-1 " 93-] Num "
`Also in this issué}
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`P_e'tifioner Microsoft Gorporation, Ex. 1025
`. 1
`SVGA Air WaVrripr V
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`lilltima Underworld
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 1

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`Circle Reader Service #58
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 2
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 2

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`II Welcome to the sequei
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, EX. 1025, p. 3
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 3

`fiA|\t||]\|fi WORLD 8
`SEAL Team: |t'sAboutTime
`ltaltnlty L. Wilsott takes the point on this
`gritty 3-D infantry combat simulation
`Witty B. (CD) Good
`Charles Arrlai hears voices in his heart as he reviews the
`Atlvenlures ul Willy Beamish—CD
`Not Gambling with Chips
`Intel's super r'-’entiumT-" microchip raises the gaming stakes
`lty lnlmny ”Cat'_'l1t.-' 22" Wilsrjn
`20 Where were You in Poputous 2?
`For good or evil, Allen L. Greenlnerg plays the gocl
`0|’ pixel people in this clivine review
`It Slices! It Dices! it's Brit's Tomato Game
`The inr:re(lihle writing rnarshine, Clmclc Miller,
`takes a saucy look at this puzzle game marinara
`Ultimo Underworld II: The Guardian's Styx 8: Stones
`|.)rmg|as Searat takes a 3-D scroll thruuglt Origin’5 latest offering
`Legends of Velour Arrives from Overseas
`The legendary Chuck Miller tells the tale of SSl’s new import
`Comp|eiing_the Circle on Rin world
`When Tsunami closes in on .1 Larry
`iven universe,
`arlventure gainers will want to be ‘round
`by Charles Arrlai
`Telecommuting to the Cyburbs
`A spe(‘ia| sectiort connecting; our reaclers to
`the WOI'l(lS of on-line gaming
`'Mech War and Kick ’Bots
`CEnie’s latest rrntk ’em, srjick “em rump
`is a monster 'Mech mash supreme
`by David "Heal Seeker" Wilson
`A Game-r‘s Guide to Private BBS Games
`A trip through the dark world 0| private BBSS
`as compiled by William I. Sheiski
`69 Getting More MP6s from On-Line Role—P|oying
`D.r'akl<ar arlrls interactive human players
`to the computer fantasy role—p|aying genre
`by Jasper Sylvester
`Educatinig Gamers on the Internet
`A survey 0 fun and games on the world's
`largest tzoinpttter netvvork
`by John J. Brassil
`Shining Light Upon The Shadow of Yserbius
`Samuel "The Bar|JariaII" Baker travels to TSN’s
`Meclievalanci and ioins a real role-playing party
`The Net Results
`A survey of on—line entertainment
`Polishing the Gemstone
`Behind the scettes of GEnie's interactive
`laltlasy rt'.1lt'-_--playiltg ("lass-tit‘
`by lay Kee
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 4
`_«;|,¢_.¢;,,| r(_.m_,_., my 133
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 4

`creeping machine
`Look tor Creepers crawling
`in your favorite software store,
`or call: (sou) 433-7794
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 5
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 5

`Russet‘! Sipe
`Johnny Wilson
`On-Line Editor
`Alan Emrich
`"Managing Editor
`Ken Brown
`Assistant Editor
`Chris Lombardi
`Art Director
`Susan Zurawik
`Graphic Artist
`Jack Rodrigues
`Marketing Manager
`Diane Miiier
`M.|.S. Manager
`Gene Alien
`Assistant M.l.S. Manager
`Mike Weksier
`Ad Manager
`Jim Messing
`Kathy Garcia
`Contributing Editor
`(Adventure Games}
`Contributing Editor
`Evan Brooks
`Ad Director
`Jay Eisenberg
`Crmuirrrcr Gaririug ‘l‘l'urin‘ ttSSi\‘ iii‘-I-I-tirvtfi) in
`published montlrty by Golden Empirr: Puhlirntioiis.
`Inc. I_ttJC.‘Iiup:1rt:II (‘L Suill: Itfiil.
`.'\I'!ililL‘il'Il Hills. CA
`*J2t~'0Ei. Second-class. Postage pziirt at tirt:ing:.-r. KY «I in] I
`untl illltiilillltlll nuliliug ul'I'tCt.‘S. Permit #t’i’.t2-‘JID.
`Contents tin: copyrigltlcd by (initial fimpirr:
`l"It|1|iL':ttiuI1.~i, I993.
`I'm.-rrrrireetcr: Sr.-ml address chrutgcs to Computer Gaming
`World. RU. Box hill. MI. .'\.'lurri:~'._ II. hllfiil->ttt5"_’
`The siih.-tcripliun ntlu liar lWl.'.i\r'|.‘- i‘S.‘il|t‘.‘i {nI1L‘ ycttr} is
`$23.01"). Ci.l|1t!l“i1I'HII'|ti foreign surfricu .‘s'lli1'.‘SL‘I'i1‘IIi(IIl.‘L .'uitJ
`SI Ltit}. I-‘on-.i;;n uir subscriptions are S'i8.tlt) per year. All
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`upon n U.S. ba.n|~‘.. Visa. Mruslercard. or ruunuy urrtur.
