`445 Fifth Avenue
`New York, New York 10016
`Phone 212-686-5555
`Fax 212-686-5414
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that
`all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true; and further that
`these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the
`like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of
`Title 18 of the United States Code and that such willful false statements may jeopardize
`the results of these proceedings.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that
`the translation into ENGLISH is true and accurate of the attached document relating to:
`DE 196 54 894 A1
`written in GERMAN.
`I 1: ‘T.
`Sworn to and subscribed before me
`this 21st day of October, 2016
`4,, 2545:
`Notary Public, State of New York
`No. O1BR6151227
`Qualified in Suffolk County
`Commission Expires August 14, 2018
`° Typesetting/Desktop Publshin
`‘vgaieo Exhlblt 1113, pg. 1
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 1

`Translator's note re DE 196 54 894 A1:
`It appears that some of the description was copied from another application with different
`Figure numbers:
`In the paragraph spanning pp. 5 and 6, and describing Fig. 3, the phrase "already
`described with respect to Fig. 4" does not make sense.
`In the same paragraph, the sentence beginning "As already explained..." refers to "air"
`acting as "insulation", even though no such explanation appears anywhere else.
`On p. 6, the paragraph describing Fig. 5 refers to a Fig. 8, even though the description
`contains only 6 figures.
`On p. 7, a reference is made to Fig. 12.
`The wording of the claims hardly reflects that in the description. In particular, the phrase
`"additional travel section ... measured on" in claim 9 is not mentioned anywhere in the
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 2

`Int. Cl.6:
`F 16 F 15/133
`Unexamined Application
` DE 196 54 894 A1
`Serial No.:
`Application date:
`Date laid open:
`196 54 894.2
`14 August 1996
`04 December 1997
`62 Division from: 196 32 729.6
`Schierling, Bernhard, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), 97273
`Kürnach, DE; Feldhaus, Reinhard, Dipl.-Ing.,
`97714 Oerlenbach, DE; Sudau, Jörg, Dipl.-
`Ing., 97464 Niederwerrn, DE; Orlamünder,
`Andreas, Dipl.-Ing., 97421 Schweinfurt, DE
`Torsional vibration damper with a compensating inertial mass
`A torsional vibration damper is constructed
`with a drive-side transmission element and a
`power-takeoff-side transmission element capable
`of rotating relative thereto, at least one of which
`has an activating means for elastic elements of a
`damping device, and with at least one of which a
`compensating inertial mass is associated.
`Internal priority:
`198 09 553.0 12 March 1996
`71 Applicant:
`Mannesmann Sachs AG, 97422 Schweinfurt,
`The following text is taken from the documents filed by the Applicant
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 3

`- 1 -
`The invention relates to a torsional vibration damper according to the preamble of claim
`DE 36 30 398 C2 describes a torsional vibration damper with a drive-side transmission
`element and a power-takeoff-side transmission element capable of rotating relative thereto, at
`least one of which has an activating means for elastic elements of a damping device. Even
`relatively large torsional vibrations, which are also transmitted to the drive-side transmission
`element upon introduction of a torque by a drive, such as an internal combustion engine, can be
`reduced by such a torsional vibration damper. The reduction takes place during transmission of
`the respective torsional vibrations from the drive-side to the power-takeoff-side transmission
`element via the elastic elements – which are supported by a friction means – of the damping
`In contrast to a massive flywheel, both inertial masses are relatively light, and so the
`large primary-side mass, which is composed of the drive and the primary-side inertial mass, is
`counteracted by a small secondary-side inertial mass, which is braced on the gear-train side.
`Thereby the resisting torque for a drive, which is determined by the inertia of the primary side
`and a reaction torque formed by the action of the springs, by friction and by the inertia of the
`secondary inertial mass, is relatively small, and so it is capable of smoothing out synchronization
`fluctuations of the drive to only a small extent. The synchronization fluctuations cause torque
`fluctuations in the secondary aggregates, such as a generator, connected to the front end of the
`engine. The torque fluctuations may cause damage to these aggregates.
`A further possibility for damping drive-side torsional vibrations may lie in providing,
`according to DE 36 43 272 A1, a torsional vibration damper with a compensating inertial mass,
`which is mounted to rotate freely relative to the actual inertial mass and by virtue of its mass
`inertia develops a resisting torque upon introduction of a torsional vibration.
`By the use of the additional compensating inertial mass, the torsional vibration damper is
`bulkier, especially when it is equipped, as is that of DE 36 30 398 A1 appraised in the foregoing,
`with a chamber filled at least partly with a viscous fluid for receiving the damping device.
`The task of the invention is to improve a torsional vibration damper with a compensating
`inertial mass to the effect that the increase in overall space requirement due to the compensating
`inertial mass as well as the structural complexity is minimal.
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 4

