`3 5 9 4 N W B R O N S O N C R E S T L O O P
`P O R T L A N D , O R 9 7 2 2 9
`5 0 3 - 6 2 9 - 9 6 3 8
`B O B C O L W E L L @ G M A I L C O M
` Director, Microsystems Technology Office, DARPA Arlington VA 2012-2014
` Deputy Director, Microsystems Technology Office, DARPA 2011-2012
`Led office of 17 program managers, budget ~$600M/yr, funding research on computer
`systems, nanophotonics, bioengineering, radar, comms, lasers, IR imaging, and much more.
` Consultant, Portland, OR 2001-2011, 2014 - present
`General computer HW/SW consulting to industry and academia
` Named an Intel Fellow (27 Fellows in Intel's employee population of ~80,000) in 1997; winner of
`2005 Eckert-Mauchly Award, highest award in field of computer architecture, for “outstanding
`achievements in the design and implementation of industry-changing microarchitectures, and for
`significant contributions to the RISC/CISC architecture debate”; elected to IEEE Fellow and the
`National Academy of Engineering in 2006 (the highest recognition in field of engineering) for
`“contributions to turning novel computer architecture concepts into viable, cutting-edge
`commercial processors.” Inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2012.
`Winner of IEEE Bob Rau Award, 2015.
` Chief IA-32 Architect, Intel Corporation, Hillsboro OR, 1992-2001
`Lead IA32 architect, responsible for all of Intel's x86 Pentium CPU architecture efforts
`(direct management included 40 – 110 people): Pentium Pro, Pentium II, III, 4; Initiated and
`led Intel's Pentium 4 CPU development
` Senior CPU Architect, Intel Corporation, Hillsboro OR, 1990-1992
`One of three senior architects responsible for conceiving Intel's P6 microarchitecture, the
`core of the company's Pentium II, Pentium III, Celeron, Xeon, and Centrino families
` Hardware Architect, Multiflow Computer, New Haven, CT 1985-1990
`One of seven hardware engineers who created the world's first VLIW (very long instruction
`word) scientific supercomputer under direction of Josh Fisher
` Hardware Engineer (part-time) Perq Systems, Pittsburgh PA, 1980 - 1984
`Hardware design engineer working on graphics display hardware for first generation bit-
`slice-based engineering workstations
` Member of Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ, 1977-1980
`Hardware design engineer working on 8 and 32-bit microprocessors
` PhD in Computer Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1985
` MSEE in Computer Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1978
` BSEE in Electrical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1977
`Apple Inc. v. Parthenon
`Ex. 1004 / Page 1 of 9
`Petitioners HTC Corp. & HTC America, Inc. - Ex. 1004, p. 1
`Wrote foreword to “Weaving High Performance Multi-Core Processor Fabric: Essential Insights to
`the Intel Quickpath Architecture”, Maddox, Singh, Safranek, Intel Press 2009
`National Research Council, The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?,
`Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press, 2010.
`VLIW: The Unlikeliest Architecture, IEEE Solid State Circuits News, 2009
`Wrote intro to DE Shaw’s article on the Anton molecular folding engine in CACM, July 2008
`Contributed parameterized chapter 2 problem sets to Hennessy & Patterson’s “Computer
`Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 4th Edition” 2006
`The Pentium Chronicles, IEEE/Wiley, December 2005
`IEEE Computer Magazine, 48 columns for “At Random” column 2002-2005
`Wrote foreword to Josh Fisher’s book “Embedded Computing: A VLIW Approach to Architecture,
`Compilers and Tools”, Morgan-Kaufman 2005
`We May Need A New Box, IEEE Computer March 2004
`Superscalar Processor Design, P6 chapter, Shen & Lipasti, McGraw-Hill 2003
`Embedded Everywhere, National Academy of Science, October 2001
`Intel's College Hiring Methods and Recent Results, Microelectronics Systems Education Conference,
`Robert Colwell, Gary Brown, Frank See, July 1999
`Microprocessor, Wiley & Son Technical Encyclopedia, 1999
`Challenges and Trends in Processor Design, roundtable discussion in IEEE Computer, January 1998
`A 0.6um BiCMOS Processor with Dynamic Execution, Robert P. Colwell, Randy L. Steck, 1995
`IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference, pp. 176-177 (won best paper award)
`Latent Design Faults in the Development of Multiflow's TRACE/200, 22nd Annual International
`Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, Boston MA, July 1992
`Architecture and Implementation of a VLIW Supercomputer, Robert P. Colwell, W. Eric Hall,
`Chandra S. Joshi, David B. Papworth, Paul K. Rodman, James E. Tornes, Proceedings of
`Supercomputing '90, New York, November 1990
`A VLIW Architecture for a Trace Scheduling Compiler, Robert P. Colwell, Robert P. Nix, John J.
