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`445 Fifth Avenue
`New York, New York 100 16
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`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and
`that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true; and further
`that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements and
`the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001
`of Title 18 of the United States Code and that such willful false statements may
`jeopardize the results of these proceedings.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that
`the translation into ENGLISH is true and accurate of the attached document relating to:
`WO 2009/067987
`written in GERMAN.
`Sworn to and subscribed before me
`this 8th day of August, 2016
`Notary Public, State of New York
`NO. 01BR6151227
`Qualified in Suffolk County
`Commission Expires August 14, 2018
`• TypeseccingfDeskrop Publish ing
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 1

`Translator's notes re WO 2009/067987:
`Claim 11:
`Translated with same word order as in German. The sentence is confusing because of the
`2 occurrences of "mit" (= with). A similar sentence was not found in the description.
`Claim 20:
`"is achieved" may be a misprint for "is disposed".
`Claim 24:
`The subject "Bestandteile" (components) is plural and the verb "bildet" is singular.
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 2

`WO 2009/067987
`peT ID E2008/001900
`Force-transmission device. especially for power transmission between a drive machine
`and a power take-off
`The invention relates to a force-transmission device, especially for power transmission between
`a drive machine and a power take-off, comprising an input and an output and a damper
`arrangement disposed between input and output with at least two dampers that can be
`connected in series and a rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber.
`Force-transmission devices in drive trains between a drive machine and a power take-off are
`known in the most diverse embodiments from the prior art. If an internal-combustion machine is
`used as the drive machine, a torsional motion superposed on the rotational motion develops on
`the crankshaft, with a frequency that varies with the rotational speed of the shaft. Vibration(cid:173)
`absorbing arrangements are used for reduction. They comprise an additional mass, which is
`coupled via a spring system with the vibration system. The mode of action of the vibration
`absorber is based on the fact that, at a certain exciter frequency, the primary mass remains at
`rest while the additional mass executes a forced vibration. However, since the exciter frequency
`changes with the rotational speed of the drive machine, while the natural frequency of the
`vibration absorber remains constant, this vibration-absorbing effect takes place only at a certain
`rotational speed. Such an arrangement is already known, for example, from the publication DE
`10236752 A 1. Therein the drive machine is connected via at least one starting element,
`especially a clutch or a hydrodynamic rotational-speed/torque converter, with one or more gear(cid:173)
`mechanism parts. This means that a spring-and-mass system capable of vibrations is not
`connected in series with the drive train but instead is disposed in parallel connection relative
`thereto, whereby the elasticity of the drive train is not impaired. This spring-and-mass system,
`capable of vibration, functions as a vibration absorber. According to a particularly advantageous
`embodiment in conjunction with the converter lockup clutch, this is associated therewith in order
`to prevent possible force surges during closing of the converter lockup clutch. According to one
`improvement, it is further provided to connect a torsion damper having two torsion-damping
`stages downstream from the starting element, in which case this is disposed in the force flow of
`the drive train. This means that the spring-and-mass system is disposed between the first
`torsion-damping stage and the second torsion-damping stage, whereby particularly good
`transmission behavior is supposed to be achieved. The spring-and-mass system may be
`provided with a variable natural frequency for use in a broader frequency band, which can be
`influenced by open-loop or closed-loop control.
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 3

