413. (new)
`The met
`:1 of claim 410, wherein the step of arbilrating inciudes
`distributing chat communications to a hat group real time over the Internet
`with said controller computer, tznwant
`communication from a member.
`414. (new)
`The me od otolaim 413, further including the step of providing,
`with said controlier computer, private hat capability to the participator computers.
`415. (new)
`The :11 thoci oi ciairn 413, further including the step of providing,
`with said controller computer, privat communication window capability to the participator
`416. (new)
`' The
`elhod of ciaim 410, iurther inciudlng the step of
`communicating. with said control} rcomputer. human sound to the participatorcompuiers.
`417. (new)
`Th method of claim 410, further inciuding the step of providing,
`with said controller computer, vi
`o to the participator computers.
`418. (new)
`Th method of claim 416, iurther including the step of providing,
`with said conlroiier computer, vi eo to the participator computers.
`419. (new)
`T e method of claim 410, wherein the step of arbitrating is carried
`out with some of said common cations including text.
`429. (new)
`he method of claim 410. wherein one said communications is
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5501

`communicated out of band.
`421. (new)
`T e rnethoct of ciairn 410. wherein some of said communications
`are multimedia media messag s.
`he method of claim 409,iur1herinciuclingthe step of ccntroiiing,
`422. (new)
`with said controller computer invisibie viewing of the communications.
`The method of ciaim 410, iurther inctucting the step of coniroiling,
`423. (new)
`with said controtier compute . invisible viewing of the communications.
`424. (new)
`The method oi claim 411, iurtherinciuding the step of controlling.
`with said controlier comp
`r. invisible viewing of the communications.
`425. (new)
`The method oi claim 2:12. further including the step oi controtiing,
`with said controller comp ter, invisible viewing of the communications.
`426. (new
`The method of claim 41:5, tunherinclucling the step of controlling.
`er, irwisibie viewing of the communications.
`The method of ciaim 414, further including the step of controlling,
`with said contrciler com Liter, invisible viewing of the communications.
`428. (no )
`The method of claim 415. turther inciuding the step of controlling,
`with said controller co
`uter, invisible viewing of the communications.’
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5502

`429. {new}
`athcd of claim 416, further including the step of coniroiling,
`with said controller computer, invi ibie viewing of the communications.
`430. (new)
`Tn method of claim :11 7. luriher including the slap of controlling,
`with said controller compuier. in 'sib1e viewing of lhe ooromunications.
`431. (now)
`T e method of claim 418, further including the step oi controlling,
`with said oonlrolier computer. i visible viewing of lhecommunications.
`_ 432. (now)
`6 method of claim 419. further including the sleooi controlling,
`with said controiier compute; invisible viewing of the communications.
`433. (new)
`The method of claim 420, further including me step of controliiny,
`with said conrroiler cornpule invisible viewing oi the communicétions.
`434. (new)
`The rnelhcd oi claim 421, iurtner including the step oi controlling.
`with said conlroller compul
`. invisible viewing of the communications.
`‘Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5503

`R mrks
`Generaily, it is believed that the amendment adds no new matter.
`Respectfuily, the application. as amended. is beiieved to be in condition for
`allowance, and favorable action is requested. If the prosecution of this case can be in any way
`advanced by a teiephone discussion, the Examiner is requested to can the undersigned at (312)
`autherized to charge any fees associated with the above-idenfitied patent application or credit any
`I overcharges to Deposit Account No. 50-0235. and if any extension of time is needed to reply to
`said office. action. this shall be deemed a petition therefor. Please direct at! communication to the
`undersigned at the address given beiow.
`Respectfully su
`Date: October 1 2003
`P. 0. Box "I131
`Chicago, Illinois 60580-7131
`(312) 240-0824
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5504

