
`Drug Information Specialist: Maria Deutsch, MS, RPh, CDE -
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`ther, organize and
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`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1013-0001


`00:232-7379 or
`‘ing family. of r
`netics (FD&C) Act,
`2 labeled, promote.
`dr only those uses |,
`lesk Reference
`i, dosages,
`dn of administrat
`it-be-in-the “s
`oved labeling for
`Same language
`§ emphasized by
`3, boldface, or it
`in Physicians’
`Section 1: Indices
`1. MANUPACTULErS' INGOX se cceccscccocseccsneeecesupacnnueeaeensaeacsesscsesessesecessurssasssccesscuueceeterssnsteaeasseeseaterce |
`2. Product Name Index vcccicciiecics sineueouseusaeusepecoapunsuausteaeeasnaunsesssusctsenbansateussecscestsasssescuessnies itl
`3. Product Category INd@X o.oo ..ecciecseccceeseeeeccuerecceunvensesurnns jan eeaunnoenhenenna ssn ceeuurauaseetsvensssecccsneceaseeves Vi
`4. Active Ingredients ING@X ........ccceeccccpeececcesececeeceeeecneeererscsuunersevunesreesescees seeeentenieevesseenaeansaeeneanae IX
`Section 2: Pharmaceuticals in Ophthalmology
`Page 1
`4. Mydriatics and Cycloplegics ....0. 0... puaueveuwvnsessdsuadesauuersueetsuuaaecceesssessacecssssssccsseesstsecececcsececeecenes 2
`2. Antimicrobial THOraDy. ....cccecccceeccccsesessecereseecsneveesecenneses petuussnetuusaaisccasersuuseccsstussetsauseversecentesess 2
`3. Ocular Anti-inflammatory ABENtS .....o..cee ec ceceec sce censceeeeceeeeeeceeneusreereenenenee beoetetntoaenteeenenectacaess 7
`4. Anesthetic AZ@nts .........ccscsececceeccceressecercneeseteessseeceseteeeesceesucceeunenseenecteetavessvensssssseenenseqennneanes 9
`5. Agents for Treatment Of GlauCOMa eee ie ceieeccscceccesscaeceeseetensseenccescenerssectereetecserensses 10
`6. Medications for Dry Eye.ccc ics cs iasaseccecncctevenecustesvsveceecesenssevessensvessnssens 13
`7. OcUlar DECONBESTANIS Loic cles ccccceccccssesesccecceecsssssessuusveusuneucrstsssssstesvesseveurereversensess 14
`8: Ophthalmic Irrigating Solutions...c..0.. becenneescoenene subaususscacccaccaeceetsenecctasseecsseececescuesneveavereneaes 415
`9, Hyperosmolar ABENIS viiccs.ccscusiscecsrtssscscuusrsssceetensctsnssstsscstersscesscsssesteessissseesseee kien 15
`10. Diagnostic ASOnts .....cecccretsseceseeecreeneerscrrenensneenevsnssnennes cotentenns revrontaseeentennmeaenaseretnen lO
`11. Viscoelastic Materials Used in Ophthalmology... ....cccecccccscccccececcecccseccuseveveveveviesesrevsesieereees 17
`12, Off-Label Drug Applications in Ophthalmology ceccececccccsscecscccceensceseeseercceeeserenccceceesneueveseenenes 17
`13. Ocular TOXICOlORYooEi ses te taecscbecasses ti essssasisiacsssssssiscevassssisssivicesicistss es 19
`FD&C Act does
`yhysician may us
`lations that are
`A also observes
`des drug use th
`g. For products
`3, -the-publisher
`3.are not intende
`Section 3: Suture Materials
`Section 4: Ophthalmic Lenses
`Page 23
`Page 25
`4) Soft Contact LENSGS oso ceeceee 25
`2. Aphakic Lens@S....cseceeces (sedeeeethas sain sasedieuatekenbkasodsusiusiiuuiaeliuvsieuiebbiuuuustusbivieevussuugeesbayeniedl 50
`8, Comparison and Conversion TableS devuvesdetesetetsstsecsectatssticetssdestsitestsatacestiees 52
`Page 56
`Each: pro
`> manufacturer,
`afacturer's -méd
`médical consult
`Section 5: Vision Standards and Low Vision
`in Physicia
`€ publisher does.
