`Revision 2.1
`August 26, 1994

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`Original issue distributed by Intel
`Updated to be in synch with PCI Bus Specification Rev
`Added functions for PCI IRQ routing; Clarifications.
`The PCI Special Interest Group disclaims all warranties and liability for the use of this
`document and the information contained herein and assumes no responsibility for any
`errors that may appear in this document, nor does the PCI Special Interest Group make a
`commitment to update the information contained herein.
`Contact the PCI Special Interest Group office to obtain the latest revision of the
`Questions regarding the PCI BIOS specification or membership in the PCI Special
`Interest Group may be forwarded to:
`PCI Special Interest Group
`2575 NE Kathryn St #17
`Hillsboro, OR 97124
`(800) 433-5177 - Domestic
`(503) 693-6232 - International
`(503) 693-8344 - Fax
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
`1.1. Purpose ....................................................................................................... 1
`1.2. Scope .......................................................................................................... 1
`1.3. Related Docu1nents ..................................................................................... 1
`1.4. Tenns and Abbreviations ........................................................................... 1
`2. Functional Description .............................................................................................. 2
`3. Assu1nptions and Constraints .................................................................................... 3
`3.1. ROMBIOSLocation .................................................................................. 3
`3.2. Calling Conventions ................................................................................... 3
`3.3. BIOS32 Service Directory .......................................................................... 4
`3.3.1. Determining the existence of BIOS32 Service Directory ............ 4
`3.3.2. Calling Interface for BIOS32 Service Directory ......................... 5
`3.4. PCI BIOS 32-bit service ............................................................................. 6
`4. I-lost Interface ............................................................................................................ 7
`4.1. Identifying PCI Resources .......................................................................... 7
`4.1.1. PCI BIOS Present ........................................................................ 7
`4.1.2. Find PCI Device .......................................................................... 9
`4.1.3. Find PCI Class Code ................................................................... 10
`4.2. PCI Support Functions ............................................................................... 11
`4.2.1. Generate Special Cycle ................................................................ 11
`4.2.2. Get PCI Interrupt Routing Options .............................................. 12
`4.2.3. Set PCI Hardware Interrupt ......................................................... 15
`4.3. Accessing Configuration Space .................................................................. 17
`4.3 .1. Read Configuration Byte ............................................................. 17
`4.3.2. Read Configuration Word ........................................................... 18
`4.3.3. Read Configuration Dword ......................................................... 19
`4.3.4. Write Configuration Byte ............................................................ 20
`4.3.5. Write Configuration Word .......................................................... 21
`4.3.6. Write Configuration Dword ........................................................ 22
`APPENDIX A: Function List ......................................................................................... 23
`APPENDIX B: Return Code List ................................................................................... 24
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group


`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`1.1. Purpose
`This document describes the software interface presented by the PCI BIOS functions.
`This interface provides a hardware independent method of managing PCI devices in a
`host computer.
`1.2. Scope
`This document is intended to provide enough information to software developers to
`utilize PCI devices in a host computer without any knowledge of how the actual hardware
`performs the desired functions. It is also intended to provide enough information for an
`implementor to create these BIOS functions for a particular system design.
`1.3. Related Documents
`PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.0 April 30, 1993
`Standard BIOS 32-bit Service Directory Proposal, Revision 0.4 May 24, 1993
`(available from Phoenix Technologies Ltd., Norwood, MA)
`1.4. Terms and Abbreviations
`Bus Number
`Configuration Space
`Device ID
`Device Number
`Function Number
`Multi-function PCI
`Special Cycle
`Vendor ID
`A number in the range 0 .. 255 that uniquely selects a PCI
`A separate address space on PCI buses. Used for device
`identification and configuring devices into Memory and IO
`A predefined field in configuration space that (along with
`Vendor ID) uniquely identifies the device.
`A number in the range 0 .. 31 that uniquely selects a device
`on a PCI bus.
`A number in the range 0 .. 7 that uniquely selects a function
`within a multi-function PCI device.
`A PCI device that contains multiple functions. For instance,
`a single device that provides both LAN and SCSI functions,
`and has a separate configuration space for each function is a
`multi-function device.
`Acronym for Peripheral Component Interconnect bus.
`A specific PCI bus command used for broadcasting to all
`PCI devices on a bus.
