
`It is now possible to play computer games,
`talk about computer games, and even design
`computer games(in a fashion) on the Internet.
`week without even considering the statistics
`“Doc” O'Neill, who checks uploadedfiles for
`chive.wustledu]. There is a daily influx of
`for the Atari ST!
`viruses and to make sure the software is not
`programs into the “MSDOS_UPLOADS”
`copyrighted material. Infact, uploading copy-
`directory, and thelatest demos and other new
`I read the group regularly,
`and the copics there range from benchmark-
`righted material to any Internet hostis a big
`software are often posted therefirst. | recently
`no-no, A large repository for user-created
`ing ofvideo frame rate to the lack ofsleep
`downloaded a demoofthe Lemmings 2 game
`Harpoon scenarios was shut downbythe ad-
`which was enoughtorevive Lemmmingmania
`caused by playing Sid Meier's Civilization.
`ministration at Kansas State University due to
`for an all roo short while,
`The hottest topics right now are discussions
`from Three-Sixty about one
`of strategy (and cries for help!)
`in Ultima
`There was a promise to say something fur-
`Underworld Hand Star Control I.
`program which
`ther about Diplomacy on the Internet, and
`uploaded by anirresponsible user.
`while space prohibits me fromgoinginto too
`The MS-DOSgamesarchiveis located on a
`much Aetail suffice it to say that e-mail is lors
`In addition, there are big MS-DOS game
`computer at Lowell University in Massachu-
`repositories at the University of Michigan[ar-
`quickerthanpostal play, and computeradju-
`seus. (The internet addressis
`the shareware cles from
`dicators (programs known to
`the Diplomacyfaithful as “the
`Apogee and Epic are available,
`Judge”) are available on hosts
`as well as demos of many popu-
`lar commercial
`titles. There is
`in the U.S., Australia, and
`South Africa to handle most of
`also a directory ofnothing but
`the bookkeeping chores. Now
`text adventures andalarge di-
`if only someone would write
`rectory of miscellaneous games
`an SVGA front end for the
`which run the gamut from a
`primitive Space Tnuaders clone
`judge output!
`to the impressive “shoot
`‘em up” Galactix,
`that’s a whirlwind tour of Internet
`whichrivals many current commercial offer-
`gaming. We docked at a fewofthe majorports
`ings. Directories for patches andutilites can
`ofcall, but there are many bayous and back-
`also be foundhere, and there is even a com-
`waters to be explored, and the good newsis
`prehensive archiveofthe electronic magazine
`there will soon be easy access to all of
`Gamebytes, which features reviews (including
`them. The growth ofthe Internet ensures that
`screenshots!) of new and existing products.
`this vast ocean ofdata, discussion and diver-
`Files are compressed with PKZIP, although
`sions will soon belapping at everyone’s lap-
`several other compression formats are a5
`top,if it isn’t soaking their shoes already. (So
`used. The archive is maintained by Brian
`that’s why my socks are so wet!) caw
`] and Oakland University
`], among others, and a su-
`perb collection of Windows software at
`University of Indiana [].
`There is even anarchive at the University of
`lowa which is devoted to gamesolutions,
`hints and walkthroughs! One ofthe largest
`general archive sites (probably the busiestas
`well) is the famous “wuarchive” at Washing-
`ton University
`908) 788-2799
`A monthly column to improve the quality of play
`SOLITAIRE'S JOURNEY * Many games, like Klondike the
`“standard”solitaire, can't be won every game, but youwill have to play
`with somelevelof skill in order to get your average above the standard
`averagesthat have beenset-up. It may take somepractice at the game.
`CONQUERED KINGDOMS: « Using a well mixedforceis quite
`essential. It is important to support one type of unit with anotherthat can
`eliminate their nemeses. This type of a combination can devastate your
`opponents onslaught. This mix is also vital when teleporting with a
`wizard. A wizard with only archers being teleported into an area in
`which youhave not explored could quickly be eradicated by a few
`catapults. * A great challenge: Try not utilizing any dragons on map5.
