`United States Patent
`Zimmerman et a].
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,184,064 B2
`*Feb. 27, 2007
`5,850,211 A * 12/1998 TognaZZini ............... .. 345/158
`5,864,330 A *
`1/1999 Haynes .... ..
`6,384,845 B1* 5/2002 Takaike .................... .. 715/786
`(75) Inventors: John Zimmerman, Ossining, NY (US);
`Jacquelyn Annette Martino, Cold
`Spring, NY (US)
`W0 9957630
`(73) Assignee: Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.,
`Emdhoven (NL)
`* Cited by eXaminer
`Primary ExamineriKent Chang
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U'S'C' 1546)) by 386 days‘
`This atem is Sub-em to a terminal dis_
`(21) APPL NO, 10/736,938
`(22) Filed;
`Dec_ 16, 2003
`Prior Publication Data
`Us 2004/0125088 A1
`I t Cl
`) GnobG /00
`Jul‘ 1’ 2004
`2006 01
`345/684, 715/784, 345/682
`(52) US. Cl. ....... ......
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search .............. .. 715/682,
`715/684’ 784; 36/682’ 684
`See aPPhCaUOn ?le for Complete Search hlstory-
`References Cited
`4,954,967 A
`9/1990 Takahashi ................. .. 364/518
`5,075,673 A * 12/1991 Yanker . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 345/163
`5,526,023 A *
`6/1996 Sugimoto et a1. ......... .. 345/173
`Electronic image displays, of lists that extend beyond the
`vertical display dimension of the display screen, are dis
`placed in the vertical direction by touching the screen With
`a ?nger and then moving the ?nger in the desired direction
`on the screen. In a natural manner, the initial speed of
`displacement of the displayed image corresponds to the
`speed of motion of the ?nger along the screen. When the
`user’s ?nger 1s disengaged from the screen, the system
`senses the disengagement and thereafter alloWs the vertical
`displacement speed of the image to decrease at a controlled
`rate. When it is desired to stop the motion of the image at a
`given point, or to make a selection from the displayed image,
`the system measures the length of time that the ?nger is in
`contact With the screen and the distance that the ?nger is
`moved during that time’ to determine ifa selection is desired
`or if it is desired only to stop displacement of the image_
`That is, a short term contact With the screen, say 500 ms or
`less, accompanied by little or no displacement on the screen,
`can be identi?ed as an intended selection, While a longer
`contact With little or no accompanying displacement can be
`interpreted as being intended to stop the motion of the image
`Without making a selection.
`9 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
`GOOGLE EX. 1002
`Google v. Philips

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 27, 2007
`Sheet 1 of2
`US 7,184,064 B2
`HG. 1
`GOOGLE EX. 1002
`Google v. Philips

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 27, 2007
`Sheet 2 of2
`US 7,184,064 B2
`GOOGLE EX. 1002
`Google v. Philips

`US 7,184,064 B2
`1. Field of the Invention
`This invention relates generally to displays of information
`data in the form of sequential lines of symbols commonly
`comprising lists of Words and numbers, and more speci?
`cally relates to the use and control of electronic forms of
`such displays.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`It has become Well-knoWn to display lists of Words and
`numbers on electronic display screens for ready access by
`users. Often, such lists extend in length beyond the dimen
`sions of the electronic screen, and in such cases it has further
`become Well-knoWn to cause the image of the list to “scroll”
`past the screen so that a line of text comprising Words,
`numbers or other symbols, appears to travel from one edge
`of the screen to the other until a desired section of the list,
`or portion of a line, appears on the screen.
`It is knoWn that the systems and methods currently being
`used to control the scrolling motion of the screen image are
`subject to numerous limitations and disadvantages. For
`example, in one system a cursor may be positioned at one
`edge of the screen and then moved toWard the opposite edge
`While holding doWn a selected “mouse” button, thereby
`engaging and “dragging” the screen image in a desired
`direction. It is Well knoWn that such displacement of the
`screen image is sloW and cumbersome except for relatively
`slight relative movements. Another system in current use
`activates an automatic continuous “scrolling” motion of the
`image When the cursor is positioned on a speci?c portion of
`the image, While a selected mouse button is depressed. This
`requires holding doWn the selected button until the desired
`portion of the screen image is displayed. A related system in
`current use varies the speed of the scrolling motion in
`accordance With the position of the cursor relative to the
`edge of the screen. All of these cursor position-responsive
`control systems are subject to similar limitations of screen
`clutter, lack of aesthetic visual appeal, and the requirement
`for manipulation and handling of the mouse device.
