`Annotation 1
`D.!rT.l B-NSE
`' I
`FIG. 2
`Cannon discloses that databases of frequently transmitted messages and the associated message
`aliases are stored at the system controller 110 and the PMUs 105 "so that each device can
`recognize an alias and conveniently intertltet the more lengthy message or mend address
`associated therewith. " id. at 2:28-32. See also 2:46-51. which describes that a PMU 105 includes a
`database 21 D, as shown in Annotation 1 of Fig. 2 (reproduced above). for storing the “frequent
`message (canned message) list.” ie., the files of canned messages and the associated message
`codes, which are referred to in Cannon as “message aliases." Cannon discloses that both a
`message originator PMU 105 and a destination PMU 105 store such files or lists of canned
`messages and the associated message aliases. id. at 5:1-6.
`With reference to the system controller 110. Cannon discloses that the system controller includes.
`as illustrated in Annotation 1 of Fig. 12 [reproduced below). a subscriber database 530 for storing
`lists of canned messages and associated message aliases corresponding to each subscriber of the
`communications system 100. The controller 110 also includes a controller memory 525 that stores
`information used in programming the controller and various codes, such as programming code,
`forward code. message code and "AF. AM, DF, and Dlvl codes." id. at 7:35-45.


`oevro Fnieuorcmneo
`ADDRESS I vase-neeusrs I
`¢- A
`-1 "'
`One of ordinary skill in the art would have understood that the "message aliases" described in
`Cannon correspond to the message codes described in the ‘S06 Patent. whereas the "message
`codes“ described in Cannon are used to indicate a function to be perfonned to send or receive
`messages. id. at. 3:6t}6‘l and 4:63-64. One of ordinary skill in the art would have understood
`that the database 210 in a PMU 105 or the database 530 in a system controller 110 includes
`memory that stores the lists of canned messages and the associated message aliases.
`According to Cannon, the system controller 1 10 can update the databases of the frequently
`transmitted messages and the associated message aliases that are stored both at the system
`controller 11 D and the PlvlUs 105 when necessary so that the information stored in a PMU
`database is equivalent to that stored in the controller database. id. at 2:34-38. Cannon discloses
`that a "data entry device 510 can be used to update the subscriber database 530. " id. at ?:39-4t}.
`Cannon further discloses that system controller includes “a reconciler for determining that the
`message alias is not included in the list associated with the portable messaging unit.” id. at
`11:840. One of ordinary skill in the art would have understood that the files or lists of canned
`messages and message aliases that are maintained at the sender and receiver PlvlUs and at the
`system controller in one implementation can be identical to each other, and that the system
`controller can perform actions to maintain these lists consistent across all the devices.


`oevice MEMORY
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`moo MESSAGE‘ may coos
`“DELETE MESSAGE" tom coo:
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`Fneouerrr MESSAGE
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`Describing a PMU 105 in general. Cannon provides an electrical block diagram of a PMU 105 in
`Fig. 2.and discloses that the PMU 105 includes a processor 210 “for controlling the operations of
`the PMU 105," a display 225 that presents information to a user of the PMU "in response to
`activation by the processor 210" and a transceiver 205 ‘for sending and receiving information over
`a radio frequency communication channel. " id. at 2:39-46. See also Annotation 2 of Fig. 2
`(reproduced herein].
`The PMU 105 further includes message memory 225 that is coupled to the
`processor 210 for “storing received messages and message numbers associated with the received
`messages" and, as described above. the database 230.
`One of ordinary skill in the art would have understood that either or both of the sender and receiver
`PMU 105 described in Cannon can be a portable two-way messaging device. such as a two—way
`pager. One of ordinary skill in the art would have also understood that the processor 210 can
`coordinate with one or more of the message memory 225, the database 230 and the device
`memory 235 to retrieve canned messages and associated message aliases from the frequent
`message list stored in the memory of the PMU 105, and display the retrieved canned messages to
`the user of the PlvlU 105 using the display 210.