`tacsimiis wizhaconurmafimcopybeéngdepasiiad wiuame
`United states Pasta! Service as Hrs: cinss rnai: in an erzveiopc
`w2thsu_ificla:1l posrageanoaddrasaer.iznhE:NoFea Ame:-idmeni.
`carrmssionur oi Parents, F’.O.Box1dSo, Aiaxandria, VA223::1-‘£450
`on thedme indicated below.
`@mgy3bg;1a, gong
`paper No_ _
`File: A|S~P99-1
`Serial No.
`Group An Unit
`Danie! L. Marks
`September 20, 1999
`Honorable Commissioner of Patents
`and Trademarks
`Washington. 13.0. 20231
`, -_
`P. Winder
`i— «-5 Mana-
`Igghngiogy Center 2100
`3 E R :
`the fuilowing:
`'Transrnit1ed herewith for filing in the above-identified patent application is
`hereby auihorized to charge any fees associated with the above-identified patent application
`or credit any overcharges to Deposit Account No. 50—0235.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5505

`¢- --
`' Please direct all ccarrespondence to the undersigned at the address given
`Respectfully submitted.
` Peter K. Trzyn
`(Fieg. No. 32.601)
`Date: Segtember 18, "2003
`' 9.0. Box 7131.
`Chicago, IL 60680-1133
`(312) 240-0824
`- 2' -
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5506

`Papa? No
`- Our File No. AIS-P99-1
`rebyoeimy that lung -:0.-raspqndenoe is being filed via iawirniie MIT!‘
`nfitmalm my being deposited wizn the tinned Siam Postal Service
`s iirsmiass mail in an auveiope with sufiicianl postage and Iuaraased to
`rn!P:tema.P.o. 3011450,
`- Eu: " >A-
`smnunu.vA -Msooiatm ;.
`Pate: K. Trzynz if-lag. N .
`..- film.
`m.a i
`m ma uurreo STATES PATENT Ann mnosummc OFFICE
`: MARKS, Danie: L.
`Seiial No.
`Group Art Unit
`Honorable Commissioner of Patenls
`and Trademarks
`Washington, 0.0. 20231‘
`: WiNDEFi, Patrice L.
`SEP 3 0 2003
`-Technology Center 2100
`Please enter the foliowing Amendment and reconsider the patent application.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5507

`Amenclm M
`In th Titl
`Delete the this on page 1, and there insarl « REAL TEME COMMUNICATIONS
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5508

`my "“
`78. (previousiy ‘added;
`The method of cieirn 14. wherein the step ot
`processing said request to send a biirrd gift is carried out without revealing the non-
`pseudonyrnous of said first party’ to said second party.
`79. (previously added}
`The method of claim 15. wherein the step of
`processing said request to send a biind giit is carried out without revealing the non-
`pseudonymous of said first party to said seoond party.
`80. (previously added)
`The method oi claim 16, wherein the stern of
`processing said request to send 3 biirtd gift is carried out without retreating the non- i
`pseudonyrnous 0! said first party to said second party.
`81. (previdusiy added)
`The method of claim 17, wherein the step of
`processing said request to send a biind gift is carried out withoutrevealing the non-
`pseudonymous of said first party to said second party.
`82. (previously added),
`The method of claim 18, wherein the step oi
`processing said request to send a blind giit is carried out without revealing the non-
`M pseudonymous of said first party to said second party.
`83. (previousiy added)
`The method of claim 19, wherein the step oi
`processing said request to sends biind gilt is carried. out without retreating the non;
`pseudonymous of said tirst party to said second party.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5509 H

`The Examiner is requested to reconsider the appiication in View of the foregoing
`emendment. Generally, it is believed that the amendment adds no new matter.
`if the prosecution of this case can be in any way advanced by a telephciae
`discussion, the Examiner is requested to catl the undersigned at (312) 240-0824.
`APPLICANT C!.AtMS SMALL EN‘¥1TV smrus. The Commissioner is hereby
`authorized to charge any fees associated with the above-identified patent appiication or credit any
`overcharges to Deposit Account No. 50-0235. and if any‘ extension at time is needed to repiy to
`said office action, this shat! be deemed a petition therefore. Please direct all communication to the
`undersigned atths address given below.
`use-5.c@mtI Mg/5133030
`P. O. Box 7131
`Chicago, iiiiraois 60680-7131
`(312) 240-0824
`Flsspectiuiiy submitted,
`‘Peter K. T
`(Reg. No. 32.601)
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5510

