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`* owegxnenaw
`The “A Dictionary of the English Language” section ohis book
`(Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary) is based on tlsecond edition of
`The Random House Dictionary ofthe English Lcmgzge,
`the Unabridged Edition, copyright 1993, 1987
`Copyright 1996 by Random House Value Publishir. Inc.
`All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copjght Conventions.
`No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted any form
`or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocoing, recording,
`or by any information storage and retrieval system, withoupermission
`in writing from the publisher.
`edition published by Barnes & Noble, Inc
`by arrangement with Random House Value Publishi, Inc.
`1996 Barnes 8: Noble Books
`ISBN 0-7607-0288-8
`Printed and bound in the United States of Amen


`contain adverlienlnanht or lists
`by cata
`I cl.ass.heloI:gi:xgbctl'|e-firstorhigheetclass. e-qo.iv.t.o
`cluwlisl cuss + _iuns —1c]
`class (Idea. Hie). n. 1. a number of persons at thinas
`Loch under "plumbers" in the
`oflhe tal-
`ed as !'o\n-ni\_a§_a group by reason of common at-
`to. or
`1. of. nertaini
`tklosfl‘ ital}. nrij.
`uggu, charaalunstrca. Qualities. or trails; kind; sort: a
`fififld section of the nrlwpaprt.
`_$. or Infolvnatron. a
`aphonc booie. He found ajob hr :1
`in u.:_ clas-
`characterietic of Greek and Roman antiquity: e aesical
`4",, afo '
`is used in daily living. 2. a troop of stu-
`iloculnomt, alto.) 8. bearing the designation a,-Inca
`lflerolun: classical tang
`M53. 2. confisrnuug to ancient;
`u we
`to study a subject under the
`available only he author-Emil persona. Cf. olassi
`Roman model: us literature or art. or to later
`up, ofu one or:
`a clan had‘ era-Sim! on tivne {hr
`Greek and
`lease niodcied upon ‘them. 3. marked in’ clocsichm:
`t I, mum». 3. the period during which a group oE‘:tu—
`tional ndget for mil.‘ year is classified anfwmatmn. 5.
`ll. confidential or sooner; The‘ firm‘: prome-
`constituting he tbrmnily and artiattral more an biraci-
`identified as b
`3 to 9 sjaucific urmup or category. as
`amt: meals for l.l1Il.l'I:l.'>l.l0l':.
`43-. o rue-eua%.0l' B 81""-‘P 0"
`oaaicm‘ airnloiicity. Q.
`ilfueir. a. of.
`ar1.ain:|ng'.t«D. or
`mdsal: for lawn-action. 5. u classroom.
`a number of
`are r
`|e in as animal. or ofsrndonts in a college. pu|_-suing
`oalod and enduring typos ofmnslc. as I_i.i:Itia.guiah
`‘.i“§..i‘s'3 ““°" "F.f.'.:°afi“‘n'i’.' ii‘?.”:"'£§‘°.i‘§.s"”".?.” ‘5‘°“’ ‘”
`po1:Iu.1a.r and folk music andjan. Claesnca] mueIe_‘in:1u|!ee
`wan studies. ranked together or
`dunked In the
`aymphoniel. operas. aunatae. song cycles. and heder. h.
`bunk fl tr list of
`¢'Il5IOlI'll.'l'I to whom il will
`not male: in
`---n. 8. Sea -olaaolflacl ad.
`“W year: She grnniualnd‘ flem Ohm Int}. til!!! 01'' 7?»
`artlining on.'uwi by. or _adhar5ng _tu the
`7 1 aerial arrattun abnun bane}: ecouolmc. saoiitluzal. or
`9D,- l9£0—I-5
`1-def. 3; 0.l'..|\.B8‘I:r! + -ao']
`‘ _.
`. charvaclzar-i,al:i
`hams the same racial po-
`:. at")
`viral ~ordemfl. .- I o‘i-moi: mluncal. etyle of‘ the
`o erso
`a turd Mozart one classical componn. 5. Arabia‘. a.
`diulr social-an cute. 9. social _1-ulk. ear-
`in.“ °a.a°'"°n1.-.igti."§'”"°
`_ up In aoclety.
` . "..I -:l. l'-— "--
`'E”e‘§Ei"Ib:r he
`-me "e "7"
`euro, characterized by the employment of orders. C
`a.3gga aocorduln‘ to rank or are . Hotels were hated
`monl, want ad.
`order (def. 2Tb}. b. acting or
`icing to any of _sev.
`olasfslfled edfverflslne.
`1. classified ads collec-
`3' class. with lite moat luxurious umee listed first. 12.
`are! at ice ufnmllibechlrl clo
`IIIIIKIHM; the al'l:hltU¢-
`man“: umpfignhj mg;-[Lg She's a good c:-Ihrmcr, but
`tore o ancient Greece or Rome; ueoclassu-. 9. noting or
`tively. 2. the business or -practice of selling span: {in-
`'1.‘ {ages class. 13. Hinduism.
`that social
`classified ads. 3.
`rtment or a newspaper or
`leining to architectural details or mohfa a
`§.,,........., tlu: Ernhmon, Kshatriya.
`aisra. and Shudrn.
