United States Patent [19]
`Collo?‘ et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jun. 25, 1996
`9/1982 Webb et al. .......................... .. 395/487
`[75] Inventors: Ian G. Collo?‘, Ascot; Albert S-
`Hilditch, Wokingham, both of England
`[73] Assignee: International Computers Limited,
`Putney, United Kingdom
`[2]] Appl. No.: 206,001
`Mar‘ 3’ 1994
`[22] Flled:
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`UIlltCd Kingdom ................. .. 9306647
`M81‘. 30, 1993 [GB]
`[51] Int. c1.6 .................................................... .. G06F 12/12
`[52] US. (:1. .................... .. 395/463’ 395/421 06- 395/487
`[58] Fi e1 d of S e at ch
`595/200 400
`""""""""""""""""""" "
`395/425’ 421'06’ 463’ 445’ 486’ 487
`References Cited
`1087189 10/1967 United Kingdom .
`1475785 6/1977 United Kingdom .
`Primary Examiner—lack A. Lane
`Assistant EXaminer—F?di A. Stephan
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Lee, Mann, Smith, McWilliams,
`Sweeney & Ohlson
`A cache memory contains a number of RAMs. The RAMs
`are addressed by independent hashing functions, so as to
`access a set of locations, one in each RAM. If the required
`data item is resident in the addressed Set, it is accessed‘
`Otherwise, the least-recently used location in the Set is
`Selected f°r “awning with data fwm main memry- The
`contents of the RAM location that is about to be overwritten
`are saved, and then used to access the memory again in order
`to address a further set of locations. If any of this further set
`of locations is less recently used than the saved contents, the
`saved contents are loaded back into that location.
`3,949,369 4/1976 Churchill, Jr. ..................... .. 340/1725
`3 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`RAM 0
`RAM 1
`RAM 2
`RAM 3 r43
`Petitioners' EX1011 Page 1

`US. Patent
`Jun. 25, 1996
`Sheet 1 of 3
`F/ .7. Q
`A5 I
`A7 2
`RAM 0
`RAM 2 faz
`RAM 3
`Petitioners' EX1011 Page 2

`US. Patent
`Jun. 25, 1996
`Sheet 2 of 3
`Fig. 3.
`Petitioners' EX1011 Page 3

`US. Patent
`Jun. 25, 1996
`Sheet 3 of 3
`Fig. 4.
`Fly. 5.
`Petitioners' EX1011 Page 4