`A predefined field in configuration space that (along with
`Device ID) uniquely identifies the device.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`2. Functional Description
`PCI BIOS functions provide a software interface to the hardware used to implement a PCI
`based system. Its primary usage is for generating operations in PCI specific address
`spaces (configuration space, and Special Cycles).
`PCI BIOS functions are specified, and should be built, to operate in all modes of the X86
`architecture. This includes real-mode, 16:16 protected mode (also known as 286 protect(cid:173)
`mode), 16:32 protected mode (introduced with the 386), and 0:32 protected mode (also
`known as "flat" mode, wherein all segments start at linear address 0 and span the entire 4
`Gbyte address space).
`Access to the PCI BIOS functions for 16-bit callers is provided through Interrupt lAh.
`32-bit (ie. protect mode) access is provided by calling through a 32-bit protect mode entry
`point. The PCI BIOS function code is Blh. Specific BIOS functions are invoked using a
`subfunction code. A user simply sets the host processors registers for the function and
`subfunction desired and calls the PCI BIOS software. Status is returned using the Carry
`flag ([CF]) and registers specific to the function invoked.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`3. Assumptions and Constraints
`3.1. ROM BIOS Location
`The PCI BIOS functions are intended to be located within an IBM-PC compatible ROM
`3.2. Calling Conventions
`The PCI BIOS functions use the X86 CPU's registers to pass arguments and return status.
`The caller must use the appropriate subfunction code.
`These routines preserve all registers and flags except those used for return parameters.
`The CARRY FLAG [CF] will be altered as shown to indicate completion status. The
`calling routine will be returned to with the interrupt flag unmodified and interrupts will
`not be enabled during function execution. These routines are re-entrant. These routines
`require 1024 bytes of stack space and the stack segment must have the same size (ie. 16-
`bit or 32-bit) as the code segment.
`The PCI BIOS provides a 16-bit real and protect mode interface and a 32-bit protect
`mode interface. The 16-bit interface is provided through PC/ AT Int 1 Ah software
`interrupt. The PCI BIOS Int lAh interface operates in either real mode, virtual-86 mode,
`or 16:16 protect mode. The BIOS functions may also be accessed through the industry
`standard entry point for INT lAh (physical address OOOFFE6Eh) by simulating an INT
`instruction 1
`• The INT 1 Ah entry point supports 16-bit code only. Protect mode callers of
`this interface must set the CS selector base to OFOOOh.
`The protected mode interface supports 32-bit protect mode callers. The protected mode
`PCI BIOS interface is accessed by calling (not a simulated INT) through a protected mode
`entry point in the PCI BIOS. The entry point and information needed for building the
`segment descriptors are provided by the BIOS32 Service Directory (see section 3.3). 32-
`bit callers invoke the PCI BIOS routines using CALL FAR.
`The PCI BIOS routines (for both 16-bit and 32-bit callers) must be invoked with
`appropriate privilege so that interrupts can be enabled/disabled and the routines can
`access IO space. Implementors of the PCI BIOS must assume that CS is execute-only
`and DS is read-only.
`1Note that accessing the BIOS functions through the industry standard entry point will bypass any code that
`may have 'hooked'the INT !Ah interrupt vector.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`3.3. BIOS32 Service Directory2
`Detecting the absence or presence of 32-bit BIOS services with 32-bit code can be
`problematic. Standard BIOS entry points cannot be called in 32-bit mode on all machines
`because the platform BIOS may not support 32-bit callers. This section describes a
`mechanism for detecting the presence of 32-bit BIOS services. While the mechanism
`supports the detection of the PCI BIOS, it is intended to be broader in scope to allow
`detection of any/all 32-bit BIOS services. The description of this mechanism, known as
`BIOS32 Service Directory, is provided in three parts; the first part specifies an algorithm
`for determining if the BIOS32 Service Directory exists on a platform, the second part
`specifies the calling interface to the BIOS32 Service Directory, and the third part
`describes how the BIOS32 Service Directory supports PCI BIOS detection.
`3.3.1. Determining the existence of BIOS32 Service Directory
`A BIOS which implements the BIOS32 Service Directory must embed a specific,
`contiguous 16-byte data structure, beginning on a 16-byte boundary somewhere in the
`physical address range OEOOOOh - OFFFFFh. A description of the fields in the data
`structure are given in Table 3.1.