`This is a challenge that should only be tried after using all the unit types
`several times,
`BATTLES OF DESTINY« Artillery is a very important unit type that
`can wreak havoc upon anyone'sfront lines. They are by no means the
`most powerful unit, but they can punch holes inthat “unbeatable”
`defense that some speak of. ¢ If you have nottried all three methodsof
`starting, you may wantto try someofthe others,It is almostlike
`playing a completely different game. The strategies you will need to
`employ changesignificantly if you are playing for a set amountof time
`or an unlimited game.
`Strategies of the Month
`Quantum Quality Productions
`1046 River Avenue, Flemington, N. J. 08822
`Circle Reader Service #84
`Pape 76
`Jacking into the Internet
`Getting access to an Internet account isn’t as
`easy as picking up a phone and subscribing, as
`with the commercial networks. Most users of
`Internet have accounts throughtheir association
`with an organization with Internet/Usenet ac-
`cess; usually a large company with government
`connections orauniversity. Some universities do
`offer accountsto private individuals fora fee, but
`most restrict access to members ofthe school.
`The only other way for one to get access is
`through a private bulletin board system (BBS)
`that is an “official” Usenet/Internet site. Many
`private BBSs have access to a limited number of
`Usenet news groups and offer limited e-mail
`capability. Finding such a board is a matter of
`poking around the BBSs in your area. Phone
`numbers and information can usually be found
`in local computer weekly magazines and atlocal
`user-group meetings.
`There are several goodsources ofinformation
`on the Internet/Usenet. A nice overview of
`worldwide networks is John Quarterman’s 7 be
`Matrix, Computer Networks and Conferencing
`Systems Worldwide, published by Digital Press,
`12 Crosby Drive, Bedford, MA 01730 (800)-
`343-8321. Quarterman
`monthly newsletter, Mfatrix News, which covers
`the Internet, among others, Contact Matrix In-
`formation and Directory Services, 701 Brazos,
`Suite 500, Austin, 1X 78701, (512) 320-9031.
`Other general
`sources include Boardwarch
`Magazine, 3970 $. Vivian St, Littleton, CO
`(303) 973-4222, and Online Access,
`which can be found on most computer publica-
`tion newsstands. caw
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, EX”"2035Op."'76 World
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 76


`In the Old West, you couldn't tell the bad guys from the
`good guys by how ugly they were (you hadto rely on the color
`oftheir hats). But in Freddy Pharkas, FrontierPharmadést, even a
`scrawny, sissified, one-eared Pharmacist can be a good guy.
`Al Lowe,creatorof Leisure Suit Larry, spins a yarn of school-
`marms and chorusgirls with hearts o'gold, cowboys and Indians,
`and varmints and heroes.It’sthe brand-new,age-old tale of
`Freddy Pharkas, a gunslinger who gave it all up farhis love of
`pharmacology. Togetherwith his faithful Indian companion,
`Srini Bagdnish, Freddy sets out to save bucolic, boring
`Coarsegold from a fate worse than Hollywood adaptation.
`So don't just groan atall those old horse-opera cliches.
`Be one. Strap on yourspurs for a saga that skewers every
`} Western underthe sun. Mosey on downto yoursoftware store
`sand ask for FreddyPharkas, FrontierPharmacist,
`And smile when you say that.
`See yourlocalretaileror call 1-800-326-6654.
`Circle Reader Service 189
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 77
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 77


`A Trip Into the Fiery Environs of TSN’s
`(800) SIERRAT
`The Shadowof Yserbius
`Unlimited tour in ane party)
`$12.95/month for 30 hours on
`TheSierra Network, plus $4,00/month tor
`access to Medieval Land.
`Joe Ybarna
`PUBLISHER/HOST; The Sierra Network
`Coarsegold, CA
`Into the Volcano
`of Death
`by Samuel (V’ger) BakerI
`| quickly turned offthe
`for a future version.
`sounds from my PC speaker.
`Your Presence is Requested
`The first order of business in playing Yser-
`bius is creating one or morecharacters. There
`are six classes, cight races, and two alignments
`(harmony and chaos). Theclasses are thief,
`knight, barbarian, ranger, cleric and wizard.
