`AD-A277 850
`I 1\\\\1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\1\\\
`Final Report for period 11/1/91 to 3/25/93
`Approved for Public Release
`Distribution is Unlimited
`Prepared by:
`Central Florida Research Park
`3251 D Progress Drive
`Orlando, FL 32826
`407-282-3343 fax
`\ 11111111\i! l!lli lllllll\1! 11\l! llll, !I:! Ill:
`,. -
`.._ ...
`'94 4
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0001


`Trident International,
`(If appltcable)
`I Ba
`32S1 D Progress Drive
`Orlando, FL
`'1;.!'.':0 0: :_\~IN( S~O"JSORING
`Naval Air Systems Command
`ADDRESS (C•ty. Sr.He, cJnd ZIP Code)
`! Bb f~F~IC: ;YM30L
`• I 11 TITLE (Include Secuflty Cl,usdtcatlon)
`Kindl, H. J. and St. John, Thomas
`113b rtME COVERED
`FROMNov. 9 1 ToMar.93
`Final Report for SBIR
`(U) High Definition TV Projection Via Single Crystal Faceplate Technology
`114 DATE OF REPORT (Yur, Month, Day) 115 PAGE COUNT
`Phase I, Topic N91-23S
`I '17
`18 SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)
`Video Projectors, Single Crystal Phosphor, CRTs,
`Flight Simulators
`I 19 ABSTRACT (Contmue on revers.e if ~ssary and u:Jenttfy_ by block number)_Su~~e !=~stal phosphor
`fa!=eplates are
`strates With the advantages of htgh ltg t output, resolut1on and extend
`phos~rs grown on crystall1ne
`~~ceplates appropriate to the proJection indust~up to four (4) inc sin diameter.
`ojection systems incorp<?rat~ cathode ray t
`s utilizing single c~tal ~s~or faceplates will produce 1500
`lines of resolution, non-interlaced.
`~.~~ens of lNhite light Wlth 1
`is 1
`urren projection system will IJI!et
`~~1 of the currently specified luminance and resolution re~irements of Visual Di~y systems for fl~t sUnulators.
`sfhor faceplate
`s. Specifi-
`ife of a CRI' is expected to increase bY a factor o
`lea ly, the ful performance
`five (S); ie, fran 2000 to 10,000
`lOUrs of operation. There will be attendant reductions in maintenance tine, spare CRI' requirerrents, system down
`tine etc.
`The increased brightness of the projection system will allow use of lD~Ner gain, lCJWer cost sinulator screen material.
`~endi2&Qatisfactory c~letion of in process evaluation testing of 3" SCPF CRI's, it is recaTm:!nded that a 4" SCPF
`""lrr T2
`R/C projector head asserrbly be built and evaluated in an operational sUnulator (UH1N).
`1 tiona! life. Single orystal ,nosphor faoeplate industrial technol:1,1; in the Unued States is capable of prov>.ding
`1 ~fi=t l"''istic advm>t"fs accrue fran the introduc"on of single crystal
`I ':urther, picture performance characteristics will be rore balanced across the full sinlllator.
`Richard C. Hebb
`00 FORM 1473,84 MAR
`0 OTIC USERS Unclassified
`22b TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 122c. OFFICE SYMBOL
`(407) )R0-~578
`NTSC/Code 2S3
`SECURITY CL'i~fJ1~.ffl0~ \n:dTHIS PAGE
`83 APR ed1t1on may be used until exha:St;d
`All other edtttons are obsolete
`Approved for Public Release
`Distribution is Unlimited
`ra1n1ng Systems Center
`Sensor Simulation Branch, Code 253
`7b ADDRESS (Ctty, State, ilnd ZIP Code)
`12350 Research Parkway
`Orlando, FL 32826-3224
`I N61339-92-C-0014
`- --- -· - - -loSOURCE o; ~UND•NG NUMBERS
`r ADDRESS \C•ty, State. and ZIP Code)
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0002


`Table of Contents
`Summary of SBIR Study #N61339-92-C-0014; High Definition
`TV Projection Via Single Crystal Faceplate Technology
`Conclusions and Considerations
`SBIR System Configuration Evaluation
`1. 0. 0
`T1080 R/C
`New SCFP based CRT Head Assembly
`T1080 R
`Commercial Applications
`High Definition TV Projections Via Single Crystal
`Faceplate Technology
`CRT Cost
`Logistic Support Cost Estimates (Assumptions)
`Comparative Logistic Support Costs
`Recommended Development Programs
`Potential Products
`Liquid Phase of Epitaxial Growth of Single Crystal
`Phosphors of Ce-Yag on Yag Substrates
`Photo Reticulation
`Current Size limitations of Growth of Single Crystal
`Performance of Yag Faceplates
`~- f..~ . ' '. _. ' .. ''
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`Vizio EX1028 Page 0003


