(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0205067 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Sep. 6, 2007
`Frey et al.
`US 20070205067Al
`Publication Classi?cation
`(75) Inventors:
`Peter Frey, GerolZhofen (DE);
`Michael Heuler, WurZburg (DE);
`Edgar Reinhart, Hofheim (DE);
`Bernd Reinhardt, Schonungen
`(DE); Stefan Mundt, WurZburg
`(DE); Thomas Baier,
`Bergrheinfeld (DE); Frank
`Zerner, Bischberg (DE)
`Correspondence Address:
`NEW YORK, NY 10176
`(73) Assignee:
`ZF Friedrichshafen AG,
`Friedrichshafen (DE)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Feb. 27, 2007
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Mar. 3, 2006
`10 2006 009 987.7
`(51) Int. Cl.
`F16H 45/02
`(52) Us. or. ...................................................... ..192/3.3
`A hydrodynamic clutch includes a housing Which can be
`brought into Working connection With a drive; a hydrody
`namic circuit formed by a pump Wheel and a turbine Wheel;
`a torsional vibration damper having a drive side transmis
`sion element, a takeoff side transmission element, and at
`least one energy storage group between the transmission
`elements; and a bridging clutch including ?rst friction
`elements connected to the housing and second friction
`elements connected to the drive side transmission element.
`A ?rst ?oW route extends from a ?rst ?oW passage to the
`friction elements, and a second ?oW route extends from the
`hydrodynamic circuit to a second ?oW passage. A sealing
`arrangement cooperates With the drive side transmission
`element to separate the ?rst ?oW route from the second ?oW
`56 82
`8 92
`19 24 /
`156 96104
`146 58 33 35
`Valeo Exhibit 1016, pg. 1

`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 1 0f 5
`US 2007/0205067 A1
`mm mm vw
`_\ ivmwow mm
`mm mm mm 03‘
`Valeo Exhibit 1016, pg. 2

`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 2 0f 5
`US 2007/0205067 A1
`Valeo Exhibit 1016, pg. 3

`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 3 0f 5
`US 2007/0205067 A1
`Fig. 3
`0 :°

`Valeo Exhibit 1016, pg. 4

`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 4 0f 5
`US 2007/0205067 A1
`Fig. 4
`Valeo Exhibit 1016, pg. 5

`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 5 0f 5
`US 2007/0205067 A1
`Fig. 5
`Valeo Exhibit 1016, pg. 6

`US 2007/0205067 A1
`Sep. 6, 2007
`[0001] 1. Field of the Invention
`[0002] The invention pertains to a hydrodynamic clutch
`device including a housing Which can be brought into
`Working connection With a drive; a hydrodynamic circuit
`formed by a pump Wheel and a turbine Wheel; a torsional
`vibration damper having a drive side transmission element,
`a takeoff side transmission element, and at least one energy
`storage group betWeen the transmission elements; and a
`bridging clutch connecting the housing to the drive side
`transmission element of the torsional vibration damper.
`[0003] 2. Description of the Related Art
`[0004] A hydrodynamic clutch device of this type is
`knoWn from, for example, DE 10 2004 029 157 Al. The
`hydrodynamic clutch arrangement has a hydrodynamic cir
`cuit, formed by a pump Wheel, a turbine Wheel, and a stator,
`and is realiZed as a torque converter, Which is designed With
`a bridging clutch, the piston of Which is able to move a
`plurality of friction elements into and out of engagement
`With each other. First friction elements are mounted nonro
`tatably on a housing of the hydrodynamic clutch device, so
`that this housing, Which is connected for rotation in common
`With a drive, such as the crankshaft of an internal combus
`tion engine, acts as a drive-side friction element carrier.
`Second friction elements are mounted nonrotatably on a
`drive-side transmission element of a torsional vibration
`damper, Which thus acts as a takeoff-side friction element
`carrier. The bridging clutch has friction surfaces located
`betWeen adjacent friction element carriers. The drive-side
`transmission element of the torsional vibration damper
`cooperates With an energy-storage group and a takeoff-side
`transmission element of the torsional vibration damper to
`form a damping device, Which is connected nonrotatably to
`a takeoff such as a gearbox input shaft. The energy-storage
`group is supported in openings in cover plates, Which are
`connected nonrotatably to the takeoff-side friction element
`carrier, and is also supported in openings provided in the
`takeoff-side transmission element.