`other plrhlicatima that handles claesifiarl advertising.
`or Hindu society; Verna. C1‘. caste gdef. 2}. 14. Infar-
`simple. 20 on
`n.m[_ giggance, grace, orr d§B|'-Iii)’. as In drone and behav-
`a§.Cl£I1f.}G1'aek or Romanf?Lode1sh‘d. [ofan ard‘:i1,oec-
`clae-cl-fl-or [,|rJn?a filer}. n. 1. a p|I'l‘!DI1l or thing that
`ior“. He may he a aloh. but his brolher has real close. 15.
`symmmacfiin a mannerpeug-seating th chm of
`ancient Greece and Rome.
`tnflen cup.) pertaining to
`or guveral grades of accournmodalrieue availahie on
`claaslfila. Z 8 device for separating solids of rlil-“went
`ehorecwn-laricc by controlled rates of settling. 3.
`‘flip,’ ai
`us, and the like; We bought tickets for first
`(in Chinese, Japanese. and other languages) a word or
`sculpture, developed In Greece during
`a 5th and 4th
`1 . Informal the heat or among the
`or designating the style of fine or-cs.
`painting and
`centuries 11.6.. chic-fl)’ d by ba1a.nce|i_ compu-
`rnorpheme that corresponds to a eanaantic class ofnouua
`and regularly acoempaniea any noun or that clue: in cer-
`kind: Flair neuylrlarre ia the cla.s_a vft.f:e_wE£ie-bodwd enr-
`Hngg 1?. [ho . rhe uecIal.rna;or suhdxvisien ofa ph -
`tain aynlncizlc oonalrructlona, auch as those ofnumararlon,
`and. and the nabur
`]m,,ur¢iviaianinthec1aesiflcafinn oforganlemgue
`the separation of {mm fro1n_nn architectural
`atial movement, and drstrlhuhom ofwmght an a
`mngisfing ofeevex-e1 orders. 13. But. Unw. any of
`[1310-20; cr.Aaernr + -w.‘]
`. archaic (def. 1), Hellenistic {d-sf. 6}.
`J’. of or
`into trhich candidates for honors degrees 81'! th-
`clae-ei-fy {Han/9 II’). a\.!.. -fled. -fy-hug. 1. to arrange
`rlaining to a style of Hiereture and .art charactenzed
`.ia:i'°§mrnn¢ to merit on the basis offinal examina-
`or organize by clause; order according to clean. 2. in mg.
`agm I9. drafted or conscripted sold-icfl. 01" P°'|‘$°‘n'
`E; ccnforrnily on estahlielxed h-anhnants, taste. or critical
`:1 claaaifrcatloa to Kinformatlotl. a document, eta). Cf.
`avnjtahle for draft or ooncerlphorn, all ofwhom were born
`ekanrlard-.9. and 1}! attention to form with the general
`cgalflcatlorl (def. 5}. 3. to limit the availability ef[ln—
`effect ofrnguianrar, simplicity. balance. pmpcrtiou, and
`in nu; same year. 20-. Gram. Bee farm class. 21. E4:-
`formabion. a document. etc.)
`to authorized persona.
`com:-ol.led emolion colatraslad with mmonrncl. 5. per-
`ulna classic. 22. (in early Methodiaml one of several
`taining to or v _
`in the engineer cl.aaaiI_:a: a classical
`sfnfifl mmpanios, _
`ournpoaerl oi: about 13 melnbara
`H7 : -: L classi{s} mean + -nr] —olas-Fol-fifa.
`under a leader. Into w11_icl_u each an-met! or ccnarfiafihflh
`—:3yrI. 1. class. rank. rate, categorize. group.
`scholar. B. relehnitu or teaching amderom branches of
`W“ divided. _23. Sinrsslsut a group of uneneurements
`rl fifim technical su ecu. 10. [ofa given
`class! Inclulslon.
`the relation between two
`as the umamuaa, filbaerel aclimcu. el‘c.. as
`that fell nation a xnecsiied interval. 24. Hath. a set: a
`classes in wide}: all
`re ofone clues are included in
`field of knowiednul amuntaa as
`third and authorita-
`collection. 25. the classes. the higher realm oi‘ society.
`as distinal-Iish-ed fium the mallet.
`live. as distin
`' lied !.'r_uIn novel or experimental: derai-
`nai physics.
`1. classic (data. 1
`8,_1ll). 12. Eoclee.
`..¢.fi. . 25. 1'
`mad. orhigh _q,u.alit.v. inteeriur. status. or
`tl'|.:1sOIl'.ll£l'. as in the proposition "Mi hurnarul are uni-
`to a clasais.
`--«:-n. 13.
`aesacul music: ujozz
`style: close
`on a rMdra_cN Baum.
`class! Inftarvai, Stolieiirn. we ofa act of intervaie
`0 studied eI'.o.aa-u.-ul for years.
`[].630—.90: cu..\$-
`.—ul. 2?. to place or arrange an a class; claealfir: oo clone
`of arbitrary width into which the rat:
`are sample of
`src + ~u..‘ —cIao’s[-cam-hr.
`juarine with
`meaemwament is pariitioned. [1925-30
`—¢|aI’si-cfl 4!‘. min.
