`US 20060201765A1
`119) United States
`112) Patent Application Publication
`110) Pub. No. : US 2006/0201765 A1
`Sep. 14, 2006
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Inventor: Rabah Arhab, Saint-Brlce-Sons-Foret
`Correspondence Address:
`SUITE 240
`BETHESDA, MD 20817 (US)
`121) Appl. No. :
`11/430, S62
`122) Filed:
`May 10, 2006
`Related U. S. Application Data
`163) Continuation of application No. 09/806, 035, filed on
`Mar. 26, 2001, filed as 371 of international
`filed on Jul. 27, 2000.
`tion No. PCT/FROO/02155,
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`JUI. 27, 1999
`1FR) . .
`Publication ClassiTication
`151) Int. Cl.
`F16H 45/02
`152) U. S. Cl.
`12006. 01)
`. 192/3. 29
`A lyydrkiineti Coupling Apparatus
`including a casing 130)
`provided with a transverse wall and enclosing a turbine
`wheel. A piston is located between the turbine wheel and the
`wall and the piston is connected by axially elastic tongues to
`the external periphery of the casing.
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`US 2006/0201765 A1
`Sep. 14, 2006
`is a Continuation Application of
`[0001] This application
`U. S. patent application Ser. No. 09/806, 035 filed Mar. 26,
`2001, which is a U. S. National Phase Application of PCT/
`FROO/02155 filed Jul. 27, 2000, which claims the benefit of
`French Patent Application No. 99/09739 filed Jul. 27, 1999,
`all of which are herein incorporated by reference.
`[0002] 1. Field of the Invention
`[0003] The present
`coupling apparatus
`concerns particularly
`for motor vehicles.
`[0004] 2. Description of Related Art
`[0005] Such
`a hydrokinetic
`described in the document FR 96-05722 published under the
`number FR-A 2748539. In this document
`the apparatus
`in the form of a casing provided
`includes an input element
`with a wall with a roughly
`transverse orientation
`and an
`a turbine wheel/hub
`output element comprising
`inside the casing. A piston
`is located between
`said assembly and the transverse wall. The piston is mounted
`so as to move axially with respect to the transverse wall and
`is fixed to the latter with respect to rotation.
`[0006] The input element
`to be fixed with
`is intended
`respect to rotation, by means of its transverse wall,
`to a
`to be
`the output element
`is intended
`shaft, whilst
`fixed with respect to rotation, by means of its hub, to a driven
`[0007] The piston has at its external periphery a surface
`referred to as the second surface, whilst the transverse wall
`has opposite the second surface a surface referred to as the
`first surface. the surfaces are here friction surfaces, a friction
`disc being interposed between the two surfaces. By causing
`to vary on each side of the piston, the latter is
`the pressure
`in one direction or the other. The piston is
`moved axially
`therefore able to move axially with respect to the hub. In this
`the friction disc is provided at its external periph-
`ery with lugs extending above the piston in order to mesh
`with an input part of a torsion damper, comprising an output
`part provided with a damper plate connected to the hub.
`[0008] Circumferentially
`elastic members
`the input and output parts shaped so as to receive
`the elastic members, which extend radially above the piston
`and surfaces.
`[0009] It may be desirable to increase the outside diameter
`of the surfaces, which is not possible because of the presence
`of the elastic members.
`[0010] The object of the present
`is therefore to
`increase the outside diameter of the surfaces, and this in an
`economical manner. According
`to the invention a coupling
`apparatus of the type indicated above is characterised
`in that
`is connected by axially elastic
`to the
`the piston
`external periphery of the casing.
`[0012] In addition
`the tongues fix the piston to the casing
`with respect to rotation whilst allowing an axial movement
`of the piston, and this more easily than a connection,
`example, of the mortice and tenon type. In addition the axial
`bulk is reduced at the external periphery of the casing since
`than the torsion damper of the
`the tongues are less bulky
`prior art.