`Sep-18--O3 07:56A
`195 North Hnm¢'UrWB.Su‘Itn 5403, izaflcago lltlnob R3601-T540
`fiaaulal‘ Corraspcndenoa:
`Pas1D°tc3x:i?c:d;1:":°1:i1.ohba;tEIrmas aoaao-mu
`rm-zm-2.; :s1ar24o-:>a2;
`mum: ($125240-ms
`E-mail‘. pkllawfloma'
`SE? “ 3°“
`_sxa'manac Patrice Winder
`Ra: 09,399,573 Amendment
`Finn: United 813.195 Pawn! andfiadamark Office
`Data I TERM: September 18, 2003
`Strut Address:
`Phone: {703} 3053938
`City, ‘Stab zip: Washingion, D.C., 20231
`(703) ms-7239
`Ho. ntvagasacc: 8 ('nciud'ng om.-ac)
`-fluflwlnwmmimhwhfiawfmmhfimhmnfiaflflmdmymlmfiywmomd. Itiahtorxiadsoiniyiormnnsanlmeimfivfldualor
`¢==PW!9.diskbmhnorukingdmuradh1inmurnemi1o.aa::erusofm$a hmnmfimbsrifiymdmlui. i!}ua1ucaive¢miseornuu1icaum1
`massauaamuacunmasomosuxtotntunnbowaddsosmamamzoasuuspuszal samba.
`Received Pram 1 P8 SIIIFBG 11:32:05 Hi lfitsltm Dlyilflit ‘HIM!
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5511

`sep-13-O3 O7:56A
`Unhed 51:mPo:Iai Sewitlasfixfldassmzilnmawflcpe
`Conwrisaionaol P1Iusts.F.O‘ Box l¢50.A|exata¢a.Vh22313-1683
`anihodnoinciulcd at-bu.
`figgggmlgmz ]§_,'2@
`paper No
`rue: ms-was-1
`Setiai No.
`Group.Art Unit
`Hon:r:§$r::::mn;lsfl:oner of Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`Danie!" L. Marks
`September 20, 1999
`P. Wander
`SEP 2 2 EH3
`S E Fl :
`the following:
`Transmiued herewith for fining frftha above-identified patan! application is
`3119 Commissioner is
`hereby authorized to charge any fees assaciated with the above-identified paleni ap-pficaifon
`or creait any overcharges to Daposit Account Na. 50-0235.
`Ime'h¢¢n'nm-t 1-aI.'l3Ie311:‘.\2:n5u1 lfiutun Dwwmfll
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5512

`Sep-18-O3 O7:56A
`filease direct 5:23 correspondence to the undersigned at the address given
`Reépectrulty submitted,
`§ep_Iembe_r 1§, ma
`PO. Box 7131
`Chicago. I1. 60580-7131
`(312) 240-0824
`“am: pm. c a an mam !t:32'.fl§AM [zaucm Daylight ‘NM!
`Faicebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5513

`Sep-18-03 o'7:56A

`acndilmlfim naapybuirnguepusndvfihlru umodsmu Pumssarvicl
`: o
`r Fmm.P.
`Alexandria w.
`F3139? N0-
`Our F-'i!e No. AIS-P99-1
`Serial No.
`. Filed
`MARKS. Danie! L.
`Group An Unit
`: WINDER. Patricia L.
`Honorable Commissioner of Patents
`and Trademarks
`Washington. D.C. 2023!
`3 I R :
`Please enter the following Amendmeni and reconsider the patent application.
`nwggggyrm at 5 ucnun !1:a2:65AIoI[!|n:rn Dayhmtmn]
`Facebook‘s Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5514