`- 2 -
`This task is accomplished according to the invention by the features specified in the
`bodies of claims 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10.
`The compensating inertial mass is preferably matched to a particular order of the drive.
`One possibility for the order is the ignition excitation, which depends on the number of cylinders
`of the internal combustion engine, so that, depending on the degree of matching of the
`compensating weights, the ignition excitations can be absorbed at least partly or even
`completely. Thereby the advantage is achieved that torsional vibrations that, for example in a
`torsional vibration damper with two inertial masses capable of rotating relative to one another,
`lead to deformation of the elastic elements acting between the inertial masses, can be reduced at
`least considerably. This is of special significance in particular when passing through the
`resonance range of the torsional vibration damper because, if no reduction of the ignition
`excitations were to be achieved, these could lead to damage or even destruction at least in the
`region of the elastic elements. Normally this problem is alleviated by making the elastic elements
`particularly flexible with large spring deflections and disposing them in a chamber filled with
`viscous fluid, while constructing the inertial masses with large weight. By these features it is
`possible to limit instability of the motion of the inertial masses relative to one another, especially
`during passage through the resonance range since, due to the flexible elastic elements
`constructed with long-stroke spring action and the high inertial mass, the resonance range of the
`torsional vibration damper is lowered sufficiently that it lies just above the ignition frequency of
`the internal combustion engine, i.e. in a frequency range in which the ignition excitations have
`not yet reached full intensity. By using the compensation inertial mass according to the claims, it
`is now possible to increase the stiffness of the elastic elements of the damping device since, by
`virtue of the reduced effect of the ignition excitations, the deflection angle between the two
`inertial masses can be made smaller. Furthermore, it is possible to reduce the weight of the
`inertial masses. Although the resonance range of the torsional vibration damper is indeed shifted
`to higher rotational speeds by these aforesaid features, this is uncritical because of the at least
`partial absorption of the ignition excitations. Furthermore, because of the smaller deflection
`angle between the inertial masses, it is possible to construct the damping device without viscous
`fluid as the damping medium. On the whole, therefore, it is possible to reduce the costs and
`weight of the torsional vibration damper by using the compensating inertial mass.
`Advantageously, the compensating inertial mass is disposed in a completely or partly
`sealed housing, which is filled with a viscous fluid, preferably oil, in order to safeguard the
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 5