`One of ordinary skill in the an would further understand that the system controller 110 disclosed in
`Cannon can be a network device that is connected to both the originator and destination PMUS via
`network connections, where the system controller receives canned messages and message codes
`from an originator messaging device. and fonvards the canned messages and message codes to a
`destination messaging device.
`Cannon discloses that a PMU 105 includes a sender 240 module that prepares information for
`transmission from the PMU 105 when the PMU is sending messages and associated information.
`The sender 240 may include tinnware “stored in the deviw memory 235 and executed by the
`processor 210.” or the sender 240 may be implemented ‘using hardware pable of perfonning
`equivalent operations” id. at 4:1-B. See also Annotation 2 of Fig. 2.
`Describing the operation of sending a message from the originator PMU 105. Cannon discloses
`that a user-initiated signat may be received from the controls 215 (see Annotation 2 of Fig. 2)
`indicating that a message is to be transmitted to another device. Upon receiving the signal. the
`sender 240 in the originator PMU 105 references the database 230 to determine whether the
`entered message is a canned message. Then the sender 240 provides the message infonnation or
`message alias associated with the selected canned message to the transceiver 205 (see
`Annotation 2 of Fig. 2), along with the message code, the friend alias or recipient address. for
`transmission from the PMU 105 to the system controller 110. id. at 5:10-12. 5:29 and 5:56-66.
`As an example of a frequent transmitted message sent from the originator PMU 105 to the system
`controlter 110 for forwarding to the destination PMU 105, Cannon describes that the PMU 105
`transmits a frequently transmitted message by sending the message alias. along with the message
`code, the friend alias, in a transmission to the system oontroller110, as illustrated by Fig. 10
`(reproduced below).
`FIG. 10 Puuasc
`Based on the above teaching of the '506 Patent and in view of my education and experience, a
`person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of filing the '506 Patent would have understood that,


`when the sender 240 is implemented as program code, e.g., firmware. the processor 210 in the
`originator PMU 105 may execute sender 240 code to compile the message alias associated with
`the selected canned message along with the message code, the friend alias or recipient address,
`andlor other associated message information, into a signal for transmission to the system controller
`110. A person of ordinary skill in the art would have also understood that, when the sender 240 is
`implemented as using hardware, the sender 240 hardware may execute instructions to compile the
`message alias associated with the selected canned message along with the message code, the
`friend alias or recipient address. andior other associated message information. into a signal for
`transmission to the system controller 110.
`Describing the operation of the system controller 110. Cannon discloses that the system controller
`includes a router 540 (see Annotation 1 of Fig. 12) that is activated upon receiving a signal from
`the originator PMU 105 that includes a message alias. id. at 8:20-38. The router relays the
`message alias corresponding to the signal received from the originator PMU 105 to the destination
`PMU 105. id. at 8:39-58.
`Describing the operation of receiving a canned message by a PMU 105, Cannon discloses that,
`upon receiving a message that is routed by the system controller 110. a destination PMU 105
`activates a receiver 245 (see Annotation 2 of Fig. 2), which may be firmware executed by the
`processor 210, or may be implemented in hardware capable of performing equivalent operations.
`id. at4:4—12,4:62-67.
`Specifically, the receiver 245 compares the received message information
`with aliases in the message list stored in the PMU 105's memory. When the received message
`alias matches to an alias stored in the message list, the receiver 245 retrieves the corresponding
`canned message from the message list.
`Then the destination PMU 105 can display the retrieved
`canned message associated with the message alias sent by the originator PMU 105 using the
`display 220. id. at 5:1-9.
`in general, Will discloses a "method and apparatus for sending paging signals and messages to
`individuals within a building and accepting responses to the messages." APL—1006, abstract. An
`electronic communications System may be used to transmit message data to a portable receiver,
`which can be a miniature communications unit that is carried by an individual user. id. at 1:18-25,


`3:65-4:1. See also of Fig. 1 (annotated below). One of ordinary skill in the art would have
`understood that the communications unitdisclosed in Will may include a two-way pager.
`Describing the hardware structure of the communications unit. as illustrated in Fig. 3 (annotated
`below), Will discloses that the communications unit includes a microprocessor 25. A
`programmable ROM 30 is associated with the microprocessor and contains the program for the
`microprocessor. The communications unit also includes a RAM that contains messages alter
`conversion to digital codes. information extracted from the messages for display to the user. and
`other inforrnation. id. at 8:52, 9:9-15.
`Will teaches that software executed by the microprocessor extracts information to be displayed.
`which is placed into a memory and causes characters to be displayed on the liquid crystal display
`31. The communications unit includes a thumbwheol 32, which allows the user of the
`communications unit to display messages and responses that are retrieved from the memory. id. at


`Providing an illustration of the physical layout of the front of the remote oommunieations unit. as
`shown in Fig. 4 (annotated below), Will discloses that the communications unit includes a liquid
`crystal display 44 that displays responses or messages. id. at 9: 45-46, 9:62-65. The front of the
`communications unit includes a thumbwheel 49. which the user can rotate "to control the display of
`messages, responses, and other information. " id. at 10:6-10.