`[0013] Because of the tongues
`the piston can surround,
`with radial clearance, an axially oriented annular part of the
`hub with the intervention of a seal between
`the piston and
`this axially oriented part. Thus the risk of jamming of the
`is limited.
`its axial movement
`piston during
`[0014] According
`to another
`is interposed between
`the piston and the transverse
`the said torsion damper
`in order to filter vibrations,
`acting disengageably between the hub and piston. Thus good
`filtration of the vibration
`is obtained.
`[0015] It is known from the aforementioned document
`a friction means can be interposed between
`the piston and
`the hub, in order to prevent any direct contact between the
`piston and hub.
`[0016] By virtue of the invention
`the damper plate of the
`to the
`is adjacent
`is eliminated
`the piston
`prior art
`turbine wheel and to the hub. The friction means
`is inter-
`posed between a transverse surface of the hub and the piston.
`In one embodiment,
`the piston is shaped so as to carry the
`friction means, and the hub has an axially oriented annular
`portion directed towards the transverse wall and surrounded
`by the piston mounted so as to move axially with respect to
`the said portion.
`[0017] In another embodiment,
`is car-
`the friction means
`ried by at least one rivet serving to fix the turbine wheel to
`In both cases
`the hub does not undergo
`the hub.
`additional machining operation.
`[0018] All this is made possible by virtue of the axially
`elastic tongues allowing a movement of the piston permit-
`ting good contact between the friction means and the asso-
`ciated surface,
`in particular when a radial clearance exists
`the piston and the friction means.
`[0019] In one embodiment,
`includes a lock-
`the apparatus
`up clutch of the two-face
`type, with a torsion damper
`provided with an input part fixed to a friction disc interposed
`is simple and eco-
`the two surfaces. The solution
`nomical since the torsion damper has the configuration of a
`friction member or clutch disc of the standard type. Thus the
`input part consists for example of two guide washers dis-
`posed on each side of a damper plate constituting
`the output
`part of the
`torsion damper. This damper plate,
`in one
`embodiment, meshes, possibly after a circumferential
`ance has been taken up, with a set of teeth, such as flutes,
`in an axially oriented part of the hub.
`In one embodiment,
`the tongues extend radially
`above the second surface. For this purpose
`the tongues are
`fixed at one end to an intermediate piece fixed to the casing
`and extend radially above the piston. At their other end the
`tongues are fixed to radial projections on the piston,
`in the form of lugs.
`[0011] By virtue of the invention,
`it is possible to increase
`the outside diameter of the surfaces whilst having good
`filtration of the vibrations by means of the torsion damper.
`[0021] In another embodiment
`for increasing
`the diam-
`eters of the surfaces the tongues extend opposite the second
`the tongues act between a first
`surface. In one embodiment
`Valeo Exhibit 1028, pg. 29

`US 2006/0201765 A1
`Sep. 14, 2006
`piece fixed to the piston and a second piece fixed to the
`external periphery of the casing. Naturally
`the tongues can
`act directly between
`the casing and the piston.
`[0022] These tongues are fixed for example at one of their
`lugs on the piston and at their other end
`ends to projecting
`to the transverse wall. These tongues can be provided with
`corrugations with diflerent heights to produce an axial ofl'set.