`This invention relates to set-associative memories.
`One conventional form of set-associative memory com
`prises a plurality of random access memories (RAMs), each
`RAM location holding a data item and a tag value identi
`fying the data. An input address is hashed (i.e. transformed
`by a many-to-one mapping function) to produce a hash
`address, which is applied in parallel to all the RAMs, so as
`to select one location in each RAM. The tag values in the
`addressed locations are then examined to see if the desired
`data is resident in one of them and, if so, the data is accessed.
`If there are n RAMs, so that 11 locations at a time are
`examined, the memory is referred to as an n-way set
`associative memory and is said to have an associativity of n.
`The usual choice for the value of n is 2 or 4.
`Such a set-associative memory may be used, for example,
`as a cache memory for a computer system. The aim of a
`cache is to keep the most useful data of a large amount of
`data in a small, fast memory in order to avoid having to
`retrieve the data from the larger, slower main memory. If the
`required data is in the cache, it is said that a “hit” has
`occurred; otherwise a “miss” has occurred. The percentage
`of misses is called the “miss rate”. A common engineering
`problem in designing a cache is to minimize the miss rate
`while keeping the cache size, the access speed, the power
`consumption and the amount of implementation logic ?xed.
`In general, the miss rate of such a cache decreases as its
`set associativity increases. On the other hand, the cost of
`implementation increases as set associativity increases.
`Thus, in general, known caches that deliver minimum miss
`rates demand large amounts of logic and space to imple
`ment, while known caches that are the cheapest to imple
`ment deliver higher miss rates.
`Another use of set-associative memory is to form a
`content addressable memory (CAM). The aim of a CAM is
`to store and reference data according to its contents. For
`instance, performing a join of two relations within a rela
`tional database query can be implemented by ?rst storing the
`contents of one relation in the CAM, indexed by the join
`attribute, and then secondly by comparing the rows of the
`second relation to the CAM using the join attribute again.
`Content addressable memories can be implemented by fully
`associative memories but their size is limited by the space
`demanded by fully associative logic,
`One object of the present invention is to provide an
`improved set-associative memory which is capable of per
`forming as well as conventional set~associative memories of
`higher set associativity, or better than conventional set
`associative memories of the same set associativity. For
`example, when the set-associative memory is used as a
`cache, this means that it is able to deliver the same miss rate
`as conventional caches of larger size and cost, or lower miss
`rates than conventional caches of the same size and cost.
`A second object of the present invention is to provide a
`CAM using a modi?ed set-associative memory. This allows
`both much larger CAMs to be constructed and an improved
`read performance over present CAMs.
`According to one aspect of the invention, there is pro
`vided an n-way set-associative memory (where n is an
`A data processing system embodying the invention will
`now be described by way of example with reference to the
`accompanying drawings.
`integer greater than 1), comprising a plurality of n RAMs,
`each RAM location holding a data item and a tag value
`identifying the data, addressing means for addressing the
`RAMs to access a set of locations, one in each RAM, and
`means for examining said set of locations to detect whether
`a required data item is resident in any of those locations,
`wherein the addressing means comprises means for perform
`ing 11 independent hashing functions to hash an input
`memory address into n separate addresses for respectively
`addressing said RAMs, characterised by means for saving
`the contents of a RAM location that is about to be over
`written, means for using the saved contents to access the
`memory again to address a further set of locations, and a
`means for loading the saved contents into one of said further
`set of locations.
`As will be shown, this “shunting” operation can improve
`the performance of the set-associative memory, by effec~
`tively increasing its set associativity.
`According to a second aspect of the invention there is
`provided a contents addressable memory comprising a plu
`rality of n RAMs (where n is an integer greater than 1), each
`RAM location holding a data item and a tag value identi
`fying the data, means for performing n independent hashing
`functions to hash an input memory address into 11 separate
`addresses, means for addressing the RAMs with said It
`separate addresses to access a set of locations, one in each
`RAM, a means for examining said set of locations to detect v
`whether any of said addressed set of locations is empty and,
`if so, loading an input data item into that location and a
`means operative if none of said addressed set of locations is
`empty, for selecting one of said addressed set of locations for
`replacement, saving the tag value and data item of the
`selected location, loading the input data item into the
`selected location, using the saved contents to access the
`memory again to address a further set of locations and, if any
`of the addressed set of locations is empty, loading the saved
`data item into that location.
`As will be shown, a set-associative memory with repeated
`shunting can deliver a content addressable memory without
`the need for full associativity thus reducing the logic needed
`and greatly increasing the size of CAM possible. Further, the
`read performance of such a “repeated shunting CAM” will
`be faster than an equivalent fully-associative CAM.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a data processing system
`including a cache comprising a set-associative memory in
`accordance with the invention.
`FIG. 2 shows a set-associative memory with the enhance
`ment of “shunting”.
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart showing the operation of the cache.
`FIG. 4 is a ?ow chart showing the way that shunting is
`used in operation of the cache.
`FIG. 5 is a ?ow chart showing the operation of a contents
`addressable memory using the set-associative memory of
`FIG. 2.
`Petitioners' EX1011 Page 5

