‘W6 93£'1S?S2
`—~ 9 ~
`inslurie 1ecithi.n; i:~::.<s:¢:mNu;L«a8, E:>2:r:UR:sN 3.2::
`{Lucas Meyer, Germany} which is a mixture cf abmut ?a% mi
`12% phosphatidylethaholamine anfl
`abmut 15% athar phcsphalipids; QVOTHIR 166 {Lamas Meyer,
`5 Germany} which is a mixfiura somgrisinq about 58%
`phasphatifiylchaline, 18% phcsphatidylethanolamine anfi 12%
`uther phesphclipids; Q purified phasphGli§i§ mixture;
`L$PDZD.E~?5 at LIFQID EH30 {$i§oifi, Germany} which is a
`phnspho1ipifi.mixtura comprising abaut 80%
`10 phosphatidylcholina,
`8% phosphatidylethanolamine, 3.6%
`nmn~p0l&r iigids anfi about 2% sphinqomyelin. Furifiad egg
`ymlk phospha1i§ids, sayhaan nil phnsgholipids 5: ether
`§urifiad phosphalipifi mixtures are useful as this
`ccmpenent. This listing is rapresantative anfi nut
`limiting, as ether phasphalipid materials which ara knawn
`tn thcse skilled in the art can be usefi.
`The surfactant chosen shoulfi prafarahly be nonwimnifi
`ta minimiza irritatien, and one ski11e& in tha art can
`cmndmct tests to rautinely select spacific surfactants for
`2% this purpase. Generally, the surfactant is a nmn~ionic
`alkylene nxifie camiansate wf an arganic cnmgnunfl which
`contains Qua a: mare yfiruxyl graups. Far example,
`athaxylatefi andfmr progexylatad almohml er ester campuunfis
`or mixtures tharecf are scmmnnly available and_ara wall
`knawn to those skilled in the art.
`suitabla smrfactants
`include; but are net limitad to, TYLOXAPQL; PQLGXAMER
`é0?G; POLOXAMER 188; PDLYQXYL 40 Stearate; EflflLFDR ELMEQG,
`an&‘PQLYSQRBATE 39, as well as variaus
`campaunds said under the trafie name TWEEN {ICE American
`Inc., Wilmington, Qelaware, U.S.A,},
`§LURGNXC Fwéé (trade
`name af BASE, Ludwigshafen, Garmany fur a co§olymer cf
`polyoxyethylene and p0lyuxypropylen&}¢ At this time,
`PLHRGNIC Fwaa and the FDLGXAMER 188 are preferred.
`TYLOxA?QL.anfl TNEEN surfactants are also prefarrafi because
`they are FB&.a§prQvefi for human use.
`The aqueaus cumpanent will be the continuaus §hase of
`the emulsimn anfi may be watsr, saline 6: any ether
`TEVA - EXHIBIT 1004 (PART 2 OF 5)

`W0 93!‘ I812
`.— la .——
`suitable aqueous solutian which can yield an isatonic and
`pH cantrmllad preparatimn.
`In aafiitian,
`the ccmgositions of fine invantiun may
`alse cemprise canvantinnal additives such as preservatives
`anfi anziomiéants.
`Typical preservativas inelude
`Thimermsal, ehlorhutanclg anfl mathyl, ethyl, groyyl or
`hutyl garabfins.
`The prsferred ail phase antioxidant is
`awtccopnaral ax &~tmca§heral suscinata.
`The aquaaus ghase
`may also include an antiaxidant at a ahelatimg agent of a
`yolyamine carbcxylic acifi such as etnylana diamine
`tetraacatic acid {“EETA"), er a pharmaceutically
`acaeptahla salt tharaaf+
`The drug; cnsmetic, 3: active ingrefiiant, alene er
`with the oily excigiants, are mixad with a sufficient
`amaunt sf surfactants anfifor disgarsinq and suspending
`agents ta allnw dispersibility within the desired aize
`range in aqueouE madinm. The surfactant{s} may be any
`pharmaceutically acceptable una{5§ that enah1e{s} adequata
`disyazsibility anfi stability mf the draplets in aqueoua
`in-a farm af stable submicron size«range draplets.
`The drug, with ax withaut aily exeipients,
`ia vigcrously
`mixed with an aquaous sciutian that may contain
`to rasult in suhmicrun droplets afi the firug
`If neefied, a high shear mixer and E high
`and excipients.
`grassure hemoganiaar are emplayed ta awhieve the daSired
`&ra§lat aize.
`Smnicatimn is an alternative methufl ta
`achieve the aasired submicran drapiet size.
`Riqhly efficient dalivary af the $ubmicran firaplats
`tn the skin is ehtained with a-dmsaqe iarmVwhi¢h is semiw
`To prefiuce a semiwsaxid campesitian, many methcfis
`may he agpliad; afiditian of gelling agants, such as
`aarb¢§als and adjusting to a §H, arganic fihickening agents
`such as §a1yvinyl pyrrelidane {PVP} at a hydraxygropyl
`methyl uellulese {HERE} palymar, Q: catostearyl alcohcl
`and‘nthar waxes that may riqifiify, solidify ur inmraa$a
`the viscasity mf the aquaaus disparsimn ta the fiesired
`cansistency level.
`Inmrganic thigkening agents such as