`- 3 -
`useful life. This housing may contain a coupling means for the compensating inertial mass, such
`as levers, linkages or roller tracks. The housing may be an independent structural part or be
`integrated at least partly in another component of the torsional vibration damper, for example in
`one of the inertial masses.
`If the torsional vibration damper is constructed with only one inertial mass, the
`compensating inertial mass may be provided with an additional shift clutch, since it should be
`separated from the gear-train input shaft, for example to avoid synchronization problems in a
`downstream gear train. As an example, a common actuating system for separating and starting
`clutch on the one hand and shift clutch of the compensating inertial mass on the other hand,
`wherein the two clutches can be actuated successively or simultaneously, makes sense for cost
`reasons in this situation. During the disengagement process, the preferred sequence is first to
`actuate the separating and starting clutch and only after that to actuate the shift clutch of the
`compensating inertial mass, in order to avoid clashing noises when starting. All known types of
`releasing means may be considered for the actuating system, such as rocker arms, forks or a
`releasing means concentrically surrounding the gear shaft, wherein actuation may take place
`mechanically or hydraulically in both cases.
`The invention will be explained in more detail hereinafter on the basis of exemplary
`embodiments, wherein, in particular:
`Fig. 1 shows a half representation of a torsional vibration damper with two inertial
`masses capable of rotating relative to one another, one of which is provided for receiving the
`compensating inertial mass radially inside elastic elements of the damping device;
`Fig. 2 is the same as Fig. 1, but with the compensating inertial mass disposed radially
`outside the elastic elements;
`Fig. 2a is an enlarged detail of the region of the hub plate radially between the elastic
`elements and the compensating inertial mass;
`Fig. 3 is the same as Fig. 4, but with the compensating inertial mass disposed in the heat-
`dissipating region of the friction clutch;
`Fig. 4 is the same as Fig. 3, but with the compensating inertial mass joined to a structural
`part of the friction clutch so as to rotate therewith;
`Fig. 5 shows the construction of a torsional vibration damper equipped with only one
`inertial mass together with the compensating inertial mass, which can be connected and
`disconnected via an additional shift clutch;
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 6

`- 4 -
`Fig. 6 is the same as Fig. 5, but with inversion of inertial mass and friction clutch in axial
`Fig. 1 shows a torsional vibration damper, which is connected to a crankshaft 1 of a
`drive, for example of an internal combustion engine, by fastening means 41. The torsional
`vibration damper has a primary flange 2, which extends radially outward relative to crankshaft 1
`and in its radial outer region has a cover plate 6, together with which it encloses a chamber 28,
`which can be filled with viscous fluid. Together with cover plate 6, primary flange 2 is part of an
`inertial mass 3, which is active as drive-side transmission element 4 of the torsional vibration
`damper. In the radially outer region of chamber 28, elastic elements 7 of a damping device 8,
`which extend substantially in circumferential direction and can be urged by drive means 9, which
`are provided both on primary flange 2 and on cover plate 6, respectively on their side facing
`chamber 28, are guided via sliding shoes 30 which are known in themselves and are braced
`radially outwardly. Elastic elements 7 are braced with their respective opposite ends on radial
`projections 5 of a hub plate 10, which is fastened via rivets 12 to a second inertial mass 13,
`wherein the latter is active as a power-takeoff-side transmission element 14. In the
`circumferential region, inertial mass 13 has, on its side facing away from first inertial mass 3, a
`friction face 15, on which there bears a friction lining 16 of a clutch plate 17, which further has a
`disk part 21 for connection to a hub 18, which is engaged to rotate with gear shaft 20 via a
`toothing 19. Clutch plate 17 is part of a clutch housing 49, which is connected to second inertial
`mass 13, is formed in known manner and is illustrated, for example, in Fig. 5. Clutch housing 49
`receives a pressing spring 48, which via a pressure plate 47 can be brought into engagement with
`associated friction lining 16 of clutch plate 17, thus establishing the frictional contact between
`crankshaft 1 and gear shaft 20. A friction clutch 64 is formed by clutch housing 49, pressure
`plate 47 and clutch plate 17.
`Returning now to second inertial mass 13, this together with hub plate 10 secures, in axial
`direction, a bearing 24, for example a rolling bearing, which in turn is disposed on a hub 25 of
`first inertial mass 3. At this place a region of hub 25 protruding radially relative to the radially
`inner part of bearing 24 takes over the axial securing of bearing 24 toward one side, while the
`other side of bearing 24 is secured by a cover disk 27, which is held axially in contact against
`hub 25 and thus primary flange 2 by fastening means 41 mentioned initially.
`Via a fastening 23, and axially between hub plate 10 of second inertial mass 13 and the
`latter, a housing 110 filled with oil is received radially inside elastic elements 7, wherein
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 7

