_ Set. No, 09/899,578'-
`Atty.Ref: AlS-P1-99
`Art Unit 2452
`determines whether the corresbonding saiduserideniity is censored from recsivitig. and
`608. (Currently amended) The systert of claim 542; wherein the-poiateris-a,
`each said user.identity in thegroupwith 4 respective particular user'sstored accessrights,and
`determines whatherthe corresponding said useridentity is censored from receiving, and
`‘609. (Currently amended)
`Thesystem ofctaim 543,whereinthe-pointerica.
`the computersystemassociates
`determineswhether the corresoonding said useridentity iscensored from receiving, and
`whetherthe corresponding saiduser identityiscensored fram sending,in the.communications,
`‘least one of a.
`610. (Currently amended}=The systemof.claim 544, whereinthe-pointeris-a
`demand [hecomputersystemassociates
`each.said useridentity in the group witha respective paricular user'sstoredaccess fights, and
`determines whetherihe correspondina said user. identity is censored fron receiving, and
`whather thecorresponding said usaridentity is censored from sending,
`in the communications
`data presenting at Jeast one of a pointer. video, audio, a graphic, or muttimedia.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1001


`Sei. No; 09/399,578
`Atty. Ret: AIS:P1-99
`ActUnit 2452.
`The system-of.claim 549,wheréinthe peinteris-a
`611. (Currently amended)
`Figgéredsnecsage-ondemand the computer system associates
`each said useridentity in.the atoup with 2 respective particularuser's stored accesstights, and:
`determines wheiherthe corresponding said user identity is censored [rom-receiving, and
`whéther the corresponding said useridentity is-censored from:sendi
`‘data presenting at least one of a pointer, video, audio. a graphic, of multimedia.
`in the coramunications
`612. (Currently amended)
`The systemof-claim 550, wherein the-pointeric-a-
` 4
`determiries whether thecorrespondingsaid:user idéntily is censored from receiving, and
`‘whether the’ corresponding said user identity is censored from:-sending, in the communications,
`thecomputer systani associates
`datapresenting atleast oneofapointer, video, audio,-agraphic, or mullimedia.
`613, (Currently amended)
`‘The systern ofclaim55 |, wherein the-peiriteris-a
`d the computer system associates
`data presentingatieast one of a pointer, video, audio, a graphic, ormutlimedia.
`614, (Currently amended).
`Thesysiein of claim 555, wherein #
`' pointerthatprodueds-apointer-riggeredmessageondemand the computer system.associatas
`each said user identity intheqroup with 2 respective |
`ricularUser's storedatcass rights, and
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1002


`Ser. No; 09/399,578"-
`Atty.: Ref: AIS:P1-09
`Art Unit 2452
`615. (Gurrenilyamended).
`The systemofclaim. 556, wherein he-painteris-a-
`each said user identity in the group witha respective particular user's stored access fights, and
`determines whether the correspondingsaid useridentity iscensoredtrom receiving,and
`whether the corresponding said user identity iscensored.from sending. an the cammunications, .
`data presenting at of a oointer, video, audio, a-graphic. of multimedia:
`‘The system ofclaim557, wheréin thepeltteris-q
`618, (Currently amended)
`demand the Computersystem associates
`data presenting atleast one of a pointer,video; audio,a graphic, or multimedia.
`617. (Currently amended). The system of claim 559;.wheréin the-pointeris-a
`Head. the computer, ‘system associates
`in the-qroup witha respective particularuser's stored accessfights, and.
`aach Said user identity
`determines whetherthe corresponding said user identity is censored fromrecelving, and
`whether the corrésbanding said user identity is censored fram sending, ‘in the communications,
`data presenting at-least‘one of a pointer, video. audio, aaraphic. dr. mulfimedia:
`618, (Currently amended) The systemof claim 560, wherein the-peiateris.a
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1003