`The invention herein disclosed improves upon the scroll
`like display of data on electronic display screens by making
`it possible for a user/vieWer to access a desired portion of a
`long list of data and information by scrolling to the location
`of that portion rapidly and in a more natural manner than
`heretofore possible.
`The present invention overcomes and avoids the limita
`tions of knoWn control systems for scrolling electronic
`displays by providing a touch-screen responsive system that
`imparts a scrolling motion to the displayed image in
`response to the motion of a ?nger in contact With the screen.
`The speed and direction of motion of the ?nger along the
`screen determines the initial speed and direction of motion
`for the image. After the ?nger separates from the screen, the
`image continues to move in the same direction at a gradually
`decreasing speed until motion is stopped manually by touch
`ing the screen Without movement of the ?nger, or the speed
`decreases to Zero, or to a predetermined minimum speed, or
`until the image reaches its “end”. Alternatively, continued
`motion of the image may be achieved or again increased by
`repeating the “sWeeping motion” of a the user’s ?nger along
`the screen. Motion of the displayed image may be stopped
`manually by applying a ?nger to the screen Without moving
`it along the surface of the screen for a ?nite period of time.
`If a ?nger is applied to the surface of the screen for a shorter
`period of time, for example for a period less than a minimum
`set time, the ?nger touch can be deemed to be a “selection”
`of an item or “thing” corresponding to the image displayed
`at the touched location. Still further, if the ?nger touch on the
`screen is made to move With the display, but at a sloWer rate
`than the then-current rate of movement, the display Will be
`sloWed to a rate corresponding to the motion of the ?nger at
`the movement that contact is broken.
`This operation of the system of this invention is achieved
`by programming a microprocessor-based control system to
`displace the image on a screen display, such as the screen of
`a conventional cathode ray tube, in response to a ?nger
`touch on the screen and the direction of a ?nger motion
`along the surface of the screen at the initial speed of the
`?nger motion. Thereafter, the speed of displacement is
`caused to decay at a selected rate (units of displacement per
`unit of time, or a function thereof), until the displacement
`?nally stops (for example, due to having reached the end of
`the “scroll”) or until it is stopped deliberately as explained
`In accordance With this invention, the scrolling motion of
`data on the display screen moves in a seemingly “natural”
`Way, moving initially at a speed imparted by the motion of
`the user’s ?nger, With the speed thereafter sloWing at a
`constant rate until it ultimately comes to rest, unless it is
`terminated earlier.
`Moreover, if the speed of scrolling is found to be sloW at
`a point deemed to be too far before the desired location in
`the scroll, the scrolling speed may be increased as many
`times as possible by merely touching the screen again to
`impart “new” motion to the display.
`At any desired point or time While a scrolling motion is in
`progress, it may be stopped entirely, again in a seemingly
`“natural” Way, by merely touching one’s ?nger to the screen
`While holding it substantially stationary for a predetermined
`period of time. The reason for requiring a predetermined
`time-period for stationary [i.e. no-motion] touch time is to
`assure that the timing mechanisms Will have su?icient time
`to distinguish betWeen a touch intended to stop the scrolling
`motion and a touch [shorter in time] intended to “select” or
`“mark” a particular item that is included in the scrolled data.
`“Touch marking” is a Well-knoWn feature of scrolled display
`technology at this time, but this invention discloses its use
`in combination With a neW, and heretofore unknoWn, form of
`scrolling motion control.
`These and other features and advantages of this invention
`Will be made more apparent to those having skill in this art,
`by reference to the folloWing speci?cation considered in
`conjunction With the accompanying draWings, in Which:
`FIG. 1 is a ?ow-chart representing the sequential opera
`tions of a touch-screen image scrolling system in accordance
`With this invention.
`FIG. 2 is simpli?ed pictorial representation of a touch
`screen image scrolling system in accordance With one
`embodiment of the invention of FIG. 1.
