`Patent Owner.
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`Record of Oral Hearing
`Held: March 7, 2018
`KIMBERLY McGRAW, Administrative Patent Judges.
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP
`201 Redwood Shores Parkway
`Redwood Shores, California 94065-1134
`Perkins Coie
`1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4900
`Seattle, Washington 98101-3099
`Paul Hastings, LLP
`875 Fifteenth Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`White & Case, LLP
`701 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3807
` 2
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`Steven G. Lisa, Ltd.
`55 East Monroe Street, Suite 3800
`Chicago, Illinois 60603
`Stadheim & Grear, Ltd.
`7689 East Paradise Lane, Suite 2
`Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on Wednesday,
`March 7, 2018, commencing at 10:00 a.m., at the U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, Virginia.
` 3
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`- - - - -
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Good morning, everyone. So today we
`have oral hearing in seven related inter partes review trials. I'll list the
`case numbers, IPR2017-00279, 280, 281, 282, 391, 392 and 406,
`involving three patents for which Daniel Flamm is the Patent Owner.
`Intel, Global Foundries and Micron are the original Petitioners, and then I
`have Samsung Electronics being added -- joined as a Petitioner in seven
`other cases. I'm not going to list the case numbers for all of those.
`So I'm Judge Crumbley. To my right is Judge Kokoski and to
`my left is Judge McGraw. Let's get the parties' appearances, starting with
`Patent Owner.
`MR. LESKO: Lead counsel for the Patent Owner, Justin
`Lesko. And with me I have Rolf Stadheim.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Who do we have for the Petitioners?
`MR. McFARLAND: Lead counsel for the Intel Petitioners.
`And with me is my partner, Chad Campbell.
`MR. LANG: Lead counsel for Micron, Jason Lang. With me is
`Jared Bobrow.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Anyone else for the Petitioners want to
`make an appearance?
`MR. MODI: Good morning, Your Honors. Naveen Modi on
`behalf of Samsung. And with me I have Chetan Bansal.
` 4
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`MR. TENNANT: David Tennant from White & Case for
`GlobalFoundries. With me, Nathan Zhang and Jason Xu.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Some of you are probably going to
`have to tell the reporter after the fact your names because we don't have
`microphones back there. So I assume that you have all agreed amongst
`yourselves who is making the presentation today. Is it you, Mr.
`MR. CAMPBELL: It is, Your Honor.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Are you arguing all of the cases?
`MR. CAMPBELL: No, just the ones directed to the '264
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: And then who are we going to hear
`from for the other topics?
`MR. LANG: Your Honor, Jason Lang from Micron for the '221
`MR. BOBROW: And Jared Bobrow, and I'll be addressing the
`remaining patent, the '849 patent.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Okay. It's good to have everyone here.
`We put the procedure in our hearing order, but just so we are all on the
`same page, let's just run through it real quick. So the 279 through 282
`cases all involve the reissued '264 patent. So we are going to argue those
`together. I think it makes sense to do that. So we gave 45 minutes total
`argument time per each side on those four cases. You can allocate those
` 5
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`minutes among the cases as you wish. We are not going to break up the
`transcript in between the cases. We'll just submit a single transcript into
`all four cases.
`Petitioner has the burden, so will argue first. You can reserve
`time for rebuttal. Unless you have a good reason, I don't want to reserve
`more than half your total time for rebuttal. And then, of course, we'll
`hear from the Patent Owner followed by rebuttal from the Petitioner.
`That should take us close to lunch depending on how many questions we
`have. So then we'll probably take about an hour recess, come back after
`lunch and have the remaining cases. I think we are going to go with the
`391 case first. We have 20 minutes per side for that case. And then we'll
`take up the 392 and 406 cases, and that's 30 minutes per side.
`I have demonstrative exhibits from the Petitioners. We have
`copies of those, but when we get to them, you are welcome to give us the
`hard copies as well. I didn't see any demonstratives from the Patent
`MR. LESKO: That's correct.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: And I didn't see any objections to the
`Petitioner's demonstratives.
`MR. LESKO: That's also correct.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Okay. Well, with all of that out of the
`way, are there any questions from the parties before we get started? All
`right. We'll begin. Mr. Campbell, do you want to reserve some time?
` 6
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`MR. CAMPBELL: Yes, ten minutes for rebuttal. And if we
`could hand up the hard copies.
