`Basic Science and Clinical Relevance
`Edited by
`he Schepens Eye esearch Institute and
`Hai yard Medical School
`Bocton MassachuscUs
`ou san Stt
`New Orica is Louisiana
`Medical Center
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1008-0001
`brary of Congress Cataloging lnPubiicat1on
`basic mc ene
`_acrimal clard tear
`file and dry CfC syndromes
`din cal
`Sullivan Da
`edited by Oavd
`and Michele
`med dire and bioogy
`in exoerlilenta
`the Second
`International Conference on
`pm of
`and üy Eye Syndromes held Novenioe
`Lacrimal Glerci Tear bile
`the Southhaepton Princess Pesort Bermuda
`1619 1996 at
`ncftces biblicgraphical
`ISBN 0-306 45812
`Lacriiral apparatusPhysooqy
`Dry eye sndommsCongresSes
`II Dartt Dsrlene
`lee icray nlichCle
`IV International
`Conference on the Lacrirnal Gland Tear
`SojthamptOr Bersuca
`Cry Eye Syndromes
`references and
`Dull van David
`Lacrimal Apparatus
`Dry Eye Syndoiies
`1-41 AdbbO
`612.8 47
`ibrary of Congress
`Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Lacrimal Gland Tear Film and Dry Eye
`the Southampton Princess Resort Bermuda
`held November 16
`19 1996 at
`1998 Plenum Press New York
`Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation
`233 Spring Sti eel New Yok NY 10013
`http Iwwms plenum.eom
`All rights reserved
`stem or transmitted in any form or by any
`No part of this book may be reproduced
`stored in
`means electronic mechanical photocopying microfilming recording or otherwisu without written
`the Publsher
`pe missio fm
`Printed in thu United States of America
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1008-0002
`Andrew Acheamp ing Martla Shackle on
`and Diane rangLiu
`eve am Ptr ck Rudewicz
`Irvme Californ
`inhibits T4ymphocytemed
`is an immune modulator
`munoreactiity Allergan is currently evaluating the clinical efficacy of 0M5o 0.4
`emulsion for the treatment of immunoinflamrnatory eye diseases such as
`sicca or dry eye syndiome Topical ocular application of cyclospor
`formulated as 2% cclosporine in olive oil 0.2% cyclosporine in om oil ointment
`2% cyclosporine emulsion Allergan was found to reduce ocular
`dogs ith KC
`surfae inflammation and mproe larirna gland seertion
`esearch was to determine the ocular tissue distribu ion of cy
`The aim of the present
`in rabbts dogs and
`closporine in rabbits and dogs and to compare tissue concentrations
`humans after topical administration Determination of relationships between the ocular
`for optimizing delivery of plarma
`and efficacy is important
`sue drug concentrations
`in the target ocular surface tissues providing support
`cologically active concentrations
`the local mechanism of actior and optimizing dosing regimen
`2.1 Animal Studies
`.3Hcyclosporin.A was prepared by Amersham UK with radiochemica
`than 98% Female New Zealand white rabbits
`single 50
`kg reeei ed
`purity greater
`Lacrimal Gland lear Ithn and Thy Lye Syndronws
`edited by Su1Iian ci cii Pknum Press New York 998
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1008-0003
`cc ed
`3H cy losporinc form là ion -1 ir Ciml into the lower corjunct
`al dose of
`de sac of the left eve Male beagle thgs
`13kg ece ved
`35 lii dos of 02/o 3Hcy-
`mC ml
`cuLd sac twice daih for
`wer cor unc
`ospori ie eriuls or
`dec ed me porn
`ood were
`and syst uric
`ne pm
`The rahb
`stdose iT
`dogs or four rabb
`re used
`ted ic ordn to USDk an Al ergan kC
`iments were condi
`gu delrn
`le dog
`stud was ondu ted
`ity eoncn
`Life Scenrc
`ste radioc
`prcsscd as ng equivalents eq of cyci wpo
`is ue
`of th dose lormulatiot
`ci gram of
`ing ftc spe
`ic act
`22 Humai Range-H iding Study
`two mar sub cc with KCS ieceie1 an cyed op of ye
`or 04% cclo pot ne emu ior twice daily for 12
`ks Blood sari
`nd 12 weeks of
`en Iccted