`The seven races are elves, dwarves, humans,
`trolls, orcs, gnomes,
`gremlins and halflings. To create a character, one chooses a class and
`a race. Then one can choose the artwork that will
`character or design the character in detail andleave the art work until
`later. Thefaces are verybelievable, but it would be nice to havea greater
`selection ofexpressions andhairstyles. The player mayfreely jump back
`and forth in the creation process, but once oneleaves a section, the
`points one has spent from that pool are set. Oneallocates points from
`separatepools to stats, spells andskills. The stats that one mayraise are
`strength(the better to womp onyou mydear), defense, (the harder to
`be womped on), agility which helps one clude spell effects, and
`initiative which determines who womps when. Three other stats
`(dexterity, hit points and mana points)
`increase naturally as one
`advances in level.
`There are three groups ofspells: attack, defense andutility, which
`modify attributes, heal or provide information, There are 24 spells.
`Whenallocating points for spells, one shouldtake care not to pum
`up thelevel ofa spell too much before one can see how muchthat sel
`will cost to cast perlevel. There are 12 levels for each spell, and one
`can only cast the level that one has paidtheir dues to. That may mean
`that a spell maybe ineffective at low levels, or it may mean that one
`cannotaffordtocast itat higherlevels until one has gainedseveral more
`winionwasa lovelyport, ruled byaking.
`All races were welcome and times were
`happy. Then crouble arrived in the form
`of Arnakkian Slowfoot, a wizard that the king
`invited to live in a castle on the island. Arnak-
`kian didn’t play nice and one night, whether by
`intent or misadventure, evokeda volcanic erup-
`tion. The volcano (named Yserbius) buried his
`digs in lava. Nowtheplace is only open to the
`more adventurous tourist trade. That’s where we comein.
`The ShadowofYserbius is The Sierra Network’s entry into multi-
`playerroleplaying on the computer. Each person can run one character
`at a time and bejoined byupto three otherfriends to hack,slash and
`puzzle their way throughthe depthsofthe volcanoin which the action
`takes place.
`presents a 3-D you-are-there perspective a la Dungeon
`The game
`Master or Ultima Underworld. There are 11 areas in Yserbins, each
`identical except for name, and they serve to separate the players into
`communities of 50 to 80. One may have as manyas six characters in
`the stables readyfor play and simplyselect the desired character before
`entering one of
`these areas.
`During movement, the screenis split into three sections. The upper
`left window shows whatthe party sees. Underneaththis is a small rext
`windowwhere dialogue fromthe players and game messages appear.
`Theright side of the text windowhasa scrollbar that maybeused to
`review past messages. In the middle of this bar is a lock that, when
`clicked upon, freezes the text window so thar an important message
`can be studied.
`Theright-handside of the screen showsthe portraits ofplayers in
`the party. Each ofthe portraits may be examined to gain further
`informationaboutoneselfand one’s fellows. A large areain the middle
`maybe used to show player information, a mapofthe level the party
`is on, or the names ofplayers whoare on the
`map. The bottompart showsiconsfor player
`inventory, spells, skills and game options §
`suchas saving the player's position.
`All ofthe artworkis static. Though the look
`of the undergroundis pleasant, but not spec-
`tacular, thestill shots of the monstersare very
`beautifully drawn, with few exceptions. The
`same pictures are used for monsters of the
`samecategory. For example, the picture that
`represents the sabertoothalso represents ice
`lions, manticores (yech!) andothers of the cat
`family. For now, no sound boards are sup-
`ported, bur Soundblaster supportis promised
`The 24 skills are divided into groups by
`characterclass. Each class has fourskills which
`are defaults for that class. Then, someskills
`fromotherclasses will be acquiredas onerises
`in levels, and others may be acquired as the
`reward for completing quests. Someskills are
`active all
`the time, such as weaponskills,
`others must be invoked during movementor
`combat. Forthestarting player, the emphasis
`here should be on weaponskills at first, be-
`| cause hacking will be the primary means of
`disposing of monstersfor the first fewlevels.
`There are only 27 places to carry items. Six
`ofthemfor items worn, one place where items
`DINGtondoin Grzabella
`Folloning Grizapelle
`Page #8
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex."1025Gy"'7g" World
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 78


` eA
`of Dynamix’s Aces ofthe Pacific, Computer GameReview s Simulation ofthe Year. Thelarest
`Great War Planes masterpiece transports-youhalfway around the world to relive the heroism of
`WW2 European airae
`a SapnaPArmTendexplosive ground support missions.