`Sep-18-03 07:57.0.
`Amendm m
`A, lnlhe True
`Delete the We on page 1. and _there insert -- REAL TIME COMMUMCATIONS
`Re:-emu l'mn< »uu1:rn:us:am:Annz::us:auD=1'11fi-“hr-cl
`FacebooI<'s Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5515 %

`Sep-13-03 o7_=57A
`The Examiner is reqttested to recensider the applicazion in View of the foregoing
`amendment. Generally. it is believed that the amendment acids no new matter.
`It the prosecution at this case can be in any way advanced by a telephone
`discussion, the Examiner is rgquasted to call the; undersigned at (312) 249-08233.
`authorized to charge any lees associated with the above-identified patent application or credit any
`overchatges to Depositftcoount No. 5043235, and if any extension 01 time is needed to reply to
`said office action, this shall be dearned a petition lheretoze. Please tired all conmuniontton to the
`undersigned at the address given below.
`Respectfully submitted,
`P818! K. Tl’ na
`[Flag.. No. 32,601)
`F‘. 0. BOX 7131
`Cl1lcago,ll3inois 69680-7131
`(312) 240-0324
`SE? 3 2 2303
`mm: mm >:tmtN3I1:12:u5JM[5WWDO&1V1"""1
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5516

`paper No_
`File: AIS-P9fiE
`SEP 0 9 2003
`: nhyoarfitythatimsoznreopoodenoeisbeingéiiedby
`_ ' '
`facsiroiie wi:ha oonrirmation oopyboing depuaflsdwith 1119
`‘ United States Postal Servio: as firs: dass mail in an envelope
`with autfic-lent ocsiaoeano addressed to hits: no. comrnissiom
`oi Patnnts, PO. Box I-15i>.&iexandrla.'vAm:3-‘idol: oruhe date
`Technology Center2l0i3
`Serial filo.
`For '
`Daniel L. Marks
`September 20, 1999
`Group An Unit.
`- :
`P. Winder
`Honorable Commissioner of Patents-
`and Trademarks
`Washington. D.C. 20231
`S I R .:
`Transmitted herewith for filing in the above-identified patent application is
`the following:
`information Disclosure Statement: and
`PTO Form T449 and Cited Art.
`hereby authorized to charge any fees associated with the above-identified patent application
`or credit any overcharges to Deposit Account No. 50-0235.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5517

`Please direct ail correspondence to the undersigned at the addsess given
`Respectfully submitted.
`Peter K. Trz
`(Reg. No. 32.601)
`Date: September 2, 209g
`R0. Box 713%
`‘Chicago, IE." 60680-7131
`(312) 240-0824
`Facebooics Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5518

` : shaiasseonospondaaooisbeingasedw
`.— R .,;-:r— wiznanarafinwaafinnnopyueiliodenoelwdwilhflw
`’ United Staies Pasialsetvict as firsiulass maiiinaneaweiope
`viitrmdiicietu po_51ane and adqzmed to Ms; Dacommissiorm
`0! 9a1e¢'l.!. F_’.O. 5a1145€I. Aiaiandria. VA 223:3-145nm the Gas:
`imicataé below.
`papa [Q41
`File: AIS-P99-1
`Serial No.
`Group An Unit
`Denial 1.. Marks
`359 3 9 2093
`Technoiogy Center 2100
`September 20. 1999

`P. Winder
`Honorabia commissioner oi Patents
`and Trademarks
`Washington, DC. 20231
`5 RE
`A E E
`This information Disciosure Staternem is being iiied pursuant to the duty of
`diseiosuze. candor, and good faith embodied in 3? C.F.H. §§ 1.56 and 1.97 owed by the
`inventor, the invenlor‘s assignee sebsianiiveiy invoived in the appiication, and the patent
`attorney to the United States Patent and Tradematk Oifice.
`In those cases from which the
`inetant case claims priority, Appiicant has previously submitted patents. publications. andlor
`other irsforinaiion of which the inventor is aware to help make this informaiior: at record. The
`Examiner is reminded to check those fines for such materials.
`Facebook‘s Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5519