`[0005] In the knoWn hydrodynamic clutch device, the
`openings for the energy-storage group in the cover plates
`and in the takeoff-side transmission element are permeable
`to the ?uid medium present in the housing. Because of these
`openings, there is the problem that a not inconsiderable
`portion of the ?uid medium moving from a ?oW inlet to a
`?oW outlet ?oWs through the openings, thus bypassing the
`friction surfaces of the bridging clutch. Especially during
`phases in Which the friction elements are heated because of
`slippage, it is possible that this phenomenon can cause a
`de?ciency of cooling ?uid medium in the area of the friction
`surfaces, so that the heat developed at the friction surfaces
`cannot be carried aWay. As a result, the load capacity of
`these friction elements becomes loWer than that of better
`cooled friction elements.
`[0006] This basic problem of the openings for the energy
`storage group is especially relevant When the knoWn hydro
`dynamic clutch device is designed as a three-line system. In
`a three-line system, a pressure space located axially betWeen
`the drive-side cover of the clutch device and a piston of the
`bridging clutch is not only sealed off against the hydrody
`namic circuit, but also connected to an additional pressure
`line of a hydraulic system, Which means that the hydrody
`namic circuit has both a ?oW inlet and a ?oW outlet.
`[0007] A tWo-line system such as that knoWn from Us.
`Pat. No. 7,073,646 is therefore superior With respect to the
`dissipation of heat from the area of the friction surfaces. In
`a tWo-line system, the pressure space located betWeen the
`drive-side cover of the clutch device and the piston of the
`bridging clutch is connected to a control line of a hydraulic
`system, Which acts either as a ?oW inlet or as a ?oW outlet
`for ?uid medium in correspondence With the operating state
`of the clutch device at the moment in question, i.e., depend
`ing on Whether the bridging clutch is open or closed.
`Because otherWise there is only one other ?oW inlet or outlet
`for the hydrodynamic circuit, the ?uid medium is forced, as
`it enters the hydrodynamic circuit or leaves it, to ?oW across
`the friction surfaces of the bridging clutch, because the
`bridging clutch in a tWo-line system acts as a separation
`point betWeen the hydrodynamic circuit and the pressure
`space. For this reason, the use of a torsional vibration
`damper in a tWo-line system such as that according to Us.
`Pat. No. 7,073,646 does not present a problem, even though
`this damper has tWo radially o?‘set damping devices, in
`Which openings Which alloW the ?oW of the ?uid medium
`are provided in the cover plates and hub disks to accom
`modate the drive-side energy-storage group of the drive-side
`damping device and the takeoff-side energy-storage group of
`the takeoff-side side damping device. The tWo energy
`storage groups are connected to each other by an interme
`diate transmission element.
`[0008] To return to the hydrodynamic clutch devices With
`the more problematic three-line system: FIG. 1 of Us. Pat.
`No. 6,244,401 shoWs a design in Which a clutch device
`operating according to this system cooperates With a tor
`sional vibration damper With tWo damping devices, each
`With openings Which promote the ?oW of the medium.
`Because this design is especially critical With respect to the
`overheating of the friction elements of the bridging clutch as
`explained above, FIG. 2 of this O?‘enlegungsschrift shoWs a
`torsional vibration damper in Which a closed cover plate is
`assigned to the radially outer damping device. A cover plate
`of this type, hoWever, takes up more space in the axial
`direction than a cover plate With openings for the energy
`storage group, and this extra space is located precisely in the
`area of the torsional vibration damper Where it has already
`been made larger in the axial direction because of the
`presence of an energy-storage group. Presumably for this
`reason, the torsional vibration damper according to this
`O?‘enlegungsschrift does not have a closed cover plate for
`the radially inner damping device.
`[0009] The invention is based on the task of designing a
`hydrodynamic clutch device With a bridging clutch and With
`a torsional vibration damper in such a Way that, regardless
`of the design of the line system in the clutch device and
`regardless of the number of damping devices of the torsional
`vibration damper, it is possible to ensure that there Will
`alWays be a su?icient ?oW of cooling ?uid medium around
`the friction surfaces of the bridging clutch.
