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`27 th Edition
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Stedman, Thomas Lathrop,
`Stedman's medical dictionary.—27th
`p.; cm.
`ISBN 0-683-40007-X
`1. Medicine—Dictionaries.
`I. Title: Medical dictionary. II. Title.
`[DNLM: 1. Medicine—Dictionary—English. W 13 S812m 1999]
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`precipitates, under
`SYN keratic
`circumscribed posterior k.,
`congenital comeal defect character J
`ized by a craterlike defect on the posterior comeal surface,
`ker a-to-cri coid
`(ker'a-to-krl'koyd). SYN ceratocricoid,
`ker-a-to-cyst (ker'a-to-sist). Odontogenic cyst derived from
`nants of the dental lamina and appearing as a unilocular or
`locular radiolucency which
`produce jaw expansion;
`lining is characterized microscopically by a unifonn thickness, a n
`corrugated superficial layer of parakeratin, and a prominent basal
`layer composed of palisaded columnar cells; associated with ^
`bifid rib basal cell nevus syndrome,
`odontogenic k.
`a cyst of dental lamina
`origin wit'1
`a high recurrence rate and well-defined histologic criteria of a
`corrugated parakeratin surface, uniformly thin epithelium, ami ^
`palisaded basal layer. One manifestation of the basal cell nevu*
`normal cornea
`actinic k., a reaction of the cornea
`to ultraviolet
`xerotic k.,
`SYN keratomalacia.
`deep punctate
`sharply defined opacities
`in an otherwise clear £>kerato-,
`kerat-. 1. The cornea. 2.
`cornea, occurring
`cerat-, cerato-. [G. keras, horn]
`dendriform k., dendritic k., a
`of herpetic k.
`gker a to ac an tho ma (ker'a-to-ak'an-tho'ma). A rapidly grow
`diffuse deep k.,
`k, profunda.
`ing tumor
`that may be umbilicated,
`usually occurs
`Dimmer k.,
`k. nummularis.
`areas of the skin in elderly white men, which invades the dermis
`disciform k.,
`but remains localized and usually resolves spontaneously if un
`infiltration of the central or para
`central corneal stroma. This lesion is deep and nonsuppurative
`treated; microscopically,
`nodule is composed
`tiated squamous
`and is seen in vims infections, particularly herpetic, SYN k. disci-
`epithelium with a central
`keratin mass that opens
`on the skin surface, [kerato- + G. akantha,
`ker a to an ^i o
`k. discifor'mis,
`SYN disciform k.
`SYN angiokeratoma, t
`exposure k., inflammation
`ker a to cele (ker'a-to-sel). Hernia of Descemet membrane
`of the cornea resulting from irritation
`caused by inability to close
`the eyelids, SYN lagophthalmic k.
`through a defect in the outer layers of the cornea, [kerato- + G,
`fascicular k., a phlyctenular k. followed by the formation of a
`kele, hernia]
`band or fascicle of blood vessels extending from the margin
`ker a to con junc
`ti vi tis (ker'a-to-kon-jungk'ti-vl'tis). Inflam
`toward the center.
`mation of the conjunctiva
`the cornea,
`filamentary k., a condition characterized by the formation of
`atopic k., a chronic papillary inflammation, of the conjunctiva
`epithelial filaments of varying size and length on the comeal
`showing Trantas
`in a patient with a history of atopy,
`surface, SYN k. filamentosa.
`epidemic k., follicular conjunctivitis followed by subepithelial
`k. filamento'sa, SYN filamentary k.
`comeal infiltrates; often caused by adenovirus type 8, less com
`geographic k.,
`monly by other types, SYN virus k.
`flash k., SYN ultraviolet k.
`herpetic k.,
`inflammation of the comea (or comea and conjuncti
`herpetic k., SYN herpetic keratitis.
`va) due to herpes simplex virus, SYN herpes comeae, herpetic
`microsporidian k., a form of k. often associated with immu-
`nosuppressed persons, such as those suffering
`interstitial k., an inflammation of the corneal stroma, often with
`k. sic'ca, k. associated with decreased tears, SEE ALSO Sjogren
`syndrome, SYN dry eye syndrome, keratitis sicca,
`lagophthalmic k.,
`SYN exposure k.
`superior limbic k., inflammatory edema of the superior corneo
`k. linea'ris mi'grans, a deep, linear corneal opacity stretching
`scleral limbns.