`FIG. 4
`Will provides examples of a variety of interfaces that are presented on the display of the
`communications unit. As shown by Fig. 33 (annotated below}. the display 451 shows a typical
`message, which is presented in the form an inquiry. Response options that are associated with the
`message can also be displayed by the interface. The user of the communications unit can select
`from one of the response options that are displayed with the message, or choose from a set of
`preprogrammed responses, which is shown by display 454. id. at 26:30-43. The user can also
`select from preprogrammed original messages. which is shown by display 455. id. at 2?:55-58.
`The user can select one of the preprogrammed messages or preprogrammed responses by
`orienting the display “using the thumbwheel so that the desired response is to the right of the
`cursor, and pressfing] the key.” in‘. at 26:43-4?. See also Fig. 4 above.


`F135?!) F189 DIIIIIOIH.
`'-MN disoioses that lists of preprogramrnad messages and preprogrammed responses are stored in
`in the display memory of the communications unit, as illustrated in Fig. 42 (annotated below). id. at
`The lists of preprogramrned messages and preprogrammed responses are stored in
`data structures in the display memory. id. at 25:45-53. The lists of preprogrammed messages
`and preprogrammed responses are contained in data structures in both the oornmunioations unit
`and the central station. id. at 12:62-85.


`comulunicarnons UNIT came. srnucruass
`ciseuw ueuonv srnucrunes
`oisnuw wmoow
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`Wills discloses that based on the user selection of the preprogrammed message or
`preprogramrned response, the communications unit transmits information in coded fonn to one or
`more remote stations for forwarding to the central station. id. at abstract. Based on the user
`selection of a message or a response by pressing the control key 34, data is transmitted from the
`communications unit, with the microprocessor sending 8-bit characters to an asynchronous
`transmitter. id. at 9:27-35. The software executed by the microprocessor includes a module for
`transmitting a packet from the communications unit. The software executes a command "that
`results in input data being transmitted to a remote station and then to the central station. it a
`response is selected a subpacket is ionnatted with an appropriate response sequence, including
`an input Packet Number and a channel number indicating the destination address of the response.
`[I If an original message is selected a subpacket is formatted in the same manner as described
`above." 29:35-52.
`Describing the format of a packet that is sent from the communications unit. as illustrated in Fig. 12
`(annotated below), Will discloses that the packet contains a two-character sequence. which
`consists of an "ASCII character 133 indicating the type of code. followed by a 7-bit character 13?
`indicating the particular code." 12:49-52.
`"if the type character 136 is an ENQ, this is a Response
`Code. If the 7-bit code that follows 137 is from 0 to 19, the response indicates one of the responses
`(with 0 referring to the first response. 1 to the second. etc.) included with the message sent to the


`unit. If the code 137 is from 21 to 12?, the response indicates one of the preprogrammed
`responses in the Preprograrnmed Response List. |]|f the type character 136 is a BEL. this is a
`response but using one of the preprogramrned messages in the Preprogrammed Message List. as
`indicated by the code 0-12?. []If the type character is a BS, this is an original message, with the
`message as indicated by the code 0-12? and retrieved from the Preprogrammed Message List." id.
`at 12:54-13:11.
`meme KET
`|NPU'|' DAT!
`FIG. 12
`1 (D
`Based on the above teaching of Will and in view of my education and experience. it is my
`understanding that. a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of filing the '506 Patent would
`have understood that Will teaches that the communications unit can send codes corresponding to
`preprogramrned messages andtor preprogrammed responses. i.e.. canned messages andtor
`canned responses to the central station. where synchronized copies of the canned messages and


