`Direclor, lnsall Scott
`lnslitutc for
`lklh Israel i'vkdical Center-North Di
`Beth Israel Medical Centerb·~North Division,
`New 'York,
`Clinical Professor of
`l ..•
`Smith & Nephew Ex. 1037
`IPR Petition - USP 9,295,482

`Second Edilion Churchill Liviug~lone Inc l'J<.JJ
`First Edition Churchill
`Im'. 191!~

`Surgical Techniques and
`strumentation in Total
`Knee Arthroplasty
`TOf\'lY AND
`it is estimated that
`is not
`the knee
`of these forces are carried
`hct\vecn 60 and 7 5
`of the knee.
`As the transverse axis of the knee
`with the axis of the
`to l 0 ,,,,,.,,., .. ,,c
`mcnts. the
`tract - which a re
`force. 31

`the Knee I
`' ' I
`' I
`' ' I
`Tile mechanical axis
`medial femoral
`a fom-

`and lnstrumclllation in Total Knee
`Practical an<l economic considernlions dictate that in(cid:173)
`to seven sizes.
`bdicve !hat restoration of normal
`often achil~vctL Docs this
`anatomy is
`matlcr'l On pn.·sem evidence
`reduce wear. A I
`q uircnwnts needed
`between the componcms
`considered ncccs-
`strcsscs and
`of !he

`742 I Surgery of the Knee / Chapter 26
`' . , ' '1
`, ('
`',.-: .r
`( . '
`, r'
`r "' /
`! : ' , , \
`flexion gap
`Fig. 26-5. The extension gap must
`the flexion gap.
`"Gap" Technique
`in conjunction with
`The gap technique 14•19•21 is
`(often accompanied by
`from the posterior tibia). Ligament
`below) are performed to correct
`bringing the limb into approximate alignment before the
`bone cuts are made (Fig.
`The Flexion Gap
`To create a flexion gap, an osteotomy of the proximal
`tibia is performed about 5 mm below the most normal
`area of the articular surface and directed at right
`the long axis of the tibial shaft in both anteroposterior
`and mediolateral planes (Figs. 26-6 and
`anteroposterior diameter of the femur is
`the anterior cortical surface, and the appropriate
`template is selected: When the measurement falls
`tween template sizes the smaller is generally
`The posterior femoral condyles are resect,ea.
`Fig. 26-6. The flexion gap is created first removing bone
`from the tibial plateaus and posterior femoral condyles.

`Chapter 26 I Surgical Techniques and Instrumentation in Total Knee Arthroplasty / 743
`Fig. 26-7. The correct cut on the
`tibia ignores defects and removes 5 to
`7 mm from the normal side cut at
`right angles to the long axis in the cor(cid:173)
`onal plane (A), and sloped posteriorly
`up to 5
`in the sagittal plane
`The rotational alignment of the femoral template is
`decided by the condition of the medial soft tissues. When
`a medial release is not required for axial alignment, some
`external rotation of the femoral template is needed to
`compensate for the normal medial inclination of the
`tibial plateau and flexion laxity of the lateral ligamen(cid:173)
`tous structures (Fig. 26-8). Only by this external rotation
`can a rectangular "flexion gap" be produced (Figs. 26-9
`10). However, when a medial soft-tissue release is
`done a rectangular flexion gap is created by the ligament
`release itself, and the femoral template can be positioned
`anatomically with regard to the distal femoral anatomy.
`The landmarks for rotational position on the femur
`are as follows (Fig. 26-11 ):
`1. Posterior femoral condyles
`2. Trochlear surface
`3. Lateral ridge on the distal femoral metaphysis
`4. Medial and lateral epicondyles
`of tt1e tibial
`normal medial
`plateau; relaxed later a I I iga ment
`prosthesis in place, greater laxity
`of lateral ligament inflexion
`Fig. 26-8.
`Imitating the normal anatomy results in lateral laxity in flexion.

`the Knee I
`arc used
`the 11exion gap
`conslanl, but there
`lhc anterior fcrnoral cortex, or of
`of the bone (
`when i deem this ncces-
`, and I am
`make small
`from the distal femur m extension. Ho'>vever the virtue
`of a constant llexion gap cannot
`when the
`The size
`the gap bet'vveen the
`and the cut surface
`thl'. upper tibia
`ll~nser (
`spacer (
`of this space
`to the
`tibial anti
`the thickness of tibial
`lizc the knee in llexion.
`ln the osteoarthritic
`can be in-definett
`The \at-
`present, even in revision
`but is the hardest to
`Femoral rota-
`difficult to instrument nr<''l'l<;f•hr
`Given that there will seldom be an exact match be-
`t\veen the
`of the femoral componem
`is made In
`that are re(cid:173)
`sornewhat variable.

`and lnstrumentation in Total Knee
`that th~: medial
`A fourth ref~
`on the
`or the
`the lateral fcmo~
`result in internal rota~
`from the

`of the k.mur.
`The flexion gap
`as fol-
`I. Cut the tibia at the
`Measure the femur from the
`the femoral size
`is sd-
`9-11 mm
`often made on the distal femur

`and Instrumentation in Total Knee
`The flex ion and
`it must be
`\Vhen !he extension gap
`the rest~ction of exlrn distal fom()ral bone. The arnount m~edcd is
`spacers arc available when the llexion gap

`the medial anti lateral thumbscrews,
`the mechanical
`pus1uorn~(l IO create an ··~1,,ns:w 11
`gap of the correct di mcnsions.