`Printed in the U.S.a\.
`[’snims 9: I-'2
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`)\Il1l.:l'ii.':I Un-Linc.’ {'(}W
`P'rntJig_\'; EXPT-IOB
`G.EI1iCI C'£iW
`I ttttltl] til’!-4-til}
`Subscription Dept.
`'t't:lcp|miu:: t'i i.-1,‘. ‘J33--Stilitl
`Fun: {7l>t-J 233v]-1-1-I
`I 13
`Foreign Stttmsuiilicrs: (HIST 73-i—|
`For :nII.'t:rIi5:ng i:I|'::rni::tim1 only. criiiz
`.|E Pulilislrr-rs‘ l-lugu1:wntutis'L- L‘rJnI[JrIn_r
`3-! I5 5. Suptllt-mlil |iII.'ti.. Suite 5'3“
`Lu»; «hurt-.!t's. CA Ulitifi-I
`(Alli) 573-7372
`Fur tlt'.\\‘!i§tltl'tU cimulttiioli. cult:
`Emma l‘ublls|u-rs Seniors
`tbU3JI 92-I-(I224
`An |nter—Network War ame Rivalry
`SlI‘alegists from PI'nrligyar1r Cor‘npti$ei'vr.-* ciasti
`over Microp|ay’s Cummanri t it’)
`Another Page in the Hundred Years War
`A retreslier course on tho hislmy of
`GEnie’s on-line r|ipiumatiL‘fr11i|ilary gariie
`by David "Papal Assassin" Wilson
`Air Warrior — Kanami Connects!
`/\dr|in‘u_ SVGA t_;rit[Ji1i(_‘S and .1 F-tE1I"l[i alone veI'sion
`really flies; with this GEnie on—|ino classic
`by Douglas Ficl-z
`Mastering the Padlock View
`Tom Baihitiliii r)I'ft-area a new |JL’l'SiJt3CltVL4 on Falcon .'5.t)
`I Came, I Saw, I Conquered Kingdoms
`Strategy lips from Master Randall Biack,
`The "Blaclc" Prince oi" Ct'JiitftitJi'i;'(i Kirrgriririis
`(some for Hire: TegeI's Mercenaries
`Mrndcraft ”|)i'eaC|1c;-5” on the waters ot lE1t‘.l'it‘_a| sci-ti mmhal
`by Paul “Sh0nt’r-.-m Up" Sriiitrylelna
`Mental Meditations Over Dune ll
`/\ war'riuI"5 gtiide to Virgirfs
`world of Arralcis; Dune it
`thy ;‘etIt' "l'-ierrkonrn-'n Unto Mr)" ;":.'n‘.'e.-:
`Gettin Vertical with AVBB Harrier
`Paul Rig Dy proves that he can land
`on the Dnmark |Tt_ll'T| this cotikpil review
`A Miniatures—l.ike_Feel Makes Good Impressions
`A p|iiir.)sopl1y 1es;s:rm Irom ||11pI'cssioi1s’ Ed Grahnwski
`on ai‘Iti'I‘h‘Ilit1g iigtims on the hall|r5I'iL=|d
`w'hat’s Saspecial About Special Forces?
`leli larnes otters 5!
`|)ri<-ziing to CGW re:I(|('.r5
`Reach for the Skies
`Paul "Bon'Ii)eI‘" Rigliy explains in this rr.-‘view
`wlmt i"ldlJ|Jt-_‘l1S when your Re-ar'i1 excteeris your gimp
`PBEM Computer EastFront
`A replay that puts new chips on some old i]it')(“_i<f-l
`by Micliar.-I "Sta|iI1'
`it'll" Tiinr-‘” Peck
`CGW Stock Watch
`(Intel Intelligence)
`132 Taking a Peek
`141 CGW Hall of Fame
`Scorpia's Tate (Eric the Unready)
`Scorpia's View (Magic Candie iii)
`142 CGW Poll: Top 100 Games
`144 What's Hot!
`The Best of the Flest (Shareware)
`Over There: European
`Software Report
`120 Ad index
`145 The Patch File
`146 Editorial - Steam Rising
`from the SPA
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, EX. 1025, p. 6
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 6

`_ --
` l{.‘-‘v
`‘ \.\
`THE Most
`.9rrrrfr’gy is the rrrmrc of the grrrrre. t'f_mrr
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`M“ " "mm '” l '" '”’’"‘
`f':'£l-3l;l‘fl9fll-?f?f-"It5l-'t’{l'?f{'lfll£’fl.¢!'fl: :1-’hrrJrbrrli'.'
`'“ ”"" ””‘l""‘“"l"'
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`Mrrnfrfrvr dim."-rts the rtrfrbn l'l'I2t' rt .~'rrrjr,Icrrrr
`irrrir rrrmyrrlr rrrrnlrzrrls an t"l"£‘l'_‘I',fJ.llt.'_l'.
`Circle Reader Service !lS.'3
`c For John Madden,“Football’s
`' aame of ratings and matchupsf’
`That’s why John Madden Footballmll captures
`all the subtle nuances, all the
`personality of the game itself.
