From Sat Apr 1 00:33:01 1995
`Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 09:10 MST
`From: Terry Tanski <>
`Subject: The Sociable Web
`X-Vms-To: SMTP::""
`Hi Judith,
`Athabasca University is currently looking at new ways to connect our
`students to our institution. We would like the 'new way' to be via
`the Web but we have certain requirements. The most important one being
`that students must continue to participate in conferences. I found
`your pages on The Sociable Web and feel it may fit the bill. Could you
`please send me some more information about it or possibly a beta copy
`that I can take a look at. The platform would be Windows clients
`talking to a Web server running on DEC Alpha OSF/1 version 3. For testing
`purposes, the client and server could both be under Windows.
`Take a look at us ...
`Please respond ASAP since our timelines are tight. Thanks for your time.
` *********
` **********
` . ****
` .. ****
` .... ****
` Terry Tanski, B.Sc.
` Computing Services Internet:
` Athabasca University Phone: (403) 675-6339
` Box 10,000 FAX: (403) 675-6333
` Athabasca, Alberta CANADA
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 1


`From elevinso@Accurate.COM Mon Mar 20 17:06:12 1995
`To: Judith S Donath <>
`Cc: Ed Levinson <elevinso@Accurate.COM>
`Subject: Casual Collaboration & Postcards
`Organization: Accurate Information Systems, Inc.
`X-Org-Addr: 2 Industrial Way
`X-Org-Addr: Eatontown, NJ 08840
`X-Org-Misc: 1.908.389.5550 (phone) 1.908.389.5556 (fax)
`X-Mailer: MH 6.8
`Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 15:21:18 -0500
`From: Ed Levinson <elevinso@Accurate.COM>
`I'm excited about both your postcard server and the
`collaboration-at-at-glance work. I can envision applications of
`both these ideas and I'd like to talk to you about them and see a
`demonstration of collab-at-a-glance.
`For the postcard server I see a commercial application using the First
`Virtual Holdings Internet Payment System. Of course one would have to
`use images that could be resold instead of those from the WebLouvre.
`Collaboration-at-a-glance could be used for review and editing of
`documents or drawings. Some of the questions I have are about the
`current functionality. I also want to see it work. I will be at the
`IETF meeting in Davers at the beginning of April. Seems like an
`appropriate time to stop by. Tues (4/4) am, Thur (4/6) late afternoon,
`or Sun (4/3) afternoon would suit my current schedule but I will
`accomodate your schedule as best I can.
`Looking forward to hearing from you.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 2


`From Thu Jan 19 00:03:35 1995
`From: David HM Spector <>
`Subject: Sociable Web...
`Date: Sun, 15 Jan 1995 22:40:18 -0500 (EST)
`Organization: J.P. Morgan
`Phone: +1 212.235.9285
`X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
`Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
`Content-Length: 934
` I
` am sure you're probably really full-up on beta testers.. but I would
`be really, REALLY interested in learing more about The Sociable Web
`and/or obtaining a copy for use on our internal web servers...
` David
`PS: I 'dunno if this helps but we're really very expert in all things
`related to the Web (cf InformationWeek, 1/9/95, pg 38, for starters,
`or "" or "") and
`wouldn't bug you with silly questions, we write really good bug
`reports (if/when needed)... and we're also members of the MIT ILP...
`David HM Spector J.P. Morgan
`Vice President 30 Broad St
`Corporate Technology New York, NY 10260
`Spector_David@JPMORGAN.COM +1 212.235.9285
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 3


`From Tue Jan 17 17:37:25 1995
`Date: Sun, 15 Jan 95 10:24:36 -0500
`From: Hal Abelson <>
`To:, nielr@MIT.EDU
`Subject: sociable web
`Reply-To: hal@MIT.EDU
`Address: MIT AI Lab, NE43-409, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139
`Phone: (617) 253-5856 Fax: (617) 258-8682
` I
` just ran across your page on the social web and was blown away.
`It's exactly the sort of thing I've been trying to encourage people
`to build at LCS.
`Is there some way I can get a real demo of this?
`Is there some way that I can get hold of the server code and put one
`up and experiment with it? What I'm intereted in is figuring out
`whether there needs to be a change to the http protocol that we ought
`to put into the Web tandard to better support this kind of
`Congratualtions on pulling off a great idea.
`-- Hal Abelson
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 4


