`(12) United States Patent
`Sasse et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,073,646 B2
`Jul. 11, 2006
`References Cited
`Inventors: Christoph Sasse, Schweinfurt (DE);
`Jiirg Sudau, Niederwerrn (DE); Ralf
`Riinnebeck, Schonungen (DE); Jiirgen
`Ackermann, Schweinfurt (DE); Peter
`Frey, Gerolzhofen (DE); Erwin Wack,
`Niederwerrn (DE); Frank Zerner,
`Schweinfurt (DE)
`(73) Assignee: ZF Sachs AG, Schweinfurt (DE)
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the tenn of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.c. 154(b) by 63 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/817,121
`(22) Filed:
`Apr. 2, 2004
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2004/0226794 Al
`Nov. 18, 2004
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Apr. 5, 2003
`Oct. 28, 2003
`Dec. 16, 2003
`................................ 103 15 567
`................................ 103 50 297
`................................ 103 58 901
`Int. Cl.
`F16D 47102
`(52) U.S. Cl. ................................... 192/3.29; 192/213.1
`(58) Field of Classification Search ............... 192/2.29,
`See application file for complete search history.
`4,523,916 A
`4,987,980 A *
`5,080,215 A
`5,575,363 A
`5,713,442 A *
`6,571,929 Bl *
`6/1985 Kizler et al.
`111991 Fujimoto ................... 192/3.28
`111992 Forster et al.
`11/1996 Dehrmann et al.
`2/1998 Murata et al.
`............. 192/3.29
`6/2003 Tomiyama et al.
`...... 192/213.1
`4333 562 Al
`195 14411
`19920 542 Al
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner-Saul Rodriguez
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm---Cohen, Pontani, Lieberman
`& Pavane
`A torsional vibration damper on the bridging clutch of a
`hydrodynamic clutch arrangement has a first connecting
`device, which can be brought into working connection with
`the clutch housing and with a drive-side transmission ele(cid:173)
`ment. The drive-side transmission element is connected via
`first energy-storage devices to an intermediate transmission
`element. The torsional vibration damper also has a second
`connecting device for establishing a working connection via
`second energy-storage devices between the intermediate
`transmission element and a takeoff-side transmission ele(cid:173)
`ment, which is connected to a takeoff-side component of the
`hydrodynamic clutch arrangement. The intermediate trans(cid:173)
`mission element accepts a mass element, located operatively
`between the two connecting devices.
`36 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 1

`0'1 = N
`",-.....1 = -.....1
`0 ....
`rFJ =- ('D
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`59~ '\~ ~~~:l\ / / __ I ~23
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 2

`0'1 = N
`",-.....1 = -.....1
`.... o
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`rFJ =(cid:173)
`N o
`2- :-....
`~ = ~
`e •
`Fig. 2
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 3

`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 11,2006
`Sheet 3 of 10
`US 7,073,646 B2
`- - - - - - - - - - -
`N o ..-
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`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 4

`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 11,2006
`Sheet 4 of 10
`US 7,073,646 B2
`94 126
`9 2 ----t-f-----/-..~'2.-,....::
`1 00 -t-t-~>I--ZL~
`1 08:-~\-t-\"11~ ~~'--~
`156 152
`154 33
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 5

`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 11, 2006
`Sheet 5 of 10
`US 7,073,646 B2
`Fig. 5
`88 I
`152 33
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 6

`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 11, 2006
`Sheet 6 of 10
`US 7,073,646 B2
`, , , , , , , ,
`Fig. 6
`86 ~~-t-1J
`92 ----+--+-11
`98 ---
`108 --..L~
`-rt--~~ 31
`~.\-H'd- ~----,L~ 7"\~~---l--l--1 04
`~+a ~~~ 1"!"'I:4-- 110
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 7

`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 11,2006
`Sheet 7 of 10
`US 7,073,646 B2
`Fig. 7
`VIII 84
`96, 108
`1 26 ---------
`96,108 138
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 8

