`United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`Eckel et al.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Mar. 23, 1999
`Inventors: Hans-Gerd Eckel, Laudenbach; Anja
`Kunkel, Siedelsbrunn, both of Germany
`[73] Assignee: Carl Freudenberg, Weinheim,
`[21] Appl. No.: 792,584
`Jan. 30, 1997
`..................... .. 416/500
`4/1975 Saunders et al.
`.. 76/574
`3/1987 Puszakowski ..
`4/1988 Berger et al.
`2/1993 Wolf et al.
`5,269,197 12/1993 Yang ........ ..
`5,352,157 10/1994 Ochs et al.
`3/1996 Shaw et al.
`2/1997 Taylor et al.
`9/1997 Eckeletal. ............................. .. 74/574
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`2/1948 United Kingdom .
`Feb. 6, 1996
`Germany ...................... .. 196 04 160.0
`Int. Cl.6 .................................................. .. F16F 15/131
`[52] U.S. Cl.
`........................... .. 188/378; 74/574; 267/136
`[58] Field of Search .......................... .. 188/268, 378-380,
`188/218 A; 267/136; 74/574, 572, 573 R;
`76/604; 464/180; 416/145, 500
`References Cited
`2/1936 Salomon ................................. .. 74/574
`5/1937 Sarazin .... ..
`2,184,734 12/1939
`2,306,959 12/1942
`2,332,072 10/1943
`.. 74/574
`2,387,776 10/1945
`Primary Emmi/1er—Douglas C. Butler
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Milde, Hoffberg & Macklin, LLP
`Avibration dampener adapts to different speeds of rotation.
`The device comprises a drive collar (1) and several inertial
`The collar rotates around a central axis (3) and
`the inertial masses pivot around peripheral axes along the
`direction of rotation. Each inertial mass is secured to the
`The bolts, which extend parallel the
`collar by two bolts
`central axis, are distributed around the circumference of the
`collar, and roll back and forth along arcs
`The arcs are
`concave toward the central axis in the vicinity of the collar
`and concave in the opposite direction in the vicinity of the
`inertial masses. The bolts extend through a guide (7) toward
`the sides facing away from the associated arcs.
`10 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
`Valeo Exhibit 1112, pg. 1
`Valeo Exhibit 1112, pg. 1

`Mar. 23, 1999
`Sheet 1 of 2
`Valeo Exhibit 1112, pg. 2
`Valeo Exhibit 1112, pg. 2

`Mar. 23, 1999
`Sheet 2 of 2
`N/I...,\J., ~.
`Valeo Exhibit 1112, pg. 3
`Valeo Exhibit 1112, pg. 3