`and Instrumentation in Total Knee
`I 749

`osteotomized inde(cid:173)
`to the
`as~>es:~ed ;vilh a spacer,
`is recut when necessary match the
`and the distal
`flexion gap. The amount of additional resection is de(cid:173)
`thinner spacers (and when
`a series
`neeessarv the so-called minus
`way.the amount of additional resection can he cal(cid:173)
`between the flexion spacer
`culated, from the
`and the thinner spacer that is used to
`the pre(cid:173)
`if an 8-mm spacer
`gap. (
`spacer is needed to
`and a minus
`stabilize the bone in
`the additional resection
`will he
`stabilizer of Ilic knee
`that the
`is osteotomized
`the strongest avail-
`For the PCL to fulfill
`I. The
`l. The
`and ~·~···· .. ~·~r
`2. The method ensures
`the PCL meet
`fow systems
`and some em the
`the flfllPCllVf'

`and lnstrumenlat.ion in Total Knee
`better "fod" and

`Wolli's law.
`roll-back of the !cm ur

`in Total Knee
`Cruciate Ligament
`is a very im-
`Tht' anterior cniciate
`and its
`functional element in the normal
`but an abnormal
`rotational and
`with the

`mended unless both are present. In many arthritic
`the ACL is
`and most
`removal of the AC[ .. even
`Philoso1>hy on
`Influence of
`Technique and Instrumentation
`releases arc
`after the upper
`made or
`has been osteotornized. In co111.rnsl,
`and femur

`and Instrumentation in Total Knee

`the Knee I
`insertion until the
`closure the lateral
`The Rectus "Snip"

`in Total Knee
`the vast us lateralis and are nn"'"''""'""'
`is from the fi hers of the vast us
`must he detached
`of this size may be
`or screws at the conclusion of the
`substance for successful
`have used this "''''''"''"'"
`course. tfowcver.
`a 23 percent
`These authors also em-

`‘53 5' 5?*UF$$<«T2MH1ha, mice 1 (pmmm. 33
`zihiax ;fl1nm my Emw tn ha; mum H».v%§hc.,)1_1t dzimggm M
`s;1;s;:x;vgJax\gg m‘
`1x,r:.;:‘in;;;V trm'mma.s11‘
`s;trx3ct L1x“c$.
`wmm um iv hm ix cw;~m.:m113« e:lna.a:c1. the :»:ui'%,—us;.~;m:
`fl: W ma‘!-; amumi ah»:
`i'ac:t1»§*:s. Mic .‘*sI.3Tx‘i-1'1Af§'4.§LI¢;‘-
`*:»:h:s;~w.r w».u;:§Et»~ mcwsgl-c,~a &l,1W1{;‘t&*I1I mudmM:m:ml ssmhilny,
`.21n«;B mm“
`;i<*m:.1’E1'j_.é 5%;
`:1 r;7c":m1a“;nx:u1 m-m‘1’yi;u' f‘.1Wt~M'1::-
`sis mt:
`ihs: t<f£“hI1i1;1LRU 3'»; u:»,.c:f‘uE Sim‘ h>n§~;t;andin:g,
`;:M~;*,»*3mix ma” Mn‘: kyrmg and fur rmzm‘3i;,1m;nim‘a M1231‘ in-
`Tht: ~.a.rm;m1 La .;§rm:«;i mm-s‘ i~‘.w;‘m:~n d1:'zxtm’ in Hm Main-
`dard nmnmg‘,
`}N.:‘:»ta‘2p:.:t‘:«;iiw II‘u;;1r1ng,:;7‘;:"a:.*x1t mind ml
`ihsrn mu. nmmzui
`;mi21m<;m5 m;m;;">t
`in :~;p<.&ci21!
`<;:irz:\w1rm*L;1:\r;f<w.( N(')T'I1E1RlH“y', qu:;mr'auw€~'.
`tm"x1t;hawn wr ns;
`~mri;11'mm um um in:;iiv:::m% wmsiai 1n;n”&1‘I§L.*JI'W‘ri11x <;*"'»<.‘L‘1‘s1
`titer UH‘, mm=;~;-:.i::s2’*.
`zfv-;e.fx'ari:~‘».*'%; m time Yam 7%
`(at ms;
`pifiallm turmrgfiigx
`xzzmfsciazxi mf:t1>:aI:11I:xr l‘::ix*¥-1F§l'L)VI}
`L8 minimum prgmfiam» mm W