`ducts described,
`i VISION StANG@rS.......cccccccccccsececsccesccccecssccssccoesusaccncscsssssssessecesesecssseseceseossseravssserseetsssteerssess56
`connection with
`herein. Physica
`2. LOW-VISION AICS .esscsscceccscssessssesesssssssssesnssssccsssuscssesessasessecnseneusveessescssssscseesvsessvsvssvevacvevsvereenes 58
`es not assume,
`“obtain. and_ inc!
`Section 6: Evaluation of Permanent Visual Impairment
`wided to it by.
`1 that by making|
`advocating the |
`Criteria and Methods .........
`is the publis
`Visual System Impairment Values .....:ccccccccsccsssesesessssesesccsaceececsesesesssesseseecsssssevessvseserersesnsenes68
`jue to typograph
`ly product: may
`Combined Values Chart .....cccceccccceseecccceeececesecsecccesersecescecevsceseveccetersessvetserssecsecteevereseeswef
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1013-0002


`Section 9: Intraocular Product Information
`Key to Controlled Substances Categories
` Key to FDA Use-in-Pregnancy Ratings
`Page 31
`Page 31
`Page 32
`This section offers f
`mation you need:
`4, Manufacturers’
`participating manut
`two page numbers
`graphs in: the: Proc
`ond to. product
`addresses. and tele
`Neeaquarters and re
`2 Product Name |
`uct information alp
`mond symbol to the
`Identification. Guide
`ce number refer:
`AKORN, ING. cess
`2500 Millbrook Driv
`Buffalo Grove; 1k: 6¢
`Direct Inquiries to:
`Customer Service
`and its Affiliates
`Corporate Headqua
`6201 South Freewe
`_ Fort Worth, TX 761
`_ Direct Inquities to:
`Surgical: (800) 862
`Systems: (800) 28:
`(Medical Managem:
`2525 Dupont Drive
`P.O. Box 19534
`Irvine; CA 92623-9
`For Medical Inforr:
`Outside: CA: (800)
`CAs (71.4) 246-45
`Sales and Ordering
`Outside-CA: (800)
`CA! (714) 246-450
`8500 Hidden Rivel
`Tampa, FL 33637
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1013-0003


`Dry eyé is treated with artificial tear preparations
`Dry eye refers to a deficiencyin either the aqueous or
`(see Table 20) and ophthalmic lubricants (see Table 214).
`mucin components. of the precorneal tear film. The
`The lubricants form an occlusive film over the ocular
`most-commonly:-encountered:-aqueous-deficient: dry
`eye in the United States is keratoconjunctivitis sicca,
`nin/5-6 h
`useful both for dry eye and in cases of recurrent
`of hypovitaminosis “A; Stevens-Johnson:syndrome,
`60 min/éh
`corneal erosion.
`ocular pemphigoid, extensive trachoma, and chemi-
`cal burns.
`7 EDTA = ethylenediaminétetraacetic’ acid.