`From Tue Jan 17 17:38:53 1995
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 15:32:40 -0800
`From: (Howard Rheingold)
`Subject: sociable web
`Truly cool! I'm jazzed! I don't think we've ever met. Paul Dourish told me
`that you and I ought to get together some time. I'm still exploring your
`pages. Just wanted to let you know I think it's truly cool! I'm jazzed!
`Howard Rheingold
`Fax: 415 388 3913
`--------------------> what it is ----->is------>up to us
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 5


`From Thu Jan 19 00:23:45 1995
`Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 09:54:23 -0500 (EST)
`From: James Calloway <>
`Cc: zonker <>, george <>
`Subject: Sociable Web
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
`Eric Harris ( brought your efforts to my attention and
`already has communicated with either you or someone with your project.
` I
` have been developing a spec for a "Web Chat" very similar in concept to
`the Sociable Web and WebTalk. Seeing that your project is already in the
`prototype stage, we would much rather throw our weight behind what you
`are doing. It makes no sense for us to develop the same thing independently.
`How can we help and/or participate?
`We can certainly provide rigorous testing. Since we were on the verge of
`contracting out the coding of our own Web Chat, there may be a way to divert
`that funding. Or we might apply it in an area specific to your
`project such as porting your Motif clients into MS Windows and Macintosh
`James Calloway, <a href=""></a> General Manager
`The News and Observer Publishing Co.
`127 W. Hargett St., Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27601-1351
`Voice: (919) 836-2858 FAX: (919) 836-2814
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 6


`[one of many other emails from Pete Johnson <>]
`From Sat Feb 25 21:48:20 1995
`From: Pete Johnson <>
`Subject: Hypertext Conversation Tools?
`Date: Wed, 1 Feb 95 12:09:52 PST
`Cc: (Pete Johnson)
`Mailer: Elm [revision:]
`Could you give me some more insight on what the hypertext conversion
`tools that the WebTalk client will have? I have spent a lot of time the
`last week or so playing with Ubique's beta client/server and the biggest
`difficulty with it is its editor. Are there any screen shots available
`that you could put on your web page? Is there any news on a prototype
`release date?
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 7


`From Tue Nov 22 10:59:35 1994
`Return-Path: <>
`Date: Fri, 21 Oct 94 15:22:30 CDT
`From: (Daniel LaLiberte)
`Subject: Re: addition to www collaboration projeccts
`Thanks for the reference.
`At the BOF on Collaborative Technologies, your talk was mentioned. I
`couldn't squeeze into the room that this session was being held in, so
`I missed the talk, but I am very interested in this direction.
` .
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 8


`From Tue Nov 15 13:24:14 1994
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 11:39:02 -0500
`To: (Judith S Donath)
`From: (Jerrold Maddox)
`Subject: Sociable Web
` This is a note to inquire about the status of Sociable Web. How
`close are you to putting it into general release? Would you consider
`putting it out in limited release?
` I ask because I am going to be teaching a course, a beginning
`criticism class for freshman and sophmore art majors, starting in the
`second half of January, over the Net. (The students will be at a campus 40
`miles away from the University Park campus were I am.)
` The Sociable Web sounds, from the presentation I read from the WWW
`conference in Chicago, like the tool I need to make it work. My plan, until
`I read your paper, was to have all the students construct their own
`homepage, link their papers and images to it, and share it with me and the
`rest of the class. We would comment about them over email and a chat line.
`What you have worked out sounds like it would be much more graceful to use
`and would allow for the kind of ease and flow I am trying to put into the
`course. It is the first I have taught this way and no one else here has
`done anything like this, so if you have any suggestions or recommendations
`I'd appreciate them.
` Thanks for your time.
`Jerry Maddox
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 9