`WO 2009/067987
`peT ID E2008/00 1900
`Furthermore, a force-transmission device is already known from publication DE 19781582 T1 ,
`comprising a fluid clutch and a device for lockup thereof, wherein an arrangement of
`mechanisms is provided that functions to control the relative torsion between the input and
`output device of the power-transmission device.
`In order to absorb the effect of excitation over a broad, preferably the entire rotational-speed
`range of a drive machine, rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorbers capable of absorbing
`torsional vibrations over a larger rotational-speed range, ideally over the entire rotational-speed
`range of the drive machine, because the natural frequency is proportional to the rotational(cid:173)
`speed, are provided in conformity with DE 19831160 A 1 in drive trains. These operate
`according to the principle of a circular or centrifugal pendulum in the centrifugal-force field,
`which is already used in known manner in internal-combustion engines for absorption of
`crankshaft vibrations. Therein inertial masses are pendulum-mounted around an axis of rotation
`and are constrained to circle around it at the largest possible distance upon introduction of a
`torsional motion. The torsional vibrations lead to a relative pendulum motion of the inertial
`masses. In this context, different systems are known, in which the inertial masses move purely
`in translation relative to the torque-introduction axis on a circular movement path, or else, as in
`DE 19831160 A 1, in which the movement path has a radius of curvature that varies at least
`partly with increasing deflection of the inertial mass from the middle position.
`A starting unit, comprising a hydrodynamic rotational-speed/torque converter as well as a device
`for lockup of the power transmission via the hydrodynamic rotational-speed/torque converter is
`already known from publication DE 19926696 A 1. This comprises at least one additional mass,
`the center of gravity of which is radially displaceable as a function of a relative position of the
`gear element, relative to an axis of rotation of the torque-transmission pathway.
`From publication DE 102006028556 A 1, a torque-transmitting device in the drive train of a
`motor vehicle for torque transmission between a drive machine and a power take-off is already
`known that comprises not only a connectable coupling device but also at least one torsional(cid:173)
`vibration-damping device. A centrifugal-pendulum device, which has several pendulum masses
`linked movably relative to this by means of running rollers on the pendulum-mass support
`device, is associated with this.
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 4

`WO 2009/067987
`peT ID E2008/00 1900
`Multiple dampers that in particular act in individual rotational-speed ranges and can be optimally
`matched thereto are frequently used in force-transmission units. However, without considerable
`special expense and partly also for reasons of overall space, it is also not possible to cover the
`entire rotational-speed range of a drive machine satisfactorily with these from the viewpoint of
`vibration damping.
`The object of the invention is therefore to further develop a force-transmission device of the type
`mentioned in the introduction, especially a force-transmission device with a multiple damper
`arrangement, comprising at least two dampers connected in series as viewed in at least one
`force-flow direction, in order to reduce or completely cancel out rotational irregularities in the
`force-transmission device over the entire operating range of the drive machine.
`The inventive solution is characterized by the features of claim 1. Advantageous configurations
`are described in the dependent claims.
`A force-transmission device constructed according to the invention, especially for power
`transmission between a drive machine and a power take-off, comprising a damper arrangement
`with at least two dampers connectable in series and a rotational-speed-adaptive vibration
`absorber, is characterized in that the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber is disposed
`between the dampers at least in one force-flow direction over the damper arrangement.
`A rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber according to the invention will be understood as
`a device that does not transmit any torque but is suitable for absorbing excitations over a very
`broad range, preferably the entire rotational-speed range of a drive machine. The natural
`frequency of a rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber is proportional to the rotational
`speed, especially the rotational speed of the exciting machine.
`The inventive solution permits reduction or prevention of the introduction of rotational
`irregularities into the drive train, especially in a force-flow direction that preferably is always
`used in the main working range. Furthermore, the entire damping system can be better adapted
`to the torsional vibrations to be absorbed without considerable additional modifications of the
`individual dampers.
`The force-transmission device can be constructed in various ways. According to a particularly
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 5

`WO 2009/067987
`peT 10 E2008/00 1900
`advantageous configuration, it is a combined starting unit, which can also be used as a
`multifunctional unit. This comprises a hydrodynamic component, with at least one primary wheel
`functioning as a pump impeller and one secondary wheel functioning as a turbine wheel, which
`form a working chamber with one another, wherein the turbine wheel is connected at least
`indirectly to rotate with the output of the force-transmission device and coupling takes place via
`at least one damper of the damper arrangement, wherein the rotational-speed-adaptive
`vibration absorber is connected at least indirectly to rotate with the secondary wheel. The term
`"at least indirectly" means that the coupling may be established either directly, free of the
`interposition of further transmission elements, or else indirectly, by coupling with further
`transmission elements or via these.
`By the association of the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber with the turbine wheel,
`this can preferably be active in all operating conditions by virtue of the tie-in of the turbine wheel
`to the drive train, especially the damper arrangement.
`According to a particularly advantageous embodiment, the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration
`absorber is directly connected to rotate with the secondary wheel. Thereby arrangements are
`possible that can be achieved independently of the damper arrangement, but by virtue of the
`coupling of the secondary wheel with the damper arrangement the effect is not impaired.
`According to a further embodiment, the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber is
`connected to a damper of the damper arrangement. Direct association with the sampling system
`is possible in this embodiment. Coupling can then be achieved directly with an element of a
`damper that is connected directly to rotate with the secondary wheel or else with an element of
`the other damper that is connected to rotate with the damper element of the one damper that is
`connected to rotate with the secondary wheel. Thereby various arrangement options are
`possible for the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber, and the most optimum
`arrangement can be selected depending on the overall space conditions, without impairing the
`The rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber may be constructed as a component that can
`be preassembled separately. Thereby the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber can be
`combined with standardized components without the need to modify them. Furthermore, simpler
`replacement is possible. Moreover, the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber may be
`preassembled and stockpiled.
`According to a second embodiment, the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber or
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 6