`- 5 -
`compensating inertial mass 22 is integrated in this housing in a manner not illustrated. What is
`important here is that compensating inertial mass 22 experiences a deflection if a torsional
`vibration is imposed on first inertial mass 3, and hereby at least partly compensates the torsional
`vibration, which is caused by ignition excitations in the internal combustion machine, so that, by
`virtue of compensating inertial mass 22 alone, the torsional vibration is already considerably
`reduced in magnitude when it reaches gear shaft 20 via clutch plate 17. This process is assisted in
`a manner known in itself by damping device 8 of the torsional vibration damper.
`Fig. 2 shows a further torsional vibration damper with drive-side transmission element 4,
`which is formed by a first inertial mass 3, and with a power-takeoff-side transmission element
`14, with which a second inertial mass 13 is associated. On primary flange 2 of first inertial mass
`3, axially between this and hub 25, which extends substantially axially, a hub plate 32 is fixed
`which engages with its radially middle and outer region between two cover plates 36, 37
`disposed axially on both sides, of which that facing second inertial mass 13 is joined to the latter
`via rivet 12 and functions together with this for axial securing of bearing 24 disposed on hub 25.
`Hub plate 32 has windows 39 for receiving elastic elements 7 of damping device 8, wherein
`these windows 39 extend in circumferential direction and are aligned with windows 38 in cover
`plates 36, 37, in which elastic elements 7 also engage. The respective edges of these windows 38,
`39 function as activating means for elastic elements 7. Radially outside elastic elements 7, hub
`plate 32 is formed with radial projections 33, which respectively project with clearance in
`circumferential direction into axial expansions 34, which, viewed in circumferential direction,
`are formed by cover plates 36 and 37 between respectively two axial constrictions 111 and, by
`being filled with viscous fluid, are active as annular-segment chambers 35. Hereby damping of
`movements of hub plate 32 in circumferential direction relative to cover plates 36, 37 is
`achieved. Escape of the viscous fluid in radially inward direction is prevented by means of a seal
`44 disposed axially between hub plate 32 and the respective associated cover plate 36, 37.
`Radially outside annular-segment chambers 35, cover plates 36, 37 undergo an axial expansion
`and thereby form housing 110 for receiving the initially described compensating inertial mass 22.
`For the case that cooling of the latter seems necessary, second inertial mass 13 is
`provided in its radially inner region with cooling-air openings 40, so that air that has entered
`there is passed radially outward via an air guide 42 disposed axially between cover plate 37 and
`second inertial mass 13.
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 8

`- 6 -
`In the embodiment of the torsional vibration damper according to Fig. 3, primary flange 2
`is provided directly for receiving bearing 24 , which in turn carries a hub plate 45. Both primary
`flange 2 and hub plate 45 as well as a cover plate 112 joined firmly with the primary flange via
`spacer pins 46 are formed with respective windows 38, 39, which are provided in the way
`already described with respect to Fig. 4 for receiving elastic elements 7 of damping device 8.
`Second inertial mass 13 is fastened to hub plate 45 in the radially outer region thereof, wherein
`housing 110, which functions to receive compensating inertial mass 22, is disposed axially
`between this inertial mass and hub plate 45. This housing 110 is disposed in the radial extension
`region of friction face 15 of second inertial mass 13, at which frictional heat is generated. As
`already explained, this is kept away from the compensating inertial mass 22 by the air acting as
`insulation between the wall of housing 110 and the said compensating inertial mass.
`Fig. 4 shows a further fastening variant for housing 110 of compensating inertial mass
`22, wherein housing 110 is received on pressing spring 48 of friction clutch 64 in a manner fixed
`to rotate therewith and is held axially between pressing spring 48 and a bearing of a release
`element 50.
`Fig. 5 shows another embodiment of the inventive torsional vibration damper, with only
`a single inertial mass 52. This has, in its radially middle region, a space 53, in which, via bearing
`54, housing 110 is mounted to rotate relative to inertial mass 52. In the radially inner region,
`housing 110 has a carrier 55 for a friction lining 57, via which housing 110 is in frictional
`contact therewith or is separated therefrom depending on the position of clutch plate 17, or in
`other words depending on whether friction clutch 64 is engaged or disengaged. In the engaged
`condition, clutch plate 17 and thus in particular cover plate 59 thereof at the left of Fig. 8 is held
`by pressing spring 48 in contact against friction lining 57 of housing 110, so that this is
`connected to clutch plate 17 in a manner to rotate therewith and thus to the gear shaft, not
`illustrated in this figure. From this it follows that compensating inertial mass 22 is connected to
`the gear shaft during the operation of the friction clutch, whereas, once the frictional connection
`of housing 110 relative to clutch plate 17 has ceased after disengagement, the connection
`between compensating inertial mass 22 and the gear shaft is separated. The reason for this is that
`the mass attached to the gear shaft should be as small as possible, for protection of
`synchronization devices in the gear train. Accordingly, by virtue of friction lining 57 formed on
`carrier 55, a shift clutch 58 is associated with compensating inertial mass 22.
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 9

