
`NiChia EX2005
`Nichia EX2005
`Nichia EX2005


`Nichia EX2005


`H Iti Edition
`Sybil P. Parker
`Editor in Chief
`McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`San Francisco Washington, D.C.
`New York
`Mexico City
`New Delhi
`San Juan
`Nichia EX2005


`On the cover: Photomicrograph of crystals of vitamin B,.
`(Dennis Kunkel, University of Hawaii)
`included in ihis Dictionary are dehmtions which have been published previously in the following works P B
`Joidain Condensed Computet Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw Hill, Inc All rights reserved J
`Markus Elecvomcs and Nucleonics Dictionary, 4th ed , Copyright © 1960, 1966, 1978 by McGraw-Hill Inc
`All rights reserved J Quick Aitists andlllustiatois Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc All
`rights resened Blaliston s Gould Medical Dictwnaiy, 3ded Copyright© 19')6, 1972 by McGiaw-Hill, Inc All
`rights reserved T Baumeister and L S Marks, eds Standaid Handbook foi Mechanical Enqineei s, 7th ed
`Copyright© i958, 1967 by McGraw-Hill Inc All rights reserved
`In addition, material has been drawn from the following references R E Huschke, Glossaiy of Meteoiolos,\
`American Meteorological Society, 1959, £/£ An Foice Glossaiy of Standardized Teims, AF Manual 11 1 vol
`1 1972 Commumcatwns-ElectiomcsTeiminology, AF Manual 11-1, vol 3, 1970, W H Allen, ed Dicnonai\
`of Tecfjnical Teims foi Aeiospace Use, 1st ed National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965, J M
`Gilliland Soldi Tenesmal Physics A Glossal y of Teims and Abbi e\iations. Royal Aircraft Establishment Tech(cid:173)
`nical Report 67158 l961,Glossai\ofAii
`Tiaffic Conti ol Tei ms, Federal Aviation Agency A Glossai v of Ranqe
`reiminoio'^ White Sands Missile Ranqe Ne* Mexico, National Bureau of Standards AD 4-61-424 A DOD
`Clossa>\ of Mappin° Chat ting and Geodetic Teims Isted Department of Defense, 1967, P Vy Thrush comp
`and ed ADunonan ofMmmq Mineial andRelatedTeims.BuvemofMmes,
`1968, Nucleai Teims AGIosian,
`2d ed Atomic Energy Commission F Casey, ed , Compilation of Teims in Infoimation Sciences Technology
`Fedeial Council foi Science and Technology, 1970, Glossai y of StmfoTei minoloqv. Office of Aerospace Research
`US AirFoice 1963 Na\al Dutionaiy of Electwmc Technical and Impei am e Teims Bureau of Naval Peison
`nel 1962 ADP Glosiai \, Department of the Navy, NAVSO P-3097
`Fifth Edition
`Copyright© 1994 1989 1984 1978, 1976 1974 by McGraw Hill, Inc All rights reserved Printed in the United
`States of America Except as peomitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976 no part of this publication
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`12 3 4 5 6 ^ 89 0
`9 9 8 7 6 5 43
`ISBN 0-07 042333-4
`Library of Congress Cataioging-in-Pubiication Data
`McGraw Hill dictionar) of scientific and technical terms /
`Svbil P Parker editor in chief —5th ed
`ISBN 0-07 042333-4
`1 Science—Dictionaries
`I Paiker Sybil P
`Q123M34 1993
`2 Technology—Dictionaries
`Copvnght © 1994 Exclusive lights by McGraw-Hill Inc for manufacture and export This book cannot be re(cid:173)
`exported from the country to which it is consigned by McGraw-Hill The International Edition is not available in
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`When ordeimg this title use ISBN 0-07-113584-7
`Nichia EX2005


`International Committee on
`Illumination chtomaticitv diagram
`The wavelengths of the \isible