`from limbus to limbus; associated with congenital syphilis,
`ultraviolet k,,
`acute k. resulting
`from exposure to intense ultravi
`marginal k., a corneal inflammation at the limbus.
`olet irradiation,
`SYN actinic
`metaherpetic k.,
`in herpet
`flash k., ophthalmia nivalis, snow conjunctivitis, welder's con
`ic k. leading to epithelial erosion; not due to vims replication,
`mycotic k., an infection of the cornea of the eye caused by a
`vernal k., SYN vernal conjunctivitis.
`virus k., SYN epidemic k.
`necrotizing k., severe inflammation and destruction of comeal
`O ker a to co nus (ker'a-to-ko'nus). A conical protrusion of the
`tissue that may be seen in response to herpes
`comea caused by thinning of the stroma; usually bilateral, SEE
`neuroparalytic k.,
`neurotrophic k.
`ALSO Fleischer
`sign, SYN conical cornea, [kerato- +
`neurotrophic k., inflammation of the cornea after comeal anes
`G. konos, cone]
`thesia. SYN neuroparalytic k.
`k. nummula'ris,
`round, discrete,
`areas 0.5
`to 1.5 mm in diameter scattered throughout the various layers of
`the comea.
`SYN Dimmer k.
`phlyctenular k.,
`inflammation of the comeal conjunctiva with
`the formation
`of small red nodules
`lae) near the corneoscleral limbus. SYN scrofulous k.
`seipiginous k.
`polymorphic superficial k., epithelial degeneration occuning in
`k. profun'da, an inflammation of the posterior corneal stroma.
`SYN diffuse deep k.
`punctate k., k.
`sclerosing k., inflammation of the cornea complicating scleritis;
`characterized by opacification of the corneal
`scrofulous k.,
`phlyctenular k.
`serpiginous k., a
`due to pneumococci. SYN pneumococcal/suppurative k., serpent
`ulcer of comea.
`k. sic'ca, SYN keratoconjunctivitis
`superficial linear k., spontaneous, painful k. with epithelial ero
`sion and folds in Bowman membrane.
`superficial punctate k., epithelial punctate k. associated with
`viral conjunctivitis, SYN Thygeson disease,
`trachomatous k., SEE pannus, corneal pannus.
`vascular k., superficial cellular infiltration of the cornea and
`between Bowman membrane and the epitheli
`vesicular k., k. with coalescence of areas of epithelial comeal
`[TA]. SYN palm n-iiln
`liver p., exaggerated erythema of the thenar and hypothenar emi
`pal-ma, pi. pal mae (pawl'ma, pawl'me)
`p. ma'nus,
`palm of the hand, SEE palm.
`palmar (pawl'mar) [TA]. Referring to the palm of the hand
`volar, SYN palmaris [TA], [L. palmaris,
`pal-mar is (pawl-mar'is)
`[TA]. SYN palmar, palmar. [L.]
`pal-mel lin (pal'mel-in). A red coloring matter
`formed an alga, by
`Palmella cruenta.
`Palmer, Walter L., U.S. physician, ^1896. SEE P. acid test for
`peptic ulcer.
`palm ic (pal'mik). Beating; throbbing; relating to a palmus.
`pal mi tal de hyde (pal-mi-tal'de-hTd). Hexadecanal;
`the 16-car-
`bon aldehyde analog of palmitic acid; a constituent of plasmalo-
`pal mi-tate (pal'mi-tat). A salt of palmitic acid,
`pal mit ic ac id (pal-mit'ik). A common saturated fatty acid
`in palm oil and olive oil as well as many other fats and
`waxes; the end product of mammalian fatty acid synthase, SYN
`hexadecanoic acid,
`pal-mi tin (pal'mi-tin). The triglyceride of palmitic acid occur
`ring in palm oil. SYN tripalmitin.
`pal mit-o-le-ic ac id (pal'mi-to-Ie'ik). 9-Hexadecenoic acid; a
`acid; of the common constituents one
`of the triacylglycerols of human adipose tissue, SYN zoomaric
`pal-mi-tyl al-co-hol (pal'mi-til). SYN cetyl alcohol,
`pal-mod-ic (pal-mod'ik). Relating to palmus (1).