`0'1 = N
`",--...1 = --...1
`.... o
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`rFJ =(cid:173)
`N o
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`~ = ~
`e •
`I i
`~\\. '\ l-r:-" I '-')I r;-J~/.' // ~ }
`, 100
`Fig. 8
`L ~ ~ 106
`'0\ 3
`Fig. 9
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 9

`u.s. Patent
`Jul. 11,2006
`Sheet 9 of 10
`US 7,073,646 B2
`! (0
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 10

`0'1 = N
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`42 58
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`.--..... _ _ ...
`A za }P4
`Fig. 12
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 11

`US 7,073,646 B2
`1. Field of the Invention
`The invention pertains to a torsional vibration damper in
`the bridging clutch of a hydrodynamic clutch arrangement
`having an axis of rotation, a clutch housing, a turbine wheel,
`and a takeoff-side component, wherein the torsional vibra(cid:173)
`tion damper includes a drive-side connecting device com(cid:173)
`prising a drive-side transmission element which can be
`connected to the clutch housing; a takeoff-side connecting
`device comprising a take-off side transmission element
`which can be connected to the takeoff-side component; an
`intermediate transmission element between the connecting
`devices; first energy storage devices connecting the inter(cid:173)
`mediate transmission element to the drive-side connecting
`device; and second energy storage devices connecting the
`intermediate transmission element to the takeoff-side con-
`necting device.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`A torsional vibration damper of this type is known from,
`for example, u.s. Pat. No. 5,080,215, FIG. 3. The hydro(cid:173)
`dynamic clutch arrangement, realized as a torque converter,
`is designed with a bridging clutch, the piston of which is
`provided with a friction surface on the side facing the clutch
`housing. This friction surface of the piston can be brought
`into frictional contact with an opposing friction surface. The
`bridging clutch establishes a working connection between
`the clutch housing and the torsional vibration damper, in that 30
`a radially outer hub disk of the damper engages with the
`piston in such a way that it cannot rotate relative to the piston
`but can move in the axial direction. The radially outer hub
`disk acts as a drive-side transmission element of the tor(cid:173)
`sional vibration damper and works together with first 35
`energy-storage devices and with cover plates, which serve as
`an intermediate transmission element of the torsional vibra(cid:173)
`tion damper, to form a drive-side connecting device. The
`cover plates, which are a certain axial distance apart, coop(cid:173)
`erate in turn with second energy-storage devices and with a 40
`radially inner hub disk, which is part of a takeoff-side
`transmission element, to form a takeoff-side connecting
`device. Like the radially outer hub disk, the radially inner
`hub disk is located here axially between the cover plates.
`Like the intermediate transmission element and the takeoff- 45
`side transmission element, the drive-side transmission ele(cid:173)
`ment also has driver elements for the energy-storage
`The radially inner area of the hub disk of the takeoff-side
`transmission element is connected by a set of teeth to a
`retaining bracket so that it cannot rotate but can move in the
`axial direction, the bracket also being a part of the takeoff(cid:173)
`side transmission element. This bracket is attached to a
`turbine wheel hub, which also permanently holds the base of
`the turbine wheel. The turbine wheel hub can be connected
`nonrotatably by a set of teeth to a takeoff-side component of
`the hydrodynamic clutch arrangement such as a gearbox
`input shaft.
`When considered as a freely vibrating system with a
`hydrodynamic clutch arrangement, the power train of a 60
`motor vehicle can be reduced to roughly to six masses. The
`drive unit with a pump wheel is the first mass; the turbine
`wheel is the second mass; the gearbox input shaft is the third