`Strafe an enemyradar installation, then pull up and escape
`through a flak-filled sky, Destroy bridges and V-1 rocketsites
`in the Lightnings and Thunderbolts of the 9th Air Force.
`Painstaking historical accuracy and cutting-edge 35pace
`technology make Aces Over Europe the pinnacle of WW2
`flight simulation.
`* Fly for Great Britain, Germanyor the U.S.andbattle
`famousaces like Adolf Galland, Wally McLeod, and
`Johnny Johnson.
`% Pilot 25 classic warbirds including the P-51D Mustang,
`the Focke-Wulf 190D, and the Messerschmitt 262.
`%* Unmatched graphic derail includes squadron markings,
`instrument-perfect cockpits, and historically authentic
`% Launch ground attacks on targets such as the German
`Panzer IV, and the Duck amphibious truck,
`w pPanineShe SIMULATION
`Circle Reader Service #90
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 79
`ay |
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 79


`exchanged between players appear, and 20in
`= [his spell will even work in combat, whichis
`two bags. This is not nearly enough tocarry
`) nice as one has to survive in order to collect
`all the quest items one will acquire, special
`| the goodies. Ifall of the partydies, oneis sent
`items that can cast spells, ini potions to
`back to the opening screen and may enter
`restore health points and mana. [Fir were not
`again at the top entrance.
`for the manatrick (explainedlater), players
`After a while, most fighting will become
`wouldbe popping backandforth to thestore
`routine. All members in the party will cast
`after everyother fight, a ratherlarge nuisance
`death darts and most of the monsters will die.
`and a process which I believe would quickly
`seats the performanceof the game.
`Those that are left will eventually succumb.
`Fortunately, most fights may be fled from.
`: Since fighting takes more time thanfleeing,
`The Reception
`i this is welcome for those in a hurry to com-
`YOU are restored to Full nealth!
`Uponentering thefield ofplay, the first a Ce
`plete a quest before leaving. Except for loca-
`You encounter1 Snake, 1 Snake,
`things one will see are the three structures
`tion-triggered encounters,
`the number of
`opposing monsters is nicely tailored to the number ofpeople in the
`that control a player's life. There is the Tavern where one may read
`posts from players andeasily determine whois there. One mayalso
`converse with anyonein this area by clicking on their name andtyping
`a message. Next, is the castle-like structure called the Guild Hall that
`serves as a training hall, general store and pawnshop. Before doing
`anything else, one should enter the keep and purchase equipment.
`Lastly, there is the volcanoitself with a top and bottomentrance. The
`bottomentranceis for people who havesavedtheir position and need
`to step out to the store to get a cup of manaor suchlike. One may
`teleport out and re-enter here without havingto slog all the way back
`down on foot.
`Combat works as aseries of rounds, and each memberofthe party
`gets to. act once every round. Each round one may hack with a weapon,
`cast a spell, use a skill or use something in one’s pack. When all the
`party has been polled, their actions’ results and chose of the monsters
`are shownin the small rext window belowthe picture of the monsters.
`At this point, the player may be dead. A beginning player should
`expect to die a lor. However, in most cases, someoneelse in the party
`will be able to cast a resuscitatespell and bring the player back tolife.
`Quest for Story
`This is not the case for quest encounters. Quests are the staple diet
`of adventurers in the volcano. ‘The rewards for completing themare
`quite generous. In somecases,skills or stats are boosted or weaponsare
`gained, rather than experience. Evenat the highest levels, the later
`quests were quite exciting,
`I found my palms sweaty
`on several occasions, espe- §
`cially during the Quest of
`the Four Parapets. The fi- [i
`nal battle rook abour a half f
`hour and was nip and tuck
`for a party ofnineteenth to
`thirty-fifth level players.
`was a level 19 wizard ar the
`I did nor die during
`the fight, bur was oceasion-
`ally downto underten hit
`points, About 20 minutesintothefight, | had no manapoints and was
`using items to cast spells.