`You‘cl expect that with up to 8
`ratings per player, 35 players per
`team, 28 pro caliber teams, plus
`an All-Madden squad.
`What you might not expect
`is how far inside football you get.
`Design your own plays. Or choose
`[)‘0|‘n_ Mflddeffs new playbuok
`packed with over 80 offensive and
`100 defensive plays.Your game
`plan has to take into account every
`facet of the game: injuries, penal-
`ties, and, of course, the plan of
`the guy pacing the far sideline.
`The challenge to tackle is
`making the right call, the right one-on-one matchups. Every down. On both sides
`of the ball. Kind of like chess with shoulder pads.
`Of course, the actions brought to you by the highest rated sports network: EASNT“
`Providing storming 3-D field perspectives. Instant replays. Stats at any lllllt-.'.
`'_ And play-by-play analysis and help from Madden himself.
`It's no wonder John Madden Football earned such positive ratings.
`5 OMNI, for example, called the original “Computer Sports Game of the
`‘ Year.” And this version’s even more intense.
`Visit your local EA dealer or call (800) 245-4525 anytime to order.
`Then see how you rate
`in Madden‘s league.
`31"'»$-‘E’ "“""°""""’“""'
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 7

`Simulation Thergpy With Electrc;ni_c.‘Arts’ SEAL Team
`lJ__I_/ifollllilll/_il_., -Witsm-_r-' 1
`mission where the team returns antl the pro-
`gram onl}-' shows the survivors getting oilithc
`boat or our nfthe helicopter? Would there be
`glory or revulsion as he atljttstetl his weapon
`to Full automatic antl
`lirecl. just as a black
`paiaina-clatl VC startt-tl stantling and raising
`his hantls in surrender? Wottltl he ncwously
`peer at the screen, occasiona||_\' iuniping, as a
`white hutterlly cmssetl
`the screen or a blue
`bird flew out oi‘ the bushes or would these
`li::ints 0l_Il:l[lIrC be brushed asitle as an anno_\'—
`ance. a waste ot'prog|'at'nt'nit1g ettetgyi I think
`1'l‘I(_'} are a great touch.
`WottltlhepayaI1ytttt'eI1tio11 to the 'laborate
`insertion anti extraction scenes where the
`SEAL team must watle out into the w:tter to
`reach their obicctive or he picl-:etl up lay their
`support boat? Wnultl he realize that the ott-
`screcn hull .‘€L‘.‘a'.‘€l0I‘I
`that precedes each mission
`was talking, about just such hotlics of’ water
`when one of‘
`these stalvart conmtantlnes
`spoke oliwearing pant _\_-‘hose in order to be able
`to remove leeches easier? \X/oultl he realize that
`his air-contli: ionetl house was ttotltittg, like the
`hot. htttnitl jttngles being, tlepictetl in beauti-
`litll_v—i'entlc:'ed terrain on the screen? Wottld
`_' T _'_— l
`_‘ént=.'tlt‘ l’ret*r'ettrs an» not rlesiggrtetl to be rt.-vi: ‘H’:-.
`Tltt-ry .m.= t't-.1turt- .utitlt.'s l.Iust.'rl on "lt’fJ."il\‘.*-
`jJr'tJgrt'ss " that CCi'lr't"s' erfitors‘ lI.l1.'t.’ (leornerl wor-
`th)’ at early etitvr-.>r.'.-;_It4. Tht—>se .1t';'lt-5 are not in-
`l't’*t1rlt.'l'l to provide the l'r'nal wortl on .1 pmrlt.-t‘t,
`sinte we e.!t'pet'_‘t lo ,ottl}l.I's.h apprr:_nri.tte rew't.-tv
`{‘(JV(.‘.F.'I_t.§t‘ when the I{".).lTTt-T‘ is finishetl.
`I1 acquaintaltce olirnine has :1 son who
`happens to he the saute age as my
`tlaugltter. Both ollspring are in their
`last year of. high school. That m:tl<es the sen-
`sitive to any stories about adolescents who are
`venturing into adulthood. What got my at-
`tentirut. though. was the Fact that my ll‘lI.‘l1L'l.
`a Vietnam vetemit. hatl :1 son who tlespetatuly
`wanted to enlist in the service (special liJr(,'t..'.\'.
`in particular) and get itwolvetl in a"l1utone."
`I told this gentleman that my tlaugltter was
`a “pL‘:lCt:l'Iil<” lilte her lilEl‘N‘.'I'. and l ltatl hoped
`that all of her generation ltatl
`painlitl lessons ol war. i had hopetl that their
`generation would be. as corny as it sounds.
`s rtretl the casualties that our generation hatl
`Faiieetl. He responded that he couldn't get
`through to his son. His sonis favorite filnt is
`(keen Bt'ret.t
`(starring john
`and the yottng man
`watches it regttlarly. firmly believ-
`ing that the glory tlepictetl in the
`film is the glory oliwar. My Friend
`tried to get his son to watch mot'e
`realistic presentations of the Viet-
`nam Conllict, citing Aper.wi_fi1/;i't'
`Ntnuattd Plrttt.-tit: in p:u'tie1tl-.1t'.’l‘ht-
`upshot is that I am estr-:n1el_v proud
`CIl'.I'|1)»' tlattghter’s tlirection in life.