`_. 1; .. "
`fumed silica QAERSSIL Qt CABDSIL}, alumina, clay Gt ether
`similar calloidal particles can be used ta ineraase the
`viscnsity mi the farmulation.
`It i3 also §c$sib1e tn use
`mi; cQncantrati0nS an the higher and of the disclesed
`ranga tn achiave higher visE0sity.campa5itians. Howevar,
`use cf greater than 30% mil causes difficulty in achiaving
`tha desired firaplet-size.‘
`chemical skin penetratian enhancers may ha
`intm thaԤurmulation ta enhance penetraticn
`af the activa imgrefiiant through the skin.
`In this
`regard, DMSG, desyl methyl sulfoxida, N~dodecyl
`yyrrolidane, decanml, dedacanal, an Qrganic acid such as
`oleie acid, or the like can be used. Qverall
`pnarmacmlmgieai effacts achieved with the sombination of
`chemical enhancers anfl submicron fircplets are greater than
`far either somgonant used by itself.
`This inventicn prcvifies submicran spheres {or
`areplets} that are an insoluble assembly af unique
`antitiesTéispersefi in an aquemus §hase with tha aid mf
`ayprcpriate surfactants or emulsifying agents.
`emulsifying agent amfi surfactant farm a pratective layer
`arcunfi the fircplets thus enabling efficient disgersian aha
`guspensien af the wily phase in watar. This layer is a
`monaiayer, pmlar by virtue of the surfactants.
`preseni drwplets are naither vesicles net lipasamas aince
`nu hilayers ragembling the hilayer farming the living $311
`wall is farmed. Eicellas may be fwrmefi anfi be p:&sent,
`but may accaunt for only a vary small fractian uf the
`surfactants and insuluhla matter af the formula anfi
`neg1igible.quantities, usually lass than ahaut 1% of the
`tatal mas$ af insalubla matter and surfaatants or
`flispersing agents.
`Expariments cafriefi nut and measurements by means cf
`ghotmn Sorrelatinn spactrascagy {Cou1tar N4MD3 and lasar
`diffraction qcwulter Lsggag indicated that the droplat
`size in the ccmpasitians of the inventian is in the size
`range sf ahaut 5.82 ta aboufi D.5.micruns. Preferably, the

`WIT) 93.338752
`4.. 12 ..
`size range is mainly in the 3.1 to Q.3 miuren {i.e., 193
`tn 390 nm}
`fiayenéing an the ifiherent activity afi the active
`ingredient its quantity has ta be afljustad flax each
`sgecififi firug,
`ccmpasitiuns accarfling ta the invention fa: tapical
`apglicatimn to abtain a tdpical or systemic effect,
`ncntain, far axamgle as active ingredient: steraids er
`nanwsteraifial anti~inflammatary‘arugs, antibintiss,
`antifungalg, antiviralsi antihistamines, antineaplastics
`or local anesthetics. Specific examgles wauid include
`substancas such as clatrimazmla, bifanazcle,
`triamcinoiane, amghetericin gentamicin,
`fiiphenhyfiramine, minmxidil,
`tatracaine and clinflamycin.
`Ear systemic.effeuts,
`the follawing cateqerias of
`aruqs are suitable: hypnctics, sedativesf anxiolytics,
`antifiepressants, anticonvulsants, anti~inf1ammatury flrugs,
`anti~fiunga1s, prestanoids, prostanaifi agonista, prastanaié
`antagonists, analgesics, hormcnes anfi vitamins. Specific
`examples wmulfi include lipoghi1icT§egtides, barbiturates,
`banzodiazepines, ghanothiazines, cyclaspnrin,
`éiphenoxylate, ghysmtigmine,
`tacrina, fiiclofanac,
`dexamathasana, prastaglanfiins, nifefiigina, nitrsglycerine,
`atrapine, verapamil, fantanyl, 1ipaphilic_peptides,
`ketatifen, phenytmin, micanazwla and katncmnaanla.
`For caametic effiects;
`tha active ingredient might ha
`for example vitamin a, vitamin E, a palyunsaturated fatty
`acid such as eicnsapentansi: acid, retinoids, caratanas
`and ban3oy& geroxida.
`Insteafl at a viscous Cempasitimn,
`tha droglats af the
`invehtimn can be tagiaally and_transdermal1y ap§1ied by_an
`articla which incluflas the flrcglets, an active ingredient
`and a sugport far retaining tha aomgnsitian therean. The
`supycrt wauld inalude an adhasive far securing the artislé
`ta the skin cf a subject.
`A wide variety ef active
`inalufiing steroids such as astrafiisl,

