(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0235277 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Oct. 11, 2007
`Heuler et al.
`US 20070235277Al
`Publication Classi?cation
`(75) Inventors:
`Michael Heuler, WurZburg (DE);
`Jurgen Dacho, Bad Kissingen
`Correspondence Address:
`NEW YORK, NY 10176
`(73) Assignee:
`ZF Friedrichshafen AG
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Apr. 5, 2007
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Apr. 7, 2006 (DE) ................... .. 10 2006 016 417.2
`Feb. 7, 2007 (DE) ................... .. 10 2007 005 999.1
`(51) Int. Cl.
`F16H 45/02
`(52) Us. or. ...................................................... ..192/3.3
`A ?uid-?lled clutch arrangement includes a housing; a
`piston mounted With freedom of axial movement in the
`housing, the piston being sealed against the housing, the
`piston having a drive side bounding a drive side pressure
`space from a takeoiT side bounding a takeoiT side pressure
`space; a clutch Which can establish and release a Working
`connection between a drive and a takeoiT as a function of the
`position of the piston relative to the clutch; and a partition
`Wall bounding the takeoiT side pressure space opposite the
`piston, the partition Wall being active between the takeoiT
`side pressure space and a cooling space. At least one supply
`line connects a ?uid supply source to at least one of the
`drive-side pressure space, the takeoiT side pressure space,
`and the cooling space.
`1 8
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`Valeo Exhibit 1018, pg. 1

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`Fig. 7
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`Fig. 8
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`US 2007/0235277 A1
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`Valeo Exhibit 1018, pg. 13

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`US 2007/0235277 A1
`Oct. 11, 2007
`[0001] 1. Field of the Invention
`[0002] The invention pertains to a ?uid-?lled clutch
`arrangement for installation betWeen a drive and a takeoff,
`including a piston mounted With freedom of axial movement
`in the housing, the piston being sealed against the housing
`and separating a drive side pressure space from a takeoff side
`pressure space; a clutch Which can establish and release a
`Working connection betWeen the drive and the takeoff as a
`function of the position of the piston relative to the clutch;
`and at least one supply line connected to a ?uid supply
`source and to at least one of the pressure spaces and a
`cooling space.
`[0003] 2. Description of the Related Art
`[0004] DE 103 47 782 Al describes a ?uid-?lled clutch
`arrangement in the form of a hydrodynamic torque con
`verter, Which has a clutch device, realiZed as a bridging
`clutch for a hydrodynamic circuit. The clutch device is
`installed in a housing. The clutch device is provided With a
`piston, Which, as a function of its position in the housing, is
`able either to exert pressure on a clutch element of an axially
`adjacent clutch With a friction area, thus enabling the clutch
`to transmit some or all of the torque, or to release the
`pressure on the clutch element and thus to interrupt the
`transmission of the torque. Because a drive-side clutch
`element carrier of the clutch is connected via the housing to
`a drive (not shown) and a takeoff-side clutch element carrier
`of the clutch is connected via a torsional vibration damper to
`a takeoff in the form of a gearbox input shaft, the clutch
`device serves to connect and to disconnect the takeoff from
`the drive.
`[0005] The piston is sealed off both at its radially outer end
`and at its radially inner end against the adjacent component
`and thus separates a drive-side pressure space provided
`betWeen a drive side of the piston and an adjacent housing
`Wall from a takeoff-side pressure space, in Which the clutch
`is installed, provided on a takeoff-side of the piston. This
`takeoff-side pressure space thus serves as a cooling space for
`the clutch but is also in direct ?oW connection With the
`hydrodynamic circuit. The drive-side pressure space is con
`nected to a supply source by a ?rst supply line, Whereas the
`takeoff-side pressure space is connected to the source by
`Way of a second supply line, and the hydrodynamic circuit
`by Way of a third supply line. In professional circles, this
`type of ?uid-?lled clutch arrangement is called a “three-line
`[0006] In the knoWn ?uid-?lled clutch arrangement, the
`attempt is made to improve the necessary ?oW of ?uid
`through the clutch, Which must be cooledithis cooling
`process involving an exchange of ?uid betWeen the hydro
`dynamic circuit and the takeoff-side pressure spaceiby
`encapsulating the torsional vibration damper on the drive
`side. Even When this is done, hoWever, there remain many
`gaps, Which act as contact-free sealing points. For tolerance
`reasons, the siZe of these gaps may not fail beloW a certain
`minimum value, and as a result there are still many possi
`bilities for the ?uid medium to ?nd Ways to leak out
`undesirably. If, instead of the previously mentioned gaps,
`contact seals Were to be used, these Would be subject to
`increased Wear as a result of friction precisely at the points
`of relative movement. This Wear Would lead in turn to an
`increase in the leakage ?oWs. In addition, the quality With
`Which the torsional vibration damper can isolate vibrations
`Would also be signi?cantly impaired as a result of friction.