`My |i‘it:|1tl is tathcI' disappointetl in
`his son.
`l wonder what the reaction ol"this
`young man would be to lilectrunic
`ilirmn. Wotild he be
`ttllecteti at all by the l‘t'I0\-'lI'Ig cine-
`matic sequences at Il'Ie entl of‘ each
`Page 8
`he be allectetl by the sight of Fallen
`Iilletl comrades behind him and or ‘tI.'l' team
`ntentbers rushing medical aid to said cont-
`ratle? \.‘l/oultl he recogniice l:l‘t'.tt the simulation
`makes it easy {hr g:1tners to tiistinguislt he-
`tween the blacl: paiantas u|‘"Charlie" and the
`blue pajamas 0l"Cl\*llli'tl‘tS.i” Would he place an_\'
`importance upon the litct that VC guerrillas
`always surrentler (in on,’ playing expeI'ienee)
`fr*gr'rrr.vmrt'{1f to the player's team rather than
`pulling any tliabolical
`tricks like being pre-
`wiretl with explosives?
`How Realistic Is It?
`Electronic Arts‘ SEA1.. }’E*:rm is a litst-person
`simulation nFsmall unit action in the jun-rles
`tJiiVlCl'I'I:ll‘l'|. It is graphicttlly impressive in 1.’ tat
`it presents a more cletailetl environment than
`many t3:l1"t'It'.\' which use polygon-lilletl graph-
`ics, and because it uses cinematic teehnitptes
`to enltance the mission briefing and tlebriel'—
`ing. as well as the insertion of‘ the team into
`and extraction of‘ the learn irotn the action.
`The |10lyg[ll1—llll€£l
`ligures seem more realistic
`than those in llt”ut_'/E'rr5rt'nr _3—Dar1tl the action
`Feels snlootlt and convincing.
`lascitttttittg be-
`interface is
`cause it uses the mouse in a Iitscinar—
`ing analog olhtovetttettt. Wl1et1 one
`wishes the team to tnove Fotw:u'tl,
`the mouse mttst be puslted lorward
`in deliberate steps. When one wishes
`to go faster. more such mouse steps
`are Iequiretl. To slow. one retrerses
`the procedure by simulating mouse
`steps i).'!Cl{\’V;il'{l. To stop. one con-
`tinues pulling the mnttse hack. To
`baclt up. one continues the reverse
`mouse steps. To tttrn left. one clielts
`theleli mouse button. To turn right.
`one clicks the right mouse l‘JtIl'tt'JII.
`Stteli an interface adds to the veri-
`larly when combined with
`north of Sai on went down."
`HILO: "fin F-4 Mild I-«leaisel pilot aiding
`the B-52 bombin
`-i."rmr,utttet' Gtttttttt r Il’rm'd
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 8

` Tu? K1-mnh Village, An Thanh, RSS3
`I Feb 195:‘.
`_.t first Obj-mlwe:
`' Second Elhjaulive:
`Boat Support. Unil.
`Insertion Team:
`Boat Support Unit
`Extraction Team:
`Seawall Helicopter
`Fire Support Unit:
`Ezfttotlt Contact Unit: Sutwolf Helicopter
`Humid, 30 degree:
`To rrnln:
`' Enemy strength is heavy.
` "II! Dill‘-1lI'!I oluecltvc is In ambtnsh Im-
`capaeittr tn move uprigltt. lumber in a t:rnI.tcl1.
`or crawl in a prmtc pnsitinn {p(.'I'l'lE)l'l]1L‘tl with
`at press nlithe I, 2 and 5 Iteys t'espt:t.'tivcl_v_l and
`the gmpltie tn sttppnrt stt-::h perspec-
`is extrentely
`In ITl'.1ll)' ways, Sl:'.»‘ll".
`I''. Iht: 1‘l‘1ISSl01'|S Fnllm-t.r a Int_;ieaI pro-
`gt't'.-ssiun. an-zl the team In.» ;t[It.'.(]l.I.1TL‘ resources
`tn :tt.‘t.‘tnnpli:th them {in contrast tn the chaos
`laced lay the grttnts in the jttngle). Hnint: mis—
`SIUIIH only require intelligence g_atl1et'it1g and
`return, while t:tht=:i'.~'. t't:quire the player In llSt'
`LICIIIOIIIIUH skills or set up an '.1I‘I1IJ1.IS-ll. Tilt‘
`weapons have accurate rates Ul_I11.l'L' antl ranges,
`the role (iii the support boats and
`aireraiir seetm reasuttttble. and the
`Sluvilzl "Yeah '-
`nlclakr ‘like I
`Ul'.' alrol near the tlunu .
`t:at.‘h I'L‘L'1'lIi[ who I1.-ttl gt'adL1:1tt:tl
`l_l'UlII SI:'.*'\l.
`realistic that it is no Inttger int't:resting ttl pl-a).'.
