbitralingwith the contgoiieg cgmguier to deiermige _v_«L§ch oi the gariicigator ccmgyggrs cag
`communicate a human g_qrnmunicatiog' sound.
`43. {currentiy amended) The methcd of ciaim 170. wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with saidaeuad-and said graphic, and further including the stag cf
`arbitrating with the controller computer to determine which of ggge garticigator comguters can
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5003

`cammunicaie a human ggmmunicaiicm sound.
`44. (curreniiy amended)
`The method of éiaém 170. wherein said slap of
`azbitrazing is carried outwith saideeund-and snid pointer-triggered eemmaaieafioa message
`ang fugher inciuding the stag of arbiirasing with the controlier comguger to deiermine which of
`mg pgnicigatnr comguters can cammunicate a human communicaiion sound.
`45. (isurreniiy amended) The method of claim 170, further including the step of
`arbiiraiing with the controiier comguter to determine which of me gariicigator comguters can
`communicate a "human communication sound and text or a§cii lo the other of the participator
`computers tax:-amssii.
`46. (previously amended) The method of ciaim ‘E70, wherein said step of
`arbiiraiing is carried out with said video.
`I 47. (previously amended) The method of claim 170, wherein said step of
`arbitraiing is carried out with said video and said graphic.
`48.. {previously amt-rzaied) The rnethad of claim 170. wherein said step of
`arbitraiing is carried out-wilh said video and said pointer-triggeredw message.
`49. (cum:-ntiy amended) The method of ciaim 170, wherein said step of
`arbiiraiing is carried out with said videa.
`and further including the my of arbiiraiing with the caniroiler comguterto determine which cf
`the participaior computers can communicate text or ascii to the other of the panicipator
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5004

`computers 'taxt—9r—aeci“i.
`50. {previously amended) The method of claim 170, whsrein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with said graphic.
`5*}. (currentiy amended}
`The method of claim ‘E70. wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with-said graphic and said pointer-triggered dammunieati-an message.
`52. (currently amended) The method or claim 1'10. wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried outwith said graphic,
`atbitsatingand iurtheriractudin t est
`of arbitratin with the can!roiier' m uertc determine
`which of the participator computers can communicate text or ascii to the other of the participator
`53, (currently amended) The method ofciaim ‘£70, wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with said-sauna-and said video? and said graphic, and further including
`the step of artfgratihg with the controiter comguter to determine Lhich of the particiggtor
`ggmggtggg ggg communicate a human commgggcggiog; goygg.
`54. (currently amended}
`The method of ciaim 170 3, wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with said~aeanet»and said video and said pointer-ttiggered
`sammaaieaéien rneggage and further inciuding the stag of arbitratigg with the controlier
`computer to determine which ‘of the ganicipatgrr ccmggteg cag communicate a human
`commugication sound.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5005

`55. (currently amended) The method of claim 170, wherein said step of
`afoitrating is carried out with said—sauné-arid said video,
`and further including the step of arbilrating with the contraiier computer to
`determine which of the,par1icipator computers. can communicate a human communication
`sound and leg; Q; ascii to the other of the participator computers taxtior-aaaii.
`56. icurrentlylamended)
`The method of claim 1?O, wherein said step of A
`arbitrating is carried outwithm said video and said graphic and said potnter~
`message, a_r_td further inotuding the step ofarbitrating with the
`corttroiior comguterto determine which of the participator computers can communicate a
`human cogfimggiggtign ggund.
`52’. (currently amended)
`The method of claim ‘E70. wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried outwithw said video and said pointer-triggered
`and further _
`inciuding the step; of arbitratigg with the controiler computer to determine which of the
`participator computers can communicate at human communication sound and text or ascfi to the
`other of the participator computers 1eael—or—assii.
`58. (currently amanded)
`The method of claim 170, wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried outwith G$ said video and said graphic and said poirtter-
`triggered aeramuaieaiioa zrtossage.
`further including the step of arbgragigg with the oontrolier comguter to determine which of the
`participator computers can communicate aiwman communication sound and text or ascii to the
`other of the participator computers
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5006