`WO 2009/067987
`peT ID E2008/00 1900
`components thereof, especially the inertial-mass support device, is formed as a component of
`one of the attachment elements, wherein the attachment element is formed either by an element
`of a damper of the damper arrangement or else by the turbine wheel, in the case of direct
`coupling to the secondary wheel or turbine wheel. This embodiment is indeed characterized by
`the necessary modification of the corresponding attachment elements, but thereby overall space
`is saved, especially in the case of installed position in axial direction as viewed from input to
`output, since the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber no longer has to be disposed as a
`separate element between other elements.
`In the separate version of the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber, it can be connected
`during integration via fastening elements with the attachment elements, which are present in
`any case, by inserting the attachment region of the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber
`in the fastening region between two attachment elements and preferably using the fastening
`elements, which are needed in any case, for coupling the vibration absorber.
`As regards the construction of the individual dampers themselves, a large number of options
`exists. As already explained, the damper arrangement is formed as a series damper, at least in
`one force-flow direction. The individual dampers of the damper arrangement can again be
`constructed as individual dampers or else as series or parallel arrangements of damper parts.
`Thereby the individual damping stages that are possible can be further influenced in terms of
`the damping characteristics achievable with them, and so can be matched optimally to certain
`requirements as the case may be.
`As regards the arrangement of the dampers, a multiplicity of options exists. However, these
`options are dependent in turn on the specific configuration of the individual dampers. In this
`context, a distinction is made between the arrangement in functional and in spatial direction. In
`spatial direction, especially as viewed in axial direction between the input and the output of the
`force-transmission device, the spatial arrangement of the dampers relative to one another within
`the damper arrangement can be such that they are offset in axial and/or radial direction relative
`to one another. Preferably arrangements offset in radial direction are always chosen, since then
`a more optimum use of the overall space is possible due to the overlaid arrangement.
`Furthermore, by virtue of the offset arrangement in radial direction in the region of the outer
`circumference of the one damper, as viewed in the extension of the second damper in radial
`direction, intermediate spaces are created, which ideally can be used for arranging the
`rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber and which therefore permit a space-saving
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 7

`WO 2009/067987
`Purely functionally, at least one of the dampers can be disposed specifically in one of the power
`branches, without acting as an elastic clutch in the other power branch. In this case the damper
`then functions in the other power branch as a pure vibration absorber. In this regard, a
`distinction is made between two embodiments, wherein the first is characterized by the
`arrangement of the damper that is first in force-flow direction in the force flow of the mechanical
`power branch as viewed from input to output, whereas in the second case the arrangement
`takes place in the hydrodynamic power branch. The second damper of the damper arrangement
`is then indeed functionally connected in series downstream from both branches, but
`nevertheless is active as a vibration absorber. Thereby a damper is always active in force-flow
`direction, as viewed from input to output. According to a particularly advantageous embodiment,
`the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber is also associated with this.
`The embodiment of the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber itself can have many
`configurations. What is common to all embodiments is that they are characterized by an inertial(cid:173)
`mass support device that extends in radial direction, wherein the extent can be formed as a flat
`disk element or else as an appropriately shaped component. This is disposed coaxially with the
`axis of rotation of the force-transmission device. Around this, inertial masses are pendulum(cid:173)
`mounted on the inertial-mass support device, preferably in such a way that corresponding
`inertial masses are disposed free of offset relative to one another on both sides of the inertial(cid:173)
`mass support device. These pendulum-mounted inertial masses experience a deflection in
`radial direction under the influence of centrifugal force. The basic principle of the rotational(cid:173)
`speed-adaptive vibration absorber, which functions as a centrifugal pendulum, is then
`characterized by the masses pendulum-mounted on the inertial-mass support device. This can
`be further modified by additional measures, for example to improve the noise development or to
`expand its possible range of action. Such embodiments are sufficiently known from the prior art,
`and so further details of the construction of centrifugal pendulums will not be discussed here.
`Such rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorbers can be spatially disposed upstream from the
`damper arrangement or downstream from the damper arrangement, between the individual
`dampers of the damper arrangement. Each of these arrangements can be of special importance
`depending on the specific conditions. However, arrangements between the two dampers are
`preferable, in order to take optimum advantage of overall space that is present here in any case
`and under certain circumstances is unused.
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 8