`mass; the universal shaft and the differential represent the
`fourth mass; the wheels are the fifth mass; and the overall 65
`vehicle itself can be assumed to represent the sixth mass. In
`the case of a freely vibrating system with n masses, or 6
`masses in the present case, it is known than n-l resonant
`frequencies, thus five resonant frequencies in the present
`case, can be present. The first of these pertains to the rotation
`of the overall vibrating system and is therefore irrelevant
`with respect to the damping of vibrations. The rotational
`speeds at which the resonant frequencies are excited depend
`on the number of cylinders of the drive unit, which is in the
`form of an internal combustion engine. FIG. 3 of the present
`application shows a
`logarithmic amplitude-versus-fre-
`10 quency plot of the vibrations at the turbine wheel of a
`hydrodynamic clutch arrangement.
`To help minimize fuel consumption, there is a trend
`toward closing the bridging clutch at very low rpm's in order
`to minimize the losses in the hydrodynamic circuit caused
`15 by slippage. For the bridging clutch, this means that it is
`closed at a frequency which, although it may be above the
`first and second resonant frequencies EFI and EF2, is still
`below the third and fourth resonant frequencies EF3 and
`EF4. Whereas the first two resonant frequencies EFI and
`20 EF2 in the hydrodynamic circuit of the hydrodynamic clutch
`arrangement can be damped, the power train can be excited
`to cause undesirable noise as it passes through the third and
`fourth resonant frequencies EF3 and EF 4. The third resonant
`frequency EF3 in particular can still have very high ampli-
`25 tudes.
`To return to U.S. Pat. No. 5,080,215, the torsional vibra(cid:173)
`tion damper according to FIG. 3 has connecting devices
`arranged in series; the device on the drive side is provided
`on a component of the bridging clutch, the component in the
`present case being the piston, and the device on the takeoff
`side is supported on a takeoff-side component of the hydro-
`dynamic clutch arrangement such as a gearbox input shaft.
`Despite the presence of two connecting devices, the tor(cid:173)
`sional vibration damper is comparable in operative terms to
`a torsional vibration damper which has only a single con(cid:173)
`necting device between its drive part and its takeoff part,
`whereas, at the same time, because the takeoff-side trans(cid:173)
`mission element of this torsional vibration damper is con(cid:173)
`nected nonrotatably to the turbine wheel, it acts as a "stan(cid:173)
`dard damper" as it is frequently called in professional
`A standard damper offers the possibility of damping the
`amplitudes of the third and fourth resonant frequencies EF3
`and EF4 equally, both of which are perceived to be unpleas(cid:173)
`ant, but it is unable to reduce the third resonant frequency
`EF3 to such an extent that it no longer generates an unpleas-
`ant effect.
`DE 195 14 411 Al describes a bridging clutch in which
`the drive-side transmission element of a torsional vibration
`50 damper is in working connection with a turbine wheel hub
`of a hydrodynamic clutch arrangement, whereas the takeoff(cid:173)
`side transmission element of the damper is in working
`connection with a takeoff-side component of the clutch
`arrangement, usually configured as the gearbox input shaft.
`55 These types of torsional vibration dampers, in which the
`takeoff-side transmission element and the turbine wheel
`have the freedom to rotate relative to each other, are called
`"turbine dampers" in the trade and have the following
`As a result of the direct connection of the takeoff-side
`transmission element of the torsional vibration damper to the
`gearbox input shaft, the connecting device, which is also
`provided with energy-storage devices and the drive-side
`transmission element, acts as a component connected in
`series with the torsionally elastic gearbox input shaft.
`Because the connecting device is not nearly as stiff as the
`gearbox input shaft, however, the overall stiffness is such
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 12