`Analysis of Simulation System Visual Display Requirements
`Comparison of T1080 R/C Performance versus T2080 R/C
`Description of System (Bead Assembly) Physical Configura(cid:173)
`Figure 1. Red, Green & Blue 4" Single Crystal
`Faceplate CRT Assembly
`Figure 2. Head Assembly 0 T1080 R/C (Production)
`Figure 3. CRT Assembly, Single Crystal Faceplate
`Figure 4. SCFP based CRT
`Figure 5. SCFP CRT Assembly Liquid Cooled
`Figure 6. Bead Assembly -- T1080 R/C Compatible 3"
`and 4" Single Crystal Faceplate Based CRTs
`Figure 7. Head Assembly -- T1080 R/C Compatible 4"
`Single Crystal Faceplate Based CRTs
`Figure 8. Bead Assembly -- T1080 R/C Compatible 5"
`Single Crystal Faceplate Based CRTs
`Figure 9. Bead Assembly 4" (top view)
`Figure 10. Bead Assembly 4" (side view)
`Figure 11. Bead Assembly 4" (bottom view)
`( 1) Single Crystal Phosphor Faceplates for High
`Resolution, High Intensity Cathode Ray Tubes,
`dated February 1992.
`( 2) Study and Evaluation of Single Crystal Faceplate
`CRT Projection Display Systems for Flight and Weapon
`Systems Trainers, Revision A, dated 6 May 1992.
`(3) Study of the Performance of a YAG Faceplate.
`' lc
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0004


`(4) Product Performance Specification for the
`Trident Model T2080 R/C Dual Mode Video Projector,
`Specification Number 002106, dated April 5, 1991.
`(5) Silicon Field Emitter Arrays for
`Cathodoluminescent Flat Panel Displays
`' I
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0005


`Current technology projection systems utilizing glass, phosphor
`deposited faceplates have been manufactured in size up to 9"
`diagonal in both an electrostatic and electromagnetic configura(cid:173)
`tion. With F 1.0 lenses, these projection systems can produce 1000
`lumens of light output. The resolution of these projectors, based
`on the spot sizes possible; ie, .002" to .005", is in excess of
`lines, non-interlaced.
`In addition,
`these systems can
`autoscan and autolock in horizontal scan frequency from 15.750 Khz
`to 80 Khz; thus, bounding any current or projected Imaging Computer
`operating horizontal scan frequency requirement.
`the areas of
`light output and useful operational
`conventional CRTs do not optimally meet current simulator system
`Research and development to date has demonstrated that Single
`Crystal Phosphor faceplates (SCPF) could be utilized for producing
`high resolution, high brightness video projection cathode ray tubes
`(CRTs) with significantly longer operational life.
`The general process of fabricating a SCPF begins with the growth of
`a single crystal boule of Y3A15012 (YAG)2 or other garnet with a
`diameter large enough for a projection CRT faceplate. The boule is
`sliced into wafers about 0. 125 inch thick and then ground and
`polished to optical flat tolerances to form a substrate for
`epitaxial growth of doped garnet compositions. YAG doped with
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0006


`rare-earth elements, when grown as epitaxial layers on YAG
`substrates is a cathodoluminescent material. Such layers can be
`used as phosphor faceplates in cathode ray tubes with significant
`advantages over standard, powder phosphor, faceplates.
`A number of cerium doped crystals have been identified as phosphor
`materials for the red, green and blue faceplate requirements of
`projection systems.
`Faceplates of all three colors have been
`fabricated tested and evaluated.
`Results of these faceplate
`evaluations are reported in Enclosure (1).
`This report represents a
`study of
`the ramifications of
`application of SCPF based CRTs to projection systems. For example,
`projection system performance, physical characteristics, cost, SCPF
`manufacturability, logistic support, risks; etc. are all addressed
`in the report and enclosures hereto.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0007