`_u,i_ 28. to lake or l:n(rn a
`ace in a particular class:
`(in certain
`clas-sis {kI|ae’ia). n., pl. alas-can (k1a:’a:).
`lhoce who class as believers.
`9- class III!» iuficlfmnl. I-0
`clasfslcal onnrllftioning.
`Rafi:-toned alum-thee) 1. the
`anfizr-aiixm ofpastura and
`improve l-118 |l'IMIl-iii)’. hone. nr status of} add. elegance. di -
`nit}. style. eI.c.. to: 1"he.:uw cu-rpecunai. curtains no
`clasafslcel econornflcs. a ayabero. or school of eco-
`nomic thought developed by Adam Srgith. Jammy Ban-
`4 1; e
`, d.l\fill0|'l. fleet. army: plug. class he
`class uggria roanr.
`[J.BElI‘}—1GOi3; earl:-er clueeis.
`1. classes
`thnm. Thomna Maithus. a1_-ml Dav-id_‘Ehem-do, advocating
`tlun Bron:
`-—¢J'.IaIfl-hla. och. —claae»'er. N-
`minimum goverarnental
`lilac ant
`7''. you categorize, tyne. rank. rah.
`and free Irrade, considering labor the source or wealth
`—-Usage. See cal eotuue noun.
`and dealing with
`blame concerning overpopulation.
`3. classification. 4.
`—olae’etcai eco ornict.
`clasie 1. ‘classic. 2. cleeenlcel.
`Clas/sioal Greek’. 1. the [ban ofG1'eek used in clac-
`something or_sommaoe re-
`class! actf,
`sical litarottlre esp. the literary J%.l.1'1c_Gree|'. of the 5th
`garded as outstanding or elegant in quality or perfor-
`and 4th centuries e.r.-. 2. (lo-uaelyl axment Greek.
`mance. [1575-80]
`Glarifslcal Latiln.
`the form or Latin used in classical
`literature. esp. the literary Llfin ofthe ‘lit century e.c.
`class! acftlon.
`a legal proceeding in which persona
`and the let and End centuries 4.1:.
`representing interacts common to a large gran? synci-
`ClE5"5'll:fil lI'l8Gl1BI'I’lC8
`the hranch_oi' mn-
`-—-classwac-tlari (kla:|’a|r.’:|1Un.
`1iia’—), ad;-.
`pate as representatives of the firoup or c|:_|:s.
`chanica that ie booed on lhlcwtorfs laws of matron and
`1. a book kept by
`clasa-book ruwtabkr. k.1ay'—l. n-
`that is applicable to systems that are so‘ large that
`a teacher recording atadent attendance. grades. etc. 2. a
`Planck's constant can be regarded as _neg
`Iy arnall
`souvenir back of e graduating class, containing phctm
`(distinguished from quantum II'rwchu.rmSl-
`lee called
`graphs, articles. etc.
`[1E.25—35. Amen: cue: + eoox]
`Newtonian mechanics.
`claefsicel Nafhuatl. Aztec (dar. 2:.
`olasfslcal Sanfskrll, Sanskrit of an uucient
`earlier than that nflzha Prakrib: and later than
`0lflE'fii-Clflm [lIJIIa"a all?’-'W'Il. n.
`the principles or
`style: chnmclarletlo of the literature and art of aoclanr
`once to such
`Greece and Rome. 2. nether
`principles. 3-
`the claaaical style in literature and art. or adherence no
`its prlnci
`lea [contracted with ran-In-.-sliciaml. CF. cleanl-
`cal def:
`). 4. a Greek or Latin idiom or form. as . one
`in name other languc e. 5. cleealcnl achola
`learning. Also, clan-al-cab Irn tklasfi kc llefem). 1:20-
`G .
`8% eueaxc 4- date]
`_aiae-el-ole-tlo {Idea-‘o e
`Ikleflo slat). n. 1- an adherent of cleani-
`clarn in l‘i-oretnre or art (contrasted mil: rorncmlictsrl.
`2. an not orlt on the clncalcs: a l'.lI1:aic:Ll auhuhn-. 1!. a
`e1-eon who
`vocseea study at‘ the ancient Greek and.
`man classics. Also. cfaa-at-cal-lat
`ikiaali ice list).
`[182D—30: cusarc + -131]
`clae-at-clze (km.-zro sun, 1., —clzad. —cIz-ans. gm. 1.
`to make classic. —u.i. 2. to conform to the clonal: style.
`Alec. up. Brit. ciaefel-clear’.
`[L850-"Ba; anneal: + -In]
`clas-_sl-Ill-ca-tlon (kin-fa fi kalehaa). n. 1. the act of
`claamfymx. 2.
`the result of classifying or being clac-
`enficd. 3. one ofthe gmup_s or cleeeeg Into wh.1cl_1 thmga
`may be or have been claasufied. 4. Biol. the eemgnmqnt
`ehad by atnacmre. origin, etc. ‘The uaua_ aerles of
`‘em! to groups within a system ofcetegonee circ-
`categories je phyium (oruesp. in botany, diumon). clues,
`. the category as neelncled. ElI!'lfl.di!flIII'.ll.