`the inven-
`in which:
`[0023] The description which follows illustrates
`tion with regard to the accompanying
`[0024] FIG. 1 is a half-view
`in axial section of a hydro-
`kinetic coupling apparatus according
`to the invention,
`[0025] FIGS. 2 and 3 are exploded views of the hub,
`lock-up clutch, casing element and torsion damper intended
`to equip the hydrokinetic
`coupling apparatus,
`[0026] FIG. 4 is a view to a larger scale of the lower part
`of FIG. 1 showing
`to the
`the friction means according
`[0027] FIG. 5 is a partial view in section along the line 5-5
`in FIG. 4 without
`the friction means,
`the hub and without
`[002S] FIGS. 6, S, 11, 14, 16, 1S, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31,
`33, 35, 3S, 41, 43, 45, 4S, 50, 53 and 56 are views similar
`to FIG. 1 for other example embodiments
`according to the
`[0029] FIG. 7 is a partial view in the direction of the arrow
`7 in FIG. 6 without
`the torque converter,
`[0030] FIGS. 9, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 2S, 30, 32, 34,
`36, 39, 42, 44, 46, 49, 51, 54 and 57 are views similar to
`FIG. 4 for the respective diflerent example embodiments of
`FIGS. S, 11, 14, 16, 1S, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 3S,
`41, 43, 45, 4S, 50, 53 and 56,
`[0031] FIG. 10 is a view in section along the line 10-10 in
`FIG. 9,
`[0032] FIG. 13 is a view in section along the line 13-13 in
`FIG. 12,
`[0033] FIG. 24 is a view in section along the line 24-24 in
`FIG. 23,
`[0034] FIG. 37 is a partial view in the direction of the
`arrow 37 in FIG. 36 without
`the hub,
`[0035] FIG. 40 is a view in section along the line 40-40 in
`FIG. 39,
`[0036] FIG. 47 is a view showing
`the distribution of the
`rivets provided with the friction means,
`[0037] FIG. 52 is a partial view in the direction of the
`arrow 52 in FIG. 51 without
`the piston or the hub,
`[003S] FIG. 55 is a partial view in the direction of the
`arrow 55 in FIG. 54 without
`the piston or hub,
`[0041] In the figures
`the common elements will for rea-
`sons of simplicity be allocated the same reference signs.
`in FIGS. 1 to 3, a first surface and second
`[0042] Thus
`surface can be seen respectively at 1 and 2. These surfaces
`1 and 2 are transversely
`oriented and are formed at the
`respectively of a roughly
`external periphery
`oriented wall 3 and of a piston 4.
`[0043] The surfaces 1, 2 are here in a single piece with the
`wall 3 and piston 4. As a variant at least one of the surfaces
`1, 2 can belong to an additional piece attached for example
`to the element concerned consisting of wall 3
`by welding
`and piston 4.
`the possibility of
`[0044] The piston 4 is mounted with
`axial movement with respect to the wall 3 provided centrally
`with a centering nose 5 projecting
`axially and roughly
`in shape.
`[0045] The wall 3 is extended at its external periphery by
`flange to form a first casing
`a first axially oriented annular
`flange 7
`element 3, 6. A second axially oriented annular
`comes to be centred, at its free end, on the free end of the
`first flange 6. This second flange 7 is therefore
`in close
`the external
`internal periphery with
`periphery of the first flange 6 and is fixed here by welding
`to the first flange 6. The second flange 7 is extended by a
`semi-toric enclosure S to which the blades 9 of an impeller
`wheel 10, facing the blades 11 of a turbine wheel 12, are
`fixed internally. The flange 7 and enclosure S belong to a
`second casing element 7, S. The piston 4 extends between
`the turbine wheel 12 and the wall 3.
`[0046] This turbine wheel 12 has internally an annulus 13,
`possibly divided, by means of which
`it is fixed, here by
`rivets 59, or as a variant by welding,
`to the external
`periphery of a hub 14 directly axially towards the wall 3 and
`in the shape of an L. It is therefore
`to the trans-
`versely oriented part 15, in the form of a shield, of the hub
`14, that the annulus 13 is fixed, whilst
`the axially oriented
`part 16 of the hub 14 is fluted
`for rotational
`connection of hub 14, and therefore of the turbine wheel 12,
`with a driven shaft, not shown. This driven shaft is, in a
`known fashion, provided centrally with a channel for sup-
`plying a hydraulic control chamber 17 delimited axially by
`the piston 4 and wall 3 and radially,
`internally, by the axial
`part 16 of the hub 14.