`Summary of SBIR Study 192-C-0014; High Definition TV Projection Via
`Single Crystal Faceplate Technology
`Single Crystal Faceplate Process
`technology is currently
`limited in its ability to produce faceplates appropriate to the
`projection industry in diameters up to four inches (4").
`2. Four ( 4) inch single crystal faceplate based CRTs will meet all
`of the currently specified flight simulator brightness and resolu(cid:173)
`tion specifications. Specifically, 1500 lumens of white light and
`1000 lines of resolution non-interlaced can be displayed at all
`required brightness levels.
`3. Significant logistic advantages accrue from the introduction of
`single crystal faceplate based CRTs. Specifically, the full per(cid:173)
`formance life of a CRT is expected to increase by a factor of five
`(5); ie, from 2000 to 10,000 hours of operation. There will be an
`attendant reduction in maintenance time, spare CRT requirements,
`system down time, etc.
`4. The logistic support cost savings will offset the relatively
`small increase in product cost by at least a factor of ten (10) to
`one (1).
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0008


`5. The weight of the advanced Head Assembly will be equal to or
`less than 150 lbs. Thus, the overall size and weight will be
`compatible with existing dome structures currently in operational
`use and allow a Visual Display System upgrade program to be
`6. The increased brightness of the projection system will allow
`use of lower gain, lower cost simulator screen material.
`Simulator picture performance characteristics will be more
`balanced across the full simulator.
`8. Given the performance results realized in engineering testing
`to date; it is recommended that a 3" - 4" SCPF based CRT T1080 R/C
`projector head aAAembly be al"'lj evaluated in an operational
`simulator (UH1N).
`It is further recommended that a 4" SCPF bae"'!d CRT head
`assembly be developed which utilizes newly developed hybridized
`video and deflection amplifiers.
`rhe weight goal for this
`development should not exceed 150 lbs.
`10. With the exception of increased light output ( 1500 lumens) and
`reduced weight (150 lbs), the performance characteristics of the
`item described under item (9) will be equivalent to the T2080
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0009


`raster/calligraphic specification (enclosed herewith).
`11. The cost to produce and implement the system configuration
`recommended under paragraph (8) is $450,000. The cost to produce
`and implement the system configuration recommended under paragraph
`(9) is $300,000 assuming paragraph (8) has been implemented.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0010


`Conclusions and Considerations
`1. Brightness
`A projection system which will produce 1,500 lumens of white light
`will encompass all of the luminance needs of currently specified
`simulators. All other specifications of Enclosure (4) can be met.
`2. Projection System Size and Weight
`The component dimensions which dictate projection system physical
`characteristics begin with the CRT faceplate size and length. A
`standard 9" diagonal
`tube size will result
`in a
`system of
`approximate size H 12" x W 28" x L 38".
`The weight of such a
`system in total approximates 300 to 400
`including power
`supplies and remote control units. Separate Head Assembly units of
`these systems currently weight 200 to 250 lbs.
`Size and weight reductions to 150 lbs. are possible uaing a 3" or
`4" Single Crystal Phosphor Technology (SCPT) based CRTs.
`3. Faceplate Size
`While brightness is critical, the selection of the faceplate size
`(diameter) versus performance was based on a tradeoff of bright-
`ness, resolution, projector size and weight,
`simulator system
`capability versus current system sunk costs,
`logistic support
`costs, problems associated with manufacturing of SCPT based CRTs
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0011


`etc. and the cost and feasibility of manufacture of various size
`faceplates; ie, 3", 4" or greater.
`In addition to these consider(cid:173)
`ations, an analysis ol: the use of electronic surface or hybrid
`technology was evaluated to optimize projected system size and
`weight; ie, recommendation 6 of para 6.0.0.
`The determinants in specifying single crystal faceplate size are:
`1. Luminance and resolution requirements of
`simulator visual display
`2. Manufacturing capability to produce SCPF
`large diameter facepla~es.
`Compatability of proposed CRT with
`existing projection systems.
`4. Cost.
`5. Logistic support impact.
`As delineated in enclosure 4, a projection system which
`produces 1500 lum~:ns of white light. with 1000 lines of resolution,
`non-interlaced, will meet all current or projected visual display
`needs for military flight simulators.
`The manufacturing capability of U.S. suppliers is currently
`limited to producing four
`( 4" )
`faceplates of acceptable
`quality levels.
`single crystal CRT
`interchangeable with existing nine (9) inch conventional CRTs
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0012