`WO 2009/067987
`peT ID E2008/00 1900
`According to a particularly advantageous embodiment, the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration
`absorber is always designed to match the order of excitation of the drive unit, especially drive
`machine. In the case of force-transmission devices with hydrodynamic components, allowance
`is also made for the fact that the influence of centrifugal force on the individual inertial masses is
`reduced by the centrifugal oil pressure. The allowance is made by construction and design for
`an order ranging between 0.05 and 0.5 higher than for embodiments free of this, i.e. vibration
`absorbers acting in a dry environment.
`The inventive solution will be explained hereinafter on the basis of figures. Therein the following
`are represented in detail:
`Figures 1 a - 1d
`illustrate, in schematically simplified representation, possible basic
`configurations of force-transmission devices with functional arrangement
`of rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorbers;
`Figure 2
`illustrates, on the basis of an axial section, a first embodiment of a force(cid:173)
`transmission device constructed according to the invention;
`Figure 3
`illustrates, on the basis of an axial section, a second embodiment of a
`force-transmission device constructed according to the invention;
`Figure 4
`illustrates, by way of example, an embodiment of a rotational-speed(cid:173)
`adaptive vibration absorber in a view from the right;
`Figure 5
`illustrates an option for direct coupling of the rotational-speed-adaptive
`vibration absorber with the turbine wheel;
`Figure 6a - 6d
`illustrate possible configurations of damper arrangements with indication
`of connection options for a rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber;
`Figure 7
`illustrates, by means of a diagram, the advantages of the inventive
`solution compared with an embodiment free of a rotational-speed(cid:173)
`adaptive vibration absorber.
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 9

`WO 2009/067987
`peT ID E2008/001900
`Figure 1 a illustrates, in a schematically simplified representation, the basic structure of a force(cid:173)
`transmission device 1 constructed according to the invention for power transmission in drive
`trains, especially in drive trains of motor vehicles. This force-transmission device 1 is used for
`power transmission between a drive machine 100, which can be constructed, for example, as
`an internal combustion machine, and a power take-off 101. For this purpose, force-transmission
`device 1 comprises at least one input E and at least one output A. This input E is connected at
`least indirectly with drive machine 100, and output A is connected at least indirectly with the
`aggregates 101 to be driven, for example in the form of a gear mechanism. In this context, "at
`least indirectly" means that the coupling may be established either directly, free of further
`interposed transmission elements, or else indirectly via further transmission elements. In this
`context the terms "input" and "output" are to be understood functionally as viewed in force-flow
`direction from a drive machine to a power take-off, without being limited to constructive detailed
`Force-transmission device 1 comprises a damper arrangement 2, which is disposed between
`input E and output A. Damper arrangement 2 comprises at least two dampers 3 and 4
`connectable in series and forming the damper stages, as well as a rotational-speed-adaptive
`vibration absorber 5. Rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber 5 in this context will be
`understood as a device for absorbing rotational irregularities, via which no power transmission
`takes place but instead via which torsional vibrations can be absorbed over a larger rotational(cid:173)
`speed range, preferably the entire speed range, by the fact that inertial masses are constrained
`by centrifugal force to circle around a torque-introduction axis at maximum distance. This
`rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber 5 is formed by a centrifugal pendulum device. The
`natural frequency of vibration absorber 5 is proportional to the rotational speed of the exciting
`aggregate, especially of drive machine 100. The superposition of the torsional motion due to
`torsional vibrations leads to a pendulum-type relative motion of the inertial masses. According to
`the invention, the rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber 5 is interposed between the two
`dampers 3 and 4 of damper arrangement 2, in the force flow in at least one of the theoretically
`possible force-flow directions as viewed via damper arrangement 2. Besides damping vibrations
`via the individual dampers 3 and 4, this rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber 5 works at
`different frequencies.
`A multiplicity of options exists for the construction of dampers 3, 4 of damper arrangement 2 and
`their tie-in with further components into force-transmission devices 1. In this context, especially
`for embodiments with hydrodynamic component 6 and device 7 for at least partial lockup
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 10