`MR. CAMPBELL: Good morning, Your Honors. Thank you
`for making time. I'll be addressing the four Petitions that are directed to
`the reissued '264 patent. I would like to begin at slide number 49 and just
`speak briefly in an organizational way about what is before the Board and
`maybe what has been conceded or at least not contested specifically.
`There are 59 claims in the '264 patent, 6 independent claims and 53
`dependent claims. Of those 53, 44 of them were not separately contested
`in the papers.
`If we can go to the next slide, please, so I'm going to be
`focusing today on the six independent claims which are highlighted in
`dark blue here and some of the dependent claims.
`Next slide, although there are comments in the papers about
`nine of the dependent claims, several of them are not contested with
`respect to all of the grounds. So for example, claims 15, 19 and 20 and
`57 were contested with respect to one of the grounds but not the other.
`Next slide, please, on 52. For three of the claims there were
`arguments that were presented but not really addressing the prior art
`merits of the Petitioner's arguments. Claim 33, there was a suggestion of
`a limitation called a remote plasma limitation that simply doesn't exist in
`the claim.
` 7
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Thirty-three is not an issue in the 279
`case; is that right?
`MR. CAMPBELL: It is not at issue in the 279 case, but it was
`addressed in the opposition paper in the 279 case. So that's why we
`talked about it.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: I understand that. I'm just making sure
`I didn't miss something.
`MR. CAMPBELL: Yes. It is at issue in the 281 case. Then
`with respect to claims 47 and 48, there was no substantive argument.
`There was a procedural argument that was made. That leaves us with, if I
`could go to the next slide, dependent claim 17 and 63, both of which
`introduce a radiation limitation into the independent claim from which
`they depend.
`One other organizational item that sweeps across all of the
`Petitions that I would like to address before getting underway with the
`specific grounds is the Matsumura reference. If I could go to slide 3,
`please, a central teaching of the '264 patent that sweeps across all of the
`claims and all of the Petitions and all of the grounds that have been
`presented to the Board is this idea that we are talking about multi
`temperature processing in a semiconductor tool, so there will necessarily
`be a change in the temperature. That change needs to happen a within a
`preselected time. So the idea that you have got specific temperatures, a
`change that happens and the change being accomplished within a
`preselected time is the central idea behind the patent.
` 8
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`Next slide, please. That concept is taught in Figure 10 of the
`'264 patent, which is on the left-hand side of this slide. And again, we
`have different temperatures and then changes in the temperatures. Those
`changes are happening over a regulated time interval.
`The Matsumura reference, which is on the right-hand side of
`this slide, teaches that principle. We have what the Matsumura patent
`calls a thermal history curve which is simply the path that the
`temperature travels during the processing run. And as the patent teaches,
`each point along the way, both the points where the temperature reaches
`and holds for a bit while the processing happens and the changes are
`regulated and happening according to a preselected schedule.
`So we can see in the slide here that point P11, for example,
`P14, P17 and P18, those are points along the change portion of the curve,
`and they are input as time and temperature dependencies in a table into a
`CPU that controls and regulates that function. So we have preselected
`time periods over which these temperatures are changing in Matsumura.
`The next slide, please. Critically, Matsumura teaches that its
`technique applies broadly to semiconductor processing. It talks about
`using it for CVD, a deposition process. It talks about using it for etching
`or another type of etching subspecies called ashing. And all of these are
`relevant to the prior art pieces that we have -- the other prior art
`references that we have submitted to the Board.
`Matsumura teaches that the purpose or the advantage of using
`this the approach of controlling the time over which temperatures change
` 9
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`is that you end up with an accurate process run. It is the accurate control
`of the thermal history curve that Matsumura says leads to enhanced
`reliability because you are doing things the same over and over again in a
`manufacturing context. That enhances the quality. So we start by
`controlling the time change, preselecting it, having it run on a schedule.
`That leads to accuracy which enhances the reliability because the process
`is repeatable and doesn't bury, and that leads to greater quality and
`If I could have the next slide, during the briefing there was a
`concession that we would like to draw the Board's attention to. Although
`we are pointing to the 280 Patent Owner Response here, there are similar
`statements and arguments that are made in the other papers as well.
`Dr. Flamm argued that the idea of Matsumura using a CPU in a recipe to
`improve the control of the temperature and the other points that we had
`made, he called it a vacuous incantation.
`We actually don't think it's vacuous. We think it's very
`important, and it highlights the idea that this type of automation, as
`Dr. Flamm admits, was common knowledge and its implementation and
`production-worthy processing equipment was pervasive and obvious.