`4 bytes
`Signature string in ASCII. The string is "_32_". This
`puts an 'underscore' at offset 0, a '3' at offset 1, a '2' at
`offset 2, and another 'underscore at' offset 3.
`Entry point for the BIOS32 Service Directory. This is
`a 32-bit physical address.
`Revision level. This version has revision level OOh.
`Length. This field provides the length of this data
`structure in paragraph (i.e. 16-byte) units. This data
`structure is 16-bytes long so this field contains 0 I h.
`Checksum. This field is a checksum of the complete
`data structure. The sum of all bytes must add up to 0.
`5 bytes Reserved. Must be zero.
`4 bytes
`1 byte
`1 byte
`1 byte
`Table 3.1
`Clients of the BIOS32 Service Directory should determine its existence by scanning
`OEOOOOh to OFF FF Oh looking for the ASCII signature and a valid, checksummed data
`structure. If the data structure is found, the BIOS32 Service Directory can be accessed
`through the entry point provided in the data structure. If the data structure is not found,
`then the BIOS32 Service Directory (and also the PCI BIOS) is not supported by the
`2This section describes a mechanism for detecting 32-bit BIOS services. This mechanism is being proposed
`as an industry standard and is described by the document Standard BIOS 32-bit Service Directory
`Proposal, Revision 0.4 May 24, 1993 available from Phoenix Technologies Ltd., Norwood, MA.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`3.3.2. Calling Interface for BIOS32 Service Directory
`The BIOS32 Service Directory is accessed by doing a CALL FAR to the entry point
`provided in the Service data structure (see previous section). There are several
`requirements about the calling environment that must be met. The CS code segment
`selector and the DS data segment selector must be set up to encompass the physical page
`holding the entry point as well as the immediately following physical page. They must
`also have the same base. Platform BIOS writers must assume that CS is execute-only and
`DS is read-only. The SS stack segment selector must provide at least IK of stack space.
`The calling environment must also allow access to IO space.
`The BIOS32 Service Directory provides a single function to determine whether a
`particular 32-bit BIOS service is supported by the platform. All parameters to the
`function are passed in registers. Parameter descriptions are provided below. If a
`particular service is implemented in the platform BIOS, three values are returned. The
`first value is the base physical address of the BIOS service. The second value is the
`length of the BIOS service. These two values can be used to build the code segment
`selector and data segment selector for accessing the service. The third value provides the
`entry point to the BIOS service encoded as an offset from the base.
`Service Identifier. This is a four character string used to
`specifically identify which 32-bit BIOS Service is being
`The low order byte ([BL]) is the BIOS32 Service Directory
`function selector. Currently only one function is defined
`(with the encoding of zero) which returns the values
`provided below.
`The upper three bytes of [EBX] are reserved and must be
`zero on entry.
`Return code.
`OOh = Service corresponding to Service Identifier is present.
`80h = Service corresponding to Service Identifier is not present
`81h =Unimplemented function for BIOS Service Directory
`(i.e. BL has an unrecognized value).
`Physical address of the base of the BIOS service.
`Length of the BIOS service.
`Entry point into BIOS service. This is an offset from the base
`provided in EBX.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`3.4. PCI BIOS 32-bit service
`The BIOS32 Service Directory may be used to detect the presence of the PCI BIOS. The
`Service Identifier for the PCI BIOS is "$PCI" (049435024h).
`The 32-bit PCI BIOS functions must be accessed using CALL FAR. The CS and DS
`descriptors must be setup to encompass the physical addresses specified by the Base and
`Length parameters returned by the BIOS32 Service Directory. The CS and DS
`descriptors must have the same base. The calling environment must allow access to 10
`space and provide at least I K of stack space. Platform BIOS writers must assume that CS
`is execute-only and DS is read-only.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`Host Interface
`Identifying PCI Resources
`The following group of functions allow the caller to determine first, ifthe PCI BIOS
`support is installed, and second, if specific PCI devices are present in the system.
`4.1.1. PCI BIOS Present
`This function allows the caller to determine whether the PCI BIOS interface function set
`is present, and what the current interface version level is. It also provides information
`about what hardware mechanism for accessing configuration space is supported, and
`whether or not the hardware supports generation of PCI Special Cycles.
`"PCI ", "P" in [DL], "C" in [DH], etc. There is a 'space'
`character in the upper byte.
`Present Status, OOh =BIOS Present IFF EDX set properly.