`WO 2009/067987
`peT /D E2008/00 1900
`thereof, a distinction is made between embodiments with a series connection of dampers 3 and
`4 in their function as an elastic clutch, i.e. torque transmission and damping in both power
`branches or else, at least for power transmission via one of the components with series
`connection of dampers 3, 4 as elastic clutches and for power transmission via the other
`component with action of one of the dampers 3 or 4 as an elastic clutch and action of the other
`damper 4 or 3 as a vibration absorber.
`Figure 1 b illustrates a particularly advantageous embodiment of force-transmission device 1
`with a damper arrangement 2 with integrated rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber 5,
`comprising at least one hydrodynamic component 6 and one device 7 for at least partial bypass
`of the force transmission via hydrodynamic component 6. Hydrodynamic component 6
`comprises at least one primary wheel functioning as pump impeller P for coupling with input E
`and force-flow direction from input E to output A, and one secondary wheel functioning as
`turbine wheel T coupled at least indirectly to rotate with output A and for power transmission
`from input E to output A, which together form a working chamber AR. Hydrodynamic component
`6 can be constructed as a hydrodynamic clutch, which works with rotational-speed conversion,
`or else, in a particularly advantageous embodiment, as a hydrodynamic rotational-speed/torque
`converter, in which case torque and moment conversion always take place simultaneously
`during power transmission via the hydrodynamic rotational-speed/torque converter. In this case
`hydrodynamic component 6 also comprises at least one further so-called guide wheel L, which
`can be mounted either in fixed or else in pivotable relationship, depending on embodiment.
`Furthermore, guide wheel L can be braced via a freewheel. This hydrodynamic component 6 is
`disposed between input E and output A. This describes a first power branch I in the force flow
`between input E and output A, as viewed via hydrodynamic component 6. Device 7 for
`bypassing hydrodynamic component 6 preferably has the form of a so-called lockup clutch,
`which in the simplest case is a selectable clutch device. This can be constructed as a
`synchronously selectable clutch device. As a rule, however, it is constructed as a friction clutch,
`preferably in disk construction. The clutch device is also disposed between input E and output A
`and in the case of power transmission via these describes a second power branch II, in which
`the power transmission takes place mechanically. In this case damper arrangement 2 is
`disposed downstream from device 7 in the force-flow direction from input E to output A and also
`from hydrodynamic component 6. Thus rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber 5 is
`disposed downstream both from hydrodynamic component 6 and the mechanical clutch in force-
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 11