`Nor can it be excluded that, as a result of undesirable leakage
`?oWs precisely in the takeoff-side pressure space, both the
`actuation speed of the piston and the quality of its control
`function could be negatively affected.
`[0007] The previously described disadvantages apply in
`similar fashion to the ?uid-?lled clutch arrangements in the
`form of Wet-running clutch systems Which must operate
`Without a hydrodynamic circuit capable of transmitting
`torque, but in Which the clutch elements of the clutch are
`installed similarly in a cooling space, Which is separated
`from a drive-side pressure space by a piston. Here, too, the
`pressure space is connected to a ?rst supply line, and the
`cooling space is connected to at least one additional supply
`line. Examples of these types of clutch arrangements can be
`found in US 2006/0163023.
`[0008] The invention is based on the task of designing a
`?uid-?lled clutch arrangement With a clutch device equipped
`With a piston in such a Way that leakage ?oWs of ?uid
`medium Which decrease cooling e?iciency as Well as unde
`sirable frictional effects which impair the quality of vibra
`tional isolation are both e?fectively avoided.
`[0009] According to the invention, a partition Wall is
`assigned to the takeoff-side of a piston of a clutch device of
`a ?uid-?lled clutch arrangement, so that the boundaries of a
`takeoff-side pressure space are formed on one side at least
`essentially by the takeoff-side of the piston and on the other
`side by the partition Wall, Which for its oWn part acts
`betWeen the takeoff-side of the takeoff-side pressure space
`and a cooling space, Which acts as a hydrodynamic circuit
`When the clutch device is designed as a hydrodynamic
`torque converter. As a result, the path along Which the ?oW
`is guided is free of leakage-causing interruptions such as
`gaps in the radial area of the takeoff-side pressure space. In
`the area of the radial part of the takeoff-side pressure space,
`therefore, essentially all of the ?uid ?oWs from a supply line
`assigned to the takeoff-side pressure space, this line being
`connected to a supply source, and the clutch of the clutch
`device, Which cooperates With the piston and has a friction
`area. This is true not only for the ?uid ?oW from the supply
`line to the friction area but also for the ?oW in the opposite
`direction. In the case of a ?uid-?lled clutch arrangement in
`the form of a three-line system, the takeoff-side pressure
`space is connected directly to the supply line assigned to this
`pressure space, Whereas, in the case of a ?uid-?lled clutch
`arrangement in the form of a tWo-line system, the takeoff
`side pressure space can be connected to a supply line
`assigned to the drive-side pressure space by Way of at least
`one connection to a drive-side pressure space. So that the
`tWo supply lines can be distinguished from each other more
`easily, the supply line assigned to the drive-side pressure
`space is to be called the “?rst” supply line, and the supply
`line assigned to the takeoff-side pressure space is to be called
`the “second” supply line.
`[0010] Because of the previously mentioned design of the
`takeoff-side pressure space, ?uid medium Which ?oWs
`through this pressure space can leave the pressure space on
`the side facing aWay from the supply line in question only
`via a ?oW passage, Which connects the takeoff-side pressure
`space to the cooling space, as a result of Which the ?uid is
`forced to ?oW through the clutch of the clutch device and
`Valeo Exhibit 1018, pg. 17

`US 2007/0235277 A1
`Oct. 11, 2007
`thus across its friction area. This advantage is obtained both
`in the case of a three-line converter and in the case of a
`tWo-line converter, Where, in the latter case, the partition
`Wall assigned to the piston offers the additional advantage of
`better control sensitivity in push mode; that is, the piston can
`be closed during operation in push mode in such a Way that
`the engine can be used more e?iciently as a brake.