`F‘ L»)
`nisutine er nitraqlycarine, can ha administered by this
`artic1a, which would genarally be in the farm cf an
`occlusive dressing ar an aénesiva gatch.
`In the fallmwing descriptimn, cmnaentratians wilk he
`indicatad by % which flenates the cencentratian by weight
`oi the campmnent per 190 unifis valume Sf entire
`enmpasitibn. All indicatefi cmncanttatians shauld he
`underatoma as standing each hy itself, and net cumulative.
`It should be apgreciated by tha artisan, however,
`there is soma dapenfiency between the cancentrations of tha
`campanants, e.g., higher concentratinns of the ail will
`generally require higher cancentrations cf the emulsifier
`anfl surfactant.
`The emulsian usad in the mampoaitions of the present
`invantian may cnmprise about 0.5 ta 33% mil, abaut 8.1 ta
`16% emulxifiar anfi about 8.35 ta 5% surfactanta.
`inaraasing the_ccncantratién af the nanwaquecus
`phage, i.e., the cmmbined cmnaentraticn sf the Qily and
`the amphighilic phasa,
`increases viscasity of the
`in urder to obtain a viscmus camgasiticn,
`the cancentratisn cf the nil ceulfl ha increasefi to about
`23 to 36%. As noted abave, another way to increase the
`viszosity is ta add a pharmaceutically acceptable gelling
`or thickening agent, such as Carbopcl or tha like. These
`viscqus ccmpmsitians are useful as creams Gr aintmants.
`Preferred ccncentrations of tha c3m§anants are as
`,m11_ows: abrzmt 5 tan 26% oil; assist (2.2 ta 5% mi the
`emulsifier! with ahmut 3.2 tn 1% being particularly
`grefierréd; anfi abaut 9.2 ta §% for the surfactant,—with
`about Gez ta 1% haing particularly preffirrafi.
`far a
`visaaus efimgasitimn, about 0.2 ta 15% of the gelling qr
`thickaning agent can ha included.
`The drug fir casmetic agent {the &ctive ingrediént} i5
`yresant in an amaunt Qf about 6.65 ta 5% by weight of tha
`campmsitian, preferably abcut 0.1 ta 2.5%.
`aepanding ugan
`whether tha active ingredient is hydrcphilic or
`hydraghebic, it will be physically present in tha oily

`4* 13$
`the pH of fihase
`yhase at the aqueaus mompanent.
`camfiasiticns shuuld be in a range which is suitable fer
`the stability of the active ingrefiient, but slightly
`acidia.or as clQS&~tQ neutral as pasaible far
`campatihility with the skin.
`‘Tha inventing is iilustrataa with reference to the
`abavewmentienefl examgiea, which are to be cunstruad in a
`striatly nan~1imitative*mannar¢
`The enhanced tagical and transdermal effects sf firugs
`administerefi 13 emulsians comprised of suhmicrmn size
`draplets in cmmparison ta standarfi cream furmulaticns and
`cnmmaraial yreparatimns was establighed in several tafit
`systems. Antiinflammatory agants were testefi utilizing
`the carrageeman infiuced yaw adema in guinea pigs.
`Tranguilizers wera assessed in guinea gigs utilizing
`behavi§ra;.te5ts indicative cf aedation. Local
`anesthetics ware tested in healthy human volunteers an the
`basis mi less of lama: senaatian fnllawinq apglicatimn of
`varicus pregaratians.
`The fallmwing summarizes the systems used and rasuits
`nhtainefi with the formulatisna tested.
`fha fmllmwing
`cases axa ta be cnnstruea as exam§les in a strictly ncn~
`limitative mannar.
`A diazepam.submicron craam pregaratinn was
`mafia as follaws:
`9.5 g af diazapam are mixaé with § q of
`mafiium cnain triglycerida {HST} ail and 1 g af lecithin
`until an hamugenecus wily gnasa 15 achieved.
`?ha oily
`phasa is thgn disgarseé intn 96 ml sf an—aquaaus phase
`which includes 3 q mi PLUROKIC Fwfis and 3.1 g sf a mixtura
`cf§ gropyl parabens by initial mixing with.a
`magmatic stirrer fullmwefi by a high shaar mixer {Paiytran
`K3806} far 5 minutes at Qsflfiaa EPM ta farm an emulsion.
`Eartha: treatmanfi cf tha emulsicn is canfiuctad in a-nigh
`pressure homageniaar {AF$ ~ Gauiiny at 880 bar fax 5