`Referring to FIG. 1, the data processing system comprises
`a data processing unit 10, a main memory 11, and a virtually
`addressed cache controller 12 connected between the pro
`cessing unit and main memory. The cache within the cache
`controller is smaller and faster than the main memory, and
`holds copies of the most recently used data items, allowing
`these items to be accessed by the processing unit without
`having to retrieve them from the slower main memory.
`The cache controller 12 comprises a 4-way set-associative
`cache 13, a translation look-aside bu?'er (TLB) 14, a con
`tents addressable memory (CAM) 15, and a least-recently
`used replacement mechanism (LRU) 16. The set-associative
`cache holds the cache data, indexed by the virtual address of
`the data. The TLB contains a virtual address to real address
`mapping, indexed by the virtual address, for allowing virtual
`addresses to be translated into real addresses. The CAM
`contains a real address to cache location number mapping,
`indexed by the real address, the purpose of which will be
`described later. The LRU contains recency-of-usage infor
`mation for the data items held in the set-associative memory.
`FIG. 2 shows the 4-way set-associative memory in more
`detail. The memory comprises four RAMs 4043, each of
`which contains a plurality of addressable locations. Each
`RAM location holds a data item and a virtual address tag,
`identifying the data item.
`An input virtual memory address is received in an address
`register 44. This input address is hashed in four different
`ways by four different ef?cient hashing functions 45-48 to
`produce four separate hash addresses. The hashing is done
`concurrently. A good implementation of the hashing func
`tions can be achieved by using the random matrix hashing
`algorithm as described in British patent speci?cation GB
`2240413. This algorithm generates an arbitrary number of
`independent hashing functions which can be implemented
`easily and which allow hashing to be completed within a few
`simple gate delays.
`The four hash addresses are used to address the four
`RAMs, so as to address four locations, one in each RAM.
`Because the hashing functions are independent, these four
`hash addresses will, in general, be different. The virtual
`address tags in the four addressed locations are compared
`with the input virtual address by means of comparators
`49-52, to see whether any of these locations contains the
`desired data.
`The set-associative memory also includes a register 53,
`referred to herein as the shunt register, the purpose of which
`will be described.
`The operation of the cache is as follows. When the data
`processor requires to access a data item,it sends a request to
`the cache, specifying the virtual address of the required data.
`The virtual address is loaded into the address register 44, so
`as to address four locations in the RAMs. If any of the
`addressed locations contains the required data, a hit has
`occurred, and the required data can be accessed immediately
`from that location. The LRU is updated to re?ect the usage
`of this data.
`If on the other hand none of the addressed locations
`contains the required data, a miss has occurred. The opera
`tion of the cache in the event of a miss is shown in FIG. 3.
`The LRU is accessed to decide which of the four
`addressed RAM locations is least recently used, and this
`location is selected for replacement with the desired data.
`The TLB is then consulted to calculate the real address of the
`required data. The entry in the CAM for the data to be
`replaced is deleted.
`The CAM is then consulted, using the real address, to
`determine whether the required data is already resident in
`the virtual cache, in another cache location under a different
`virtual address. If the data is present in a different cache
`location, under a different virtual alias, it is moved to the
`required cache location, and the entry for that data in the
`CAM is updated to the new cache location number. If on the
`other hand the data is not present in the virtual cache under
`a different virtual alias, it is requested from the main
`memory using the real address obtained from the TLB.
`When the required data has been fetched from the main
`memory it is stored in the replacement location of the
`set-associative memory, and a new entry is added to the
`CAM for the new data.
`In the case of a cache miss, after the required data has
`been requested from the main memory, a shunting procedure
`is performed, as will be described with reference to FIG. 4.
`This shunting is performed while the required data is being
`retrieved from main memory.
`Referring to FIG. 4, the ?rst step of the shunting proce
`dure is to load the existing contents of the least-recently used
`one of the four addressed locations (i.e. the location that will
`be overwritten by the requested data) into the shunt register
`The virtual address tag in the shunt register is then used
`to address the set-associative memory, in place of the input
`virtual memory address. Four RAM locations will therefore
`be accessed, one in each of the four RAMs. One of these
`locations is where the data was shunted from. However, in
`general, the other three locations will be different from those
`accessed by the input virtual memory address, because of the
`different hashing functions used to access the four RAMs.
`The recency of usage of the data in these other three
`addressed RAM locations is then compared with that of the
`data in the shunt register. If the data in the shunt register is
`more recently used than any of those three RAM locations,
`the RAM location with the oldest access time is replaced
`with the contents of the shunt register. The existing contents
`of the RAM location are loaded into the shunt register.
`The shunting procedure is repeated, using the new con
`tents of the shunt register, up to a ?xed number of times or
`until it is found that the shunted data is less recently used
`than the data in any of the addressed RAM locations.
`It can be seen that, after shunting is completed, the cache
`location lost is the least recently used cache location of all
`those examined. This implies that with a 4-way set-associa
`tive cache, shunting once on each miss provides the equiva
`lent of a 7-way set-associative cache. Repeating the shunt
`each time adds 3 to the effective set associativity.
`The set-associative memory shown in FIG. 2 may also be
`used as a contents-addressable memory (CAM) such as, for
`example, the CAM 15 of FIG. 1.
`Since a CAM is only used to store a ?nite amount of data,
`we assume that the number of locations in the RAMs is
`enough to hold all needed data. This means that we never
`discard any data in the CAM. However, for the set-associa
`Petitioners' EX1011 Page 6