`spectrum in units of 10 & meter
`are indicated along the curve
`W represents a white composed of
`equal amounts of the three
`( 'kro-ma
`[BIOL] Staining with chromium salts
`( kro ma-
`{ kio'mad-ik
`of a quadratic form Also known as three-index symbols
`{ kns tof-sl ,sim-b3lz )
`christophite See marmatite { kns |
`[OPTICS] 1 The dimension of the Munsell system of
`color that corresponds most closely to saturation, which is the
`degree of vividness of a hue Also known as Munsell chroma
`2. See color saturation { 'kro-ma )
`chroma band-pass amplifier See burst amplifier
`'band ,pas 'am pis fT-ar )
`chroma control
`[ELECTR] The control that adjusts the am(cid:173)
`plitude of the earner chrominance signal fed to the chrominance
`demodulators in a color television receiver, so as to change the
`saturation or vividness of the hues m the color picture Also
`known as color control color-saturation control { 'kro-ma
`kan'trol )
`[MET] Treating the surface of aluminum or
`aluminum alloys with chromic acid to improve paint adhesion
`( 'kro-ma,dizit) j
`[INV ZOO] A subclass of nematode worms in
`the class Adenophorea { ,kro-ma'dore-a (
`[INV ZOO] An order of principally aquatic
`nematode worms in the subclass Chromadona
`j ,kro-ma'dor-
`a-da )
`[INV ZOO] A family of soil and fresh-water,
`free-hvmg nematodes in the superfamily Chromadoroidea, gen(cid:173)
`erally associated with algal substances
`( .kro-ma' )
`[INV zoo] A superfamily of small to mod(cid:173)
`erate-sized free living nematodes with spital, transversely el(cid:173)
`lipsoidal amphids and a stnated cuticle { .kro-ma-da'roid
`e-a j
`fan i
`chromaffin body See paraganghon
`) kro'ma-fan ,bad-e }
`chromaffin cell
`[HISTOL] Any cell of the suprarenal organs
`in lower vertebrates, of the adrenal medulla in mammals, of the
`paraganglia, or of the carotid bodies that stains with chromium
`I kro'ma-fan ^el 1
`chromaffin system
`[PHYSIO] The endocrine organs and tis(cid:173)
`sues of the body that secrete epinephrine, characterized by an
`affinity for chromium salts
`{ kro'ma-fan ,sis-tam ]
`chroma oscillator
`[ELECTR] A crystal oscillator used in color
`television receivers to generate a 3 579545 megahertz signal for
`comparison with the incoming 3 579545-megahertz chromi
`nance subcamer signal being transmitted Also known as
`chrominance-subcamer oscillator, color oscillator color-sub
`carrier oscillator
`( 'kro-ma 'as-a^ad-ar)
`[OPTICS] An instrument used to determine the
`optical effects of color { 'kro-ma,skop )
`2_ 1. An ion denved from
`the unstable acid HjCrt^ 2. A salt or ester of chromic acid
`[MINERAL] A mineral characterized by the cation Cr04
`( 'kro,mat }
`chromate treatment
`[MET] Treatment of metal with a solu(cid:173)
`tion of a hexavalem chromium compound to produce a protec(cid:173)
`tive coating of metal chromate { 'kro.mat .trefmant }
`[MICROBIO] A family of bactena m the sub
`ordei Rhodospmllineae, motile cells have polar fiagella, pho
`tosynthetic membranes are continuous with the cytoplasmic
`membrane, all except one species are anaerobic, and bacter-
`lochlorophyll a or b is present
`( .kro-mad-e'as-e,! )
`[OPTICS] Relating to color
`( kro'mad-ik )
`chromatic aberration
`[ELECTR] An electron-gun defect
`causing enlargement and blurring of the spot on the screen of a
`cathode-ray tube, because electrons leave the cathode with dif(cid:173)
