United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jun. 3, 1997
`5,475,586 12/1995 Sata etal. .......................... 364/419.02
`1/1996 Kane .......
`...... 379/57
`.. 364/419.02
`3/1996 Chang et
`..................... 340/825.44 X
`5,561,702 10/1996 Lrpp et a1.
`Inventor: Richard J. Tett, Plano, Tex.
`Primary Examiner—Brian Zimmerman
`Assistant Examiner—-William H. Wilson, Jr.
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Pablo Meles
`A method and apparatus for conuoflmg message dehvery to
`wireless receiver devices can be used for example to con-
`dense textual messages intended for a wireless receiver
`device by abbreviating various words in the message. Thus,
`a first message addressed to a wireless receiver device (20)
`is received and stored in a storage medium (14). The
`received message is then translated into a second message
`using a pre-defined dictionary associated with the wireless
`receiver device. The second message is then sent to the
`wireless receiver device. Thus, the wireless receiver device
`receives shorter messages conveying the same information
`as the Ofiginal mcssage that Was to be Sent to th6 Wirclcss
`receiver device. The translating feature can also be used to
`code messages or translate messages into a diiferent lan-
`15 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`Assigneez Motorola’ Inc.’ Schaurnburg’ 111.
`Mar. 16, 1995
`[21] APPL No_; 405527
`[22] Filed.
`H04Q 7/10; GO8B 5/22
`Int. Cl.6
`[52] U.S. Cl. ................................ 340/825.52‘, 340/825.44;
`[58] Few f S Rh

`3_42g8%fé52i 825 %’
`’ 57'
`’ 3
`Reffiellces Cit“!
`4/1981 Levine ...................................... 379/57
`6/1982 Levine .........
`_, 340/311,1
`4,713,808 12/1987 Gaskill et al.
`. 340/825.44 X
`340/825.44 X
`5,072,444 12/1991 Breeden et al.
`5,257,307 10/1993 Ise ....................
`. 340/325.44 X
`5,258,739 11/1993 Deluca et a1.
`..................... 340/825.44
`1 2
`1 4
`. 1
`GOOGLE 1006
`GOOGLE 1006

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 3, 1997
`Sheet 1 of 3

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 3, 1997
`Sheet 2 of 3
`FIG. 2

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 3, 1997
`Sheet 3 of 3
`F] 3

