(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0121483 A1
`Sasse et al.
`(43) Pub. Date:
`May 29, 2008
`US 20080121483A1
`Publication Classi?cation
`(75) Inventors:
`(CDhSstBoph ialszse, ichgfin?irt
`; ern an ar ,
`schonungen (DE)
`Correspondence Address:
`NEW YORK, NY 10176
`(73) ASSigneeI
`ZF Friedrichshafell AG,
`FriedriChShafen (DE)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed;
`Nov, 20, 2007
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Nov. 23, 2006 (DE) .................... .. 10 2006 055 271.7
`I t. Cl.
`) FIvlMH 45/00
`(52) US. Cl. ....................................................... .. 192/33
`A hydrodynamic torque converter includes a housing With an
`interior space and a pump Wheel; a turbine Wheel installed in
`the interior space and rotatable about an axis With respect to
`the housing; and a bridging clutch including a ?rst friction
`surface formation connected essentially nonrotatably to the
`converter housing, and a second friction surface formation
`connected essentially nonrotatably to the turbine Wheel. A
`piston element divides the interior space into a ?rst space
`containing the turbine Wheel and a second space facing aWay
`from the ?rst space, Wherein a pressure increase in the second
`space brings the ?rst and second friction formations into
`frictional engagement to connect the housing to the turbine
`Wheel for rotation in common. Fluid ?oW openings in the
`piston element connect the second space to the ?rst space in
`the radial area of the friction surface formations.
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`Valeo Exhibit 1017, pg. 1

`Patent Application Publication May 29, 2008 Sheet 1 0f 3
`US 2008/0121483 A1
`Fig . 1
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`18 _
`72 36
`Valeo Exhibit 1017, pg. 2

`Patent Application Publication May 29, 2008 Sheet 2 0f 3
`US 2008/0121483 A1
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`Valeo Exhibit 1017, pg. 3

`Patent Application Publication May 29, 2008 Sheet 3 0f 3
`US 2008/0121483 A1
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`Valeo Exhibit 1017, pg. 4

`US 2008/0121483 A1
`May 29, 2008
`[0001] 1. Field of the Invention
`[0002] The present invention pertains to a hydrodynamic
`torque converter including a converter housing With a pump
`Wheel; a turbine Wheel installed in an interior space of the
`converter housing; and a bridging clutch arrangement With a
`?rst friction surface formation, Which is connected essentially
`nonrotatably to the housing, and a second friction surface
`formation, Which is connected essentially nonrotatably to the
`turbine Wheel. The interior space of the housing is divided by
`a piston element into a ?rst space containing the turbine Wheel
`and a second space separated from the ?rst space in an essen
`tially ?uid-tight manner. When the ?uid pressure in the sec
`ond space is increased, the actuating area of the piston ele
`ment brings the friction surface formations into frictional
`engagement With each other and thus connects the housing
`and the turbine Wheel together for rotation in common around
`an axis of rotation.
`[0003] 2. Description of the Related Art
`[0004] A hydrodynamic torque converter of this type is
`knoWn from US. Pat. No. 5,964,329, in Which each of the tWo
`friction surface formations is formed by several ring-like disk
`or ring-like plate friction elements. These can be pressed into
`frictional engagement With each other by the piston element.
`The radially inner area and the radially central area of the
`piston element are guided With freedom of axial movement
`along the housing in a ?uid-tight manner. Therefore, the
`second space is also situated radially in the area betWeen the
`radially inner seal and the radially central seal. In an area
`extending over the radially central seal and beyond in the
`radially outWard direction, the piston element extends into the
`area of the friction surface formations and is able to press
`these against each other When the pressure in the second space
`is increased. So that heat can be dissipated more effectively
`from the area of these frictionally interacting friction surface
`formations, the piston element has a pass-through opening
`outside the area in Which it forms part of the boundary of the
`second space to alloW the ?uid introduced into the ?rst space
`to ?oW onto the side of the radially outer area of the piston
`element facing aWay from the friction surface formations and
`thus to alloW the ?uid introduced into the ?rst space to ?oW
`more effectively around the frictionally interacting surface
`[0005] An object of the present invention is to design a
`hydrodynamic torque converter in such a Way that, in the area
`of the friction formations to be brought into frictional inter
`action With each other, a better cooling action can be provided
`by the ?uid to be introduced into the interior of the housing.