`ferent initial velocities and are deflected differently by the elec
`tron lenses and deflection coils
`[OPTICS] An optical lens
`defect causing color fringes, because the lens matenal bnngs
`different colors of light to focus at different points Also known
`as color aberration
`j kro'mad-ik ab-a'ra-shan )
`chromatic adaptation
`[PHYSIO] A decrease in sensitivity to
`a color stimulus with prolonged exposure
`[PSYCH] Modifi(cid:173)
`cation in the perceived hue or saturation of a light stimulus
`resulting from pnor viewing of a light of different hue or satu
`( kro'mad-tk ^ap'ta-shan (
`chromatic diagram See chromaticity diagram
`dTa.gram )
`chromatic difference of magnification
`[OPTICS] Variation
`hi the size of the image produced by an optical system with the
`w avelength (or, equivalently, color) of light Also known as
`| krolmadik dif-rans 3\ mag
`toi>ncs] The color quality of light that can be
`defined by its chromaticity coordinates depends only on hue
`and saturation of a color and not on its luminance (brightness)
`( .kro-ma'tis-ad-e )
`chromaticity coordinates
`[OPTICS] The fractional amounts
`of the r v and z primary colors specified by the International
`Committee on Illumination, in a color sample, more precisely
`t = X/(X + Y + Z),y = Y/(X + Y + Z),: = Z/(X + Y +
`Z), where X Y and Z are the integrals over wavelength \ of the
`product of the amount of light emerging from the sample per
`unit wavelength, and the tnstimulus values, i(k), y(\) and (\)
`) ikro-ma'tis-ad-e ko'ord-an^ts I
`chromaticity diagram
`[OPTICS] A triangular graph for spec
`ifymg colors whose ordinate is the % chromaticity coordinate
`and whose abscissa is the i chromaticity coordinate the apexes
`of the triangle represent primary colors Also known as chro
`matic diagram { .kro-ma'tis-ad e dTa gram }
`chromatic mineral
`[MINERAL] A mineral with color
`{ kro'mad-ik .mm-ral )
`chromatic number
`[MATH] For a specified surface, the small
`est number n such that foi any decomposition of the surface into
`regions the regions can be colored w ith n colors in such a wa\
`that no two adjacent regions have the same color
`j kro mad
`ik nam-bar j
`chromatic parallax
`[OPTICS] A tvpe of optical parallax thai
`anses from the dependence of the position of the focal plane on
`the wavelength of light
`| kro'mad-ik'par-a,laks )
`chromatic resolving power
`[OPTICS] The difference be
`tween two equally strong spectral lines that can barely be sep(cid:173)
`arated by a spectroscopic instrument divided into the average
`wavelength of these two lines for pnsms and gratings Ra\
`leigh's cntena are used and the term is defined as the widthot
`the emergent beam times the angular dispersion
`{ kro mad ik
`ra'zalv-ii) .pau-ar )
`[OPTICS] 1. The branch of optics concerned with ,
`the properties of colors 2. The part of colonmetry concerned
`with hue and saturation
`{ kro mad-iks j
`chromatic sensitivity
`[OPTICS] The smallest change in wave .
`length of light that produces a change in hue which is just large ;
`enough to be detected by human vision
`( kro'mad iksen sam |
`ade )
`chromatic valence
`[PHYSIO] A relative measure ot the hue ."
`producing effectiveness of a chromatic stimulus
`j kro madil J
`'val-ans j
`chromatic vision
`[PHYSIO] Vision pertaining to the color |
`sense, that is the perception and evaluation of the colors of the j
`{ kro'mad ik vizh an )
`[CYTOL] 1. One of the pair ol strands formed b\ !