`[0010] According to the invention, at least one sealing
`arrangement is assigned to the minimum of one damping
`device of the torsional vibration damper of the hydrody
`namic clutch device, Which can be, for example, either a
`hydrodynamic torque converter or a hydro clutch. This
`sealing arrangement extends at least over the area of at least
`one energy-storage group in order to separate a ?rst ?oW
`Valeo Exhibit 1016, pg. 7

`US 2007/0205067 A1
`Sep. 6, 2007
`route for ?uid medium between at least one ?rst ?oW
`passage for a housing of the hydrodynamic clutch device
`and a friction area betWeen friction elements of a bridging
`clutch of the hydrodynamic clutch device, from a second
`?oW route for ?uid medium betWeen at least one second ?oW
`passage for the housing and the hydrodynamic circuit of the
`hydrodynamic clutch device, for at least most of the ?uid
`medium ?oWing by Way of the tWo ?oW routes. As a result,
`the ?uid medium coming from the ?oW passage serving as
`the ?oW inlet is guided almost in its entirety by forced ?oW
`to the friction elements of the bridging clutch and thus to the
`friction surfaces, While at least most of the ?uid medium is
`effectively prevented from escaping via the openings in the
`transmission elements of the torsional vibration damper such
`as the cover plates or hub disks. It is preferable to use, as the
`?oW inlet, the ?oW passage in Which, With respect to the ?oW
`direction, the friction elements are upstream of the hydro
`dynamic circuit, so that freshly introduced ?uid medium ?rst
`arrives at the friction elements to cool the friction surfaces
`and arrives in the hydrodynamic circuit only after ?oWing
`through the bridging clutch. The ?uid medium can then be
`carried aWay via the ?oW passage serving as the ?oW outlet.
`When the ?oW is guided in this Way, the best possible
`cooling effect can be provided for the friction elements of
`the bridging clutch as a result of the continuous arrival of
`fresh ?uid medium. If the ?oW directions Were reversed, the
`?uid medium Would arrive ?rst in the hydrodynamic circuit
`and Would already be hot by the time it reached the friction
`elements of the bridging clutch. Guiding the ?oW in this Way
`Would be an effective choice precisely in cases Where the
`hydrodynamic clutch device is designed as a 3-line system,
`in Which the in?oW and out?oW needs of the hydrodynamic
`circuit With respect to the ?uid medium can be served
`independently of the actuation of the piston of the bridging
`clutch and thus, in contrast to the situation With 2-line
`hydrodynamic clutch device, the ?oW ?uid medium is not
`forced over the friction elements.
`[0011] When the hydrodynamic clutch device is realiZed
`as a 3-line system, it is advantageous to bring at least tWo
`different friction elements into Working connection With
`each other, the ?rst friction elements being connected for
`rotation in common to the housing of the clutch device,
`Which acts as the drive-side friction element carrier, and
`therefore to a drive such as the crankshaft of an internal
`combustion engine, Whereas the second friction elements are
`connected to a drive-side transmission element of the tor
`sional vibration damper, Which acts as a takeoff-side friction
`element carrier. There is alWays a common friction surface
`betWeen two different friction elements; and as the relative
`movement of the friction elements With respect to each other
`increases, that is, as the slippage of the clutch increases, this
`common friction surface can undergo an increasing amount
`of heat build-up. When the friction elements are designed as
`plates, the bridging clutch then has a stack of plates, and the
`friction element carriers act as plate carriers.
`[0012] The sealing arrangement extending over the asso
`ciated energy-storage group as claimed is preferably located
`on a transmission element of the torsional vibration damper
`Which is free to move With respect to the takeoff-side friction
`element carrier. In the case of a torsional vibration damper
`With only one damping device and thus only one energy
`storage group, this transmission element With freedom of
`movement relative to the takeoff-side friction element car
`rier Would be formed by the takeoff-side transmission ele
`ment of the torsional vibration damper. In the case of a
`torsional vibration damper With at least tWo damping
`devices and therefore at least tWo energy-storage groups,
`hoWever, the movable transmission element in question
`Would be formed by an intermediate transmission element,
`Which connects the tWo energy-storage groups to each other
`and Which can have a plurality of cover plates, each of Which
`can be designed With openings to hold the assigned energy
`storage group. This intermediate transmission element pref
`erably acts as an output transmission element for the drive
`side energy-storage group and conversely as an input
`transmission element for the takeoff-side energy-storage
`[0013] Regardless of Whether the sealing arrangement is
`mounted on the takeoff-side transmission element of a
`torsional vibration damper or on its intermediate transmis
`sion element, the transmission element has a certain freedom
`of movement With respect to the drive-side transmission
`element. So that it Will not be necessary to alloW for Wear or
`friction betWeen the sealing arrangement and the associated
`transmission element in spite of this freedom of relative
`movement, it is advantageous for the sealing arrangement
`merely to approach the drive-side transmission element very
`closely and thus for the tWo components not actually to
`touch each other. If an area of the sealing arrangement
`located a certain distance aWay from the attachment point of
`the sealing arrangement to the takeoff-side transmission
`element or to the intermediate transmission element is
`alloWed to approach the drive-side transmission element of
`the torsional vibration damper so closely that only a small
`gap remains betWeen this area and the drive-side transmis
`sion element, then a gap seal is created for the ?uid medium.