`Hardware mechanism
`Interface Level Major Version
`Interface Level Minor Version
`Number of last PCI bus in the system.
`Present Status, set= No BIOS Present,
`reset= BIOS Present IFF EDX set properly.
`If the CARRY FLAG [CF] is cleared and AH is set to OOh, it is still necessary to examine
`the contents of [EDX] for the presence of the string "PCI" + (trailing space) to fully
`validate the presence of the PCI function set. [BX] will further indicate the version level,
`with enough granularity to allow for incremental changes in the code that don't affect the
`function interface. Version numbers are stored as Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) values.
`For example, Version 2.10 would be returned as a 02h in the [BH] registers and I Oh in
`the [BL] registers. BIOS releases of the interface following this version of the
`specification will be Version 2.10 (BX = 021 Oh).
`The value returned in [AL] identifies what specific HW characteristics the platform
`supports in relation to accessing configuration space and generating PCI Special Cycles
`(see Figure 1). The PCI Specification defines two HW mechanisms for accessing
`configuration space. Bits 0 and 1 of the value returned in [AL] specify which mechanism
`is supported by this platform. Bit 0 will be set (1) if Mechanism #1 is supported, and
`reset (0) otherwise. Bit 1 will be set (1) if Mechanism #2 is supported, and reset (0)
`otherwise. Bits 2,3,6 and 7 are reserved and returned as zeros.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`The PCI Specification also defines HW mechanisms for generating Special Cycles. Bits
`4 and 5 of the value return in [AL] specify which mechanism is supported (if any). Bit 4
`will be set (1) ifthe platform supports Special Cycle generation based on Config
`Mechanism #1, and reset (0) otherwise. Bit 5 will be set (1) ifthe platform supports
`Special Cycle generation based on Config Mechanism #2, and reset (0) otherwise.
`l 1 if Special Cycle su
`1 if Special Cycle supported via Config Mechanism #2, 0 otherwise
`pported via Config Mechanism #1, 0 otherwise
`fig Mechanism #2, 0 otherwise
`1 if Con
`1 if Conf1g Mechanism #1, 0 otherwise
`Figure 1. Layout of value returned in [AL]
`The value returned in [CL] specifies the number of the last PCI bus in the system. PCI
`buses are numbered starting at zero and running up to the value specified in CL.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`4.1.2. Find PCI Device
`This function returns the location of PCI devices that have a specific Device ID and
`Vendor ID. Given a Vendor ID, Device ID and an Index (N), the function returns the Bus
`Number, Device Number, and Function Number of the Nth Device/Function whose
`Vendor ID and Device ID match the input parameters.
`Device ID (0 ... 65535)
`Vendor ID (0 ... 65534)
`Index (O ... N)
`Bus Number (0 ... 255)
`Device Number in upper 5 bits,
`Function Number in bottom 3 bits
`Return Code:
`Completion Status, set= error, cleared= success.
`Calling software can find all devices having the same Vendor ID and Device ID by
`making successive calls to this function starting with Index set to zero, and incrementing
`it until the return code is 'DEVICE NOT FOUND'. A return code of
`BAD_ VENDOR_ID indicates that the passed in Vendor ID value (in [DX]) had an illegal
`value of all I's.
`Values returned by this function upon successful completion must be the actual values
`used to access the PCI device ifthe INT lAh routines are by-passed in favor of the direct
`I/O mechanisms described in the PCI Specification.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`4.1.3. Find PCI Class Code
`This function returns the location of PCI devices that have a specific Class Code. Given a
`Class Code and a Index (N), the function returns the Bus Number, Device Number, and
`Function Number of the Nth Device/Function whose Class Code matches the input
`Class Code (in lower three bytes)
`Index (O ... N)
`Bus Number (0 ... 255)
`Device Number in upper 5 bits,
`Function Number in bottom 3 bits
`Return Code:
`Completion Status, set= error, cleared = success.
`Calling software can find all devices having the same Class Code by making successive
`calls to this function starting with Index set to zero, and incrementing it until the return
`code is 'DEVICE NOT FOUND'.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`4.2. PCI Support Functions
`The following functions provide support for several PCI specific operations.
`4.2.1. Generate Special Cycle
`This function allows for generation of PCI special cycles. The generated special cycle
`will be broadcast on a specific PCI bus in the system.