`canned responses, along with associated codes, are maintained at both the communications unit
`and the central station.
`One of ordinary skill in the art would have also understood that the microprocessor included in the
`communications unit can execute software code to retrieve the preprogrammed messages andior
`preprogrammed responses from the data structures stored in the display memory, and display it on
`the LCD screen of the communications unit. One of ordinary skill in the art would have also
`understood that the user of the communications unit can use the thumbwheel and the key on the
`front face of the communications unit to select a preprogrammed message or a preprogrammed
`response from the lists of preprogrammed messages or responses that are displayed on the LCD
`screen of the communications unit.
`See, e.g., T|'|l62-68 and Will Figs. 34, 12 and 33 (reproduced
`Furthermore, one of ordinary skill in the art would have understood that, based on user selection of
`a preprogrammed message andior preprogrammed response, the software executed by the
`microprocessor compiles the selected message or response into a packet that includes a code
`corresponding to the selected message andior response, apart from other information.
`software sends the compiled packet to the asynchronous transmitter for transmission to the central
`See, e.g., 62-68 and Will Figs. 3-4, 12 and 33 (annotated above).
`A person of ordinary skill in the art at the filing date of the '506 Patent would have combined
`Cannon with Will at least for the reasons discussed below.
`Based on the teachings of Cannon and Will as outlined above, a person of ordinary skill in the art.
`at the filing date of the ‘5UB Patent, would have readily appreciated that the two references provide
`teachings in similar fields of endeavor. Both describe communications systems that provide
`two—way messaging for portable messaging units.
`The two references also describe how the
`communication may be performed using preprogrammed messages, where shorter codes
`corresponding to the preprogrammed messages are transmitted over the communications
`channels, instead of sending the messages in full, and thereby “the communication channel is
`efficiently used to transmit relatively short transmissions, which prevents system capacity from
`being exceeded and which prevents message delays due to overcrowding of the channel." as
`taught by Cannon, APL—1004 at 9:34-31


`A person of ordinary skill in the art would have combined the teachings of Cannon with the
`teachings of Will to implement a message exchange between portable messaging units (PMUs). in
`which an originating PMU sends a frequently transmitted message to a recipient PMU with added
`response options and receive a response from the recipient. as taught by Will, where the frequently
`transmitted message with the response options is communicated from the originating PMU to the
`recipient through a system controller using message codes. as taught by Cannon.
`In more detail,
`Cannon teaches that PMUs communicate frequently transmitted messages using "relatively short"
`message aliases. id. at 2:21, that are communicated through an intermediate system controller,
`see, e.g., APL-1004 at 2:19-32, 9:38-53 and 5:3-9. where the source and recipient PMUs and the
`system controller each stores databases of the frequently transmitted messages and the
`associated aliases, see, e.g., id. at 6:46-5?. However, Cannon is silent about sending
`customizing the messages that are transmitted. e.g., by adding response options. This is taught
`by Will, which discloses that the paging receiver may respond to the message by selecting from
`one of preprogrammed responses that are included with the message. See, e.g., id. at 4:4i -54.
`Will further teaches that the paging receiver may send response codes corresponding to the
`preprogrammed responses. See, e.g., 12:47-13:1.
`In doing so. Will overtly details the operation
`of the recipient operating the paging receiver and selecting from a response. as recited by claim
`‘li. See. eg., id. at 25:61-27:64.
`One of ordinary skill in the art would have augmented sending frequently transmitted information
`using relatively short message aliases, as taught by Cannon. by adding Will's preprogrammed
`response options to such messages. as this would have allowed a request—response interaction
`between the message originator and the recipient, and allowing to quickly and etficiently select a
`response from list of response options displayed with the message. As with sending the
`frequently transmitted information using relatively short message aliases, the selected response
`option is communicated to the message originator using a relatively short code.
`Cannon’s communication system may use Will's preprogrammed responses by storing. at each of
`the originating and recipient PMUs and the system controller, lists of frequently transmitted
`messages and associated aliases. and preprogrammed responses with associated response
`codes. The originating PMU may add preprogramrned response options to the frequently
`transmitted information by appending the corresponding response codes to the message alias that


