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`Vizo EX1005 Page 0002

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`Vizo EX1005 Page 0003

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`(51) Int. CJ.6
`H 0 1 L 23/29
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`Vizo EX1005 Page 0004
`Vizo EX1005 Page 0004

`This is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true
`and accurate translation from Japanese into English of the attached document with Publication
`No. H?-99345, dated Aprilll, 1995.
`Dustin Paul Richard, Managing Editor
`Geotext Translations, Inc.
`Afftrmed and subscribed before me
`, 20 _lk_.
`this\ f11A day of {)of-t> b 12..f'
`Notary Public, State of New York
`No. 01LY6323702
`Qualified in New York County
`Term ExpiresApril27, 2019
`t: +1.212.631.7432
`t: +1.713.353.3909
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`t: +44.20.7553.41 00
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`t: +49.69.7593.8434
`Vizo EX1005 Page 0005

`Japan Patent Office (JP)
`Patent Gazette (A)
`(11) Japanese Unexamined Patent
`Application Publication Number
`Publication No. H7-99345
`(43) Publication Date April 11, 1995
`ID Symbol
`JPO File Number
`Basis for Classification
`(51) Int. Cl6
` H01 L 33/00
`H01 L 23/30
`Request for Examination Not requested Number of claims 2 OL (Total 4 pages)
`Continued on last page
`Nichia Corporation
`491 100 Oka, Kaminaka Cho, Anan
`City, Tokushima Prefecture
`Kousuke MATOBA
`In Nichia Corporation
`491 100 Oka, Kaminaka Cho, Anan
`City, Tokushima Prefecture
`Akihito KISHI
`In Nichia Corporation
`491 100 Oka, Kaminaka Cho, Anan
`City, Tokushima Prefecture
`In Nichia Corporation
`491 100 Oka, Kaminaka Cho, Anan
`City, Tokushima Prefecture
`(21) Pat. App. No.
`App. H5-241449 (71) Applicant
`(22) App. Filing Date
`September 28, 1993 (72) Inventor
`(72) Inventor
`(72) Inventor
`(54) [Title of the Invention] Light-emitting diode
`(57) [Abstract]
`[Object] Provide an LED that does not mix colors
`even when disposed near an LED having a different
`wavelength when a fluorescent pigment is used with
`the object of increasing LED brightness by
`improving a collection of converted light, when
`converting a wavelength of a light-emitting chip by
`including wavelength-conversion material in LED
`[Constitution] An LED sealing resin is composed of
`a first resin 11 that fills a cup internal part 3,
`and a second resin 12 that encloses the first
`resin; by including in the first resin 11 a
`wavelength-conversion material 5 such as a
`fluorescent substance that converts a wavelength of
`light from a light-emitting chip into another
`wavelength, or a filter substance or the like that
`absorbs a portion of a light wavelength,
`wavelength-converted light is reflected by the cup
`3 thereby improving light collection efficiency.
`Vizo EX1005 Page 0006