`The [section of the patent appiication subtitied "Background of the Invention“
`identifies material believed to be material to, or of interest in, the examination of the application
`and provides a concise explanation of the material." This information Disclosure Statement
`transmits copies of information which the undersigned respectfully requests the Examiner to
`consider in the examination of the appiication.
`The enciosed articles are from s conference in Massachusetts from August 28-
`September t". 1995. The actual publication date is not known. and Appticant does not concede
`that the enclosed is “prior art.’
`While the Information Disclosure Statement, publications. and other information
`provided by Appticant rnaybe "material" pursuant to 3? C.F.Fi. §§ 1.56. it is not intended that
`these constitute an admission of “prior art“ for this invention. This Information Disclosure
`Statement shall not be construed to mean that no other material information, as defined in 3?
`C.F.Ft. §§ 1.58. exists.
`Shouid any fees be deemed necessary. the Commissioner is authorized to
`charge any deficiency or to credit any over payment to Deposit Account No. 50-0235.
`81 N
`The patent attorney signs befow based on information frorn the inventofs and
`the attorney‘s tile.
`Date: Segternber 2, 2003
`P.(). Box 7t31
`Chicago. IL 60680-7131
`(312) 240-0824
` _ eter K. Tr
`(Reg. No. 32,601)
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5520

` AIS-P1 -99 Form ?’I‘O-,[449 tgngdiflgfl}
`Atty. Docket No.
`Serial No.
`1‘ Patents" and Pablicati 1:5 [or Applicanfls
`Daniel L. Marks
`Other Art
`See Page 1
` Fiiing .Date:
`‘ September 20, 1999
`Hal. Document
`Filing Date I!
`Foreign Patent Documents
`82 jjji
`other Art (inciuding Author, Title, Date Pertinent Pages, Etc.)
`“CCCP: Conference Control Channel Protocol A Scalable Base fot Building Conference Control
`Appiications.” Mark Hmrdley ‘er a!.. V1.4 Pgs. J-18. August 28 -September l. 1995.
`"CCCP: Confesencc Control Channel Protocol A Scalable Base for Building Conference: Control
`-Applications," Mark Hmrdley 2: al.. Pgs; 1-13, August 28-September 1. 1995.
`"Ar: Appiication Lcgc! Video Gateway." Ekzn Amir at ai‘., Pgs. l-£0. August 28-September l.
`"Vic: A Flexible Framework for Packet Video," Steven Mccarme, er :11. P35. I-12. August 28-
`Sqpnembcr I, 1995.
`SEP 0 9 ZUG3
`Technology Center 2100
`Facebooks Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5521

`Sep-02-03 O9:42A
`wsreonn may Drive. Suite sun. came aumss soeoa-7549
`Peter K. Tszyna, Esq.
`__ ,o3
`4 5
`P“°,“o,f:‘B?;$°,‘,°,“_33."'”',,&m 5°m_,m
`Tolaphonaz (312; 2490324
`E-mi: pi£1§awOamai.m»
` Fax
`Examiner Pairieo Winder
`Ste: O9l399,5?8 IDS and Cited Ari
`Firm: United Slams Patent and Traciemaflc Office
`Dian I Time: Sepiember 2, 2003
`Strut! Adana:
`Phone: "(T031305-3938
`any. sun. Zip: Washifigim. n.c., 20231
`No. of #13»: ‘fifiinduding coveri
`flwkiumwflmwwmimdhfibnummréaafionkcnmbafimmaGmaybo!eg|kypd:lz:g:x!. lthlniandodsotdyforflwmeofflnixrwuznlor
`enwtuwiaomnisanarnssedaaxfcmoraalmizsdhorncsimfl. flyoumrutlwflmfledruxwiumyuxambuawmufiodénlwwdadmua.
`wpym._6mmhn«mkhuduwncfimhmmmemuwwtwnamI§sHumwh1hshh$ypo!ibh¢ Ilyauvaeeiwdn-Esau-rnmicumn
`' wmnea tram »: » al awn: :2-n-1:42 PM uiuum najjmm um;
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5522

