`(a?) fin
`Jerry Huller
`February 23, 1995
`New Destineer Requirement
`. The following describes a new Dcstineer requirement. Request that you take the necessary
`actions to implement it in the NOC software by Release 1.0.
`o The idea comes from Mrs. Bernard Puckett. The objective is to offer advanced
`informationftransaction service with a simple Tango type PMU device. The basic
`requirement is that a subscriber shall have the capability to originate sending a canned
`message addressed to the NOC.
`A customer subscribes to “special services and options” from Destineer. Hisfher NOC
`record is configured with this new option. A special set of “CANNED MESSAGES” is
`loaded into the PMU. The subscriber can send any of these special canned messages to
`the NOC without first receiving a message from the NOC, i.e., the subscriber can
`originate a canned message to the NOC. This canned message is addressed to the NOC,
`which analyzes the message and takes appropriate action on that message.
`Example 1: Canned message “10” for a subscriber is defined as “send local weather
`information now." When the PMU sends canned message 10 to the NOC, the NOC will
`get the weather information from the information service provider and send it to the
`subscriber PMU.
`Example 2: Canned Message "17” for a subscriber is defined as “call home (601-123-
`4567) and deliver a voice message that ‘I will be late’.” When the PMU sends this
`message to the NOC, the NOC will call the home number and deliver the recorded
`message “I will be late.”
`In this implementation a simple PMU will have up to 128 canned messages that can be
`used for these type of applications. By implementing this functions with simple PMU. we
`move into advanced functionality (kind of agent service) without waiting on an advanced
`Greg Pinter is working on getting “canned message" origination into a version of the Tango
`PhrfU before September. According to Mike Johnson, there is an option now for a PC-based
`interface to offer such service.
`Please let me know which subsystems are affected by the requirement so that I can enter the
`information into the Functional requirements Database.
`MTe|., Exhibit 2003, Google v. MTeI., Page 1, |PR2017—00532
`MTel., Exhibit 2003, Google v. MTel., Page 1, IPR2017-00532