`minutes {ahuut 10 cycles) at %5~5E”E. Tharaafter,
`emulsinn was Cocled ta ream temgerature and the mean
`draplet 313% was measurefi siae to ha 12¢ nanameters having
`a very narrow distributian with yractifially nc draplets
`abave mne micron {less than 0.5%} being detactefi.
`CARBQPGL is added ta.a final csncentratian of 3.3%‘
`the pH is~elavatafl with sodium hydrmxida tn ? and
`a samiwsulié submicran drsplet pra§aration ig aehievefi.
`Example 1 was regeatad using 6 g MET oil anfi
`3 g oleic acifl.
`The mean drcpiat size—was fauna ta be 158
`§§AEFLE 3:
`A formulatinn was made in the
`same manner as Example 2 but withnmt the §ro:edur& to
`reduce the &rop1at giza.
`The finalfidroplat size was
`between 5 and 55 miurans,
`A conventicnal fiiazegam cream
`waa pragarefi as follewsz
`diazepam 0.5 g, MET mil 9 g,
`emulsifying wax 9 g. hat water a1 ml.
`& classical
`technique was usad whereby the wax was melted,
`the mil and
`firuq were added,—and than the hot water was added with
`Tha mean drcplet size Qf tha cream was
`vigormus stirring.
`between E anfi SC micrans.
`The systemic tranquiliaing effest af tapically
`appliafi diaaapam creams uf the first faur examples were
`inveatigated and comyared to the systemic administratimn
`cf fiiaaapam, as fallaws.
`Materials ana Methmds
`GuinEaǤigE, males and iamalas, having a bedy waight
`mi about 259 g were shaved E4 haurs before application of
`the craams.
`The fsllowing farmulatians ware applied:
`{a} diaaepam 9.3% ~ small firags {Example 1};
`{b3 diazepam
`8_5% ~ small firags with a1eic‘acifi {Exampla 2};

`W0 93353331.
`{G} diazagam G,§% ~ largg drmps with Qleic acid {EHam§le
`{d} diamepam 9.5% in a canvantimnal cream mi large
`droplet size {Example 4}.
`Fiva grams cf each preparatian
`was agplied an the ahavafi area, i.e., abaut 28 egg Rf each
`guinaa pig.
`Cmmm&ruial1y availahla paranteral yrayarations w$re
`alga used as cmntrals, as fgllsws: {e} diaaegam 5 mggml
`{vials mfi 2 mi), 19 mgfkg administered intramuscularlyg
`and if} the same praparatian afiministered suhsutaneausly
`£15 mgfkg}.
`Clinical appaarancs, fallowing agglicatian or
`injeatimn, was checkefi anfi recorfiedé
`The anset and
`tarminatimn times of the effects were recorfiad.
`Three basic bahavimral tests,
`infiicating lave; cf
`seaatianf were use&
`{a} Righting reflex: animals are pcsitionafi on their back
`and tha time that is requirafi tn raturn ta narmal pasiticn
`was xacorded. Threa levels af sadaticn are scared:
`{scare 1) ~ animal returns immediately ta mutual §osition;
`mmderate.{scare 2} u up tn 35 sacands are needed ta return
`ta narmal pnsitien; severewfieap {score 3} w more than 38
`secanfls are needed to regain narmal position.
`Snap tast: animals are §asitianed an a S cm high
`step, with the farelsqs an the step.
`Eng time interval
`for changing this gmsitian was measured far each animal.
`The same course sf time that was used for scaring Qf
`righting reflex was use&.hara.
`leg3, their
`{3} Animals were.pasiti0nad on their hinfi
`feralegs put an tha tsp sf tnair cage {EU cm high}. The
`time intarval far changing this §a$itimn was measnred far
`Each animal.
`Tha same scaring methcéolegy as abmve was
`usafi hare.
`A tutal aggragate scare fer each animai was
`calculataa ta Shaw tha.stata of sedatian far this stuay.
`The results are shawn in Table 1. It was fuunfi that
`tapically apgliad aiazegam is very afifactive when
`dalivered in submicran draplets.
`A s3st9mi$~lik& effect