`installed in the Tl080 RIC projection system.
`4. The cost to productionize the four inch (4") single crystal
`faceplate would be approximately $350,000.
`logistic implications of
`introducing single crystal
`faceplate CRTs into simulator projection systems is very favorable
`because of significant life cycle cost savings, see para.lO.O.O.
`Given the above consideration, implementation of a four inch (4")
`single crystal faceplate CRT is recommended.
`4. Upgrade of Existing Visual Systems
`Existing simulators have motion bases installed that have limited
`weight handling capacity. The weight of the on-motion base visual
`display subsystem thus becomes critical to a "Visual Display System
`A lighter weight, high
`luminance, high resolutior
`projector, compatible with
`the existing motion base carrying
`capacity, would allow a cost effective visual display upgrade
`program. The separate head assembly projector configuration would
`be appropriate for this retrofit program.
`Design of the projection system proposed has been configured to
`insure the capability for replaceLlent of existing projection
`systems and thus incur maximum benefit to existing as well as
`future visual display systems.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0013


`5. Proiector Bead Assembly r-eplacement
`Simulator installations which currently meet all current system
`specif~cations would benefit from SCPF head assembly replacement
`because of the significant cost savings which would accrue from the
`improved CRT performance and life over the operational life of the
`(See para. 10.0.0).
`Currently, CRTs are warranted for 2000 hours of satisfactory
`operation; satisfactory operation being defined as generating 50%
`the original
`light output.
`SCPFs have
`low coulombic
`degradation, high
`to burning
`and good
`conductance to the faceplate substrate; thus allowing operation of
`tubes at power
`levels which would destroy
`conventional powder phosphor CRT (see Enclosure 1).
`In addition,
`the "browning effect"
`(browning of the faceplate glass as a
`function of x-rays striking the glass) results in reduced light
`output. Since the "browning effect" does not take place in single
`crystal faceplates, the operational life of a SCPF based CRT will
`be limited by the useful life of the electron gun. An assumed
`electron gun life of ~0,000 hours is considered reasonable. Re(cid:173)
`gunning of tubes is an acceptable factory process; thus, from a
`logistic support point of view, a cost saving factor of 10 can be
`anticipated by the introduction of SCPF CRT based projection head
`assemblies into Simulator visual display systems.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0014


`Recollllllended Areas of Additional SCPT CRT Development and
`a. Areas for potential efficiency improvement
`1. Coating of YAG surface to modify critical angle
`b. Areas for test and evaluation to delineate operational
`limitations and failure modes
`1. High voltage limits
`2. Faceplate frit seal heating limits
`3. Life test experiment to establish limiting element;
`eg, E-gun, etc.
`4. Outgassing
`5. X-ray generation at high power operation
`6. Manufacturability of SCPF CRTs
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0015


`the various approaches
`technology options considered in arriving at
`the most cost
`effective utilization of SCPF based CRT technology in a timely and
`meaningful manner.
`1. T1080 R/C - Head Assembly
`a. *Replace CRTs only
`b. New lenses
`2. T1080 R Projection System
`a. Replace CRTs
`b. Current Technology
`c. Deflection Technology
`3. New Projection System
`a. New Video Amplifiers
`b. New Deflection Amplifiers
`c. New Lenses
`Consider for 3" and 4" CRTs
`4. Commercial B.D.T.V. Projection System
`**Filmless Theater Application
`15.750 Khz to 80 Khz
`a. New Video Amplifier
`b. New Deflection
`c. Single Unit
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0016


`*All CRTs are circular, have cooling jackets attached and have
`appropriate lenses attached. The maximum diameter is determined by
`the heat sink.
`**Also called Electronic Theater
`Projectors which are utilized in currently deployed simulators are
`configured as follows:
`1. Integrated (Bead assembly with electronics and remote
`power supply) projector design.
`2. Separate Bead assembly with remote electronics and
`low voltage power supplies.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0017


`System Configuration Evaluations
`CRT type projection systems utilized in simulators are of two (2)
`functional configurations; ie, raster and raster/calligraphic.
`Raster projectors may either have integral power supplies or
`remoted power supplies. Raster/calligraphic projection systems are
`all of the separate head assembly, remote electronics and remote
`power supply configuration.
`Equivalent units can be fabricated with SCPF based CRTs.
`extent of the changes incorporated along with the SCPF based CRTs
`will determine cost and schedule impact.
`The recommendation of this study is incorporation of SCPF based
`CRTs in an existing operational unit with minimal impact on system
`configuration; so that, the system performance can be evaluated at
`minimal overall cost.
`Satisfactory system performance would allow an early SCFP based CRT
`replacement program to be implemented resulting in major logistic
`cost savings to the national defense simulator program.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0018