`59. (currently amended} The method of ctaim 170, wherein said step of
`arbitratirag is carried outwith saié-scuncanc said graphic and said pointer-triggered message
`and further comprising a human communication sound communications.
`60. (currently amended) The method of ciaim 170, wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with said pointer—triggeined message
`and wherein said
`step of arbitrating inciudes arbitrating to determine which of the participator computers can
`communicate gm 9;. ascii to the other ofthe participator computers text~or-ascii.
`6%. {Currently amended) The method of claim 179. wherein said step or
`inciucies arbitrating to determine which of
`the participator computers can communicate text or sscii to the other of the participator
`62. (currently amended)
`The method of claim 170, wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with said pointer~triggared
`63. (currerrtiy amended) The method of claim 170, wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with caiécaaactand gig graphic. and wherein said step of arbitrating
`includes arbitratirsg to determine which of the participator computers can communicate a human
`communication sound and text or asoii to tho other of the participator computers
`64. {prewously amended} The method of claim 1. further Including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5007

`65. (previously amended) The method of claim .2. further including the slap oi:
`determining a user’s age. corres§:onding'to said user identity.
`66. (previously amended)
`The method of claim 3. further including the step of:
`determining a.user‘s age corresponding to said user identity.
`67. (previously amended) The method of claim 4. further including the step of:
`deterrnining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`68. (previously amended} The method of claim 5, further including the step of:
`determining a user’: age corresponding to said user identity.
`69. (previously amended)
`The method of claim 6. further inclucfingihe step of‘.
`determining a usefis age conesponding to said user identity.
`70. (previously amended) The method of claim 7. further including the step of:
`determining a users see corresponding to ‘said user identity.
`71. (previously amended) The method of claim 8. furtherincludlng the step of;
`detemiining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`72. (previously amended)
`The method of claim 9. further including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`Facebook’s Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5008

`73. (previously amended) The methnd of ciaim '10, further inciudmg the step of:
`deierrnining a users age corresponding to said useridenlity.
`74. (preuiausiy amended) The method of ciaim'1 1. further including the step of:
`determining a‘user‘s age cnrresponciing to said useridenfity.
`75. (previously amended} The method of claim 12. further including the step of;
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`76. (previausiy amended) The methad of ciaim 13. further inciuding the step of:
`determining a user’s age corresponding to-said user identity.
`77. (previously amended) The method of claim 14, further including the siepof:
`determining a user's age corresponding 10 said user identity.
`78.. {previaasiy amended} The method of claim 15. further including the‘ siep of:
`determining a "user's age corresponding lo said user identity.
`79. {previously amended) The method of claim 16, further including {he step of:
`determining a user's age corresponding to said user identity.
`80. (previeusiy amended) The method “of claim 17, furlher inciuding the step of:
`detenninlng a user‘s age corresponding to said use:identiiy..
`Facebnok's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5009

`81. (previously amended) The method of ciaim 18, (urine: inciuciing the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`82. (previously amended) The method oi claim 19, further including the step of:
`determining a user's age corresponding to said user identity.
`83. (previously. amended) The meihod. of claim 20, further including the step of:
`deierrnining a user's age corresponding to said user identity.
`84. (previously amended) The method of claim 21, further including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`35. {previously aiinended} The method of claim 22. further including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`86. {previously amended) The meihocf of claim 23, further inciuding the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`87. (previousiy amended) The method of claim 24. furiher including the step of:
`determining a user’: age corresponding to said user identity.
`83. (previously amended) The method of ciaim 25. further including ihe step oi:
`deierrnining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`89. (previousiy amended) The method of claim 26, furiher including the step of:
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5010

`determining a user’s age corresponding to said user identity.
`99. {previously amended) The method of claim 27. further inciuding the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity;
`91. fpreviousiy amended) The method of claim 28, further including the step of:
`determining a usefs age corresponding to said user identity.
`92. (previously amended} The method of claim 29. further including the step of:
`determining a user's age corresponding to said user identity.
`93. (previously amended) The method-of ctaim 30. further including the step of:
`determining a user‘: age corresponding to‘ said user identity.
`94. (previously amended) The method of claim 31, turther including the step of:
`determining a user's age corresponding to said user identity.
`95. (previously amended) The method of claim 32. further including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`96. (previously amended) The method of claim 33, further including the step of:
`determining a user's age corresponding to said user identity.
`97. (prencusty amended) The method of claim 34, further including the step of:
`determining a needs age corresponding to said user identity.
`Facebooids Exhibit No_ 1002
`Page 5011