`pal-mos CO py (pal-mos'ko-pe). Examination of the cardiac pul
`sation. [G. palmos, pulsation, + skoped, to examine]
`pal-mus, pi. pal-mi (pal'mus,
`1. SYN facial tic. 2. Rhythmic
`in a muscle, SEE ALSO jumping disease. 3.
`fibrillary contractions
`The heart beat. [G. palmos, pulsation, quivering]
`pal pa ble (pal'pa-bl). 1. Perceptible to touch; capable of being
`palpated. 2. Evident; plain, [see palpation]
`pal-pate (pal'pat). To examine by feeling and pressing with the
`palms of the hands and the fingers.
`[^pal pa tion (pal-pa'shun). 1. Examination with the hands, feeling
`for organs, masses,
`infiltration a part of the body, feeling the of
`heart or pulse beat, vibrations in the chest, etc. 2. Touching,
`feeling, or perceiving by the sense of touch. [L. palpatio, fr.
`palpo, pp.
`-atus, to touch, stroke]
`i pal ci ne sla (pal-i-ki-ne'ze-a, -si-ne'ze-a). In
`pal i ki ne sia,
`voluntary repetition of movements. [G. palin, again, + kinesis,
`pal i nal (pal'i-nal). Moving backward.
`[G. palin, backward]
`pal in drome (pal'in-drom). In molecular biology, a self-comple
`mentary nucleic
`mentary strand,
`if both are "read"
`inverted repeating sequences
`running in opposite directions (e.g.,
`S'-AGT-TGA-S') on either side of an axis of symmetry; p.'s
`occur at sites of important reactions (e.g., binding sites, sites
`cleaved by restriction enzymes); imperfect p.'s exist, as
`do inter
`rupted p.'s that allow the formation of loops. [G. palindromos, a
`running back]
`pal in dro-mia (pal-in-dro'me-a). A relapse or recurrence of a
`palindromos, a running back, + -ia, condition]
`disease. [G.
`pal in drom ic
`(pal-in-drom'ik). Recurring,
`pal i sade (pal'i-sad). In pathology, a row of elongated nuclei
`parallel to each other. [Fr. palissade, fr. L. pains, a pale, stake]
`pal la di uni (Pd) (pa-la'de-um). A metallic element resembling
`platinum, atomic no. 46, atomic wt. 106.42. [fr. the asteroid,
`Pallas; G. Pallas,
`goddess wisdom]
`pall an es the sia (pal'an-es-the'ze-a). Absence of pallesthesia.
`SYN apallesthesia. [G. pallo, to quiver, + anaisthesia,
`pall-es-the-sia (pal'es-the'ze-a). The appreciation of vibration, a
`form of pressure sense; most
`applied over a
`bony prominence, SYN bone sensibility,
`sensibility, vibratory sensibility. [G. pallo, to quiver, + aisthesis,
`pall es thet ic
`(pal-es-thet'ik). Pertaining
`pal-li-al (pal'e-al). Relating
`to the pallium.
`pal li ate (pal'e-at). To redupe
`the severity of; to relieve slightly.
`SYN mitigate. [L. pa I Hat us (adj.), dressed in a pallium, cloaked]
`pal-li-a-tive (pal'e-a-tiv). Reducing the severity of; denoting the
`alleviation of symptoms without curing the underlying disease,
`pal li dal (pal'i-dal). Relating
`to the pallidum,
`pal-li-dec-to-my (pal'i-dek'to-me). Excision or
`destruction of the
`globus pallidus, usually by stereotaxy; a prefix may indicate the
`method used, e.g., chemopallidectomy (destruction by a chemical
`agent), cryopallidectomy (destruction by cold), [pallidum + G.
`ektome, excision]
`pal-li-do-a-myg-da-lot-o-my (pal'i-do-a-mig'da-lot'o-me). Pro
`duction of lesions in the globus pallidus and amygdaloid nuclei,
`(1) + G. tome,
`[pallidum + amygdala
`pal-li-do-an-sot-o-my (pal'i-do-an-sot'o-me). Production of le
`sions in the globus pallidus and ansa lenticularis.
`pal-li-dot-o-my (pal-i-dot'o-me). A destructive operation on the
`globus pallidus,
`[pallidum + G. tome, incision]
`lar rigidity.