`longitudinal splitting ot a chromosome which are joined b\ i i
`single centromere in somatic cells dunng mitosis 2. One ot i l
`tetrad of strands formed by longitudinal splitting ot paired chrc j
`mosomes dunng diplotene ot meiosis { kro-ma-tad }
`[BIOCHEM] The deoxynbonucleoprotein complet j
`forming the major portion of the nuclear material and ot tie >
`{ 'kro ma tan )
`[MET] Performing a chiomate
`treatment ;
`{ 'krOiinad-ir) )
`[MICROBIO] A genus of bactena m the tamih j
`Chromatiaceae, cells are ovoid to rod shaped, are motile do not i
`have gas vacuoles, and contain bactenochlorophyll a on vesic
`ular photosynthetic membranes
`{ kro'mashe-am 1
`[AJNIALYCHEM] The pattern formed by zones I
`of separated pigments and of colorless substance m chrornalo- j
`graphic procedures
`I kio'mad a,gram )
`[ANAL\ CHEM] To employ chromatograph |
`to separate substances
`( kro mad-a^ral }
`chromatographic adsorption
`[ \ N \ LY C H E M] Preferentu |
`adsorption of chemical compounds (gases or liquids) in ani
`cendtng moleculai weight sequence onto a solid adsorbent IK
`tenal such as activated carbon alumina, or silica gel usedtt
`analysis and separation of chemical mixtures
`j kro'mai
`a]graf-ik ad'sorp-shan )
`chromatographic bed
`[ A N A LY CHEM] Any ot the different S
`configurations m which the stationary phase is contamei j
`i krolmad-a.graf-ik 'bed 1
`[ANAI Y CHEM] A method ot separating^! |
`Nichia EX2005


`cokK-Dhase detector
`nance subcamer between two sets of assigned values after every
`field in a color television system Abbreviated cpa
`j 'kal-ar
`,iaz ol-tar'na-shan ]
`color-phase detector
`[ELECTR] The color television receiver
`circuit that compares the frequency and phase of the incoming
`burst signal with those of the locally generated 3 579545-meg(cid:173)
`ahertz chroma oscillator and delivers a correction voltage to a
`reactance tube to ensure that the color portions of the picture
`will be in exact register with the black-and-white portions on
`the screen
`( 'kal-ar ,faz di'tek-tar )
`color photography
`[GRAPHICS] A film process that uses color
`film to produce three-color positive pictures
`{ 'kal-ar .fa'tag-
`ra-fe )
`color picture signal
`[COMMUN] The electric signal that rep(cid:173)
`resents complete color picture information, excluding all syn(cid:173)
`chronizing signals
`( 'kal-ar ,pik-char ,sig-nal (
`color picture tube
`[ELECTR] A cathode-ray tube having three
`different colors of phosphors, so that when these are appropn-
`ately scanned and excited in a color television receiver, a color
`picture is obtained Also known as color kinescope, color tele(cid:173)
`vision picture tube, tricolor picture tube
`) 'kal-ar ^ik-char
`,tub I
`color printing
`[GRAPHICS] The art and craft of embellishing
`designs, pictures, and typographic pages with color for a more
`pleasing effect than obtained in black and white, m addition,
`pictures more closely represent the original object or pamtmg
`( 'kal-ar ,print-ir) )
`color purity
`[ELECTR] Absence of undesired colors m the spot
`produced on the screen by each beam of a television color picture
`j 'kal-ar ,pyur-ad-e j
`color radiography
`[GRAPHICS] A radiographic technique in
`which vanous intensities are displayed as different colors
`I ;kal-ar .rad-e'ag-ra-fe ]
`color rendering
`[OPTICS] For a light source, the extent of the
`agreement between the perceived color of a surface illuminated
`by the source and that of the same surface illuminated by a
`reference source under specified viewing conditions, measured
`and expressed m terms of the chromaticity coordinates of the