`[0011] Because of the partition Wall, the takeoff-side pres
`sure chamber is not only closed, except for the supply line
`and the ?oW passage, but also compact, Which means that
`this pressure chamber can be ?lled more quickly With ?uid
`and the pressure can be built up more quickly on the
`takeoff-side of the piston. The pressure chamber can also be
`?lled in such a Way that that the movement of the piston can
`be controlled With considerable sensitivity.
`[0012] The partition Wall itself can have freedom of axial
`movement relative to the piston, as a result of Which the
`advantage is obtained that, regardless of the operating state
`of the clutch device at the moment in question, that is,
`regardless of Whether it is open or closed or at least partially
`closed, the partition Wall alWays remains pressed against the
`adjacent clutch element, as long as the ?uid is ?oWing in the
`proper direction in the ?uid-?lled clutch arrangement. In this
`Way, residual leakage is avoided, i.e., the leakage Which
`could result if the partition Wall Were to become separated
`from the adjacent clutch element.
`[0013] It can also be advantageous, hoWever, for the
`partition Wall to be permanently connected to the piston.
`Although the partition Wall Will therefore folloW the move
`ment of the piston during the opening of the clutch device
`and move aWay from the adjacent clutch element, this and
`the resulting residual leakage do not have a negative effect,
`because, When the clutch device is open, there is usually no
`frictional heat being developed. Simultaneously, because of
`its permanent connection to the piston, the partition Wall,
`Which, as Will be described beloW in greater detail, can be
`mounted by means of an antitWist device in the housing of
`the ?uid-?lled clutch arrangement, has the effect of provid
`ing a nonrotatable mounting of the piston. The piston is thus
`secured against undesirable rotation relative to the housing
`and thus relative to any piston seals Which may be present,
`Which helps to reduce the Wear on the seals. This permanent
`connection is preferably produced by Welding or riveting,
`and it is especially preferable to provide it in the area of
`spacers, Which are provided on the piston and/or on the
`partition Wall, pointing in each case toWard the other com
`ponent, and Which serve to create ?oW channels betWeen the
`piston and the partition Wall. Pro?ling can also be provided
`on the piston and/or on the partition Wall for the same
`[0014] The advantage achieved by a permanent connec
`tion to the partition Wall, i.e., the advantage that the piston
`is prevented from tWisting With respect to the housing, is
`also obtained by means of an axial slide guide betWeen the
`piston and the partition Wall, Which, although it prevents
`relative rotation betWeen the piston and the partition Wall,
`alloWs relative axial movement betWeen the piston and
`partition Wall. An axial slide guide of this type is preferably
`provided in the radially central areas of the piston and
`partition Wall and has pins or cassettes, Which engage in
`assigned openings or cassette holders.
`[0015] Through the previously mentioned antitWist mea
`sures for preventing the partition Wall from turning With
`respect to the drive, a nonrotatable connection is established
`With the drive. In this Way, it is ensured that the partition Wall
`and the adjacent clutch element of the clutch Will rotate at
`the same speed, Which has a Wear-reducing effect. By
`providing the partition Wall in the area of its radially outer
`end With a radial shoulder, Which is functionally equivalent
`to a clutch element, it is also becomes possible to eliminate
`the clutch element situated closest to the piston of the clutch
`device. Both in the case of this equivalent clutch element
`and in the case of a partition Wall Without a radial shoulder,
`the antitWist function can be provided by a set of teeth,
`especially in the area of the radially outer end of the partition
`Wall. This set of teeth engages With another set of teeth,
`Which serves to carry along the clutch element of the clutch
`attached nonrotatably to the drive. Alternatively, hoWever,
`the partition Wall could also be positively connected for
`rotation in common to a clutch element mounted nonrotat
`ably on the housing cover.