`Sei, No.09/399,578'
`Atty. Ret: AIS-P 1-99
`Art Unit 2452
`rights; and.
`demand the computer systém associates
`whether the corresponding said user idenlity is censoredfrorseriding,in the communications...
`‘data présenting at least oneofa pointer, video, audio. a graphic, ormullimedia,
`619, (Currently amended): Thesystemofclaim 561, whérein thepeintetca
`pointer-thatproduces-a_pointertiggeradmossage-on-daniand the computer system ass0ciates
`gach saiduser identityin the group with a resy ective: anicular user'sstored accesstic hts, and
`determines whether thecorrespondingsaid user identityis censored from receiving,and
`whetherthecorresponding said user censoredfrom sending,in the commutiications,
`data presentingatleast ‘one of apointer, video, audio, a graphic, or multimedia.
`620. (Currently amended) The system of clair 566, wherein thepéinterisa:
` ad
`thecomputer system asséciatés:
`data presenting at least one ofa pointer, Video. audio, agraphic, or multimedia,
`621.(Currently amended) The system of claim 567, wherein thepeinteds-a,
`the computer system associates
`gach said user the group witha respective pariicular user's stored actess rights, and
`determineswhether the corres:
`is censored from receiving,
`7 Said ‘user identi
`whether the corresponding said User identity iscensored from-sending,in the communications:
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1004


`Ser. No: 09/398,578°
`Atty.‘Ref: Ais:P4-99
`Ark Unit 2452
`data presenting at least one-of a pointer, video, audio, a graphicor mutlimedia,
`‘622. (Currently amended) The system of claim 568; wherein
`and the compuler system dssocidies
`that produed
`each said usér identity in the qroup with.a respective
`Hicular user's.stored access rights: and.
`‘determines whether the corresponding said user Identity is censored from receiving, and
`whetherthecorresponding said useridentityiscensoredfrom:sending,in the communications,
`data presenting at least one of a pointer, video, audio, 2 graphic, or multimedia.
`623, (Currently amended) The system of claini’572, wherein the-painteris-a
`Peinlorthatreduase 2.pelntorHagoraemassager
`“whether Ihe correspondingsaid user identity is censored fron sending,In the communications,
`data presentingat leastone. ofa pointer, video, audio, a graphic. or multimedia.
`624, (Currently.ameaded) The'system of claim573, wherein the-peintécis-a
`each said the-group with a respective particular User's stored access fants, and
`determines Ww, etherthe corres
`ndin said useridentit
`is censoredfromreceiving,
`whether the corresponding Said user identity is censored from sending, in ihe:communications,
`data présenting at least one of a pginter, video, audio, 4 gisiphic, or multimedia:
`625, (Currently amended). The system of claim 574, wherein the-pointerisa
`thecomputer system associates

`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1005


`Set, No. 09/399,578°
`Alty. Ref: AlS-P1-99
`Art Unit 2452
`zach said useridentity in the qrovip with 4 respective particular usér's stored acces
`whetherthe corresponding said useridentity !s censored from-sendina,in the. communications,
`data presenting at least one of a pointer,,a graphic, or mullimedia..
`$rights, and
`626. (Currently amended) The system of claim 576, wherein the-sointeris-a
`pd the comutersystem associaies
`- Gach said useridentityin thegroup with.a respective particular user's stored-access fights, and
`determines whather thecorresponding Said ‘user identity is censoredfromreceiving, ang.
`- whetherthe correspondingsaid useridentityis ¢e/soréd from sending, in the commuriigations,
`data presenting at least one of a pointer, video. audio, a gqraphic, or multimedia:
`627, (Currently:amended) Thesystem ofclaim 577, wherein ihe-data
`-rapfesente-apolnle-thatapeintertiggeiedmessage-ondemand thé cornputer-system
`associates each said useridentity in the qrolip with arespective particular user's stored access
` at ledst oneofa pointer, video: Audio. a graphic, or.
`¢ommunications, data presentir
`628. (Currently amended)
`“Thesystem of claim’578, wherein the-data:
`essage-on-demand the computer system
` ensored from receiving,
`rights, and determines whetherthe corresponding said useridentity is:c
`and whetherthecorresponding said useridentity is censored from-sendino, inthe
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1006