`|”1\1»,e 5/v(_*“1\hx.«, Ecn1‘a;ms+
`hmdm ‘ma mg fihcrg 1)???
`ififitsraxixse. {.)was1ms mi ‘thug
`rczszurs mr1::.1m1 in(>f'i&!;c1E‘zz!1n‘w '
`Dawn“ figanhmt immmzmn n 1» \, a15[l1‘3\i"Yi\Y1(V§§1kC3 ,~;n:v._<m>f¥ Hm
`binw Mm 3 Mmal WWW :"<..:Et‘liu‘*\:ai:w1a1i 1?:!~:®c3«c. W Ia-2,1} maul»,
`{mug mnmtmg Mum’ Kim §:
`:1 Vbmigé: M
`tx::t‘1dmm (hr; rcfinm mgtyrl) irf\3.i]:f$li“]y.“s1I'f:[3UI:‘£ arm: xlnosmazfm
`oltzzxdricwa 1ur?nd<:ewn.
`‘ mmd P‘ WC mnllwm“ M :1 [UH
`Sxflaperiusteai Pee;
`inmx:»s&siE*.»lz: in mlamixx
`IT\£;1‘y‘ bur
`_ VI” “”k3"1‘4?’~‘-'*'“‘*d MK‘-?‘»rIr‘-‘
`m‘pQS‘“,m ‘imn Wm‘ 51 QUar.':im:c133 kLzr:*acfa:m«*1a wattmul as
`ii:1jnu‘r ur um 31
`£&Lf\*i3$i%[3!f,t L!
`W,l;“HC_ mmnmnfi m“%5:E“:h’*:KI?<.1st‘11“c <;2_t the txxqjazxi Uhm
`mum the fgnmga mtwgsh €;ql&I?¢i:f'¢i:.\bt:lli§§g cgrcixxi ml. W
`ligamemt [f_m‘w; B nm«m
`omkxfic xzagfimzxi m:sl1;:Lf:r:11
`M]pmnwdiEm&m1 'qL1DlV'1E.a1C;1‘;f—-:}b?VEl1’w ah}: F»3*3(‘\a§”>E5vLi.%!~1‘I'Ti m the
`{W gubwtmmmj ,fiiW:m:gnj¢t
`» ml, the luwcr temur as; “‘sk;<:le-
`? g
`~ .,,.
`(Elfin ~@ H}. Um. mnxrc s<m~’t1ss; :;:rwe:i«::«1::¢:1.«,;
`F+“3"3}m —m«’“"‘ W‘! Wmv‘: and rmrzwtasd pmm rimh ~:1h;uw'mg
`V\ 1“ V
`M; :(::':u Q“'4]VF1t“~%—-‘ hi hW1x:1I‘shU1f;:¢,l §{'>1'w3rg;‘1, Hm,_ qqgny
`1 *5 m‘ 9 “*3 WhI‘1erms.1.e::11:‘1m<;sxr:ti»:7an<:nf1hc upper
`;; jg mm lhg mgmgm; hw;_*l°<,,‘. in c;'fim«;nh2; Wk «;_l::1;1i} any mu:
`mrimmrn imtmxm-M a.jmw1x.\
`im1num‘r:'w; zslmmw imd
`«:\.=‘<_‘xE'w;§, but nil hzmr ;g,«:n:ri<; E“L“~.i§l1iM(.1l‘1LT<3f»{HM 4;‘!iHL*mv1y
`;1¢;:;(}I‘UiI'lg, 1:: Lhv: mm phiin:;cmhim w_§ma;i"fi,w(.i p1‘t!\~=mI.k?5ly,
`gmd numy Milur im1m1m~zm anmi.l for I‘11:,’kR:i$1;i§H‘}L?B£f1m\§
`<?s&;1~::>1i'>raxm: gm: xirmlazx. H1»:
`s‘x‘<;a§ di1rcL'1
`um €~::w..~ hlzuité 1%}-‘ Hm‘. H!4;2<:M m‘t.,'L,1t1irm~;1;’a1?s.
`I Imam: uml
`math t1w1i1rza;h $21M hsqlusw: than ctuuing<;En1a;m:::;mv.¢r‘Lm
`ma: nd [3x‘,N";;x]“>‘a mm“:: m‘:;_*u:;m%. Hcxxmgwflz‘, =;ui‘nngv, 3.1m»;
`mzxkc i1 1'xmn:Llii!‘xwH in ms H11,‘ up at 1111* m&'iil;11ix‘xgFazw./.
`zuld W16: Mnug»::.>n'a mme E»-3,. w;.m:'h1"u!
`:11‘: m1;‘:»m'1:un
`m.“m,m.,, g_§_(_._ dgwvima‘ g‘1'h.,; y'm:s;H:fl «:."nH:m;‘1‘M l‘sg:¢u1w.x1t
`thus amwz v1zla*m':.11‘»!«.; in mm rs.-xpa:x_:i,.} (‘u\m‘:g;; 1~‘.§0'L1~'. my
`zmml 3 iymr of f~<;2lW Mmlc d2tTe.:rr:m [mm mm xwrd Tm‘
`himtkx, Thu: h1;,u;ix:
`;;«:n:.~.r:1H:; 1hmm;:a" ;m<;i H12: >;;m'i,m:1’l1
`l‘1;m;*1wa “r::kv&“ 540 mm 1: mm;;f1I in the: 5;1«:‘n1L is uh12nta;1‘=;sit;*
`(Hg. 3;(:
`. }.
`[,..Js~;t:~;l {'re::4;msncL ¥~:.v.,:«:h it IL>E:u;.h: 7;‘; ikfsfx m‘mm~.z
`when C&l1Tii“lg,(}n h'.I£‘(ii msmrmizz E’mm.: and 11:12». am éx1a:r'»;%::as;x:d
`h:n(I~;*.mi'y Lu rfiiciu “mm <>l"psi;n1a:.“
`Mignmcnt (f§uirle;~:
`it is gcmmliy ag,:°ew;1 than n:smrz1m.>n mf'1h& nwzg-km:2i~
`cal zxxis 0i“1h<: iimh 5m.:»u1.<:i ht m;:lmi:.wz;:«:?i (as; me:
`c’ii;l;r_*.u:;si.:<L ”E’€39[§Ii.‘Tri"££[i{)I’IH nwy bu an iwstgvrrérsm de:s»<.*rimm2a
`g:~fs::.n*s1<: imlivigiuaxlzs with ]‘s:1I‘sii,Lsa—‘1F L1CfV’i£”£ET;m“‘e frmn mar»
`rm»: rn:1!'mriaIu..-as me-x.ré€:‘:H

`<'ust::s)iL)n1i7mi hw.-'
`Hg. 26-33. A m-:1hn:J s.*»!"<::s;p<m1n-an 170:" dillirguii £111’ :111ky1m~§c<§ kmm. (A) Thas iibml um:-:x'dc
`m cm in lmgth, (LB) ‘!‘h=is a1k;~ws: mm fl22H;mL‘hIW:l1EWm‘: 4.2mm’ screw; Q,»
`;Ln»,; 1: §:.:
`mczm. afi hwrwcrw an E
`warn: xutuwm.» ((7) V""3W1 I1 i>ifi=»1Hi1 Iniud «.tm.'s‘t:'~W the gtmliiwsx ohm: pzmslln cm‘: |::w::i1i1pmvc2d kw m'm;&m:3i advmm2~
`mom ufH1<: ‘mm: ixmgzzxe.-,1zi.
`A xkuhr,1c‘
`‘ m"c"wnt:A; I-:w;:1E1~::r with tin: 2u1j;:~
`:3-gm pwm: (tum of the dismi lbnmr ham:
`1m.‘ :1 tmiymvsd ;?u>-sLv::"iz.xr!y, ;::1mw'n1g 1hx% di’$“
`tax! fm211,xrm~ has §?n.2.nmahc:»lm ;1nm‘mr§*;.«z Thu:
`wqi 1'mm;5 mm;m*x in umtiruxiézg mm}, axfim"
`lhr: cxpmatiun ‘hzm hxsw cm'm‘:3<:mL the: s;e,ir{i~
`mnemu: ‘znmct,
`Hm fL§,rg'2v: m‘c.“:«.g”ms~;rLxr::\ ::z.m1hm-gfid whh
`:su§m:cra‘m:at«;:11 s;1rimw% am. Hi‘: he g'arm:im:11 tibia
`and £1(}l3£iL1l“iCLEf'!I5‘11!TI1(j(}\’<‘!‘l arr tnm,1i1i«;%;uinn
`tmzr:‘::)!“ in vcsrge u*;c§"a.1£ in fléléeififigg with ;1n1r;§,«‘«
`T113852 gumj 170: min‘1p1u1“z1;1i um ziftcrr m—