`US 7,073,646 B2
`that the gearbox input shaft must be considered very "soft".
`This results in a very effective isolation of vibrations.
`With respect to the resonant frequencies in the power
`train, the greater "softness" of the gearbox input shaft has
`the result that the third and fourth resonant frequencies EF3
`and EF4 have greater amplitudes than those observed with
`a standard damper, but also that the third resonant frequency
`EF3 appears at much lower rpm's, namely, at rpm's on the
`order of the second resonant frequency EF2. The third
`resonant frequency EF3 therefore has virtually no effect in
`practice. No influence, however, can be exerted on the fourth
`resonant frequency EF4, which means that noise can occur
`when the rpm range associated with it is reached.
`The invention is based on the task of designing a torsional
`vibration damper in a bridging clutch of a hydrodynamic
`clutch arrangement in such a way that the undesirable noises
`are no longer perceptible.
`This task is accomplished by a mass element on an
`actuation point located operatively effectively between the
`two connecting devices.
`By the addition of a mass element at an actuation point
`located operatively between two connecting devices of a
`torsional vibration damper, the damper's working charac(cid:173)
`teristics can be fundamentally changed regardless of how it
`is installed in a hydrodynamic clutch arrangement such as a
`hydrodynamic torque converter or hydro clutch. With respect
`to the way in which the torsional vibration damper is
`installed, a basic distinction is made between a "standard
`damper" and a "turbine damper".
`It should be pointed out again that a "turbine damper" is
`identified by the ability of its takeoff-side transmission
`element to rotate relative to the turbine wheel, which helps
`to form part of the hydrodynamic circuit. A design is
`preferred here in which the takeoff-side transmission ele(cid:173)
`ment of the torsional vibration damper is attached to the hub
`of the turbine wheel, whereas the turbine wheel itself has a
`base, which is formed on the turbine wheel shell and which
`allows the wheel to rotate relative to the turbine wheel hub.
`Conversely, in the case of the "standard damper", the
`takeoff-side transmission element of the torsional vibration
`damper is not free to rotate relative to the turbine wheel base,
`and in a preferred design, both of these components are 45
`attached to the turbine wheel hub.
`As a result of the inventive addition of a mass element
`operatively between the two connecting devices of the
`torsional vibration damper, the drive-side connecting device
`of the damper acts as a standard damper, because a compo(cid:173)
`nent of the bridging clutch puts it in working connection
`with the drive-side transmission element, and the interme(cid:173)
`diate transmission element, which acts as the takeoff-side
`component for this connecting device, is connected to the
`mass element. In this case the mass element is formed by the 55
`turbine wheel, possibly supplemented by additional mass on
`the turbine wheel. In the logarithmic amplitude-versus(cid:173)
`frequency graph of the vibrations of the turbine wheel in a
`hydrodynamic clutch arrangement shown in FIG. 3, a stan(cid:173)
`dard damper of this type, as previously explained, has the 60
`effect of lowering the amplitude of both the third resonant
`frequency EF3 and the fourth resonant frequency EF4.
`If the takeoff-side transmission element of the takeoff-side
`connecting device of this torsional vibration damper is able
`to rotate relative to the turbine wheel, because, for example,
`the base of its turbine wheel is mounted rotatably on the
`turbine wheel hub, which rigidly holds the takeoff-side
`transmission element of the torsional vibration damper, then
`the takeoff-side connecting device acts as a turbine wheel