`carboxymethyl cellulose
`Refresh Plus
`Dry Eye Therapy nmatnnnnc Nonesssnonnonasnahnnemieiooodaate
`Sorbic acid, EDTA
`: ‘Hydroxypropyl.cellulose
`_ Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
`Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose,
`dextran: 70
`single usebottle
`Polyvinyl alcohol,
`PEG-400; dextrose
`Lacrisert (biede-
`gradable insert)
`Isopto Plain
`lsopto Tears
`Isopto Alkaline
`Bion Tears
`Ocucoat PF
`Teats Naturale Ii
`Tears Naturale Free
`Tears Renewed
`AquaSite multi-dose
`Viva Drops
`AKWA Tears
`Dry Eyes
`HypoTears: PE
`Piiralibe Tears
`Murine Tears
`Benzalkonium chloride
`Benzalkonium chloride
`Benzalkonium chloride, EDTA
`_Benzalkonium chloride
`Benzalkonium:-chloride, EDTA
`Benzalkonium chloride, EDTA
`EDTA; Sorbic acidee
`Benzalkonium chloride, EDTA
`Benzalkonium chloride, EDTA
`Benzalkonium chloride, EDTA
`Benzalkonium chloride; EDTA
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1013-0004


`AKWA TearsOinOintment
`Duratears Naturale
`jisted in Table 23
`general ophthalmic
`oducts. There ar
`fons available. for
`lanolin alcohol, and chlorabutanol
`5%mineral oil, 55% white petralatum,
`Pp. Lubritears
`petrolatum, liquid-lanolin,-and-mineral-oil
`41.5% mineral oll, 55% white petrolatum, petrolatum, and lanolin alcohol
`Refresh P.M., Dry Eyas Lubricant
`Thesetopically applied adrenergic medications are commonly used to whiten the eye. Three types are avail:
`able. Those containing naphazoline and tetrahydrozoline are more stable than those with phenylephrine. Usual
`dosage is 1 or 2 drops no more than 4 times a day (see Table 22):
`TABLE: 22
`Naphazoline hydrochloride
`Phenylephrine hydrochloride
`Clear Eyes
`Vasocon Reguiar*
`Visine LR.
`Eye Cool
`Prefrin Liquifilm
`Collyrium Fresh
`Murine Plus
`Benzalkonium chi
`oridé, edetate disodium
`Benzalkonium ch
`oride, edetate disodium
`Benzalkonium ch
`oridé, édetate disodium
`oride,-edetate disodium
`Benzalkonium ch
`oride, edetate disodium
`Phenylmercuric acetate
`Benzalkonium ch
`oride, edetate disodium
`Benzalkonium ch
`oride, edetate disodium
`Benzalkonium ch
`oride, edetate disodium
`Thimerosal, edetate disodium
`Benzalkonium ch
`Benzalkonium ch
`Benzalkonium ch
`Benzalkonium ch
`oride, edetate disodium
`oride, edetate disodium
`oride, edetate disodium
`OA Therapeuticprepeprepa
`Sodium chloride
`8. Diagnostic prepa’
`‘Benzalkonium ch orids,; edetate disodium
`Naphazoline hydrochloride
`plus zine sulfate
`Phenylephrine hydrochtoride
`plus: zinc: sulfate
`*Prescription: medication:
`Clear Eyes ACR
`_fallergy/eald relief)
`Visine Allergy Relief
`Benzalkonium ch
`oride: edetate disodium
`oride, edetate disodium
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1013-0005


`in Tabe 23 are sterile isotonic solutions
`ophthalmic use They are all over1he counter
`irrigating solu
`ucts There
`are also intraocular
`available for use during surgical procedures
`prescription medications such
`Lombs Balanced Salt Solution Alcons
`BSS and BSS Plus and blabs
`ocare Balanced
`Salt Solution
`Sodium potassium calcium and
`magnesium chlorides
`sodium acetate and sodium citrate
`Antipyrine boric acid and borax
`Sodium and potassium
`chlorides and sodium phosphate
`Sodium potassium magnesium
`and calcium chlorides sodium
`acetate and sodium citrate
`Boric acid potassium chloride and
`sodium carbonate
`Sodium chloride sodium biphosphate
`and sodium phosphate
`Benzalkonium chloride
`Benzalkonium chloride
`Benzalkonium chloride
`edetate disodium
`Benzalkonium chloride
`Benzalkonium chloride
`edetate disodium
`Benzalhonium chloride
`ium Fresh Eyes
`tik Eye Wash
`erosmobar hypertonic agents are used to reduce corneal edema therapeutically or for diagnostic purposes
`corneal epithelium
`through the semipermeable
`through osmotic attraction of water
`LE 24
`erapeutic preparations
`Adsorbonac Ophthalmic
`Diagnostic preparation
`2% or 5% solution