`We agree with that. It was pervasive and obvious. And each of the
`references that we had presented to be combined with Matsumura would
`have been obvious for a person of skill to pursue.
`I would like to turn next to Petition number 1 --
` 10
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: What slide was that? You might have
`said it, but for the record.
`MR. CAMPBELL: That was slide number 6.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: And we usually -- I didn't do it and I
`probably should have -- just remind everyone when you make your
`presentations, the transcript is always a lot clearer if you put the slide
`number in there as well.
`MR. CAMPBELL: Thank you, Your Honor. Next, slide 9. So
`ground number 1 for the first Petition, which is about independent claim
`13 and its dependents, is focused on the Muller reference in combination
`with Matsumura and then in combination with two other references,
`Anderson and Hinman.
`Muller was an etching tool where the patent taught that you
`could gain an advantage by using different temperatures to form different
`slopes or shapes of the etching profile. If you were etching at a cooler --
`relatively cooler temperature, you would end up with sloped side walls.
`If you were etching at a higher temperature, you would have more
`vertical side walls. And switching back and forth between the process
`run to contour or shape, the etching profile was the idea behind Muller.
`It accomplished that using a chuck that was heated and that had a cathode
`that was cool and then a region where gas pressure could be increased or
`decreased to rapidly cause the temperature to go up or down. And it
`applied not only to the deep silicon trenches that the Patent Owner has
` 11
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`focused on. It also applied to regular mask and silicon dioxide or
`insulating layer openings, contact holes that could be shaped in this way.
`Now, it would have been obvious to combine Matsumura with
`Muller because you have got in Muller the need to change temperatures
`during the course of a process run in order to come up with these precise
`contour shapes and the advantages that Matsumura taught by having
`preselected time and programmed recipes would be naturally realized in
`Muller's tool.
`If I could have slide 11 next, please. Importantly, the Patent
`Owner Response does not really dispute with respect to the Muller and
`Matsumura combination, the idea that those two would be obvious to put
`together. There is one other piece of Matsumura that we combine, that
`we suggest combining with Muller. And that is the sensor that's
`embedded into the stage or the substrate holder to measure temperature in
`that area of the tool. Matsumura had that, and we have presented
`evidence and there's been no contrary argument that that would have
`been an obvious feature to combine with Muller.
`That takes us then to the real contest, slide 12, which is the
`limitation that refers to selecting the thermal mass of the substrate holder
`for a selected predetermined temperature change within a specific
`interval of time.
`In the Institution Decision, the Board provided a construction,
`adopted a construction for institution that suggests that that limitation
`requires selecting the thermal mass so that you are either selecting the
` 12
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`material or the mass of the substrate holder or both in order to effect a
`temperature change, a selected first temperature to a selected second
`temperature within a specific time period. So this idea of picking thermal
`mass in order to effect that temperature change on a schedule is the point
`of the construction, we would submit.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Counsel, so we have struggled with this
`limitation for a while. And you know, I mean, obviously this was your
`language and the Patent Owner didn't provide a separate construction, so
`we adopted it for the Institution Decision.
`So the way I understand this patent, it's about rate of change of
`temperature, right? Change of temperature over a certain amount over a
`certain period of time, well, that's rate. So it's all about effecting the rate
`of the change, and these claims that are in the 279 use thermal mass to do
`that. Does the specification talk anywhere about how that happens, how
`you use thermal mass to effect the rate of change of temperature?
`MR. CAMPBELL: Actually, no, it does not, Your Honor. It
`talks in general terms in the place where the invention is introduced at the
`beginning of the patent and also in the abstract that you would pay
`attention to thermal mass in order to cause that to happen. But in terms
`of a sort of detailed step-by-step process where you would actually do the
`math and input the math into the design, those points aren't discussed in
`the patent. The closest that we get, if I could go to slide 14, is this idea
`here. On the right-hand side of this slide is Figure 6 from the '264 patent.
`It's sort of a sideways view of the substrate holder, so the wafer or the
` 13
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`substrate would rest on the top on the surface that's labeled 601. And the
`patent does teach for that one, for 601 you would want to use a low
`thermal mass. It doesn't say how low, but it talks about having a low
`thermal mass so that you would have high heat conductivity and that
`would be beneficial. But beyond that there aren't any other details.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: How is thermal mass related to rate of
`temperature change? How does one affect the other?