`source and the luminance of the source m agreed spectral bands
`( jkal-ar 'ren-dar-ig (
`color saturation
`[OPTICS] The degree to which a color is
`mixed with white, high saturation means little white, low satu(cid:173)
`ration means much white Also known as chroma, saturation
`{ 'kal-ar sach-a'ra-shan )
`color-saturation control See chroma control
`a'ra-shan kan'trol )
`to a photographic
`[GRAPHICS] Referring
`emulsion which is not color-blind
`( 'kal-ar ,sen-sad-iv j
`color separation
`[GRAPHICS] The process of preparing a sep(cid:173)
`arate drawing, engraving, or negative for each color required m
`the reproduction of a colored picture
`( 'kal-ar sep-a'ra-shan )
`color signal
`[COMMUN] Any signal that contiols the chro(cid:173)
`maticity values of a color television picture, such as the color
`picture signal and the chrominance signal
`j 'kal-ar ,sig-nal }
`color solid
`[OPTICS] A three-dimensional diagram which rep(cid:173)
`resents the relationship of three attributes of surface color hue,
`saturation, and bnghtness
`{ 'kal-ar ,sal-ad )
`color stability
`[CHEM] Resistance of materials to change in
`color that can be caused by light or agmg, as of petroleum or
`| 'kal-ar sta'bil-ad-e }
`color standard
`[ANALY CHEM] Liquid solution of known
`chemical composition and concentration, hence of known and
`standardized color, used for optical analysis of samples of un(cid:173)
`known strength
`I 'kal-ar .stan-dard )
`color stripe
`[GRAPHICS] A band of color affixed to the top
`edge of a microform and used for identification and retrieval
`{ 'kal-ar |Stnp I
`color SU3
`[PARTIC PHYS] A unitary symmetry based on the
`equivalence of the three differently colored quarks of a given
`flavor, which form a fundamental multiplet
`( 'kal-ar ,es,yu
`'thre }
`e-ar ]
`color-subcarrier oscillator See chroma oscillator
`sab'kar-e-ar 'a-sa.lad-ar )
`color-subcarrier reference See chrommance-camer reference
`( 'kal-ar sab'kar-e-ar 'ref-rans )
`color s y nc signal
`[COMMUN] A signal that is transmitted with
`each line of a color television broadcast to ensure that the color
`j 'kal-arsab'kar-
`{ 'kal-ar
`{ 'kal-ar sach-
`A t r a n s i s t or Colpitis oscillator
`I ,k
`relationships in the transmitted signal are established and ra
`tamed in the receiver
`( 'kal-ar 'sigk ,sig-nal }
`color s y s t em
`[OPTICS] Any three-component coordinate
`tern used to represent the attributes of colors
`j 'kal-ar
`tam )
`color television
`[COMMUN] A television system that re
`duces an image approximately in its ongmal colors
`( \k
`Itel-a.vizh-an )
`color television picture tube See color picture tube
`jtel-a.vizh-an 'pik-char ,tub ]
`color temperature
`[STAT MECH] Of a solid surface, that I
`perature of a blackbody from which the radiant energy
`essentially the same spectral distribution as that from the
`| ^kal-ar |tem-pra-char }
`color tempering
`[MET] Reheating of hardened steel and
`serving color changes to determine quenching temperature
`to obtain the desired hardness
`( Ikal-ar |tem-pa-rii) )
`color test
`[ANALY CHEM] The quantitative analysis of a
`stance by companng the intensity of the color produced
`sample by a reagent with a standard color produced similar
`a solution of known strength
`| 'kal-ar test )
`color throw
`[ A N ^ L Y C H E M]
`In an ion-exchange process
`coloration of the liquid passing through the bed
`j 'k
`,thro )
`color-translating m i c r o s c o pe
`[OPTICS] Atypeofcompc
`microscope that employs three different wavelengths of hg
`reveal details produced by ultraviolet or other nonvisible i
`{ ]kal-ar tranz'lad-it) 'mrkra'skop )