`Set. No. 09/399,578
`Atty.: Ref: AiS-P1-99
`ArtUnit 2452
`communications, datapresenting at least one of a painter, video, audio, a oraohic,ot
`629, (Currently amiendéd) The'systém ofclaim 579, wherein the-data:
` the computer system,
`associates. each said userIdentity in. thegroup with a respective particular user's storedaccess
`fights. anddeteimines whether thecorrespondingsaid useridentity is censoredfromSeceiving,
`andwhether thecomesponding said useridentity is: censored from sendin
`communications, data presenting-at least one of a pointer, vided, audio, a qraphic, or
`630: (Currently amended) The system of claim 580wheyein the-data-represents
`said useridentity in:the group with a respective particularuser's Stored access rights. and:
`determines whether the correspoonding said useridentityis ‘censoredIrom receiving, and°
`whetherthe corresponding said useridentity iscensored from sending,in the Cormmunications,
`631. (Currently amended). The system ofclaim 515, wherein the-data
`rapresenis-a.pointerhatapeiniersriggetedmessageon-demand thecomputersystem
`associates each said user the group witha respective particular usér'sstored access
`rights: and deiermines whether.the corresponding.said User identityis censoréd irom réceivin
`and whetherthe corresponding said vseridentity is consored from sending, in the
`communications, datapresenting at leas! one of a pointer, video, ausio, a qraphic.-or
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1007


`Ser. No, 09/399,578:
`Atty. Ref: AlS:P1-99
`Art Unit 2452.
`1832:- 725.(Cancelled),
`726. (Gurrently amended) The method ofclaim 884, wherein al leastanéof the
`communications includes dala |[re]Jpresenting sound..
`FB, (Currently amended): The methodof claim 884, whérein at least oneof the
`-communications includesdata [[re]l|presenting videe..
`728. (Currently amended) Themethod ofclaim 884. wherein at least oneofthe
`communications {[re]]presenting sound and video.
`729, {Currently amended) The method of claim 884,further including:
`storing; forihetirst user identity, an authorization associated wiilli presentation of
`graphical multimedia; and:
`based cn theauthorization, prosontingallowing presentation ofthe graphical
`multimedia at.cre-of the phurality-of Barticipator computer{{si] corresponding to the second tiser
`730; (Currently amended)
`‘Themethod ofclaim 726,further including;
`storing,for thefirst user identity, an authorizationassociated with presentation of
`graphical muitinédia; and
`based on the authorization, pYesertingaliowing presentation of the graphical
`multimedia at ere-of the plurality-of participator computer[[s]] comespondingto the-second user.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1008


`‘Set, No. 09/399,578"
`Atty. Refi AIS-P1-99
`Art Unit 2452
`731. (Gurrently-amerided) The method ofclaim 727,further including;
`‘storing, for the first user identity; an authorization associated with preseniation. of
`based onthe authorization, presentiagallowing presentation‘ofthe. graphical
`multimedia at ene-of the phuratity-of participator computer([s]} the second. user
`The method ofclaim 884, based-on the
`authorization, presenting the graphical multimedia data at the outgut device corresponding to
`the.second useridentity,and wherein one.of the deterilfing sleps includesdetermining
`whether aparameter corresponding to the-first user identity has been determined by a user:
`correspondingto anotherof theuseridentities.
`733..(Previously presented) Themethod ofclaim: 729, wherein the graphical
`data inéludes graphical multimedia data.
`734, (Currently amended)’ The methodof claim 885, wheréin at least one of the
`‘communications includesdaia [[re]]presenting sound.
`738. (Currently amended) ‘The method of claim 885, wherein at leastoneof the
`communications includes data{[ré}Joresenting video:
`736. (Currently amended) Themethod ofclaim885, wherein at leastone of the
`communicationsiricludesdata[[re]lpresenting soundandvideo.
`Facebook's Exhibit No, 1002
`Page 1009


`‘Ser. No. 09/389,578'
`Atty. Ref: AlS=P 1-99
`“Art Unit2482.
`737. (Currently amended). The methodof claim 885, further including:
`storing,forthe first user identity;an authorization associatedwith presetitation. of
`graphical multimedia: and
`‘based on the authorization, prfesentingaliawing presentation‘of the.graphical
`multimedia al Gne-6f thepluralityof participatorcomputer{[s] corresponding to thesecond user
`‘The method of claim 734,further including:
`738, (Currently amended)
`Storing, forthe first user identity, an authotization associated with présentation of
`_ graphical muttimedia;and
`based on the authorization, pfesestingallowing presentation of the graphical
`multimedia-at one-ct the plurality-ofparticipatorcomputer[is]] corresponding to the second user
`739.(Currantly.amended) The methodofclaim 735,further including:
`storing,for ihefirst user identity, an authorization associated withpresentation of
`graphical multimedia:and.
`-based on the authorization, presentiagallowing presentation of the graphical
`multimedia. al one-o the plarahtyof participator computer|{[s]} correspondingto tha second user
`740; (Currently amended) The method of claim 736,further including:
`storing, forthe first user identity, an authorization associated with présaniatian of
`‘graphical data; and
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1010