`This seal alloWs only a negligible quantity of ?uid medium
`to pass through and thus ensures that almost all of the ?uid
`medium bypasses the gap seal and arrives at the friction
`elements of the bridging clutch. It is irrelevant here Whether
`the area facing aWay from the attachment point of the sealing
`arrangement forms a gap seal extending at least essentially
`in the axial direction or a gap seal extending at least
`essentially in the radial direction. The tWo di?ferently
`aligned gap seals Will essentially be oriented in the radial or
`axial direction on the basis of the space available in the
`torsional vibration damper. Alternatively, hoWever, a contact
`seal can also be used, by means of Which a seal even better
`than that of a gap seal can be obtained.
`[0014] As previously described, the takeoff-side friction
`element carrier, Which preferably acts as a drive-side trans
`mission element, is in effective Working connection With the
`sealing arrangement. This friction element carrier preferably
`has ?oW passages for the supplied ?uid medium, so that this
`medium can arrive via the shortest possible route at the
`friction elements, especially the friction surfaces acting
`betWeen the friction elements. It is especially advantageous
`for the ?oW passages to be provided in the takeoff-side
`friction element carrier in such a Way that ?oWing ?uid
`medium is aimed directly at the friction surfaces betWeen
`adjacent friction elements. When the gap seal is designed
`With an axial orientation or When a contact seal is used With
`an axial effect, the takeoff-side friction element carrier can
`be provided both With a set of teeth and With a set of notches,
`so that it can carry the corresponding friction elements along
`in rotation, provided that the gap seal or the contact seal is
`located on the side of the friction element carrier free of
`teeth or notches. In contrast, When the gap seal is designed
`Valeo Exhibit 1016, pg. 8

`US 2007/0205067 A1
`Sep. 6, 2007
`With a radial orientation or When a contact seal With a radial
`effect is used, it is preferable to use a takeoff-side friction
`element carrier With notches, because this Will advanta
`geously have an unpro?led approach surface on the side
`facing the seal. This smooth surface alloWs the seal to
`approach the corresponding radial side of the friction ele
`ment carrier close enough to guarantee the required sealing
`[0015] Other objects and features of the present invention
`Will become apparent from the folloWing detailed descrip
`tion considered in conjunction With the accompanying draW
`ings. It is to be understood, hoWever, that the draWings are
`designed solely for purposes of illustration and not as a
`de?nition of the limits of the invention, for Which reference
`should be made to the appended claims. It should be further
`understood that the draWings are not necessarily draWn to
`scale and that, unless otherWise indicated, they are merely
`intended to conceptually illustrate the structures and proce
`dures described herein.
`[0016] FIG. 1 shoWs the upper half of a longitudinal cross
`section through a hydrodynamic clutch arrangement With a
`bridging clutch and a torsional vibration damper With tWo
`energy-storage groups, Where a sealing arrangement With an
`axial gap seal against a drive-side transmission element of
`the torsional vibration damper is assigned to the takeoff-side
`energy-storage group;
`[0017] FIG. 2 is similar to FIG. 1 except that it shoWs the
`routes taken by the medium;
`[0018] FIG. 3 shoWs a detailed vieW, in isolation, of a
`takeoff-side friction element carrier of the bridging clutch,
`the carrier being assigned to the drive-side transmission
`element of the torsional vibration damper shoWn in FIG. 1,
`except that, in contrast to the embodiment in FIG. 1, the
`carrier has a collar betWeen a radial area and a set of teeth
`Which are free of interruption in the circumferential direc
`[0019] FIG. 4 is similar to FIG. 3 except that it shoWs a set
`of teeth formed in the circumferential direction by notches;
`[0020] FIG. 5 is similar to FIG. 1, except that it shoWs a
`radial gap seal against the drive-side transmission element of
`the torsional vibration damper;
`[0021] FIG. 6 is similar to FIG. 5, except that it shoWs a
`radial contact seal against the drive-side transmission ele
`ment of the torsional vibration damper; and
`[0022] FIG. 7 is similar to FIG. 6, except that it shoWs an
`axial contact seal against the drive-side transmission ele
`ment of the torsional vibration damper.