`Saw blades used with
`f1P<>11»111''" blades with a
`and the
`26-36. Center of the knee,
`millimeters medial
`the center

`and lnstrumemation in Total Knee
`Femoral Guides
`Some systems then remove the trochlear
`surface of the fomur !
`The distal fomoral
`a central
`down the
`"With this tech-

`,/ 552urg<;:w ¢.:f"thc:
`/ (]‘h;:mg_»r ji-ii’:
`'3 '3””“~9J‘»4“W:/ ~’:<'3”?W
`E~€.<>1;1Ia<m ml“ am; Mum’ in thy ptmxmmiw t"uiM::.m:m
`xmiiz K cw‘: mm vr-.~;1:ar
`:1 mm BIEW-I‘*’~i'L‘+“‘~MV’r!‘a
`(3% w:1r'us m~
`.w.”}:;,;.L13,'{‘1m%,'s£TFB§,H“‘l§§,. lfwl E 3. 1:} Hm M. me. me,
`;mL—mi11rng; m‘
`L1Ei§:‘JlT’!ti;?i‘H Em lull-%:és*a§;‘»m '1m”h”V‘fi“‘i’5‘“ '“”}" W3 Em Ixmxx"
`gag ,.~,.W.4"
`m;g;:1;r;.:1L%1::;1;u mam.
`aE"w=HU -“W1 W HF§.~{%33x‘w.J!i x.‘Mvrn:1i
`I;ms;fr'nmks; w,:h mg ‘Lhv hag‘: m s..".‘-ztwnaai Ilnw '~‘mm3n
`ti;:zL:mr:.aE mE£f<W.‘»¥‘-‘is’
`1*» m«i*L7*3 M‘ I'«:1txw;iz11ei imw
`amm the :m‘}+:.MEr'II n:"E'mw) zhzn will lfw 1“up1é1z,.‘:;zi M‘ Em:
`§’1;:nm:":H w:mtEn:~;z;~;. Swim: «'
`£e..'<t'w:. r)’m,-zmnagr mm aammxm
`{mm H
`m,,~,s._s”;«,.K.;¢_§ mm: j V
`‘Msaigr ¢"‘.vIl1:;!".<; knry Mi" 1:1,;
`::":‘Eiw.»; mi 131:: Mam |'>;,;1m,j,¢%
`'~"%i<,:n‘;.;_::“v !I?;l‘3£.";v%I5i1El;;£1[}‘§‘?>i{"§};7!T‘§;H;; gnu“
`H011“ ri:mm‘;H aw’
`nguw { gm gr“ $3,). I«ta=;m:z:m;;:i zefizgrzzmgsxt, If K"M1:[;1H"'K,‘{lLff»
`<:harm211 am €..?;3i’11k'!“‘~II;lW‘ m;m;m.m:: wh«;?¥"I !‘~U“¢HI<.>:iI!‘1:e;[l3<;‘
`"3 A4’
`i:_i*n1m'2,ui E1Z.’Iflj"J§;.i{r,,<5
`.4 J? 3%.?
`(M [)i;:ngt'e:11n sfmxwm; :1 mr‘a1hirmIi=:>n itmtrmi,
`Fig. 36469.
`::.Mc~rra::I tihiari uiigmmcsnz g-;j,1.:id:¢. ‘.E”h<:“imm1m:duf£;u'y 21iig;i1!W;TW
`53 .fJ«11~‘»f‘~€<§
`Fair :13 glsnssihic tI1r;,:xs;,:§1 :2 «.:::.n1r*::! cniry fi‘1<‘flx‘2
`ia:m1n‘1u2:'IuM;xr'\ am! cw.macc1uIt;1z“;y
`guides will minsti-:!»:, hm ;.aFI.e:r1 mm-‘ M3,}
`V11‘ in whirsh mm‘ the
`v::«.;r‘:1sncv;JzA1!!;-a1*;.«' gm',r;i4:,
`is ;1<jja,m¢;j mg; am
`31m‘ nf zhxé ;u1M¢x
`Lmirzg thy p'm:x:1m:1f zxtta“:::htmnt
`:.m zmuiwr m“ NV“! WW1»
`<‘j3~31r:?<‘:-€i.)n1j.w gxaixic is»; zm:u:ha:<;i to ma: i:m‘;un::a:juil:z.r§« gguiaic
`an an arxgivgt dt‘.F‘iV'{‘..E§ mm: mr: prmpu aléw l'1lL§itT)gI';i[3}1f
`mrmaklgs ihis is :3 12::
`"2 z_iflgw;:g5;A ‘,-rm ;;;m';1zmw11,aliar}; md
`sfmuld than Em zutaxssheai and its gmssitimn with r‘ttfc:rcI1¢:s3 im
`the pr:;:axin1;1E la:1d:n;;1rI»;s atfisasascci U3 zrmmrzn {hrs mm:=::t—
`ragéézs; ktA}w f).r4'5Vm1>5;«;?«:i Qs;t::man3}.*. Wl‘1a?112f‘1xs;s;Lcpprn~mi«::~;
`w‘n51"m‘W‘3§~"”0“mmm‘~ W3 [51d1'~7E.1mT1‘““9 5h‘m3d “*3 N"
`¢3\-’éx?UE1i‘t‘£¥: ;i=Crh&;i3:s C(T!TI1}7r?"£Irr!1i§;x;: ;u:;ijm;{n1LtI31.*§ in ma: fem»
`cm}! zmglc am: §‘3ci:dt3£I,
`ind] m‘mW.apl.] k;,m“,T»,.§g m,‘I»1m..; U
`fl"eni~«,w.: 1.m';1pi:11an;g News mat 1.;
`*; frmfi pr
`,;ng.~3; mm; 1:,
`:4z'g,i1My mmjiah me Lih
`cmry h«;:»E~;

