`United States Patent and Trademark OfBee
`October 29,2016
`FILING DATE: December29, 2010
`ISSUE DATE: August07,2012
`By Authority of the
`Under Secretary of Commerce for I
`Ilectual Property
`and Director of the United States P te t and Trademark OfBce
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00001
`Google v. Philips
`PTO/SB/50 (09-07)
`Approved for use through08/31/2010.OMB 0651-0033
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`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00002
`Google v. Philips
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`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00003
`Google v. Philips
`re Application
`P.O. Box
`to Calculating
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00004
`Google v. Philips
`A handheld
`a wireless
`modem for
`a display
`a substantially
`a data
`the modem and
`an image
`a touch
`a user
`a touch
`on the
`a portion
`a first
`a second
`a selection
`a feature;
`1, wherein
`a position
`a browser.
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00005
`Google v. Philips
`1, wherein
`on a handheld
`a wireless
`modem for
`a display
`a substantially
`a data
`a touch
`a user
`a touch
`a portion
`a first
`on the
`a second
`" and,
`a selection
`a feature,
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00006
`Google v. Philips
`7 .
`a new selected
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00007
`Google v. Philips
`to more
`as disclosed
`1 and
`6 have
`a same
`a transcribing
`an Amendment
`on May
`new claim
`7, depending
`from claim
`1, has
`and claims
`to claims
`1 and 6 find
`7 is
`on page
`(now U.S.
`a Statement
`of Claims.
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00008
`Google v. Philips
`now in
`/Edward W. Goodman/
`Edward W. Goodman,
`28, 613
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00009
`Google v. Philips
`2 .
`3 .
`4 .
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00010
`Google v. Philips
`(12) United
`Van Ee
`States Patent
`( * )
`Jan Van Ee, San Jose, CA (US)
`Electronics N.V.,
`on a continued
`37 CFR
`1.53(d), and is subject
`to the twenty
`35 U.S.C·
`to any disclaimer,
`the term of
`is extended
`or adjusted
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`is subject
`to a terminal
`Appl. No.: 09/619,426
`Jul. 19, 2000
`US 2002/0030699
`Al Mar. 14, 2002
`Related U.S.Application
`US 6,466,203 B2
`*Oct. 15, 2002
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`(52) U.S.Cl.
`345/169, 172,
`of Search
`179, 348, 666, 864, 698, 783,
`784, 670, 671, 156, 157, 835
`5,596,346 A
`5,854,624 A * 12/1998
`* 10/1999
`5,969,706 A
`6,211,856 B1 *
`et al.
`Leone et al. ................ 345/127
`et al. ...........345/130
`Choi et al. ..................345/666
`* cited
`by examiner
`M. Said
`(74) Attorney,
`or Firm-Jeroen
`screen. The
`A mobile
`a touch
`has a display
`a Web page
`and is capable
`has a browser
`in its entirety.
`is first displayed
`from the Internet.
`The page
`the page's
`a particular
`presence of hyperlinks. When the user touches
`on the touch screen that corresponds
`to a portion of
`the page's
`gets displayed
`so as to fill
`the portion
`area. Thus,
`the user can browse
`the Web with
`Apr. 17, 1998.
`Int. Cl.7 .....................
`of application
`filed on
`........................G09G 5/00
`6 Claims,
`1 Drawing
`1_06 RAM
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00011
`Google v. Philips
`US 6,466,203 B2
`1_06 RAM
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00012
`Google v. Philips
`US 6,466,203 B2
`to published
`This document
`relates to a graphical
`for displaying
`device. The function
`is displayed
`of an electronic
`as an icon and at a scale
`a p c
`a t
`ssize in which
`the function
`is rSeco nizable by a omrabuntin
`The invention
`to graphical
`in particular
`to GUI's for devices with
`a relatively
`screen real estate, such as handheld
`(palmtops, mobile
`phones, Web pads, PDA's
`or notebook
`be 1B
`that by 2002 there will
`By 2004
`to mobile
`there will
`in use than PC's. Mobile
`be more Mobile phones
`by Philips Electronics,
`a the Genie manufactured
`have an LCD as part of
`the user interface
`and there is a trend
`an ever
`such as personal
`(PDA), e.g., the PalmIIIx
`by 3COM
`can be connected
`to the
`or a Windows
`a result,
`a wireless
`has started to become
`access via the Internet
`reality. Examples
`of a wireless
`modems are,
`for example,
`by Novatel Wireless,
`Minstrel marketed
`and the Ricochet
`from Metricom.