`98. (previously amended) The method of-claim 35, further including the siep of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`99. (previousiy amended) The method of claim 36. further inciuding the step of:
`deiermining a user's age corresponding to said user identity.
`100. (previousiy amended) The method of claim 37. further inciuding the step of:
`detennining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`101. (previously amended) The method of claim 38, further inciuding the step of:
`determining a user's age corresponding to said user Identity.
`102. (previously omanded) The method of ciaim 39, further inciuding the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`103. (previously amended) The method of oiaim 40, further including the step of:
`determining a user's age-corresponding to said user identity.
`104. (previously amended) The method of claim 41. former inoiuding the step of:
`delerminireg a user's age corresponding :0 said user identity.
`105. (previously amended) The method of ctaim 42. further including the step of:
`determining a user's age corresponding; to said user identity.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5012

`106. (previously amended) The method of claim 43, format including the step of:
`determining a. users age corresponding to saici user identity.
`107. {previously amended) The method of claim 44. further including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding 10 said user ideniiiy.
`188. (previously amended) The method of claim 45. further including me step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user ideniiiy.
`109. {previously amended} The meihod of claim 48, furiher including the step of:
`deiemsining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`110. (previously amended) The method of claim 47, further including the step of:
`deierrnining a user‘s age corresponding to said user identity;
`111. (previously amended) The method of ciaim 48, furlherinciuding the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`112. (previously amended) The method of claim 49, further including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding 10 said user identity.
`113. (previously amended) The maihod of claim 50, furilaer including ihe step of:
`detetminlng a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`114. (previously amended) The method ofciaim 51. further including the step of:
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5013

`cietermining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`‘He. (previously amended) The method of claim 52, further including ihe step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`116. (previously amended) The method of ciairn 53. further inoiuding the siep of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`11?. (previously amended) The method of ciaim 54. further including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`1 18. (previousiy amended) Themeihod of ciaim 55, further inciuding the step of:'
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`119. (previously amendecf) The method of claim 56. further including the step of:
`determining a user‘s age corresponding to said user identity.
`120. {previously amended} ‘rho method of claim 57. further including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`121. {previously amended) The method of ciaim 58, further inciuding the step of:
`determining a user's age correaoonding to said user identity.
`122. (previonsiy amended} The method of oiairn 59, furiher including the step of:
`determining a user's age corresponding to said user identity.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5014

`#23. (previously amended) The method of claim 60, further including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`124. (previously amended) The methoo of claim 81. further including the step of:
`determining a user's age corresponding to said user identity.
`125. (previously amended) The method of claim 62. further including the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding; to said user identity.
`126. (previously amended) The. method of claim 63, further including the step of:
`‘ determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`127. (currently amended} The method of claim 1, wherein the step ofarbitrating
`includes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`128. (currently amended)
`The method of claim 2, wherein the step of
`arbitrating includes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`129. (currently amended}
`The method of claim 3. wherein the step of
`arbilrating includes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`130. (currently amended)
`The" method of claim 4, wherein-the step of
`arbilrating includes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5015

`131. fcurreniiy amended)
`The method of claim 5, wherein the step of
`arbitrating inciudes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`132. (currentiy amended)
`The method of claim 6. wherein the step of
`arbilrating includes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`133. (currsntty amended)
`The method of claim 7', wherein the step of
`arbitrating inoiudes authodzing a ‘moderator for said oommanioations.
`1'34. (currents? amended)
`The method of ciaim 8, wherein the step of
`arbiiraiing inciudes authoiizing a moderator for said oommunioations.
`135. (cunentiy amended)
`The method of claim 9, wherein the step ‘of
`arbiirating inciucfes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`136. (currentiy amended)
`The method of ciaim 16, wherein the step oi
`arbitrating inciudes authogrg‘ing a moderator for said oommunéoations.
`13?. {currently amended)
`The method of claim 11. wherein the step of
`arbitrating Enciudes auihorizim a moderator for said communications.
`138. (currently amended)
`The method of claim 12. wherein the step of
`arbitraling includes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`139. {currently amended)
`The method of claim 13-, wherein the step of
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5016