`training and c:trt-|'i1ll_\- nurtured him tl1t'ottg_It
`I wottltl have Iil-tetl
`tn see .‘:'0I1‘.lL.'
`the cttttipttigtt. In In}: initial caInp:1ign. he wtm
`Iieature that I|1L'II(I.'lI'L’(I .-tmttetliing mutt: DI: the
`:1 Int UI‘ purple I1-.-arts anti \\'ast>|'tct1 extraetetl
`LIIll‘1'it.’!1{.lI}’ terrain, In many ways. the sin1uIa-
`ll'(l|I1 tttisttcct-sszlitl l‘l‘tI.‘ISit1l1i§ h_\-' the skill ui‘l1ih
`tiun is too pretty. Many g;1I'I‘.L‘l'.‘t. htiwet-'er. will
`the less inliihitetl
`I1'I()\'~‘..'l1‘1L‘l1t systetn
`CI'It)h'L‘|1 hy the tlesigtters than the slttggislt re-
`strict'i-ans I might Itave itttptisetl U1] the aim.
`the simulatinn :l(‘.I:‘.1II‘:t'[L'I}’
`t:nIwey:s swiwnl the problem nf't:i\-'iIi'.tn t:a.-;ti-
`aItie:twItit;I1 wanli1t:t:tl hy pt.-r.-tutmcl duringthc
`Vietnam Ct.>nIlit;l, the g:tIne1' L'{.‘l‘f;1Il'll}-' I1;t.t it
`_~tignitic:1titIy easier l.'ll:l[‘] the veterans LIILI. The
`prngrant not l.}I1l_\" COIOF-Ctltltlh I..‘I\'ili:ll):‘n I_hlLtt:}
`Yet, every time my t:haI'acter ruttirtictl
`hase. I lelt tt hli.'I'l!il.’ OI’-'.1I.'i..'(l11‘lpIIEiI1|1'IL'l'II—C\’Cl'I
`II’-\\'L‘ Iititclietl the Il’II.N'SIt’)l‘l_ Snntelmw, it ti-a.-: a
`mnre |‘Jt.‘l'.‘itJII:!.l
`than when I
`planes antl !t'|.lI)I‘II:lt'iI1L'.'i Ittime in t.)lI'tL‘I' simula-
`tions. Snttteliow, Il wasniurein1pt1I'tanttt1t'ne
`than winning tnetlalrt, t.‘\'(.‘II tltutiglt t'I1t:re are
`pit-nt_v [1l"I'I‘I.Lf(I';1l.*€
`tn he won in S.I:L-IL Tc-rtitt.
`I also think that
`the cl1at'aeter selectitm
`atltls 5umt:tl1ing:_ to tl'Il.‘i pt.-r.~tt:nalim—
`lion, as the att11t:sp|1t'I'e-stttttitag
`t.'tit1t't:t:s2ttitms betw-sen 1L‘.1I‘I‘I mem-
`nhjectives :tre based on at:tuaI mis-
`sinn tlata l_rUl']1 the Vietnam t:t'-.1.
`st)mewI1at [as in most !iII‘I‘11.lI;itI()n_|:}
`when one t:t)nsiclt:t's how much
`tlatnage the gatnefs t:l*t:u‘at:tet can
`take heliire heing Icilletl. On one
`tn}-' unit was .'-'l‘lt:IICL‘l by a
`l‘l‘|.t‘1I'[;!:l't‘l.t.l£lt‘..'l( as .'it)un as we stepped
`out til‘ the river. Altlttittglt one til‘
`the team members was wuttn-:lt:t:I.
`this had very little IlIl[J'.1t;l un our '
`tn t::trr_v out our mission.
`After attuther anthuzsh. tint: ul the
`team tnenthcrs was Ibreetl to carry
`the ntltt-.rmen1her and this tlitl slow
`us somewhat. Yet. I think we would
`I1-ave heen wasted in a real am-
`hush. ()I_C(‘.|l.1I'.'it..‘. being mt: realistic can kill a
`I:ll1'[I1t.‘l'. althoug,It the game has cxtrentely
`attrat:tivt: g_t‘apI1iu:s. c.ttt'rt:nr !'I'l:ICI'1I|1l;' speeds tln
`nnr allow pI'tJgr:tn1n1er5 the :‘.I)iliI.}’ tn rt:;1lly
`llllllit: the jungle as tlcme as it
`t'rt1l_v is. and
`s\':1mp_v rice patltlies 2iL'L'|I1C{'.l sig_t1ilit::1t1tly cas-
`ier than I wnttltl have expectetl it tn he in real
`.*\"'.1ilI. a .'§I[l‘lLlI:1tIUI't 5l‘tlJI.lI(.l not he so
`.-‘-l'a_t' I993
`LU each |‘I1I$5IO|1. The
`I}L'I'b prior
`tleaths UII 111)-' ht't'atl1t:r .\'lii\I_ mem-
`hers nn \’:1|'IUtl.'\'
`unis.-+iuI1.s and tile
`cinetmttic segtteh between an t:xtrat:-
`tinn and the Inissinn tlelirit-ling I..'t:I"
`r-.tinl‘\' I‘.-rnttght the |11(.'2w'!s".IgL' IlUt11t.'.