`order. fiIm|l.'y,§-anus, spoons. and uorlegr. See table untficr
`aecrci. or !op'e:v.-rat. bo‘wh:c
`iaformahon. a document.
`e1:c., in ass!
`ed, ae,by a gave:-o_menc or_miJ11orJ' ssencar.
`based on
`a do
`on d? protection oooardered noceeaacy
`to aafiguard it
`unauthorised use. 5. Lihronr Sca-
`eace. any of various systems lbr arran ng heels: and
`other materials. cap. according to so ea: or an-mat.
`[1"l'8U—90; < J.. c_iaa_eL(8} outes + -1=ro.-more —-olac-cl-lb
`ca-on-ry Ckle aIfV1 Ira WW9.
`9 11- or. esp.
`Idaaie fl Ira/to rs}, ooh.
`adv. —-Filaefel-fl-oa-‘tion-el. ed}.
`1. arranged or an-
`closes!-fled [kins/a my), calf.
`tributed. in claaaee or according to alone: We plan to re-
`view all the classified specimens in. line laboratory. 2. of
`or designating the part or parts of a publication that
`elders that §!W'EIl'lIl a 3:: of ncal churches; a pushy.
`[1585-95: -< L: clone
`tery. Z. the group oi’
`hoe fiovernod by auch an en-
`class-‘ism Ckiee-'1: em). 11. 1. a biased or discrimina-
`tory attihude based on distinction: made between aocial
`or economic classes. 2. the viewing of society as being
`compoeecl of dielinct ciaeaee.
`[1836-15: cues + —rear1
`a society in which there are no ecunerrlic or social
`class-less (kiss-rlia. ialilai-1, adj. 1- afar pertaining to
`tinetiona. 2. (area individual) not he '
`in a social or economic class or group.
`5-80: cues
`+ aces] —cIaas«'laas-pass. :1
`class! mark/. Statistics.
`the midpoint aria claaa inter-
`[1865-9|). for an earlier some-‘_|
`class-male tkiasfmetr, kliaf-), n.
`a member or the
`same class at n aullonl or college.
`[l.'i'|J5—‘L5. Amen; ounce
`+ em-re‘1
`class! maanftne. cmm. 1. the meaning ofa
`matical category or a form class. common to all orma
`showing the cabexvr or no all members ortbc form class,
`as in the moaui
`.3 number common to all Latin noun:
`or the me-aninl
`ai.o.a' oarnmon to all Latin singular-
`noun and verb forrau. 2. the art of the marina of e
`l.|n31I.[:i:i:c: form that It 1135 by
`rtue of mambarahip in as.
`lgiscfillalr fbrm clue. as tho past tense meaning of etc.
`lclflafl-). n.
`I. a
`mum, and In in ac col or college. in which classes are held,
`2. any ioce where one learn: or some experience: The
`and in]!
`sailor‘: claasroorn.
`‘F0, Amen; CLASS +
`class! Iilrllgf la, 1. Also called claaa confllct. con-
`flict becwsaa ' ereat cinema in a common!
`from different social or economic peliticnc an rnliecring
`cppc-and lnlsaraat-m 2. Also called clues’ wen‘. clan’
`warffara. (in Marxist thought} I'.l1e-struggle ihr oiitical
`and economic g_n:£o\-or can-ie on between cap
`In and
`E‘-lfi%'U‘\‘ClI'K {klas'w!Jrlc/, Irlkla/-}, n. 1. the written or
`oral work done in 31 elaaarurun by a eI.-ud.ent-(
`guieiwcl fiam ilcmwmrh}. 2. the work done In 9 class-
`rucmlby the atudenta and teacher jointly.
`[cum -i-
`class»)! flu‘-lIc’5. kl:'i’cil. ccU.. claseoi-er. class-I-oat. In-
`fonruoi. ofhigh clonal, rank. or slide;
`liah; adrnirably
`smart; elegant
`[18-90-95: cue-a + -Y]
`ndu. —c1aes-‘I-nice. B.
`clast Eldest}, n. a grain ofaedlmen nllt. send,
`ete., eep. as a‘oone|:itu.ent Eregteaeat o a elastic rue
`component of cu
`in formation.
`[1B5Q—~l6; pi-oh.
`rnetion. na d.|at:'.n£I.iahed from a chemical or bloienio
`Ebmxetioe finm uu.e'r:c]
`clasvtlc tki 3‘
`'. 1. B‘ I. b
`I no
`meal: or espagmfillzlhglibtiom: di3id.inr§eln£gpii1?u.n 2%.
`talnlnz be an anatomical model made up or detachable
`pieces. 3. Goal. noting or pertaining to rock or rocks
`camera: rnomnrcllmeht liar: act cipc. din, pi:-i" eel‘. Equal: if: ice.-
`!i‘rol~zh Iain iroauumo-= alalnoiom. tn 1:
`0!. Ever. Order. Oil. WEIR. been. our; up. urge; ¢hl'.l%' sing char thin.‘
`n can serve anal!
`as n cradle lkridfu, and
`mg? a as in gaiifib a u in circus; * u 1....
`re :n'3‘.'nsur ion’:-J.
`harm 0II.|0'II.l. Sea the fltll
`lnfldn I a final cover.