`FIG. 3 is a simpli?ed block diagram of another embodi
`ment of a touch-screen image scrolling system in accordance
`With FIG. 1.
`GOOGLE EX. 1002
`Google v. Philips

`US 7,184,064 B2
`In the following description, certain speci?c details of the
`disclosed embodiment such as architecture, interfaces and
`techniques, etc, are set forth for purposes of explanation
`rather than limitation, so as to provide a clear and thorough
`understanding of the present invention. HoWever, it should
`be understood readily by those skilled in this art, that the
`present invention may be practiced in other embodiments
`Which do not conform exactly to the details set forth herein,
`Without departing signi?cantly from the spirit and scope of
`this disclosure. Further, in this context, and for the purposes
`of brevity and clarity, detailed descriptions of Well-knoWn
`apparatus, circuits and methodology have been omitted so as
`to avoid unnecessary detail and possible confusion.
`Referring noW to the block diagram of FIG. 1 of the
`draWings, the method of operating a touch-screen image
`scrolling system 10 (as shoWn in FIG. 1) in accordance With
`this invention may be seen to begin in step 100 With sensing
`the touch of a ?nger upon an electronic display screen 100a
`having a stationary data display, determining the period of
`time that the ?nger is in contact With the screen 100b, and
`determining if the ?nger moves or remains stationary 1000.
`The technology and methodology for sensing and determin
`ing the appropriate values for information of the type herein
`disclosed is Well-knoWn to persons having skill in this art,
`and is not further described or discussed in this speci?cation.
`If no motion occurs and the touch contact continues for
`less than a predetermined minimum time, the touch is treated
`in step 100 as a “selection” of the data term touched, and the
`system continues With “selection” path 102. The operation
`of a selection path, beginning With, for example, highlight
`ing of the term or icon touched, is Well-knoWn and is of no
`further concern in connection With the operation of the
`system of this invention. HoWever, if the touch contact
`continues for more than the ?rst predetermined minimum
`time, and the ?nger then moves after that time, the process
`of the invention Will proceed to step 103, in Which the
`“selected” item on the list Will then “stick to the ?nger” so
`that the item can be repositioned on the list by the knoWn
`process of “touch-dragging”. This repositioning step can be
`very desirable to frequent users Who may Wish to cluster
`several preferred items in a given location. After an item has
`been repositioned in step 103, and ?nger contact With the
`screen is interrupted, the process Will revert to “Waiting”
`status. With advance reference to step 105, explained beloW,
`it should be noted here, that in this step it is a selected item,
`rather than the entire display, that “sticks to the ?nger.”
`In another feature, if no motion of the ?nger occurs While
`the screen is stationary, and the contact continues for less
`than a second minimum time Which is less than the ?rst
`minimum time by a readily measurable ?nite value, then
`step 100 ignores the contact and the system reverts to
`“Waiting” status, aWaiting further input signals.
`HoWever, if step 100 senses motion in association With the
`?nger touch on the screen, during the ?nite period betWeen
`the ?rst predetermined time and the second, then the method
`of the invention proceeds to step 104, converting the speed
`and direction of motion of the touch into corresponding
`initial scrolling motion of the displayed data. And step 104
`proceeds directly into step 106. Step 104 either proceeds to
`step 106, or diverges to step 105 depending upon Whether
`the ?nger is removed from contact With the screen or
`continues in contact With the screen.
`That is, if the ?nger touch of step 104 imparts movement
`to the display and the touch-contact is then broken, move
`ment of the display continues in accordance With step 106.
`HoWever, if contact With the screen is not broken, the
`method of the invention proceeds from step 104 to step 105,
`Wherein the entire display [not just a selected item] in effect
`“sticks to the ?nger” so that the entire display can be moved
`up or doWn or back and forth, as the case may be, With the
`?nger. If there is no ?nger motion at the time that ?nger
`contact With the screen is broken in step 105, the display Will
`remain in the position it is in at that time Without further
`motion, and the system Will revert again to “Waiting” status.
`In the alternative, if ?nger contact in step 105 is broken
`While the ?nger is in motion, the system of the invention
`proceeds to step 106, as described beloW.
