`Patent Owner
`Case No. IPR2017-00353
`U.S. Patent No. 8,983,134
`(EXHIBIT 1012)
`Samsung v. Image Processing Techs.


`U.S. PATENT No. 8,983,134
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and
`Samsung Electronics America, Inc.,
`CASE IPR2017-00353
`Image Processing Technologies, LLC,
`Oral Argument
`February 21, 2018
`Samsung’s Demonstrative Exhibits
`Patent Owner.


`Overview of the ’134 Patent
`Claim Construction
`Instituted Grounds for Review
`Gilbert + Hashima
`Ueno + Gilbert


`Overview of the ’134 Patent
`Claim Construction
`Instituted Grounds for Review
`Gilbert + Hashima
`Ueno + Gilbert


`The 134 Pawn!
`The ’134 Patent
`Patent N0.:
`Date of Patent:
`Mar. 17, 2014
`US 8,983,134 B2
`*Mar. 17, 2015
`Ex. 1001
`Ex. 1001
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Jul. 26, 1996
`(FR) ...................................... 96 09420


`’134 Patent, Claim 1
`Ex. 1001


`’134 Patent, Claim 2
`’134 Patent, Claim 2
`Ex. 1001
`2. The process according to claim 1 further comprising
`drawing a tracking box around. the tcrget.


`Claim Language
`’134 Patent, Claims 1, 2
`Three Disputed Elements
`“A process of tracking a target in an input signal implemented using a system comprising an image
`processing system, the input signal comprising a succession of frames, each frame comprising a
`succession of pixels, the target comprising pixels in one or more of a plurality of classes in one or
`more of a plurality of domains, the process performed by said system comprising, on a frame-by-
`frame basis:”
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a plurality of classes in the
`one or more of a plurality of domains, said at least one histogram referring to classes defining
`said target; and”
`“identifying the target in said at least one histogram itself”
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises determining X minima and maxima
`and Y minima and maxima of boundaries of the target.”
`“The process according to claim 1 further comprising drawing a tracking box around the target.”
`Ex. 1001


`Example of Claimed Invention
`Ex. 1001 at Fig. 15


`Forming at Least One Histogram
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`’134 Patent, Fig. 16
`’134 Patent, Fig. 17
`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`Ex. 1001 at Figs. 16, 17


`Identifying Target in Histogram Itself
`“identifying the target in said at least one histogram itself”
`’134 Patent, Fig. 16
`’134 Patent, Fig. 17
`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[b]
`Ex. 1001 at Figs. 16, 17; Reply at 9, 28; Petition at 8-9


`Determining X and Y Minima and Maxima
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`’134 Patent, Fig. 16
`’134 Patent, Fig. 17
`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Ex. 1001 at Figs. 16, 17; Reply at 9, 28; Petition at 8-9


`Overview of the ’134 Patent
`Claim Construction
`Instituted Grounds for Review
`Gilbert + Hashima
`Ueno + Gilbert


`Patent Owner Construes Two Terms
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Ex. 1001


`PO’s Incorrect Construction: 1[a] Forming the Histogram
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Ex. 1001


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`PO’s Incorrect Construction: 1[a] Forming the Histogram
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`•PO originallyinterpreted “one or more” as “two or more”:
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in two or more
`classes that are in two or more domains” PO Prel. Resp. at 15
`•Rejected by the Board in Institution Decision:
`•Board found PO construction would render “one or more” superfluous
`•Board construed “to encompass at least oneclass from among a plurality
`of possible classes and at least onedomain from among a plurality of
`possible domains” Institution Decision at 9-10


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`PO’s Construction Is Narrower Than District Court Construction
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`•PO now proposes a further narrow construction, interpreting
`“referring to”as “made up only of”PO Resp. at 5
`•District Court found a broader construction:
`“forming at least one histogram … at least one histogram
`being formed of pixels in the one or more classes that
`define said target” PO Resp. at 5


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`PO’s Construction Is Narrower Than The Board’s Decision
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`•PO now proposes a further narrow construction, interpreting
`“referring to”as “made up only of”PO Resp. at 5
`•Board applied a broader interpretation:
`“Specifically, claim 1, which uses the open-ended transition
`‘comprising,’ recites that the target comprises pixels in one or
`more of a plurality of classes and that the histogram is formed from
`those pixels, but it does not preclude the histogram from also
`including other pixels outside the target.” Institution Decision at 19-20