`pal li-dum (pal'i-dum) [TA]. SYN globus pallidus. [L. pallidus,
`dorsal p. [TA], those parts of the globus pallidus located ge
`ally dorsal to the plane of the anterior commissure;
`dorsal striatum, functions in motor activities with cognitive ori
`gins; also form part of the dorsal basal ganglia, SYN p. dorsale
`p. dorsale
`dorsal p.
`ventral p.
`[TA], those parts of the globus pallidus located ventral
`to the anterior commissure; includes portions of the substantia
`innominata; along with
`the striatum believed ventral
`motor activities with strong motivational or emotional contracts.
`SYN p. ventrale
`p. ventrale [TA], SYN ventral p,
`pal li um (pal'e-um)
`[TA]. SYN cerebral cortex. [L. cloak]
`pal lor
`(pal'or). Paleness, as of the skin. [L.]
`cachectic p.,
`palm (pahm, pawlm) [TA], The flat of the hand; the flexor or
`anterior surface of the hand, exclusive of the thumb and fingers;
`the opposite of the dorsum of the hand, SYN palma [TA]. [L.
`to pallesthesia.
`/ \ J
`; ^ \
`; v-
`f v { / ,
`palpation of
`bimanual p., use of both hands to feel organs or masses.
`cially in the abdomen or pelvis.
`the outlines of organs
`p., a method of determining
`masses by lightly palpating the
`surface with the tip of a
`neuromuscular r., an agent, e.g., curare or succinylcholine, that
`of striated muscle by interruption
`of transmis
`produces relaxation
`sion of nervous impulses at the myoneural
`nondepolarizing r., an agent, e.g., tubocurarine, that paralyzes
`skeletal muscle without depolarization of the motor endplate, as
`in phase II block.
`smooth muscle
`lator, or vasodilator, that reduces the tension or tone of smooth
`(involuntary) muscle,
`re-lax-a-tion (re-lak-sa'shun). 1. Loosening, lengthening, or
`lessening of tension in a muscle. 2. In nuclear magnetic reso
`nance, r. is the decay in magnetization of protons after the direc
`tion of the surrounding magnetic field is changed; the different
`rates of r. for individual nuclei and tissues are used to provide
`[L. relaxatio (see
`in imaging.
`r., r. of the lower esophageal sphincter, which
`can allow reflux of acidic gastric contents
`into the lower esopha
`gus, producing
`isometric r., decrease in tension of a muscle while the length
`remains constant because of fixation of the ends.
`isovolumic r., that part of the cardiac cycle between the time of
`aortic valve closure and mitral opening, during which the ventric
`ular muscle decreases its tension without lengthening so that
`ventricular volume remains unaltered;
`the heart is never precisely
`during with a
`midiastolic period of diastasis, SYN isovolumetric
`longitudinal r., in nuclear magnetic resonance, the return of the
`magnetic dipoles
`of the hydrogen nuclei (magnetization
`vector) to
`equilibrium parallel to the magnetic field, after they have been
`different in tissues, taking up to 15 s for
`flipped 90°; varies
`water, SEE TI. SYN spin-lattice
`spin-spin r.
`spin-lattice r.,
`longitudinal n
`spin-spin r.,
`SYN longitudinal r.
`transverse r., in nuclear magnetic resonance, the decay of the
`nuclear magnetization vector at right angles to the magnetic field
`after the 90° pulse is
`turned off; the signal
`decay, SEE T2; Cf. longitudinal
`re-lax in (re-lak'sin). A polypeptide hormone secreted by the
`corpora lutea
`of mammalian
`during pregnancy. Facilitates
`the birth process by causing a softening and lengthening of the
`pubic symphysis and cervix; it also inhibits contraction of the
`uterus and may play a role
`of timing parturition, SYN cervilaxin,
`ovarian hormone, releasin. [relax + -in]
`re-learn ing (re-lem'ing). The process of regaining a skill or
`ability that has been partially or
`entirely lost; savings
`involved in
`r., as compared with
`original learning, give
`of index the degree
`of retention.
`re-leas-in. STO relaxin.
`re-li-a-bil-i-ty (re-ll-a-bil'i-te). The degree of stability exhibited
`when a measurement is repeated under identical conditions, SEE
`correlation coefficient, reliability coefficient.
`[M.E. relien, fr.
`O.Fr. relier,
`fr. L. religo,
`to bind]
`equivalent form r., in psychology, the consistency of measure
`ment based on the correlation between scores on two similar
`forms of the same test taken by the same individual, SEE ALSO
`reliability coefficient.