`WO 2009/067987
`peT /D E2008/00 1900
`flow direction as viewed from input E to output A. This is achieved by the fact that rotational(cid:173)
`speed-adaptive vibration absorber 5 in the form of the centrifugal pendulum is connected at
`least indirectly to rotate with the secondary wheel of hydrodynamic component 6 functioning as
`turbine wheel T in at least one operating condition and further also with the output of device 7.
`Figures 1 a and 1 b illustrate, merely in greatly simplified schematic representation, the basic
`arrangement in an inventive force-transmission device 1 with a rotational-speed-adaptive
`vibration absorber 5 between two dampers 3 and 4 connectable in series, wherein dampers 3
`and 4 are connected at least in one of the force-flow directions, here in series in both cases, and
`act as devices for damping of vibrations, meaning seemingly as an elastic clutch, regardless of
`how the individual dampers 3 and 4 are actually constructed.
`By analogy, figures 1 c and 1 d illustrate, in simplified schematic representation corresponding to
`figure 1 b, a further force-transmission device configured according to the invention, except that
`here the two dampers 3 and 4 are respectively connected in series only in one force-flow
`direction in a power branch I or " as regards their function as an elastic clutch. According to
`figure 1 c, this arrangement of the two dampers 3 and 4 connected in series in the force flow in
`the force flow direction as viewed between input E and output A is always connected
`downstream from mechanical power branch II. The tie-in of hydrodynamic component 6,
`especially with turbine wheel T, takes place here between the two dampers 3 and 4. For this
`purpose, rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber 5 is disposed downstream from
`hydrodynamic component 6 here also. This is likewise disposed between the two dampers 3
`and 4, in which case tie-in takes place either directly at turbine wheel T or else at the connection
`or in the region of the tie-in of turbine wheel T to damper 4.
`In contrast, figure 1 d illustrates an embodiment in which the two dampers 3 and 4 in series
`connection in the force flow from input E to output A are always disposed downstream from
`hydrodynamic component 6, in which case damper 3 acts as vibration absorber during
`mechanical power transmission, whereas damper 4 is active completely as a device for
`damping of vibrations in the form of an elastic clutch. Here also the tie-in of rotational-speed(cid:173)
`adaptive vibration absorber 5 takes place either directly upstream from damper 4, and in the
`case of power transmission via hydrodynamic component 6 is therefore coupled at least
`indirectly with turbine wheel T, in this case indirectly via damper 3. Furthermore, in this
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 12

`WO 2009/067987
`embodiment, rotational-speed-adaptive vibration absorber 5 is always active, even in the case
`of purely mechanical power transmission in second mechanical power branch II, since it is
`interconnected with damper 4.
`Figures 2 and 3 illustrate, by way of example, two particularly advantageous embodiments of
`inventively configured force-transmission devices 1 having a configuration according to figure 1 c
`on the basis of an excerpt of an axial section through this.
`Thus figure 2 illustrates an embodiment with separate construction of rotational-speed-adaptive
`vibration absorber 5 and tie-in with damper arrangement 2. This is constructed as centrifugal
`pendulum device 8 and comprises one, preferably several inertial masses 9.1, 9.2, which are
`mounted on an inertial-mass support device 10 and are movable relative thereto. For example,
`this mounting has the form of running rollers 11. Inertial-mass support device 10 is constructed
`here as a disk-like element, which forms a hub part 12, which in radial direction relative to axis
`of rotation R is formed in the radially inner region of the disk-like element or else can also be
`connected to such a hub part 12. Inertial-mass support device 10 is preferably constructed as a
`flat disk-like element or at least target-shaped element. Embodiments with molded geometry as
`viewed in cross section, for example in the form of sheet-metal formed parts, are also
`conceivable. Preferably inertial masses 9.1 and 9.2 are provided on both sides of inertial-mass
`support device 10. These are preferably pendulum-mounted via raceway 11 on inertial-mass
`support device 10 in the region of the radial outer diameter thereof. Because of the influence of
`centrifugal force, inertial masses 9.1, 9.2 became outwardly positioned, at least in radial
`direction; furthermore, at least one inertial mass 9.1, 9.2 is able, starting from a middle position,
`at which the greatest distance of its center of gravity S from the center axis M, which
`corresponds to the axis of rotation R of force-transmission device 1 is established, can move
`forward and back in deflection position along a movement path relative to hub part 12, so that
`the distance of the center of gravity S of the at least one inertial mass 9.1, 9.2 changes relative
`to the middle position. In this case inertial-mass support device 10 is formed by a separate
`element. Thereby the entire centrifugal pendulum unit 8 can be preassembled separately and
`can be mounted and handled separately as a component.
`Force-transmission device 1 comprises a hydrodynamic component 6, of which only a portion -
`at least indirectly coupled to rotate with output A - of the secondary axis functioning as turbine
`Valeo Exhibit 1006, pg. 13

`WO 2009/067987
`peT ID E2008/001900
`wheel T is represented here. For example, output A is formed here by a shaft 29, merely
`indicated, which for use in drive trains for motor vehicles can simultaneously be formed by a
`gear-mechanism input shaft or an element that can be coupled to rotate therewith, especially
`hub 12. Hub 12 is

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