`[0006] According to the invention, a ?uid ?oW arrangement
`Which connects the second space to the ?rst space is provided
`in the piston arrangement in the radial area of the friction
`surface formations.
`[0007] In comparison With the previously indicated prior
`art, the hydrodynamic torque converter of the inventive
`design offers various advantages. First, the ?uid ?oW opening
`arrangement establishes a connection betWeen the second
`space and the ?rst space. Especially When the bridging clutch
`arrangement is to be activated, that is, When the friction sur
`face formations are to be brought into frictional engagement
`With each other, the ?uid pressure in the second space is
`higher than that in the ?rst space, Which means that ?uid Will
`?oW at comparatively high pressure and correspondingly
`high velocity through the ?uid ?oW opening arrangement.
`This leads to a signi?cant improvement in the forced ?oW of
`?uid around the surfaces areas to be cooled. Because the ?uid
`?oW opening arrangement is located in the radial area of the
`friction surface formations, that is, precisely Where the heat is
`generated by friction and precisely in the area from Which the
`heat must be carried aWay, optimal use can thus be made of
`the cooling action Which can be achieved.
`[0008] The hydrodynamic torque converter can be
`designed in such a Way, for example, that a ?rst ?uid supply
`channel arrangement has a feed channel area leading to the
`?rst space and a discharge channel area leading aWay from the
`?rst space, and that a second ?uid supply channel arrange
`ment is provided to supply ?uid to the second space and to
`carry it aWay from that space essentially independently of the
`?rst ?uid supply channel arrangement. This means that the
`converter is of the so-called 3-line type; that is, the ?uid feed
`to the ?rst space can occur separately or independently of the
`?uid feed to the second space.
`[0009] It is also possible, for example, for the ?rst friction
`surface formation to comprise at least one ring-shaped disk
`element connected essentially nonrotatably to the housing
`and for the second friction surface formation to comprise at
`least one ring- shaped disk element connected essentially non
`rotatably to a friction element carrier.
`[0010] The ?uid ?oW opening arrangement can comprise at
`least one through-opening formed in the piston element. The
`minimum of one through-opening in the piston element can
`extend through the piston element at a radially outWard
`directed slant from the second space to the ?rst space. As a
`result of this slanted positioning, that is, at an angle to the axis
`of rotation and at an angle to a plane perpendicular to the axis
`of rotation, advantage can be taken of the centrifugal forces
`acting on the ?uid ?oWing into the second space to promote
`the ?oW. As a result of this ?oW direction, Which is already
`directed radially outWard onto the friction surface formations,
`furthermore, the effect of a jet noZZle is obtained, Which
`provides an even greater boost to the radially outWard trans
`port of ?uid into the ?rst space.
`[0011] Alternatively, it is possible for at least one through
`opening in the piston element to proceed essentially in the
`axial direction. This is especially advantageous in cases
`Where the minimum of one friction element of the second
`friction surface formation is connected essentially nonrotat
`ably to the carrier by a set of teeth and at least one through
`opening leading to the ?rst space is present in the radial area
`of this set of teeth. In this case, the ?uid leaving the second
`space ?oWs directly into the area in Which at least one friction
`element is connected to the carrier. In the area of the teeth
`Which form this connection, intermediate spaces are usually
`present, Which alloW the ?uid to pass through in the axial
`direction and thus promote the distribution of ?uid over the
`entire area of the frictionally interacting surfaces.
`[0012] So that effective use can be made of the centrifugal
`force effects already mentioned, it is also proposed that least
`one through-opening be provided radially inside the actuating
`area of the piston element and that, in the actuating area, at
`least one through-channel be provided, Which bridges the
`actuating area in the radial direction.