`[0047] For this purpose at least one passage 1S exists
`between the free end of the axial part 16 and the wall 3 for
`passage of the control
`fluid, here oil, coming
`channel of the driven shaft. The part 16 is roughly
`shape and has externally, at its free end, external flutes 19.
`The axial part 16 has externally, between the shield 15 and
`the flutes 19, a smooth surface 20 with a diameter slightly
`greater than that of the flutes 19, so that the axial part 16 is
`stepped in diameter. A seal 21 is mounted
`in a groove (not
`in the surface 20.
`referenced) produced
`[0039] FIG. 5S is a partial view in the direction of the
`arrow 5S in FIG. 57 without
`the piston or hub.
`[004S] This seal 21 cooperates with an axially oriented
`ferrule 22 which the piston 4 has at its internal periphery.
`[0040] FIGS. 59 to 61 are views similar to FIG. 4 for yet
`other example embodiments.
`[0049] A seal is therefore produced at this point, according
`the surface 20 is not a guide surface so
`to one characteristic
`Valeo Exhibit 1028, pg. 30

`US 2006/0201765 A1
`Sep. 14, 2006
`to be machined, which
`that this surface does not require
`reduces the cost of the hub 14.
`In fact, a radial clearance exists between
`the sur-
`face 20 and the ferrule 22. According
`to the invention,
`piston 4 is connected by axially elastic tongues 23 to the
`external periphery of the casing 30 and a torsion damper 2S
`is interposed between the piston 4 and the transverse wall 3
`the said damper 2S acting
`in order to filter the vibrations,
`the piston 4 and the hub 14. The
`tongues 23 fix the piston 4 to one of the casing elements with
`respect to rotation, and this with axial mobility and a risk of
`is limited by the radial clearance between
`jamming which
`the surface 20 and the ferrule 22.
`[0051] In one embodiment
`the piston 4 is fixed with
`respect to rotation, with the possibility of axial movement,
`to one of the flanges 6, 7 by a connection with axially elastic
`tongues 23. These tongues 23 are therefore connected to one
`of the flanges 6, 7.
`[0052] The number of tongues 23 depends on the appli-
`cation, these being regularly distributed circumferentially
`several sets of tongues 23, each set including here at least
`sets of
`In the example
`tongues 23 are provided.
`[0053] The tongues 23 can be of transverse orientation,
`whilst being for example
`triangular or rectangular or tan-
`in shape. The tongues 23 act, in FIGS. 1 to 7,
`between a first piece 24 fixed to the piston 4 and a second
`piece 25 fixed to one of the flanges 6, 7.
`in FIG. 1, the tongues
`In the example embodiment
`23 are fixed at each of their ends by rivets 26 respectively
`the first piece 24 and the second piece 25. In this embodi-
`ment the first piece 24 is in a single piece with the piston 4
`and consists of a plurality of lugs projecting
`radially out-
`wards from the external periphery of the piston 4. In FIGS.
`6 and 7 the piece 24 is distinct from the piston 4. For this
`the piston 4 has at its external periphery
`a first
`skirt 27 extending axially
`axially oriented annular
`in the
`opposite direction with respect to the ferrule 22 and the wall
`3, that is to say in the direction of the turbine wheel 12.
`the piston 4. In all cases the
`[0055] The skirt 27 stiflens
`the shape of
`piston 4, radially below its surface 2, matches
`the turbine wheel 12 and hub 14 in order to reduce the bulk
`of the hydrokinetic
`the tur-
`coupling apparatus comprising
`bine wheels 12, the impeller 10, the piston 4, the hub 14 and
`a torsion damper 2S described below. The apparatus has an
`and of rotation X-X'. Here
`axis of axial symmetry
`also has a reaction wheel 29 to form a torque
`in a known fashion.