`Snap-O24-O3 O9:43A
`Imaeuca:1'ty1::aIvasunesnunaer»eknei:g filedhy
`macsznwnana cocmnmfimoowhvihwd-posflrdninme
`wi1‘:uflic€o1ipns!a9eun¢dd'e:sz4¥InM5; eo.commum
`at Paunis. HO. sex 1450, :Immr‘-:.VA E313-M50 Mina me
`binned balm.
`335; gm
`on: K. 1-«ma
`papa, Na
`File: AIS-P99-1
`Serial No.
`Group Art Unit
`Daniel L. Marks
`September 20. 1999
`2155 -
`P. Winder
`Honbrabia Commissioner of Patents
`' and Trademarks
`Washington, 12.0. 20231
`3 F
`S 1 R:
`the following‘
`Transmitted herewith {or filing in the abovafidentified paaent amIim1i
`SEP 0 2 253%
`Inforrnalian Disclosure Statement: and
`PTO Form 1449 "and Cited an.
`appucmr cmms SMALL mm snuus. The Commissioner is
`- ’
`hereby authorized to charge-any fees associated with the aboveidentilied patent appflcation
`or credit any évercharges to Deposii Acoouh: Nq. 50-0235.
`Rinhtd hon < > IIr1‘03!:O!:42 PM Rum mysgm time]
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5523

`Sep-02-03 09:4-3A

`Pleasé direct eiil correspondence to the undersigned at the address giver}
`Respectfully submitted.
`(Reg. No. 32.601)
`Da1e: Segtember2,2003
`PO. Box ‘IE3!
`Chicago. it. 60680-7131
`(312) 240-0824
`' Received mm: c a an mm 2:M:¢2 PM {mm}; nqyugu Time}
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5524 .

`Sep-02-O3 09:4-3A
`urxmsum Pcdfalsqnim ll Iks! d-Iismniihanttwebpo
`with witifimtmitamimaflweswd to MS: DU. Chmlliuicndr
`6l"llEf\'»5J’.°. 308 ‘I450, A5¢lIffldI.Vlt2a313‘145fl|¥| WE 555!
` (Han
`_ 32.5w
`4-_\; 7}!
`Papef No_
`File: AIS-P99-1
`Inventor .
`Seriai No.
`Group Art Unit
`Daniel L. Marks
`September 20. 1 999
`. 2155
`P. Winder
`Honorable Commissioner of Patents
`and Trademarks
`Washington. D.C. 20231
`This Information Disclosure Statement Is being filed pursuant to the duty at
`disclosure,-cartdor. and good faith embcdied in 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.56 and 1.97 owed by the‘
`the inventofs aseignee substantively involved in the appticelion, and thelpatent
`atterney to the United States Patent and Trademark orifice.
`In those cases from which the
`instant case claims priority. Appiicant has pteviousty submitted patents. publications, andlor
`other infmmation ot which the inventor is aware to hetp make this information of recurd. The
`Examiner is reminded to check those tiles for such materials.
`Received lfomt 9 H $52103 2:N:«l2 Ffltlastflnfliyflgiti time}
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5525