`I will
`time I 5wit't‘l1ctl my wt=.-.tpttI1 Frnm
`to attttimatic lire
`and pulled tl1t'tI‘igger {lay l1itting_rht-
`l’.i\l'l'EI{ ltegrl.
`tmI_\' tn \\'.1[L‘l1 a VI"?
`[U !aLII‘l‘L'1'ILlC|'
`lwcfbre l‘t'I_\'
`hurst slicetl tltmuglt him. Im sure it
`tlI!i.'il1il(.lL‘ my I-l'lt.‘l1Ll‘S son
`Iitntn t-ttlistittg in special
`ltireest. hut
`it sure
`tnigltt npt-.11 his eyes In \\'I‘l:ll‘h' in't.-.
`i'iwn.= is an OtI[—
`sltttttlitig, advant:e.
`ll nll7eI's all
`I'l1e hells :tntI
`WIlI.\llt.'5 olia vt:hit:l-_- rtimtilatintt with a clever
`interhtee anti :1 tlesign that t'n.tI<t'-~'. g;1i11t?r$ re-
`ally t.':tre tthuut
`the I‘t:x1.Ilt5.
`it a .~tImwt‘..-tw
`ttretplticttlly with
`:1mt}t1nt (‘ll gaunt: play. (live the tlt.-sigtt team a
`'I'I1e}-' deserve it. raw
`antl VF (h|:telt). hut the tttrgetitig Llitttntmtl
`(lL‘Sigl1flIC£ (at
`least in the |‘J1’I..'-|'L‘it::I:‘1lf vet'.~it_u1
`we t-.xamine:I) \\-'I‘it':[I‘.t.‘T that potential lttrget i.-.
`a civilian nr('Il1-.1I'lit:. As anytint: WIIU has .‘|l'tI(.I‘
`the hismrv nl" the Vietnam Cuttllict
`aware, it tvasnil :1Iw:t_\'s eas_\' [0 tell the "gtit:tI
`gtty.-a" Iirnm Ilttr "had tt_t'.a'." One thing is eer-
`tain. I am glatl that tfit: tlesigtt team [UUIi the
`time to put nnn-ctmihatattt.-: in the g_::ti1e.
`t'eaII_v hatt: game.-; wltere one can sltnnt e\'t:t'}'—
`one and evt-r__vtl1ing with II'I1[}llI‘IIl'_\'.
`natt:I_t'. 5}.-L-‘Ii’.
`iflwiu has: nmre eltaracter than
`Iilllill gattties.
`Mission Accomplished
`\Vh-atever Inyt]uil1hIcsalmt1t rcrisitnilittttle.
`i’I‘IllS|It_“r_1I‘IIi_‘$S that S{:'xll'. '!'mmh:1s the poten-
`tial to he :1 pltennmcttal gaints.
`I was ttgttitist
`the war in Vietnam and avnitletl it with all my
`I'L'.\'l.}L|1'(‘.(‘.S. yet I Ihtmd n‘I_\,’.‘£L‘ll'_LIr:1Wl'l into the
`I1l|ll1i1I1It}e‘nI‘1l1L'g:II'J‘|C. For me. the gual (JIiI.lIL'
`gattne was to S1.ll'\’I\’{.'.
`I st:lt:ett:d my player
`t:h-.tractet' Eimm a selection til‘ liles tle:-'t.'ril:ittg
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 9
`Page 9
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 9

`CD 0
`A irruullily look at
`f nirr_UU.‘4'r F.-:).'r*t'.'.i."nrJ'r¢*.-‘It’
`Intel Corporation
`nnsnno symbol nm:
`One week per bar.
`__L (3 C3
`C0 (3
`Intel Processors Drive Profits And Computers
`App:ii-eiitly. etm1ptItei'g:irners aren't the only ones who think
`processing power is important. There seems In he :1 real lumger
`|'tJr Iiisler. inure puwelllll pt'nCess0I‘s in the 11mJ'l\'t-.‘tp|a1I.'I.’. and
`Intel Corporation (NASDAQ; INTC} hits the ezirnin-gs to prove
`il. On February Ill. I993. lntel zinilotmeed earnings per share oi’
`$4.9? for I992. This wits tippiuxiimtlely ll 27“% inenslse ever
`the eairnings t1l'lhe pI'e\'inu.-: ye:t1'($3.9?. pet‘ sl1a1I‘c. I':.‘p1'eset1liI1g
`:1 335:? increase rival‘ the prex-'inusye;1I'l.
`in ztdditiull. the Cu:npu-
`ny puitl its initial r.]uzu'tcrly dividend in Dewmher til" l‘)‘J2 [S.|tl
`per sliure).