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`PO’s Incorrect Construction Is Inconsistent With The Plain Meaning
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`•PO’s construction interpreting “referring to”as “made up only of”
`is incorrect PO Resp. at 5
`“Referring to” classes does not require excluding
`pixels in any class that does not define the target.
`Reply at 4-5


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`PO’s Construction Is Inconsistent With The Specification
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`’134 Patent, Fig. 12
`Patent Owner admits:
`“the target in Figure 12 is defined
`by, for example, ‘significant speeds’
`(see Ex. 1001 at 21:37-40).”
`PO Resp. at 11
`But the histograms include
`pixels that fall outsideof the
`class of “significant speeds”
`defined by La, Lb, Lc, and Ld
`Reply at 5-6.
`Ex. 1001; Reply at 5-6.


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`Patent Owner’s Expert Disagrees With Patent Owner
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`PO argues Figure 17 supports
`But PO’s expert insists that
`its construction PO Resp. at 10
`Figure 17 does notshow claim 1:
`’134 Patent, Fig. 17
`Do you --do you see the line Ybin Figure 17?
`I do.
`So the line Yb, though, is on the --it bounds the maximum
`X axis value of the face; right?
`… And again, as I said earlier, it is my belief that this
`Ex. 1011 (BovikDep. Tr.) at50:2-51:22
`embodiment isn’t directed toward claim 1 in any case.


`PO’s Incorrect Construction: 1[c] X and Y Min and Max
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Ex. 1001


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`PO’s Incorrect Construction: 1[c] X and Y Min and Max
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`PO does not formally propose a construction
`•Instead argues that “forming the histogram” must “exclude actions
`taken after creating the histogram.” PO Resp. at 13; Reply at 9
`Rejected by the Board in Institution Decision :
`“claim 1 does not precludecreating a histogram, and then
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima
`of boundaries of the target from that histogram, from both
`being part of the ‘forming’ step.” Institution Decision at 20
`PO Resp. at 13; Reply at 9; Institution Decision at 20


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`PO’s Construction Is Inconsistent With The Specification
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`PO argues determination must be
`made without taking any additional
`’134 Patent, Fig. 17
`actions after creating the histogram
`But patent describes
`•histograms are formed,
`• thenpeaks are used to calculate
`X/Y minima/maxima of the target
`PO’s construction excludes this
`embodiment Reply at 9


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`’134 Patent
`Claim 4
`PO’s Construction Is Inconsistent With The Claims
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`“The process according to claim 1, wherein forming the at least one
`histogram further comprises successively increasing the size of a selected
`area until the boundary of the target is found.
`“Forming” the histogram
`cannot exclude subsequent
`steps, or claim 4 would not
`be functional. See iterative
`steps of Figs. 21, 22, 23
`Reply at 10


`Overview of the ’134 Patent
`Claim Construction
`Instituted Grounds for Review
`Gilbert + Hashima
`Gilbert + Hashima
`Ueno + Gilbert


`Obviousness Over Gilbert and Hashima
`PO disputes the disclosure of only certain limitations
`and only under its own proposed constructions
`Claim Element
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed


`Obviousness Over Gilbert and Hashima
`There is no dispute that claims 1 and 2 are
`invalid under the Board’s preliminary constructions
`Claim Element
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Board’s Board’s
`Preliminary Preliminary
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed


`’134 Patent, Claim 1
`Ex. 1001


`Overview of Gilbert
`•Gilbert published in IEEE Transactions
`on Pattern Analysis and Machine
`Intelligence in January 1980
`Petition at 11
`•Creates projection histograms of
`pixels having intensity values that
`classify them as part of the target
`•Projection histograms identify
`Petition at 42; Ex. 1002 (Hart Decl.) ¶ 98; Reply at 14-15
`target and determine its minimum
`and maximum extent in the X-Y
`coordinate space
`Petition at 16-17, 43-44; Ex. 1002 (Hart Decl.) ¶¶
`101-104 (incorporating chart at VII.B.4, pp. 70-74);
`Reply at 16
`Ex. 1005 (Gilbert) at 47, 51; Petition at 11; Reply at 14-16