`interjudge r., in psychology, the consistency of measurement
`obtained when different judges or examiners independently ad
`minister the
`same test to the same
`interrater r.
`interrater r.,
`test-retest r., in psychology, the consistency of measurement
`based on the correlation between test and retest scores for the
`SEE ALSO coefficient, reliability.
`same individual,
`re lief (re-lef
`). 1. Removal of pain or distress, physical
`a specif
`2. In dentistry, reduction or
`of elimination pressure from
`SEE ALSO relief area, relief chamber.
`ic area under a denture base,
`[see relieve]
`re lieve (re-lev'). To free wholly or partly from pain or discom
`fort, either physical
`to lift
`up, lighten]
`re'nis, re'nez). SYN kidney.
`[reni- + G-
`disappearance symptoms without of
`re n
`r e n
`r e n
`+ (
`r o n
`re n
`re n
`re r
`re i
`re i
`a t
`re i
`re i
`re-line (re'lln').
`In dentistry, to resurface the tissue side of a
`denture with new base material to make it fit more accurately,
`ALSO rebase.
`REM 1. Acronym for rapid eye movements, under movement. 2.
`Acronym for reticular erythematous mucinosis, SEE REM syn
`rem Abbreviation
`for roe7tfgen-equivalent-man.
`Remak, Robert, Polish-German anatomist and histologist, 1815-
`1865. SEE R. nuclear division, fibers, under fiber, ganglia, under
`ganglion, plexus.
`Remak, Ernst J., German neurologist, 1848-1911. SEE R. reflex,
`re me di a ble (re-me'de-a-bl). Curable. [L. remediabilis, fr.
`to cure]
`re me di al
`acting as a remedy,
`(re-me'de-al). Curative or
`rem e dy (rem'e-de). An agent that cures disease or alleviates its
`[L. remedium,
`re-, again, + medeor, cure]
`re min er al i za tion (re'min'er-al-i-za'shun). 1. The return to
`the body or a local area of necessary mineral constituents lost
`through disease or dietary deficiencies;
`commonly used in refer
`ring to the content of calcium salts in bone. 2. In dentistiy, a
`process enhanced by the presence of fluoride whereby partially
`decalcified enamel, dentin, and cementum become recalcified by
`mineral replacement,
`rem-i-nis-cence (rem-i-nis'sens). In the psychology of learning,
`an improvement in recall, over that shown on the last trial, of
`incompletely learned material after an interval without practice.
`from reminiscor,
`[L. reminiscentiae,
`re-mis-sion (re-mish'un). 1. Abatement or
`in of
`the symptoms of a disease. 2. The period during which such
`abatement occurs. [L. remissio, fr. re - mitto, pp. -missus, to send
`back, slacken,
`spontaneous r.,
`re-mit (re-mit'). To become less severe for a time without abso
`lutely ceasing,
`[see remission]
`re-mit-tence (re-mit'ens). A temporary amelioration, without ac
`tual cessation,
`of symptoms,
`re-mit-tent (re-mit'ent). Characterized by temporary periods of
`abatement of the symptoms of a disease,
`rem-nant (rem'nant). Something
`remaining, a residue or vestige.
`[O. Fr., fr. remaindre,
`fr. remaneo]
`re-mod el ing (re-mod'el-ing). 1. A cyclic process by which bone
`maintains a dynamic steady state through sequential resorption
`and formation of a small amount of bone at the same site; unlike
`the process of modeling, the size and shape of remodeled bone
`remain unchanged. 2. Any process of reshaping or reorganizing,
`heart chamber
`change cardiac chamber
`(usually one or both ventricles) due to a pathologic or normal
`(neonatal) stimulus,
`ren, gen. re-nis, pi. re-nes (ren,
`re nal (re'nal). SYNnephric.
`re-nat ur-a-tion (re-na-tu-ra'shun).
`The conversion of a dena
`tured and inactive macromolecule back to its natured and bioac-
`tive configuration,
`ren cu ius (ren'koo-lus). 1. SYN cortical lobules of kidney, under
`lobule. 2. SYN reniculus
`Rendu, Henri J.L.M, French physician, 1844-1902. SEE R.-
`t^reni-. SEE reno-.