`I. Tl080 RIC
`The T1080 R/C (Raster/Calligraphic) projection system is
`utilized in the UB1N Simulator and compatible with
`the V22
`simulation system and is of the separate head, remote electronics
`and power supply, computer controlled configuration. Figure 2,
`graphically shows a CRT assembly from a T1080 R/C production unit.
`The CRT assembly (less lens) is a spareable, replacement unit.
`Figure 1, which follows, and figure 3 graphically shows a 4" SCPF
`CRT assembly which is directly interchangeable with the above T1080
`R/C production CRT assembly. Figure 1 is the figure referred to in
`6.0.0. Modification of the head assembly by replacement of the 9"
`CRT assembly with 4" SCPF based CRT assemblies is practical, see
`figure 1 through 11. All other physical and electrical elements
`and interfaces would remain the same.
`A new lens must be developed to be compatible with the
`CRT and required fields of view (FOV).
`to proving
`system performance
`characteristics of a SCPF based CRT projection system in an
`operational environment is considered the lowest cost approach with
`the maximum long term potential benefit.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0019


`I I
`II. Hew SCPF based CRT Bead Assembly
`There are other technical developments which should be
`pursued in order to take full system advantage of SCPF based CRTs.
`These developments fall into two (2) areas:
`1. Fully hybridized video amplifiers
`Hybridization of existing T1080 video amplifiers
`performance units.
`2. Smaller. more efficient deflection amplifiers.
`Smaller, more efficient deflection amplifiers can be
`developed, optimized to the smaller deflection
`angles required in 3" and 4" SCFP based CRTs.
`With these developments assumed, a new head assembly
`which can also interface with existing remote electronics can be
`developed. The head assembly would be smaller; (150 lbs.) thus,
`allowing weight benefits to be considered in new simulator designs.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0020


`III. ~1080 R
`A T1080 R (Raster only) projection system could be
`fabricated using existing technology deflection amplifiers and
`integral power supplies. Because of the reduced power require(cid:173)
`the total system would fall approximately within the
`physical configuration of an existing Tl080 R/C head assembly
`profile. This unit would have broad application and utility in the
`simulator visual system retrofit upgrade market.
`These units would require development of lenses to be
`compatible with simulator FOV requirements.
`Further, a raster projection system, with integrated
`power supplies could be upgraded for use in the simulation or
`"Filmless Theater" market HDTV markets.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0021


`commercial Applications
`The commercial applications of
`the single crystal
`faceplate technology falls into two (2) categories:
`SCPF based CRT projection systems for "Filmless
`Theater/Auditorium use with HDTV aspect ratio
`presentations. Currently projected developments
`will support this potential.
`2. Retail HDTV markets.
`While SCPF based CRTs could be utilized in large,
`rear screen television sets, the cost would probably
`be prohibitively high and is thus not recommended.
`A cold cathode, direct view single cr:tstal faceplate
`system appears
`technically feasible and offers
`promis~ of
`superior performance
`to currently
`technologies at
`reasonable cost.
`( 6) Silicon Field Emitter Arrays for
`Cathodoluminescent Flat Panel Displays
`description of the technology state of cold cathode
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0022


`The following equipment configurations are recommended for
`Projector Head Assembly using 4" single crystal
`faceplate based CRTs and existing electronics.
`The key development items of this system would be Red,
`Green and Blue SCPF CRT assemblies as graphically shown in Figures
`1 and 3 of paragraph 4.0.1. Development time for these assemblies
`is estimated to be twelve {12) to fifteen {15) months. Assuming
`satisfactory completion of these assemblies, incorporation of the
`assemblies into a T1080 R/C system assembly and subsequent systems
`evaluation testing will encompass approximately four to six months.
`Cost to implement this phase of the recommendation is
`approximately $450,000.
`This includes the continued SCPF CRT
`development and evaluation effort recommended under paragraph
`Projector Head Assembly using 4" single crystal
`faceplate based CRTs and new video and deflection amplifiers based
`and developments with specifications within the range of currently
`projected technology advances.
`Subsequent to the completion of the development of the
`red, green and blue SCPF and proof of overall system performance,
`(evaluation versus requirements of enclosure 4) , the development of
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0023


`new wider bandwidth video amplifiers and deflection amplifiers
`should be initiated. These amplifiers should be of the hybrid
`technology configuration and be designed to meet specifications
`which will allow projector operation in the calligraphic mode at a
`horizontal scan frequency capability of 130 Khz.
`Development and evaluation of these amplifiers will take
`approximately nine (9) months.
`In parallel to this development effort, a mechanical
`projector configuration would be initiated which considers the
`in amplifier
`and weight.
`Preliminary layouts and weight analysis show that a 150 lb. head
`assembly is feasible.
`Cost to complete item (b) after completion of item (a) is
`estimated to be $300,000.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0024