`- 7 -
`Fig. 6 illustrates a further embodiment, in which clutch housing 49 of the friction clutch
`is disposed on the side of crankshaft 1, not shown, and inertial mass 52 is disposed on the side of
`gear shaft 20. Pressure plate 47, which via friction lining 16 of clutch plate 17 holds the said
`clutch plate in contact with friction face 15 of inertial mass 52 when friction clutch 64 is
`engaged, is disposed axially between the said inertial mass and pressing spring 48 braced in
`clutch housing 49. At the radial inner end, pressing spring 48 can be urged by a release element
`130, which in turn is axially displaceable by a coupling element 132, which passes axially
`through gear shaft 20 and is actuated by a releasing means in a manner not shown. Because of
`the axial displacement process, housing 110 of compensating inertial mass 22, which is disposed
`between hub 18 of clutch plate 17 and a friction lining 57 of a shift clutch 58, is held frictionally
`in engaged condition. In this condition, it is provided by a compensating element 73 in the form
`of a rolling bearing that relative torsional capability is ensured between the drive side and the
`power-takeoff side of the torsional vibration damper. To separate friction clutch 64 and thus also
`shift clutch 58, coupling element 132 is moved leftward by a corresponding movement of the
`releasing means, not shown, from its position shown in Fig. 12, whereby pressure plate 47
`releases friction lining 16 of clutch plate 17 and simultaneously, via release element 130,
`generates release of housing 110 relative to hub 18 and thus to gear shaft 20. For re-engagement
`of the two clutches 64, 58, coupling element 132 and thus release element 130 are returned to
`their positions shown in Fig. 6 and thus pressing spring 48 becomes active.
`1. A torsional vibration damper, with a drive-side transmission element and a power-
`takeoff-side transmission element capable of rotating relative thereto, at least one of
`which has an activating means for the elastic elements of a damping device, which are
`disposed in a chamber enclosed by one of the transmission elements and preferably filled
`at least partly with a viscous fluid, wherein a compensating inertial mass is associated
`with at least one of the transmission elements, characterized in that the compensating
`inertial mass (22) is disposed inside the chamber (28) of the one transmission element (4)
`and is fastened to the respective other transmission element (14).
`2. A torsional vibration damper according to claim 1, characterized in that the
`compensating inertial mass (22) is provided radially inside the elastic elements (7) of the
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 10