`ren i cap sule
`(ren'i-kap'sool). The capsule of the kidney, [rcni-
`+ L. capsula, capsule]
`ren i car di-ac (ren'i-kar'de-ak). SYN cardiorenal.
`kardia, heart]
`re nic u-lus, pi. re-nic-u-li (re-nik'u-lus, -IT). 1. SYN cortical
`lobules of kidney, under lobule. 2. A lobe of the human fe'a'
`kidney and that of some lower animals in which fibrous septa
`renculus (2),
`the organ,
`renunculus (2). [L. dim. of
`^ C(
`ren, kidney]
`. :u
`ren i form (ren'i-form). SYN nephroid.
`' n
`siderosis; pigmented by iron
`SEE Gambian trypanosomiasis, Rhodesian trypanoso
`s. from which the
`iron, SYN siderophilous. 2. A cell or tissue that contains iron,
`Indian s.,
`epidemic gangrenous proctitis.
`[sidero- + G. philos, fond]
`Jamaican vomiting
`s., ackee poisoning.
`sid croph
`i lins (sid-er-o-fil'in, -ofi-lin). Nonheme, iron-bind
`milk s., a disease of humans caused by ingesting contaminated
`ing proteins;
`central s.: transferrin
`classes (1) (in
`milk from cows suffering from trembles; clinical manifestations
`vertebrate blood),
`mammalian milk and other
`include severe
`delirium, convulsions,
`tions), and conalbumin or ovotransferrin (avian blood and avian
`coma, and death; recovery from nonlethal illness is slow, SYN
`egg white).
`sid er oph i
`(sid-er-of'i-lus). SYN siderophil
`morning s., the nausea and vomiting of early pregnancy, SYN
`(sid'er-o-for). A large extravasated mononuclear
`sid er o phore
`morning vomiting, nausea gravidarum.
`motion s.,
`of nausea, weakness, pallor,
`found in the spu
`phagocyte containing granules of hemosiderin,
`which may progress to vomiting and incapacitation, caused by
`tum or in the lungs of individuals with longstanding pulmonary
`failure, heart failure cell.
`stimulation of the semicircular canals during travel or motion as
`congestion from
`SYN siderophage. [sidero- + G. phoros, bearing]
`rotating amusement
`on a boat, plane, train,
`sid er o sil i co-sis (sid'er-5-sil'i-ko'sis). Silicosis due to inhala
`mountain s.,
`altitude s.
`tion of dust containing iron and silica, SYN silicosiderosis.
`[sidero- + silicosis]
`radiation s., a systemic condition caused by substantial whole-
`sid er o sis (sid-er-o'sis). 1. A form of pneumoconiosis
`body irradiation,
`after nuclear explosions
`due the
`after radiotherapy. Manifestations depend on dose, ranging from
`presence of iron dust. 2. Discoloration of any part by disposition
`anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and mild leukopenia,
`to thrombocyto
`of a pigment containing
`iron; usually called hemosiderosis. 3. An
`penia with hemorrhage,
`leukopenia infection, anemia, with
`excess of iron in the circulating blood. 4. Degeneration of the
`central nervous system damage, and death, SYN radiation poison
`retina, lens, and uvea as a result of the deposition of intraocular
`iron, [sidero- + G. -osis, condition]
`sea s., motion s. occurring
`in boat travelers,
`pulmonary s.,
`serum s.,
`appearing days (usu
`an immune complex
`sid er ot ic
`(sid-er-ot'ik). Related to
`ally 1-2 weeks) after injection of a foreign serum or serum pro
`or containing
`an excess of iron.
`tein, with local and systemic reactions such as urticaria, fever,
`SIDS Acronym
`for sudden infant death syndrome.
`general lymphadenopathy, edema,
`Siegert, Ferdinand, German pediatrician, 1865-1946.
`minuria or severe nephritis; originally described in patients re
`Siegle, Emil, German otologist, 1833-1900.
`ceiving serotherapy. The term is sometimes used for clinically
`sie mens (S) (se'menz). The SI unit of electrical conductance;
`similar allergic
`to reactions drugs, SYN serum
`disease, serum reac
`conductance of a body with an electrical resistance of 1 ohm,
`sleeping s.,
`allowing 1 ampere of current to flow per volt applied; equal to I
`mho. SYN mho. [Sir William Siemens, Ger. bom British engineer,
`space s., dizziness
`in inner ear
`result as of changes
`Siemerling, Ernst, German physician, 1857-1931.