`[0013] To ensure that the second space is closed off in an
`essentially ?uid-tight manner from the ?rst space While at the
`Valeo Exhibit 1017, pg. 5

`US 2008/0121483 A1
`May 29, 2008
`same time the piston element is free to shift and thus to engage
`and disengage the bridging clutch arrangement, it is proposed
`that the radially outer area of the piston element be guided
`With freedom of axial movement along a guide section of the
`housing under the action of a sealing arrangement, Where the
`sealing arrangement comprises a sealing element on the pis
`ton element and a sealing surface on the housing, along Which
`the sealing element can slide. With a design of this type, the
`?uid ?oW opening arrangement can comprise at least one
`?uid ?oW channel on the sealing element, Where this channel
`can be designed, for example, as a groove-like recess in the
`outer circumferential area of the sealing element.
`[0014] Alternatively, it is also possible for the ?uid ?oW
`opening arrangement to comprise at least one ?uid ?oW chan
`nel in the sealing surface. The minimum of one ?uid ?oW
`channel can comprise a groove-like recess in the sealing
`[0015] So that use can also be made of the ?uid introduced
`into the ?rst space to obtain the most e?icient possible cool
`ing of the bridging clutch arrangement, it is proposed that a
`?uid guide element, adjacent to the piston element, be pro
`vided in the ?rst space and that this guide element, together
`With the piston element, form the boundary of a subsection of
`the ?rst space extending radially from the inside from the
`point Where the ?uid is fed into to the ?rst space radially
`outWard to the area of the friction surface formations.
`[0016] According to another aspect of the invention, a ?rst
`?uid supply channel arrangement has a feed channel area
`leading to the ?rst space and a discharge channel area leading
`aWay from the ?rst space, and a second ?uid supply channel
`arrangement supplies ?uid to the second space and carries it
`aWay from that space essentially independently of the ?rst
`?uid supply channel arrangement; Where a ?uid ?oW opening
`arrangement connecting the second space to the ?rst space is
`provided in the piston element.
`[0017] Other objects and features of the present invention
`Will become apparent from the folloWing detailed description
`considered in conjunction With the accompanying draWings.
`It is to be understood, hoWever, that the draWings are designed
`solely for purposes of illustration and not as a de?nition of the
`limits of the invention, for Which reference should be made to
`the appended claims. It should be further understood that the
`draWings are not necessarily draWn to scale and that, unless
`otherWise indicated, they are merely intended to conceptually
`illustrate the structures and procedures described herein.
`[0018] FIG. 1 shoWs a partial longitudinal cross section
`through a hydrodynamic torque converter;
`[0019] FIG. 2 shoWs an enlarged, detailed vieW of the area
`of the bridging clutch arrangement of the hydrodynamic
`torque converter shoWn in FIG. 1;
`[0020] FIG. 3 shoWs a vieW corresponding to FIG. 2 of a
`modi?ed embodiment;
`[0021] FIG. 4 shoWs a vieW corresponding to FIG. 2 of a
`modi?ed embodiment; and
`[0022] FIG. 5 shoWs a vieW corresponding to FIG. 2 of a
`modi?ed embodiment.
`[0023] The hydrodynamic torque converter 10 shoWn in
`FIG. 1 comprises a housing 12 With tWo housing parts 14, 16.
`The housing part 14 carries a journal 18 in the radially inner
`area, Which is intended and/ or designed to be connected to a
`drive shaft. The housing part 16, permanently connected by
`Welding to the housing part 14 in the radially outside area,
`forms a converter hub 20 in the radially inside area, this hub
`being designed to be engaged and positioned in a gearbox,
`Whereas the area located further outWard in the radial direc
`tion forms a pump Wheel shell 22. On the side facing an
`interior space 24 of the housing 12, several pump Wheel vanes
`26 are mounted on the pump Wheel shell 22, arranged in a roW
`in the circumferential direction around the axis of rotation A.