`Overview of Hashima
`•Hashima patent granted
`May 28, 1996
`Petition at 19-20
`•Creates projection
`histograms of black pixels in a
`black-and-white target
`Reply at 8, 15
`•Projection histograms identify
`target and determine its minimum
`and maximum extent in the X and
`Y directions
`Petition at 16-17, 22-25, 43-44; Ex. 1002 (Hart Decl.)
`¶¶ 101-104 (incorporating chart at VII.B.4, pp. 70-74);
`Reply at 19, 22-23
`Ex. 1006 (Hashima); Petition at 19-20, 22-25, 43; Reply at 8, 15, 19, 22-23


`’134 Patent, Element 1[a]
`Ex. 1001


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`preliminary construction
`Gilbert Discloses 1[a] Under Board’s Construction: Not Disputed
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`•PO does not dispute Gilbert discloses 1[a] under the Board’s
`•PO only disputes whether the intensity histogramof Gilbert
`satisfies 1[a] under PO’s proposed construction
`“Gilbert’s intensity histogramsdo not satisfy this limitation because they
`do not use only those classes defining the target, they form from all
`intensity values of all pixels in a region.”
`PO Resp. at 38
`•Does noteven address Gilbert’s projection histogram in
`the ResponseReply at 14
`PO Resp. at 38; Reply at 13-14


`Gilbert Discloses 1[a] Under PO’s Construction: Not Disputed
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`Even under PO’s proposed
`Ex. 1005 (Gilbert) at 50-51
`construction, Gilbert’s projection
`histogramsdisclose element 1[a]
`•Pixels of certain intensity values are
`classified as target pixels
`• Onlypixels in the target intensity
`class are formed into projection
`histograms in X-and Y-coordinate
`Reply at 14-15
`PO does not dispute
`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`Ex. 1005 at 50-51; Ex. 1002 at ¶ 100; Reply at 14-15


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`Hashima Discloses 1[a] Under Board’s Construction: Not Disputed
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`•PO does not dispute that Hashima disclose 1[a] under the
`•PO only disputes whether Hashima disclose 1[a] under
`PO’s proposed construction:
`“a histogram which ‘refers to classes defining said target’
`must include only those classes that define a target”
`PO Resp. at 39
`Board’s preliminary construction


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[a]
`Hashima Discloses 1[a] Under PO’s Construction
`“forming at least one histogram of the pixels in the one or more of a
`plurality of classes in the one or more of a plurality of domains, said at
`least one histogram referring to classes defining said target”
`Even under PO’s proposed construction, Hashima
`Ex. 1006 (Hashima)
`discloses element 1[a]
`• Only blackpixels of target (black circle with white
`triangle) are included in projection histograms.
`PO’s expert admits white pixels are not counted:
`Q. But you would agree that the projection histograms in Figure 6
`include the black pixels, but they don’t include the white pixels
`in the target; right?
`A. Well, I mean --I mean, let me be more precise. Okay? So if I say
`they’re not included, they are included. It’s just that they don’t
`Ex. 1011 (BovikDep. Tr.) at 119:16-23
`contribute to the height of the histogram there.


`’134 Patent, Element 1[b]
`Ex. 1001


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[b]
`Gilbert Discloses 1[b]
`“identifying the target in said at least one histogram itself”
`Gilbert discloses 1[b]
`Ex. 1005 (Gilbert)
`•Gilbert identifies missile target in projection
`histograms themselves:
`The target location, orientation, and structure are
`characterized by the pattern of 1 entries in the binary
`picture matrix, and the target activity is characterized by a
`sequence of picture matricies. In the projection processor,
`these matrices are analyzed field-by-field at 60 fields/s.
`Ex. 1005 (Gilbert) at 50; Petition at 16-17
`Petition at 16-17, 43-44, 67; Ex. 1002 (Hart Decl.) ¶¶ 101-102 (incorporating chart VII.B.4, pp. 70-72); Reply at 16-19


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[b]
`Gilbert and ’134 Patent Identify Target the Same Way
`“identifying the target in said at least one histogram itself”
`Ex. 1005 (Gilbert)
`’134 Patent, Fig. 17
`Form histogram of those pixels
`having a selected intensity
`range and identify the target in
`the resulting histograms
`Form histogram of those pixels
`having a selected movement
`range and identify the target in
`the resulting histograms
`Reply at 17-18


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[b]
`Hashima Discloses 1[b]: Not Disputed
`“identifying the target in said at least one histogram itself”
`PO does not disputeHashima discloses 1[b]
`Ex. 1006 (Hashima)
`•Hashima identifies target by counting peaks and
`valleys in projection histograms
`Ex. 1006 (Hashima) at 9:8-17
`Petition at 22-25, 43-44; Ex. 1002 (Hart Decl.) ¶¶ 61-66, 101-102 (incorporating chart at VIII.B.4 at pp. 70-72); Reply at 19