`_f H53
`‘mm; W’.
`2 mm 2}? £2
`tn M) kmymul amd (H)
`1?:;1<‘_§m§:,a'.;u;u1'xsa; mi‘ iignmz‘
`mm. H gem Eu: 3*;
`sa Mm intcm;1E rmzxxima in pm‘-
`rm:r.!t?;i! hem-m,:; zmd me:Im“u'a;:1 mL:xi'am2;1<a mixgmi Mm-\»
`cd sxé
`imp, ‘I ma arm rmmmi E}:1mxr‘21I‘v.‘i lineal?’
`wsgum he:1+;*g'm'm_mu§;_i
`it" Hit.‘ fi:m:._n’ MM 1
`m.<»i\.~1‘- ;mImm_n tmwiiag.
`[«“i;_zA 3{Ws2_
`Siyjgxg 111.3: i;m;mr;1i C{<3‘1{j5'¥i€>hL
`A -
`‘H ;: mt,.m«w2;xi a:r‘rrm* its zmuin: in Hm pkIus.:rucz1E Mills E'mw;_u':11cmIn;'mmmL it ii»: »; Esiitq idzauitifimi
`.x71.[;k}fl:1H1z.% 1m“di;1I mmmn is;2»E‘:m"I4.%:‘E.l":;z:‘:thvmtv. mkmrm ffu1&::r'::;1!miauimn},
`“&.‘ECd in ::;Empia*«.g, tlw emm'm:r wt was mu: mu: m‘Jumm nu, L.c:u;1l:'mJ (‘EM I:
`Ls’ ‘g,<;n<..m ly
`;1lm..*e3-;3 em:
`:&.w1w1‘u2! z.m1m‘r<,mJm in .‘~.;H};§1I.m;‘iL‘I‘I‘tLE} :‘m:x:mn.
`Hz: 223 §};L\’«;.’

`is much more ""''"'"'1'''¥
`mm additional resection. Pins arc
`the distal femur.

`Instrumentation in Total Knee
`the spacers confirm the accuracy
`rated imo the
`of the bone cuts and additional bone resection
`not be necessary
`Both types of instrument
`arc rnade on the distal femur (
`The lower femur is
`to the
`Rotational Positioning
`or the tibia
`The landmarks that can be used
`l h c "' ,, '""""~ ~
`and the ankle
`the tibial
`done with the knee in

`766 ,3 3i.!%?fg£I‘_y’0fI}1f: Kim: 1 (',’;'1ap{mv__?j,
`nH)3.;;L~{m_§ 31 31 pm!“ WgkJt':W,z m,h.¢3i;§i L.) 151;) EiN£1§ IE1 §’§w‘t,T[r'¢,
`Bmigmnwmy mwihc {mm} fl)mmmmn
`}\~ig_ 26_,4-}v_
`(3) ~“’\i1§1l‘lmCfit mu; s;y:nn1;3Iri»;:a§, r:<'m1pm1=.:m WM‘: the pmusvinr a1mx‘giua z,H”zfx:.: trim) :‘zhm:;,;L: ml} mumliy n:~mE=,
`MNTH3 iT1W?”I}{fl rmamm gf mg ';_§hj;;1 :;;();";'1p(~;.ng3nL Ifjmj agmmfd tn” gm lhc Méjlf (‘i|‘t,‘>'.tL‘fm§E f"€,’i[€lE§-J31‘
`v__M H
`with the tibial
`“I he fibiexl <:mnpmu:m shouki he zziigned with the: ‘tibiilil I.x1Ev¢m;rl::, (A) Cf‘¢.m"rm §}€)i~Jili<}I‘L (B}TI‘1*: tibial
`Fig; 16-48.
`C€3mIW1=?m Inltfrnzaily rosawcf my aim ubia.

`and lnstrnmcntation in Total Knee
`thickness that will leave
`an even resection
`bone to anchor the
`measurements should


`Tmal Knee

`7”?I.’.3 / Surgary rjfithc Rimztg j (7‘m—'iwe;r 2]
`Fig. 254:4.
`“édzszzi” ;);tu'IEm' Ir“
`vmwnvm Wm,
`rzgjgg mx‘m7zI:m<.m» um’! IM kmr.
`_ M&fl) (I;xIiE m’ m:r;mm:u‘1wm9
`lwig. 1’.€z~fiE?.
`pmz1ml«:!!-at‘ <:2?:;:a::trarr1‘§.»‘. H1»: Lfimmims mi’
`Hm: mwlfzx mn1;'2u=m.v,r
`'~,hc.mle1 zwi
`‘m‘<;§., ism mzmzztnt?1i:;‘E:¢www‘:E"fif3Inf! mm
`r», §T1‘F|.Tfi:‘f1‘C£‘L Eh.-im ‘n Hmmi H mm M
`gutévllm f’am1z;- xhe::»Lsh'§

`(§“I1:1mcu" 24.’: / SL1t‘g,imk T(‘|i3!”1I3iL}L1(tSx’1t‘R(§ Irwin:zmmmticm m Tmezi Knee Art|

`'t1"u";,~‘h‘nc p'1£:iE:~w‘ imp};-am. The
`'1li;mm;i and xwil-;:xm;mL)r1r.-<1 gm‘
`zr was
`(A) .‘~$§~:vI%m- nuaiw.:»g,t‘apIl1 ca!
`1* ig‘. lfrfifi,
`ITN”tf5} Hm nr
`' mi 1!1i:;kru::;a 0!‘ the pane
`}£}1V1C§w {H} ¥’au€]1z1r
`t1‘1ziz:kr‘mr.s; mi‘ (hr Tmzw WEvr:m}aJc::n;% mmpmsi L,
`i1‘1m§:JrI11fa£'.lHI‘u: a:mmr wt;
`zmzm fjln Han: M1. thc p;;11(;][;in cut ‘y\‘;133, r:1;1dc kw eye and :1 2:ii1.gJ
`peiteflzxr irm;_rEam
`tmergi. Tha:-, p:m:!§;xI' ii. mu ‘témk amt Mn: parwilaxz n.«.:m:tmnj,.~ 2%» not quim ?:}§¢"I$11:f\,‘-W'h‘i%.,‘~il3. On ma: riglm the urHu~<_>;:»1;1s
`mm dam: ‘ix-{:‘:'1lX§J\ u.*;1m.mI {nzxntllzar-«;*ut’£mg guuiaz v.=;1rs:
`|.R.‘5L‘f..i zmd u ;§_pWw1mM!m hmflimx m:<cm_rr;£.
`..<’&Imr_3LI:’g.,h U'I£‘I‘L‘
`is n aligmt tila. Chi‘. {m1t:§i£1I' mi ix :s§.»'x11n‘“ic:a1 mm tlw p:1'mHz1r‘ thizsl-cmm 1:; L.:m1“«:c%L
`Mg, Z(y~S7‘. WW": 2; mm.'m:tmrm§ p;;1t(fF,l2H'<'{mI'\¢‘.n11XNnn 151::-mwlizx. 2hL+<;7m“nm::x:m13shcim1¢;f‘m: wna:di;a1m:c§.Th1$
`thsx :1L3x~*;1u1t;1s'I«: mf‘ [1§£WfI1g 131:: :.:;m xxx!’ H113‘ m:uw.:
`5:2 the mrrwt 1,T()¥;i[i0I1 fin’ mtxxélzu Emsl-zuaag,‘ hm hm; Hm
`«;iE3.;xL1‘»-':1z1E::;;:4: «.2?
`i»:2n‘;/rtgyx g'1<:rinE!«5I‘;xE Iziirtrui hzmc ¢:*;}‘xw,~;v.*.aE‘