`MR. CAMPBELL: So actually Anderson actually has some
`teachings about that. And Anderson is on the left-hand side of this slide.
`It was a rapid temperature response wafer chuck where you had sort of a
`metal chuck and then you had a heater that was part of it on top. And
`what Anderson, if I could go to slide 13, what Anderson taught was that
`the stuff that was touching the wafer, the insulation around the heater
`element was something to pay attention to. And they talked about using
`a cermet material, which is a combination of ceramic and metal, because
`it readily transfers heat. So by hastening the transfer of heat from the
`heater into the substrate, you could accelerate the heating process. And
`there by being very careful, as Anderson teaches about which material
`and how much you use, you could get the heat to migrate up into the
`wafer more quickly. And that was a point that Anderson was teaching to
`do for both etching and deposition.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: So I think you are hinting around
`where I was going with this question, which is that there are other things
`that affect rate of temperature change besides thermal mass.
` 14
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`MR. CAMPBELL: Absolutely.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: So thermal conductivity of the
`insulating layer will change the rate of temperature change of the wafer.
`MR. CAMPBELL: And we would submit that that thermal
`conductivity is tightly coupled to the thermal mass because thermal mass
`is the amount and the specific heat. So that thermal conductivity
`property is related to the specific heat.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: So thermal mass is the amount of heat
`that you need to effect a certain degree temperature change, but it doesn't
`tell you anything about that rate until you know how much heat you are
`putting in, right? So I could have a very high thermal mass and still
`make a quick temperature change if I just give it a ton of heat?
`MR. CAMPBELL: That is true. Those are all related to each
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: But the patent doesn't tell me anything
`about the amount of heat. I guess my point is, how do I select a thermal
`mass to effect a rate of temperature change if the amount of heat applied
`is undefined?
`MR. CAMPBELL: So at some point, if you are building a tool
`and you are coming up with recipes, the way in which you are going to
`interact with the substrate has to be -- it has to be fixed and decided. This
`thermal mass limitation is one of the variables that goes into that. So
`whether it comes first in the process or second in the process, at some
`point those parameters need to be nailed down, and the variability of the
` 15
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`thermal mass, the idea that's claimed here is that that variability is
`something that you would want to pay attention to.
`A couple of other points. If I could go to slide 15, the evidence
`in the record teaches that with respect to Anderson, that top heater layer
`is the point where we are focusing -- just like in the '264 patent, you are
`focusing on that upper layer because that's the thermal mass that matters
`most. It predominates in terms of the heat transferability of the apparatus
`into the substrate.
`We submit that the record is clear that you would combine, that
`you would be motivated to combine the teachings of Anderson with
`Matsumura. If I could go to slide 16, it would be natural to do. In the
`Muller tool you have got a chuck where the idea is you are using that
`chuck in order to effect a temperature change quickly. Anderson teaches
`that by paying attention to the thermal mass of the material right
`underneath the wafer, you could help that happen even faster. The two
`naturally work together.
`Now, we would submit that with the knowledge of those of
`skill in the art, with the combination of Muller, Matsumura, which gives
`us the selected time periods, and Anderson, that claim 13 is obvious. We
`didn't stop there, but we would submit that that's enough to get us to
`obviousness for the teachings that are claimed in the '264 patent.
`I would like now to go ahead, though, and address Hinman, if I
`could. At slide 18 we've got a passage from Dr. Bravman's Declaration
`which talks about the general knowledge of the field in the art and the
` 16
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`fact that in lots of different fields, material science, physics, chemistry,
`this idea of understanding the thermal mass of an object and how to get to
`the calculation of it is well understood.
`Hinman, slide 19, provides a specific example of using simple
`math equations to use the specific heat, the amount of the material,
`multiply them together to get to a thermal mass that is then used in a tool.
`It isn't a semiconductor tool, but it's used in a tool in order to accomplish
`a very specific temperature change. You have got one range to another
`within 20 to 40 seconds. So this is an example of the idea that's claimed
`in the '264 patent.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: So as I understand it, Hinman is
`slightly different in its use of thermal mass than what the patent is doing
`because Hinman is about you heat the ring and then you use the ring as
`basically stored heat to heat a chemical analyte. Am I understanding that
`MR. CAMPBELL: So Hinman does have that ring, and it
`suggests a ratio of thermal masses.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Right. But the rate of temperature
`change that Hinman talks about is not the rate of temperature change of
`the ring, of the thing with the thermal mass. It's the rate of temperature
`change of the analyte.