`wan 93x:s:7s2
`_ 417, _
`may be acniaved with this yraparation, but the sama fiase
`in larga droglet farmulatian was nut effectiva. Alas,
`inclusion cf claim acid in the furmulatian reéucas the
`time for enset af activity and fiuration,
`xabig ix
`Efiicacy of fiifferant tayinal anfi Sysiamic
`fiiazepam Furwulatians in Guiuaa Pigfi.
`ND. cf
`fime nf
`1G mgfkg
`Diaae§am, 5.2.! 18 mgfkg
`Diazagam $.S% cxeam {S gg
`suhmicran drape
`Diazepam G.§% arefim {E Q)
`gubmicran drcpa with Qlaic
`Biazegam 3.5% eraam (S g}
`large firmgs with 912;: acid

`CLass;:al diaaegam Q.S%
`cream {E 93
`EXAMELE 6: Example 1 was repeatefl using TWBEN~S0
`The mean dxoglet size was :70
`nancmetars and an enhancafi txanquiiizinq affect
`substantially equivalent ta that of Examgle 1 wag
`gggfiggfi ?:
`Example 1 was rapaated using EHULFGR EL*62B
`instead 0f PLEEQNIC F~fiS.
`Tha mean draplet size was.faunfi
`te—be 180 nafimmeters anfi the activity wa5 Qnmyarable tn
`that m? ‘ E.‘«£am_p.1».-'~: 1.
`Example 1 was again regaatad excapt that the
`fmrmulatian cmntained 23 g MET mil.
`Tha mean drnylet siza
`was —f»::m.mi to be 21.0 nanam_eters, but the at:-'3;ivi.ty was
`significantly increased 1% uamparison ta Camyarativa
`Example A anfi was as gama as that sf Example 1.

`3.4 {)3
`PCT! {.?S93fi}28i}E1
`§xgmPLE <: Example 1 was repeated except that 30 g MST
`nil end 1 g eiezepam were ueed. The mean droplet size was
`258 nenemeters and the.§reparetien exhibited increasefi
`activity cempered to that sf Cemparative.Exam§le é‘whieh
`was at least as game as-that af Examgle 1.
`Example 1 was again reeeated but 1 g eleie
`The mean droplet siee was 100
`acid was inczludefi .
`nanometers an& the cmmpesitien was ficunfi te he as active
`as that of Examgle 1.
`EXRMPLE 11: Example 1 was repeated using TWEE§~$E instead
`of lecithin.
`The mean dreplet size was founfi to be 256
`nenameters and the fermuletien was much more active {a
`scare cf 35} than that of Example 4.
`EXAMFLE 1.2 :
`Exemele 1 was repeated ueing MDfiTafifiL—Sa
`instead cf lecithin.
`The mean flreglet size was feund fie
`be 300 nenemetere and the fermuletien was mueh mere active
`{a score of 36)
`than that ef Example 4.
`exaxeL§ 13:
`ineteee ef MST ail.
`Example 1 was repeated using eeyheen oil
`The mean dreplet size wee feunfi ta be
`183 nenemeters and tee formulatian was as active as that
`ef Example 1 {e eeere ef 45).
`Example 1 wee repeated with the addition of
`Exggeifi 1%:
`The mean éroplet size was
`e~teee§hexe1 as an antioxidant.
`fauna te be 188 nenemefiers anfi the fermuletion was as
`active ae that ef Example 1.
`fauna ta be suitable far administering exifietien.eeneitive
`This fermuletien wee elem
`aruqe such as nifedieine.
`Exemgle 1 was again repeated but E g ef
`AER§SiL.ei1ica and hydregyyrepyl cellulese, respectively,
`were ineludefl
`ineteefi ef CERBGFQL, and the pH was edjuetefi
`tn 5.§.
`The mean éreylet size fer each examele was feund

`ta ha 188 nanamaters and the C§m§GSitiQfiS were fauna tm—be
`as active as that of Examgla 1.
`an imdumethacin_suhmicrmn craam preparation
`§§AfiELE 1?;
`was made a fullaws:
`indomathacin 9.5 g, MET mil 1? g,
`lecithin 8.8 g, EMULFGR EL~fi2O 1.5 g, CAREGFOL~1.? g anfi
`water 78 ml.
`The §racadure af Example 1 was féllawefi ta
`attain a mean flraplet size mi 13$ nanametar$.
`large droplat
`A conventicnal,
`sise indomethacin cream was prepared as fnllawsz
`indsmethacin 9,5 g; MC? mil :5 g, emu15ifyinq wax 9-q,
`water ?§ mi, The cmmpasitian was yragared as in Exampie
`The mean firoglet size was found ta be between 5~5a um.
`Tha toyical antiwinflammatary effect af
`tcgicallymapplied indametnaain areams cf Examples
`1?—18 were investigated anfi aomyarad far their antiw
`inflammatary effgct versus systemic afiministration.
`Animals and Materials
`éuinea gigs (QBQ g}.
`Indamethacin 8.3% in submicrmn cream {Example 1?}.
`Indmmethacin 8.5% in cnnventional cream {Examgle 13}.
`{d3 Enésmathacin 9.5% in salutian.
`Study Pracedura
`{a} All animals received
`an injactiun of Sq: ml
`carrageenan 3.1% into the
`taken frmm the area cf injactimn and falluwed far up ta 5
`hinfi paw. Measuremants were
`The above creams were afiministared at carrageenan
`afiministration site and the soluticn of indamethacin was
`administerad intramuscularly 15 minutes prim: ta
`Carrageenan administratiun.
`The circumferance sf the yaw was again measured anfl
`thfi change in size was camparad far tha different
`The volume chang&s were a
`plathysmameter gfigc, Baselfi.‘