`| had one charge left ina Stal ofLife when
`Arnakkianfinally expired. In the Enlikil quest, I was at level 25 and
`with a level 35 barbarian andalevel 84 cleric. Several times during the
`running fights | was dead and these ewo players were down to 5,000
`or fewer hit points. Since many high level monsters can deliver blows
`of multiple thousands of hit points we might well have all died. Most
`quests can be completedin one or two hours and maybe resumed at
`a latertime if necessary. A couple ofthe quests require the participation
`of anotherparty. I thought this was a nice touch, and it was nor hard
`to find another party that would cooperate.
`Party Time
`TORUneattn, hi
`Thereisasocial life grow-
`ing underthe valeano. This
`is assisted by the ease with
`which one may communi-
`cate while there. Just typing
`and hitting return sends a
`message to the parry. One
`mayspeak to anyone in an
`area by typing their name
`followed by a colon. Mes-
`joystick out over yourfapfo more accurately
`sages maybe sent to every-
`Ce cueales
`Vere-Bears. 3 Death Leecnes.
`one on the same level by
`clicking on the map button
`you to easily access the keys without faking your ayes off the
`with the mouse.
`ee 4
`17RY we
`(503) 686-1809
`ReOe rimemeset)
`en ace
`order for $28.95 plus
`Send check or money
`3025 Timberline Dr. Eugene, OR 97405
`There are many guilds of players that hold organized events, and
`most ofthe guilds have staked out areas as “their” territory, where
`members of that guild may befound most ofthe time. A high majority
`ofthe people there are friendly, helpful and quite generous oftheir
`time. As a newplayer, | never had anytrouble finding “older” players
`Circle Reader Service #106
`Computer Gaming World
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 80
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 80


`8 area io otc
`Aurhar af Witchworld
`Author of The King's Buccaneer
`Author of The Prince of Chaos
`“A yousing and engaging
`game where the well-
`honed edge cuts well—
`Betrayal at Krondor.”
`“The idea of combining
`your game with a book
`to me
`to be
`enriching and | most
`heartily endorse it."
`“T feel great pride and
`satisfaction that
`heautiful piece of com-
`puter fiction was based
`upon my work.”
`cinematic inten-
`sity of Betrayal
`at Krondor,
`revolutionary fantasy
`role-playing game based
`on the New York Times
`E. Feist.
`at Krondor
`launches all-new legends
`of Midkemia, a breath-
`taking mystical
`Elegant story-telling and
`revolutionary 3Space
`visuals immerse you in
`the most realistic, detailed
`fantasy ever created.
`ENDURE savage enemy
`combar. Opponents not
`only act but think using
`the wonders of
`Midkemiafor the first
`frames of rotascoped
`grounds and Dynamix's
`combine ta create a
`“virtual” fantasy.
`) more than sixty
`unleash superhuman
`magical powers.
`Visit yourlocal software retailer or call (800) 326-6654 to order.
`Circle Reader Service #91
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 81
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 81


`Journey’s End
`to go out with. Olderplayers will frequendy =
`and there is not much to spend it on. On
`letting f
`adopt a newbie and protect
`weekends the system can besluggish as it
`themaccumulatelevels quickly and teaching FS
`| reaches saturation. Also, crashes will happen
`them the short cuts to fame and fortune.
`as the network drops users it can no longer
`While leading on quests, I had frequent oc-
`) support. Since TSN relies on Telenet to carry
`casionto askother explorers where to take an
`it across the country, Telenet’s problems are
`item or the order in which to do things.
`also theirs. Over New Years Day, Telenet
`always received a response that was friendly
`crashed, bringing down c.10,000 users of
`TSN. In the time since, thingsarestill a little
`YoU are restored)te Fulluneattnt
`flaky around the edges. Periods of group
`Here, as elsewhere on TSN,
`(Unnamed) ok. Im zack medford, and
`thanks madonna.
`crashes have occurred, but things appearto be
`blooms. Manyplayers go aroundinpairs and
`The fiver of Eternity taps your life
`settling down,
`flirt while playing.
`| must admit I was not
`Only the brayest adventurers:
`the life-devouring River of Et
`immuneto this aspect myself. Women can
`A newrevision of Yserbius is coming that
`hidden passages.
`expect quite a bit of attention under the
`will fix some ofthe bugsin the game. During
`oleate, givenafriendly nature. Mostofthe time, everyone conducts
`myplay, | found no bugs that affected theplayers in an adverse manner.