`This invention relates generally to communications sys-
`tems and more specifically to a method and apparatus for
`translating messages sent to wireless receiver devices.
`Wireless receiver devices, such as pagers, are becoming
`an increasingly popular communication device. Some wire-
`less receiver devices are now capable of receiving textual
`messages that can be viewed on a display on the pager. A
`message may consist of letters, numbers, and or any typo-
`graphic symbol supported by the wireless receiver device.
`One common character set used for communication with
`wireless receiver devices is the well-known ASCII character
`Existing wireless receiver devices can only display a
`small number of characters at any one time. In addition,
`most wireless receiver devices have limited memory capac-
`ity and cannot store large messages. Even where a wireless
`receiver device has a significant memory, the size of that
`memory will necessarily limit the total number of messages
`that can be stored at any one time. In addition, charges for
`sending and receiving messages are often based on me
`number of characters in the message.
`Due to the limited memory available on existing wireless
`receiver devices, people who send textual messages to
`wireless receiver devices often use abbreviations in an
`attempt to transmit the maximum amount of information
`with a minimum number of alphanumeric characters or
`symbols. Unfortunately, the user of the wireless receiver
`device may not be able to comprehend the meaning of the
`abbreviation that was intended by the sender. Diiferent
`people abbreviate diiferent words in difierent ways. Some
`message senders may be unaware of the limited memory
`capacity of the wireless receiver device. It would be desir-
`able if senders of messages to wireless receiver devices did
`not have to worry about the length of their message or how
`to abbreviate that message.
`Accordingly, a need has arisen for a method and apparatus
`to translate a message intended for a wireless receiver device
`so as to condense the message and allow more information
`to be communicated to the user of the wireless receiver
`device with less characters.
`In accordance with the teachings of the present invention,
`a communications system is provided that substantially
`eliminates or reduces problems and disadvantages associ-
`ated with prior systems.
`According to one embodiment of the present invention, a
`system is provided that receives textual messages intended
`for a wireless receiver device. The received message is
`translated into a second message using a predefined dictio-
`nary associated with the wireless receiver device to which
`the message is to be sent. After translation, the message is
`then sent to the wireless receiver device. According to one
`embodiment of the invention, the user is allowed to disable
`the translating feature.
`The system of the present invention enjoys many irnpor-
`tant technical advantages. A system constructed according to
`the teachings of the present invention allows people to send
`messages to a wireless receiver device without worrying
`about how to abbreviate words in the message. Instead, the
`owner of the wireless receiver device can define a custom
`dictionary associated with his wireless receiver device so
`that certain words appearing in messages to that user are
`always condensed into the same abbreviation. The user of
`the wireless receiver device will be familiar with the mean-
`ing of his abbreviations. Translation thus allows a maximum
`amount of information to be sent to the wireless receiver
`device user using a minimum number of letters, numbers,
`and/or symbols. The user can even cause common words
`such as the articles “the,” “a,” or “an” to be deleted from the
`message. The present
`invention thus allows a wireless
`receiver device user to receive condensed messages sent by
`electronic mail or any other method of sending textual
`According to an alternate embodiment of the present
`invention, the system can be used for purposes other than
`condensing messages. For example, a wireless receiver
`device user may often receive messages in diflerent lan-
`guages. The user could define a custom dictionary to trans-
`late certain words from these foreign languages into the
`native language of the wireless receiver device user. In
`addition, for security purposes, the wireless receiver device
`user may desire certain words to be transmitted in coded
`form. The present invention would allow the wireless
`receiver device user to define a custom dictionary to trans-
`late certain words into a secret code.
`For a more complete understanding of the present inven-
`tion and its advantages, reference is now made to the
`following description taken in conjunction with the accom-
`panying drawings in which:
`FIG. 1 illustrates a wireless receiver device message
`translation system constructed in accordance with the teach-
`ings of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 illustrates a flowchart for a method of translating
`messages in accordance with the teachings of the present
`invention; and
`FIG. 3 illustrates a flowchart detailing the steps by which
`a message may be translated in accordance with teachings of
`the present invention.
`The preferred embodiment of the present invention and its
`advantages are best understood by reference to FIGS. 1
`through 3 of the drawings, like numerals being used for like
`and corresponding parts of the various drawings.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a wireless messaging system indicated
`generally at 10 constructed in accordance with teachings of
`the present invention. Wireless messaging system 10 com-
`prises wireless messaging server 12, storage medium 14,
`wireless message distribution terminal 16, and a radio fre-
`quency (RF) transmission system 18. Wireless messaging
`system 10 communicates with one or more wireless receiver
`devices 20.
`Wireless messaging server 12 connects to one or more
`sources of textual messages. For example, wireless messag-
`ing server 12 may receive electronic mail messages from
`sources such as the Internet or a commercial electronic mail
`system network such as MCI Mail or cc:Mail. Wireless
`messaging server 12 can also receive messages from a