`Bus Number (0 ... 255)
`Special Cycle Data
`Return Code:
`Completion Status, set = error, reset= success
`Copyright © PCJ Special Interest Group

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`4.2.2. Get PCI Interrupt Routing Options
`Logical input parameters:
`Pointer to buffer data structure
`This routine returns the PCI interrupt routing options available on the system
`motherboard and also the current state of what interrupts are currently exclusively
`assigned to PCI. Routing information is returned in a data buffer that contains an IRQ
`Routing for each PCI device or slot. The format of an entry in the IRQ routing table is
`shown in Table 4-1.
`Two values are provided for each PCI interrupt pin in every slot. One of these values is a
`bit-map that shows which of the standard AT IRQs this PCI interrupt can be routed to.
`This provides the routing options for one particular PCI interrupt pin. In this bit-map, bit
`0 corresponds to IRQO, bit 1 to IRQ 1, etc. A '1 'bit in this bit-map indicates a routing is
`possible; a 'O' bit indicates no routing is possible. The second value is a 'link' value that
`provides a way of specifying which PCI interrupt pins are wire-OR'ed together on the
`motherboard. Interrupt pins that are wired together must have the same 'link' value in
`their table entries. Values for the 'link' field are arbitrary except that the value zero
`Size Description
`PCI Bus number
`PCI Device number (in upper 5 bits)
`byte Link value for I NT A#
`IRQ bit-map for I NT A#
`byte Link value for INTB#
`IRQ bit-map for INTB#
`byte Link value for INTC#
`IRQ bit-map for INTC#
`byte Link value for INTO#
`IRQ bit-map for INTO#
`Slot Number
`byte Reserved
`Table 4-1 Layout ofIRQ routing table entry.
`indicates that the PCI interrupt pin has no connection to the interrupt controller3
`The Slot Number value at the end of the structure is used to communicate whether the
`table entry is for a motherboard device or an add-in slot. For motherboard devices, Slot
`Number should be set to zero. For add-in slots, Slot Number should be set to a value that
`corresponds with the physical placement of the slot on the motherboard. This provides a
`way to correlate physical slots with PCI Device numbers. Values (with the exception of
`3This is typically used for motherboard devices who have only an IRQA# line and not IRQB#, IRQC# or
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`OOh) are OEM specific.4 For end user ease-of-use, slots in the system should be clearly
`labeled (e.g. solder mask, back-panel, etc.).
`This routine requires one parameter, RouteBuffer, that is a far pointer to the data structure
`shown below.
`typedef struct
`BYTE FAR* DataBuffer;
`} IRQRoutingOptionsBuffer;
`BufferSize: A word size value providing the size of the data buffer. If the
`buffer is too small, the routine will return with status of
`BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, and this field will be updated with the required
`size. To indicate that the running PCI system does not have any PCI
`devices, this function will update the BufferSize field to zero. On
`successful completion this field is updated with the size (in bytes) of the
`data returned.
`DataBuffer: Far pointer to the buffer containing PCI interrupt routing
`information for all motherboard devices and slots.
`This routine also returns information about which IRQs are currently dedicated for PCI
`usage. This information is returned as a bit map where a set bit indicates that the IRQ is
`dedicated to PCI and not available for use by devices on other buses. Note that if an IRQ
`is routed such that it can be used by PCI devices and other devices the corresponding bit
`in the bit map should not be set. The function returns this information in the [BX]
`register where bit 0 corresponds to IRQO, bit 1 - IRQ 1, etc. The caller must initialize
`[BX] to zero before calling this routine.
`4For example, a system with 4 ISA slots and 3 PCI slots arranged as 3-ISA, 3-PCI, I-ISA may choose to
`start numbering the slots at the 3-ISA end in which case the PCI slot numbers would be 4, 5 and 6. If slot
`numbering started at the I-ISA end, PCI slot numbers would be 2, 3, and 4.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`[DI] for 16-bit code
`[EDI] for 32-bit code
`Must be initialized to OOOOh.
`Segment or Selector for BIOS data.
`For 16-bit code the real-mode segment or PM selector
`must resolve to physical address OFOOOOh and have a
`limit of 64K.
`For 32-bit code see section 3.4.
`Segment or Selector for RouteBuffer parameter
`Offset for RouteBuffer parameter.
`Return Code:
`IRQ bitmap indicating which IRQs are exclusively
`dedicated to PCI devices.