`From Thu Jan 19 00:21:57 1995
`From: Micha Reisel <>
`Date: Thu, 12 Jan 95 17:24:09 -2400
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`X-Mailer: Mozilla/0.96 beta (Macintosh)
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
`Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
`Subject: the Sociable Web
`Judith, this is really something!
`as the CEO of The Municipal Reporter (a bi-weekly newspaperin Oslo
`Norway) I have been looking for this type of realtime IRC/chat/talk
`function inside of a webserver for the past year.
`I visited Ubique in Israel (at the Weizman Institute) to look at their
`Sesame browser and server and decided it was too early.
`This looks like it is it!
` I
` am trying to put together
`- a library with links to documents and places,
`- a bulletin board with asynchronous discussions between readers, and
`- a conference room for online discussions in realtime,
`for each of the 7 or 8 recurring subjects our newspaper deals with
`(education, environment, social/health issues and so on)
`the links are the normal html
`the bulletin board is the hypermailer as is used by Timeinc.
`and the conference room was missing inside the web until now!
`Now thew questions:
`will this be available in the coming year?
`anyone working on a commercial version?
`what about authentication of users?
`what about moderated discussions?
`thanks a lot for your answers in advance
`Micha Reisel
`PS: if you work in the vicinity of Glorianna Davenport, give her my
`regards, we met at Digital World, at the Interactive Media Festival (I
`was there with Steven Cohen of LA)
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 10


`From Mon Mar 20 17:32:14 1995
`Date: Wed, 15 Mar 95 21:25 MST
`X-Sender: (Unverified)
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`From: (Dan Pacheco)
`Subject: Test idea for social web
` Hi. I came across your SocialWeb project page and noticed the comment
`about giving you ideas for using social web. I operate a simple kids'
`page in Denver, Colorado called "Kids'Net" (not to be confused with the one
`in D.C.) Originally it was just an index of
`WWW pages for kids 8-12 (you can find it in the "lunch room" of Kids'Net at
` Then I found a public WWW
`bulletin board system I could link to that allowed me to create a
`discussion forum. Unfortunately this BBs, called GenBBS, is too clumsy and
`for kids to really take advantage of it. I know they would converse more
`if they had a simple, user-friendly interface such as SocialWeb.
` Obviously, I'm not a member of a wealthy university and
`thus don't have a permanent IP address. I do this all through my dynamic
`SLIP account at Rocky Mountain Internet in Colorado Springs, CO.
` I don't have a server YET, although with a permanent connection my Macintosh
`can function as one. Therefore, would it be possible when you begin testing
`this product to try it out on Kids'Net? I have no way of tracking the number
`of kids who come through the service since it's running off someone else's
`server, but every week about 6 kids send me mail through a mailto gateway
`I created in Kids'Net. I also notice an average of 3 postings a week
`in the GenBBS bulletin board.
` If that's not enough to motivate you, perhaps this will. I'm also a
`staff writer for The Denver Post. It was just announced that we're going
`on line, and I will likely be a part of that transition. I'm very intersted
`in creating
`chat areas that can be created and destroyed at will for every story we print.
`Perhaps we can create a demo for the Post, which will give you some exposure
`and give me a chance to experiment.
` Thanks for listening.
`-Dan Pacheco
`DAN PACHECO PHONE: (303) 820-1568
`The Denver Post FAX: (303) 820-1679
`Living E-MAIL:
`1560 Broadway
`Denver, CO 80202 WEB:
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 11