`In :n1 interesting move which occurred at press lime. the enm-
`puny zlnnoumced its inlenl In ulTcI‘ it 2-for-I sttwk split on their
`eomnion Sl0L‘i\'. As the ehurt slmws. Intel has had :1 tI‘emenduus
`run over Ihe last year. |’mm zu'uLInLl the $46 per share mark to its
`press time quote uI'!l1l It’). in order to provide more :I|‘|‘nrd:1ble
`shz1|‘es for the '.i\-'et'ng_e iI1\‘eslm'. the e0I'i1p11I1y's L|iI'u.‘L‘l0i‘s i'I:t\'c
`elected to offer the split which would. in el'l'et:l. lrtilve the priee
`per share {while doubling the number of shares held lay existing
`P:[!,'t' H}
`As |'e:iders wI1upera.ise the story on the l"m.t.fni.=.='-“ pi't_:eesser
`(see the Following pages] slmultl realize. Intel is expecting it!
`play :1 hig rule in tlie lives nfgztmers. Al press time. the
`Pen.'.":m: processor ililti nut heen nl'l‘iei:1||_v zmnuuneed and
`Stauidairtl 3: l’onrs [provitlers oi" the most Followed riiiikiiigs t'lI'I
`Wall Street} ililti {liI‘L‘.'i]ti)* estimated I993 income :11 Fill‘) per share.
`Wi1el]Iei‘ll1e new |et'l1I1t)lt1gy will lizwe signi|'ieaint impact on
`these e:n'tIiIlgs esliinaite:-'. or not will relnuiil to be seen.
`in the
`mealnlime. eLIl1in_g~edge lechltulugy. slrtnn_1 tlemztnd liar existilig
`|)1't1eess'nt's. itntl :-iutlnd I11'.in:tg_ement make Intel ‘.1 stuck to w‘.1lt.‘h
`over Ihe lung |1:ltI|.
`|rnnien||_v. lntt.-|'s success is ll [nixed hug For enn1puIeI'
`gainers. Their euiitinuully improving processors nlnke new nnd
`iniprnvetl games possible, but the pI'o|i|i.:ruliun til" £1(_i\-’21I1L‘Cti
`m:I:.‘l1iIIes i.‘I‘t:ailt-:s an atceeleI‘:1liIig p£llII.3l'l‘I nl‘ nb§:t)I::scc11cc -:n1e;in—
`Eng gainers h:1\-'e In llpgrntle inure 0|'1eI1} il|1l.i p|‘u\’iLles :1 lumpin-
`Iinn for some game developers to try tun inueh tresultin-__' in
`“htlgg " protluelsj.
`In the long run. Ihe ilitreductimi of new
`pt'ueesstn's slumltl t:I'e:I1e :1 hetter g'.tI1Iing ulI11ns'pl1e:'e. tsw
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation,(i§3?i”i:6§g:'Bi’W“HM
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 10

`Some Are More Real T/ocm 0t/aers
`_ wr)r!rt'
`.‘ gm/)}J:'::s.
`F0! m.r'ssr’ons
`H.':‘fb up
`mfive ()2‘lJer
`"sm:trt“ :u1tt sul,mmnititm \\"t.‘il])(Jl'tl'_\’
`with pinpoint :1ccu rttey in an_\-' \‘t"t.'d1ht.‘t', thty or I‘! ight.
`And it's not iust you atgeljnsl the ette-my. tip 1:) five other
`Tt)l'l‘tEl.tit).‘i help t_.-'eu earner yettr :1d\-'ers:u‘_\-’ in high—speetl
`stttteltruitiml ttttuelts that determine the nttteeme of your
`missions and the success 0:'f:tilu1'e of the eattttlmign.
`‘1'urn:tdee\-‘en tlelivers the most 5t’Jp]1iSIit2:1lC(l mission
`planning ever seen on :1 home computer. A satellite overview
`of the :1i1'l‘1eId and the sttrretttttlittg :tre:ts lets you set and
`:tn:tly:r.eynuI'fligl1tpl:1ttand pmfile. And the I1ttlh‘lil1lI'iC11lC
`figltter mission planning system ever (h'3\'i.ԤCd lets you set
`the :1lll0[)t]()l p:tt':ttnele:'s:t1ttl cheelc
`yottr wttypeint flight times and fuel
`lteztlism th:1t'll hlnw you :tw:ty‘.
`Digital Integration
`Distributed tayspeetmm Halofiyte
`Spectrum Holofiyte. Inc. 2490 Mariner Square Loop. Aianneda, CA 94501
`For Visatwlastercard orders call 24 hours a day, Iv‘ days a weel-t:
`t-B00-695-GAME {Orders Only}
`Fortechnical questions call: 1-510-522v11Gct (M-F: 9am~5prn PST}
`Digital Integration
`\’ott'\-'e plat-‘etl the lttlest flight sim gmues. llt'J\\-' h1‘:tCt: yourself
`for the teat thing. When it enmes It] first-ct:L-ts :11: thenticity,
`tiewn-zttttl-tlit'ty t't.‘.:lliS|1T, and :1 t:tt'gel-rich etwimnittettt, ttnlmtty
`comes close to Tm'n:tdo.
`Pilot the (it1lf\V:t1"s most girls]: strike :tit'ct‘:tft :tt h1'e:1luteclt
`speeds over three explosive t1t}I11h:1I:lJ'{31lS loatletl with real-
`werld details tleliveretl at :1 ltiglt frttme 1':tte — Imtitiittgs.