`[0023] FIG. 1 shoWs a hydrodynamic clutch device 1 in
`the form of a hydrodynamic torque converter, Which is able
`to execute rotational movement around an axis of rotation 3.
`The hydrodynamic clutch device 1 has a clutch housing 5,
`Which has a housing cover 7 on the side facing a drive 2,
`such as the crankshaft 4 of an internal combustion engine.
`The housing cover 7 is permanently connected to a pump
`Wheel shell 9. This shell merges in the radially inner area
`With a pump Wheel hub 11.
`[0024] To return to the housing cover 7: In its radially
`inner area, this cover has a bearing journal 13, Which is
`mounted in the conventional manner in a recess 6 in the
`crankshaft 4 for the drive-side centering of the clutch
`housing 5. The housing cover 7 also has a mounting element
`15, Which alloWs the clutch housing 5 to be attached to the
`drive 2, namely, by Way of a ?explate 16. This ?explate is
`attached by fastening elements 40 to the mounting element
`15 and by fastening elements 42 to the crankshaft 4.
`[0025] The previously mentioned pump Wheel shell 9
`cooperates With pump Wheel vanes 18 to form a pump Wheel
`17, Which Works together With a turbine Wheel 19 compris
`ing a turbine Wheel shell 21 and turbine Wheel vanes 22 and
`With a stator 23 equipped With stator vanes 28. The pump
`Wheel 17, the turbine Wheel 19, and the stator 23 form a
`hydrodynamic circuit 24, Which encloses an internal torus
`25 in the conventional manner.
`[0026] The stator vanes 28 of the stator 23 are mounted on
`a stator hub 26, Which is mounted on a freeWheel 27. The
`freeWheel 27 is supported axially by an axial bearing 29,
`permeable to ?uid medium, against the pump Wheel hub 11
`and is connected by a set of teeth 32 nonrotatably but With
`freedom of axial movement to a support shaft 30, located
`radially inside the pump Wheel hub 11. The support shaft 30,
`Which is designed as a holloW shaft, for its oWn part encloses
`a gearbox input shaft 36, thus forming an essentially ring
`shaped channel 160. The gearbox input shaft serves as the
`takeolf 116 of the hydrodynamic clutch device 1 and has tWo
`axial passages 37, 39, o?fset radially from each other, for the
`?uid medium. The gearbox input shaft 36 has a set of teeth
`34, on Which a torsional vibration damper hub 33 of the
`torsional vibration damper 80 is mounted nonrotatably With
`freedom of axial movement, Where this torsional vibration
`damper hub 33 serves to hold a turbine Wheel base 31 With
`freedom of rotational movement. The torsional vibration
`damper hub 33 is supported on one side by an axial bearing
`35 against the previously mentioned freeWheel 27, and on
`the other side it is supported by a support bearing 43 against
`the housing cover 7. The torsional vibration damper hub 33
`also carries a piston 54 of a bridging clutch 48, the piston
`being sealed off against the torsional vibration damper hub
`33 by a radially inner piston seal 134 and against the housing
`cover 7 by a radially outer piston seal 136.
`[0027] Fluid medium Which has entered through the ?rst
`axial bore 37 of the gearbox input shaft 36 (FIG. 2) exits at
`the drive-side end of the gearbox input shaft 36 and is
`de?ected by the housing cover 7 essentially in the radial
`direction. It thus ?oWs through a ?oW passage 144, Which
`de?nes a ?oW route 140, and enters the pressure chamber 50,
`located axially betWeen the housing cover 7 and the piston
`54 of the bridging clutch 48. The side of the piston 54 facing
`aWay from the pressure chamber 50 faces another pressure
`chamber 162 (the clutch chamber) and can move axially
`betWeen two different limit positions to engage or disengage
`the bridging clutch 48 as a function of the pressure relation
`ships in the additional pressure chamber 162 and in the
`pressure chamber 50.