`The Minstrel
`is a two-way
`wireless modem
`for a PDA that
`lets the user browse
`the Web and receive
`upon the
`the icon is provided
`least an area of
`of at
`the icon. For example,
`the device
`the area of
`user touching
`The softkeys
`a Virtual
`20 played
`are too small
`the user
`to select an individual
`them. Now, when
`in a
`the user
`the keyboard
`the desired
`GUI magnifies
`so that
`key re-appears
`at a larger
`scale and can be selected.
`The inventor
`has realized
`this feature,
`referred to as
`is not only
`useful within
`for control
`of any kind of graphical
`on a display
`too small
`the total
`the dis-
`and size. For example,
`tion processing
`devices with Internet
`access (browsers)
`as PDA's,
`pads, mobile
`phones using, e.g., the WAP (wireless
`etc., can be given
`25 technology,
`web pages from the Internet,
`they cannot
`a page in its entirety without
`losing information.
`the page,
`and general
`the image of
`indicate whether
`may or may not be of
`to the user, e.g., as containing
`the auto-zoom
`e.g., a
`the user
`is stored, e.g.,as a bitmap,
`web page or streamed video that
`in the display's
`or another
`ew rael s mondem lhi
`It elaormR ocheentuparlovide tba 35
`device with an IP address
`that can be used by any
`type of application
`that uses the Internet
`for communication
`and coverage).
`The Minstrel
`uses a technology
`to as Cellular
`Packet Data (CDPD)
`by the cellular
`is supported
`relates to an information
`the invention
`cessing apparatus
`that has an input
`data from
`e.g. the Intemet,
`a display,
`an external
`a data
`system. The system is connected
`to the input
`o to the display. The system processes
`the data upon receipt
`on the display
`an image corresponding
`to the
`e 2 8K-bp
`n e
`u 4tLiFsor
`o e a e
`te ec
`ron o
`(the San Francisco
`area, Seattle
`ingm eec
`e s lect d
`rtt n o
`of PDA's
`the functionalities
`and that
`have started
`to converge,
`and mobile
`is developing.
`There will
`be an
`d scale
`dThe payrat a se
`screen. The
`scale (zoom-inc
`the user
`to perceive
`the image regardless of
`the display
`are pnow whork-
`the time. PDA's will get
`that stay with the user
`more power
`and smaller
`size and accommodate
`more versatile,
`to be the factors
`and display
`size are believed
`the handheld
`the usability
`and practicality
`or a hybrid.
`be it a mobile
`a palmtop
`the GUI
`to such
`are critical
`the consumers'
`In particular,
`ity of such services.
`or electromc
`etc., because the size of
`clients with browsing
`small due to the required
`is necessarily
`a handheld's
`form factor and weight
`The ubiquitous
`55 tion access
`via a browser
`is a great
`a wireless modem),
`as not only
`but also, e.g., still
`(e.g., HTML)
`page with
`and java
`are now within
`devices whose
`so screen real
`needs not be the limiting
`factor anymore.