`In step 106, the timer function associated With the system
`of the invention measures time While the scrolling action
`continues and the system begins decreasing the scrolling
`speed at a controlled rate, from its initial value Which is
`determined by the speed of the ?nger touch, toWard Zero or
`until the speed is reduced to any desired, predetermined
`minimum speed. It is assumed that most users of this system
`Will prefer that the decrease in scrolling speed begin imme
`diately after the start of scrolling. HoWever, it should be
`recogniZed that the start of the decreasing speed function
`can, in fact, be delayed so as to begin at any time after the
`start of the scrolling motion. Incorporating a ?nite-time
`delay into the control system for utiliZation of this method
`is a simple technique Well Within the knoWledge of those
`skilled in this art.
`While the sloWing scrolling motion continues, and after
`scrolling has terminated entirely, the system continues Wait
`ing for further input signals, to control the next operation of
`the system. However, in accordance With the invention,
`sloWing of the scrolling speed continues until one of three
`events occurs: (1) sloWing decreases the speed of the scroll
`to Zero or to any preset minimum; or (2) an “end of scroll”
`data signal is received from the data source; or (3) a ?nger
`touch on the screen indicates that the scrolling is to be
`terminated. Regardless of the status of the sloWing action,
`the method of this invention alloWs the system to react to the
`next user-initiated input signal at any time, folloWing step
`Step 108 shoWs that the method of the invention reacts to
`a ?nger touch on the screen during or after scrolling by
`repeating, essentially, the functions of step 100. That is, in
`step 108, the system senses the touch of a ?nger 10011 on the
`electronic display screen, determines the period of time
`1001) that the ?nger is in contact With the screen, and
`determines if the ?nger moves or remains stationary. 10019.
`If the touch is stationary and the contact continues for less
`than a predetermined minimum time, the ?nger touch is
`treated in step 108 as both (1) a “selection” of the data term
`touched, and (2) an instruction to terminate the scrolling
`motion. In this case, scrolling motion terminates and the
`system reverts to the “selection” path 102, previously men
`tioned. On the other hand, if the touch is stationary but the
`contact does not continue for more than the minimum time,
`the method treats the touch as an instruction to terminate the
`scrolling motion only, and there is no resulting “selection”
`of any data listing that may have been touched. When
`scrolling motion terminates under these circumstances, the
`method reverts to the state that exists before the beginning
`of step 100, Waiting for “instructions” in the form of input
`signals; ie aWaiting either selection of a displayed item or
`initiation of scrolling motion.
`Once again it should be emphasiZed that the duration of
`contact for a stationary ?nger touch on the screen serves as
`the distinction betWeen a “selection” touch and a “stop
`GOOGLE EX. 1002
`Google v. Philips

`US 7,184,064 B2
`scrolling” touch. Although it has been stated above, that a
`relatively long-term ?nger touch While scrolling motion is
`taking place serves as both a “selection” and a “stop motion”
`signal, it Will be obvious that the method could be set up
`easily so that a ?nger touch during the scrolling process
`Would act solely as a “stop motion” signal regardless of the
`length of the touch; this Would protect against the possibility
`of unintended “selections” resulting from inadvertently long
`touches that Were intended only to “stop” the scrolling.
`In contrast to stationary touching in step 108, if the system
`senses motion of the ?nger touch on the screen, the method
`reverts to step 104, again converting the speed and direction
`of motion of the touch into scrolling motion of the displayed
`data and restarting the scrolling process. As before, step 104
`then proceeds directly into step 106.
`In the embodiment of the system of this invention illus
`trated in FIG. 2, the system is shoWn to comprise a simple
`personal computer apparatus having a display screen 10, a
`central processing unit 12 and a keyboard 14 for inputting
`manual instruction to the processing unit 12. In accordance
`With convention, it Will be understood that processing unit
`12 includes an internal electronic memory unit (not shoWn)
`of conventional design and capabilities. Accordingly, for the
`purposes of this disclosure, the internal memory unit may be
`assumed to be the source of a scrollable data display capable
`of appearing on display screen 10 Which is accessible to a
`hand or stylus device, here stylistically represented by the
`outline of a hand 16.