`arbitrating irzciudes aulhofizing a modoratorfor said communications.
`"140. {curremiy amiandoci}
`The method of ciaim 14, wherein the step of
`arbilraliog includes authorizing a moderalor for said communications.
`141. (currently amended)
`The method of claim 15. wherein tho step of
`arbitraiing includes authgrizing a moderaior for said communications,
`142. {currently amended}
`The method of oiaim 16, wherein the step of
`arbitraling includes authorizing a moderator-for said communications.‘
`143. (curremiy amended)
`The method of claim .17. wherein the step of
`arbliraling includes authorizing‘ a moderator for said oommunlcations.
`1314. (currently amended)
`The meihod of claim 18. vmeroin the step of
`arbitrating includes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`145. (currently amended)
`The method of claim 19, wherein the step of
`arbilraling inciudes auihorizlng a moderator for said oommunioaiions.
`146. (currently amended}
`The method of claim 20, wherein the slap of
`arbilrating includes authorizing a-moderator for said communications.
`14?; (currently amended)
`The method of claim 21, wherein the: siep of
`aroitraling inotudes authorizing a moderator for said commuoicalions.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5017

`148. (currently amended)
`The method of claim 22. wherein the step of
`arbitrating includes auigorizing a moderatcr {or said communications».
`149. (currently amended)
`The method of stain: 23. wherein the step of
`arbilrating includes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`‘:50. (currently amended)
`Tits method of daim 24. wherein the step of
`arioitratiag inciudes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`1'51. (currentiy amended)
`The methad of ciaim 25, wherein the step of
`arbitraiing Enciudesauthorizing a moderatorforsaidcommunications.
`152. {currentty amended)
`The rnetiiod of ciaim 26, wherein the step at
`arbiirating includes gmngrjgigg a moderator for said cammuriications.
`153. (currentty amended) The method of stain: 27! wheréin- the step of
`arbitrating includes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`154, (currentiy amended) The method of ciaim 23. wherein the step of
`arbitrating includes authorizing a moczeratorfor said communications.
`155. (currently amended) The memod of ciaim 29, wherein the step of
`arbilratirag inctudes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5018

`J56. (currently amended) The method of claim 30, wherein the step or
`arbiirating includes auihorizing a moderator for said communications.
`15?. (currently amended) The method of ciaim 31. wherein the step of
`arbiirzting includes authorizing a moderator for said communications.
`158. (currently amended) The method of claim 32, wherein the step of
`arbitrating inciudesauthorizing a moderator forsaid communications.
`159. {currently amended) The method of claim 170. wherein furiherinciuding
`communicating a user imagofrom said one ofthe piuraiity olthe
`the step of
`& participatorcomputers to the otherofthe participatorcomputers.
`160.'(currenliy amended} The maihod of claim 41, wherein further including the
`step of
`communicating a user image from said one of the plurality oi the
`participator computers to the other of rho participator computers.
`161. (currently amended) The method of claim 42. wiriereinfurgher igclurfing the
`stepof oommunicating a user image. from said one of the plurality of the
`participator computers to the other of the participator computers.
`162. (currently amended) The method of claim 46. wherein further including the
`step of ws communicating a user image from said one of the plurality of the
`participatcacomputers to the other of the participator computers.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5019

`163. (currently amended} The method of claim 51, wherein further including the
`Step of
`communicating a user image from said one of the plurality’ of the
`participator computers to the other of the participator computers.
`164. (currently amended) The method of ciaim 1, further inctuding the step of;
`communicating a user image from one member in the group to another member
`in the group.
`165. (currently-amended) A method £9: 93 using a computer system to distribute
`communication over an Entemet network, the method including the steps of:
`§ _
`obtaining a respective authenticated user identity from a controller computer over
`the tntemet network for respective use on each of a plurality of participator computers. each
`said participator computer connected to an input device and to an output device;
`programming the participator. computers to enable the communication, inctuding
`at least one of a homer; sound, a video, a graphic. or mottimedia
`connecting said participator computers to said Internet network;
`using said authenticated user identity to communicate a pointer-triggered
`message from one of said participator computers to said controiier computer and from said
`controiier computer to an other of said participator computers; and
`using said pointeotriggered message to receive the communication at the other
`of said participator computers in real time over the Internet network
`166. (currenlty amended) The method of cialm 165, further inciuding the step of:
`determining a users age corresponding to said user identity.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5020