`- 21‘) ~
`The results yresented in-Table 2 demanstrata that a
`lmcal agpliaation of indumathaain in suhmicran drsglet
`cream wag the mmat affective in reducing the edema caused
`by fiha carraqeanan injactian, and was mare efifective than
`large flraplats of indamethacin mraam at the same dnse
`administerafl intramusuuiarly.
`Tabie 2:
`Earfarmance cf niffsrent Indomethscin Farmulatians
`in Faw E&ema.Madal in Guinea fiigs
`kverage change of circumference.
`77 mar CE at
`Bcurs after cazrageenan
`N8. of
`Q T
`Indnmethaain fl.§%,
`in cream small
`Indnmethacin in
`cream. Larga
`Inanmethacin 15
`mgfkg i.m.
`A lifioaaina submicron cream preparatian was
`mafia a3 fcllawsz
`1idacaina.4 g, MC? oil §.5 mg;
`Q.E g, EMU&FOR Efiwfififi 1.5 q, water ?g ml and CAREQFQL
`1.? g.
`tha.prmcedures were the same as in Exampies
`m and 1?.
`Thg mean fircylet size was found ta he 15G—nm.
`A ccnventimnai,
`large draglet
`$i3e lidacaine craam was prepared as per Examgle 3 except
`with iidocaine Q g; MET ail 5.5 U, emulsifying wax 8 g,
`petraleum 14 q, watar 69 ml.
`The mean fireplat size was
`qreatar than $8 micruns.
`A small draglet siae eutectic local
`anasthatic was grepared as fellews.
`Egg g lidccaina,

`~ 2:M—»
`3.2 g tatracaine,
`2 g PLURGXIC F~5.,
`89 g water, aha

`carhmpal 415 g.
`Tha preparatian procedure was as per
`Examgie 1,
`the pH was adjusted tn 7.5 and the mean firoplat
`size was faund ta be 258 nancmeters.
`A conventional,
`large &rw§1et
`size eutacti: iacal anesthetic was gregared as fallaws.
`The same fmrmulatimn as in_Example 23 was praparefi—but
`withmut the pracedura ts refiuce tha druplet siaa.
`final firaplat size was fauna he be between 2B~10G gmi
`Tha iacal anesthetic effect mf ta§i:ally
`apglied liflocaine creams 05 Examples 2G~23 were
`invasziqated and comparafi.
`Each preparation was applied
`tn the farearm of 4 male human valunteers ané the fiegree
`of lanai anesthesia with tima was mafiitored.
`A gentle
`tauch was made with a sharg needle anfi the sensitivity of
`an adjacent {untreated} araa was camparafi to the
`applicatian site to estimate the effectiveness of tha
`teatafl pre§aratinn.
`The experiment was blinfi fer the
`volunteers. The sensitivity at the site af applicatian
`was given a scare af intensity cf 1 ta 4 and an average
`dasaqe form performance was calculatefi. The results ara
`shown in Table 3.
`Tabla 3:
`3verage scare {Effectiveness} of smal1‘vsfl
`Large Braylet size Lidncaing Craams
`Exam§le #
`Brag Cmnc., %
`Dxaplet sige, mm
`Delay, hears
`{Average Score§