`color transmission
`the trans
`In television
`sion of a signal wave which represents both the brightness VE
`and the chromaticity values in the picture
`{ ' kal-ar tranz'n
`an I
`color triangle
`[OPTICS] A triangle on a chromaticity diag
`that represents the range of chromaticities that can be obta
`as additive mixtures of three prescribed primary colors re
`sented by the comers of the triangle
`{ 'kal-ar 'tf^arj-gal
`color vision
`[PHYSIO] The ability to discriminate light OI
`basis of wavelength composition
`{ 'kal-ar ,vizh-an }
`C o l o s s e n d e i d ae
`[INV z o o] A family of deep-water m<
`arthropods in the subphylum Pycnogomda, having long ]
`and lacking chehfores, except in poiymerous forms
`j I
`sen' )
`c o l o s t o my
`[MED] Surgical formation of an artificial ant
`joining the colon to an opening m the antenor abdominal
`) ka'las-ta-me I
`[PHYSIO] The first milk secreted by the maim
`gland during the first days following parturition
`| k;
`tram )
`[MED] Incision of the colon, may be abdom
`lateral, lumbar 01 iliac, according to the region of entn
`{ ka'lad-a-me )
`Colpitis oscillator
`[ELECTR] An oscillator m which a p
`lel-tuned tank circuit has two voltage-dividing capacito
`series, with their common connection going to the cathoi
`the electron-tube version and the emitter circuit in the tran<
`{ 'kol.pits ^s-ajad-ar 1
`c o l p o s c o pe
`[MED] An instrument foi the visual examin
`of the vagina and cervix, a vaginal speculum
`{ '
`c o l p o s c o py
`[MED] Visual examination of cells of the v.
`and cervix by means of an endoscope
`{ kal'pas-ka-pe 1
`[MED] Incision of the vagina
`{ kal'pad-s-n
`[AGR] A cutting tool attached to the moldboard
`beam for cutting the sward m advance of the plowshare
`known as coulter, cutting coulter
`{ 'kol-tar )
`[VERT z o o] A family of cosmopolitan snat
`the order Squamata
`{ ka' )
`[ASTRON] A constellation, right ascension 6 h
`decimation 35°S
`Abbreviated Col Also known as I
`j ka'lam-ba )
`[VERT ZOO] A family of birds in the orde;
`umbiformes composed of the pigeons and doves
`( h
`bs,<ie }
`[VERT ZOO] An order of birds distingut
`by a short, pointed bill, imperforate nostrils, and short
`{ ka.lam-ba'fo^mez J
`(Fe,Mn)(Cb,Ta)206 An iron!
`mineral with a submetalhc luster mat crystallizes in the 0
`rhombic system, the chief ore mineral of niobium (columh
`Nichia EX2005


`optoacoustic detect
`t -w in
`{ jap-
`( lap-to-ijek'tran-ik
`o p t o a c o us
`[ANAL^ CHEM] A method
`- «• >f
`P r
`of detecting trace mpunties m a gas, in which the absorption of
`a sample of the gas at various light frequencies is measured by
`directing a periodically interrupted laser beam through the sam(cid:173)
`ple in a spectiophone and measuring the sound generated by the
`optoacoustic effect at the frequency of interruption of the beam
`j ^p-to-alkus-tikdi'tek-shan ,meth-ad )
`optoacoustic effect
`[PHYS] <\ phenomenon in which a pe
`nodical ly interrupted beam of light generates sound in a gas
`through which it is passing, this results from energy in the light
`beam being tiansformed first into internal motions of the gas
`molecules then into random translational motions of these mol(cid:173)
`ecules or heat, and finally into periodic pressure fluctuations or
`sound Also known as thermoacoustic effect
`( |ap-t6-a|kus-
`tik i.fekt )
`optoacoustic modulator See acoustooptic modulator
`to-a;kus-tik 'maj-a^ad-ar )
`optoacoustic spectroscopy See photoacoustic spectroscopy
`{ ,ap-to-a|ku-stik spek'tras-ka-pe )
`optocoupler See optoisolator
`( jap-to'kap-lar j
`optoelectronic amplifier