`From Mon Mar 6 18:25:09 1995
`X-Sender: (Unverified)
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Length: 1650
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`X-Priority: 2 (High)
`Date: Fri, 3 Feb 95 18:08 EST
`From: (Rusty Langsdale)
`Subject: Spring Garden on the 'Net
`X-Mailer: <Windows Eudora Version 1.4.2b16>
`Dear Judith:
`I've noticed your significant project, The Sociable Web, and thought I'd
`write to inquire how we may be able to include it in our emerging
`educational pilot at Spring Garden Elementary School.
`I'm an free-lance Internet Publisher and Project Developer working from my
`home office here in Hampstead, in Carroll County, Maryland, just northwest
`of Baltimore. Together with my son's kindergarten teacher, Sylvia Griswold,
`we are championing putting the School on the Internet. We appreciate some
`of the other efforts of other schools throughout the country, especially
`that of Hillside Elementary in Cottage Grove, MN, among others.
`Our challenge is to not just to throw the school up on the Web, but to get
`the entire community involved in communicating and sharing information
`electronically. Hence the appeal of The Sociable Web and how I envision it
`might be a good benchmark tool to inspire interest.
`We've hacked out a handful of preliminary pages, focused around the home -
`you could peek at my son's at...
` ... and follow the links from there.
`Please give some consideration to participating in our pilot. We would
`appreciate your experience, and I'm sure the kids would benefit from your
`Best regards,
` ---------------------------------------------------------
` Robert L. Langsdale
` MultMedia Imaging, Inc.
` P.O. Box 847
` Hampstead MD USA 21074
` 410-239-2554
` "New Media solutions for professionals"
` ---------------------------------------------------------
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 12


`From Mon Mar 6 18:24:39 1995
`X-Sender: (Unverified)
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 15:58:01 -0600
`From: (Griff Wigley)
`Subject: sociable web
`Judith/Niel, I'm very interested in your work with the Sociable Web and
`would like to talk with you about participating in testing it. We're
`putting up a Web site here at Utne Reader magazine and would like to have
`the kind of real-time interactive feature that you're developing. We're
`also somewhat desperately seeking a web-based conferencing/bbs system that
`goes beyond the current crop of offerings.
`Can I phone one of you to talk more about this?
` - Griff
`Griff Wigley, New Media Manager Utne Reader, Utne Online
`Email: 1624 Harmon Place, Suite 330
`Voice: 612/338-7045 ext 36 Minneapolis, MN 55403
`Fax: 612/338-6043 Infobot:
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 13


`From Thu Jan 19 00:10:04 1995
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 16:00:10 -0800
`From: (Margie Wylie)
`Subject: Sociable Web Article
`I'm the managing editor for Digital Media: A Seybold Report, a paper
`newsletter and Digital Media Perspectives, our free electronic newsletter.
`I'm interested in writing a story about the Social Web. Although I've
`visited the sight, I'm still quite positive that I don't grasp the
`potential of your work. Could I call to interview you (one or preferably
`both)? I tried to download the paper you presented at the International WWW
`Conference, but it has already disappeared to make room for information
`about the NEXT conference. If I may interview either of you, please send
`your telephone numbers and convenient time(s) to call.
`Margie Wylie
`Margie Wylie, managing editor
`Digital Media
`A Seybold Report
`444 DeHaro St. Suite 126
`San Francisco, CA 94107
`(415) 575-3775
`fax (415) 575-3780
`From Thu Jan 19 14:44:46 1995
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 10:45:22 -0800
`From: (Margie Wylie)
`Subject: Excedrin Headache #2
`Everything, including my net, seems to be melting down around me ears. I
`think the critical need indicator is going off on every piece of technology
`I need to run my life, from my computer to my car. Again, I find myself in
`the embarassing position of apologizing for missing an appoitnment. Here
`are my advance questions. Take a look at them and let me know if you'd
`rather answer them by e-mail or via telephone. I'll take either. You name
`the date and time (please sometime AFTER 8pm on this coast, after 11am your
`coast) and I will call you.
`Again, accept my apologies, and my assurances that I will not be a
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 14