`MR. CAMPBELL: I would agree that it's not a change for the
`ring, but when we go to thermal mass, actually, Hinman talks about the
`ratio between the ring and the liquid, which is the thing that's heated. So
` 17
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`we are paying attention to thermal mass in that sense in an analogous
`MR. CAMPBELL: And there have been some arguments in the
`papers about why Hinman just shouldn't count. There's been a
`suggestion that it's not analogous art. If I could go to slide 24, we would
`submit that if we applied the teaching and the standard that governs, as
`the Federal Circuit has set out, that Hinman easily qualifies. It's a fact
`question. And it depends upon the circumstances. It depends upon how
`close the specific problem that the patent is trying to solve is to whatever
`the prior art reference is trying to solve.
`And we think that the Board got it right in the institution
`decision. If I could go to slide 25, the prior art plainly teaches that there
`is a linkage between the control of the substrate holder temperature and
`the throughput of the etching process. That linkage is what would cause
`a person of ordinary skill in the art to think about Hinman as pertinent to
`the problem. It's the exact same problem that the patent was trying to
`solve. And Anderson's disclosure of thermal masses being specifically
`relevant to the substrate holder temperature change and doing that in a
`desirable amount of time, we think, qualifies this as analogous art and
`therefore, something that can be combined.
`The other arguments that were suggested about Hinman really
`are beside the point. There was an argument that you couldn't use the
`heater ring in these tools. We've never argued that. It's the teaching
` 18
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`about thermal mass that we've argued. There was also an argument about
`Hinman and Anderson not teaching multiple temperatures. Well, we
`don't rely on those references for those. That's Muller and Matsumura.
`So those arguments really are beside the point. And we think once we
`get past this analogous art argument that claim 13 falls.
`I would like to turn briefly to claim 17, which is a dependent
`claim, to clear up some potential confusion in the papers. The Patent
`Owner Response suggests that we are relying on an embodiment from
`Kikuchi that has a hotplate and pins that come up and down to move the
`wafer away from the hotplate. We are not relying on that embodiment
`for claim 17. It is the prior art figure, claim 1, which simply shows and
`illustrates the practice of using a heat lamp, which is radiation, to heat the
`chuck. And we've submitted to the Board evidence that it was known in
`the art to combine the idea of having a heated substrate holder and a heat
`lamp, both of them together, as shown in the Gat patent. This is at slide
`27. Those two things go together and have for a very long time. And
`there isn't a reason why if you wanted to have the flexibility and the extra
`ability to heat in a hurry, you wouldn't use the heat lamp as shown in
`Kikuchi with the Muller tool.
`I would like to turn briefly to claims 19 and 20. These are
`dependent claims. If I could go to slide 29, the idea of claim 19 is that
`when we have a substrate holder temperature and a wafer temperature,
`we are going to have those -- have a known relationship with each other
`as we are doing the temperature changes. And then claim 20 suggests
` 19
`Cases IPR2017-00279, IPR2017-00280, IPR2017-00281, and IPR2017-
`00282 (Patent RE40,264 E);
`Case IPR2017-00391 (Patent 6,017,221); and
`Cases IPR2017-00392 and IPR2017-00406 (Patent 5,711,849)
`that that known relationship would be about a degree, one degree
`centigrade as a range.
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: We didn't construe or even really
`examine this term "known relationship" in the institution decision. Does
`the specification give us -- do we need to construe it? Do we need an
`explicit construction of this phrase? Does the specification talk about
`what a known relationship is?
`MR. CAMPBELL: It does not, Your Honor, and we don't think
`that there needs to be anything more than just a plain meaning application
`of the words. Wright is a reference that goes back a long ways, and it
`shows the idea of taking a sensor for the wafer and a sensor for the
`chuck, tracking both temperatures. And once you know both of those,
`you understand what the relationship is because you have got the data for
`both and you can track it. That's what the Wright experiments were all
`JUDGE CRUMBLEY: But Wright also shows that the wafer
`temperature varies, oscillates, while the chuck temperature stays fairly
`MR. CAMPBELL: Let me address that. And if I could go to
`the next slide, slide number 30, this is one of the figures that I think the
`Board is speaking about. We don't rely on Wright for the idea of varied
`temperatures during a processing run. There isn't any discussion in the
`patent about the reality of what happens in a plasma tool. There's a lot