`Sei, No. 09/399,578°
`Aity. Ref: AlS:P 1-99:
`Art Unit 2452.
`baséd on the authorization, praséatigallowing presentation of the graphical'data
`at 6aa-ofFihe plurality-of participatorcomputer{[s]]. corresponding.ta: the second useridentity.
`741. (Gurréntly amended) The systemof claim 891, wherein atleastoneofthe
`conimunicatiors includesdala [[re]]presenting sound.
`742,(Currently amended). ‘Thesystemof claim 891, wherein-at least one of the
`communicationsincludes dala Trellpresenting vidéo.
`743. (Currently amended) The system ofclaim 891,. wherein at least one of the:
`communications[{re]]presénting sound and video.
`744. (Curretitly amended) The-sysiem ofclaim 891, wherein the computer
`- sysiein istudhore edte-provides. the participalor computer correspanding tothefirst
`user identity with access lo amember-associated image corresponding to the seconduser
`745. (Currentlyamended). Thesystem of claim741, wherein. the computer.
`system ie
`e-provides theparticipator computercorrespondingtothe first
`useridentity with access to a member-associated image correspondingto the second user
`746. (Currentlyamended) The system of claim 742, wherein.the computer
`“systemisfurhar-programmedte-provides the particinator computer corresponding.tothefirst
`useridentity with access to a member-associated imagecorresponding to the seconduser
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1011


`Ser. No. 09/399,578:
`Atty. Ref: AlS-P4-99
`ArtUnit 2452
`747. (Currently amended) Thesystem of claim 743, wherein the computer
`sysiem it
`fovidesthé participalar computer correspondingto thefirst
`useridentity with access io a member-associated image. corresponding to ihesecond user
`748, (Currently amended). Thesystem of claim 892, wherein atleast one ofthe
`communications includes data-[[re]]presentingsound.
`749, (Currently amended) The-system of clainy 892,wherein at least one ofthé
`communications includesdata [[re]]presenting video.
`750. (Currently amended) The sysiem of claim 892,wherein atleast one af the
`communications inclides data[[re]lpresenting sotind and vidéo.
`751,(Currently amended) Thesystem of claim 892, wherein the computer
`sysiernis-furthecormgrammed-to-provides the participator computer correspdnding to thefirst
`useridentity with access to a member-associated image corresponding to the second user
`752, (Currénily amended) The system ofclaim 748, wherein the cornputer
`sysiom ic-tuthorprogrammedto-provides the participator compute? corresponding to thefirst.
`useridentity with access 10.4 member-assoctated image corresponding to the.second user.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1012


`753. (Currentlyamended) Thesystem of claim.749, wherein thé computer
`systemis-funherprogramimedteprovidesthe participator.compiiter correspondingto thefirst
`useridentitywith accesso a member-associated image corresponding to.thesecond user
`Ser. No. 09/399,578°
`Atty. Ref: AlS=P 1-99
`Act Unit 2462
`754. (Currently amended) Thesysiem of claim 750; wherein the computer
`system is4turharpregrammed-te-provides theparticipator computer corresponding to thefirst
`-useridentitywith a member-associated image corresponding fo the second. user
`755.~ 844. (Cancelled)
`845. (Currently amended) The-system ofclaim 877,wherein the computer
`system is furiherprogrammed to:
`‘send and receive commtinications between.membersin a group, the
`communicationsinéluding data|[re]}présentingat least one ofvideo, sound,a graphic,or
`mukimedia, ead
`‘Foselvethe communications beingsent and received in real lime via theInternet
`846,{Currently amended). The system of claim 845,wherein ihe data includes.
`“data [[re]]presenting sourid.
`847; (Currently amended) The system ofclaim 645, wherain tha data includes
`data {[re]Ipresenting video.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1013