`three-time loser on you. Sheesh! How did life get so busy? Have you ever
`read a book called "More Work for Mother." Basic assertion: technology has
`only made more, not less work for women. Back to the point, the questions:
`1) Background: What is your function at MIT? Grad student? professor? What
`got you interested in the Web and made you decide to embark on the
`sociable web project? Arent' there enough spaces to chat online as it is?
`What will a SW WWW server do for you that these other "chat" spaces can't?
`2) What applications do you see your sociable web being put to, commercial
`and non-commercial? Have you had any nibbles from companies, organizations
`or individuals with specific ideas? (You dont' have to use their names if
`they'd rather remain anonymous. You can just say "an east coast banking
`chain would like to...")
`3) What will your SociableWeb client entail? Will it be larger (take more
`RAM and/or disk space) than a typical WWW client? Is it based on Mosaic?
`What functions, if any, will it add besides chatting? Will it put a greater
`strain on a WWW server?
`4) When do you hope to start testing? What will your first test site be like?
`5) Do you have a prototype up that I can take a stroll through to better
`describe the concept to my readers?
`6) What is the fate of the SocialWeb technology when it's complete? Will it
`move into the public domain? Does it belong to MIT? Is there any thought
`that MIT might license it? Is it your own technology? Hasn't Microsoft been
`sniffing around yet? (As well it should be.)
`7) Without sparing me the techno-talk, explain how the SocialableWeb works.
`I may not understand everything you say, but I'll be able to get a good
`deal of what you mean from context.
`8) Optional: What do you think of government funding of portions of the
`NII? Is it a good idea? A bad idea? What about Newt Gingrich's "Magna Carte
`for Cyberspace." What sort of an impact do you think he and the Republican
`Congress are likely to have the future of communications techology in the
`United States?
`Margie Wylie, managing editor
`Digital Media
`A Seybold Report
`444 DeHaro St. Suite 126
`San Francisco, CA 94107
`(415) 575-3775
`fax (415) 575-3780
`From Fri Jan 20 00:27:37 1995
`Date: Fri, 20 Jan 95 00:26:52 -0500
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 15


`From: Judith Donath <>
`In-Reply-To: Margie Wylie's message of Thu, 19 Jan 1995 10:45:22 -0800 <1421610174-
`Subject: Excedrin Headache #2
`Tomorrow (Friday) morning is a possibility - try calling me
`at home when you get in. Next week I have appointments by 9:00 your
`time most days. You can try me at the lab number I gave you in the
`afternoon (my time) but I can't guarantee that I'll be free to talk
`at any particular time. Monday between 1 and 2:30 or after 3:30
`should be good (253-5098).
`As for the questions, I'd rather not discuss particular
`companies and their interest in this work (or Newt Gingrich either).
`I think the most interesting issues are the concepts behind the
`Sociable Web.
`From Fri Jan 20 14:52:32 1995
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 11:45:50 -0800
`To: Judith Donath <>
`From: (Margie Wylie)
`Subject: Re: Excedrin Headache #2
`Thanks for your reply. I'll try you
`>Monday after 3:30
`>should be good (253-5098).
` *
` * *
` >
` As for the questions, I'd rather not discuss particular
`>companies and their interest in this work (or Newt Gingrich either).
`>I think the most interesting issues are the concepts behind the
`>Sociable Web.
` I
` understand if you'd rather not talk about Mr. Gingrich, but I'd really
`like to know about applications for the technology, even if you can't
`discuss the companies specifically. Otherwise, I'm afraid Sociable Web will
`just come off as academic rather than practical.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 16


`Margie Wylie, managing editor
`Digital Media
`A Seybold Report
`444 DeHaro St. Suite 126
`San Francisco, CA 94107
`(415) 575-3775
`fax (415) 575-3780
`From Fri Jan 20 16:42:39 1995
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 12:29:30 -0800
`To: Judith Donath <>
`From: (Margie Wylie)
`Subject: Re: Excedrin Headache #2
`>You do know that it *is* being developed in an academic institution,
`>not as an immediate commercial application?
`Yes, I realize that. My apologies. I should have said "theoretical" rather
`than "academic." I am simply looking for ways it might be used.
`Look. I've been covering this whole area long enough to realize that there
`are a lot of companies out there, in fact, most companies, that would be
`thrilled if they could pipe Megabytes of data, video and advertising into
`your home and give you a band just wide enough to say "buy" or to pipe a
`credit-card number back to them. For the most part, these corporations
`aren't interested in getting people talking to the person next door. They
`aren't interested in fostering social interaction or stimulating us to
`think or (god forbid) stimulating us to some sort of political or social
`action. I think the Sociable Web (and other technology designed to let
`people talk to each other and to self-publish) is one step in the right
`direction. But it's an idea that I have to "sell." I have to somehow get
`execs to understand that it's not only the right thing to do, but it's the
`practical thing to do.
`Margie Wylie, managing editor
`Digital Media
`A Seybold Report
`444 DeHaro St. Suite 126
`San Francisco, CA 94107
`(415) 575-3775
`fax (415) 575-3780
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 17