`O'Donnell, David B. Papworth, Paul K. Rodman, IEEE Trans. on Comp., V. 37, N. 8, Aug.1988
`A VLIW Architecture for a Trace Scheduling Compiler, Robert P. Colwell, Robert P. Nix, John J.
`O'Donnell, David B. Papworth, Paul K. Rodman, Proceedings of the 2nd Int’l Conf. on
`Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Oct. 1987, Palo Alto CA
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`Petitioners HTC Corp. & HTC America, Inc. - Ex. 1004, p. 2
`Fast Object-Oriented Procedure Calls: Lessons From the Intel 432, Edward F. Gehringer, Robert P.
`Colwell, ISCA 13, June 1986, pp. 92-101
`The Performance Effects of Architectural Complexity in the Intel 432, Robert P. Colwell, Edward F.
`Gehringer, E. Douglas Jensen, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Aug. 1988, V. 6, N. 3
`A Display Architecture for Driving Two Different Bitmapped Displays from One Frame Buffer,
`Robert P. Colwell, 1st Int’l Conference on Computer Workstations, San Jose CA, November 1985
`Computers, Complexity, and Controversy, R.P. Colwell, C.Y. Hitchcock III, E.D. Jensen, H.M.
`Brinkley Sprunt, C.P. Kollar, IEEE Computer, September, 1985, pp. 8-19
`The Performance Effects of Function Migration and Architectural Complexity in Object-Oriented
`Systems, Robert P. Colwell, PhD thesis, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, August 1985
`Peering Through The RISC/CISC Fog: An Outline Of Research, Computer Architecture News, Vol.
`11, No. 1, March 1983 pp. 44-50
`A Perspective on the Processor Complexity Controversy, Proceedings of the International
`Conference on Computer Design, 1983, pp. 613-616
`P6: Myths and Pipelined Realities, MP Forum '95 in Santa Clara
`Evolution of Slot 1 and Slot 2, MP Forum '97 in Santa Clara
`Micro '30 keynote speaker, 1997, San Jose
`HPCA2 keynote speaker, Santa Clara, 1996
`Talks on computing futures at CMU and Oregon Graduate Institute, Intel's Design Test and
`Technology Conference 1997-1998 (best presentation DTTC), invited keynote DTTC ‘04
`LCPC (Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing) keynote speaker, San Jose 1996
`Intel Research Forum invited speaker, Hillsboro '96, Santa Clara ’99
`Intel Distinguished Lecture Series talks on the Pentium Pro at BYU, MIT, UCB, Stanford, CMU,
`Illinois, Wisconsin, Univ of Washington, OGI, UCLA
`Distinguished Lectures: UC Davis May 2003; Carnegie-Mellon Univ Nov. 2003; USC April 2004
`Microprocessor Report dinner speaker on Pentium Pro, March '95
`Neural Networks for Computing Conference, Snowbird Utah, April 1994
`IEEE Winter VLSI Workshop 1995
`DARPA Winter PI conference, Pasadena CA, January 1994
`International Applications Conference, San Diego CA, June 1994
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`Nature's Paradigm and the Challenge of Validation, Intel Validation Summit 1998, invited talk
`Validation Lessons From Elsewhere, Intel Validation Summit 1999, invited talk
`ISCA keynote, Anchorage Alaska, June 2002
`ECE380 Seminar invited talk, Stanford Univ. February 2004
`Invited speaker, Technology Management Lecture Series, PSU May 2004
`Invited speaker, CSE Division Wide Seminar, University of Michigan, January 2005
`Invited keynote speaker, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Async Circuits and Systems, NYC, March 2005