`Completion Status, set= error, cleared = success
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`4.2.3. Set PCI Hardware Interrupt
`This function is intended to be used by a system-wide configuration utility or a PNP
`OS. This function should never be called by device drivers or expansion ROM code.
`Logical input parameters:
`Bus number and device number
`PCI Interrupt Pin (INTA .. INTD)
`IRQ Number (0-15)
`This routine causes the specified hardware interrupt (IRQ) to be connected to the
`specified interrupt pin of a PCI device. It makes the following assumptions:
`1) The caller is responsible for all error checking to ensure no resource conflict
`exits between the specific hardware interrupt assigned to the PCI device and any
`other hardware interrupt resource in the system.
`2) The caller is responsible for ensuring that the specified interrupt is configured
`properly (level triggered) in the interrupt controller. If the system contains
`hardware outside of the interrupt controller that controls interrupt triggering
`(edge/level) then the callee (i.e.; the BIOS) is responsible for setting that
`hardware to level triggered for the specified interrupt.
`3) The caller is responsible for updating PCI configuration space (ie. Interrupt Line
`registers) for all effected devices.
`4) The caller must be aware that changing IRQ routing for one device will also
`change the IRQ routing for other devices whose INTx# pins are WIRE-ORed
`together (ie. they have the same link field in the Get Routing Options call).
`If the requested interrupt cannot be assigned to the specified PCI device then
`SET_FAILED status is returned. This routine immediately effects the interrupt routing
`and does nothing to remember the routing for the next system boot.
`The BusDev parameter specifies the PCI bus and device numbers for the PCI device/slot
`being modified. The high-order byte of BusDev contains the PCI bus number. The
`device number is provided in the top five bits of the low-order byte of BusDev. For
`example, to specify device 6 on PCI bus 2 the BusDev parameter would be Ox0230.
`The lntPin parameter specifies which interrupt pin (INTA#, .. ,INTD#) of the specified PCI
`device/slot is effected by this call. A value of OxOA corresponds to INTA#, OxOB to INTB#,
`The IRQNum parameter specifies which IRQ input is to be connected to the PCI interrupt
`pin. This parameter can have values of 0 .. 15 specifying IRQO thru IRQ 15 respectively.
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`IntPin parameter. Valid values OAh .. ODh
`IRQNum parameter. Valid values O .. OFh
`BusDev parameter. [BH] holds bus number, [BL]
`holds Device (upper five bits) and Function (lower 3
`bits) numbers.
`Segment or Selector for BIOS data.
`For 16-bit code the real-mode segment or PM selector
`must resolve to physical address OFOOOOh and have a
`limit of 64K.
`For 32-bit code see section 3.4.
`Return Code:
`Completion Status, set = error, cleared = success
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`4.3. Accessing Configuration Space
`4.3.1. Read Configuration Byte
`This function allows reading individual bytes from the configuration space of a specific
`Bus Number (0 ... 255)
`Device Number in upper 5 bits,
`Function Number in lower 3 bits
`Register Number (0 ... 255)
`Byte Read
`Return Code:
`Completion Status, set= error, reset = success
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`4.3.2. Read Configuration Word
`This function allows reading individual words from the configuration space of a specific
`device. The Register Number parameter must be a multiple of two (i.e., bit 0 must be set
`to 0).
`Bus Number (0 .. .255)
`Device Number in upper 5 bits,
`Function Number in lower 3 bits
`Register Number (0,2,4, ... 254)
`Word Read
`Return Code:
`Completion Status, set= error, reset= success
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`Revision 2.1
`PCI BIOS Specification
`4.3.3. Read Configuration Dword
`This function allows reading individual dwords from the configuration space of a specific
`device. The Register Number parameter must be a multiple of four (i.e., bits 0 and 1
`must be set to 0).
`Bus Number (0 ... 255)
`Device Number in upper 5 bits,
`Function Number in lower 3 bits
`Register Number (0,4,8, ... 252)
`Dword read.
`Return Code:
`Completion Status, set= error, reset = success
`Copyright © PCI Special Interest Group

`PCI BIOS Specification
`Revision 2.1
`4.3.4. Write Configuration Byte
`This function allows writing individual bytes to the configuration space of a specific
`Bus Number (0 ... 255)
`Device Number in upper 5 bits,
`Function Number in lowe

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