Protection and the
`Control of Information
`Sharing in Multics
`Jerome H. Saltzer
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`The design of mechanisms to control the sharing
`of information in the Multics system is described. Five
`design principles help provide insight into the tradeolfs
`among different possible designs. The key mechanisms
`described include access control lists, hierarchical control
`of access specifications, identification and authentication
`of users, and primary memory protection. The paper
`ends with a discussion of several known weaknesses
`in the current protection mechanism design.
`Key Words and Phrases: Multics, protection, security,
`privacy, access control, authentication, computer
`utilities, time-sharing systems, proprietary pro grams, pro-
`tected subsystems, virtual memory, descriptors
`CR Categories: 3.70, 4.30, 6.2
`Copyright © 1974, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
`General permission to republish, but not for profit, all or part
`of this material is granted provided that ACM’s copyright notice
`is given and that reference is made to the publication, to its date
`of issue, and to the fact that reprinting privileges were granted
`by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery.
`This is a revised version of a paper presented at the Fourth ACM
`Symposium on Operating Systems Principles,
`IBM Thomas J.
`Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, October
`15-17, 1973.
`Work reported herein was conducted by the Computer Systems
`Research Division of Project MAC, an M.l.T. research program
`sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department
`of Defense, under Office of Naval Research Contract number
`N00014-70—A—0362-0006. Author’s address: Computer Systems
`Research Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Project
`MAC, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139.
`An essential part of a general-purpose computer util-
`ity is a set of protection mechanisms which control trans-
`fer of information among users of the utility. The Mul-
`tics system,‘ a prototype computer utility, serves as a
`case study of protection mechanisms which can permit
`controlled sharing of information in an on—line, general-
`information—storing system. This paper pro-
`vides a survey of the techniques currently used in
`Multics to provide controlled sharing, user authentica-
`supervisor—user protection,
`user—written proprietary programs, and control of
`special privileges.
`Controlled sharing of information was a goal in the
`initial specifications of Multics [8, 12], and has in-
`fluenced every stage of system design, starting with hard-
`ware modifications to the General Electric 635 com~
`puter which produced the original GE 645 base for
`Multics. As a result,
`information protection is more
`thoroughly integrated into the basic design of Multics
`than is the case for those commercial systems whose
`original specifications did not include comprehensive
`consideration of information protection.
`Multics is an evolving system, so any case study must
`be a snapshot taken at some specific time. The time
`chosen for this snapshot is summer, 1973, at which time
`Multics was operating at M.I.T. using the Honeywell
`6180 computer system. Rather than trying to document
`every detail of a changing environment, this paper con-
`centrates on the protection strategy of Multics, with the
`goal of communicating those ideas which can be applied
`or adapted to other operating systems.
`In trying to identify the ideas related to protection
`which were introduced by Multics, a certain amount of
`confusion occurs. The design was initially laid out in
`1964-1967, and ideas were borrowed from many sources
`and embellished, and new ideas were added. Since then,
`the system has been available for study to many other
`system designers, who have in turn borrowed and embel-
`lished the ideas they found in Multics while constructing
`their own systems. Thus some of the ideas reported here
`have already appeared in the literature, and earlier ver-
`sions of some ideas have been scattered in previous
`papers and books about Multics. However, Multics is
`unique in the extent to which information protection has
`been permitted to influence the entire system design. By
`describing in one place the range of protection ideas
`embedded in Multics, and their current design status,
`the extent of this influence should become apparent.
`1 A brief description of Multics and a more complete bibliogra-
`phy of Multics publications are given in the paper by Corbaté,
`Saltzer, and Clingen [7].
`the ACM
`July 1974
`Volume 17
`Number 7
`EMC v. IV
`Ex. 1028
`Ex. 1028

`Design Principles
`One of the lessons learned during the development
`of Multics was the importance of formulating design
`principles and of carefully communicating these design
`principles to every project member. Although they were
`articulated only during the project rather than in ad-
`vance, the following five principles, especially applicable
`to protection, are worthy of mention.
`1. Base
`the protection mechanisms on permission
`rather than exclusion. This principle means that the de-
`fault situation is lack of access, and the protection
`scheme identifies conditions under which access is per-
`mitted. The alternative, in which mechanisms attempt to
`identify conditions under which access should be re-
`fused, seems to present a wrong psychological base for
`secure system design. A conservative design must be
`based on arguments on why objects should be accessible,
`rather than on why they should not; in a large system
`some objects will be inadequately considered and a
`default of lack of permission is more fail-safe. Similarly,
`a design or implementation mistake in a mechanism
`which gives explicit permission tends to fail by refusing
`permission, a safe situation, since it will be quickly de-
`tected. A design or implementation mistake in a mecha-
`nism which explicitly excludes access tends to fail by not
`excluding access, a failure which may go unnoticed.