`Invited speaker, IEEE Management Series, Portland OR, April 2005
`Eckert-Mauchly Award acceptance speech, ISCA, Madison Wisconsin, June 2005
`Invited keynote, International Multiconference on Computer Science and Computer Engineering,
`Las Vegas NV, June 2005
`Invited speaker: Google, Sun Labs, Portland State University 2005
`Invited speaker: Cadence, Carnegie-Mellon Univ. CS, Univ. of Rochester, Walla Walla College 2006
`Invited keynote, PICMET, Portland Oregon, August 2005
`Distinguished lecture, Univ. of Utah, March 2006
`Invited speaker: Computer Science Symposium, St. Petersburg, Russia 2006
`Invited speaker, IEEE-CS 60th anniversary meeting, Santiago Chile, San Diego CA 2006
`Invited speaker, National Academies “Distinguished Voices” lecture series, April 2007, Irvine CA
`Invited speaker, FCRC “Future Of Computer Architecture 2007”, June, San Diego CA
`Invited keynote speaker, ASAP 2007 conference, July, Montreal Canada 2007
`Invited speaker, UC Irvine, “How To Be a Successful Engineer”, Feb. 2008
`Invited speaker, US Naval Workshop on Ship Design, Williamsburg, VA May 2008
`Invited speaker, DARPA DSRC summer session, Santa Cruz CA July 2008
`Distinguished Hopeman Lecture, Grove City College, April 2009
`Many invited talks as DARPA MTO spokesperson on the end of Moore’s Law 2011-2014
`Invited speaker, Microsoft Research 20th Anniversary Symposium, Sept. 2011
`Invited speaker, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB), Sept. 2011
`Invited speaker, Secretary of Defense Corporate Fellows, July 2012, 2013
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`Invited speaker after-dinner talk, Salishan Conference on High Performance Computing, April 2013
`Invited speaker, Industrial Physics Forum, Baltimore MD, March 2013
`Invited speaker, Computing Community Consortium (CCC), Pgh PA, March 2013
`Invited speaker, National Defense University College, Wash. DC, May 2013
`Invited speaker, Design Automation Conference, Austin TX, June 2013
`Invited keynote, Hot Chips Conference, Stanford, August 2013
`Invited speaker, Gov’t Forum on Moore’s Law, Wash. DC, November 2013
`Invited talks at UT Austin, seminar & computer architecture lecture, November 2013
`Invited speaker, Rebooting Computing, Wash. DC, December 2013
`Invited speaker, Dartmouth College, January 2014
`Invited speaker, MIT Annual Research Conference (MARC), January 2014
`Invited speaker, Virginia Tech Univ., February 2014
`Invited speaker, Univ. of Rochester, March 2014
`Invited speaker, IEEE Technology Time Machine conf, October 2014
`Invited speaker, DARPA HAPTIX kickoff meeting, Arlington VA, Nov. 2014
`Invited speaker, CSTB Continuing Innovation in IT workshop, Washington DC, Mar. 2015
`Invited keynote, Stanford SystemX “Headlights” Workshop, April 2015
`Invited keynote, Berkeley Energy Efficient Electronics Systems Symposium, Oct. 2015
`Invited speaker, University of Washington, Nov. 2015
`DAC '91 panel session panelist; DAC '92 CAD tools workshop instructor
`ICCD '91 moderator/organizer of panel session, San Jose CA
`ICCAD-94, panel session panelist, November 1994, San Jose CA
`Micro 26 '93, moderator/organizer of panel session, Portland OR
`ISCA workshop talk, Santa Margerita Ligure, Italy 1995, panelist Phila. PA 1996
`PAID 97 Workshop talk on "accidental performance decisions" with Dave Papworth