`Publication No. H7-99345
`[Scope of Claims for Patent]
`[Claim 1] A light-emitting diode that seals with
`resin an entire light-emitting element disposed
`with a light-emitting chip at a bottom of a cup
`that reflects light from the light-emitting chip to
`a luminescence observation surface; the resin is
`composed of a first resin that fills an inside of
`the cup, and a second resin that encloses the first
`resin; and the first resin contains a fluorescent
`substance that converts a wavelength of light from
`the light-emitting chip into another wavelength, or
`a filter substance that absorbs a portion of the
`light from the light-emitting chip.
`[Claim 2] The light-emitting diode according to
`claim 1, wherein a substance included in the resin
`of the first resin is a fluorescent substance; and
`the first resin is characterized by being filled to
`be lower than a horizontal plane of the cup.
`[Detailed Description of the Invention]
`[Industrial Field of Application]
`The present invention relates to a light-emitting
`diode (hereinafter, LED), and more particularly, to
`an LED that converts a wavelength of light emitted
`from a light-emitting chip, or that absorbs a
`portion of light of the light-emitting chip.
`[Prior Art] Fig. 2 is a schematic sectional view of
`one structure of a conventional LED; 1 denotes a
`light-emitting chip composed of a compound
`semiconductor; 2 denotes a lead frame; 3 denotes a
`cup disposed for the purpose of reflecting light
`emitted from the light-emitting chip onto a
`luminescence observation surface; and 4 denotes
`resin that seals the entire light-emitting element.
`Ordinarily, a highly transparent resin is selected
`for resin 4 for the purpose of efficiently emitting
`light from the light-emitting chip through air.
`However, a fluorescent substance that converts
`light from the light-emitting chip into another
`wavelength, or a filter material 5 (hereinafter,
`wavelength-conversion material 5) that absorbs a
`portion of a wavelength of the light from the
`light-emitting chip is interfused in the resin 4
`for the purpose of converting a color of light from
`the light-emitting chip, or for the purpose of
`correcting the color. In such a case, it is normal
`for the wavelength-conversion material 5 to be
`interfused so that it is dispersed uniformly in the
`resin 4.
`[Problem to be Solved by the Invention] However,
`when the wavelength-conversion material 5 is
`dispersed uniformly in the resin for the purpose
`described above, there is a problem in that light
`whose wavelength has been converted, or light whose
`unneeded wavelength has been cut, is scattered in
`all directions within resin 4, thereby making the
`collection of light poor. The arrows in Fig. 2
`schematically show light from the light-emitting
`chip hitting the wavelength-conversion material 5
`and wavelength-converted light being scattered. In
`other words, the quantity of light at the
`luminescence observation surface is reduced by the
`scattering of wavelength-converted light, thereby
`reducing brightness.
`[0004] Also, if the wavelength-conversion material
`5 is limited to fluorescent substance, a new
`problem occurs in that if an LED with a different
`light color is disposed nearby, extra light of the
`fluorescent substance of another LED light becomes
`a problem. For example, if a green LED that
`includes fluorescent substance that obtains a green
`light on a blue light-emitting chip, and a blue-
`colored LED that is composed of only a single blue
`light-emitting chip are lined up in close proximity
`horizontally on the same plane, when the green LED
`is extinguished and the blue LED is lit, the
`fluorescent substance of the green LED becomes
`excited by light that leaks from the blue LED, in
`other words, scattered light, and lights as though
`the extinguished green LED is lit, thereby causing
`a mixing for both LED colors.
`[0005] Therefore, an object of the present
`invention is to provide an LED that does not cause
`a mixing of colors even when disposed near an LED
`with a different wavelength when using a
`fluorescent pigment, and to increase LED brightness
`by improving the collection of light when
`converting a wavelength of a light-emitting chip by
`including wavelength conversion material in the LED
`[Means for Solving the Problem] The LED according
`to the present invention is an LED that seals with
`resin an entire light-emitting element disposed
`with a light-emitting chip at a bottom of a cup
`that reflects light from the light-emitting chip to
`a luminescence observation surface; the resin is
`composed of a first resin that fills an inside of
`the cup, and a second resin that encloses the first
`resin; and contained in the first resin is a
`fluorescent substance that converts a wavelength of
`light from the light-emitting chip into another
`wavelength, or a filter substance that absorbs a
`portion of the light from the light-emitting chip.
`[Action] The LED according to the present invention
`converts light from a light-emitting chip into a
`preferred wavelength in the first resin, or absorbs
`a portion of an unneeded wavelength. Light whose
`wavelength is converted in this way scatters in all
`directions, but almost all of the scattered light
`is reflected by a cup, and collected at a
`luminescence observation surface. Specifically, the
`cup in this application collects light by
`reflecting wavelength-converted light using a
`wavelength conversion material in a first resin, so
`light-collecting efficiency of converted light is
`[0008] Also, in the event that the wavelength-
`conversion material is a fluorescent substance, if
`the first resin that includes the fluorescent
`substance is filled to be lower than a horizontal
`plane of an edge of the cup, incident light from
`outside is shielded by the cup edge, and does not
`reach the fluorescent substance. For that reason,
`it is possible to prevent a mixing of colors
`between LEDs. Simply stated, because the first
`resin that includes the fluorescent substance does
`not project from the cup by deepening the cup
`depth, it is possible to limit an excitation source
`of the fluorescent substance to only a light
`wavelength of the light-emitting chip.
`[Embodiments] Fig. 1 is a schematic sectional view
`of one structure of one embodiment of an LED
`according to the present invention. Similar to Fig.
`2, the entire light-emitting element mounted with a
`light-emitting chip 1 that is composed of a
`compound semiconductor on s lead frame 2 that
`includes a cup 3 has a structure that is sealed by
`resin. However, a difference from Fig. 2 is that
`the sealing resin is composed of a first resin 11
`that fills the inside of the cup 3, and a second
`resin 12 that encloses the first resin; contained
`in the first resin 11 is a wavelength-conversion
`material 5 that converts the light wavelength from
`the light-emitting chip into another wavelength, or
`absorbs and converts a portion of that light.
`[0010] In the LED of the present invention, it is
`acceptable for the materials in the first resin 11
`and the second resin to be the same material. For
`example, both can be composed of an epoxy resin,
`and include the wavelength-conversion material 5 in
`only the first resin. Still further, it goes
`without saying that the material of the second
`resin 12 may be the same as the resin 4 in Fig. 2.
`Also, if the wavelength-conversion material 5 is a
`fluorescent substance, it is acceptable to use any
`kind of material, such as fluorescent dye,
`fluorescent pigment, or fluorescent body or the
`Vizo EX1005 Page 0007