`themselves within bounds. Ofcourse, in any large groupof people,
`Thereareseveral bugs that maybe taken advantage ofbythe players,
`there will be a few laggards who have not
`fully understood good
`however. Onein particulargives players 15,000 experiencepoints for
`manners. One has only to complain by hitting the complaint button
`repeatedly entering and leaving a room withoutfighting the monsters
`that appears on the TSN menuandactionwill be taken,
`there. This has producedplayers with levels in the hundreds who have
`Thereare also guild wars where more organized conflict takes place.
`been playing only a few days.
`As part of the map and partysection of the menu,
`is possible to
`challenge other parties. Challenges ofthis nature produce nothing of
`value, no experiencefor killing other players, and no items (unless one
`has the pickpocketskill), Somepeoplestill do it though. A wayout for
`this has been provided, however; one may simply “mute” oneself and
`not be liable to being challenged. One mayalso mute oneselfagainst
`being joinedso that one will not be joined by others while waiting for
`a friend.
`The gamecanbe entertaining, but what made this an experience to
`be savored are the many good people with which I ventured forth.
`There is no substitute for the companionship ofothers and Vserbins
`gives one all the tools one would wish for the interaction that is the
`core of this game. I nowhave a numberofpeople whomI consider
`good friends, and I will be playing long afterthis article is submitted,
`Most ofthe people I met were thoroughly addicted to Yserbius and to
`TSN in general. Those whopossess the money would be well served
`to try out TSN and ¥serbins, Those who choose to journeythere, be
`sure andlook for V’ger (or Vger elsewhere) and say hi. cew
`Brickbats of Outrageous Fortune
`The great majority of my experience with Yserbéus has been positive.
`Asalways, though, there areafewflies strugglingin the ointment. After
`the first cen levels or so, money ceases co matter. | have millions now
`The Next Empire
`ls a completely
`game, over 6 years
`In the making.
`Each universe Is
`a unique, complex
`gaming environ-
`ment populated with 21 allen
`Recently voted #1 PBM
`game In a nationwide
`player magazine
`..the only gamethat sends you
`fabulously detalled mapslike
`this one, showing your fleet's
`sensor views avery turn ...along
`with clear, complete stats on
`each starship you design, build,
`and maneuver/ndividually using
`up to 21 different onboard
` status
`reports on star-
`bases, probes and
`asterolds you
` cee stas: NN
`players Itching to nee iheDune 7\yah
`off anyone who gets In thelr way
`* $7.50 per turn; no hidden fees
`S fe
`or double turns
`* fast game (two weeks per turn) or
`slow game (three weeks per turn)
`* clear, concise rules; our complexity
`comes from your gaming freedom
`Page 82
`Circle Reader Service #86
`Reality Simulations,Inc.
`P.O. Box 22400
`Tempe, AZ 85285-2400
`Computer Gaming World
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 82
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 82


`More Mind-Munching Madness.
`rom, the’ Gr sators of Goblijins.
`Here'siwhat they're
`saying about
`“.. a delightful
`mix of adventure
`and puzzlé gam- |
`ing thatwill leaves)
`your Sray matter,
`positively fried.”
`/ Nideo Games and
`/, Computer
`©... you will want ta
`snaichthis one up. Its
`intelligent design and
`»-cude good laoks, well
`shook youvisht from
`the start”
`-Game Players Magazine
`) “Tfyouike the ulti-
`|) mate in ‘brain teasers
`this gameavtll meet
`) yourneeds.”
`-The Newark Advocate’L
`y “There is plenty of;Mooi
`fun here for. tle graphie/
`adventurer .
`“Computer Gain World |
`*. graphics are
`hand-drawn, 256-color
`works ofart ... Highly
`. ». aspuzelingas aeleae with,a baditlitude!?
`<The Newall Advocate’
`Zabr7pti (PST). Monday-Friday/Olitside U.S,Cal]209-683-44688am-Spai(RaE)Mendan-CUdayation.‘CUTANTAINa ok Ce\\
`*” Gitele Reader Service #92
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 83


`A Survey of On-Line Games
`hile artificial computer opponents
`and role-playing partners are a con-
`venient and often rewarding aspect
`of computer gaming, we feel
`the best
`opponent/partneris a human one. At CGW,
`we believe very strongly that multi-player
`gaming in virtual,
`tele-communicated envi-
`ronmentsis the future of the hobby. No mat-
`ter howsophisticated theartificial intelligence
`algorithms become, or howuser-friendly the
`interface, the computerwill never be able to
`match the perverse gaming brilliance of the
`human mind. And besides,
`the computer
`doesn’t care muchif yougloat.