`5% solution and ointment
`2% or 5% solution
`5% ointment
`bcohol and chlorobutanob
`and lanolin alcohol
`Three types are avai
`ith phenylephrine
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`ate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`bride edetate disodium
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1013-0006


`Some of the more common diagnostic
`tests used in ophthalmologic
`agents and
`are hsted
`Examination of the Conjunctiva Cornea
`and Lacrima Apparatus
`2% alkaline solu
`Fluorescein applied primarily as
`tion and with impregnated
`paper strips is used to
`integrity of
`corneal epithelia Defects in the corneal epithelium
`wifi appear bright green in ordinary light and bright
`is used in the light
`yellow when
`cobalt blue filter
`path Similar
`lesions of
`the conjunctiva
`bright orange-yellow in ordinary illumination
`Fluorescein has also come into wide use in the fit
`lenses though it cannot
`rigid contact
`ting of
`used for soft
`lenses which absorb the dye Proper
`is determined by examining the pattern of fluo
`rescein beneath the contact
`In addition fluorescein is used in performing appla
`nation tonometry and one test of
`lacrimal appara
`drop of 1% fluo
`tus patency Jones test uses
`sac If the dye
`rescein instilled into the conjunctival
`in the nose drainage is normal.1
`1% solution is particularly use
`Rose bengal as
`for demonstrating abnormal
`corneal epithelium Devitalized
`cells stain
`red while normal cells show no change The abnor
`mal epithelial cells present
`in dry eye disorders are
`revealed by this stain
`valuable method of assess
`The Schirmertest
`ing tear production It employs prepared strips of
`by 30 mm in size The strips are
`filter paper
`inserted into the topically anesthetized conjunctival
`of the middle and outer
`sac at the junction
`third of
`lid with approximately 25 mm of paper
`the lower
`exposed After minutes the strip is removed and
`the amount of moistening measured The normal
`range is 10 to 25 mm If
`inadequate production
`tears is found on the initial
`Schirmer II test
`can be performed by repeating the procedure while
`number of varia
`stimulating the nasal mucosa.2
`tions of
`the Schirmer test can
`be found in text
`books and journals
`Examination of Acquired Ptosis or
`Extraocular Musde Pasy
`gravis as the cause of pto
`To confirm myasthenia
`sis or muscle oalsv an intravenous
`inlection of
`mg of edrophonium chloride is administered fol
`mg if
`lowed 45 seconds
`later by an additional
`there is no response to the first dose In case of
`severe reaction to the edrophonium immediate
`ly give atropine sulfate 0.6 rng intravenously
`Examination of the Retina and Choroid
`Sodium tluorescein solution in concentrations of 5%
`10% and 25% is injected intravenously to study the
`retinal and choroidal circulation It has been used pri
`marily in examination of lesions at the posterior pole
`of the eye but anterior segment
`fluorescein angiog
`raphy wherein the vessels of the iris sciera and con
`junctiva are studied is also
`useful clinical
`is normally prevented from
`entering the retina by the intact
`endotheliurn blood-retinal barrier and the intact reti
`nal pigment epithelium Defects in either the retinal
`vessels or the pigment epithelium will allow leakage
`of fluorescein which
`can then be studied by either
`direct observation or photography For good results
`to excite the fluores
`appropriate filters are needed
`The peak
`cein and exclude unwanted wavelengths
`frequencies for excitation lie between 485 and 500 nm
`and for emission between 520 and 530 nm
`safe diagnostic agent
`Fluorescein has proved to be
`the most common side effects
`being nausea and
`vomiting However occasional allergic and vagal
`tions do occur so oxygen and emergency equipment
`should be readily available when angiography is per
`formed Patients should also be warned that