`[0056] The casing elements 7, S and 3, 6 form a sealed
`casing 30 filled with oil, inside which there are situated the
`pieces 29, 10, 12, 4, 14 and the damper 2S, here of a standard
`type. More precisely the damper 2S has an input element 31
`in the form of a disc intended
`to be clamped between
`surfaces 1, 2. This element 31 is elastically connected to a
`central damper plate 35 fluted internally
`for mounting on the
`external flutes 19 on the hub 14. The damper plate 35 meshes
`clearance with the hub 14; the
`here without circumferential
`flutes 19 on the hub 14 and the internal
`flutes 32 on the
`damper plate 35 having complementary
`[0057] As will have been understood,
`in a known
`the pressure on each side of the piston
`manner, by varying
`for example by varying
`in the hydraulic
`the pressure
`control chamber 17, by virtue of the driven shaft supply
`channel and the passage 1S
`the piston 4 is moved towards
`the wall 3 or in the opposite direction to the wall 3 in order
`in one case to grip the disc 31 between the surfaces 1, 2 or
`to release the disc 31.
`[005S] When the disc 31 is clamped,
`it is said that the
`the surfaces 1, 2 and the torsion
`lock-up clutch, having
`damper 2S, is engaged or locked so that
`the rotational
`is transmitted directly from the driving
`driving movement
`the crankshaft of a motor car in the case of an
`to the driven shaft by the lock-up
`to motor cars
`clutch without relative slip between the turbine wheel 12 and
`impeller wheel 10, which reduces the vehicle fuel consump-
`the disc 31 is released,
`[0059] When
`it is said that the
`lock-up clutch is disengaged or unlocked, so that the rota-
`from the driving
`tional driving movement
`is transmitted
`the torque converter by
`shaft to the driven shaft through
`virtue of the circulation of oil between the blades 9, 11 of the
`impeller wheel 10 and turbine wheel 12. This is what occurs
`when the motor vehicle starts up.
`[0060] The tongues 23 allow an axial movement of the
`piston 4 with respect to the wall 3 when the lock-up clutch
`1, 2, 2S moves from one position to the other. The damper
`2S filters the vibrations,
`in the manner described below, and
`the piston 4 and hub
`therefore acts disengageably between
`14, that is to say when the disc 31 is clamped.
`[0061] Here the disc 31 fixedly carries friction linings 33
`on each of its faces. As a variant
`the linings 33 are fixed to
`the surfaces 1, 2, which are then fixing surfaces. In a variant
`the disc 31 is, at its external periphery,
`in a
`friction lining. As a variant the disc 31 rubs directly against
`the surfaces.
`the lining or linings 33 are provided
`[0062] Preferably
`to the
`from the internal periphery
`with grooves extending
`for good cooling,
`external periphery
`the grooves being
`contact with the surfaces 1, 2 or with the disc 31.
`[0063] In FIGS. 1 to 5, the tongues 23 extend radially
`above the linings 33 and the surface 2. In FIGS. 6 and 7, the
`tongues 23 extend opposite the surface 2 and the linings 33
`to increase the external diameter
`[0064] Here the disc 31 is fixed at its internal periphery by
`rivets 34 to external peripheral annuli 55, 155 belonging
`guide washers 36, 37 disposed on each side of the damper
`plate 35.
`[0065] The annuli 55, 155 are in contact with each other.
`The damper plate 35 and the guide washers 36, 37 are
`facing each other, with apertures 3S, 39 for
`mounting elastic members 40 consisting here of coil springs
`or helical springs of the concentric
`type. An axially acting
`spring 41 bears on the guide washer 37, the closest to the
`wall 3, to act on the damper plate 33 and to clamp the latter
`in contact with the other guide washer 36, the closest to the
`piston 4.