`computer message entry terminal coupled to server 12.
`Similarly, server 12 can receive textual messages from a
`telephone assisted services operator. Such an operator com-
`municates via telephone with people desiring to send mes-
`sages and the operator then types those messages into a
`computer message entry terminal. It should be understood
`that the source of messages shown in FIG. 1 are purely
`exemplary and that server 12 can receive textual messages
`from other sources without departing from the teachings of
`the present invention.
`Wireless messaging server 12 connects to storage medium
`14. Also. wireless messaging server 12 connects through a
`communications link to wireless message distribution sys-
`tem 16. Wireless messaging disuibution terminal 16 con-
`nects to transmission system 18.
`Wireless messaging server 12 may comprise a computer
`such as a UNIX or MS-DOS based personal computer.
`Wireless messaging server 12 may comprise a computer
`such as a personal computer or mini—computer together with
`operating system software and messaging switching soft-
`ware. According to one embodiment, wireless messaging
`server 12 comprises a Hewlett-Packard 9000 mini-computer
`operating the I-IP—UX operating system and hosting World-
`talk electronic mail switching software with a gateway
`module for sending and receiving messages to/from wireless
`distribution system 16. Storage medium 14 may be any type
`of storage medium such as a disk drive, a tape drive. an
`optical storage device, or memory. According to one
`embodiment of the invention. wireless message distribution
`terminal 16 may also comprise a suitable rnini-computer
`running the UNIX operating system. Wireless messaging
`distribution system 16 may comprise a specialized computer
`or computers designed to maintain subscriber distribution
`options to accept message data from various communication
`sources and transmit that message in the appropriate form to
`radio towers 18 where the message is transmitted to wireless
`receiver devices.
`According to one embodiment of the invention, wireless
`message distribution terminal 16 may comprise a Glenayre
`ES paging terminal or a Telmow PhenX paging terminal
`system. For purposes of the present invention. however.
`wireless mes sage distribution tenninal 16 may comprise any
`distribution system capable of sending textual messages to
`antenna 18. In addition, the functions performed by wireless
`messaging server 12 and wireless message distribution sys-
`tem 16 may be performed by a single computer equipped
`with appropriate communications hardware.
`In operation. wireless messaging server 12 receives tex-
`tual messages from external sources. These messages may
`then be stored in memory in wireless messaging server 12 or
`on storage medium 14. In this embodiment. storage medium
`14 contains a plurality of user-defined dictionaries. Wireless
`messaging server 12 translates the input message into an
`output message using the appropriate user-defined dictio-
`Each dictionary comprises a series of dictionary entries. A
`dictionary entry has two character strings associated with it.
`The first string is a series of characters that may be contained
`in a message intended for the wireless receiver device
`associated with the dictionary. The second string is a series
`of characters to be sent to the wireless receiver device in
`place of the first string. For example. when the suing “John
`Doe” is included in a source message to be sent to the
`wireless receiver device. the abbreviation “JD” could be sent
`in its place. In this example. the first string of a dictionary
`entry would be “John Doe” while the second string would be
`“JD”. The second suing could be a null string. For example.
`a user may desire the articles “a”, “an”, and “the” to be
`deleted entirely from a message to aid in condensing the
`:9 u
`message. In this situation, the first suing would comprise
`a . an” or “the” and the second suing would be a space.
`Each of the articles is preceded and followed by a space and
`the space can also be matched by a delimiter such as a period
`or comma. During translation. any first string dictionary
`entry found in the input message is replaced in the output
`message by the second suing corresponding to that entry.
`Wireless message distribution system 16 receives trans-
`lated messages from wireless messaging server 12 and
`queues those messages for uansmission using RF transmis-
`sion system 18. Each message is then sent using RF trans-
`mission system 18. Wireless message disuibution terminal
`16 may also receive messages for transmission from mul-
`tiple wireless messaging servers 12. The messages sent over
`RF transmission system 18 is then received by the intended
`wireless receiver device 20.
`FIG. 2 illusuates a flowchart of a software program that
`may be run on wireless messaging server 12 to perform the
`translation function of the present invention. The flowchart
`illustrated in FIG. 2 is only one example of a software
`program that could be used to implement the present inven-
`tion. All data required by this program may be stored in
`memory in wireless messaging server 12 or in storage
`medium 14.
`The procedure begins at step 22 when a new message is
`received by wireless messaging server 12. Upon receipt of
`the new message, the message is decoded and the recipient
`address is determined in step 24. The recipient address refers
`to the data identifying the specific wireless receiver device
`for which the message is intended. Next. in step 26. server
`12 determines whether the recipient address is contained in
`the customer database. In this embodiment, the customer
`database comprises a recipient address, a customer
`dictionary, a translation flag and other information associ-
`ated with the specific customer. The customer database is
`stored on storage medium 14.
`If the recipient address is contained in the customer
`database, then in step 28, customer option information is
`retrieved from the customer database. After the customer
`options associated with the recipient address have been
`retrieved, server 12 next determines in step 30 whether the
`customer’s message translation flag is set indicating that the
`customer desires the message translation process. If the
`message translation flag is set. the user’s custom translation
`dictionary is loaded into wireless messaging server 12 in
`step 32. The method then proceeds to step 34 where wireless
`messaging server 12 executes a dictionary match and suing
`replacement process. One embodiment of a dictionary match
`and suing replacement process will be described below in
`connection with FIG. 3. This process replaces specific
`suings in the input message with a corresponding translation
`string from the user’s custom uanslation dictionary. After
`the message has been translated, the translated message may
`then be queued to wireless message disuibution terminal 16.
`If appropriate, notification that the message has been deliv-
`ered will then be sent to the message originator in step 38.
`Returning to step 30. if the user has disabled the message
`translation feature the method proceeds to step 42 where the
`originally received message is queued to wireless message
`disuibution terminal 16. The method proceeds from step 42
`to step 38 where the server 12 sends a notification that the
`message has been delivered to the message originator if such
`notification is appropriate. Following step 38, the procedure
`terminates at step 40.