`[0016] An advantageous embodiment of the partition Wall
`is obtained by designing this Wall to act as an axial spring,
`Which presses the piston elastically toWard the housing
`cover, so that the production of an unintended, especially of
`an uncontrolled, Working connection betWeen the drive side
`and the takeoff-side of the clutch arrangement is avoided. An
`uncontrolled production of the Working connection can
`occur in particular When the engine is started While the
`drive-side pressure space is already essentially ?lled but the
`hydrodynamic circuit is only partially ?lled. In this situation,
`the ?uid is pushed radially outWard by centrifugal force, and
`the air present essentially only in the hydrodynamic circuit
`acts in opposition to the ?uid in the pressure space. In this
`operating state, su?icient pressure cannot be built up in the
`hydrodynamic circuit to counteract the pressure in the
`pressure space.
`[0017] When an axial gap is formed betWeen the partition
`Wall designed as an axial spring and the piston of the
`bridging clutch, the partition Wall acts as a mediating contact
`spring for the piston, thus alloWing the Working connection
`betWeen the drive side and the takeoff-side of the clutch
`device to be established gently, Without abrupt jumps in
`torque. The partition Wall in this design Works under load
`like a disk spring, in that the area Which extends betWeen the
`point Where it is supported axially against the piston and the
`pressure area of the piston, preferably formed by a pro?ling
`provided thereon, undergoes elastic deformation. As the
`partition Wall continues to undergo elastic deformation, the
`axial gap Will eventually be completely closed. At this point,
`the piston Will Work together With clutch again Without any
`spring-loaded contact behavior, in the same Way as that
`described for the previously explained embodiment.
`[0018] The partition Wall preferably has at least one inte
`grated Zone, Which is provided in at least one predetermined
`radial area relative to the axis of rotation of the clutch. When
`pro?ling is provided on the pressure area of the piston, this
`Zone can be ?at, but it can also be provided With its oWn
`pro?ling, so that ?oW channels are formed for the ?uid
`?oWing in the radial direction. In the latter case, the pressure
`area of the piston can be ?at. The previously mentioned
`pro?ling can be designed either as Wave-like pro?ling or as
`interrupted pro?ling. In the former case, the axial distance of
`the partition Wall from the piston changes in alternating
`fashion in the circumferential direction, Whereas, in the
`latter case, tongues are provided on the partition Wall, Which
`extend radially outWard, the circumference being interrupted
`by these tongues.
`Valeo Exhibit 1018, pg. 18

`US 2007/0235277 A1
`Oct. 11, 2007
`[0019] Pro?ling can be provided both on an axially rigid
`partition Wall and on a partition Wall designed to function as
`an axial spring.
`[0020] The partition Wall guides the ?uid medium present
`betWeen it and the piston of the bridging clutch radially
`outWard into the area of the clutch. There, the required ?oW
`passages for the ?uid medium are present betWeen the tip
`areas of an inner set of teeth on an axial section of the
`housing and the root areas of an outer set of teeth on radially
`outer clutch elements and on a ?nal clutch element serving
`for axial support. The ?uid medium is therefore able to
`arrive at the individual clutch elements. To prevent the ?uid
`medium from bypassing the clutch elements, that is, to
`prevent it from passing by the direct route from the partition
`Wall via the ?oW passages into the hydrodynamic circuit, a
`back-up ring, Which positions the previously mentioned last
`clutch element in the axial direction, is used as a ?uid seal.
`The back-up ring is therefore preferably located axially
`betWeen the ?oW passages and the hydrodynamic circuit.
`[0021] Other objects and features of the present invention
`Will become apparent from the folloWing detailed descrip
`tion considered in conjunction With the accompanying draW
`ings. It is to be understood, hoWever, that the draWings are
`designed solely for purposes of illustration and not as a
`de?nition of the limits of the invention, for Which reference
`should be made to the appended claims. It should be further
`understood that the draWings are not necessarily draWn to
`scale and that, unless otherWise indicated, they are merely
`intended to conceptually illustrate the structures and proce
`dures described herein.