`In the interior space 24, furthermore, a turbine Wheel 28 is
`provided. This comprises a turbine Wheel shell 30 With a
`plurality of turbine Wheel vanes 32 mounted on it, opposite
`the pump Wheel vanes 26. The turbine Wheel shell 30 is
`connected to a turbine Wheel hub 36 by Way of a torsional
`vibration damper arrangement 34. The turbine Wheel hub 36
`is provided With a set of teeth on its inner circumferential side,
`so that, With these teeth, it can engage for rotation in common
`With a takeoff shaft, such as for example, a gearbox input
`[0024] A stator 40 is provided axially betWeen the turbine
`Wheel 28 and the pump Wheel 38, the latter being formed
`essentially by the pump Wheel vanes 26 and the pump Wheel
`shell 22. A stator hub 42 is mounted nonrotatably on a support
`shaft (not shoWn). By Way of a freeWheel 44, Which blocks
`rotation in one direction, the stator hub carries a stator ring 46,
`on Which a plurality of stator vanes 48 is mounted.
`[0025] A bridging clutch arrangement 50 is used to bypass
`the hydrodynamic circuit and thus to transmit torque directly
`betWeen the housing 12 and the turbine Wheel 28 and there
`fore to the takeoff shaft. For this purpose, the bridging clutch
`arrangement 50 has friction surface formations 52 and 54,
`Which can be brought into frictional engagement With each
`other. One of these formations is provided on the housing 12,
`the other on a carrier 56, Which is connected to the turbine
`Wheel 28 or to the turbine Wheel hub 36 by Way of a torsional
`vibration damper 34 of a tWo-stage design. Each of these
`friction surface formations comprises several ring-shaped
`disk-like friction elements or plates, Where the friction ele
`ments 53, 55, 57 of the ?rst friction surface formation 52 have
`sets of teeth, Which engage With teeth on the housing part 14
`in an essentially nonrotatable manner While still alloWing
`freedom of axial movement relative to the housing, Whereas
`the friction elements 88, 90 of the second friction surface
`formation 54 have sets of teeth by Which they are connected in
`a corresponding manner With the carrier 56 in nonrotatable
`fashion With but freedom of axial movement relative to the
`[0026] A piston element 58 of the bridging clutch arrange
`ment 50 is guided With freedom of axial movement on the
`housing 12. For this purpose, the housing 12 or housing part
`14 of the housing has, in the radially outer area, a guide
`surface 60, along Which a sealing element 62, located in the
`radially outer area of the piston element 58, can slide in the
`axial direction. At its radially inner end, the piston element 58
`is also guided in a ?uid-tight and axially movable manner,
`namely, on an axial terminal area of the turbine Wheel hub 36,
`via the sealing element 64 installed there betWeen the tWo
`components. This terminal area of the hub is in turn supported
`radially and axially on a bearing part 66, Which is connected
`by Welding to the inner area of the housing part 14, for
`example, an essentially ?uid-tight contact being created
`betWeen the turbine Wheel hub 36 and the bearing part 66.
`Valeo Exhibit 1017, pg. 6

`US 2008/0121483 A1
`May 29, 2008
`[0027] The interior space 24 of the housing is divided by the
`piston element 58 into tWo spaces 68, 70. A ?rst space 68,
`situated in FIG. 1 on the right of the piston element 58,
`contains essentially the turbine Wheel 28, the torsional vibra
`tion damper 34, and the friction surface formations 52, 54 of
`the bridging clutch arrangement 50. By Way of one or more
`openings 72 in the turbine Wheel hub 36 and a feed channel
`arrangement leading to them, ?uid, such as lubricating oil,
`can be introduced into the ?rst space 68. This ?uid is guided
`radially outWard, namely, into the area of the friction surface
`formations 52, 54, by a ring-shaped disk-like guide element
`74, Which is supported on the turbine Wheel hub 36 and
`extends into the area of the friction surface formations 52, 54.