`damper, which, after the resonant frequencies EF3 and EF4
`have already been reduced by the drive-side connecting
`device installed as a standard damper, shifts the troublesome
`resonant frequency EF3 to lower rpm's at which this fre(cid:173)
`quency is no longer troublesome. As a result of the measure
`of connecting the turbine wheel and possibly at least one
`supplemental mass to an intermediate transmission element
`10 of the torsional vibration damper at an actuation point
`located operatively between the two connecting devices of
`the torsional vibration damper, and also as a result of the
`measure of installing the turbine wheel on the takeoff side
`rotatably with respect to a takeoff-side transmission element
`15 of the torsional vibration damper, a torsional vibration
`damper is obtained in which the functional advantages of
`both a standard damper and a turbine damper are combined
`into a single unit and supplement each other in sequence.
`Thus, of the resonant frequencies EF3 and EF4 to be filtered
`20 out, only the less-troublesome resonant frequency EF4
`finally arrives at a takeoff-side component of the hydrody(cid:173)
`namic clutch arrangement, such as a gearbox input shaft,
`and, even so, its amplitude is reduced.
`If, however, according to another preferred embodiment,
`25 the mass element acting on the intermediate transmission
`element at an actuation point between the between the two
`connecting devices is able to move relative to the turbine
`wheel, whereas the turbine wheel, in common with the
`takeoff-side transmission element of the torsional vibration
`30 damper, is connected nonrotatably to a takeoff-side compo(cid:173)
`nent of the hydrodynamic clutch arrangement,
`although each of the connecting devices acts independently
`as a standard damper, each device nevertheless brings about,
`as a result of the cooperation of each with an independent
`35 mass, an independent damping of the resonant frequencies
`EF3 and EF4, so that these two resonant frequencies are
`reduced by the drive-side connecting device by a first value
`and then by the takeoff-side connecting device by a second
`value. Test bench measurements have shown that, as a result
`40 of the connection of the mass element to the intermediate
`transmission element, the takeoff-side connecting device can
`reduce the resonant frequencies EF3 and EF4 essentially to
`the same extent that the drive-side connecting device does.
`Thus, although, in this design of the torsional vibration
`damper, both resonant frequencies EF3 and EF4 are still
`present in their normal rpm ranges, they have been very
`significantly reduced and are thus no longer felt to be
`troublesome. A significant reduction of this type in these
`resonant frequencies would be impossible without the mass
`50 element acting between the two connecting devices, because
`the intermediate transmission element, which would other(cid:173)
`wise be the only component on the torsional vibration
`damper, must be considered to have practically no mass at
`So that the mass element in both of the previously
`described designs of the torsional vibration damper can
`function as effectively as possible, each of the supplemental
`masses is located as far out as possible in the radial direction.
`Thus, in cases where the turbine wheel acts on the interme(cid:173)
`diate transmission element, the supplemental mass will
`preferably be in the radially outer area of the turbine wheel,
`whereas, when the mass element is able to rotate relative to
`the turbine wheel, this mass element will be formed essen(cid:173)
`tially by a supplemental mass attached to the intermediate
`65 transmission element by an essentially radially outward(cid:173)
`extending tie element designed as a bracket. Of course, this
`tie element can also be provided with elasticity in the axial
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 13