`—— 22 ~ ‘
`These data show that lifiocaine alane in eleaginous
`basa er in regular cream sf emulsifying wax {i.a;, ane
`having a draplet size mi greatar than fin micrans}, was nut
`effective as local anesthetic. Hawaver,
`the small armpiet
`size graparatimn mi lidauaine pravided lanai anasthesia
`and gerfiarmed battar than larger dro§1et—siaa which was
`very gawr. Meremver,
`the small drnglet siza'Eutectic
`mixtura §&:fcrmed better than the same formulation but
`with iarga drogiat size, aa Shawn in Tabla 4‘
`Table 4: Average s¢cre {Bffect£veness} of small vs.
`Earge Braplet size Eutaati: fiscal
`Anesthetic Mixture creams
`Example #
`Erug Cuna., %
`Droplet size; gm
`Belay; hours
`Duratien, hears
`iaveraga score}
`Ex§MP£E 25:
`R fliclofenac suhmicrmn cream was prepared as
`fellows: Gil ghase ~ diclafenac diethylammanium 1292 g,
`MCT ail 1?0 g, LIPGEB E~8C 3% g, awtacepheral succinate
`8.4 g; aqueaus ghase w ESTA diswflium salt 1 g, Efi§LFQR
`25 g, glycerol ;?‘S g, prasarvatives {methyl and
`prapyl parahens} 0.5 gg reverse esmosis gurified water ta
`1053 g.
`The uqmpasitiun was §ra§ared as.ful1ows.
`amulgicn was pre§arefi by cambining the mil and aqueous
`phasas tagether'wit§ a magmatic stirrer fer § minutes,
`fol1Qwad.hy a highespeafi, nigh«shear mixar {Polytrun
`K3086} far 5 minutes at 3389 RPM. The emulsion which was
`vmbtainefi was traated by & high gresaura hamngenizer {APV~
`Gaulin} at 89$ bar {6 minutes, ahaut la cyclas} at

`4SwSE “C.
`After hamnqanizaticn;
`fihe emulsien was alluwefi
`ta can} ta ream temperaturey fiha particle size
`distributian was daterminaa ané the emulsion was then
`Q.4§ micron pore—size filter funimmdali
`filtereé thrcuqh a
`siEe after 8 cy:1es;80U bar is 139 3 39 mm, with tha fiust
`bafereifiltratimn being in the range cf a~¢%.
`The cream fmrmulatinfi was prepared as fullows:
`1300 g af the emulsiun,
`in q mf
`;u% CARBGPQL gas, which
`was prewswallen in purifiied water, was adaefi aha mixeé
`thcruughiy with the Polytron K3GGS device at S*1fl,GQO RPM
`for 2»3 minutes. Pure triethanalamine was afided drnpwise
`with mixing ta adjust—the QE to &~5.§.
`A final mixing
`with the Pmlytrcn K3690 device at the same conditions
`prmduaes a cream which cmntains 1.15% Diclofenac EBA
`iwhish is equal to a 3% selutiun cf safiium diclafenac}.
`After pfl, visccsity and drug cmntent testing, the cream is
`packed intm aluminum tubes.
`A tagical efiama treatmant by fiiclafenac in
`different aroplet siza fmrmulaticns was evaluated‘
`A farmulation cantaining suhmicram droplets of diclufenac
`{Example 25} was camgared to stanfiard pre§aratinn using
`the carragaenan paw edema moael {guinea pigs}.
`ml sf 3.1% solufiian} wag injected inta
`Carragaanan {G~l
`hinfi*gaw {at time=o)+ Start size sf edema at time Zara
`was taken as lGfi% laval. Surfaae of adfima was treated
`immediately after carraqeenan ihfiectian by test
`1.1&% éiclafenau diethylammania {equivalent ta 1.0%
`Diclmfenac smdium)
`in suhmicran emulsien (§O—1§G mm
`{Example 25}.
`VQLTAREE EMULGE& {Ciba~Geigy} w as a reference
`cam§ssitisn with known aativity,
`cg 1.1s% diclafenac
`diethylammmnia in large flraglets {5*18 gm}.
`Changes in voluma were mafia using a ylathysmometar iflga,
`Basel}, anfi the rasults are shown in Fig. &.

`& T
`{*3 ..r¥='-
`§§§ELE 2?:
`A girmxicam small draplet cream was preparefi
`from the fallmwing cmmpanentsz
`yiroxicam 0.35 g, MCT ail
`§.S g,
`lecithin 8;5 q, Twaenwsfi 9.5 g} water 33.4 g,
`carbopol 0.3 g,
`triethylamine G.£*gi
`The compositien was
`greparad aa in Example 1. The mash firmplat sisa was fannfl
`to he 13? nm.
`EX&HPLE gs:
`{Comparative} A conventianai piroxicam ilarga
`drcplet} cream was yregareé as fnllnwa:
`G.l?8 g, MC? mil 5 g, aetosteryl aicmhal 2.? g, scflium
`fiadecylsulfata 9.3 g, water 2? q. Aiter melting togather
`the catasteary; alcohol with sodium éedecylsulfate,
`£CT oil was addedg Qiraxicam was mixed with ready hat ail
`ghase, and than 27 ml uf hailing water was adfied and mixad
`tnormughly. Aftar sealing to room temgeratura,
`the cream
`was ehtained,
`£ tagical efiema traatment by §irmxicam in
`fiifferent emulsicn farmulatians was studiad.. The
`submicrcn draglets of piraxicam ffixamgle 2?} was Campared
`ta stanflarfi cream (Example 28} using the carragaenan paw
`edema medal {guinea pigs} mi Example 26. As shown in Fig.
`3, giroxicam in the cream of Example 2? demcnstrates
`relatively law antiinflammatcry activity, while the
`formulaticn of Example 26 was found t$ be much mare
`EXAM?LE 36:
`A tnpical naprcxen submicron firaam was
`greparad fram the fcllowing csmgonentsz
`napxaxen lg;
`Miglyol 318 l?g; LIPGID E«80 3g; a~tocm§hera1 Euccinate
`fi.G¢g; EHULFDR Egusza 2.5g; glycaral 1.?5g; Efifa diso&ium
`flihydrata 6.1g; CARBOPUL 348 U,5g;
`and pure water to lung.
`The naprexan, MIGEYGL 810, LIPQID
`E~8G anfi a~tucnpher0l succinata ware mixed tngathar at
`45°C until cempletely diss$:vsd ta farm an oil phase‘
`EMULFOR, glycara; and EBT& were dissmlvad in water anfi
`mixed thurmughiy with the nil phase in a high shear mixer

