

`ay Finally Get Respect
`ay Paging Services Emerge
`given a menu of canned reSponses stored
`in the pager. such as "stock in traffic,"
`which Mr. Garrison transmitted to his
`wife‘s pager.
`The new two—way system is still being
`perfected and could run into transmission
`glitches. Paging companies must also
`erect entirely separate multimillion'dollar
`transmission systems to run the new serv+
`Ices. And even it the systems work. the
`paging networks will be challenged by
`wireless phone cr'Iii'ipui‘iLL-s that villi. slit-i
`their own brand of “short messaging". "
`More likely, though, two-way technol-
`ogy will find a niche. And consumers can
`expect a blitz from numerous high-tech
`giants. Hewlett-Packard Co. and Apple
`Computer Inc. have struck alliances with
`paging companies to make their computers
`work with the new two-way paging net-
`Mtel plans to offer software that lets
`users of almost any desktop or Hewlett-
`Packard palmtop computer send paging
`messages. Another new product, Motorola
`lnc.‘s Message Duet.
`lets an Mtel user
`send short messages over the airwaves
`from a "kitchen top" or desktop device.
`bypassing more expensive local and long-
`distance phone services. In each case. the
`recipient can reply instantly.
`Pagers take advantage of a remarkably
`By th‘i-IAH
`Staff Reporter of'l‘iu-t
`Big agricultural
`to sow the seeds of
`DuPont Co. and
`the corporations i'
`ing presence on
`encouraging \im
`more minority 51
`Int t‘-,
`ness. genetics at
`But it's a hard
`urban areas, incl
`think of jobs in a
`crops and mum
`they're going to bi
`says Jesse Thump:
`the College of Agri
`of Illinois at who
`at Ohio State Univ
`largest agriculturn
`of the agricultural
`ers: most go into
`For students t
`fields. salaries in
`enticing: Agri-en:
`000 a year on a
`$46,000 for civil e
`chemical engines
`in Mlififiustly shake-out.
`I Paging] has struggled in low-tech obscu-
`13‘? E'- __
`J . AL
`ritty fgglflénosi halt a contory while its
`5 ignored by mmstm and
`his Houston officem
`teehnOIOEY Cfmcci'ns. But a wave of consol-
`went off. A message’_
`idations In the past year has created a
`screen: “Are you Hy
`handful 0f slant players eager to exploit
`Darrel." Mr. Garrison-
`what-limit collision as an almost limitless
`buttons on the paging .n¢_
`masg. _nstn'ner market for the devices.
`similar device in his
`in the largest paging deal
`and flashed an answer: "-
`MobileMedla Corp. agreed to buy
`Will arrive in 30 minutes. "'
`outh Cam‘s pa ing bosindss for ale
`Mr. Garrison and his
`lost $1 billion — a lo ty price
`_ WHSideFinfi
`slomers of a long-awaite
`venues for
`the entire industry were
`$0” that could “395ml.
`.2 tuition in 1994. Emboldened by their
`and somewhat scorned
`ewlonud nationwide reach and two-way
` sophisticated data mess»
`chnology. companies such as Mtel and
`will users receive phone
`-. obileMcdia hope to woo whitecollar
`simple text messagBS. but" ..=‘.--
`- orlters and residential users.
`they will be able to reply.
`The service is
`“Paging was the ultimate schlock ins
`lug. Companies plan to
`ustry.“ says P. William Bane, a vice
`services. from palmtop d'
`it esident of Mercer Management Consult-
`trieve electronic
`Inc. "The service was poor, and large
`"answering" machines that'- ~.,-
`umbers of users were hookers and drug
`on a user's belt.

`dicts. That's about
`to change radi-
`Today, Mohlle
`llI got too fast, though. The new devices
`; e still somewhat cumbersome. and some
`-..ers may find their messaging ability too
`l- strictive. One trial customer of the new
`tel service complains that the deuce is
`50% fatter" than the beeper he had been
`MTel., Exhibit 2005, Google v. MTel., Page 2, IPR2017-00532


`amendment" that is within a state‘s-au-
`to enact.
`in" mm 3.001.“ ms homosexuality until
`February 1992, when his lover was diag-
`him or
` MTeI., Ex ibit 20 5,
`New' Paging Network Emerges
`Ctmtinued From Page 81
`signal using hundreds of antennas in the
`service's region. The proper pager then
`picked up the signal.
`Two-way pagers work similarly, but
`use twice the radio spectrum. And the
`transmission method has been perfected.
`Mtei-‘s new system targets Specific an-
`‘-’ ' '- ' arrest aeln company.
`- tb nearly six million subscribers. to offer
`' a very unbecper-lilte service. Its VoieeNow
`product essentially transforms a pager
`‘ into a wireless “pocket answering ma-
`chine." Users can actually listen to voice
`messages left for them by holding a pager
`close to the ear. The service will be avail-
`able early next year in San Francisco,
`Dallas, Fort Worth and New York for $19.95
`a month.
`‘11-!” offers a service called StarLink.
`. Shoviding news. weather and sports up-
`that can be downloaded to H-P
`top and laptop computers via Page-
`'t's network. On-the-road users of Ap-
`--ple's mweerk and Newton MessagePad
`'ggiproduets can similarly pull up email and
`updates from anywhere.
`business, the third largest. is collaborating
`with Casio Computer Co. and Sharp Corp.
`to develop a pocket organizer that lets a
`user wirelessly retrieve or send updated
`information to a distant computer. The
`product. which could be available late next
`year. will
`initially retail for more than
`I Such services work. When Robert Kri-
`needs to aendi him contiv'
`'d’enuat Marinades. she pages
`ready through the digital services of Mo-
`bileMedia instead of using an operator to
`type in the message and relay it. The
`message is typed on the company's e-mail
`system and routed directly through the
`MobileMedia paging network to Mr. Kri-
`cheff’s pager.
`“As people become more mobile and
`increasingly use laptops and organizers.
`there will be an increase in demand to send
`data wirelessly. There will be more white-
`collar users,“ says Mr. Kricheif, an ana-
`lyst at CS First Boston Corp.
`In fact.
`the number of paging sub-
`scribers is growing 20% annually, and the
`average paging stock has soared 80% in the
`past 15 months. says 'John Bauer. analyst
`at Lehman Brothers- In 1992. there were
`only three publicly traded paging compa-
`nies. Since then. 11 new carriers have
`MTel., Exhibit 2005, Google v. MTel., Page 3, IPR2017-00532

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