`Sep-02-03 09:43.0.
`time section at the patent appfication subtitled ‘Background at the Invention‘
`identities material betiaved to be matariai to, or ot interest in. the examination of the apptication
`gnu provides a concise explanation of the material. This lnformattion Disclosure Statement
`_ transmits copies "of information which the undersigned respectfully requests the Examiner to
`consider in the examination of the application.
`The enciosed arttcies are from a conference in Massachusetts tram August 28-
`Septombert. 1995, The actuat publication dato is not known. and Appiicant does not concede
`that the enclosed is ‘prior art.‘
`Whiio tho Information Disciosuro Statement. pubilcations. and other Information
`provided by Applicant may be 'rnate:iai" pursuant to 37 G.F.Ft. §§ 1.56; it is not intended that
`these constitute an admission at ‘prior art‘ for this invention. This toiormation Disclosure
`Statement shall not be construed to mean that no other materiai information. as deiinod in 37
`‘ C.r'-ZR. §§-1.55. exists.
`‘Should any teas be doomed necessary, the Commissioner is authorized to
`charge any deficiency or to credit any over payment to Deposit Account No. 50-0235.
`Iii. §
`The-patent attorney signs beiow based on information from the inventors and
`the aflornofs fiié.
`Date: A Sggtember 2, 2903
`R0. Box 7131
`Chicago. 11. stream: 31
`(3123 240-0824
`iiecztvedtrnmt >ItI,i2iII2 2:94:42 PM {Emmi omtgt: time;
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5526

`Sap-D2 ~03 09:41:-A
`n. 05
`Page 1 ofi
` Fonn}’I‘O-l449uma1nc¢I
`_ List of Fm-nls and Puhiieutions for Appticinfis
`Ally. Docket No.
`Daniel}. Marks
`Filing Date:
`September 20, 1999
`115:: mm! ulwets I! nmxsugi
`US. Patent Documents
`See Page I
`Foreign Patent Documents
`U.'S. Patent Documents
`‘ Number
`"CCCP: Conference Cont:u1CI:InneI Pmlucol A Scalable Base for Buiiding Conference Control
`.-\ppliea:ions." Md!l'k'Hand!£)' er en. VM ?g:. I-18, August 28 -September I. I995.
`"(?C.‘CP; Conference Comm! Channel Pmlc-chi A Scalable Em for Building‘ Conference Control
`Awliculions.” Marl: Hmufley era!..Pgs. 1- 13. August 28-September 1. 1995.
`"}\nApplicnlinn Legal Video Gateway." EftmArrtirera!..Pgs. 1-I0.August'28-September I.
`"Vic: A Flexible Fmmewarlefar Packet Vidm." Sfevean Mecrmm,-, er al. Pg. 1- I2. August 28-
`Scpmmbc: I. 1995.
`1 DATE Consznszuin:
`EXAMENER: mmum-' l|.III1’.ll‘Ji:‘fi('(1NS|M:AJ'l'),\V"i1t1Y1I§1l on N01’ r1'rmm E5 in coewonnnxcar wmt M¥‘El’(-09; Ilumvussmmwm _
`mam.-a IF wrmetumama-1.\n:1'. ;\.\'n :».'n'rmn.\‘u;£x|':D. Iflrhlififi «WW mrnus WRM wma Mm’ tmunusncxrnm Tu M'1'm'.M-"r.
`Imromm TION Drsceosrms, Smrsuzsr —‘ PTO- I 449 tMoz>m.n:n)
`L‘; :u.|e.e|oIl5'-rl-¢v,,IuD.'a
`flfitdtld mun K I fit-W03 2:04:12 mmuumowngu The]
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5527

`depositing i! with the Urffied Sines Pasta! Service as iirst
`cuss mat In an envelope vcizh suiiiciem poaiage and
`P.O.8ux1450_A!exarrdria,VA 22213-145nm fit: rial: indicaiad below.
`addmabd b_.l¢‘iS: Fee Ammdrrwm. Gornmissicmer of Parents.
`e 8;‘>‘>§f“
`Papey N0,
`Daniel L. Marks
`I-\UG 2 1 3393
`Serial No.
`Group Art Unit
`Technology Center 2100
`September 20, 1999
`P. Winder
`Honorable Commissioner of Patenrs
`and Trademarks
`Washington. D.C. 20231
`TRAN§M1TTAL r,e1"ren
`S I R:
`the foirowingt
`Transmitted herewith for filing in the above-identified patent applicafion is
`Amendment and Response: and
`Petition for Extension of Time.
`hereby aurhorizeci to charge any fees associated with the above-identified parent applicaiion
`or cred‘r_l'any overcharges to Deposit Account No. 50-0235;
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5528