`Returning to step 26, if the recipient address was not
`found in the customer database, the method proceeds to step
`44 where the wireless messaging server 12 notifies the
`message originator that the message was not delivered. The
`procedure then terminates at step 40.
`FIG. 3 illustrates a flowchart of a software procedure that
`can be used in step 34 of the process discussed with
`reference to FIG. 2 to translate the received message using
`the user’s custom translation dictionary. This procedure
`begins at step 46 by setting a message pointer to the first
`character of a bufier containing the received message. The
`method then proceeds to step 48 where a temporary pointer
`is set to the value of the message pointer. Next, in step 50,
`a dictionary pointer is set to the first dictionary word in the
`user’s custom translation dictionary. Then, in step 52, a
`current word pointer is initialized to point to the first
`character of the dictionary word specified by the dictionary
`pointer. The first dictionary word refers to the first string
`contained in the first dictionary entry. As discussed above,
`each dictionary entry contains a first string and a second
`string wherein the first string represents a word to be
`translated, and the second string represents the replacement
`for first string.
`After all of the appropriate pointers have been initialized
`in steps 46 to 52, a decision is then made in step 54 whether
`the current word pointer is now greater than the last char-
`acter of the current dictionary word If not, then in step 56
`it is determined whether the character being pointed to by
`the current word pointer matches the character being pointed
`to by the temporary pointer. If so, then both the current word
`pointer and the temporary word pointer are incremented in
`step 58. After step 58, execution returns to step 54.
`If, in step 54, it is determined that the current word pointer
`has now been incremented beyond the end of the current
`dictionary word, then a match has been found When a
`match is found, execution proceeds to step 60 where the
`second string associated with the current dictionary word
`being pointed to by the dictionary is copied into the message
`buffer starting at _ the location being pointed to by the
`message pointer. Then, in step 62, the message pointer is set
`to the character following the replacement word in the
`message buffer. Next, in step 64, the remaining contents of
`the message bufier are shifted and concatenated with the
`portion of the message that has already been processed
`Following step S4, execution continues at step 48 when the
`temporary pointer is set to the next word.
`Returning to step 56, if the characters being pointed to by
`the current word pointer and the temporary pointer do not
`match, the method proceeds to step 66 where the dictionary
`pointer is incremented to the next word in the dictionary. In
`step 68, it is then determined whether the dictionary pointer
`is now greater than the last word in the dictionary. If not,
`then execution returns to step 52. If so, then the message
`pointer is incremented to the next character in step 70.
`Execution then proceeds to step 72 where it is determined
`whether the message pointer now exceeds the location of the
`last character in the message bufl’er. If not, then execution
`returns to step 48. If so, then execution continues to step 74
`where the translated message buffer is returned as message
`translation is now complete. The procedure then terminates
`in step 76.
`The present invention thus allows efiicient use of a
`wireless transmission system by allowing the use of prede-
`termined abbreviations to reduce the length of messages
`without altering their substantive content. The invention
`translates electronic mail messages intended for a wireless
`receiver device according to a user’s custom-defined trans-
`lation dictionary. The invention may be used to condense
`messages such that the user can receive a greater amount of
`information using a lesser number of letters, numbers,
`and/or symbols. For example, users may use the present
`invention to condense commonly encountered names of
`co-workers into those co-workers’
`to eliminate
`unnecessary words such as articles, or to provide other
`short-hand versions of words such as “hm” for “home”,
`“wk” for “work” or “oft” for oflice.
`The present invention can also be used to translate certain
`words into secret code words that would only have meaning
`to individuals who are aware of the code. The invention
`could also be used to translate words fi'om a foreign lan-
`guage into the native language of the wireless receiver
`device user.
`The present invention has been described in the context of
`two example software procedures. Other software proce-
`dures could be used without departing from the scope and
`teachings of the present invention. Many data processing
`techniques exist that could be used to perfonn the custom-
`dictionary translation for example.
`Although the present invention has been described in
`detail, it should be understood that various changes, substi-
`tutions and alterations can be made herein without departing
`from the spirit and the scope of the invention as defined in
`the following claims.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A method for controlling message delivery to a first
`wireless receiver device among a plurality of wireless
`receiver devices, comprising the steps of:
`receiving a first message at a wireless messaging gateway
`server addressed to the first wireless receiver device;
`determining a recipient address of the first message at the
`wireless messaging gateway server;
`associating the first message addressed to the first wireless
`receiver device to a predefined dictionary selected from
`a.plurality of predefined dictionaries corresponding to
`the plurality of wireless receiver devices;
`translating the first message at the wireless messaging
`gateway server into a second message using a pre-
`defined dictionary associated with the first wireless
`receiver device if the recipient address is contained in
`a customer database; and
`sending the second message to a wireless message distri-
`bution terminal if the recipient address is contained in
`the customer database.
`2. The method of claim 1 and further comprising the steps
`sending a nondelivery notification if the first recipient
`address is not contained in the customer database.
`3. The method of claim 1 and further comprising the steps
`suppressing the step of translating unless a flag associated
`with the first wireless receiver device is set so as to
`enable translation.
`4. The method of claim 3 and further comprising the steps
`sending the first message to a wireless message distribu-
`tion terminal if the translating step was suppressed and
`if the recipient address is contained in the customer
`5. The method of claim 1 and further comprising the step
`sending a delivery notification to the sender of the first
`message if the recipient address is contained in the
`customer database.