`There, the ?uid ?oWs around the surfaces Which are to be
`brought into frictional interaction With each other and arrives
`in that part of the space 68 in Which the turbine Wheel 28 is
`also situated. After passing by the axial support bearings for
`the stator provided in the radially inner area, the ?uid can be
`taken aWay from the ?rst space 68 via a discharge channel
`arrangement. It is obvious that the feed channel arrangement
`or the discharge channel arrangement can comprise through
`openings in the gearbox input shaft, for example, and inter
`mediate spaces betWeen this gearbox input shaft and the
`support shaft or betWeen the support shaft and the converter
`hub 20. In principle, therefore, the converter is of the 3-line
`type. The ?uid circulation through the ?rst space 68 can
`therefore be adjusted independently of the ?uid feed to and/ or
`the ?uid discharge from the second space 70. For this pur
`pose, one or more openings 76, through Which, for example,
`?uid Which has been supplied through a central opening in the
`gearbox input shaft can be fed into the second space 70, can
`also be provided in the previously mentioned bearing part 66,
`Which is permanently connected to the housing part 14. If the
`bridging clutch arrangement 50 is to be engaged, the ?uid
`pressure in the second space 70 is increased by supplying
`?uid appropriately to that space, and thus the actuating area
`78 of the piston element 58 located in the radial area of the
`friction surface formations 52, 54 is pressed against the fric
`tion surface formations 52, 54, i.e., against the friction ele
`ment 53 of the friction surface formation 52. As a result, the
`various friction elementsisome of Which, e.g., friction ele
`ments 88, 90 of the friction surface formation 54, for example,
`can carry friction linings4come into frictional contact With
`each other and transmit torque directly betWeen the housing
`12 and the turbine Wheel 28 or the turbine Wheel hub 36 via
`the carrier 56 and the torsional vibration damper 34.
`[0028] In FIG. 2, it can be seen that a ?uid ?oW opening
`arrangement 80 is provided in the piston element 58. This
`?oW opening arrangement establishes a ?oW connection
`betWeen the second space 70 and the ?rst space 68. In the
`example shoWn here, the ?uid ?oW opening arrangement 80
`comprises one or more through-openings 82 distributed
`around the circumference of the piston element 58. Here they
`are located radially outside the actuating area 78 but still in
`the area over Which the friction surface formations 52, 54
`extend. It can also be seen that the through-openings 82
`extend radially outWard at a slant, so that the ?uid in the space
`70, Which is under greater pressure than that in space 68,
`emerges from the second space 70 radially outWard at an
`angle and is therefore, as it enters the ?rst space 68, aimed
`directly at the friction surface formations 52, 54. Especially
`therefore, When, as the result of an increase in the ?uid pres
`sure in the second space 70, the bridging clutch arrangement
`50 is to be engaged, the surface areas of the friction surface
`formations 52, 54 Which are entering into frictional engage
`ment With each other are subjected to an even greater ?oW of
`?uid. Thus, especially through the combination of the orien
`tation of the through-openings 82 shoWn in FIG. 2 With the
`?oW guide element 74 shoWn in FIG. 1, it is possible to
`intensify the transport of ?uid in the radially outWard direc
`tion in a manner similar in principle to that of a jet noZZle or
`jet pump.
`[0029] In a modi?cation as shoWn in FIG. 3, the ?uid ?oW
`opening arrangement 80 again comprises one or more
`through-openings 84, but noW they are oriented essentially in
`the axial direction and are located radially in the area Where
`the friction elements 88, 90 of the friction surface formation
`54 mounted on the carrier 56 are connected by sets of teeth to
`the carrier 56. In the area of this toothed coupling 86 betWeen
`the carrier 56 and the friction elements 88, 90 of the friction
`surface formation 54, intermediate spaces are formed,
`through Which in any case the ?uid has the opportunity to ?oW
`axially, Which therefore ensures that the friction elements Will
`be supplied With su?icient ?oW. The ?uid emerging axially
`from the through-openings 84 under high pressure and there
`fore at high velocity arrives precisely in this area and thus
`supports the ?oW around the friction surface formations 52,
`54. So that the ?oW in the radially outWard direction can also
`be intensi?ed, several radially outWard-leading through
`channels 91 are provided in the actuating area 78 of the piston
`element 58, distributed around the circumference, and these
`can be open axially in the direction toWard the friction surface
`formations 52, 54. Through these channels, the ?uid emerg
`ing from the through-openings 84 Will be able to reach the
`radially outer area under the action of centrifugal force.