`[ENG] An amplifier in which the
`input and output signals and the method of amplification may
`| ]ap't6-i,lek'tran-ik'am-plg.ft-
`be either electronic or optical
`a r)
`optoelectronic isolator See optoisolator
`T sa,lad ar 1
`[ELECTR] The branch of electronics that
`deals with solid-state and other electronic devices for generat(cid:173)
`ing, modulating, transmitting and sensing electromagnetic ra(cid:173)
`diation in the ultraviolet, visible-light, and infrared portions of
`the spectrum
`) ]ap-to-i lek'tian-iks )
`optoelectronic scanner
`[ELECTR] A scanner m which
`lenses mirrors or other optical devices are used between a light
`source or image and a photodiode or other photoelectric device
`{ ,ap-to i,lek'tran-ik 'skan-ar j
`optoelectronic shutter
`[ENG] A shutter that uses a Kerr cell
`to modulate a beam of light
`i 'ap-to-ijek'tran-ik 'shad-ar j
`optogalvamc effect
`[PHYS] The alteration of the current
`through an electrical discharge by light incident on the discharge
`( ;ap-to-gal|van-ik i,fekt )
`optogalvamc spectroscopy
`[SPECT] A method of obtaining
`absorption spectra of atomic and molecular species m flames
`and electrical discharges by measuring voltage and current
`changes upon laser irradiation
`{ |ap-to-gal|van-ik spek'tras-ka-
`pe }
`\ coupling device in which a hght-
`emittmg diode energized by the input signal is optically cou(cid:173)
`pled to a photodetector such as a light-sensitive output diode
`ti ansistor, or sil icon controlled rectifier Also known as optical
`coupler optical isolator, optically coupled isolator optocoupler,
`{ lap-to'!-
`optoelectronic isolator, photocoupler, photoisolator
`sSjlad-ar ]
`IMED] One who measures the degrees of visual
`powers without the aid of cycloplegic or mydriatic agents
`| ap tam-a^nst 1
`[MFD] Measurement of visual powers
`a-tre )
`[ENG ACOUS] A device with a photoelectric cell
`to convert ordinary printed letters into a series of sounds used
`j 'ap-ta,fon 1
`by the blind
`optovoltaic effect
`[PHYS] The alteration of the potential dif(cid:173)
`ference across a discharge by light incident on the discharge
`( ^p to-vol'ta-ik i.fekt )
`OPW method See orthogonalized plane-wave method
`1 ,o,pe'dab-al,yu .meth-ad )
`[COMPUT sci] An instruction which performs the logical
`operation ' or' on a bit-by-bit basis for its two or more operand
`words usually storing the result in one of the operand locations
`Also known as OR function
`[MATH] A logical operation
`whose result is false (or zero) only if every one of its operands
`is false, and true (or one) otherwise Also known as inclusive
`| or )
`[METEOROL] A regular valley wind at Lake Garda in Italy
`{ 'or-a |
`( ' o r a l)
`[ANAT] Of or pertaining to the mouth
`oral arm
`In a jellynsh, any of the prolongations of
`the distal end of the manubnum
`( 'oral |arm j
`oral cavity
`[ANAT] The cavity of the mouth
`ad e 1
`| ap'tam-
`j 'oral 'kav
`oral character
`[PSYCH] A Freudian term applied to person
`who have undergone an unusual degree of oral stimulation dur
`ing the developmental period and are charactenzed by an atti
`tude of carefree indifference and by dependence on a mothe
`( 'oral karik-tar )
`oral contraceptive
`[PHARM] Any medication taken by moutl
`that renders a woman nonfertile as long as the medication i
`| ' o r al .kan-fa'sep-tiv )
`oral d e p e n d e n ce
`In psychoanalytic theory the de
`sire to return to the oral phase of psychosexual developmem
`presumably because of the sense of secunty and safety charac
`tenzmg this stage
`{ ' o r al di'pen-dans 1
`oral d i sc
`[INV ZOO] The flattened upper or tree end of the