`the dye
`temporarily stain their skin and urine in the aver
`this lasts no more than
`age patient
`Indocyanine green IC-Green has been used in recent
`years either alone or with fluorescein to obtain bet
`ter frames of choroid neovascularization
`Examination of Abnorma Pupiflary Responses
`2.5% solution instilled into the
`cause the tonic pupil Adies
`sac will
`but will
`to contract
`similar pupillary response is seen fol
`lowing instillation of 2.5% methacholine
`in patients
`with familial dysautonomia Riley-Day syndrome
`Tabe 25 shows the effects of several drugs on mb
`sis due to interruption
`the sympathetic
`Homers syndrome The effect depends on the location
`of the lesion in the sympathetic chain
`Cocaine 2%10%
`Adrenalin 11 000
`rpine may be use
`is due to
`hated pupil
`iption of the pupils
`atropine-like drug
`act to pilocarpine
`the parasympatheti
`neurysm Adies tor
`pine will cause the
`urgery to maintain th
`tissues act
`Ic and prevent mect
`the corneal
`eristics of the various
`esult of the chain Ien
`interactions of
`scoelastic substance
`to produc
`they an
`pressure if
`1he anterior chamber
`1VISC Chiron Vision
`sodium hyaluronate
`osity is 40000
`end molecular weigh
`life is estimatec
`omposed of sodium
`The viscosity
`rate and mo
`1500000 daltons
`by increasing total
`aluronate of lower
`timated at
`yringes One syringe
`ining Viscoat PIe
`low for details of Ci
`HEALON Pharmacia
`ialuronate 1% in ph
`is approximatE
`is used to
`This agent
`Ikali burns cornea
`icca It
`is thought tc
`tion of collagen ase
`aling The drug is
`name Mucom
`none of the
`oved for use
`ninistered as frec
`up to
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1013-0007


`pilocarpino may be used to determine whether
`is due to an atropine-like drug or inter
`dilated pupil
`rnnervation If
`ruptiOn of the pupils parasympathetic
`an atropine-like drug is involved the pupil will not
`If dilation is due to interruption
`react to pilocarpine
`innervation compression by
`of the parasympathetic
`aneurysm Adies tonic pupil
`of pilo
`carpine will cause the pupil to constrict
`Thompson HS Mensher JH Adrenergk mydnsis in
`Homers syndrome hydroxyarnpheta mine test for diagno
`OphthamO 197172472
`of postgariglionio
`Hecht SD Evaluation ofthe lacrimal drainage system
`pupil Sudden iridoplegia or mydriatic drops
`diagnostic test Arch Ophthaimol 1971
`The fixed dilated
`are used in ophthalmic
`surgery to maintain the anterior chamber hydraulically
`vitreous substitute/tampon-
`tissues act as
`ade and prevent mechanical
`to tissue espe-
`endothelium The individual charac-
`cially the corneal
`teristics of the various viscoelastic materials are the
`result of the chain length and intra and interchain mol
`interactions of the compounds comprising the
`viscoelastic substance All viscoelastic materials have
`large postoperative increase
`the potential to produce
`they are not adequately removed from
`in pressure if
`the anterior chamber following surgery
`AMVISC Chiron Vision Bausch and Lomb
`of sodium hyaluronate 1.2% in physiologic saline The
`viscosity is 40000 cSt @25
`shear rate
`2000000 daltons Its
`and molecular weight
`is estimated at
`shelf life
`and Lomb
`AMVISC PLUS Chiron Vision
`composed of sodium hyaluronate 1.6% in physiologic
`saline The viscosity is 55000 cSt @25
`shear rate and molecular weight
`is approximately
`1500000 daltons The greater viscosity is obtained
`and using sodium
`by increasing total concentration
`hyaluronate of lower molecular weight
`Its shelf
`estimated at
`syringes One syringe containing Provisc the othercon
`taming Viscoat Please see individual descriptions
`below for details of each
`Composed of sodium
`HEALON Pharmacia
`hyaluronate 1% in physiologic saline The viscosity is
`rate and the molecular
`is approximately 4000000 daltons
`Composed of
`HEALON GV Pharmacia