`6. The method of claim 1 wherein the step of translating
`comprises the step of translating the first message into
`second message using a dictionary comprising dictionary
`entries. each of the dictionary entries comprising a first
`character string that may be found in the first message and
`a second character string comprising a user-defined abbre-
`viation for the character string. the second message com-
`prising a message containing at least one of the second
`character strings in place of the first character strings found
`in the first message.
`7. A method for communicating with a wireless receiver
`device comprising:
`receiving a first message addressed to the wireless
`receiver device having a recipient address that is con-
`tained in a customer database at a wireless messaging
`gateway server;
`storing the first message on a storage medium, the storage
`medium being coupled to the wireless messaging gate-
`way server;
`translating the first message into a second message using
`a predefined dictionary associated with the wireless
`receiver device; and
`sending the second message to the wireless receiver
`8. The method of claim 7 wherein the second message
`comprises a condensed version of the first message.
`9. The method of claim 7 wherein the second message
`contains at least one word that was translated into a new
`language from at least one word in the first message.
`10. The method of claim 7. wherein the second message
`contains a code for at least one series of alphanumeric
`characters in the first message.
`11. The method of claim 7, wherein the sending step
`further comprises:
`sending the second message to a wireless message distri-
`bution terminal;
`transmitting the second message from the wireless mes-
`sage distribution terminal
`to the wireless receiver
`device using a radio frequency transmission system.
`12. Awireless receiver device message translation system,
`a storage medium containing a plurality of dictionaries, at
`least one of the plurality of dictionaries associated with
`at least one of a plurality of wireless receivers; and
`a wireless messaging gateway server containing a cus-
`tomer database. the server being coupled to the storage
`medium and operable to receive an input message
`addressed to a target wireless receiver. the wireless
`messaging gateway server further operable to translate
`the input message into an output message using one of
`the plurality of dictionaries associated with the target
`13. The wireless receiver device message translation
`system of claim 12. further comprising:
`a transmission circuit coupled to the processor and oper-
`able to transmit the output message to the target wire-
`less receiver.
`14. The wireless receiver device message translation
`system of claim 13. further comprising: a wireless message
`distribution terminal coupled to the processor and operable
`to receive the output message and transmit the output
`message to the target wireless receiver.
`15. The wireless receiver device message translation
`system of claim 14, further comprising:
`a radio frequency transmission system coupled to the
`wireless message distribution terminal operable to
`transmit the output message to the target wireless

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