`Set. No. 09/399,578
`Atty. Ref: AIS-P1-99
`Art Unit 2452
`848. (Currently amended) The systemof claim'845, whierain thedata includes
`data [[re]Jpresénting sound and video.
`849:(Currently aniended) The system of claim 845, wherein the computer
`-sysiem isturheror
`ae io-provides the parlicipator cornputer cotresporiding to thefirst
`user identity with access to amember-agsociated image the second user
`850. (Currently amended) Thesystem of claim-846, wherain-the computer
`system is-furlhersrogrammedteprovides the participator computercorrespondingto the first
`-usér identity with access to a member-associatedimage corresponding to thesecond user
`851. (Currently amended) The systemof claim847,.wherein the computer
`system is-turhery
`srovides the.participator computer corresponding,to the first
`Useridentity with access fo a member-associated image-coresponding to the seconduser
`‘852, (Currently amended). The system of claim 848, wherein the computer
`system is-furherprogrammedte-providesthe particinator cornpiter corresponding to thefirst
`-useridentity with access to a member-assoclated Image corresponding tothe second user
`853. (Currently amended) The methodof claim: 878,furtherincluding sending
`andreceiving communicationsbetween membersin a group,the commiunications including
`data {[re]Jpresenting atleast oneof video, sound, a graphic, or multimedia, the receiving in real
`Facebook's Exhibit No, 1002
`Page 1014


`Set. No: 09/399,578°
`Atty. Ref: Al$-P 1-99
`ArtUnit 2462
`time. via: the Intemet rietwork,
`854. (Currently amended) The method of claim 853, whereinthe data
`{re]]presents sound.
`855. (Currently amended) The method ofclaim 853, wherein thedata
`[[rel]presents video.
`856, (Currently amended) The method of claim-853, wherein the data
`I[re]Ipresents'sound and video.
`857, (Currentlyamended) The method of-claim 878,furtherincluding sending,
`-andfeceiving communications between members in a group,the communications including
`data [fe}presenting a member-associated image; sound, andvideo.
`858, (Currently amended) The methodof claim 878,further including:
`- store, for the first usér identity, an authorization associatedwith presentalion of
`‘gtaphical multimedia;and
`based onthe.authorization, prosenifacilitate presentation ofihegraphical
`multimedia al ore-ofthe plurahty-of participator computer|[s]] correspondingto the second user ~
`899, (Currently amended} The mothodof claim $53,4uriher including:.
`store, for the lirst user identity, an authorization associated with presentation. of
`graphical mutimedia; and
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1015


`Ser. No. 09/399,578°
`Atty. Rett AlS:P1-99
`Ant Unit 2452
`baséd on-the authorization,presdatiacilitate presentation ofthe graphical
`Inultimédia‘atene-ef the pluraktyef paiticipator computer[{s!] corresponding:to the sécond user.

`860: (Currently amended) The method of claini 854,furtherincluding:
`Slore, for the first user identity, an authorizationassociated with presentation of
`‘graphical muttimedia; and:
`‘based on theauthorization, pracantiacilitatepresentation of the graphical
`Tuliimedia al ofe-oF the phurality.of participatorcomputer|[s]] corresponding:tothesecond user
`861. (Currently amended) Themethod of claim 855; furtherincluding:
`‘siore, for the first user identity,-an authorization associated with presentation of
`graphical. mu'timedia;.and
`-based on the authorization, presest{acilitate presentation of he graphical
`multimedia one-of the pluralily-cfparticinator computer([s]] corrasponding to the second.user
`862 - 876.(Withdrawn)
`877. (Currently amended)—An Internei network communicationsysiem,the.
`system including:
`a-plurality-oLcemputers,eachoHhepluralily efcomputorebeingconnactodto-a
`pond ia rocnecte nuitnytdaving
`thea mieslity af
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1016


`Ser. No, 09/399,578-
`Atty. Ref: AIS-P 1-99
`Act Unit 2462.
`useridentity,_a controller computer system including a controllers computer and a databasé
`which serves asa repository of tokens forother programsto atcess, thereby affording.
`information to participator computers that are otherwiseindependentofeachother,in
`communicationwith eachof the participaior computers responsive to a'respective authenticatect
`“user identity, the computers configured so as'to,
`participatorcomputers communicating a
`respond to one of the pluralityefthe
`pointer in-réal tie-and via the Intefnet, ‘Wherein the pointer is a pointer lkal producesa pointér-
`“triggered massage on demand, by determining whether[[al] thefirstofthe user identitylfies}]y
`“is.censored by-the-users-sterad-access-righisfromcontent in the poiriter-riggered message,
`it thé contentiscensored,disallow the polnter-triggeredmessage. from being
`presentedat [{the]] an output device ofthe participator computer correspondingto thefirst of
`the-useridentity; and
`ifthe content is not.censored,allow tha pointer-trigg eted message to be.
` presented atthe output devict
`A mathod of communicatingvia an Internet
`878. (Currently amended).
`- network,the-methedIncluding:
`6:by using acomputer sysfem including acontrolfer
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1017