`The present invention concerns a vibration dampener that
`adapts to different speeds of rotation. The device comprises
`a hub or “drive collar” and several inertial masses. The drive
`collar rotates around a central axis and the inertial masses
`pivot about peripheral axes in the direction of rotation. Each
`inertial mass is secured to the collar by two bolts. The bolts
`are parallel to the central axis and are distributed around the
`circumference of the collar. The bolts roll back and forth
`along arcs. The arcs are concave toward the central axis in
`the vicinity of the collar and concave in the opposite
`direction in the vicinity of the inertial masses.
`A vibration dampener of this type is known from the
`British Patent No. 598 811. In this device the arcs consist of
`sections of bore walls. The bores are considerably wider
`than the bolts. In the event of vibration, the bolts roll over
`the walls, continuously varying the distance between each
`inertial mass and the central axis during the course of each
`individual vibration. Since the frequencies inherent in such
`a vibration dampener are proportional
`to the speed of
`rotation, vibrations with frequencies that are also propor-
`tional thereto can be eliminated over the whole range of
`speeds. All cyclically operating machinery, motor vehicle
`internal combustion engines for example, exhibit such speed
`proportional frequencies.
`The bolts and arcs in this known speed-adaptive vibration
`dampener are forced toward each other as long as the shaft
`turns. The inertial masses all revolve around, and are located
`as far from the central axis as possible as long as the shaft
`continues to rotate at a constant speed. This state is
`disrupted, however, when the shaft stops rotating. All of the
`components then shift, subject to gravity, as far downward
`toward the earth’s center as possible. The inertial masses and
`bolts distributed around the device will accordingly differ in
`distance from the central axis.
`When speed-adaptive vibration dampeners stop rotating,
`the transition from motion to rest is unpleasantly apparent
`when the inertial masses on the other side of the shaft from
`the earth’s center plummet suddenly downward and the bolts
`collide against whatever section of the metal bore wall
`confronts them. The result is a loud clang. A similar phe-
`nomenon (and noise) accompanies the transition from rest to
`The principal object of the present invention is to provide
`a speed- adaptive vibration dampener of the aforesaid type in
`which the displacement of inertial masses during the tran-
`sition from rest to motion and vice versa will not result in an
`impermissible clanging sound.
`This object, as well as other objects which will become
`apparent from the discussion that follows, are achieved, in
`accordance with the present invention by providing a speed-
`adaptive Vibration dampener of the aforesaid type in which
`bolts extend through a guide toward the sides facing away
`from the associated arcs. The bolts begin to be supported by
`the guides on the side facing away from the arcs as soon as
`a low speed level has been exceeded and before a high
`relative speed has been attained. Clanging is therefore
`maintained at acceptable levels in all relevant situations.
`Clanging can be reduced even further if the guides are
`made of a polymeric material, specifically polyurethane or
`polyamide for example.
`Alternatively, an elastomer can be employed. The resil-
`ience of such a material ensures particularly effective noise
`The vibration suppressing layers can terminate along the
`circumference on each side in catches that limit the motion
`of the bolts along the circumference to a specific extent. The
`slot that each bolt can accordingly move within is kidney
`shaped. It is initially demarcated by the arcs that the bolts
`roll along, then by the guides that support the bolts while the
`vibration dampener is at rest, and finally on both sides along
`the circumference by the catches that limit the motion of the
`bolts. All these sections merge smoothly, ideally eliminating
`sudden changes in direction.
`The arcs and guides can be components of insert parts that
`clip into recesses in the collar or in the inertial masses or
`both. They can be modified in size and shape, allowing each
`vibration dampener to be ideally adapted to various appli-
`cations. Assembly is very simple. They can also just be
`inserted into the recesses and secured there with cement,
`screws, or rivets.
`It has been demonstrated to be particularly reliable for the
`vibration suppressing layer
`to be applied to the arc-
`supporting insert pieces and recesses by direct molding and
`curing of the material they are made of. There are extra
`advantages to applying the adhesive to both halves in this
`case, in the compensation of tolerances between the insert
`pieces and the recesses and in the immobility of the insert
`pieces with the recesses. The vibration-suppressing layer
`material can be injected and cured.
`For a full understanding of the present invention, refer-
`ence should now be made to the following detailed descrip-
`tion of the preferred embodiments of the invention as
`illustrated in the accompanying drawings.
`FIG. 1 is a front view of the preferred embodiment of a
`speed-adaptive vibration dampener according to the inven-
`FIG. 2 is a detailed View of an insert piece that can be
`introduced into the collar of the vibration dampener illus-
`trated in FIG. 1.
`FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view through a portion of the
`speed-adaptive vibration dampener of FIG. 1.
`The preferred embodiments of the present invention will
`now be described with reference to FIGS. 1-3 of the
`Identical elements in the various figures are
`designated with the same reference numerals.
`The speed-adaptive vibration dampener illustrated in the
`accompanying drawings comprises a hub or drive collar 1
`and several inertial masses 2. Collar 1 rotates around a
`central axis 3. Each inertial mass 2 pivots around a periph-
`eral axis equidistant from central axis 3, more or
`accompanying the device’s overall rotation 4. Each inertial
`mass 2 is secured in collar 1 by two bolts 5. Bolts 5 are
`distributed along the device’s circumference and extend
`parallel to central axis 3. The bolts roll back and forth along
`arcs 6. Arcs 6 are concave toward central axis 3 in the
`vicinity of collar 1 and concave in the opposite direction in
`the vicinity of inertial masses 2. The bolts 5 extend through
`guides 7 toward the sides facing away from the associated
`arcs. Each guide 7 consists of a layer 8 of polymer, rubber
`for instance. The guides are demarcated on each side by
`Valeo Exhibit 1112, pg. 4
`Valeo Exhibit 1112, pg. 4