`is sent to the system controller, which lonivards the message alias and the response codes to the
`recipient. While Will teaches that the response codes are sent from the receiving device to the
`central communications unit, one of skill in the art would readily appreciate that Will's concept of
`using response codes can be equally well implemented by Cannons originating PMU, which
`already stores and sends message aliases corresponding to the selected messages. such that
`storing codes corresponding to response options that are added to the selected messages would
`be a natural and logical extension.
`The use of preprogrammed responses would allow Cannon's
`PMUs to establish a dialogue involving messages and corresponding responses that are
`exchanged using the shorter message aliases and response codes.
`In general, LaPorta discloses "a two—way wireless messaging system and method using a
`messaging network" that has “at least one subscriber user agent that stores messages that are
`forwarded to predetermined destinations." AF’L—1DG5, abstract.
`The user agent, which is
`associated with a messaging device, is located inside the two-way messaging network and stores
`messages that are associated with predetermined message codes. id. at 25-8. Sea of Fig. 1
`(annotated below).
`LaPorta describes that a wireless messaging device stores messages along with associated
`predetermined numbers that serve as indices to the messages, which are identical to messages
`and predetermined message numbers stored at a user agent inside the two-way messaging
`network that is associated with the wireless messaging device.
`The messages may be stored in
`message tables. id. at 5:33-41. 5:62-64. The wireless messaging device can originate new
`messages, or reply to previously received messages by sending a coded message to a
`corresponding user agent inside the two—way messaging network.
`The coded message includes
`a message number that "uniquely identifies a message stored both locally at the device and at the
`user agent, ”id. at 1262-223, and a “short group identifier, " id. at 5:37-38.
`LaPorta discloses that
`the address and message information stored in the messaging device and respective user agent
`are maintained to be consistent with each other. id. at 5:62-6:3.


`1 siiiieio
`- rnems
`l ntgsm I_SIll|::-i
`Based on the above teaching of LaPorta and in view of my education and experience. it is my
`understanding that. a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of filing the '50s Patent would
`have understood that the "message number” described in LaPorta correspond to the message
`codes described in the 506 Patent. One of ordinary skill in the art would have also understood
`that the “message tables" described in LaPorta correspond to files of canned messages and
`associated message codes.
`Furthermore. a person of ordinary skill in the art would have
`understood that LaPorla teaches that the tables or files of canned messages and message
`numbers that are maintained at the messaging devices and the associated user agents are
`identical to each other. and that the system can perform actions to maintain these tables consistent
`across all the devices.
`See, e. g.. 1] 79 below.
`LaPorta describes that when the user agent receives a coded message from the originating
`messaging device, the user agent expands the message back to the desired full message by
`selecting from the messages stored at the user agent, id. at 2:542, for fonvarding to the
`destination messaging device. The user agent uses the message number and the short group


`identifier inciuded in the message received fron1 the originating device as indices to look up
`respective data tables for message expansion. id. at 5:38-40. The selected destination may be a
`second two-way messaging device . id. at-4:57-59. See also Annotation 1 of Fig. 1 {reproduced
`Providing an example of a messaging device, LaPorta describes that the messaging device can he
`a dedicated. two-way pager 11, as illustrated in Fig. 9 {annotated below). which ‘generates.
`receives and displays messages to the subscriber user. ” id. at 8:38-39. LaPorta discloses that
`the messaging device includes four function buttons 84 that serve as “soft keys. is. keys whose
`functions vary with the contexts.” id. at 3:4'r'~4B. Among other components, the messaging device
`also includes a 5—|ine LCD screen 88 in which the top four lines are used for text. The pager
`includes computing hardware, e.g., a processor and memory for user interface code and pager
`protocol. The memory stores various messages and associated data. id. at B150-5?.
`FIG. 9
`Display at towing urinal‘!
`message with added
`LaPorta discloses that the messaging device can also include a simulated keyboard displayed on
`the LCD screen of the device, as illustrated by Fig. 13 (annotated below}.
`A subscriber can use
`the simulated keyboard to compose messages. id. at 528-12. Additionally or alternatively. a
`subscriber can connect the messaging device, using an inputtoutput port of the device. to a laptop
`or a personal digital assistant {PDA) to edit messages. id. at 6:23- 28.