`(def. 2].
`<:1l9ausnT‘ corrfflict. See class struggle (def. 1}.
`class! curflsclouarlaaa, 1. awareness of one‘: own
`social or economic rank in society. 2. a feeling ofidan-
`. Klficalion and solidarity with those belonging to the some
`aucial or
`--clalroon-ecloua (iclaafkoniohac. idiia/-L adj.
`lnrcncemant sensor: on which I. 19 members 0 the grad-
`olaev day/,
`(wmetinwl cant‘)
`a day dun-In
`the corn-
`class in UB. colleges and schools celebrate the
`mmggnfétten of their course with apaclal ceremonies.
`5, Amen]
`l=_l38-SIG Lklagrilg}, ad". 1. of the firs: or highest qual-
`Ity. clone, or rank; on ::
`.ic piece of Iuurle. 2. serving as
`ti standard, model. or guide: the classic method cfltacik
`Mr uritiamelic. 3. ofor pe.rtai.n.i.n
`to Greek and Roman
`gtiglllit . esp. witil:n1n‘i;{‘§:nc% Io
`nnfigar? 4-
`ciaat Gmeoge and Rome: %’he 17!
`and. 13!‘? centuries
`were obsessed with classic ideoie. E. of or adhering to an
`:iclllal:.|iIlE|e|i. net ofurliiatic or scientific eIanda’1;da or metla.
`he-ie':‘:°-....“‘?a".i.”.f.’f.“J."1§'fa‘!"'.’i'..§§‘t.""f.i‘i£?.°Z'.r"...'f.33.i‘i‘§""§i. oi‘
`_ro ea
`gaduidlrig Inca:-c:tt_.£;uaIity, or
`es‘! n: v::;us—
`8:4: humus afrumous wnicrn. 9. In-adiblonel or typical: a
`mule comedy routine. 1!). definII:ive:, the cl-cs.-Iic refer-
`ins. outstanding '
`agent at
`fllnw buirrrk doin. Ornlllg-.I'.:3gE.y :11. of or fiartaining to an»
`fine workmanship t
`I; were built be-
`tween nhuu 1926 and 1948. —.-a. 12 an author or a lit-
`erary work of the firat rank. cap. one of demonstrably
`9-_|!|l1-lring quality. 13. :u1'au.l.hor or lltoxar work oran-
`'-‘lent Greece or Rome. 14. classics. the
`terature and
`. on
`at or artialiu rt: uc on noun
`iflfuafés of anrfiilent Greece and lfiflfllg (often %r:c.dby
`standard. so. a work that Le hollowed as definitive In in
`“WI: His handbook on mushrooms is a classic.
`lmliathine noteworthy ofita kind and worth remember-
`978-‘ His reply was a cimsic. 16. an nz-tide. as of‘ doth-
`llllg. uuchaa ‘:23 la
`la: Her suit was on simple rias-eie.
`R Iwic
`or traditional even asp. one that is consid-
`fllfid to he hi hi prestigious or t
`':ncst.lmpo1-tnnt of its
`zbld-' The
`car Ii Series is the fie!!! classic I:
`Ilrehoic. u clausiclst. Also. claeelcel {for
`tile. 1-5. B.
`[lElJ5—1§; (< E‘ ciaaair,-us.) <. L claacicus belonging to


`5. rapine,
`-—plun/der-er, n. —-plunidarhing-ly. ado. —plI.1nlder-
`ous. adj.
`1. rape. ravage, sack. devastate.
`robbery. 6. booty. spoils.
`1. act of
`plun-der-age (pl-unfdar ij). n.
`pillage. 2. Law. a. the embezzlement of goo s on board
`[179D—-18 0; rcurmsa +
`a sb.i
`. b. the goods embezzled.
`plunge (plunj) u., plunged. plung-ing. n. —u.t. 1. to
`cast or thrust orcibly or suddenly into something, as a
`li uid. a penetrable substance, a place, etc.; iznrnerse;
`so. merge:
`to plan e a
`ger into one’: heart. 2.
`bring suddenly or orcibly into some condition. situation
`etc.: to plunge a country into war‘ to pull a switch and
`plan e a house into darkness. 3.
`o t to - ce (ap
`plant Litoitsriminsoilor‘
`J= san or moss.
`uruey. to transi (the telescope of a
`transit or theodolite). —ul'.. 5. to cast oneself, or fall as
`if cast, into water. a hole. etc. 6.
`to rush or dash with
`headlong haste: to plunge through a crowd. 7. to bet or
`pfieculate recklessly: to plunge on the stock market. 8. to
`row oneself impetuously .or abruptly into some condi-
`'on, situation. matter, etc.: to plunge into debt. 9. to de-
`scend abru tly or
`recipitously as a cliff. road, etc. 10.
`to pitch vio e'ntly
`ard. as s orse, ship, etc. —-i:. 11.
`act ofplunging. 12. a. leap or dive, as into water. 13. a
`headloz? or im etuous rush or dash: a plunge into dan-
`1 . a au
`en, violent pitching movement. 15. a
`place for plun ' g or diving, as a swimming pool. 16.