`Date: August 14, 2003
`$3.0. Box 7131
`Chicago, ii. 60680-7131
`(312) 240-9824
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002‘
`Page 5529

`Paper No. 20
`7'5 {-1
`‘certify-thattt-is oomspondanaaisbehgfitedbyeeposidngfl
`‘surficient postage and addressed ta M5: Fee Amendment. Cornmissioneroi Patents.
`. Box14$0.Alimand:ia. VA22313-115001‘! 11166:‘-It:indicated beiaw.
`‘Our File No. AIS-P99-1
`uurren STATES PATENT AND rnnnemnx om
`MARKS, Daniel L.
`am; 2 1 2303
`Seriai No.
`. Tech
`I For
`Group Art Unit
`A 2155
`: WINDEH, Patrice L.
`Honorable Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`S I R :
`In response to the Office Action maiied 14' February 2003 in the above-
`referenced patent application. please reconsider the appiication in View of the amendment and
`remarks set forth below.
`The undersigned wishes to express appreciation to the Examiner for an interview
`i on 11 August 2003, wherein e discussion of the claim numbering resulted in agreement that
`Appticant would submit a clean copy of the eiaims showing the renurnbering. The amendment
`beiow is based on the clean copy submitted herewith.
`Facebook‘s Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5530

`Am ndment
`in Th Claims
`Please amendthe céas setforth below.
`1. {currently - ended)
`A method for using acomputerg system to eietcieute
`eemmunieatien communicat over an Internet network. the method including the steps of:
`connecting a lurality oi participator computers with a controller computer
`through the Internet, each = d participator computer connected to an input device teteseiuye
`. . = and to an outputdevic
`::~:* 1-:
`: :.
`:. -: --.:~-« ~
`arbitrating w h the controlier computer, in accordance with predefined rules
`including a test for an auth nticated user identity, to determine which one of the participator
`computers can receive co municate a communication
`to an other.
`of the erticiatorcornutrs in real time overthe Inter er the communication inciudin a
`human sound, a video, a 3 rephic, a pointer-triggered message. ora combination thereotg
`2. (prev usiy added) The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of arbitrating
`inciudes forming more than one channel over the tnternet.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5531

`- 3. (previously added The method oi ctaim 1, further including the step of
`censoring responsive. to said user i entity.
`4. {previously adds ) The method of claim 1, further including the step of:
`using a web brows r or auxitiary program to facilitate the communication.
`5. (previously add d) The method of claim 1. wherein said step of arbitrating is
`carried out with the comrnunicati n inoiuding gffllj sound.
`6. (previousiy add d) The method of claim 1. wherein said step of arbitrating is
`canied out with the communicat
`rt inoiuding fl sound and §a_icj video.
`7. (previously ad er!) The method of claim 1. wherein said step of arbitrating is
`carried out with the cornmunic ion inciuding said sound and said graphic.
`3. (previously a" ended)
`The method of claim 1, wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with t a communication including said so'ur1d'and said pointer-triggered
`9. (previously dded) The method bf ctairn 1, wherein said step of arbitrating is
`carried outwith the ocmmu ioation including said sound and further including text or asoii.
`10. (previou iy added)
`The method of claim 1, wherein said step of arbitrating
`is carried out with the corn unication inctuding said video.
`_Facebook's Exhibit No. 1002
`Page 5532

`11. (previously add d}
`The method of claim 1, wherein said step of arbitrating.
`is carried out with the communica ion including said video and said graphic.
`12. (previously am nded)
`The method of claim 1, wherein said step of
`arbitrating is carried out with the mmunicaticn including said video and said pointer-triggered
`13. (previously a dad)
`The method of claim 1, wherein said step of arbitrating
`" is carried out with the cornrnuni ation including said video

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