`sodium hyaluronate 1.4% in physiologic saline The vis
`0/sec shear rate and the mol
`cosity is 2000000
`IS approximately 5000000 daltons In
`ecular weight
`the presence
`high positive vitreous pressure
`Healon GV has three times more resistance to pres
`sure than does Healon
`Bausch and Lomb Composed of
`hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 2% in balance salt solu
`ton BSS The viscosity is 4000 cSt
`sured on Cannon-Fenske Viscometer and the molec
`ular weight is approximately 80000 daltons Occucoat
`is termed
`rather than
`its coating ability which
`because of
`is related to its
`contact angle and low surface tension
`Composed of sodium hyaluronate
`1% in physiologic saline The viscosity is 39000 cps
`2/sec shear rate and the molecular weight
`is approximately 1900000 daltons Clinical studies
`similar fashion
`demonstrate that ProViso functions in
`to Healon
`Composed of 13 mixture of chon
`droitin sulfate 4% CS and sodium hyaluronate 3%
`SH in physiologic saline The viscosity is 40000 cps
`2/sec shear rate and the molecular weight
`is 22500 daltons for CS and 500000 daltons for SH
`Composed of sodium hyaluronate
`VITRAX Allergan
`salt solution BSS The viscosity is
`3% in balanced
`30000 cps
`2/sec shear rate and the molecular
`is 500000 daltons It
`is highly concentrated to
`significantly viscous material
`It does not
`life of 18 months
`require refrigeration and has
`been used pri
`rescein angiog
`sclera and con
`ical tool
`prevented from
`etinal vascula
`the intact
`the retina
`II allow leakag
`udied by eithe
`Dr good results
`cite the fluore
`gths The
`85 and 500
`530 nm
`iagnostic agent
`ng nausea an
`and vagal
`ency equipmen
`iography is pe
`ied that the dy
`rine in the ave
`used in rece
`to obtain be
`ry Responses
`nstilled into th
`-lic pupil Adie
`nse is seen fol
`oline in patien
`al drugs on mi
`1s on the Iocatio
`is used to treat corneal conditions such as
`This agent
`aikali burns corneal melts and keratoconjunctivitis
`to improve healing by inhibiting the
`Sicca It
`is thought
`action of collagenase which may contribute to delay in
`healing The drug is available generically or under the
`in 10% and 20% solutions
`trade name Mucomyst
`Though none of the commercially available solutions
`for use in ophthalmology they have been
`are approved
`administered as frequently as hourly in acute cases
`and up to
`day in maintenance therapy
`Alteplase tissue plasminogen activator
`trade-named Activase
`used to treat
`fibrin formation in postvitrectomy
`studies were based
`injections of 25 pg more recent work has
`shown the drug to be effective in doses of as little
`Jg Because by products of alteplase activity
`may mediate endothelial cell toxicity the lower doses
`are preferred This agent has also been used frr sub-
`macular hemhorrage but this use is controversial
`FAMY CARE - EXHIBIT 1013-0008


`F. Edetate disodium
`This chelating agent plays a role in the treatmentof band
`keratopathy. After removal of the cornéal epithelium, itis
`used to remove calcium from Bowman's. membrane.
`Administration, wit
`C. Antimetabolites
`oFluorouractl: (5-FU) This drug inhibits“fibroblasts
`and therefore diminishes scarring after glaucoma fil-
`tering. surgery.
`recommendations called: for
`injection of 5 mg twice dally.
`7 days postoperatively and once daily for the sue-
`ceeding 7 days. However, many physicians today are
`achieving positive results with as little as 4 mg
`administered 4 to.6-times during a 40-day. period.
`Useof this drug is associated with a number of com-
`plications, including conjunctival wound leak, corneal
`epithelial defects, hypotony associated with permia-
`nently reduced vision acuity, serious cornéal
`tions in” éyes with preexistent corneal epithelial
`edema, and increased susceptibility.
`bleb infections. The drug should be considered only
`when there is @ high risk of surgicalfailure.