`;md I ns1 rumen lat ion in
`the nature of the
`t he surgeon is v,«ell(cid:173)
`ncccssary !br correc-

`77-4 / 5L1I‘}i.%«:I'y <JHh«.‘: Knce:
`f.,_‘haup1cr 12%’:
`Mg. 26—{iI.
`é ingh fmmz um: l;m*m! mmm»;».1‘:m: p;.m'Ilu Winn
`'5 W|"{0I‘!?1E‘L! Wr"Lie;“a1il1,. zxkwmxl
`Th“ W —- ‘HT T‘33‘3i‘1~‘3t‘
`insi:im,au1;whi5c2 retrmrlixigami ;)x's:&;L%rvir1g aha: lemma! g,mm.:i::r wswtiia.
`I kw mu-;w; um» mr;iw.i«;.~ me; %mw1'h§in:‘:%:‘z5'
`111:: vsexkuta l:.m:m!i:;.
`_;:,wp~tsm:;{ g'3«<zsm::,,;§£*xr' zwmrfiy
`nmnt icngth m nm*ma1§. fm4u1biii13= t}ame_:;xz1 be =;:mrc:m::d
`by Ihcsa: nmarta is Evzmnwn as syriinmricz ins;mb§!§t\,-' (Hg.
`H<’3‘v’W3WI1 in %1dV2'ms;:t:::i emhmizs ‘l§1('fil'¢;? mt z1c21ri;e’;1lvvz1w;
`adapuw: ch2x11gr.::‘s than take LJIEICQ. in the: iig;am:::.1m. mi’
`m<;m‘npk:, In the;-. uman mrux d::It>rmi1v mi" ns;::m;n-1i1rj1j,»,;‘
`11316l1163CiEzflwtCJUziI€I‘£iF Eigaxmesnl i'><:.e:c’m*:i:s; :;hnrI«:nm:! in pm“!
`Chifii W 0%!*30::I1hi‘i1iC nwzrgmwlh can Ehc. nmiiaxl :;i:;£:; mt"
`hm; :11‘
`iabsrxgé reisgssgsg
`:Hzr.: izmzrai
`Fig. ‘.§t3~fl2.
`me dim! ;c‘:<5z11s;‘uE;rrz:rtcrx
`:e1.w is dnnrg‘ <)b§ic1ue!yt.<:a pmcrvc
`{biz mateyéal was
`this i<:m.?L:am;i in mm he ::<'!.un1mn1;“'
`Emmuxr: M §')h}*‘Hic1I13;;§&.‘ Eumzth i»; mm n:wir1mine:cI (hm
`a:;1u,s2v {“.tN<.1$“» c>f“1m:r.ii;1l Imam}, ‘l°l'u:
`is ‘aim! 10 W:
`<‘,m1i,r':.murru. wt" Iha: g‘)m1m“§m‘
`.r:m‘i;—Imi with al
`i:3:ua—f»te:z'1c!ix1g He:-:im1 «:,‘iMh1‘a11&i§;. Tiw cfhtvt -‘_1lV:;mm'«:1a;‘—
`um: wf*:hc: rmxiigal
`Is;3,;1z‘:a«;~.a1£ ix 2: vsmm <.fm'<w:nEIy that La
`sa.«;m .=:m<'1 urzxnnmyt km: 1:.
`wsiy ¢_:m“n‘w;i»:«‘.i,
`In 2.w.,Ll«;iitim1, an ma: fiéiilm a:)«;LiIT1;T!lz.x ad;1;:~1m* v}:amg«.:s;
`mscsuz‘ in the Iamgrzté 1ig:.1;1':¢:r1t and r;::1;‘:v.wE«c., which },m:~ut11r
`:~;1:'u:w}1a::.¥ hgs Hm ‘4i.‘$iI.‘i <>E"mx!kix1;g em :1 la: I“‘1::.‘~‘f mm as in 21
`iivwciv;aru~s;:«mi1im1(miatml!I1m“;1}{}‘i;; ‘Jr
`_ mrmttm‘ inm;1I:i|ii:_«”
`rmw gm;-s;¢:x1t., um 1‘_‘?k,3I11$1‘kItH',,>1>
`which am; ;xs::y11aawzs:s. rie: i<m:..w§‘Em:1aL: mmaiki
`c;*:i~:rnr;:«;z1: re
`mm: xnttdiul lig,;uw:nL, gum} :%‘.t.fcftd1é1“!§_J, <:>H.l*a»:. Ezxtuml ligu-3-»
`nmnl. it :5; uiwiuus {mt mi». twat zjafi ‘ ~=4z1I.vifli1.},=\‘cammt ht:
`a:<>1":1;*m::«;l saimply I:-y Hw a;*»;aci::g; c‘Il;~c1 uf” me [‘o!‘H."S‘th«L‘éii?~;
`l"M3C,‘£lHSil*. {hm cwil;11m'ai Eigz::m::m haw; rmw i‘~m;r«:.m1c.-: pur-
`n1;uu:nt.§y aitcrv:(L with cum: httmg fi}‘i€H"1{Cff‘ and Um mhm
`l0r‘1g;u1‘ than mmm1i.
`In vziiguz; dflurmity Il1o;:r»:: is the ruwémz (,)€‘L,‘iIl‘E"£?I"1t;‘fl wt‘
`L:cmImcELnr:: of ma: iatcrzxfi Hg_.',2.m"xa':I1'£(Jk1fs -';z1m;L13e and §Iic,>~
`éiiiiuim tvaimd and :4;l!‘etc1e§I1g mi” tin: m:;*d.E;;&i c:u!1;ns;::'afi
`mam ( Fig. 26-(vii). In f'1xc:d v:1IgL;m'1»;'0rmiIy; gmnivsulmij;
`in rhcurmnmid zssimritis, tl"u:rv;: nmy 2113:; W: 2: mm: (.‘Z&?L7¥‘~
`nai rm.mie;m de1"x‘:rm£1y¢)f’t1mtibia‘ pzmurnzihly
`1l§,1L‘(i by
`=;:<.>n1rz:muz'«: ufihxz ifioéihial hzmci (23 mu:m;.:.n ;1r‘l21k.v§§t.‘>Llf.£
`m a simiiar C(JX1I£’£}{?'{2 seen in §fi0li<‘)II}jy‘i:’liI§S}.