`From Thu Feb 16 14:25:23 1995
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 09:45:31 -0800
`To: Judith Donath <>
`From: (Margie Wylie)
`Subject: Re: copy of article
`> I've been receiving questions and references from your
`>article in Digital Media - could you send me a copy of it, as you
`>said you would? I'm quite curious to see it.
`> Judith
`Since our subscribers' copies of Digital Media are drop-shipped from the
`printer, they recieve Digital Media long before we do. We just received our
`bulk mailing last week and I've been in Dallas since then. I've asked our
`assistant to mail a copy to both you and the Media Lab, c/o Valerie Eames
`Minard. It may take a few more days for snail mail to "deliver for you."
`I wasn't ignoring you. Paper just takes time.
`Margie Wylie, managing editor
`Digital Media
`A Seybold Report
`444 DeHaro St. Suite 126
`San Francisco, CA 94107
`(415) 575-3778
`fax (415) 575-3780
`For general info about Digital Media: (no subject, no body)
`From Tue Feb 28 17:41:08 1995
`Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 17:40:34 -0500
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 18


`From: Judith Donath <>
`Subject: article
`Dear Margie -
`Just received the copy of Digital Media with your article on
`the Sociable Web. You did a fantastic job of explaining clearly
`what it is we are doing and what is the point of the research. Even
`without actually seeing the work, you discussed its most salient
`points. I'll let you know how it progresses.
`From Tue Feb 28 22:57:23 1995
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
`Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 15:36:23 -0800
`To: Judith Donath <>
`From: (Margie Wylie)
`Subject: Re: article
`Dear Judith,
`I'm so happy that you are pleased with the article. You're a tough
`audience, glad to receive your critical acclaim and look forward to hearing
`about the progress of your research.
`I'd appreciate hearing from you if you run across other projects you think
`are worthy of interest.
`Margie Wylie, managing editor
`Digital Media: A Seybold Report
`Info: (no subject, no body)
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 19


`From Thu Jan 19 00:22:35 1995
`Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 00:02:58 -0500 (EST)
`From: zonker <>
`Subject: Re: The Sociable Web
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
` I
` saw the pointer to your project in the online marketplace newsgroup. It
`is the most exciting thing I've heard for the Web in months. What do I
`have to do to be a beta tester for you? Teleconferencing is the key
`component that has been missing from the web and from what I've seen of
`what you are doing, The Sociable Web is EXACTLY what the doctor ordered.
`Let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Eric Harris
`( I'm managing editor of NandO.Net. We are doing a lot
`of work with online news and other experiments on the Web. (How's that
`for brief)
`Anyways, you are probably being bombed with mail, but we would love to
`work with you on this as soon as you are ready. My server is moving this
`weekend to a dedicated Sparc20 so i will have plenty of spare processing
`power and I would love to experiment with linking the large flow of news
`I am pushing to the Web with your chat client.
`I'll keep checking into your page for information, but if you are ready
`for beta testers please put us somewhere on the top of your list.
`thank you very much
`managing editor
`919-836-2834 (voice)
`919-836-2814 (fax)
`From Thu Jan 19 00:22:42 1995
`Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 01:03:42 -0500 (EST)
`From: zonker <>
`Subject: Re Sociable Web
`Mime-Version: 1.0
`Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
`Here is the message that I found. I'll not bug ya anymore, just let me
`know if we can help/participate. I could come up with some really
`cool uses for what you have worked up
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1020, p. 20


`From: Jeremy D. Allaire <>
`Subject: Web Interactive Talk (Good News)
`Here's a pointer to a very interesting project
`going on at the MIT Media Lab. A group is near
`completion on a project which will enable
`Web servers and clients to eng

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