`167. (cumsntiy amended)
`The method of claim 165, wherein the step of
`programming is carried outwith said communication inctucing §a_k£ video.
`168. (currentiy amended)
`The method of ciaim 165, wherein the step of
`programming is carried out with said comrnunicotion including §_a_ii_d video.
`169. {previously amended) The method of ‘claim 165. further including the step
`of forming ochat'channat over the Internet network. and arbiirating channei communications
`between said participator computers at said controller computer.‘
`170. (currently amended) A method for 91' using computers to communicate over
`' an Internet network. the method inciuding the steps of:
`connecting cocci a controiier comgugermth a plurality of participator computers‘
`said connecting including connecting at least one of the gioraigg Q!’ garticigalor corrrmgg with
`é1h_e controller computr.-rthrough the Internet network, each said participator computer
`connoctco to an input device and to an output device; and
`arbiirating with the controiier computer, in accordance with preziofined ruies
`inctuding a test for an authenticated user identitgragiptied-to-said»«one—cf-the-piuraiity-at
` mm, to determine which of the participator computers can communicate to
`an other of the participator computers over the Internet network in rest time-,-iwixaaa-sound; _a_t
`toast one of a video, a graphic, 9; a pointer-triggered messag .
`171, (previously amended) The method of claim 165, wherein said step of
`programming is carried out with said communication including said sound.
`i'-'acebool<'s Exhibit No. ‘E002
`Page 5021

`172. (previously amended) The method of claim 165, wherein sold step of
`programming is carried outwith said-oornrnunication including said sound and said video.
`173. {previously amended) The method of claim 166. wherein said step of
`programming is carried out with said communication including said sound.
`‘I?“4. (previously amended) The method of claim ‘E66. wherein said step of
`programming is carried out with said communication including saidsound and said video.
`175. {currently amended} The method of claim ‘:65, further including the stag of
`/9 wherein-sendinginoludes sending lhe_communioation as an out ofhand communication.
`‘W6. {previously amended) The method of claim 166, ‘fur‘ther'inr:.Iuding the step of:
`communicating an asynchronous communication from said oontrolier computer to
`one of said participator computers.
`17?. (previously amended} The method of claim 165, further including the stop of:
`communicating an asynchronous communication from said controller computer to
`one of said participator computers.
`178. (previously amended) The method of claim ‘:76, furtherinciuding the step of:
`communicating an asynchronous communication from said controller computer to
`one of said participator computers.
`179. (previously amended) The method of claim 5. further including the step of:
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5022

`communicating a user image from one member in the group to another member in
`180. {prieviousiy amended) The method of claim 6. further including the step of:
`communicating a user image from one member in the group to another member in
`181. {previously amended) The method of aiaim #0, further including the step of:
`communicating a user image from one member in the group to another member in
`182. (curreniiy amended) The method of ciaim 23,'furiher inciuding the szepoiz
`communicating a user image from one member in Ehegmup to anoiher member in
`the group.
`ihe group.
`the group.
`the group.
`183. (previously added} The method of oiaim 1, further inciuding "the step of:
`communicating an asynchronous communication from said controiiar computer-to
`one of said panicipator computers.
`(previously added}
`The method ofciaim1.'wf1ereinthe step of
`arbitrating includes censoring responsive to at least one of said user identity, group. and
`(previously added)
`The rneihod of ciaim 2. wherein the step of
`arbitrating incfudes censoring responsive to at least one of said user identity, group, and
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5023

`(previously added]
`The method of claim 3. wherein the step of
`arbitrating inciudes censoring responsive to at Ieasi one of said user ideniity, group. a_nd
`(previously added)
`-The method oi ciaim 4, wherein the stop of
`arbitratino includes censoring responsive to at leasl one of said user identity, group, and
`188. (pr-aviousty added)
`The method of claim 5. wherein the step of
`arbitragirtg includes censoring responsive to at Feast one of said user idomity, group. and
`189. (previousty added)
`The method of claim 6, wherein the stop of
`arbitrating includes censoring responsive to at feast one of said user idemity, group, and
`190. ipreviousiy added)
`The method of claim 7, wherein the step of
`arbiiraling includes censoring responsive to at ieast one of said useridenfity. group, and
`191. (previously added)
`The method of claim 8, wherein the step of
`arbitraling incfudes censoring responsive to at least one of said user it-ientily, group, and
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5024

`192. {previously added}
`The method of claim 9. wherein the stem)?
`arbltraling includes censoring responsive to at least one of said usar identity, group. and
`193. (previously added}
`The melhod of claim 10. wherein the step of
`arbitrating Includes censoring responsive to at least one of said user identity, group. and
`194. (previously added)
`The method of élaim 11. wherein the step-of
`arbitrating includes cpensoring responsive to alleast arse of said user identity, group, and
`195. (previously added)
`The method of claim 12, wherein the step of
`arhllratlng includes censoring responsive to at least cine of said user identity, group

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