`absence of gravity, SYN physiologic vertigo.
`sieve (siv). A meshed or perforated device for separating tine
`West African
`s., Gambian
`side (sid). One of the two lateral margins or surfaces of a body,
`[O.E. sive}
`particles from coarser ones.
`midway between the front and back. [A.S. side]
`molecular s.,
`a gel-like
`material pore sizes of such ranges as with
`balancing s., in dentistry, the nonfunctioning
`to exclude molecules above certain sizes; used in fractionating or
`purifying macromolecules.
`mandible moves
`during the working bite.
`sie-vert (Sv) (se'vert). The SI unit of
`working s.,
`dentistry, the lateral segment of a dentition toward
`ionizing radiation effective
`which the mandible is moved during occlusal function,
`dose, equal to the absorbed dose in gray, weighted for both the
`side ef fect. A result of drug or other therapy in
`quality of radiation in question and the tissue response to that
`addition to or in
`radiation. The unit is the joule per kilogram and 1 Sv = 100 rem.
`extension of the desired therapeutic effect; usually but not neces
`SEE effective dose,
`equivalent dose.
`sarily, connoting an undesirable effect. Although technically the
`SIF Abbreviation
`therapeutic effect carried beyond the desired
`limit (e.g., a hemor
`somatotropin release-inhibiting/actor.
`rhage from an anticoagulant)
`is a s. e.,
`the term more often refers
`Sig. Abbreviation for L. signa, label, write, or signetur,
`let it he
`to pharmacologic
`results of therapy unrelated to the usual objec
`tive (e.g., a development of signs of Gushing syndrome with
`Siggaard-Andersen, Ole, Danish clinical biochemist, •1932.
`steroid therapy).
`SEE Siggaard-Andersen nomogram.
`sid er a tion (sid-er-a'shun). Any sudden attack, as of apoplexy.
`sigh (si). 1. An audible inspiration and expiration under the
`[L. sideror, pp. sideratus,
`to be blasted or palsied by a constella
`influence of some emotion. 2. To perform such an act. [A.S.
`tion, fr.
`constellation, heavens]
`cisidero-. Iron. [G.
`sight (sit). The ability or
`sid er o blast
`(sid'er-o-blast). An erythroblast containing gran
`ules of ferritin stained by the Prussian blue reaction,
`[sidero- + G.
`day s.,
`SYN nyctalopia,
`blastos, germ]
`far s., SYN hyperopia,
`sid er o cyte
`containing granules of
`(sid'er-o-slt). An erythrocyte
`long s.,
`SYN hyperopia.
`free iron, as detected
`Prussian the blue reaction, in
`near s., SYN myopia,
`normal fetuses, where they constitute from 0.10-4.5% of the
`[sidero- + G. kytos, cell]
`night s.,
`SYN hcmeralopia.
`sid er o-fi bro sis (sid'er-o-fT-bro'sis). Fibrosis associated with
`second s., improved near vision in the aged as a result of i"
`creased refractivity
`of the nucleus of the lens causing myopia-
`small foci in which iron
`senile lenticular myopia,
`sid er og en ous (sid-er-oj'e-nus).
`Iron forming, [sidero- + G.
`short s., SYN myopia,
`-gen, producing]
`sig-ma (sig'ma). The 18th letter of the Greek alphabet, C>.
`sid er o pe nia (sid'er-o-pe'ne-a). An abnormally low level of
`sig-ma-tism (sig'ma-tizm). SYN lisping. [G. sigma, the
`[sidero- + G. penia, poverty]
`serum iron,
`sid er o pe nic (sid'er-o-pe'nik). Characterized by sideropenia.
`sig moid (sig'moyd). Resembling
`outline the letter S or one
`sid er o phage (sid'er-6-faj). SYN siderophore.
`[sidero- + G.
`the forms of the Greek sigma. [G. sigma, the letter S, +
`phago, to eat]
`sid er o phil, sid er o phile (sid'er-o-fil, -ffl). 1. Absorbing ^sigmoid-, SEE sigmoido-.
`of faculty seeing, SEE ALSO vision.
`the o ther a py
`(the-o-thar'a-pe). Treatment of disease by prayer
`or religious exercises. [G. theos, god, + the