`Sef. No: 09/399,578:
`Atty. Ret: AIS-P1-89
`ArtUnit 2452
`computer and adatabase which serves ‘as a cepository of tokensfor other programs to access,
`otherwise independent of each other, the methodincluding:
`____ Aalioming same: of the. informationtoafirst of the participaior computers via the
`internet networ responsiveto an authenticated first user identity:.and:
`__aifording some.of the information to a second ofthe participator computers via
`theInternet network, responsive to an authenticated second user identity;
`: responsiveto. aWleast-one-ofhe plurality firstof the paricipatorcomputers
`communicating a pointer in real time andvia the Interne, the pointer producing4 pointer:
`triggered messageon demand, determining whether {[al] thefirst ef44e user idenlity(fiesily is
`bth S from content inthe pointer-triggered
`if thecontent1s censored,disallowing the pointer-triggered messageto be
`presented at ((the]] an output device of the first of the participator.compulers serespandingie
`if the content‘is not censored, allowingthe pdinter-triggerad message io be.
`presented at the outputdevice e
`879-883. (Withdrawn)
`884. (Currently amended)
` A:-method of communicating via an internet
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1018


`Ser. No. 09/399,578'
`Atty. Réf: AIS-P1-99°
`‘Ad Unit 2452
`otherwiseindependent of each oiher. ihe method includina:
`‘affording someof the. information to afirst of the participator compuiers via the
`Internet network, responsiveto anauthenticatedfirst Useriderility: and
`affording some:ofthe information to a second:pfthe participatorcomputers via
` ‘theInternet fetwork rasponsiveto an authenticatedseconduseridentity;
`determining wheiher at least ane of {[a]]thefirst.user Hentityand{lal] the
`seconduser identity, individually, iscensored t
`: fromreceiving data comprising apointerin communications thatinclude at least one oftextor
`“ascii, the pointer being a pointer thatpraduces ‘a pointer-triqgered message ‘ondemand;
`determiriing whetherthe first and the Second oftheUse’ identities.are able to
`form @ group; and
`if thefirstand the second Useridentities are ableto form,then forming
`‘the group and
`one ofthe participator computers to another of the parlicipatorcomputers fer-sending-the
`sts 6-faeil
`. ati
`ts i
`Aetwerk, and no} allowing the data that is censored to bepresented at [[thel] an output device
`coftesponding io the useridentity thatis censored from receiving. the data.
`- networkthemethedincludinas.
`885. (Currently amended).
`A method of communicatingvia an Internet
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1019


`Set. No. 09/399,578°
`Atty. Ref: AiS-P1-99
`Art Unit 2452
` }
`i by using 2 computer.
`sysiemincluding -a‘controller computer and a database which serves as a repository of tokens
`‘forother access. thereby affording information to. each of apiuralily of participator
`~eorriputers-which are.otherwise independent ofeach other, the method including:
`-alfarding some ofthe information to 2 firstof the participator computersvia the
`. affordingSomeofthe information.toa'secondof the parlicipatorcomputers via
`the Internet network, responsive ‘to an authenticated seconduser identity;
`determining whether thefist useridentityandthe secondofthe useridentity are
`‘able to.form.a group io send and:to receive communications;
`determining whether-atlegst one of the first useridentityand'the second User
`identity, individually,is Gensoredfrom sending apointer in the communications including at
`Jeastoneof text or ascil, the pointer beinga pointer that produces preducing-a poiiter-triggered.
`message on demand; and
`if the first and the second useridentities are able to form the group, then forming
`the group and facilitating sending the communications that are not censored from one of the
`banticigator computers to another oF the panicipator-computers in zeal timeover the Internet
`networkand oot facilitating sendinga pointer that is censored.
`{ roosivinghe
`t censered-based-onthe
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1020