`N 25 _m
`{golytran K33flQ3 far 5 minutes at abaut 28,303 REM to farm
`an emulsian. Further treatmant ef the emulsian is
`ccnfiucted in a high pressure.hnmmgenizer (&FV ~ Saulin} at
`380 bar far 8 cycles in a drcplat sisa af ahaut 10U~15D
`am. After filtratian through a a.¢5 micrmh filtar,
`CARBGFOL in the form 0f 3 graswallen gel
`(18% in watar}
`was afided an&‘mixefi
`in thé Palytron device far 2 minutes
`at 5900 RPM.
`fine triathanolamina was afidefi ta a final pH
`at 5.5~e.5 and the fcrmulatian was mixed in the Palytrun
`device until a hommganemus cream was ahtained.
`A tnpiaal adama treatment by naprnxen in
`A submicrsn.draplet
`flifferent farmulatiens was studied.
`cream of napraxen {Example 36} was aompared to a standard
`cream using tha carrageanan paw edema moflel {guinea pig$)
`of Examyleg 26 anfi 29 far the follawinq farmulatinns:
`a) Napraxen in a suhmiaron emulsion {lGB~1§G nm aroplets
`as per Example 30) applied tnpically.
`h} Naprcxen in a canventional cream {dreplats larger than
`an micruns} agpliefi tapically.
`The results are illustrated in Fig. 3

`—~ 25 ~*
`fl.§:::__.é...§;..c2_l_a.;«L::.1s—:<i_.;_% :
`SHE §&§;fi§
`A campnaitien far topical a§§li:atian af
`pnarmacauticals Gr casmatics cmmprising submicran size
`firaylats comyrising abmut 0.5 ta 33% uf a firat comganaut
`af an oily liquid, abaut‘0.1 to 33% of a secmnd cumpanant
`cf an emulaifier and ahaut $.05 tn 5% cf a nmn~ionic
`surfactant, said draglets having a maan érogiet size in
`tha range sf 3.35 ts 5.3 gm, wherein said camgositicn
`prmvides an enhanced tapical andfor transdermal systemic
`effeat cmmpared tn the same compositimns which have larger
`The campositimn Of claim 1 wherain the.mean
`druplat size is hatwaen about 0.1 and 0.3 um.
`The eampmsition of claim 1 wherein tha first
`cumymnent cmmprises a mefiium chain triglyaarida oil having
`a chain length cf abnut 8'ta 12 carhans, a vegetable mil,
`a mineral nil, an ail sf animal saurce, a synthetic
`fierivativa thereof, or mixtures thsremf.
`Tha campasiticn of claim 3 wharein the first
`campanent is present in an ammunt of abaut 20 ta 33% to
`form a viscaus cumgcsitian.
`[The eomgnsitian af claim 1 wherein the
`emulsifier is a ghoaghalipid compauné er a mixtura of
`The cmmpmsitian cf claim 5 wherein the
`phnsgholigid is lecithin, yhmsghatiaylchcline,
`phosghatidylethanmlamine or mixtures thereof.
`$h& comgositimh cf claim 5 wherein the
`emulsifiar is'prasent in an amaunt of ahnut 8&2 ta 5%.
`?ha Cflmpmsition sf claim 1 wherein the
`surfactant is a nan~ianic alkylana uxide candensata af an
`organic comgound wniah $mntainE cue §r:mare hydrmxyl
`The campasitisn cf claim 8 whexein the
`surfactant is an ethoxylatad alcmhsl at ester camgauné.

`W8 93! I 8352
`The comyesiticn mf nlaim 9 wherain the non~innic

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