`In use, the computer is set up in Well-knoWn manner to
`display the scrollable data on screen 10, and a hand/?nger or
`stylus 16 is touched to the screen and moved doWn along the
`screen to impart an initial doWnWard “scrolling” motion to
`the data display. Software in the computer interactively
`responds to the contact With the screen to create the desired
`displacement motion of the display and the internal timer
`facility noW inherent in such computer apparatus, in coop
`eration With the programming of processing unit 12
`responds to the start of motion by gradually decreasing the
`speed of displacement, as explained previously herein.
`When a desired point in the display is seen or approached,
`the user may apply a hand or stylus 16 to the screen to
`terminate the scrolling motion. Because the scrolling motion
`does not involve any moving parts With real or simulated
`mass, it is possible to stop the motion of the display
`instantly, Without any difficulty or concern for inertial force
`Accordingly, it Will noW be understood that the system
`and method of this invention facilitates a rapid, convenient
`and natural-feeling approach to accessing a scroll-like dis
`play of data on a computer screen.
`In the embodiment represented in FIG. 3, the system of
`this invention is shoWn to comprise the essential elements of
`the computer apparatus of FIG. 2 Without having the con
`?guration of a computer. That is, the basic components of
`the system of this invention are here shoWn to comprise a
`microprocessor 42 Which is in turn coupled to a keyboard
`44, a timer means 43 and a display screen 40. Each of these
`components functions in the same manner as its counterparts
`in the embodiment of FIG. 2, With microprocessor 42 and
`the associated timer means 43 together, here serving the
`same function as central processing unit 12 in FIG. 2.
`Although a preferred embodiment of the invention has
`been illustrated and described, those having skill in this art
`Will recogniZe that various other forms and embodiments
`noW may be visualiZed readily Without departing signi?
`cantly from the spirit and scope of the invention disclosed
`herein and set forth in the accompanying claims.
`The invention claimed is:
`1. An improved touch-screen image scrolling system,
`an electronic image display screen;
`a microprocessor coupled to said display screen to display
`information thereon and to receive interactive signals
`timer means associated With said microprocessor to pro
`vide timing capacity therefor;
`a source of scroll format data capable of display on said
`display screen;
`?nger touch program instructions associated With said
`microprocessor for sensing the speed, direction and
`time duration of a ?nger touch contact With said display
`scrolling motion program instructions associated With
`said microprocessor responsive to said duration of said
`?nger touch contact such that, When said duration
`exceeds a ?rst given preset minimum time and is
`accompanied by motion along the surface of said
`screen folloWed by separation of said ?nger touch from
`said screen, a scroll format display on said screen is
`caused to begin to scroll in said sensed direction and at
`said sensed initial speed;
`time decay program instructions associated With said
`microprocessor for reducing the rate of scrolling dis
`placement on said display screen at a given rate until
`motion is terminated;
`stopping motion program instructions associated With
`said microprocessor for terminating scrolling displace
`ment of the image on said screen upon ?rst occurrence
`of any signal in the group of signals comprising:
`(a) a substantially stationary ?nger touch on the screen
`enduring for a period
`longer than a preset minimum time, and
`(b) an end-of-scroll signal received from said scroll
`format data source.
`2. The improved touch-screen image scrolling system of
`claim 1, Wherein said scrolling motion program instructions
`further comprise instructions to move said display in corre
`spondence With movement of the ?nger touch, in response
`to movement folloWing a touch having a stationary duration
`greater than said ?rst preset given minimum time and less
`than a second given preset minimum time.
`3. The improved touch-screen image scrolling system of
`claim 1, Wherein said scrolling motion program instructions
`further comprise instructions to move a touch-selected item
`relative to the stationary display in correspondence With
`movement of said ?nger touch, in response to motion
`folloWing a touch having a stationary duration greater than
`said second given preset minimum time.
`4. The improved touch-screen image scrolling system of
`claim 1, Wherein
`said group of signals for terminating scrolling displacement
`of the image on said display screen further comprises
`(a) a signal indicating that the rate of scrolling displace
`ment on said screen has decayed to a value beloW a
`predetermined given value.
`5. The improved touch-screen image scrolling system of
`claim 1, Wherein said microprocessor, and said timer means
`together comprise a processing unit of a conventional com
`6. The improved touch-screen image scrolling system of
`claim 5, Wherein said source of scroll format data capable of
`display on said display screen comprises part of the memory
`of said conventional computer.