`’134 Patent, Element 1[c]
`Ex. 1001


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Gilbert Discloses 1[c] Under Board’s Interpretation: Not Disputed
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`•PO admits that Gilbert discloses 1[c] under the Board’s
`interpretation in the Institution Decision
`“The projection histogram . . . can be used to find the X and Y minima and maxima
`of the target.”PO Resp. at 30
`•PO only disputes whether Gilbert discloses 1[c] under PO’s
`“The determination of X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target is disclosed in Gilbert as occurring only after complete
`histogram formation”PO Resp. at 30


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Gilbert Discloses 1[c] Under PO’s Construction
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`Even under PO’s proposed construction,
`Ex. 1005 (Gilbert)
`Gilbert discloses element 1[c]
`•X/Y min/max are immediately known from the
`Gilbert projection histograms - e.g., “nose” and
`“tail” points
`•Thus, forming the histogram also determines the
`X/Y min/max
`PO’s expert argues using nose and tail points as
`X/Y min/max is subject to noise
`•But claim 1 recites no requirement of noise immunity
`Ex. 1005 (Gilbert) at 50-51; Figs. 3, 4; Petition at 44; Reply at 21-22


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Hashima Discloses 1[c] Under Board’s Interpretation: Not Disputed
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`•PO admits that Hashima discloses 1[c] under the Board’s
`interpretation in the Institution Decision
`•PO only disputes whether Hashima discloses 1[c] under
`“the projection histograms are formed and then used to determine aspects of
`the target” PO Resp. at 31
`“Hashima discloses determining X and Y minima and maxima of the boundaries
`of a target … , but the determination is not made until afterthe histogram is
`already formed....” PO Resp. at 31
`PO’s construction:


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Hashima Discloses 1[c] Under PO’s Construction
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`Even under PO’s proposed construction, Hashima
`Ex. 1006 (Hashima)
`discloses element 1[c]
`•X and Y min and max are immediately known from the
`projection histograms as points Xb1, Xb2, Yb1, and Yb2
`•Thus, forming the histogram also determines the X and
`Y min and max
`•Hashima also expressly uses X/Y min/max points to
`calculate the center point (mx, my) of the target:
`mx=(Xb1 +Xb2)/2
`Ex. 1006 (Hashima) at 11:13-25
`Ex. 1006 (Hashima) at Figs. 6, 10, 15; Reply at 22-24


`Obviousness Over Gilbert And Hashima
`’134 Patent
`Motivation to Combine


`A POSAWould Have Combined Gilbert and Hashima
`It would have been obvious to combine Gilbert and Hashima:
`•Both use image processing to identify and track a target
`Petition at 34
`•Both employ a camera that keeps target in field of view and recognize
`importance of finding the center
`Petition at 34-35
`•Both analyze brightness levels to distinguish target from background
`•Both form projection histograms of pixels meeting brightness
`Petition at 35-36
`classification criteria for target identification
`Petition at 36-37
`•Hashima proposes a simpler tracking method based on target end
`points (X/Y max/min) that could benefit Gilbert
`Petition at 38
`Reply at 34-38


`A POSAWould Have Combined Gilbert and Hashima
`•Contrary to PO’s argument, both rely on assumptions about
`target structure to track image Reply at 25
`•Gilbert: elongated missile shape and target, background, and plume
`•Hashima: fiducial target shape and coloring
`•Contrary to PO’s argument, Hashima is not restricted to tracking a
`slow-moving target:
`Ex. 1006 (Hashima) at 25:31-33


`Overview of the ’134 Patent
`Claim Construction
`Instituted Grounds for Review
`Gilbert + Hashima
`Ueno + Gilbert
`Ueno + Gilbert


`Obviousness Over Ueno and Gilbert
`PO disputes the disclosure of only certain limitations
`and only under its own proposed constructions
`Claim Element
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed


`Obviousness Over Ueno and Gilbert
`There is no dispute that claims 1 and 2 are
`invalid under the Board’s preliminary constructions
`Claim Element
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Not Disputed
`Board’s Board’s
`Preliminary Preliminary
`Not Disputed