`This listing of games is designed to give
`readers an overview of the multi-player expe-
`riences available on several commercial on-
`services. We hope
`these brief
`descriptions might prompt some of those
`gamers who have never had the pleasure of
`human-to-human gaming to “reach out and
`touch”fellow hobbyists. You might make a
`friend or two, andyou'll certainly have a good
`Air Warrior on GEnie
`Whengamesare notpart of the basic service
`fee, we will list the extra hourly/monthly costs
`Air Warrior (GEnie): Kesmai’s classic game
`of multi-player air combat, covering the era
`from WWthrough Korea, was oneofthefirst
`on-line games to use a graphic front-end. The
`larest version, SVGA Air Warrior, is reviewed
`in this issue. Word has it that che Air Warrior
`section ofGEnieis the hangoutforair-combat
`jocks. $6.00/hr,
`Page 84
`BaltleTech on GEnie
`Sierra Network):
`Gamers who long for the good old days of
`gaming aroundthehearthor thekitchen table
`may be more inclined to find opponents for
`traditional straregy games on The Sierra Net-
`work. Included in TSN’s extensivelist of cof-
`fee-table gamesis this classic. You'll have no
`trouble finding players to role the old dou-
`bling-cube with,
`(Prodigy): Would-be
`Baseball Manager
`baseball general managers should enjoy
`new spin on therotisserie/fantasystyle of base-
`ball. Gamers prioritize actual major league
`layers for the draft, and rosters are controlled
`by the amountofmoney “paid”to the players
`drafted. Then, would-be managers set line-
`ups andline-up contingencies for head-to-
`head play. Rather than the weekly results one
`would get from a fantasy league, the on-line
`gameusesa poolof statistics to figure out daily
`scores. $100.00 per season, plus monthlyfee.
`BattleTech (GEnic): With a role-playing
`shell that allows gamersto enlist in the armies
`ofthe various Houses ofthe BattleTech uni-
`verse, or serve as maverick mercenaries, this
`version of BattleTech has possibilities that
`even the Virtual Entertainment BattleTech
`Centers don’t have. Theability to participate,
`through the miracle of Kesmai’s graphic
`in on-going campaigns from the
`comfort of one’s own homeis bothaddicting
`andsatisfying. Fans of Activision's Mech War-
`riorwill not want to miss this next generation
`ofthe classic simulation. $6.00/hr.
`In today’s
`Bridge (The Sierra Network):
`busy world, it is more and more difficult to
`get bridge partners together for a few hands.
`This highlytrafficked service makesit easy to
`find both a regular bridge partner and an
`impromptu rubber. Ir is rental frequented
`byplayers ranging in skills from beginners to
`grand masters.
`Chess (CompuServe, The Sierra Network,
`USA ‘Today): Many networks have chess sec-
`tions for PBEM games, Compuserveboasts a
`forum for sort play, real-time chess and
`simultaneous chess (four players simultane-
`ously play two games each). The Sierra Net-
`work has plenty of face-to-face action and
`USA Today features a chess ladder (where
`players compete to reach the cop). All three
`systems can boast anactive and ardent group
`ofchess-players with a broad range of exper-
`British Legends (CompuServe): This is
`your typical text-based multi-playerrole-play-
`ing game with an emphasis on magic. ‘The
`The Sierra Network Main Menu
`goal of the gameis to rack up the treasures and
`points needed to become a Wizard. As Wiz-
`ard, the playeris granted special powers, the
`mostpotent ofwhichis the gift ofinvisibility.
`The unseen gamer can thenslink about the
`on-line world wreaking mischievous havoc on
`unsuspecting underlings. $6.00/hr.
`CEO (Prodigy): The basic monthly rate on
`Prodigy allows gamers to become the Chief
`Executive Officer of the company of their
`choice and compete with other Prodigy sub-
`‘computer Gaming World
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ee 025, p. 8
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 84


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