`[0022] FIG. 1 shoWs a schematic diagram of a drive train
`With a drive, a ?uid-?lled clutch arrangement, and a gearbox
`[0023] FIG. 2 shoWs a longitudinal cross section of the
`clutch arrangement, With a clutch device equipped With a
`piston, a partition Wall, and a clutch, and With the formation
`of three supply lines;
`[0024] FIG. 3 shoWs a detail of the piston and partition
`Wall With through-rivets as a form of connection, the assem
`bly being mounted on a torsional vibration damper;
`[0025] FIG. 4 is similar to FIG. 3 but shoWs an arrange
`ment of a piston and partition Wall on a drive-side housing
`hub together With a seal in the form of a gap seal assigned
`to the partition Wall;
`[0026] FIG. 5 is similar to FIG. 4 but shoWs a seal in the
`form of a contact seal;
`[0027] FIG. 6 shoWs a plan vieW of a clutch element of the
`[0028] FIG. 7 shoWs a plan vieW of the partition Wall;
`[0029] FIG. 8 shoWs a detail With the antitWist function
`established betWeen the partition Wall and a clutch element
`of the clutch;
`[0030] FIG. 9 shoWs a piston antitWist function achieved
`by mounting the piston on an axial slide guide of the
`partition Wall;
`[0031] FIG. 10 shoWs a plan vieW of the partition Wall to
`illustrate another type of axial slide guide;
`[0032] FIG. 11 shoWs a design of the partition Wall Which
`can serve as a clutch element of the clutch;
`[0033] FIG. 12 shoWs the centering of the piston on the
`drive-side housing hub and of the partition Wall on the
`torsional vibration damper, a bearing also being installed
`betWeen the housing hub and the torsion damper hub;
`[0034] FIG. 13 is similar to FIG. 2 but shoWs a design of
`the clutch arrangement With tWo supply lines;
`[0035] FIG. 14 is similar to FIG. 2 but shoWs a design With
`the partition Wall as an axial spring resting directly against
`the piston;
`[0036] FIG. 15 is similar to FIG. 14, but shoWs an axial
`gap betWeen the partition Wall and the piston, the Working
`connection betWeen the drive and the takeoff thus being
`[0037] FIG. 16 shoWs an enlarged detail of an area of FIG.
`[0038] FIG. 17 shoWs a diagram of the partition Wall With
`Wave-like pro?ling;
`[0039] FIG. 18 is similar to FIG. 17 but shoWs an inter
`rupted pro?ling of the partition Wall;
`[0040] FIG. 19 shoWs a vieW of a set of teeth, already seen
`in FIG. 2, looking toWard the piston from a point betWeen
`tWo radially outer clutch elements;
`[0041] FIG. 20 is similar to FIG. 19, but looking here
`toWard the side of a back-up ring facing aWay from the
`radially outer clutch plates, the back-up ring serving to
`position a last clutch element With respect to a set of teeth
`in the housing; and
`[0042] FIG. 21 is similar to FIG. 18 but also shoWs the
`antitWist device.
`[0043] FIG. 1 shoWs a schematic diagram of a drive train
`1 With an inventive, ?uid-?lled clutch arrangement 3 formed
`either by a hydrodynamic torque converter or by a Wet
`running clutch system such as that knoWn from the previ
`ously mentioned DE X34 822 Al. The clutch arrangement 3,
`Which can execute rotational movement around the axis of
`rotation 4, comprises a housing 5, Which can be connected
`for rotation in common to a drive 11, such as the crankshaft
`of an internal combustion engine 13, by means of a plurality
`of fastening elements 7 and a connecting element 9 such as
`a ?explate. On the axial side facing aWay from the drive 11,
`the housing 5 has a takeoff-side housing hub 24, Which, for
`example, engages in a gearbox arrangement 17 and there
`drives a ?uid transport pump (not shoWn) in rotation.
`Concentric to the takeoff-side housing hub 24, a takeoff 18,
`shoWn in FIG. 2, is provided, Which can be designed as a
`gearbox input shaft 19, for example. The free end of this
`shaft projects into the housing 5.