`US 7,073,646 B2
`the power train of the vehicle produces a relatively low level
`of vibrations and it is therefore more important to reduce the
`weight and the construction space than to obtain a very high
`mass moment of inertia.
`Another advantage of this design of the torsional vibration
`damper is associated with the way in which the turbine
`wheel, serving as a mass element, is connected. Because the
`turbine wheel acts directly between the energy-storage
`devices of the two connecting devices by way of a cover
`10 plate provided with driver projections, it can thus be sup(cid:173)
`ported in a "floating" manner between the connecting
`devices without the need for any intennediate components.
`The hydrodynamic clutch arrangement with the torsional
`vibration damper according to the invention can have only
`15 a single friction surface between the housing cover of the
`clutch housing and the piston of the bridging clutch, but, to
`increase the amount of torque which can be transmitted by
`the bridging clutch, the number of friction surfaces can be
`increased by providing at least one plate axially between the
`20 housing cover and the piston. If two or more plates are
`introduced into the bridging clutch, it is advantageous to
`interleave intennediate plates, which are connected nonro(cid:173)
`tatably to the housing cover, between the first plates. When
`the bridging clutch is designed with, for example, two plates
`25 and one intennediate plate, a total of four friction surfaces
`is obtained, which gives this bridging clutch the ability to
`transmit very high torques. It doesn't matter whether the
`plates are designed with friction linings on both sides and the
`intermediate plate carries no linings or whether the plates are
`30 designed without friction linings on the sides facing the
`intermediate plate and the intermediate plate carries friction
`linings on both sides.
`It is preferable for the individual plate to be connected
`nonrotatably by means of a set of teeth to a retaining bracket,
`35 which in tum is connected nonrotatably to a drive-side
`transmission element, which conducts the torque to the
`torsional vibration damper.
`Other objects and features of the present invention will
`become apparent from the following detailed description
`40 considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
`It is to be understood, however, that the drawings are
`designed solely for purposes of illustration and not as a
`definition of the limits of the invention, for which reference
`should be made to the appended claims. It should be further
`45 understood that the drawings are not necessarily drawn to
`scale and that, unless otherwise indicated, they are merely
`intended to conceptually illustrate the structures and proce(cid:173)
`dures described herein.
`direction, which can be advantageous when wobbling move(cid:173)
`ments are introduced into the torsional vibration damper.
`By designing the radially inner end of the turbine wheel
`shell of the turbine wheel of the clutch arrangement, referred
`to below in brief as the "turbine wheel base", as a second
`cover plate connected nonrotatably to the first cover plate,
`which acts as the intennediate transmission element, it is
`possible to reduce both the number of separate components
`and the space which they occupy. The same advantage is
`offered by the measure of attaching both the drive-side
`transmission element of the torsional vibration damper and
`also at least one component of a rotational angle limiter to
`a common driver plate, which is attached preferably to a
`piston of the bridging clutch of the clutch arrangement and
`which will thus be able to follow along with the movement
`of the piston in the circumferential direction. The number of
`components can be reduced even more by designing the
`piston itself as the drive-side transmission element of the
`torsional vibration damper.
`If the intennediate transmission element is attached
`directly to the turbine wheel shell by a weld, for example, it
`is possible to achieve an even further reduction in the
`number of components and a further decrease in the amount
`of the space they occupy. It is also advantageous to give any
`pins which may be present as fasteners for connecting the
`turbine wheel to the intermediate transmission element, the
`additional function of limiting the rotational angle. Addi(cid:173)
`tional associated advantages can be obtained when the mass
`element in the form of the turbine wheel is supplemented by
`an additional mass, obtained by bending over the radially
`outer area of the turbine wheel shell.
`Advantageous elaborations of the torsional vibration
`damper by which it can be made more compact are described
`in the subclaims.
`The functionality of the torsional vibration damper is not
`dependent on a series of connecting devices arranged radi(cid:173)
`ally one outside the other; on the contrary, it is possible to
`achieve the same functionality with connecting devices
`which are all essentially the same radial distance away from
`the axis of rotation of the hydrodynamic clutch arrangement
`but which are offset from each other in the circumferential
`direction. When both connecting devices are at the same
`radial height and in the radially outer area of the clutch
`arrangement, a considerable volume can be provided for the
`energy-storage devices of the two connecting devices, so
`that, even though the two connecting devices are com(cid:173)
`pressed onto only one pitch circle diameter, a sufficiently
`soft overall elasticity can still be achieved, which makes it
`possible to lower the resonant frequency of the system to an
`uncritical frequency range. In addition, the arrangement of 50
`both connecting devices on the same pitch circle diameter
`reduces the number of components. If there were two pitch
`circle diameters, the number of components would have to
`be larger, such additional components consisting of, for
`example, energy-storage devices and the cover plates to 55
`accept and to actuate the additional energy-storage devices.
`As a result, the weight and the mass moment of inertia of a
`torsional vibration damper with both connecting devices on
`one pitch circle diameter are both reduced in comparison
`with torsional vibration dampers in which the connecting 60
`devices are arranged with an offset in the radial direction,
`and the amount of space occupied is also decreased, espe(cid:173)
`cially when the pitch circle diameter on which both con(cid:173)
`necting devices are located is in a radially outer area where
`the turbine wheel takes up less axial space than it does
`radially farther inward. This method of installing the con(cid:173)
`necting devices in a motor vehicle is to be preferred when
`FIG. 1 shows the upper half of a longitudinal cross section
`through a hydrodynamic clutch arrangement with a bridging
`clutch and a torsional vibration damper, in which a turbine
`wheel, serving as a mass element, acts effectively between
`two connecting devices arranged with a radial offset from
`each other;
`FIG. 2 is similar to FIG. 1 but shows a torsional vibration
`damper in which a supplemental mass acts as a mass
`FIG. 3 is a logarithmic amplitude-versus-frequency plot
`the turbine wheel of the hydrodynamic clutch arrangement;
`FIG. 4 shows a torsional vibration damper based on the
`functional principle of FIG. 1 but with a reduced number of
`65 components;
`FIG. 5 is similar to FIG. 4 but shows an even further
`reduction in the number of components;
`Valeo Exhibit 1109, pg. 14