`gn naytbenefit
`of user-friendliness
`froymdtdhe ubis uhity of handhelds
`the handheld
`Co-pending U.S.Ser.No.09/062,364
`and incorporated
`by reference,
`in the invention
`The apparatus
`The term "texting"
`is currently
`of short
`65 sending
`and receiving
`phones. Many service
`send short
`text messages
`can have
`one or more
`to the
`being used to refer
`text messages using mobile
`allow users to key in and
`short messaging
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00013
`Google v. Philips
`US 6,466,203 B2
`the Web, and
`to navigate
`the user
`for enabling
`for processing
`the graphical
`data as explained
`in Europe
`and East Asia seem to have embraced
`just as young people in the U.S. have gone
`the software
`this technology,
`live chat
`instant messaging
`the Internet.
`in U.S, Ser. No. 09/062,364
`(PHA 23,387)
`via modem
`has retrieved
`When the user
`a web
`on LCD 102 in its entirety. Due to
`phone's GUI.
`the page gets displayed
`the user-friendliness
`the mobile
`the scale size of LCD 102 individual
`the auto-zoom
`to cover
`fragments may not be well discernible,
`the lay-out
`of arbitrary
`the page conveys
`to the user
`ens the scope of applicability
`of data processing
`determine what portion of the page may be relevant. Assume
`in the field of consumer
`right hand corner of the page.
`10 that
`the portion
`is the upper
`Screenphones may also benefit
`from the current
`tion. A screenphone
`now touches
`104 in the associated
`is typically
`a wired
`that has a
`the user
`this action gets translated by processor 108
`and a keyboard. The Internet
`or area,
`small display monitor
`of program memory 110 into a zooming-in
`rapidly. Analysts
`and under control
`phone market
`is expanding
`as over $2 B by 2002. The
`on that part of
`the page image that
`is centered
`enues in this market
`e.g., by a pre-
`success of
`the Minitel
`system in France has triggered
`the 15 touch
`can be implemented,
`area into, say,
`of screenphones
`elsewhere by banks to promote
`the display
`home banking
`and shopping.
`part of
`the original
`gets magnified
`that has a center
`the touch
`by way
`in further
`is explained
`The invention
`of example and with reference to the accompanying
`with a block diagram of a handheld
`device in the invention.
`to, among
`As specified
`the invention
`idea in U.S. Ser.
`the autozoom keyboard
`No. 09/062,364
`or displayable
`to any kind
`of graphical
`in its
`when the information
`For example,
`a web
`page with
`links on a mobile
`has a small LCD with touch
`screen functionality,
`the user-interaction
`with the
`if possible
`at all, due to their
`size. The
`LCD can nevertheless
`the web page in its entirety
`it down. This initial
`upon retrieval
`the 35
`from the Internet may
`very well
`the page
`down image
`the scaled
`the user
`can still
`areas of
`and the hyperlinks
`therein. When the user
`the e
`the screen,
`the portion
`the image underneath
`touched location
`is enlarged and displayed
`so that hyperlinks
`a next, similar
`can be individually
`be selected,
`FIG. 1 is a block
`of an
`diagram with main components
`100 in the invention.
`100 is,
`a mobile
`phone or a palmtop
`PC with
`100 comprises
`a display 102 for display
`screen 104 for user-
`a graphical
`and a touch
`102 comprises,
`with the apparatus. Display
`an LCD. Touch screen 104 is, for example,
`a resistive
`For more
`example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,402,151;
`and 5,767,458
`of Philips Electronics,
`by reference. LCD 102 and touch screen
`104 are physically
`a random-access
`108, and a program
`106, a microprocessor
`110 (e., an EEPROM). A portion of memory
`106 comprises
`a frame buffer 112. Frame buffer 112 is coupled
`to display
`102 and stores
`the information
`shown on display
`102. Memory
`106 stores
`are mapped
`display 102 via frame buffer 106 under control of a software
`108. Microprocessor
`run on microprocessor
`via touch screen 104 and translates
`into associated GUI actions via frame buffer 112 under
`the program memory 110. Handheld
`100 com-
`to Internet 116.