`Mitomycin. This potent chemotherapeutic. agent,
`is being used in filtering
`surgery for the Same purpose and on the same type
`of patients as 5-FU, It Is applied once during surgery
`on a small piece of Gelfilm or Weck Cell in a concen-
`tration of 0.2 to 0.4 mg/mL. Reported side effects
`are similar to those of 5-FU. However, some serious
`side ‘effects may go unreported, since there is a pos-
`sibility of delayed reactions 6 to 24 months after
`surgery. Mitomycin has also been administered in a
`0.02% to'0.04% solution 2 to 4 times a day to pre-
`vent recurrence after pterygium surgery, Serious side
`effects. associated with this. therapy include corneal
`melts and scleral ulceration and calcification.
`Physicians should bear in mind the possibility. of
`major side effects from: all antineoplastic agents and
`carefully weigh the risks and benefits of the use.
`Remember, too, that these agents should always be
`handled:-and--discarded in’ accordance: with OSHA,
`AMA, ASHP, and/or hospital policies regarding the
`safe: use-of-antineoplastics:
`This potent immuncsuppressant has: a high degree of
`selectivity for T lymphocytes. “Available under the
`trade name Sandimmune, it has been used in a 2%
`topical.-solution as prophylaxis. against rejection in
`high-risk, penetrating keratoplasty and for treatment
`of severe vernal conjunctivitis resistant to more con:
`ligneous conjunctivitis. unrespon-
`sive to other
`therapy, and noninfectious
`peripheral ulcerative keratitis associated with sys-
`temic autoimmunedisorders. All contraindications for
`systemic: use also apply to:
`topical administration,
`since blood levels of up to 64 ng/mL have been
`observed after topical application. All patients receiv-
`ing thif medication should have blood work that
`includes cyclosporine levels, blood urea nitrogen, cre-
`atinine, lactate dehyrogenase, alkaline phosphatase,
`and total bilirubin.
`E. Doxycycline
`This derivative of tetracycline is used for the treatment of
`ocular rosaceaand tmelbomianitis: The Usual dose is 100
`mg PO daily for a 6 to 12 weekcourseof treatment. It has
`the same side effects, contraindications, and interactions
`as tetracycline.
`“the table..on.the fc
`he more recently
`effects of drugs in:
`effects of drugs cor
`itis not a catalog of
`would be too length
`The volume of ocul:
`ture is overwhelmi
`soft data, since,
`patients on a parti
`an adequate sampl
`tal environment,it
`and-effect relations
`multitude of variak
`impossible. It was
`National Registry 0
`was founded.
`Established by
`Nesburn-A: Trauma topics: smalt:corneal perforations. Audio: Digest:
`Ophthalmol: 1983;12:34;
`Ralph R. Chemical burns of the eye.
`In: Tasman W, JaégerE, éds,
`Duane’s Clinical Ophthaliology. Philadelphia, Pa: JB Lippincott:
`1989 vol. 4, chap 28:44.
`Jaffe: G, Abrams G, etal: Tissue plasminogen activator for post
`vitrectomy: fibrin formation: Opthalmology. 1990:97:189.
`MeDermott:M;:Edelhauser:H,ét al: Tissue plasminogen activator
`and corneal endothelium: Am J Ophthalmol. 1989:1.08:
`Williams D, Benett'S, et al- Low-dose intraocular tissue plasminogen
`activator for treatment of postvitrectomyfirbrin formations.
`Am J-Opthaimol: 4990:109-606:
`Williams G, Lambrow F, at al. Treatment of postvitrectomy: fibrin
`formation with intraocular tissue plasminogen‘activator:
`Arch Ophthalmol, 1988:106:1056.
`Ando H, Tadayoshi|, et al. Inhibition of corneal: epithelial
`wound healing. A comparative study of mitomycin Cand
`5-fluorouracil, Ophthalmology. 1992°99:1809,
`Falck F, Skuta G, Klein T. Mitomycin versus 5-fluorouracil
`antimetabolite therapy for glaucoma filtration surgery.
`Semin in: Ophthalmol, 1992:7:97:
`Who-should: receive antimetabolites after filtering surgery?
`Arch: Ophthalmol, 1992;110:4069. Editorial:
`Welsh 'R, Palmer S: Mitomycin in trabeculectoniy: alter you

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