`Publication No. H7-99345
`like, as long as it is one that converts the
`wavelength of light from the light-emitting chip
`into another wavelength. Also, if it is a filtering
`substance, a material is selected that absorbs an
`unneeded wavelength of the light from the light-
`emitting chip, and has good color purity; an
`inorganic or organic filter pigment that has the
`same color as the light color of the light-emitting
`chip is normally used.
`[0011] In order to attain an LED with such a
`structure, in the LED manufacturing process for
`example, ordinarily to remove air from the cup 3,
`the inside of the cup disposed with the light-
`emitting chip 1 in advance is pre-dipped in resin.
`However, the wavelength-conversion material 5 is
`included in the first resin 11 when implementing
`the pre-dip. After the first resin 11 that includes
`the wavelength-conversion material 5 hardens it can
`be sealed by a second resin 12. It is also
`acceptable to inject the first resin 11 that
`includes the wavelength-conversion material 5 into
`the inside of the cup 3 in advance. By doing this,
`the first resin 11 that includes the wavelength-
`conversion material 5 is filled into the inside of
`the cup 3; almost all of the wavelength-converted
`light returns to the reflective mirror of the cup 3
`by the first resin 11; and light collection of the
`LED is greatly improved.
`[0012] Also, the first resin 11 and the second
`resin 12 use different materials. The refractive
`indices of the first resin 11 and the second resin
`12 are set so that they become close to a
`refractive index 1 of air by becoming smaller in
`turn, thereby improving the external quantum
`efficiency of the wavelength-converted light. In
`such a case, it can go without saying that a
`material is selected for the first resin 11
`material that is smaller than the refractive index
`of the light-emitting chip 1.
`Figs. 3, and 4 are schematic side views showing
`expanded views of a portion of the LED cup 3
`according to another embodiment of the present
`invention. Fig. 3 shows a state in which a surface
`of the first resin 11 is filled in the cup 3, and
`Fig. 1
`Fig. 2
`hardened in a convex shape; Fig. 4 conversely shows
`this filled and hardened in a concave shape. In
`either state, if the wavelength-conversion material
`5 is a fluorescent substance, the first resin 11
`that includes the fluorescent substance is filled
`to be lower than a horizontal plane of the cup 3
`edge, and does not project from the cup 3 so
`external light that excites the fluorescent
`substance is sheilded by the cup 3 edge, thereby
`preventing the mixing of LED colors.
`[Effect of the Invention] As described above, the
`LED according to the present invention fills a
`first resin that includes a wavelength-conversion
`material inside a cup so that converted light is
`collected by being reflected by the inside of the
`cup, thereby improving brightness by double or
`conversion by including a fluorescent pigment in
`the first resin, the mixing of colors between LEDs
`does not occur because the first resin does not
`implementing a flat-screen display using this LED,
`an image with extremely good resolution is
`[Brief Description of the Drawings]
`Fig. 1 is a schematic side view of a constitution
`of one LED according to the present invention;
`Fig. 2 is a schematic side view of a conventional
`LED constitution;
`Fig. 3 is a schematic side view showing an expanded
`view of an LED cup 3 portion according to another
`embodiment of the present invention; and
`Fig. 4 is a schematic side view showing an expanded
`view of an LED cup 3 portion according to another
`embodiment of the present invention.
`[Explanation of Reference Numerals]
`Light-emitting chip
`Lead frame
`Wavelength-conversion material
`First resin
`Second resin
`Fig. 3
`Vizo EX1005 Page 0008

`Fig. 4
`Publication No. H7-99345
`Continued from front page
`(51) Int. Cl.6
`ID Symbol
` H01L
`JPO File Number
`Basis for Classification
`Vizo EX1005 Page 0009

`Vizo EX1005 Page 0010
`Vizo EX1005 Page 0010

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