`’134 Patent, Claim 1
`Ex. 1001


`Overview of Ueno
`•Ueno issued on September 22, 1992
`•Apparatus for detecting a face and
`centering it in a image frame for a
`video conference
`•Projection histograms along the
`X-and Y-axes are used to determine
`the size and location of a face in a
`video image
`Ex. 1007 (Ueno) at 7:17-20; Fig. 3; Reply at 25-27


`’134 Patent, Element 1[c]
`Ex. 1001


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Ueno Discloses 1[c] Under Board’s Interpretation: Not Disputed
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`•PO admits that Ueno discloses 1[c] under the Board’s
`interpretationin the Institution Decision
`“the top and bottom [Y max/min] of the head are determined from the y-axis
`histogram, and the left and right ends [X max/min] of the head are located using
`the x-axis histogram.” PO Resp. at 33
`•PO only disputes whether Ueno discloses 1[c] under PO’s
`“Therefore, X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of boundaries of the
`target are not determined while forming the at least one histogram.”
`PO Resp. at 33


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Ueno Discloses 1[c] Under PO’s Construction
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`Y minima and maxima are
`Ex. 1007 (Ueno) at Fig. 3
`determined directly from the point
`where the Y-projection histogram
`exceeds a threshold
`Ex. 1007 (Ueno) at 7:17-20
`Reply at 26-27


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Ueno Discloses 1[c] Under PO’s Construction
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`X minima and maxima are
`Ex. 1007 (Ueno) at Fig. 3
`determined directly from the
`X-projection histogram
`Ex. 1007 (Ueno) at 7:21-25
`Reply at 26-27


`’134 Patent
`Claim 1[c]
`Ueno Discloses 1[c] Under PO’s Construction
`“wherein forming the at least one histogram further comprises
`determining X minima and maxima and Y minima and maxima of
`boundaries of the target.”
`Ex. 1007 (Ueno) at Fig. 3
`Ueno analyzes
`’134 Patent, Fig. 17
`completed histogram
`to determine X and Y
`minima and maxima,
`just like embodiment
`of Figure 17 in the
`’134 Patent
`Ex. 1001, Reply at 27-28


`Obviousness Over Ueno And Gilbert
`’134 Patent
`Motivation to Combine


`A POSAWould Have Combined Ueno and Gilbert
`It would have been obvious to combine Ueno and Gilbert:
`•Both describe image processing systems that use
`the digital output of a video camera system to identify and track
`a target on a frame-by-frame basis
`Petition at 60-61
`•Both form histograms of pixel brightness in order to
`identify target
`Petition at 61-62
`•While Gilbert forms three tracking windows to track target,
`background, and plume, it would benefit from Ueno’s simple
`tracking box surrounding only the target, which is less distracting
`for the user
`Petition at 62-63
`Petition at 60-63


`A POSAWould Have Combined Ueno and Gilbert
`•Contrary to PO’s argument, both rely on assumptions about
`target structure to track image
`•Gilbert: elongated missile shape and target, background, and plume
`•Ueno: head and shoulder shape and orientation
`•Contrary to PO’s argument, Ueno is not restricted to tracking a
`slow-moving target
`•Both Ueno and Gilbert process video image data on a frame-by-frame basis
`Reply at 30; Petition at 60-61
`Reply at 30; Petition at 60-61


`Thank You
`Thank You


`The undersigned certifies pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(e) and § 42.105 that on
`February 13, 2018, a true and correct copy of PETITIONER’S DEMONSTRATIVES
`FOR ORAL HEARING was served via express mail on the Patent Owner at the
`following correspondence address of record:
`Gregory Nelson
`222 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 700
`West Palm Beach, FL 33401
`Gregory Nelson
`997 Lennox Drive, Bld. 3
`Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
`Copies were also sent to Patent Owner’s litigation counsel via electronic mail:
`S. Calvin Capshaw
`114 E. Commerce Ave.
`Gladewater, TX 75647
`Michael N. Zachary
`1801 Page Mill Road, Suite 210
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`Respectfully submitted,
`Christopher J. Coulson
`Mark Chapman
`Rose Cordero Prey
`One Broadway
`New York, NY 10004
`/s/ Marc Pensabene .
`Marc Pensabene (Reg. No. 37,416)
`O’Melveny & Myers LLP
`Times Square Tower, 7 Times Square
`New York, NY 10036
`Telephone: (212) 326-2000
`Attorney for Petitioner

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