`[0066] For this purpose the washer 36 has a sinuous shape
`and has a surface radially above the springs 40. The damper
`plate 35 has at its external periphery
`lugs 43 each
`clearance, a scallop 42 pro-
`entering, with circumferential
`duced in FIGS. 2 to 3 at the external periphery of the guide
`Valeo Exhibit 1028, pg. 31

`US 2006/0201765 A1
`Sep. 14, 2006
`annulus 155. The
`washer 37, which thus has a discontinuous
`lateral edges of the
`lugs 43, by cooperation with the relevant
`scallops 42, limit the relative angular movement between the
`damper plate 35 and the guide washers 36, 37.
`In FIGS. 1 and 6, the structures
`have been
`in the guide washer
`the scallops being produced
`[0068] During a relative movement between
`the damper
`plate 35 and the guide washers 36, 37 with the disc 31
`the springs 40 are compressed and the damper
`plate 35 rubs on the washer 41, here a Belleville washer or
`in a variant a corrugated washer.
`[0069] The damper 2S therefore advantageously
`has the
`form of a normal clutch friction device whose guide washers
`36, 37 have, here at their internal periphery, a collar directed
`axially towards the flange 15 in FIG. 6 and directed towards
`each other in FIG. 1. In FIGS. 2 and 3, only the guide
`washer 36 has a collar, so that all combinations are possible.
`Each collar
`in contact with
`the external
`is substantially
`periphery of the flutes 39 and has a function of stifl'ening
`[0070] The second connecting piece 25 of the tongues 23
`has, in FIGS. 1 to 3, the form of a stepped
`tongue with a
`bracket for fixing one end of the tongue 23 by means of
`rivets 26. This bracket is connected by a rounded part to a
`band provided with at least two holes for fixing the piece 25
`to the external periphery of the wall 3. On the
`by riveting
`external face of this wall 3, threaded blocks (not referenced)
`are fixed, here by welding.
`[0071] In a known manner a flange 15 is screwed onto
`these blocks in order to rotatably connect the first casing
`element 3, 6 to the driving shaft. The connecting pieces 25
`extend tangentially with respect to the external periphery of
`the piston and are fixed by riveting to the external periphery
`of the wall 3, so that the friction
`linings 33 have a large
`to the transmission of
`external diameter, which is favourable
`it is possible to increase the external
`the torque. Naturally
`diameter of the linings 33 still further
`in order to transmit
`even more torque, as can be seen in FIG. 6.
`[0072] Thus in FIGS. 6 and 7 the second connecting piece
`25 of the tongues 23 has the shape of an angle bracket and
`therefore has a transversely
`to which
`oriented part
`tongues 23 are fixed and an axially oriented part forming a
`lugs 53. The
`skirt having at its external periphery
`tongues 23 are interposed between the piston 4 and turbine
`wheel 12.
`[0073] The lugs 53 are each engaged in a complementary
`in a notch 45 provided here in the free end of the
`flange 6. The notches 45 and lugs 53 are covered by the
`flange 7. Likewise the first piece 24, here flat in shape, has
`lugs 44 each engaged
`in a comple-
`at its external periphery
`in a scallop or notch 46 provided in the free
`mentary manner
`end of the skirt 27. Two lugs 53, 44 are provided per piece
`respectively 25, 24. Naturally
`this number depends on the
`the lateral edges of the notches 45,
`application. By crushing
`46 cold or hot, for example by electric heating,
`the metal
`respectively of the flange 6 and skirt 27 is caused to flow,
`the lugs 43, 44
`which makes it possible to axially immobilise
`the bottom of the notches 45, 46 and enables
`the flow of the lateral edges of
`to flow back during
`the notches 45, 46. Thus
`the pieces 25, 24 are fixed by
`crimping here to the flange 6 and piston 4.
`In a variant
`the flange 6 can partially surround
`flange 7 so that the notches 45 can be produced
`in the flange
`7. In a variant
`lugs 53, 44 are fixed by welding or
`to one of the flanges 6, 7 and to the piston
`adhesive bonding
`the skirt of the piece 25 is fixed by
`In a variant,
`for example by transparency welding of the laser
`type, to the flange 6.