`Geol. pitch (de . 48). 17. take the plunge. to enter with
`suddendecision upon an unfamiliar course of action, as
`after hesitation or deliberation: She took the lun e and
`invested her entire savings in the plan.
`[132£'l'fi; lVIE -:
`MF plang(i)er << VL plumbicare to heave the lead.
`See PT.-UMB]
`-—-Syn. 1. See dip‘. 5. dive. 6. hasten. 9. drop.
`plunge’ befsin. a cavity at the base ofa falls or cats-
`ract, formed by the action ofthe falling water.
`plunge! pool/.
`the water in a plunge basin.
`(pluoljarl. n.
`1. Mach. a pistonlike recip-
`rocatin part moving w-ithin the cylinder of a ump or
`hydrsu 'c device. 2. Auto. a pistonlike art in t e valve
`of a pneumatic tire.
`3. Also 1:
`ed force cup.
`pluu-nber's frlend, plurIIher's helper. a device consisting
`ofa handle with a rubber suction cup at one end. used as
`a force pump to free clo
`d drains and toilet traps. 1!.
`a person or thi
`that pfiigihgesi 5. a reckless bettor or
`l.5;P1..U'NGE + -l=.'n.‘]
`plupgling fire’. Mil
`artillery or other fire that
`strikes the ground at a steep angle. as from hi h ground
`overlooking the target or from a weapon fired:at a high
`angle I of elevation.
`plunk (plungk). v.t. 1. to Pluck (a stringed instrument
`or its strm ; twang:
`to p rink Cl guitar. 2. to throw.
`fpush. put,
`cg et.c.. heavily or sudden! : plum lotten
`0]. by clown):
`lunli clown your money. Slie plunlged her-
`self down on the seat. 3. to push, shove. toes, etc. (some-v
`times fol. by in. over, etc.): toplunle the ball over the net,-
`to plank apencil into a drawer. —::.i'. 4. to give forth a
`twangin sound. 5. to drop heavily or suddenly; plump
`(often fo . by down): to plural: down somewhere and take
`a‘nop. —n. 6. act or sound of plunking. 7. In orn-ial. a
`direct, ibrcible blow. Bl. Slon . a dollar.
`:5. 9. In.-
`formal. with a plunkin soun . 10. Informal "squarely;
`exactly: The tennis he
`landed plunk in the middle of
`the net.
`[17fi0—'l'0; expressive word akin to i>1.ur.‘.i:]
`]ung»'ker}. n.
`_ 1. a person or thing that
`plunks. 2.
`ngling. a casting lure that makes a luck-
`ipg soupd upon hitting the surface of the water.
`plu-per-fact (pm pcrifikt) —a.cij. 1. Gmm. a. per-
`fect with res ect to a point of‘ reference in past time, as
`had done in his had done it when I come.
`In. designatin
`a tense or other verb formation or construction wit
`such meaning. as Latin portaoerom "I had can-led." 2.
`more than perfect: He spoke the language with pluper—
`fecs precision. —n. Gram. 3. a. the plu erfect tones. or
`other verb forrnation or constniction wit
`such meaning.
`b. a form in the pluperfect.
`[1520—30; < Ldfilfils quam)
`Perfel-‘Sum (more than) perfect.
`trans. of
`pIupf., pluperfect. Also, plllli-. Pluperf.
`pll.II'.. 1. plural. 2. plurality.
`(plaorrall, adj.
`1..cooaisI;ing of. containing, or
`pertaining to more than one. 2. pertaining to or involv.
`mg a plui-all? of persons or things. 3. being one ofsuch
`a plurality.
`. Gram. noting or ertainin to a member
`of the category of number. foundpin many
`ngueges, in-
`dicating that a word has more than one referent. as in
`English men, or more than two referents, as in Old Eug-
`lieh ge. meaning "you." —n. Gram. 5. the lursl num-
`ber. 6. a form in the plural.
`E 4 L pli-
`rfilis, equiv. to plan. s. of plfis nos -1- -alis -.u.‘]
`plu-ral-lsrn (_p]il'bi4s lie/am). n. 1. Philos. a. a theory
`that there is more than one basic substance or princi le.
`Cf. dualism (def. 2), mcnism (def. la). b. a theory t at
`reality consists of two or more independent elements. 2.
`Eccles. a. the holding by one person of two or more
`offices at the same time.
`. plurality (def. Ta). 3. Social
`See cultural pluralism. 4. state or quality ofbsing plu-
`i-i.u'igui1. + —l$M.'] —pIu’ral-lat. n., adj.
`—pIu«'ral-lsitlc. cab. —pIu/rel-lsftl-cal-ly. ado.
`plu-ral-l-ty (plans mlri té), n., pl. -ties. 1. "the excess of
`votes received by the leading candidate. in an election in
`which there are three or‘ more candidates. over those re-
`ceived by the next candidate (distinguished from mcg'or-
`ity). 2. more than half of the whole' the majority.
`. a
`number greater than one. 4. fact of eing numerous. 5.
`a large number; multitude. E. state or fact of being plu-
`CONCIBB i.-rvsioz.ocr uv: <', descended or borrowed ii-om; >_
`whence: b., blend of‘. blended: c.. cognate with; n:t'.. coin
`e; deriv..