`[0028] The side of a radially outer pressure area 44 of the
`piston 54 facing the torsional vibration damper 80 acts on a
`?rst friction element 65 in the form of a radially outer plate,
`Which for its oWn part is supported against a second friction
`element 66 in the form of a radially inner plate. Additional
`?rst and second friction elements 65, 66 folloW along in
`sequence, Where preferably the second friction elements 66
`have friction linings 68 on their axial sides, Whereas pref
`erably the ?rst friction elements 65 have friction surfaces 70
`Valeo Exhibit 1016, pg. 9

`US 2007/0205067 A1
`Sep. 6, 2007
`for contact With the friction linings 68 of the second friction
`elements 66. The friction elements 65, 66 together form in
`common the friction area 69 of the bridging clutch 48.
`[0029] The ?rst friction elements 65 are connected non
`rotatably by a set of teeth 45 to the housing 5, Which serves
`as a drive-side friction element carrier 147, Whereas the
`second friction elements 66 are connected nonrotatably by a
`set of teeth 46 to a takeoff-side friction element carrier 148.
`The takeoff-side friction element carrier 148 is connected
`nonrotatably by rivets 56 to a radially outer hub disk 82 of
`the torsional vibration damper 80 and thus serves jointly
`With the damper as the drive-side transmission element 78 of
`the torsional vibration damper 80.
`[0030] The drive-side transmission element 78 has areas
`extending essentially in the radial direction, Which act as
`drive elements 84 for a ?rst energy-storage group 130,
`referred to in the folloWing as the drive-side energy-storage
`group 130. The drive-side energy-storage group 130 extends
`essentially in the circumferential direction and is supported
`at the other end against drive elements 88 of a drive-side
`cover plate 90 and of a takeoff-side cover plate 92, con
`nected nonrotatably to the drive-side plate, Where the take
`off-side plate encompasses the drive-side energy-storage
`group 130 around part of its circumference. The nonrotat
`able connection betWeen the tWo cover plates 90 and 92,
`Which serve jointly as the intermediate transmission element
`94 of the torsional vibration damper 80, is accomplished by
`a pin-and-socket connection 58, Which also connects a
`sealing plate 102, Which serves as the sealing arrangement
`100, the function of Which Will be explained again further
`beloW, on the drive side and the turbine Wheel base 31
`nonrotatably to the cover plates 90, 92.
`[0031] The cover plates 90, 92 acting as the intermediate
`transmission element 94 are provided With openings 62 in
`the form of spring WindoWs radially outside the pin-and
`socket connection 58. These WindoWs accommodate a sec
`ond energy-storage group 132, Which is referred to beloW as
`the takeoff-side energy-storage group 132, Where the bound
`aries of the openings 62 at the circumferential ends act as
`drive elements 86 for the takeoff-side energy-storage group
`132, Which is supported at the other end against drive
`elements 89 of the hub disk 104. The hub disk 104 Works
`together With the torsional vibration damper hub 33 to form
`a takeoff-side transmission element 106 of the torsional
`vibration damper 80.
`[0032] To cover the openings 62 for the second energy
`storage group 132 against the bridging clutch 48, the sealing
`plate 102, starting from the pin-and-socket connection 58
`serving as the attachment point 180 for the sealing plate 102,
`extends radially outWard to a radially outer area 108 Which
`overlaps in this direction to an essentially radially oriented
`section 110 of the takeoff-side friction element carrier 148.
`The radially outer area 108 of the sealing plate 102
`approaches the radial section 110 of the takeoff-side friction
`element carrier 148 in the axial direction until it forms a
`small gap. As a result, an axial gap seal 174 is produced.