`all subjects at morning tro ghs after
`blood amples we
`sel ctcd sr bjects at
`the last dose at week 12 Cyclosporin sA concentra ions in blood samples were
`c1ro latograply- arderr mass peetriimetry LCMS\IS
`the internal star dard The lower limit of quantitat on of the
`nics wc
`add in
`neasured by
`validated liqu
`method with Cyclosporin
`blood assay was
`ng ni
`in tears ocular surlace
`the time course of cyclospori
`2% 1H-cy-
`lacrimal gland of rabbits and dogs after eyedrop instillation of
`1000 ng/g we
`ie emulsion Significant cyclosporine eonentrations
`for Cs
`the eonjunctlva and cornea the target
`redu lio of ocular surface
`The 0.2% eniulso provided approximately
`fold higher eyelospo inc
`2% cyclosporine in
`in the rabbit cornea and orjunenva than th we for
`thaL of bood
`pine asto- oiL4 The lacrnia1 wand C11a was scvcral-fo
`emily in the dog
`The ocular absorption and disposit on of yclospor ne in abbits and dogs vere ciT an
`absorption into ocular and extraocular tissues reservoir effe
`acter red by rap
`cornea relatis ely low intraocular
`tissue con
`itrations aid
`long terminal elimination
`half-life of 2044
`in most ocu at tissues Figs
`milar ocular distribution cfar
`acterist es were noted in preiious rabbit and human
`shows less than 0.2 ng in mod conce itrations in hum ans following mnulta
`2% and 0.4% cy lospor ne ophthalm ernulston
`stillation of 05%
`pie top cil
`The systemic blood CcA oncentrat ens in
`12-week period of dosing
`imans afTer
`topica CsA doses of the cmulsio IS were much lower tha
`the blood trough concentrations
`of 20 100 ng/i
`il used or monitoring the safety of patients receiving systemic eyelospoi
`inc if erapy
`opicaily applied eyelosponne emulsion can produce significant concentrations
`local immunomodulatory effect Tte ocular distnibu
`the cornea and conjunctia to exert
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1008-0004
`Cyc1oporrne tstributon into the Conjuactiva
`Time hour
`Total radioactivity concentrations mean
`SEM rabbit eyes ard systemic blood
`radioacnvity concentranons mean values in dog eyes and systemic blood
`Time hour
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1008-0005
`Acheampong et aL
`Human blood trough and maximum
`over 12 weeks
`Range of blood cyclosporine
`trough lesel
`Maximum level
`to 0.102
`01 toO 157
`01 toO 158
`on of cyclosporine after topical application of CsA emulsion
`as generally aim lar
`rabbt and dog In the rabbits dosed with 02/a emulsion the cax tissue distribution was
`cornea conJunctia lacrimal glard
`follorsing topical app cation of cy
`Systemic blood cyclosporine concentrations
`closporine emulsion were very low in rabbits dogs and humans obviating concerns about
`stemic mechanism of action The human blood cvclosporm
`systemic toxicity or
`ssere less thai 02 ng ml much lower than the blood trough concentrations
`20100 ngiml used for monitoring the safety of patients receiving systemic cyclosporine
`by Scherir
`for human kcratoconjunetivus sicca
`useful model
`19 9107 210 21
`fa ireatmcnt of kcratoconjunctivit
`Spontaneous canine keratoconjunctivitis
`Ircare tw tcyc1ospornecycdroçs
`2% cyclosporme ointricnt
`ca in dcgs
`Ghosn CR Fhc cifects of topical cyclosporine
`cii Mb elbcr 1A Gao
`KCS ARVOAbsuacts
`fri Set 19963
`ram ar aoueous emu sior Co wanson to other eyed op torm ii
`aol us
`tCsA on dry eye dogs
`ng Ocular bsorptioi ofeyclosponne
`ions AR\O Abtracts macsr Ophtha/
`\iede halt
`Pharma oknetics of topi al cyc
`in the rabbi
`S/A 986 519 524
`eye Icr
`topically plied
`RE mt aocu ar pen
`2/ 65065S
`Ben Fira
`ourt ii
`Ocula en
`asp iire Ttcrp
`oc 198520 Suppi
`ation of eye osporir
`II The human eyc
`Br Op itS
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1008-0006