`derivative; eqI1iv.. equivalent; im1't.. iaiibitive; obl., ob que; r. re-
`placing: s., stern: sp.. spelling. s ellsd; resp..
`i-espelling. respelled:
`‘l. mi
`'11 unguowu: ". unsltested; 1, probably
`earlier than. See the Full y inside the ll-ont cover.
`ral. 7. Eccles. a. the holding by one person of two or
`more bsnefices at the same time; pluralism. b. an "of the
`benefices so held.
`[1325—‘l'5; ME pluralite < O
`< LL
`plfirfilitfis. See i=I.U'1oii., -Irv]
`—-Syn. 1. See rnalorlty.
`plu-rel-lze (pldfirfs lief), 1.1., -lzed. -lz-lug. —u.t. 1. to
`express in the plural form: make plural:
`lurnlize a
`noun. —u.i. 2. to receive or take a plural one. Also.
`esp. Brit, plufral-leer‘.
`i=:.uiu1. + -1213]
`—pIn’ralolzr’a-ble, adj. —plu/rel-lozaition. r1. —plu!-
`ralolz/er. I1.
`of magma and associated deep-seate‘
`the earth's crust. 2. (often cap.) than ‘$333’:
`that all rocks fora-led by solidification ofa mm
`promulgated by Scottish geologist Jame, Hun
`[1340-50;1>1.UroN(ic) + 49x] —-plufgmm
`plu-to-nl-um (plan tome am),
`:1. elm...
`transuranic element with a fissile isotope 0'?
`bar 239 (plutonium 239) that can be pm.-_1..'
`non-fissile uranium 238. as in a breeder reacts;
`[19d0—-15; < Gk Ploiitori P'LU'1'Ic
`Pu: at. no.: 94.
`(ploervs an, ad}.
`1. of or ;.s.;_,..._.-.._
`as a plural: in a plural
`plu-ral-Iy (pldfii-We le). ads.
`esp. much rain: rein .
`. Geol. occu.i-ring an
`[1350-1-£00; ME plurlaliche. See PI.U'll.|\l..'—I.Y]
`action of rain. —n.
`ol. a rainy period for
`plurfal rnarfrlags. polygamy (def. 1)
`garded as coeval with a glacial age, but new 1,
`as isodicendintheti-o'cs asc =
`. ..-
`. .1-:'I
`pun.-inf: is, equj.._ u
`by: ten his two is twelve. 2. with the addition of; w:
` rain + . lis -113]
`He haclpweallh plus fume. —adj. 3. involving or noting
`addition. 4. positive: a plus quantity. 5. more (by a
`(plmrve _om’i
`certain amount): 6. Elect. pertaining to oi-‘characterized
`[H85-95; < L pluullo.) rain + -o- +
`by positive elect:-Icit.
`: the plus terminal. 7. M3-col. [in
`—p|I.I-vl-o-met-rlc (plop vs 9 me/triltl. plum-i..
`heterothallic Fungi)
`eaignating. in the absence of mar-
`cal. adj. —plu’vl-orrila-try. r1.
`pholo ‘cal differentiation, one of the two strains of my-
`Plu-vi-ose (pl6'5’v§ av; Fr. ply vy.-.2.-,_ ,._
`t unite in the sexual process. 8. having a cer-
`French Revolutionary calendar) the fifth man
`tain quality to an degree: He has personality
`lus. —n. 9. a plus quantity. 10. Ar-ith. See plus sign.
`year, extending from January 20 to February 1.
`1300: < F <
`pluulfisus rainy. See PLU'V]o[_1~g]
`E1. sometbin additional. 12. a surplus or sin. —conj.
`plu-vi-ous (plaorvs as). adj. of or p
`is -
`Informs .
`also; and:
`bicycle is
`cheaper than a car, plus it doesn't pollute the air. —ct<lu.
`[1400-50; late ME < 1. pluu16:::s,]§-2:
`'-—pIuo\ri-os-I-ty (plop/ve os/i ta .1,
`14. 1.11 addition: besides.
`-: L lfis more; akin
`to- Gk leldn. ON fleiri more, OE feolu, elo, G I.-iel, Goth
`ply‘ (pli), o.. plied. ply:-lng. —-::.t. 1. to work i
`Ir il. Gk. poly’ many]
`diligently; employ busily; use:
`to ply the need.’
`—l.Isege. Since ems as a
`reposition has long had the
`can on, practice. or ursue busily or steadily
`meanings "more by the addition of" and "with the addi-
`e. 3. to treat W1
`or apply to (somethin
`tion of," it was but a short step to a newer use, mainly in
`edly (often fbl. by with): to pg :1 fire with {mg
`informal writing and speech, as a conjunction meaning
`to assail persistently: to ply
`orses with a mi“
`"also. and, furthermore." Although this use is increasing,
`supply with or offer something pressingly to:
`many object to it, and it is rare In more formal writing.
`person with drink. 6. to address (someone) pe:
`Aim ewe is likewise objected to. especially for being re-
`or importunately, as with questions, solicitm
`dundant: The paper was delivered two hours late," and
`impo'i-tune. 7. ‘to pass over or along [s rive.-
`plus it was soaking wet
`etc.) steadily or" on a regular basis: boots the
`Mississippi_. —u.i'. 8. to run or travel regu_1s;-]
`plus! fours’.