`slrtIclu1'es, reads, power lines, trees and much, ntueh mere.
`FI‘{)[1‘t tanks 10 ‘l'\" towe1's to rivers and t':1il\t=:1_\=s, 'l'm'n:tttu's
`tmsttt'p:tssetl 3-1) world is so authentic. you can see the mesh
`of fence stttmttnttitig :1 ct)mn1uniC:tti0n tower.
`At sea level, there is no faster‘ figltter iet th:1n :1 'I'et'n:tthJ.
`Hugging the earth at :1 |te:tt't-stepping
`speed, the 'I'0rn:tdo is ill] L'xll't:llIt’i_\'
`tliffiettlt target. Mmmwhile. it can
`deliver nearly It} tells of the ltttest
`Fm’t‘’ 3. 0.
`?i'at':t(rd0,fl‘u.t.t.* the
`c(J.u.g.-'.=rrit_J' i':'Jrt! brrtttgfit
`_r:m me :1tmrrt‘—:t'i'.tmmg
`Digital Integration is a trademark of Digilut Integration Llu. Spectrum ttoloayte Is a regi-:.tnn:d tn.-rde-mart: at Spectrum Iioloay-to. Inc.
`Circle Reader 5erw':.'(-.' # I02
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 11
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 11

`1 I J I I i
`.-11$-3ia}__:r1.' « ‘*
`lIl:I I
`‘land of conquest & glory. Invade
`castles, fly over mountains. and
`use the forest to your advantage
`as you battle across the
`Cascatian Realm, to become the
`reigning king. Just about the
`best strategy and tactics game
`you will ever play.
`Circie Reader Service #83
`.:L ‘
`computer game is IBM PC and
`soon to be Amiga compatible. It
`can be obtained through your
`favorite retailer or ordered direct by
`©1992 Q.Q.P. All rights reserved.
`IBM is a trademark of International
`Business Machines.
`Amiga is a trademark of Commordore.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation. Ex. 1025, p. 12
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 12

`Conquer the world In Battles
`of Destiny." Seek out and
`destroy up to three
`opponents in this state of the
`art global conquest
`simulation. It’s simple to play.
`but only a true master will
`reign in "Battles of Destiny."
`Challenging Artlfical Intelligence '
`(9 levels of diflloulty)
`Air, ground and naval combat
`22 different units to construct
`Modem play
`Over 20 beautllul worlds to conquer
`Complete player history
`Dynamic scoring system
`Campaign play
`Circin Rn.1i'l"o.r $r2rw'r_e #33
`The “Battles of Destin "
`computer game islB PC. It
`can be obtained through our
`favorite retailer or ordere direct
`by calling:
`1 -908-788-2799
`(E! 1992 Cl.Q.P. All rights reserved.
`IBM is a trademark oi lnlamaticnal
`Business Machines.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, EX. 1025, p. 13
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1025, p. 13

`Become CD-ROM,
`My Beamish Boy!
`The Adventures of
`Willy Beamish
`by ClH'¢'."lC’S Ardtti
`:1 tlinner table with these three harpies is
`:1 whiny totltller.) Sitlitlg :1t
`like dying and w:tl«'.ing up in S::rtte’s Ne l:C\'t't.
`Ditl Michael }’.ihel111:111, who strugles along lJl':!.\'{.'iV in the role of-
`\‘(/ill}*. never :Isl-: politely whether the grunt: might not he that muclt
`herter ilhe sere:1t11etl "Y:1l1ooe_v!" :1 little less oliten? Ditl no one play the
`g:1I‘ne lJeFore it went out to the stores to see Wl‘lI'.'ll1t£'l' anyone could stztntl
`to listen to it?
`\‘(*’e'll never l\'l‘l(}\V. Somehow the game nmde it to the light of‘ tl:1_v
`wearing all its flaws like so t11uel1 Spring finer)‘.
`Tl'l:i|: no one stepped in somewhere along the
`way with :1 tcaiity cheek — ‘"1 'ime out. guys. :lI‘e
`we doing this right?" — is rem:1rl<:tl.1le. ll seettis,
`nevertheless, to he the case.
`Slick Willy
`11%» l)’ertmt.tlJ is an nttem pt to present :1 l-:itl's—
`eye view uliheing :1 kid. The game consists oln
`series Oi‘Lilfl}"l'lil[ld5-ilnd-Sliinllutl-l([‘|CCS advent.-
`tutes in sL1l)urbi:1st:1rring:t precocious (hut not
`geeky). cute(hutnoteloyiiig),n1isel1ievo1ts:(hiIt
`dictetl. ghore—:tvoitling rnoppet.
`"I he .'\lI\l.‘HIUl|'..'$ ul Willy H1.-.1tt1'I.~l|: ('l}-R{l.\.!
`ll!-.5-I 1.-.'|tl1 (.'|J-RUM
`FRI }TE‘:f.'TI(J-‘VI:
`ll!-_' SIGN EH5‘
`lull" Tunnt-II, Meryl is Tony I'r.'HlIZ
`('|1:|m1;n||L FA
`lflfllil HI)-lu

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