`US 7,073,646 B2
`FIG. 6 is similar to FIG. 4 but shows the connection of the
`turbine wheel to the torsional vibration damper at a point
`radially farther toward the inside;
`FIG. 7 is similar to FIG. 1 but shows the arrangement of
`two connecting devices with a circumferential offset from
`each other instead of a radial offset;
`FIG. 8 shows a plan view of the connecting devices from
`the perspective of the line VIII-VIII in FIG. 7;
`FIG. 9 shows a schematic diagram of how the connecting
`devices are connected to each other;
`FIG. 10 is similar to FIG. 8 but shows a different
`combination of connecting devices;
`FIG. 11 is similar to FIG. 9 but shows a different system
`for connecting the connecting devices to each other; and
`FIG. 12 is similar to FIG. 6 but shows a plurality of
`friction surfaces on the bridging clutch.
`FIG. 1 shows a hydrodynamic clutch arrangement 1 in the
`form of a hydrodynamic torque converter, which is able to
`rotate around an axis of rotation 3. The hydrodynamic clutch
`arrangement 1 has a clutch housing 5, which has a housing
`cover 7 on the side facing a drive unit (not shown), such as
`an internal combustion engine. The housing cover is per(cid:173)
`manently connected to a pump wheel shell 9. The radially
`inner area of the shell merges into a pump wheel hub 11.
`To return to the housing cover 7, this cover has, in its
`radially inner area, a journal hub 12 carrying a bearing
`journal 13. The bearing journal 13 is mounted in a manner
`known in itself and therefore not presented in detail on an
`element of the drive unit, such as a crankshaft, to center the
`clutch housing 5 on the drive side. The housing cover 7 also
`has a fastening bracket 15, which is used to attach the clutch
`housing 5 to the drive, preferably by way of a f1explate 16.
`FIG. 1 of U.S. Pat. No. 4,523,916, which is incorporated
`herein by reference, shows how the bearing journal of a
`hydrodynamic clutch arrangement can be mounted in the
`crankshaft of the drive unit and of how the hydrodynamic 40
`clutch arrangement can be connected to the crankshaft by
`means of a f1explate.
`The previously mentioned pump wheel shell 9 and the
`pump wheel vanes 18 together form a pump wheel 17, which
`cooperates with a turbine wheel 19, which has a turbine 45
`wheel shell 21 and turbine wheel vanes 22. The pump wheel
`also cooperates with a stator 23, which has stator vanes 28.
`The pump wheel 17, the turbine wheel 19, and the stator 23
`form a hydrodynamic circuit 24 in the known manner, which
`encloses an internal torus 25.
`The stator vanes 28 of the stator 23 are provided on a
`stator hub 26, which is mounted on a freewheel 27. The latter
`is supported axially against the pump wheel hub 11 by an
`axial bearing 29 and is connected nonrotatably but with
`freedom of axial movement by a set of teeth 32 to a support 55
`shaft 30, which is radially inside the pump wheel hub 11.
`The support shaft 30, designed as a hollow shaft, encloses a
`gearbox input shaft 36, serving as the takeoff-side compo(cid:173)
`nent 116 of the hydrodynamic clutch device 1, which shaft
`is provided with a central bore 37 to allow the passage of 60
`hydraulic fluid. The gearbox input shaft 36 has a set of teeth
`34 by which it accepts a turbine wheel hub 33 nonrotatably
`but with freedom of axial movement; the radially outer area
`of this turbine wheel hub 33 serves to accept a turbine wheel
`base 31 in such a way that relative rotation is possible. The 65
`turbine wheel hub 33 is supported on one side against the
`previously mentioned freewheel 27 by an axial bearing 35
`and rests on the other side against the journal hub 12 by way
`of an axial bearing 44. The journal hub 12 is sealed off
`radially on the inside against the gearbox input shaft 36 by
`a seal 38.
`The previously mentioned central bore 37 in the gearbox
`input shaft 36 supplies the hydrodynamic circuit 24 with
`fluid, which exerts pressure on a bridging clutch 48, to be
`explained in greater detail below, for which purpose c

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