`High Definition TV Projections via Single Crystal Phosphor
`Faceplate Technology
`The standards of HDTV,
`(1125 lines) will ultimately become the
`standard for commercial display systems as well as home television.
`The problem of brightness versus resolution on an adequate screen
`size can be solved for most commercial uses by a single crystal
`faceplate CRT based projection system.
`In addition, with full
`control of picture intensity across the screen, a uniformly bright
`picture can be displayed.
`Development of single crystal faceplate CRT based projection
`systems will have broad application to both the simulation and
`commercial display system markets both nationally and inter(cid:173)
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0025


`CRT Cost
`Current CRTs of the electromagnetic 9" type have a unit cost of
`approximately $2,500 each. At a material cost level, a projector,
`having three (3) CRTs red, green and blue, would have a systems
`cost of $7,500.
`The projected cost per faceplate based CRT
`is $5,000 each,
`resulting in a projector material cost o£ $15,000; thus showing an
`increase of approximately $7,500.
`The basis for these estimates were quotations solicited from
`alternate sources; specifically,
`1. Allied Signal Corp.
`2. Litton Airtron Industries
`3. Crystal Systems, Inc.
`4. Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics
`5. Hughes Display Products
`6. Thomas Electronics
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0026


`Logistic Support Assumptions
`All data is based on currently submitted spares pricing data for
`the T1080 R/C projection system of the UHlN program.
`1. CRT replacement assumed at 2000 hours of operation.
`2. Simulator use is assumed at 4000 hours per year.
`3. SCPF CRT tube life is assumed at 10,000 hours prior to factory
`4. SCPF CRT module assembly cost is assumed to be $11,500.
`*5. T1080 R/C CRT module assembly cost is $9,518.
`6. Factory CRT module turnaround cost is assumed to be the same.
`7. Six (6) simulators are assumed to be developed and operational.
`* Based on quoted costs on UH1N contract.
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0027


`Comparative Logistic Support Costs for Five (5) Year Cycle
`Current CR~s vs SCPF/CR~s
`~1080 Current CR~s
`Initial CRT/Spares (2 sets)
`$28,554 X 2 • $57,108
`Following the logistic support assumptions of paragraph 9.0.0, all
`three (3) ~RTs in one (1) projector are replaced at 2000 hours cf
`ie, five
`in 10.000 hours of
`operation intervals;
`The replacement and repair cost per CRT is $4,500;
`thus, cost per projector replacement/repair is 3 x $4,500 • $13,500
`(per projector).
`(5) projectors per simulator; one
`Since there are five
`Simulator replacement cycle would cost 5 x $13,500 or $67,500.
`This replacement cycle would occur five (5) times in 10,000 hours
`of simulator operation; thus, the total cost per 10,000 hours would
`be $337,500. Because operat,~n of the Simulator is assumed to be
`4000 hours per year (20,000 hours), this cycle would be repeated
`twice for a total cost of $675,000 per simulator installation.
`Replacement 5 time& in 10,000 hrs
`* 1 Replacement cost/projector $13,500
`5 cycles per 10,000 hours of operation x $13,500 = $67,500
`x 5 projectors per simulator= $337,500
`x 2 (20,000 hrs of operation) per 5 years = $675,000
`Total five year cost per UH1N Program, assuming 6 installations:
`6 X $675,000 = $4,050,00
`~1080 SCPF/CR~s
`Initial SCPF/CRTs spares (2 sets) $34,500 x 2 = $69,000
`Replacement: 1 time in 10,000 hours.
`Replacement cost • $15,500
`1 X 15,500 • $15,500
`x 5 projectors per simulator system= $77,500
`x 2 (20,000 hours of operation) per 5 years = $155,000
`Total five year cost per UH1N Program, assuming 6 installations:
`6 X 155,000 = $930,000
`For the SCPF CRT based projector, the CRT replacement cycle would
`be reduced by a factor of five (5); ie, once every 10.000 hours
`versus five (5\ times. The resultant savings projected would be:
`$4,050,000 - $930,000 = $3,120,000
`Vizio EX1028 Page 0028


`Recommended Development Programs
`Under paragraph 3.0.6 (Recommended areas of additional SCPF CRT
`development and evaluation) there was listed areas pertinent to the
`SCPF CRT which require addi tiona! test and evaluation.
`follows a brief description of the specific development action
`required and ex

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