`[0030] Another modi?cation is shoWn in FIG. 4. Here
`again, it is possible to see the piston element 58 With its
`actuating area 78 and the radially outer seal 62. The ?uid ?oW
`opening arrangement 80 comprises in this embodiment one or
`more groove-like recesses 92 in a circumferential roW, dis
`tributed around the outside circumference of the sealing ele
`ment 62, that is, in the area Where this element enters into
`sealing interaction With the guide surface or sealing surface
`60. Thus, ?uid present under a higher ?uid pressure in the
`second space 70 can ?oW axially through the sealing element
`62 at these areas, from Which it then proceeds to the radial
`area of the friction surface formations 52, 54 and carries heat
`aWay from them.
`[0031] This principle can be realiZed in an alternative vari
`ant as shoWn in FIG. 5. Here, preferably several groove-like
`recesses 94, arranged in a circumferential roW, are provided
`on the guide surface or sealing surface 60. These grooves
`bridge the sealing element 62 and therefore alloW the ?uid to
`enter from the second space 70 and proceed to the ?rst space
`68 in the radial area of the friction surface formations 52, 54.
`[0032] It should be pointed out in conclusion that, of
`course, the various design variants of the ?uid ?oW opening
`arrangement can be combined With each other. Thus, through
`appropriate choice of the dimensions of the various ?oW cross
`sections, it can be ensured that, even under consideration of
`the delivery capacity of a ?uid pump in the second space, a
`suf?ciently high ?uid pressure can alWays be produced to
`keep the bridging clutch arrangement in the completely
`engaged state.
`[0033] It should also be pointed out that, With respect to its
`additional assemblies, e.g., the turbine Wheel and the tor
`sional vibration damper, the hydrodynamic torque converter
`10 can also be designed in Ways different from those
`Valeo Exhibit 1017, pg. 7

`US 2008/0121483 A1
`May 29, 2008
`described above. The bridging clutch arrangement can also be
`designed differently, especially With respect to the friction
`surface formations. Thus, for example, one of the friction
`surface formations could be formed directly on a carrier, or a
`different number of frictionally interacting friction elements
`or friction elements of a different shape could be provided.
`[0034] Thus, While there have shoWn and described and
`pointed out fundamental novel features of the invention as
`applied to a preferred embodiment thereof, it Will be under
`stood that various omissions and substitutions and changes in
`the form and details of the devices illustrated, and in their
`operation, may be made by those skilled in the art Without
`departing from the spirit of the invention. For example, it is
`expressly intended that all combinations of those elements
`and/or method steps Which perform substantially the same
`function in substantially the same Way to achieve the same
`results are Within the scope of the invention. Moreover, it
`should be recogniZed that structures and/or elements and/or
`method steps shoWn and/ or described in connection With any
`disclosed form or embodiment of the invention may be incor
`porated in any other disclosed or described or suggested form
`or embodiment as a general matter of design choice. It is the
`intention, therefore, to be limited only as indicated by the
`scope of the claims appended hereto.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A hydrodynamic torque converter comprising:
`a converter housing With an interior space and a pump
`a turbine Wheel installed in the interior space and rotatable
`about an axis With respect to the housing;
`a bridging clutch comprising a ?rst friction surface forma
`tion Which is connected essentially nonrotatably to the
`converter housing, and a second friction surface forma
`tion Which is connected essentially nonrotatably to the
`turbine Wheel, the ?rst and second friction formations
`lying in a radial area With respect to the axis; and
`a piston element dividing the interior space into a ?rst
`space containing the turbine Wheel and a second space
`facing aWay from the ?rst space, Wherein a pressure
`increase in the second space brings the ?rst and second
`friction formations into frictional engagement to con
`nect the housing to the turbine Wheel for rotation in
`common, the piston element having a ?uid ?oW opening
`arrangement connecting the second space to the ?rst
`space in the radial area of the friction surface formations.