`body of a polyp that has the mouth in the center and tentacle'
`around the margin
`( ' o r al ,disk )
`oral erotic s t a ge
`In psychoanalysis, the first oi
`receptive, part of the oral phase of psychosexual development
`dominated by sucking and lasting for the first 6 to 9 months ol
`( 'oral a rad-ik .staj )
`oral erotism
`[PSYCH] The pnmordial pleasurable expenence
`of nursing, reappearing in usually disguised and sublimated
`form in later life
`( ' o r al ' e r a i t i z am )
`oral g r o o ve
`[INV ZOO] A depressed groovelike peristome
`( 'oral Igruv )
`oral personality
`[PSYCH] An individual who is mouth-cen
`tered far beyond the age when the oral phase should have been
`passed, and who exhibits oral erotism and sadism m disguised
`and sublimated form
`{ ' o r al ,par-sa'nal-ad-e j
`oral p h a se
`In psychoanalytic theory, the earliest ot
`the stages of psychosexual development, lasting from birth to
`approximately 12 months of age, m which libidmal gratification
`is derived from intake of food, by sucking and later by bitins
`{ 'oral 'faz )
`oral primacy
`In psychoanalytic theory, the concen
`tration of libido upon the mouth, evidenced by using the tongue
`and lips to explore things and by d e n v mg pleasure from suckinj
`biting and chewing
`{ 'or-al 'pn-ma-se 1
`[BOT] Any of various evergreen trees of the genus
`Cuius, cultivated for the edible fruit, a berry with an aromatic
`leathery rind containing numerous oil glands
`hue evoked in an average observer by monochromatic radianoi
`having a wavelength in the approximate range from 597 to 61
`nanometers however the same sensation can be produced in
`variety of other ways
`{ 'ar-mj 1
`orange flower oil See oil of orange blossoms
`orange lake
`[MATER] Any of various transparent orange pis
`ments from the precipitation ot an orange dyestuff on aluminm
`hydrate or other base used to produce transparent coatings fa
`metal cans and bottle caps
`( 'ar-mj 'lak 1
`orange mineral
`[MATER] A bright orange-red lead oxide pit
`ment used in printing inks and primers
`( 'ar-mj 'min-ral)
`orange oil See bitter orange oil sweet orange oil
`( ' a r mj ,oil
`[HISTOL] A type of acidophile cell of the an(cid:173)
`tenor lobe of the adenohypophysis, presumed to elaooa,
`j a'ran-je-a,fil )
`growth hormone
`orange oxide See uranium tnoxide
`j 'armj'ak,sid )
`orange peel
`[MATER] A pebbled film surface resembling!
`orange skm, on lacquer or enamel as a result of too rapid drun
`after spraying or failure to exhibit the desired leveling effecfc
`[MET] A rough pebble-grained metal surface resulting frat
`either plastic deformation or electropolishmg Also known;
`alligator effect, pebbling
`( ar-mj .pel )
`orange-peel bucket
`[DES ENG] A type of grab bucket thai
`multileaved and generally round in configuration
`( ar mj pt
`bak-at )
`orange sapphire
`[MINERAL] An orange variety of gemu^
`rundum (sapphire) Also known as padparadsha
`j art
`s a ^r 1
`orange spectrometer
`[SPECT] A type of beta-ra> spectror-s
`eter that consists of a number of modified double-foe using spa *
`trometers employing a common source and a common deteatr"
`and has exceptionally high transmission
`f 'ar-mj spek irar*
`ad-ar )
`orange toner
`[ORG CHEM] A diazo dyestuff coupled to dm
`toacetic acid anhydride contains no sulfonic or carbow
`groups, used for printing inks
`{ 'armj 'ton-ar 1
`[VERT z o o] Ponqo pygmaeus
`The largest oftf
`great apes a long-armed primate distinguished by long span.
`{ ar-mj |fiauf
`The orangutan (Pongo
`Nichia EX2005

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