`[0076] The first piece 24 can be welded directly
`to the
`piston 4, this piece then having a first portion for fixing the
`relevant end of a set of tongues and a second axially ofl'set
`portion for fixing the first piece 24 by welding.
`[0077] The piston 4 can also have, at its external periphery,
`lugs, directed
`a transverse
`return, possibly divided
`the axis X-X' and making
`it possible to fix the first
`piece 25, for example by means of pop rivets. This return is
`connected by means of a 180' elbow to the external periph-
`ery of the piston. Naturally,
`in FIGS. 1 to 3, as a variant, the
`tongues 23 can be fixed directly to the wall 3, whilst being
`in a single piece with the pieces 25.
`for example
`In FIGS. 1 to 6, a friction means 60 acts between
`a transverse surface formed by means of the flange 15 on the
`hub 14 and the piston 4 disengageably
`to the
`transverse wall by virtue of the second surface 2 extending
`opposite the first surface 1 in the aforementioned manner.
`[0079] The friction means 60 prevents any direct contact
`surface of the hub 14,
`the piston 4 and transverse
`limits the axial movement of the piston 4, thus
`this means
`into contact with
`latter from coming
`turbine wheel 12. This friction means 60 has at least one
`friction element, preferably with a low coefficient of friction.
`This friction element
`is preferably made
`from synthetic
`such as plastics material,
`forced with fibres and/or balls such as glass fibres and/or
`In FIGS. 1 to 7, the piston 4 is adjacent
`to the
`assembly consisting of turbine wheel 12 and hub 14 and is
`shaped so as to carry the friction means 60, and the hub 14
`has an axially oriented annular portion directed towards
`transverse wall 3 and surrounded by the piston 4 mounted so
`as to be able to move axially with respect to the said portion.
`[0081] By virtue of this arrangement,
`the flange 15 on the
`hub 14 does not need to undergo any additional machining
`since the friction means 60 is carried by the
`strength of
`piston 4. The result
`is also that the mechanical
`this flange 15 is preserved, and in addition
`the solution
`simple and economical since the piston 4, advantageously
`is a part which can easily be shaped.
`[0082] All this combines well with the damper 2S since
`the piston 4 is located axially between
`this damper and the
`assembly consisting of turbine wheel 12 and hub 14, whilst
`coming as close as possible
`to the said assembly and in
`the flange 15. In addition the piston 4 is rotatably
`connected to the external periphery of one of the two casing
`elements 30, which makes
`to create a radial
`it possible
`clearance between the ferrule 22 and surface 20, so that the
`risks of jamming of the piston 4 are minimised.
`Valeo Exhibit 1028, pg. 32

`US 2006/0201765 A1
`Sep. 14, 2006
`[00S3] This piston 4 cooperates by means of its ferrule 22
`the joint 21 fixed to the hub 14, so that
`solely with
`friction means 60 have a good contact surface with
`flange 15, since, by virtue of the tongues 23 and the joint 21,
`the piston 4 has a possibility of movement,
`so that the contact surface between
`the friction
`means 60 and the flange 13 are always at a maximum.
`addition more torque is transmitted because of the location
`of the tongues 23 and the external periphery of the casing 30,
`so that the linings 33 can have a large outside diameter. The
`outside diameter of the surfaces 1, 2 is therefore
`[00S4] Here one of the friction means 60 piston 4 ele-
`ments has at least one projection engaged
`in a complemen-
`in a hole in the other one of the piston
`tary manner
`means elements.
`[00S5] This mode of connection by cooperation of shapes
`to eflect and makes it possible to
`is simple and economical
`correctly centre the friction means 60, whilst providing a
`rotational connection.
`[00S6] Advantageously
`the hole is blind, so that the flu-
`idtightness of the chamber 17 is preserved. The blind hole is
`produced by pressing or extrusion, and thus

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