`- 8 -
`damping device (8) and is received on activating means (hub plate 10) of the other
`transmission element (14) for these elements (7).
`3. A torsional vibration damper, with a drive-side transmission element and a power-
`takeoff-side transmission element capable of rotating relative thereto, at least one of
`which has an activating means for elastic elements of a damping device, which are
`received in windows that extend substantially in circumferential direction and are aligned
`with one another in both transmission elements, and with at least one compensating
`inertial mass associated with at least one of the transmission elements, characterized in
`that the compensating inertial mass (22) is disposed radially outside the elastic elements
`(7) of the damping device (8) in a housing (110), which is enclosed by the structural parts
`(cover plates 36, 37), formed by the windows (38, 39), of one (4) of the transmission
`elements (4, 14).
`4. A torsional vibration damper according to claim 3, with a hub plate as a structural part
`of the one transmission element and cover plates provided on both sides of the hub plate
`as structural parts of the other transmission element, characterized in that the cover plates
`(36, 37), via a seal (44), bear radially on the hub plate (40) between the windows (38, 39)
`and the compensating inertial mass (22), whereby a predeterminable number of annular
`segment chambers (35) are formed, which can be filled with viscous fluid and in which a
`radial projection (33) on the hub plate (40) respectively engages with clearance in
`circumferential direction.
`5. A torsional vibration damper, with a drive-side transmission element and a power-
`takeoff-side transmission element capable of rotating relative thereto, at least one of
`which has an activating means for elastic elements of a damping device, which are
`received in windows that extend substantially in circumferential direction and are aligned
`with one another in both transmission elements, and with at least one compensating
`inertial mass associated with at least one of the transmission elements, characterized in
`that the compensating inertial mass (22) is received in the radial extension region of the
`friction face (15), which can be brought into operative connection with a friction lining
`(16) of the clutch plate (17), of one of the transmission elements (1, 14).
`6. A torsional vibration damper according to claim 5, characterized in that the
`compensating inertial mass (22) is disposed axially between a structural part (hub plate
`45) functioning as bearing flange for the power-takeoff-side transmission element (14)
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 11

`- 9 -
`and the side of this transmission element (14) facing away from the friction lining (16) of
`the clutch plate (17).
`7. A torsional vibration damper according to claim 5, characterized in that the
`compensating inertial mass (22) is connected to rotate with a pressing spring (48) of the
`clutch housing (49) and is clamped axially between this and a releasing means (50).
`8. A torsional vibration damper, with an inertial mass as the drive-side transmission
`element and a clutch plate as the power-takeoff-side transmission element, wherein, on
`the inertial mass, a friction face is provided for a friction lining of the clutch plate, which
`is received in a clutch housing provided on the inertial mass and, via a pressure plate that
`can be moved axially relative to the friction face but is constrained to rotate therewith,
`can be clamped by a pressing spring between the said pressure plate and the friction face,
`and with a compensating inertial mass that is received on the power-takeoff-side
`transmission element and can be separated from the power-takeoff side by a shift clutch
`during disengagement, characterized in that the compensating inertial mass (22) is
`disposed on the inertial mass (52) in a manner capable of rotating relative thereto and, via
`a friction face (66), can be brought into engagement with the shift clutch (58) depending
`on the operating condition of the friction clutch (64).
`9. A torsional vibration damper according to claim 8, characterized in that the shift clutch
`(58) for the compensating inertial mass (22) can be held, relative to the friction clutch
`(64), via an additional travel section of a releasing means (50), measured on the
`engagement or disengagement travel of the said friction clutch.
`10. A torsional vibration damper with, disposed on the drive side, a clutch housing
`disposed and, disposed on the power takeoff side, an inertial mass, which has a friction
`face for a friction lining of a clutch plate, which, via a pressure plate that can be moved
`axially relative to the inertial mass but is constrained to rotate therewith, can be pressed
`by a pressing spring against the friction face, and with a release element that engages
`axially through the gear shaft and is disposed in contact against a coupling element that
`can bring the said release element into operative connection with the pressing spring,
`characterized in that the compensating inertial mass (22), via a shift clutch (58) connected
`to a structural part (coupling element 130) of the clutch housing (49), can be joined
`firmly with the gear shaft (20), wherein the shift clutch (58) has a compensating element
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 12

`- 10 -
`(73) providing relative torsional capability between the clutch housing (49) and the gear
`shaft (20).
`Attached hereto: 6 pages of drawings
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 13

`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 14
`- 11 -
`– B l a n k p a g e –
`— Blank page —
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 14

`Int. Cl.6:
`Date laid open:
`DE 196 54 894 A1
`F 16 F 15/133
`04 December 1997
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 15

`Int. Cl.6:
`Date laid open:
`DE 196 54 894 A1
`F 16 F 15/133
`04 December 1997
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 16

`Int. Cl.6:
`Date laid open:
`DE 196 54 894 A1
`F 16 F 15/133
`04 December 1997
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 17

`Int. Cl.6:
`Date laid open:
`DE 196 54 894 A1
`F 16 F 15/133
`04 December 1997
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 18