`Chapter 26 /
`and Instrumentation in Total Knee
`of as an
`ncxion contrncture is not
`osteoarthritis and seldom
`The more extreme
`who have been
`appearance and confirmed at surgery, when dis-
`knee in

`SurgL%rjn_aE”t11z:: KING ;’
`iT,.‘B‘1a‘u:m;‘x‘ 2:5:
`; 'ii': ,Ii

`,%jm1n3<:%ri:_* in'sX;ahi!i1y in vgmm. “am: r72“az:¢\£int
`l*":g. Z16~65.
`mama i<x<».;lWzr>x':crtE3u11 the laxzemi.
`jmm SUI"
`mm 0! mi:
`inigmbihxy qaficrx i“.Y()C§:if‘;i5i with Hc:,w.1im1 mmrmfixarc. mm-
`p0u21di1‘ag that 1z::::‘i‘anir;a~1I ;,.m::E::i<:m 1M:mrsa)lw::‘:E. Iitxtm ihi«;'}<
`cr3>rnp«;)rm‘11.i~; aim. nv:c:dm1 w {ill the flat-;.im*a mag) mm? m
`mzskii the 1-amt: smbie in fmicarx. whilst at 1hrm;uu«: Iimc
`Fig. Z6-66.
`in:;%;z!>tm}‘ m w2flgs.::éa._
`run <,.m2}.-‘ am:
`r:3<HtE3,5i0a"9 €.‘(,l1l}U'iI¢JIL.i!"<.3
`In .11‘:
`Hg. 2€)—f:?.
`z11i:":;s~:1rIia‘M;:i“ :n;I1‘.e:>s1mm. mm: 131:: uuuc_izm;-p'-; nmmric fi1sc1{’i:~1
`»m‘r‘:uci amt mzht.
`:1I“|$ rcrquzmi in c:>m:n~«
`ahiimm :;m:':;:mxh;1:{s. than w:.u;.LI
`mm In riw '
`‘ mm: WM‘. Hmmn ¢$€_)I’1ir£kr;‘llJE’%Ix
`A ;'m:at::ri:'::" ;u:g.n1w:1tui fi’ec—rru‘xx,":a":1l mrmmnmwl mum bx:
`mm‘! m msm.>r»;:
`zh«;_*, waugiitzai dirm%mi<xm. M ggmctts vmhwux
`f»;Ijg‘§1‘!gHmfl gmi«::rn;“>m;tmm"' rm-m;umnmn§. in Ilrecrsrs szzlscs
`pn:M<;i¢:‘f~x rc’\it-¢h:u:IiI':g: ml'm‘s‘r’m£im1.
`P’l::.w;i«:»n il1FiIé!hiIi[}«’ may M:
`;7m«;*i1_m:ci by :m mrm" in
`{mix :1 iqm; ‘f h«:1r*iw «if(T9H'K‘i[)(\Imf1IF£LIN:iiI§éik'T‘!|3kL th::fl<..'x§m1
`HI zmd h;ti;1rm:mmr:"s:M_mn1whmx thsx lam: i:‘~;m;1::num‘i 21
`mmu mn1r‘:,:mur:: its ;’au“x;*s«;:r11. D-Min1H'mriihi;1l ;3cm;::1!w,:]w
`mm érx‘»m’L’ aaftamvs; v;%nr‘re;:a:mm IN’ UR? v:m1lrz1L*I1m’: hm will
`z‘3:r:a;%m1 xrmlsubiliiy.
`’l":h: <; L» nut
`a.n"u;i {ht mm:c:l wimima in ;::;i:Ll$1i¢.):u1i H3;
`,(T1iUI3 uf {ha}
`dma} f'sm11,arp E)r1lk,»mIr'aa1«:I§,*, ms;
`in mm the?
`rimlmcl; it n:m1iu"c». L‘.?‘;‘H’;l linm and mm‘ zmuh in 2a ncmrcr
`Immsm] M.
`("m'rr;r;".ti<.m v:3Hl*a~;: ”i:.\t;ieH‘i r;?m":tm(.TE&.1H‘.. tfxy‘ ;'m=4mr‘ior agap-
`r~;uI¢;_m5!'I}},‘ 1”:ms«.«'I 1l1a:mfimiv:.>n La r1!:;s;sa 21 fairnilznr gm:-<.upcmtm:
`4;tfamt“;1£,‘HIx'f: c:?~;i.w:L!.
`'ugmxFmc:*:m§,- Hmulici mu he uwd in
`r1I‘mH,m:~:l by 1e::"l1rm;;;zi crmr
`4"'1i}gJzI" mn"e13<‘):s::tI1sm,
`imlsctrvzative :"v"fmuxw.:n1¢11t
`‘lhuxm: ur-3: Vé1fl£.3LlS n'u:tl’mé.i:s than Lrun hr: Llsami
`in F110
`mmm‘vziuiw.: rmunagczrwwm i)f?'c!«:i“m'n‘ai! ice; and msI:xkt+i»lit;.~.
`W‘m:n Izuazily is
`mi ram‘ cjargrce, the pmtciram «:ruc.i:1{.c
`Iigamcm wili IUSL up to 2-1 paint. as as cu1Izm‘:r:;aE ligament.
`Fur exarnplc. afmr aim ic :;:c3rr«::c1ix:m if»; :11:a»:ie ‘my the: bum:
`a:u1sEI1;:s£'i.w;:3r;£ vzmua d~::fm‘nmyfi 3:111; m:'e;i::Cu;1§ i;'xi::r;1lE;:..~m:«
`may ::§i§;z:rape:;11; i1i(§fi(,§ by the mu %r_r§asr mnrrzminn o%“1m*
`14231301‘ fascia km: acting tlm:mg,h the ittulahtzxk hand‘
`Wham laxity‘
`is man: prmacmmssgci.
`2: mwmfi
`Hfiis rfia-ta-‘€31 was 31%?-'2iE‘§