`[0044] FIG. 2 shoWs the ?uid-?lled clutch arrangement 3
`in the form of a hydrodynamic torque converter. On the side
`facing the drive 11, the housing 5 has a housing cover 20,
`Which is permanently connected to a pump Wheel shell 22.
`In the radially inner area, the shell merges into a pump Wheel
`hub 24.
`[0045] The pump Wheel shell 22 and the pump Wheel
`vanes together form a pump Wheel 26, Which cooperates
`With a turbine Wheel 30, comprising a turbine Wheel shell 28
`and turbine Wheel vanes, and With a stator 32 equipped With
`stator vanes. The pump Wheel 26, the turbine Wheel 30, and
`the stator 32 form a hydrodynamic circuit 34 in the conven
`tional manner.
`[0046] The stator 32 is mounted on a freeWheel 36, Which
`is supported axially against the pump Wheel hub 24 by an
`axial bearing 38 permeable to the ?uid medium and is
`Valeo Exhibit 1018, pg. 19

`US 2007/0235277 A1
`Oct. 11, 2007
`connected nonrotatably but With freedom of relative move
`ment in the axial direction to a support shaft 42 by means of
`a set of teeth 40. The support shaft is located radially inside
`the takeoff-side housing hub 24 and forms together With it a
`channel 43. The support shaft 42, designed as a holloW shaft,
`surrounds the gearbox input shaft 19, serving as the takeoff
`18, to form an essentially ring-shaped channel 44. The
`gearbox input shaft has tWo axial passages 46, 48, offset
`from each other in the radial direction, for ?uid medium. The
`?rst axial passage 46 leads to a de?ection chamber 92 on the
`drive-side end 94 of the gearbox input shaft 19, Whereas the
`second axial passage 48 terminates at a plug 98 shortly
`before reaching the drive-side end 94 of the gearbox input
`shaft 19 and then opens radially outWard by Way of a radial
`connection 96.
`[0047] The axial passages 46, 48, like the channel 44
`and/or the channel 43, are connected by ?oW lines 72-74
`and/or 103 to a ?uid distributor 82, Which can be connected
`to a supply source 80 to receive ?uid medium and to a
`reservoir 84, into Which the ?uid medium can be discharged.
`The latter can be connected to the supply source 80 by a
`connecting line 86.
`[0048] The gearbox input shaft 19 has a set of teeth 50, by
`Which it holds a torsion damper hub 52 of a torsional
`vibration damper 54 nonrotatably but With freedom of axial
`movement. The torsion damper hub 52 is supported on one
`side against the previously mentioned freeWheel 36 by an
`axial bearing 58, and on the other side it can come to rest
`against the housing cover 20. The torsion damper hub 52,
`furthermore, carries a piston 62 of a clutch device 66,
`designed as a bridging clutch 64. The piston 62 is sealed off
`against the torsion damper hub 52 by a radially inner piston
`seal 68 and against the housing cover 20 by a radially outer
`piston seal 70.
`[0049] On the radially inner side of the torsion damper hub
`52, a seal 71 is provided, Which is supported on the other
`side against the gearbox input shaft 19 and acts betWeen the
`radial passages 88, 90 provided in the torsion damper hub
`52. The drive-side radial passage 88 cooperates With the
`de?ection chamber 92, the ?rst axial passage 46, and the ?rst
`?oW line 72, to form a ?rst supply line 75 for ?uid medium,
`Whereas the takeoff-side radial passage 90 cooperates With
`the radial connection 96, the second axial passage 48, and
`the second ?oW line 73 to form a second supply line 76.
`Finally, to form a third supply line 78, a ?oW passage 100
`axially betWeen the axial bearing 58 and the freeWheel 36
`cooperates With the channel 44 and the ?oW line 74, and/or
`a ?oW passage 102 axially betWeen the freeWheel 36 and the
`axial bearing 38 cooperates With the channel 43 and the ?oW
`line 103.