`GOOGLE EX. 1002
`Google v. Philips

`US 7,184,064 B2
`7. An improved touch-screen image scrolling system,
`an electronic image display screen;
`a computer apparatus coupled to said display screen to
`display information
`thereon and to receive interactive signals therefrom;
`timer means Within said computer apparatus to provide
`timing capacity therefor;
`said computer apparatus having capacity to store scroll
`format data capable of display on said display screen;
`?nger touch program instructions associated With said
`computer apparatus for sensing the speed, direction and
`time duration of a ?nger touch contact With said display
`scrolling motion program instructions associated With
`said computer apparatus responsive to said duration of
`said ?nger touch contact such that, When said duration
`exceeds a preset minimum time and is accompanied by
`motion along the surface of said screen, a scroll format
`display on said screen is caused to begin to scroll in the
`sensed direction and at the sensed initial speed;
`time decay program instructions associated With said
`computer apparatus for reducing the rate of scrolling
`displacement on said display screen at a given rate until
`motion is terminated;
`stopping motion program instructions associated With
`said computer apparatus for terminating scrolling dis
`placement of the image on said screen upon ?rst
`occurrence of any signal in the group of signals com
`(a) a substantially stationary ?nger touch on the screen
`enduring for a period
`longer than a preset minimum time, and
`(b) an end-of-scroll signal received from said scroll
`format data source.
`8. An improved touch-screen image scrolling system,
`an electronic image display screen;
`a microprocessor coupled to said display screen to display
`information thereon and to receive interactive signals
`timer means associated With said microprocessor to pro
`vide timing capacity therefor;
`a source of scroll format data capable of display on said
`display screen;
`?nger touch program instructions associated With said
`microprocessor for sensing the speed, direction and
`time duration of a ?nger touch contact With said display
`scrolling motion program instructions associated With
`said microprocessor responsive to said duration of said
`?nger touch contact such that, When said duration
`exceeds a ?rst given preset minimum time, and is less
`than a second given preset minimum that is greater than
`said ?rst minimum, and is accompanied by motion
`along the surface of said screen, a scroll format display
`on said screen is caused to begin to scroll in the sensed
`direction and at the sensed initial speed;
`said scrolling motion program instructions further com
`prising instructions to move a touch-selected item
`relative to the stationary display in correspondence
`With movement of the ?nger touch, in response to
`motion folloWing a touch having a stationary duration
`greater than said second given preset minimum time;
`said scrolling motion program instructions still further
`comprising instructions to move said display in corre
`spondence With movement of the ?nger touch, in
`response to motion folloWing a touch having a station
`ary duration greater than said ?rst given preset mini
`mum time and less than said second given preset
`minimum time;
`time decay program instructions associated With said
`microprocessor for reducing the rate of scrolling dis
`placement on said display screen at a given rate until
`motion is terminated;
`stopping motion program instructions associated With
`said microprocessor for terminating scrolling displace
`ment of the image on said screen upon ?rst occurrence
`of any signal in the group of signals comprising:
`(a) a substantially stationary ?nger touch on the screen
`enduring for a period
`longer than a preset minimum time, and
`(b) an end-of-scroll signal received from said scroll
`format data source.
`9. The improved method of controlling the scroll-like
`display of data on an electronic display screen, in accor
`dance With claim 7, Wherein said group of conditions to be
`sensed for terminating said scrolling motion further com
`prises: the speed of said scrolling motion on said screen
`sloWs to a value beloW a predetermined given value.
`GOOGLE EX. 1002
`Google v. Philips

`: 7,184,064 B2
`: 10/73 693 8
`: February 27, 2007
`: John Zimmerman and Jacquelyn Annette Martino
`Page 1 of 1
`It is certified that error appears in the above-identi?ed patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:
`Insert the following paragraph after the title and before “BACKGROUND OF THE
`--This application is a continuation of US. Patent Application No. 10/034,375 (now US.
`Patent No. 6,690,387).-
`Signed and Sealed this
`Fifth Day of April, 201 l
`David J. Kappos
`Director afthe United States Patent and Trademark O?ice
`GOOGLE EX. 1002
`Google v. Philips

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