`FPGA panel session panelist, November 1996, Monterey CA
`ASPLOS-VII panel session panelist, October 1998, San Jose CA
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`IEEE Workshop on Low-Power design panel session, San Diego, CA 1999
`Four panel sessions in 2000 at various conferences
`Computer Research Assoc. “Grand Challenges” conference, Santa Cruz CA, Dec. 2005
`DARPA MTO Exposition, Arlington VA July 2014
`ICCD 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
`IEEE Micro 24, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, general co-chair 37, 39, 40, 41
`ISCA 1999, 2000, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2015
`Supercomputing 2013, 2014
`Intergraph v. Intel, 1998-2000, deposed twice
`Techsearch v. Intel, 1999, deposed once
`LGE v. Elonex, Morgan Lewis, ChathamLaw, Tom Nelson, 2002
`Technical advice on PCI, memory system design
`Intergraph v. Dell, Jones Day, Mark Ziegelbein, 2003-2004
`Deposed, technical advice on buses, CPUs
`Intergraph v. HP, Irell-Manella, Flavio Rose, 2004
`Barbara Sales v. Intel, Brown Bain, Dan Bagatell, 2004
`Fujitsu v. LG Electronics, Morrison Foerster, Alex Chartove, 2004
`Opti v. NVIDIA, Cooley Godward, Tim Teter, 2004-2006
`Expert reports for claims construction, invalidity/non-infringement contentions
`MEC/Acacia v. NVIDIA, Cooley Godward, Tim Teter, 2005
`Kyocera v. Nokia, Jones Day, Keith Davis, 2005
`Expert report for claims construction
`HP v. Gateway, DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary, Alan Limbach, 2005
`Expert report for claims construction, infringement contentions
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`Petitioners HTC Corp. & HTC America, Inc. - Ex. 1004, p. 6
`Broadcom v. Qualcomm, Howrey, Vinay Joshi; DLA Piper, Dave Wiggins 2006
`Expert reports for claims construction and non-infringement/invalidity, deposed twice,
`testified at trial, Orange County, Judge J. Selna
`UniRAM v. Monolithic System Tech., Townsend & Townsend, George Schwab, 2006
`EVE-USA v. Mentor Graphics, Cooley Godward, Brian Mitchell, Bill Galiani, 2006
`Intergraph v. Toshiba, Foley Lardner, Stephen Lobbin, John Feldhaus, 2006-2007
`Declaration re: Markman brief, expert report, deposed
`MicroUnity v. Sony, Finnegan Henderson, Lei Mei, 2006-2007
`Tech Property Limited v. NEC, Toshiba, Matsushita, Baker Botts, Michael Hawes, 2006-2007
`Samsung v. Wistron, DLA Piper, Greg Lundell, Sal Lim, 2008 – settled
`Expert reports for claims construction, infringement, rebuttals, deposed
`Freescale v. ProMOS, Jones Day, Drexel Feeling, 2008 – settled
`Expert report for infringement
`ProMOS v. Freescale, Jones Day, Brent Ray, 2008 – settled
`Expert report on non-infringement
`Opti v. Nintendo, Cooley Godward, Tim Teter, 2008 – settled
`SuperSpeed v. IBM, Jones Day, Mark Ziegelbein, 2008 – settled
`Expert reports on non-infringement and invalidity, deposed twice
`Saxon v. Nintendo, Cooley Godward, Matt Brigham, 2008
`MOSAid v. NVIDIA, NVIDIA, Richard Calderwood, 2008
`Opti v. Apple, Cooley Godward, Tim Teter, 2009
`Expert reports on non-infringement and invalidity, deposed twice, testified at trial, Marshall
`Texas, Judge Everingham
`Network-1 v. Cisco, Wilmer Hale, Joe Haag, 2009 – settled at trial July 2010