`[0050] Fluid medium introduced via the ?rst supply line
`75 from the ?uid distributor 82 arrives in a drive-side
`pressure space 105, located betWeen the housing cover 20
`and the piston 62. When there is positive pressure in this
`space, it acts on the drive side 107 of the piston 62. Fluid
`medium introduced via the second supply line 76 from the
`?uid distributor 82 arrives, in contrast, in a takeoff-side
`pressure space 112, located betWeen the piston 62 and a
`partition Wall 110, Which is free to move axially relative to
`the piston. When there is positive pressure in this space, it
`acts on a takeoff side 114 of the piston 62.
`[0051] The partition Wall 110 can be designed With axial
`elasticity. It is centered by its radially inner end 115 on the
`torsion damper hub 52 by sealing 160, Where this sealing
`160 is designed as a gap seal 116. The radially outer end 117
`of the partition Wall 110 serves as an antitWist device 162,
`projecting axially into an area betWeen the piston 62 and the
`?rst clutch element 122 of a clutch 120. So that the ?uid
`medium can ?oW easily, the partition Wall 110 is provided
`With spacers 124 on the side facing the piston 62. BetWeen
`them, the spacers form ?rst ?oW channels 125, Which are
`distributed around the circumference and extend in the radial
`direction betWeen the piston 62 and the partition Wall 110.
`Alternatively or in addition, the piston 62 can be designed
`With nubs 126, so that, in this Way, second ?oW channels 127
`integrated into the piston 62 are obtained. As a result, a
`pressure area 129 is formed in the piston 62.
`[0052] On the interior side of an axial section 128 of the
`housing cover 20, a set of teeth 130 is provided for the
`radially outer clutch elements 132, referred to in the folloW
`ing in brief as “outer clutch elements”, to Which the previ
`ously mentioned ?rst clutch element 122 and a last clutch
`element 134, Which has a larger cross section and is there
`fore stiffer, belong. The latter element is supported axially on
`the housing cover 20 by a back-up ring 136. Because of the
`set of teeth 130, the outer clutch elements 132 are connected
`nonrotatably to the housing 5 and thus to the drive 11.
`[0053] Under the action of the piston 62, the outer clutch
`elements 132 can be brought into Working connection With
`the radially inner clutch elements 138, referred to in the
`folloWing in brief as “inner clutch elements”, Where a
`friction area 140 of a clutch 120 serving to transmit torque
`is created betWeen the friction linings and friction surfaces
`of the clutch elements 132, 138. The inner clutch elements
`138 are connected nonrotatably to an input part 146 of the
`torsional vibration damper 54 by Way of a set of teeth 142
`on a carrier 144. By means of this input part, the torque can
`be transmitted via the set of teeth 50 to the gearbox input
`shaft 19. Thus the inner clutch elements 138 are connected
`to the takeoff 18 by Way of the torsional vibration damper
`54. When the clutch elements 132, 138 are separated from
`each other, hoWever, torque introduced by the housing 5 is
`transmitted via the hydrodynamic circuit 34 to the turbine
`Wheel 30 and from that by means of a connection 146 to the
`torsional vibration damper 54, from Which the torque in turn
`is transmitted onWard to the gearbox input shaft 19 and thus
`to the takeoff 18. If a torsional vibration damper 54 is not
`provided, the inner clutch elements 138 can be connected
`directly to the takeoff 18 in either of the tWo operating states.
`[0054] In regard to the partition Wall 110 it only remains
`to be noted that, because of the engagement of its radially
`outer end 117 axially betWeen the piston 62 and the ?rst
`clutch element 122, it participates in the transmission of
`axial force from the piston 62 to the friction area 140 of the
`clutch 120. Preferably in this case the partition Wall 110 is
`provided With axial elasticity and is therefore designed
`especially as a diaphragm-like element. In addition, the
`partition Wall 110 can be connected nonrotatably to the set
`of teeth 130 of the outer clutch elements 132 by Way of a set
`of teeth 148 on its radially outer end 117. FIG. 7 shoWs this
`set of teeth 148 very clearly.
`[0055] To close the bridging clutch 64 and thus to engage
`it, positive pressure versus the takeoff-side pressure space
`112 is built up in the drive-side pressure space 105 by Way
`of the ?rst supply line 75. As a result, the piston 62 and the
`partition Wall 110 are both shifted

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