`and Instrumentation in
`muscular aid
`there are no anatomic counterparts to the tensor
`of the knee.
`fcmoris on the medial

`l. Correct and balance to
`then brace the knee for

`and Instrumentation in Total Knee
`eornponents themselves to test the u"''"""-'l
`process, the
`release will be
`the trial eonuJm1erits:
`cuts and after insertion
`to the bone cuts or
`be done
`been made. The latter
`have shown that for
`the best results in terms of
`with the
`of the release is
`, ..

`'?éW ,9 StIrg»:r;w<)l‘1l1x: Knm: K Cfmnwr ‘IA
`(,Mi,1:l) E nmimxr fi}’,Vf’Lf£1L1L"F5i;ift?
`Fig; jm~7.i.
`tmrillfi m m:1r1§u,2r“i 3‘ ‘gsuft-1is:sue: E?.~:1i:n1ca: and
`mu wzxfm 1“r1:1m.,r: (inf E$g,:1zm:u'xI x‘«:Ic;11~;m,<.
`3, Tim: f'&rm:r::sl cn:_m'apr;:me:z1tssfixatgmfid ht.’{i’.'('[£‘J'!?é!/3')’l”L31£Ht.?vd
`when Im nwdizxl L‘()Hii’EiZ1"EIi }ig,:1nm;:r1t E9<ir1I;1c't(fnc.1:Irz1t
`ear vnlgus aligntmrni), ;‘vmrc: Emrlnx 1:; rm1'1()\imj §‘J0:‘iIUr‘w;‘w~
`thxm ;.:a;:sme:'«:9E.a:1::r';xI
`In c3[]1.i£1U‘:“.C the Ffazpaion
`”I‘m: femorgai «;7(m1pcmcnI mum he Dim rd in mtw
`W”W7 I>~;,.>m1e;>r1 whem the zmdizli c:x?zi|mm';:a.] !igz:n1z:.m £9;
`1’=:1“‘ai1‘~iz2:‘¥ hCC£iUF;€;‘,
`the H<:xE«;,m srusttc is‘c:q1.1:1li‘.md by m»:
`rclesaazct merit".
`) is dam-3 by rtnmwing
`Thsj nuadizal ratfesezw {F
`rmsdizzf C}f‘~;U3€3v{”3[’t__“v‘Ex3fé E”m1°n the fimmr amd tibia“ irngluding
`mu: ;11-r“<>mujliI:;; fkm: 0!" ihc; télzviai pm‘:-1u,, and I'21i:—;iI‘1y, u
`siwzvc mi‘ ‘~mf't 1§‘~;Sm: from me upmr VT"ti:&fi€tI
`tuhizl that
`aHm'vrcc;i In aliafc: ])mxilm1l£y. ‘Hm
`LT£.1I1?'aif§'l5s <;wf‘p<:ri-
`matcum, damp z“m:x.3izaI
`liggzmmm, wpc:r1i«;:i21{ nmciiai liga-
`rnagni, and that
`izw::v1it:m of the: W5; ;m5crim:s Ea‘:t‘ad(f?:ms.
`Mme [:t(3:~1tL:ri£)rl}/3 at m~;:_j<;:im surfkmg thc &;Ir:cvr:is;.:<1nM«
`11m.I0u!~: with the Sernimcrnbrzxrmsus. m.-;c:r1im1 mi pnstrxw
`I)istzxl1y, the rezleaaa may Encluda rm: ciccyn f:':'i%'§L‘i£‘A in«
`wasting, :;<tvl»::us and pc::p1itz:us: rwnxsc, «gs. Th»: gleam as n1;u_1:2
`byucnntinuingtizut SI€1I1d£lI‘f]€l§)pI‘(‘)£2C}”i
`di&¢l;1“‘jv’«i)l’1 the ;:m-
`mr:m1c:di:!1i :;11r'fEs1r.:u of the tibia for
`to H} urn and 5mp—

`and lns1rnmcntation in Total Knee
`is allowed as
`on the amount of'"'''"~"""~··
`rather than an
`may he the hetter part of
`with 1.his

`"y cJi'H"1c: Km-:1:
`r‘ C“h:1;:m;~r 2!:
`(E,{.;;x :ms2::i
`P es;
`(M ‘ism’: SH‘11flLH‘t:f:§i.i2I he rcflucmrai {mm iim L1m“:a:rtih'm. ([1) 'I‘m; x;:mm;uw;: is; lfuxgmm by
`‘v’:;m.nrs rcriss“
`Fig. 26-75.
`m.1’nDm“i»;3:a\m1 $Lrippingk:w:nc.a1i1 the xxxpwlicixui rm:zi§z11cc.m;1‘1v:rzx} li}';ai1‘wz‘kl. ((".")'1"m: pmtmding; nmzlizxi {1:1irs;:,i‘thc:
`Ifbizi ix n~:nn«;m:n;i with .1; %a:—w.=
`(1)) U5Lm)1?:h1;g'1c%2 ram: rarnxmcd frmn armlltci that iixargin mi" mu f7;tI11{3r:'11 Cc)nr3:¢‘n:.
`.’f"s";;:e£r*c m:1Z:‘re um

`and lnslmmcnlalion in Total Knee

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