`prises a wireless modem 114 for connecting
`Program memory 110 stores, among other
`things, a browser
`104 causes
`to undergo a change in appearance. The change is preferably
`is the simulation
`by displaying
`a series
`of pictures,
`frames, e.g., bitmaps. For example,
`an image of
`the original
`in the zoomed in version of
`the area
`25 page gradually
`the animation,
`the user perceives
`from one
`to the other
`as a continuous
`is created of a gradually
`The impression
`30 lay-out.
`the animation
`a new
`The animation
`is effected
`to re-orientate
`in memory
`the bitmaps
`and frame buffer 112.
`herein are the following:
`by reference
`U.S.Ser. No. 09/062,364 (attorney
`docket PHA 23,387)
`17, 1998
`filed Apr.
`for Sung Choi
`Jan van Ee for
`relates to
`a graphical
`screen for displaying
`of an electronic
`device. The function
`as an icon and at a scale size in which
`the function
`is recognizable
`by a user but
`to easily
`the function. A magnified
`of at
`area of
`the icon is provided
`upon the user
`the area
`the icon.
`U.S.Ser. No. 09/128,839 (attorney
`docket PHA 23,469)
`filed Aug. 4, 1998 for Jan van Ee for REMOTE
`GUI. This document
`to a remote
`of equipment
`50 control
`as a
`home theater. The remote has a display
`for display
`of a GUI
`a user
`interact with
`the device
`the GUI
`to undergo
`change in appearance. The change is effected
`ss mation. Animation
`is the simulation
`of movement
`frames, e.g., bitmaps.
`a series
`of pictures,
`a panel with clustered
`slides out of
`view and a next one slides into view, or displayed
`icons slide
`to new positions
`new icons appear, etc. Through
`60 animation,
`the user
`the development
`from one
`to the other as a continuous
`The impression
`is created
`of a gradually
`of scrolling
`panels, of sliding,
`or contracting
`etc. Thus,
`the animation
`avoids the impression
`of an abrupt
`65 confrontation
`with a new lay-out.
`U.S.Ser. No. 09/427,821 (attorney
`filed Oct. 27, 1999 for Joost Kemink
`docket PHA 23,786)
`and Richard Sagar
`GOOGLE EX. 1013 - 00014
`Google v. Philips
`US 6,466,203 B2
`This document
`to a
`PDA combined
`with a wireless modem to enable remote
`of CE equipment
`via the Internet
`and a local home
`server. More specifically,
`The wireless modem enables com-
`a server
`via a data network
`such as the
`Internet. A control
`is coupled
`the server
`and controllable
`The handheld
`is now capable of
`as a wireless
`via the Internet
`and the server. The system may
`a video camera together with hardware
`and soft-
`to create
`a formatted
`for being
`on the handheld
`device. The user can now instruct
`of a still
`image from the server via the Internet. This
`serves as, e.g.,a security
`system that enables the
`to monitor
`front porch, or
`to monitor
`by way
`a remote
`and monitoring
`is claimed
`1. A handheld
`a wireless
`a dntth
`for a mobile user.
`device comprising:
`in 25
`small size suitable
`that has a substantially
`a display
`the handheld
`a data processing
`system connected
`to the modem and to
`the display
`for processing
`the received
`data and for
`an image corresponding
`to the data received;
`a touch screen
`for enabling
`a user
`to interact with the
`is operative
`to select
`the user
`to enable
`the system
`screen a portion
`on the touch
`a touch location
`image, when displayed
`at a first scale,
`at a second scale larger
`on the display
`than the first scale thereby
`a selection
`of a
`the first scale is a
`the selected
`portion when rendered
`version of part of
`the image at the first scale
`centered around the touch
`2.The device of claim 1, wherein
`a position
`the touch
`is arbitrary
`with respect
`to the touch screen.
`3. The device of claim 1, comprising
`a browser.
`4.The device of claim 1, having wireless
`5. The
`of claim 1, wherein
`the data
`6. Software
`for being installed
`device comprising:
`a wireless modem
`a display
`that has a substantially
`the handheld
`on a handheld
`small size suitable
`and to the
`to the input
`a data processing
`data and for ren-
`for processing
`the received