`2. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 1 further
`a ?rst ?uid supply channel arrangement comprising a ?rst
`feed channel leading to the ?rst space and a ?rst dis
`charge channel leading aWay from the ?rst space; and
`a second ?uid supply channel arrangement for supplying
`?uid to the second space and carrying ?uid aWay from
`the second space independently of the ?rst ?uid supply
`channel arrangement.
`3. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 1 further
`comprising a friction element carrier ?xed to the turbine
`Wheel hub, Wherein
`the ?rst friction surface formation comprises at least one
`ring-shaped friction element connected essentially non
`rotatably to the converter housing, and
`the second friction surface formation comprises at least
`one ring-shaped friction element connected essentially
`nonrotatably to the friction element carrier.
`4. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 1 Wherein
`the ?uid ?oW opening arrangement comprises at least one
`through-opening in the piston element.
`5. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 4 Where the
`at least one through opening extends from the second space at
`the ?rst space at an acute angle to a radius from the axis.
`6. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 4 Where the
`at least one through opening extends from the second space at
`the ?rst space parallel to the axis.
`7. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 3 Wherein
`the at least one friction element of the second friction
`formation is connected to the friction element carrier by
`a set of teeth lying in a radial area With respect to the axis,
`the ?uid ?oW opening arrangement comprises at least one
`through-opening in the piston element, Wherein said at
`least one through-opening opens in the radial area of
`said set of teeth.
`8. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 4 Wherein
`the piston element contacts one of the friction surface forma
`tions at an actuating area, the at least one through-opening
`lying radially inside the actuating area, the piston element
`being formed With at least one radially extending channel
`Which bridges the actuating area in the ?rst space.
`9. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 1 further
`comprising a sealing arrangement betWeen the piston element
`and the converter housing, the sealing arrangement compris
`ing a sealing element on the piston element and a sealing
`surface on the housing, Wherein the sealing element can slide
`on the sealing surface.
`10. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 9 Wherein
`the ?uid ?oW opening arrangement comprises at least one
`?uid ?oW channel in the sealing element.
`11. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 10
`Wherein the at least one ?uid ?oW channel comprises a radi
`ally outWard facing groove in the sealing element.
`12. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 9 Wherein
`the ?uid ?oW opening arrangement comprises at least one
`?uid ?oW channel in the sealing surface.
`13. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 12
`Wherein the at least one ?uid ?oW channel comprises a radi
`ally inWard facing groove in the sealing surface.
`14. The hydrodynamic torque converter of claim 1 further
`comprising a ?uid guide element adjacent to the piston ele
`ment in the ?rst space, said guide element and said piston
`element bounding a subsection of the ?rst space Where ?uid is
`fed radially outWard toWard the friction surface formations.
`15. A hydrodynamic torque converter comprising:
`a converter housing With an interior space and a pump
`a turbine Wheel installed in the interior space and rotatable
`about an axis With respect to the housing;
`a bridging clutch comprising a ?rst friction surface forma
`tion Which is connected essentially nonrotatably to the
`converter housing, and a second friction surface forma
`tion Which is connected essentially nonrotatably to the
`turbine Wheel;
`a piston element dividing the interior space into a ?rst
`space containing the turbine Wheel and a second space
`facing aWay from the ?rst space, Wherein a pressure
`increase in the second space brings the ?rst and second
`friction formations into frictional engagement to con
`nect the housing to the turbine Wheel for rotation in
`Valeo Exhibit 1017, pg. 8

`US 2008/0121483 A1
`May 29, 2008
`common, the piston element having a ?uid ?oW opening
`arrangement connecting the second space to the ?rst
`a ?rst ?uid supply channel arrangement comprising a ?rst
`feed channel leading to the ?rst space and a ?rst dis
`charge channel leading aWay from the ?rst space; and
`a second ?uid supply channel arrangement for supplying
`?uid to the second space and carrying ?uid aWay from
`the second space independently of the ?rst ?uid supply
`channel arrangement.
`Valeo Exhibit 1017, pg. 9

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