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`Mercedes Exhibit 1028
`Fig. 1 Fig. 2 integer readcount ; (initial value = 0) semaphore mutex, w ; (initial value for both = 1) READER P(mutex) ; readcount := readeount + 1 ; if readeount = 1 then P(w) ; V(mutex) ; WRITER P(w); reading is performed writing is performed P(mutex) ; V(w) ; readeount := readeount -- 1 ; if readcount = 0 then V(w) ; V(mutex) ; integer readcount, writecount ; (initial value = 0) semaphore mutex 1, mutex 2, mutex 3, w, r ; (initial value = 1) READER WRITER P(mutex 3) ; P(mutex 2) ; P(r) ; writecount := writeeount + 1 ; P(mutex 1) ; if writeeount = 1 then P(r) ; readeount = readeount + 1 ; V(mutex 2) ; if readeount = 1 then P(w) ; P(w) ; V(mutex 1) ; V(r) ; V(mutex 3) ; reading is done writing is performed P(mutex 1) ; V(w) ; readeount := readcount - 1 ; P(mutex 2) ; if readcount = 0 then V(w) ; writecount := writeeount -- 1 ; V(mutex 1) ; if writeeount = 0 then V(r) ; V(mutex 2) ; is responsible for adjusting w. w will be positive if and only if there are no readers and no writers present in the critical section. Problem 2 Here we retain the requirement that writers must have exclusive access while readers may share, but we add the requirement that once a writer is ready to write, he performs his "write" as soon as possible. A solution to this problem cannot be a solution to Problem 1 be- cause to meet this requirement a reader who arrives after a writer has announced that he is ready to write must wait even if the writer is also waiting. For the first problem it was possible that a writer could wait in- definitely while a stream of readers arrived. In this problem we give priority to writers and allow readers to wait indefinitely while a stream of writers is working. On general principles we require that the solution give priority to writers without making any assumptions about priority being built into the V routine. In other words, where several processes are waiting at a sema- phore, we cannot predict which one will be allowed to proceed as the result of a V operation. We propose the solution shown in Figure 2. The reader should first note that the use of mutex 1 and w corresponds exactly to the use of mutex and w in the solution to Problem 1. The semaphore r is used to protect the act of entering the critical section in the same way that w is used to protect the shared resource in Problem 1. The first writer to pass P(r) will block readers from entering the section which manipulates mutex 1 and w. mutex 2 is used here for writers just as mutex is used for readers in Problem I. mutex 3 is necessary because of our absolute insistence on priority for writers. Without mutex 3 we have the possibility that a writer and one or more readers will be simul- 668 taneously waiting for a V(r) to be done by a reader. In that event we could not guarantee priority to the writer, mutex 3 guarantees a reader exclusive access to the block of code from "P(r)" to "V(r)" inclusive. As a result there will be at most one process ever waiting at r, and the result of a V is clear. Final Remarks The reader will note that the above solutions do not guarantee a FIFO discipline for the writers. To provide such a guarantee we must either assume further proper- ties of the V operation or make use of an array of n semaphores where n is the number of writers. Acknowledgment. We are grateful to A.N. Haber- mann of Carnegie-Mellon University for having shown us an error in an earlier version of this report. References 1. Dijkstra, E.W. Solution of a problem in concurrent programming control. Comm. ACM 8, 9 (Sept. 1965), 569. 2. Knuth, D.W. Additional comments on a problem in concurrent programming control. Comm. ACM 9, 5 (May 1966), 321-322. 3. de Bruijn, N.G. Additional comments on a problem in concurrent programming control. Comm. ACM 10, 3 (Mar. 1967), 137-138. 4. Dijkstra, E.W. The structure of the "THE"-multiprogramming system. Comm. ACM11, 5 (May 1968), 341-346. Communications October 1971 of Volume 14 the ACM Number 10
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