`Int. Cl.6:
`Date laid open:
`DE 196 54 894 A1
`F 16 F 15/133
`04 December 1997
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 19

`Int. Cl.6:
`Date laid open:
`DE 196 54 894 A1
`F 16 F 15/133
`04 December 1997
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 20

`BUNDESREPUBLIK ® Offenlegungsschrift
`DE 196 54 894 A1
`@ 1n:.c1.6:
`F 16F 15/133
`“ ‘
`® Aktenzeichen:
`® Anmeldetag:
`@ Offenlegungstagz
`14. 8.96
`4. 12. 97
`lnnere Prioritét:
`Teil aus:
`196 32 729.6
`196 09 553.0
`® Anmejder;
`Mannesmann Sachs AG, 97422 Schweinfurt, DE
`® Erfinder:
`Schierling, Bernhgrd, Dip|.¥|ng. (FH), 97273 Kfirnach,
`g:;,::'g’;‘:h“’S,'3Ef'S":'j;3: 3g$;':'3?é;_?;7;_f97464
`Niederwerrn, DE: Orlamiinder, Andreas, Dipl.-lng_,
`97421 Schweinfurt, DE
`@ Torsionsschwingungsdémpfer mit einer Ausgleichsschwungmasse
`@ Ein Torsionsschwingungsdémpfer ist mit einem antriebs-
`seitigen Ubertragungselement und einem hierzu drehbaren
`abtriebsseitigen Ubertragungselement ausgebildet, von de-
`nen zumindest eines Ansteuermittel fiir elastische Elemente
`einer Démpfungseinrichtung aufweist und wenigstens einem
`eine Ausgleichsschwungmasse zugeordnet ist.
`Die folganden Angaben sind den vom Anmelder eingereichten Unterlagen entnommen
`BUNDESDRUcKEP\E}a|13k)WE>7<?1iE>1/E1113 pg 1122
`Valeo Exhibit 1113, pg. 21

`DE 196 54 394 A1
`Die Erfindung betrifft einen Torsionsschwingungs-
`déimpfer gemiB dem Oberbegriff des Anspruchs 1.
`In der DE 36 30 398 C2 ist ein Torsi_onsschwingungs-
`démpfer mit einem antriebsseitigen Ubertragungsele-
`ment und einem relativ hierzu drehbaren abtriebsseiti-
`gen Ubertragungselement beschrieben, von denen zu-
`mindest eines Ansteuermittel fiir elastische Elemente
`einer Déimpfungseinrichtung aufweist. Durch einen der-
`artigen Torsionsschwingungsdiimpfer sind auch gr6Be-
`re Torsionsschwingungen, die bei Einleitung eines
`Drehmomentes durch einen Antrieb, wie beispielsweise
`’ einen Verbrennungsmotor auf das antriebsseitige Uber-
`tragungselement mitiibertragen werden, reduzierbar.
`Die Reduzierung erfolgt bei Ubertragung der jeweili-
`gen Torsionsschwingungen vom antriebsseitigen zum
`abtriebsseitigen Ubertragungselement iiber die elasti-
`schen Elemente der Déimpfungseinrichtung, die durch
`eine Reibungsvorrichtung unterstiitzt werden.
`Im Gegensatz zu einem massiven Schwungrad sind
`die beiden Schwungmassen relativ leicht, so daB der
`groBen primiirseitigen Masse, die sich aus dem Antrieb
`und der priméirseitigen Schwungmasse zusammensetzt,
`lediglich eine kleine sekundéirseitige Schwungmasse
`entgegenwirkt, die sich getriebeseitig abstiitzt. Dadurch
`ist das Widerstandsmoment fiir einen Antrieb, das durch
`die Tréigheit der Priméirseite und einem durch die Wir-
`kung der Federn, der Reibung sowie der Tréigheit der
`Sekundéirschwungmasse gebildeten Reaktionsmoment
`bestimmt ist, relativ klein, so daB es Gleichlaufschwan-
`kungen des Antriebs nur wenig zu glétten ver

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