`. ba gy knickers for men, introduced
`fixed cou.rse or between certain places, as a ‘:
`before World War
`snagworn until the 1930’s for sports
`activities. esp. golf.
`[1915-30: so called because four in-
`etc. 9. to erform one‘s work or office busily or
`to ply wit
`the oars; to ply at a trade.
`ches are added to the length of ordinary knickers to give
`the desired looseness] —plns-'-‘Poured’. ad}.
`plien, aph. var. of aplien to .u>l=r.v] —ply-ting-|
`-—-Syn. 2. follow, exercise.
`(plush). n., adj, -er. -est. —'n. 1. a fabric. as of
`(pill, n., pl. plles. L'., plied. ply-Eng.
`silk. cotton. or wool. whose pile is more than ‘fa inch (0.3
`thickness or layer. 2. Auto. a layer of reinforci
`cm) high. —od)'. 2._expensively or showily luxurious:
`for a tire. 3. a unit of yarn: single ply. 4. cl
`the plushest hotel in town 3. abundantly rich;;lu.x- '
`sheets of veneer that are glued together to re
`uriant: plush, rolling lawns.
`[1585-'95; 1520-25'for def.
`wood. 5. Informal. plywood. 6. bent, bias. 01
`2; < F pluche. syncopated var. of peluche << L this
`tion. —o.t. 7. Brit. Dial. to bend. fold, or mold.
`hair] —-pluslled. ad}. —pluah/like/. adj. —-plus
`oclu. —|1lusl-ifness. n.
`Obs. to bend, incline, or yield.
`[1300-50: ME pli
`MF plier to fold, bend. var. ofployer, OF pleler‘
`—SyrI. 2. opulent. lavish. palatial.
`care to fold; sec 101.131]
`1. of‘.
`plush-y (plushle), adj, plush-I-er. plush-I-est.
`ply-er (plifar), n. Chiefly Brit. plier.
`pertaining to. or resembling plush. 2. Informal charac-
`terized by luxury. wealth. or ease: a plushy resort.
`ply’ met/al. a composition of dissimilar meta:
`[1605—15; FLUEII + -r‘] —pIual1’i-ness. ri.
`together in sheet form. Also. Plwmot/al.
`plus’ juncfture, Phonet. See open juncture.
`limreth}. n.
`1. a seaport in sw
`shire, in SW ngland. on the English Chane:
`plus-sage (pluyljl. N.
`s surplus amount.
`nus + -AGE]
`base; the departin point of the Mayflower 1620.
`Z. a cit
`in BE
`assachusetts: the oldest town
`Englan , founded by the Pilgrims 1620. 35,91
`plus’ slghtf. Stu-us;y.' a backsight used in leveling.
`plus! Sign’. Arith.
`the symbol (+) indicating summa-
`town in SE Minnesota. 81,615. 4. a towa_in I
`tion or a positive quality.
`necticut. 10,732. 5. a town in and the capital .
`seirat, West Indies. 3200.
`plus! tick’. Stock Exchange. uptick (def. 2).
`Plyn14"0l.ltl'I‘ Bl'Btl‘II'l‘OrI. a loosely organized
`p er.
`Christians founded i.I1'P1y'mol.1l:l'i, England. abo
`tpllmitfirkl, rt.
`.\.D. (:46-c120, Greek biogra-
`having no ordained n1in.isl:i-y. no formal creed (
`and accepting the Bible as the only guide.
`Flu-tarch-I-an (pm tiirlfke em), adj. 1. of or perta1'n- ._
`ing to the biographer Plutarch. 2. charactei-ietic of or
`Plyl_‘I"I-"0l.Itl1 Col-tony.
`the colony eatablishe
`resembling a biography by Plutarch or its sub'ect: on life
`Massachusetts by the Pilgrims in 1620.
`worth ofPlutarchiarr. description; a deed nfPfutari':hi:'.In
`sple _ or.
`[[855—60; Pi.1.mmcIi + -JAN]
`Plymfouth corn/perly.
`a company, formed
`land in 1606 to establish colonies in America :
`Flo/torch’; Lives/,
`(Parallel Lives) a collection A.D.
`ibu.nd_ecl a colony in Maine in 1601'.
`105-15) b Plutarch of short biographies of the lea 'ng
`' Pljlflvouth Rock’. 1. a rock at Plyirioulh. M-
`political figures of ancient Greece and Rome.
`setts. on which the Pilgrims who sailed on the M
`plI.l-ta-l.IS {plEr'fl’te as). n.,flpl. -to-I {-te if}. -we-us-es.
`are said to have stepped ashore when they '1
`the fl-ee—swi1nming,' bilater
`y symmetrical larva of an
`America in 1620. 2. one ofan American breed
`echinoid or ophiuroid.
`[1825—35; _< NL: L: breastwork.
`um-sized chickens, raised for meat and eggs.
`movable shelter] —|:lufte-al, pluite-an. adj.
`ply’ roll/ins. Metalworking. See pack rollirll
`Plu-to (plscrss).
`1.. Class. Mym. a name given to

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