` Display showing keyboard
`Based on the above teaching of LaPorta and in view of my education and experience. it is my
`understanding that. a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of filing the '506 Patent would
`have understood that either or both of the originating and destination messaging devices described
`in LaPorta may include a two-way pager 11. One of ordinary skill in the art would have also
`understood that the memory included the pager 11 that “should be adequate enough to contain
`these venous messages and associated data. " id. at 3:56-5?. correspond to memory that stores
`the tables of canned messages and the associated message numbers.
`one of
`ordinary skill in the art would have understood that the processor included in the pager 11 man
`retrieve the canned messages and associated message numbers from the tables stored in the
`memory of the pager, and display the retrieved canned messages to the user of the pager using
`the LCD screen 88.
`Providing a description of a user agent. l.aPorta describes that a user agent 12. illustrated in Fig.
`11 (reproduced below). can include some fixed functionality, such as registrationtderegistration.
`message delivery and message status query, which are common across all user agents. The user
`agent also includes a database 73. and software 'l'4 that is “associated with the user agent
`program to provide run time support for the system. " id. at 7:3-Y. '.«':14~19. The user agent also
`includes user agent program modules 72a, 72b in which additional functions can be added to
`customize the user agent for the associated messaging device. id. at 7:11-14. “(:52-62.
`Based on the above teaching of LePorta and in view of my education and eirperience. it is my
`understanding that, a person of ordinary skill ln the art at the time of filing the '5D6 Patent would
`have understood that the user agent disclosed in LaPorta may include a network device that is


`associated with a messaging device, which may include a message originator. One of ordinary
`skill in the art would have also understood that LaPorta furtherteaches that the user agent can be
`associated with a destination messaging device.
`The originating messaging device can send a
`canned message using the associated message number to its respective user agent, which
`forwards the corresponding message to the user agent of the destination messaging device for
`sending to the destination.
`LaPorta further discloses that the originating messaging device can customize the message to be
`transmitted by adding parameters or dynamic components such as embedded replies, choices,
`predefined variables" to the fixed pre-canned components of the message. id. at 2:13-27. "The
`dynamic components allow customization of messages by message senders and recipients, thus
`greatly increasing the practical applicability of the system. The particular values of the dynamic
`components are encoded in the message modifier, and are recovered and applied by the user
`agent. " id. at 2:22-24.
`LaPorta elaborates that the dynamic components can include selections
`and predefined variables.
`"For example, a selection labeled "location" may expand into the list of
`choices: a) home. b) office. or c) lab. The set of available selections are defined by the individual
`subscribers. Pre-defined variables represent specific commonly used entries that can be
`customized by a user. Typical examples of predefined variables are time, phone number, etc.” id.
`at 13:24-3?.
`LaPorta further discloses that "[d]ynamic components can be nested as needed,"
`LaPorta describes that the originating messaging device can add reply components to a message
`to facilitate a reply. "A reply component embeds the desired replies, typically making use of
`dynamic components. This is useful in applications where the possible replies are agreed upon a
`prion.” id. at 13:39-43.
`The reply components can include multiple reply choices or options.
`Providing an example of a
`message that is customized by embedding both reply choices and predefined variables, LaPorta
`describes a stock trading application, in which "[a] subscriber is notified via two-way messaging
`when a stock he or she is interested in has reached a particular value. The notification message
`can embed a reply with choices to buy or sell and predefined variables for entering the number of
`shares and share price.” id. at 2:16-21.


`LaPorta teaches that when a message is customized using reply choices, or other parameters
`such as predefined variables. or both, the destination messaging device can select from one of the
`reply choices and send a response to the origination messaging device that includes the selected
`reply choice. id. at 5:15-29, 5:55-61.
`The reply that is sent by the destination messaging device
`is also a coded message that includes an identifier to associate it with the original message.
`LaPorta discloses that using customized messages that include dynamic components andior reply
`components, the system can track and answer queries about transactions, where a transaction is
`"a single or a series of request—response interactions between a message sender and recipient{s).”
`id. at 2:45-48. LaPorta explains that "[a] transaction is most useful for communication scenarios in
`which selective responses are desired. " id. at 2:43-50.
`LaPorta provides an example of a transaction by describing, with reference to Fig. 3, a message
`exchange between four users, each of whom has a user agent associated with respective
`messaging devices.
`LaPorta describes that a user Thomas sends a message through his pager
`50a to his lunch group members, Dan, Mary and Paul, and inquire about lunch choices. to‘. at
`5:12-26. As illustrated by

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