`Claims construction declaration, expert report, deposed twice, testified at trial July 2010,
`Tyler, Texas; Judge L. Davis
`Also represented Extreme Networks, Foundry, 3Com, Enterasys, and Adtran (all settled)
`Samsung/LGE v. Kodak, Wilmer Hale, Joe Haag, 2009 expert report – settled
`WARF v. Intel, Wilmer Hale, Jonathan Andron, James Quarles, 2009 – deposed; settled
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`Petitioners HTC Corp. & HTC America, Inc. - Ex. 1004, p. 7
`ACQIS v. Sun/Oracle, DLA Piper, Alan Limbach, 2009
`Expert report on non-infringement, deposed, settled January 2011
`Xpoint v. Qualcomm, McDermott Will & Emery, Dave Dolkas – settled
`Nokia v. Apple, Wilmer Hale, Joe Haag – settled
`Alliacense v. SnapOn, McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert Berghoff, Brad Hulbert
`Toshiba v. Wistron, Knobbe Martens Olson Bear, Reza Mirzaie – settled
`Expert report on infringement, invalidity rebuttal, deposed
`Panasonic v. Freescale, Jones Day, David Witcoff – settled
`WARF v. Apple, Wilmer Hale, Bill Lee, Andrew Danford, 2014-2015
`Invalidity expert report, damages expert report, deposed, testified at trial (7 hours), Madison
`WI, Judge William Conley
`Have served as confidential technical consultant on many other patent litigation matters involved
`CPUs, chipsets, buses, memories, electronics, design tools, video and other technologies.
`Selected as member of ISAT (Information Systems Advanced Technology) panel for DARPA, 2006-
`2009, co-chaired Machine Learning on Multicore 2009 with Carlos Guestrin and Greg Morrisett
`Panelist, Dept of Defense Summer Study on Future Technology, summer 1999, Washington DC
`CSTB Panelist, National Academy of Science, Networks of Embedded Processors, 1999-2000, Wash.
`CSTB Panelist, National Academy of Science, Sustaining Growth in Computing Performance, 2006-
`2011, Wash. DC
`IEEE Computer Magazine editor for High Performance Computing, 1995 to 1999
`IEEE Computer Magazine editorial board member, Perspectives editor, 1999-present
`Reviewer of dozens of technical books for Morgan Kaufmann, Mindshare, Addison-Wesley
`Committee member on NSF funding for computer arch futures, Philadelphia, 1996
`Intel Innovator's Day finalist '93, judge '95, judge '97
`IEEE Senior Reviewer status in 1994, 1995, 1996 (conference papers, books, magazine articles)
`Intel P6 public spokesman at dozens of radio, TV, and magazine interviews
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`Intel Divisional Award 1993 for DFA performance modeling tool
`Intel Achievement Award 1996 for Pentium Pro Microarchitecture
`CMU Alumni Merit Award, 1996, for technical leadership on Pentium Pro development
`ACM Eckert-Mauchly award committee member, 1998-2001
`Univ. of Pgh. Distinguished Alumni Award, 2000, for technical leadership on Intel's microprocessors
`Univ. of Pgh. University Achievement Award, 2001, for accomplishments in field of Computing
`Carnegie-Mellon Distinguished Alumni Fellows Award 2001
`PICMET “Medal of Excellence” 2005
`Judge for CSIDC (Computer Society Int’l Design Competition) 2005, 2006
`Instructor ECE570, Adv. Computer Arch., Oregon State Univ., winter semesters 2000, 2003
`Inventor or co-inventor on 40 patents
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`Petitioners HTC Corp. & HTC America, Inc. - Ex. 1004, p. 9