`886-890: (Withdrawn)
`Sei. No. 09/399,578:
`Atty. Ret: AIS-P 1-99
`Art Unit 2452
`891. (Currently amended)
`A syStem to.communicatevia an’Intemet neiwork;
`the system including:
`acomputer system including a conuollercomputer and a database which serves
`BS 2 repositoryoftokens for other proarams to-access. thereby affordinginformation to eachof
`responsive teafirst authenticated useridentity and with a secondof ihe participator computers
`responsive to.a secondauthenticated tiseridentity;wherein the computers are confiaured to
`determine.whetherat least-one of thefirst useridentity and the second user |
`identity, individually, is censored based4the -cotresponding-users-ccgessrights from:
`receiving,in|[the]} communications, datacomprising a pointer, the pointer producing a pointer-
`triggered message on demand, and
`thereafter eauee allawihe participator.computers to receive,in realtime via the
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1021


`Sef. No; 09/399,578:
`Atty. Ret: AiS-P1-99-
`Art Unit 2452
`Internet network, and present the communications thatare not censored, and to hotpresent the
`datathatis.censored at {[the]}'an outputdevicecorresponding to the user identity thatis
`censored from receiving thedata.
`892. (Currently amended)
`A System to.communicate-via-anfnternet network,
`the system including:
`-2-pluralitoFcomputers,cach-ofhe-plurality-ofcomputers-being-connectadio-a |
`Hime; a compuler system including a controller computer and a
`database which a repository oftokarisfor otherprograms to actess, théreby
` alfordinginformation ' of ,
`independentof each other. ihe controller computer system. in communication with-a first of the
`participator computers ressonsiveto ‘afirst authenticated useridentity and witha second ofthe
`participator computers resporisiveto a second authenticated useridentity, wherein the.
`computers aie configured to
`determinewhetherat leasi one ofthefirstuser identity and the second user
`identity, individually, is censored from sending,in [[the]] communications, a pointer that
`produces a pointar-triggered messageon demand, and
`thereafter cause allowthe participator computers to radeive, in tealtime via the
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1022


`Set, No. 09/399,578°
`Atty. Ref: AlS-P1-99
`"Act Unit 2452
`internetnetwork, and presént the corimunicationsihat are not censéred based'on 4he
`individualuser identity,and tonotprésent the corimunicationsthat arecensored at[[the]] an
`output device correspondingto.theuseridentity that is censored from the sendingtrom
`B93, - 954. (Cancelled)
`955.(Currently amended) A method communicating.via an internet networkthe
`‘information toa second of the participator.computers via the Internetnetwork, responsive
`authenticated second user identity:
`storing @ respective particular user's access fights corresponding to eachsaid-
`user identity;
`determining whetherthafirst usof identity and the second useridentityafirsi-of
`are abla to form a group ta send _and ta
` receive communications 4
`Facebook's Exhibit Ne. 1002
`Page 1023


`Sef. No: 09/399,578-
`Atty. Refi AIS-P4-a9°
`AdUnit 2452
`determining whetheratleastone of thefirst usér identity and the second Oser
`“identity,individually, is censored bythé corresponding user'sstored access rightsfrom
`‘réceiving datain the communications,the data presenting at least‘one of a pointer, video,
`audio, graphic, or multimiedia; and’
`ifthe first and the seconduser identities are-able to foim the group,forming the:
`“group and facilitating receiving the communications.including-receiving at feast some of the
`communications with thedata thatis not censored, that are sént from oneofthe participator
`cotnputers to anotherof the participator computersfor-cendingthe-cornmunicatisas-and
`identity, wherein the receivingis in real time viatheInternet network, and faeiilating not.
`allowing ihe datathatis censored by the corresponding user's stored access rightsto be
`preseniéd atan outoutdevice ofthe
` thatiscensoredF:
`956. (Currently. amended)
`A method communicating via an Intetnet network,
`information to-asecond of the participator computers via theIntemetnetwork,
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 1024


`Ser. No; 09/399,578"
`Atty. Alef: AIS-P1-99.
`Art Unit 2452,
`authéhticated second useridentity;
`determining whetherthe first-user identity.and the second user identityatirstot
`mtiiesare able-to torma group toSend-and to
` receivedata infs Ag communications in.real ime by determining
`whetheratlé of thefirst user identity. and the second user identity, individually, is
`‘censoredbythecorrespondingusers.ctéred-access-rights from:recelving the data jn the:
`communications, the data-nresenting atleast one of a pointer, video, audio, graphic, or
`multimedia; and
`if thelirstand the secanduseridentities are determined tobe abletoform the:
`group, formirg the groupandfacilitati
` least someofthe communicationswith t

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