`[0033] At the end facing the drive 2, the previously
`mentioned axial bore 39 of the gearbox input shaft 36
`terminates at a plug 124. This forces the ?uid medium being
`supplied through the axial bore 39 to exit through a radial
`opening 96 in the gearbox input shaft 36 (FIG. 2), and from
`there the ?uid medium ?oWs in the radially outWard direc
`tion through a ?rst ?oW passage 146, Which de?nes a ?rst
`?oW route 142, into the clutch chamber 162. The ?rst ?oW
`passage 146 serves as a ?oW inlet 156 and simultaneous
`ensures that the pressure is built up in the clutch chamber
`[0034] After passing through the clutch chamber 162, the
`?uid medium arrives at ?oW passages 150, Which are
`provided in an essentially axial section 152 of the takeoff
`side friction element carrier 148. These passages are essen
`tially aligned radially With the associated friction surfaces 70
`of the friction area 69 of the bridging clutch 48. As a result,
`the friction areas 69 are e?iciently cooled, especially When
`the friction linings 68 of the second friction elements 66 are
`provided With grooves 72. Alternatively or in addition, the
`friction surfaces 70 of the ?rst friction elements 65 can also
`be provided With grooves for the ?oW of ?uid medium.
`[0035] After it has passed the friction area 69 of the
`bridging clutch 48, the ?uid medium arrives at the hydro
`dynamic circuit 24 and thus supplies it. There, the ?uid
`medium is de?ected radially inWard along a second ?oW
`route 182 (FIG. 2) toWard the axial bearing 35, Which has a
`second ?oW passage 154. This second ?oW passage 154
`serves as a ?oW outlet 158 for the ?uid medium from the
`hydrodynamic circuit 24. The ?uid medium leaves the clutch
`housing 5 via the channel 160.
`[0036] The function of the sealing plate 102 is to prevent
`?uid medium from leaving the clutch chamber 162 and
`entering the hydrodynamic circuit 24, especially via the
`openings 62 for the second energy-storage group 132. In this
`Way, nearly the entire in?oW of ?uid medium via the ?oW
`passages 150 of the takeoff-side friction element carrier 148
`is conducted to the friction surfaces 70 of the friction area 69
`of the bridging clutch 48, Where it can take up the heat Which
`has been generated there by friction, before the ?uid medium
`is supplied to the hydrodynamic circuit 24. The cooling
`action on the bridging clutch 48 is correspondingly high, and
`thus a large amount of torque can be transmitted by the
`clutch. As a result of the approach of the radially outer end
`108 of the sealing plate 102 until only a gap S remains, there
`is no friction-promoting contact betWeen the sealing plate
`102, Which is connected nonrotatably to the intermediate
`transmission element 94, and the takeoff-side friction ele
`ment carrier 148, Which acts as the drive-side transmission
`element 78 and Which thus is able to rotate relative to the
`intermediate transmission element 94. As a result, Wear
`induced damage to the torsional vibration damper 80 is
`avoided Without any restriction on the quality With Which
`vibrations are isolated.
`[0037] Because the radially outer area 108 of the sealing
`plate 102 approaches the takeoff-side friction element carrier
`148 in the axial direction, its shape does not cause any
`interference in the area of the teeth 46.
`[0038] In contrast to the takeoff-side friction element
`carrier 148 shoWn in FIG. 1 With a set of teeth 46 Which
`extends essentially over the entire distance available in the
`axial direction, the friction element carrier according to
`FIGS. 3-6 has a ring-shaped collar 164 axially adjacent to
`the at least the essentially radially oriented section 110. This
`collar forms a radial approach surface 166 for the sealing
`plate 102 of the sealing arrangement 100, Which, as FIG. 5
`shoWs, has an axially outer area 168, Which extends essen
`tially in the axial direction and is brought up radially toWard
`the axially oriented approach surface 166 of the ring-shaped
`collar 164 to Within a gap distance S, thus forming a radial
`gap seal 176. In this design as Well, ?uid medium Which has
`entered the clutch chamber 162 is conducted directly to the
`Valeo Exhibit 1016, pg. 10

`US 2007/0205067 A1
`Sep. 6, 2007
`?oW passages 150 in the axial section 152 of the takeoff-side
`friction element carrier 148 Without any essential portion of
`the ?uid medium being able to escape via the openings 62
`for the second energy-storage group 132 into the hydrody
`namic circuit 24.
`[0039] A difference betWeen the diagrams of FIGS. 3 and
`4 pertains to the design of the set of teeth 46 on the
`takeoff-side friction element carrier 148.
`[0040] The takeoff-side friction element carrier 148 shoWn
`in FIG. 3 has a s

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