`tive memory to be used e?iciently as a CAM between 20 and
`30% of the total locations in the CAM should be surplus to
`requirement. This means that the expected number of shunts
`is not greater than 1 and optimum e?iciency is ensured.
`Referring to FIG. 5, this shows the operation of the CAM
`when it is required to load a new data entry into the CAM.
`The address of the data is hashed by the four hashing
`functions to access four RAM locations, one in each RAM.
`The four addressed locations are then examined to see if any
`of them is empty. If so, the new data entry is loaded into that
`location, and the process is complete.
`If, on the other hand, none of the four addressed RAM
`locations is empty, one of these four locations is selected at
`random, and its contents are loaded into the shunt register
`53. The address tag in the shunt register is then used to
`address the set-associative memory, in place of the original
`input address. A further three RAM locations will therefore
`be accessed together with the location from which the data
`was shunted. This shunting process is repeated until, even
`tually, an empty RAM location is found, and the new data
`entry is loaded into that location.
`When the CAM is searched for data, the data will always
`be found in one of the four cache locations initially searched.
`When adding data to the CAM it may take one or more
`shunts in order to ?nd an empty cache location, but an empty
`location will always be found eventually. Deletion of data
`can be achieved without the need of shunting. A special
`command is provided for clearing the CAM for reuse.
`The CAM described above has a number of advantages
`over CAMs implemented using a fully associative memory:
`less logic, less power consumption and faster access times.
`This will allow much larger CAMs to be constructed than
`normally possible. The CAM described above has two
`advantages over CAMs implemented using standard hashing
`techniques that must resort to inefficient means for resolving
`hashing collisions: better space utilisation and faster access
`We claim:
`1. A memory system including a main memory and a
`faster, smaller cache memory, wherein said cache memory
`a) a plurality of n RAMs (where n is an integer greater
`than 1), each RAM comprising a plurality of address
`able locations;
`b) hashing means for performing n independent hashing
`functions, to hash an input address into 11 separate
`_ addresses for addressing said RAMs;
`c) LRU means for storing recency-of-use information for
`each location in said RAMs;
`d) means for applying a memory address as an input to
`said hashing means, to access a ?rst set of locations in
`said RAMs, one location in each RAM;
`e) means for using said LRU means to select a least
`recently used one of said ?rst set of locations;
`f) means for applying data from said least recently used
`one of said ?rst set of locations as a further input to said
`hashing means, to access a further set of locations in
`said RAMs, one location in each RAM; and
`g) means for using said LRU means to select one of said
`further set of locations that is less recently used than
`said least recently used one of said ?rst set of locations
`and for loading said data from said least recently used
`one of said ?rst set of locations into said one of said
`further set of locations.
`2. A data processing system including a data processing
`unit, a main memory, and a faster, smaller cache memory,
`wherein said cache memory comprises:
`a) a plurality of n RAMs (where n is an integer greater
`than 1), each RAM comprising a plurality of address
`able locations;
`b) hashing means for performing n independent hashing
`functions, to bash an input address into n separate
`addresses for addressing said RAMs;
`c) LRU means for storing recency-of-use information for
`each location in said RAMs;
`d) means for applying a memory address as an input to
`said hashing means, to access a ?rst set of locations in
`said RAMs, one location in each RAM;
`e) means for using said LRU means to select a least
`recently used one of said ?rst set of locations;
`f) means for applying data from said least recently used
`one of said ?rst set of locations as a further input to said
`hashing means, to access a further set of locations in
`said RAMs, one location in each RAM; and
`g) means for using said LRU means to select one of said
`further set of locations that is less recently used than
`said least recently used one of said ?rst set of locations
`and for loading said data from said least recently used
`one of said ?rst set of locations into said one of said
`further set of locations.
`3. A method of operating a memory system including a
`main memory and a faster, smaller cache memory, the cache
`memory comprising a plurality of n RAMs (where n is an
`integer greater than 1), and hashing means for performing n
`independent hashing functions to hash an input memory
`address into 11 separate addresses for addressing said RAMs,
`said method comprising the steps;
`a) applying a memory address as an input to said hashing
`means, to access a ?rst set of locations in said RAMs,
`one location in each RAM;
`b) selecting a least recently used one of said ?rst set of
`c) applying data from said least recently used one of said
`?rst set of locations as a further input to said hashing
`means, to access a further set of locations in said
`RAMs, one location in each RAM; and
`d) selecting one of said further set of locations that is less
`recently used than said least recently used one of said
`?rst set of locations and loading said data from said
`least recently used one of said ?rst set of locations into
`said one of said further set of locations.
`* * *
`* *
`Petitioners' EX1011 Page 7

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