`catches 9 that also limit the circumferential motion of each
`bolt. The bolts are wide enough in relation to the radial
`separation between each arc and its associated guide to
`eliminate any, or at least any significant play.
`Arcs 6 and guide 7 are components of insert parts per-
`manently maintained by clips or otherwise in recesses 10 in
`the collar 1 and inertial masses 2. The extent of the recesses
`10 in the inertial masses 2 are illustrated in FIG. 2 by broken
`lines. The inertial masses can also have a different shape,
`rectangular for example,
`than that shown in FIG. 2.
`Although rectangular
`inertial masses are easier
`manufacture, they necessitate a reduction in the theoretically
`attainable overall mass.
`The insert pieces 6.1 and 6.2 that constitute arcs 6 can also
`be accommodated loosely in the recesses 10 and fused into
`place when the vibration suppression layers 8 that support
`the guides 7 are molded to the recesses and to insert pieces
`6.1 as illustrated in FIG. 2. The result is not only a tight and
`secure seat for the insert pieces but also an absolutely precise
`association between the arcs and guides and the inertial
`masses or central axis 3. Any undesirable imbalance of the
`rotating vibration dampener will accordingly be counter-
`acted. It has been demonstrated to be particularly practical
`for the insert pieces to be extruded. Such pieces are distin-
`guished by their particularly excellent surface quality. The
`recesses, on the other hand, can be stamped out. Any
`observable surface imprecision will be automatically taken
`care of when the vibration-suppression layers 8 are molded
`The drive collar 1 in the embodiment illustrated in FIG.
`1 through 3 incorporates a flange in the vicinity of its outer
`circumference, with the inertial masses 2 on both sides
`axially adjacent thereto. The masses are mounted in the
`collar 1 on bolts 5 that extend radially through a guide 7 on
`the side facing away from the particular arc 6 and are
`radially supported.
`The bolts 5 are cylindrical. They can also be tubular, if
`desired. They are prevented from escaping axially by plastic
`caps 11 secured tight against the collar 1 and covering each
`end of the bolts. Inertial masses 2 are accommodated in the
`remaining space 12. They, as well as the bolts, are prevented
`from displacing axially in relation to the collar 1 by the caps
`11, as illustrated in FIG. 3. The caps can also be made of
`The speed-adaptive vibration dampener in accordance
`with the present invention is intended to insure that the radial
`distance between inertial masses 2 and central axis 3 will
`constantly vary as bolts 5 roll over arcs 6, eliminating
`vibrations throughout the whole range of speeds.
`There has thus been shown and described a novel speed-
`adaptive vibration dampener which fulfills all the objects
`and advantages sought
`therefor. Many changes,
`modifications, variations and other uses and applications of
`the subject invention will, however, become apparent to
`those skilled in the art after considering this specification
`and the accompanying drawings which disclose the pre-
`ferred embodiments thereof. All such changes,
`modifications, variations and other uses and applications
`which do not depart from the spirit and scope of the
`invention are deemed to be covered by the invention, which
`is to be limited only by the claims which follow.
`What is claimed is:
`1. Avibration dampener that adapts to different speeds of
`rotation, comprising a drive collar and several
`masses arranged thereon, wherein the collar rotates around
`a central axis and the inertial masses pivot about peripheral
`axes in the direction of rotation, wherein each inertial mass
`is secured to the collar by a pair of bolts extending parallel
`to the central axis, distributed around the circumference of
`the collar, and which roll back and forth along arcs, wherein
`the arcs are concave toward the central axis in a vicinity of
`the collar and concave in an opposite direction in a vicinity
`of the inertial masses, and wherein each pair of bolts extends
`through a guide toward the sides facing away from the
`associated arcs.
`2. The vibration dampener defined in claim 1, wherein
`each guide is formed of a vibration-suppressing layer of
`polymeric material.
`3. The vibration dampener defined in claim 1, wherein the
`vibration-suppressing layer is elastomeric.
`4. The vibration dampener defined in claim 2, wherein the
`vibration-suppressing layer terminates in both circumferen-
`tial directions with stop surfaces that limit the circumferen-
`tial motion of the bolts to a specific amount.
`5. The vibration dampener defined in claim 2, wherein
`each arc is formed by insert pieces.
`6. The vibration dampener defined in claim 5, wherein the
`insert pieces and the vibration-suppressing layers are com-
`ponents of insert parts accommodated tightly in recesses in
`at least one of the collar and the inertial masses.
`7. The vibration dampener defined in claim 6, wherein the
`material constituting the vibration-suppressing layers is con-
`nected to the recesses and insert pieces by direct molding
`and curing subsequent to introduction of the insert pieces
`into the recesses.
`8. The vibration dampener defined in claim 6, comprising
`a space between one of the inertial masses and collar and the
`insert pieces and wherein the space is occupied by the
`material of the vibration suppression layer, thereby forming
`a tolerance layer.
`9. The vibration dampener defined in claim 8, wherein the
`tolerance layer and the vibration-suppressing layers are
`integrated and merge into each other.
`10. The vibration dampener defined in claim 5, wherein
`the insert pieces are extruded.
`Valeo Exhibit 1112, pg. 5
`Valeo Exhibit 1112, pg. 5

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