`2. Check every access
`to every object
`for current
`authority. In a system designed to operate continuously,
`this principle requires that,
`if access decisions are re-
`membered for future use, careful consideration be given
`to how changes in authority are propagated into such
`local memories.
`3. The design is not secret. The mechanisms should not
`depend on the ignorance of potential attackers, but
`rather on possession of specific, more easily protected,
`protection keys or passwords. This strong decoupling of
`protection mechanisms from protection keys permits the
`mechanisms to be examined by many reviewers, without
`concern that such review itself may compromise the
`safeguards. This principle is not new~—Peters [24] and
`Baran [2] discuss it in depth~but its violation sent a
`surprising number of design proposals back to the draw-
`ing boards.
`4. The principle of least privilege. Every program and
`' every privileged user of the system should operate using
`the least amount of privilege necessary to complete the
`job. The purpose of this principle is to reduce the num—
`ber of potential interactions among privileged programs
`to the minimum necessary to operate correctly, so that
`one may develop confidence that unintentional, un-
`wanted, or improper uses of privilege do not occur. If
`this principle is followed, the effect of accidents is re-
`duced. Also, ifa question related to misuse ofa privilege
`occurs, the number of programs which must be audited
`is minimized. Put another way, if one has a mechanism
`available which can provide “firewalls,” the principle of
`least privilege provides a rationale for where to install
`the firewalls. The military security rule of “need-to-
`know” is an example of this principle.
`It is essential that the human interface be designed
`for naturalness, ease of use, and simplicity, so that users
`will routinely and automatically apply the protection
`In the design of Multics there were two specific func-
`tional objectives worth mention. The first of these was to
`provide for decentralization of the setting of protection
`specifications. If a system design forces too many ad-
`ministrative decisions (e.g. protection specifications) to
`be set by a single administrator, that administrator can
`quickly become a bottleneck and an impediment
`effective use of the system, with the result that users
`begin adopting habits which bypass the administrator,
`perhaps compromising protection in the bargain. Only
`by permitting the individual user some control of his
`own administrative environment can one insist that he
`take responsibility for his work. Of course, on the other
`hand, centralization of authority must also be available
`as an option.
`The second functional objective was to assume that
`some users will require protection schemes not antici-
`pated in the original design. This objective requires that
`the system provide a set of handholds so that the user,
`without exercising special privileges, may construct a
`protection environment which can interpret access re-
`quests however he desires. The method used in Multics
`is to permit any user to construct a protected subsystem,
`which is a collection of programs and data with the
`property that the data may be accessed only by programs
`in the subsystem, and the programs may be entered only
`at designated entry points. A protected subsystem can
`thus be used to program any desired access control
`The Storage System and Access Control Lists
`The central fixture of Multics is an organized infor-
`mation storage system [8]. Since the storage system pro-
`vides both reliability and protection from unauthorized
`information release, the user is thereby encouraged to
`make it the repository for all of his programs and data
`files. All use of information in the storage system is im-
`plemented by mapping the information into the virtual
`memory of some Multics process. Physical storage loca-
`tion is automatically determined by activity. As a result,
`the storage system is also used for all system data bases
`and tables,
`including those related to protection. The
`consequence of these observations is that one access con-
`trol mechanism, that of the storage system, handles al-
`most all of the protection responsibility in Multics.
`Storage is logically organized in separately named
`data storage segments, each of which contains up to
`262,144 36-bit words. A segment is the cataloging unit
`of the storage system, and it is also the unit of separate
`protection. Associated with each segment is an access
`the ACM
`July 1974
`Volume 17
`Number 7

`control list, an open-ended list of names of users who
`are permitted to reference the segment? To understand
`the structure'of the access control list, first consider that
`every access to a stored segment is actually made by a
`Multics process. Associated with each process is an un-
`forgeable character string identifier, assigned to the
`process when it was created. In its simplest form, this
`identifier might consist of the personal name of the indi-
`vidual responsible for the actions of the process. (This
`responsible person is commonly called the principal,
`and the identifier, the principal identifier.) Whenever the
`process attempts to access a segment or other object
`cataloged by the storage system, the principal identifier
`of the process is compared with those appearing in the
`access control list of the object; if no match is found
`access is not granted.
`Actually, Multics uses a more flexible scheme which
`facilitates granting access to groups of users, not all of
`whose members are known, and which may have dy-
`namically varying membership. A principal identifier in
`Multics consists of several parts; each part of the identi-
`fier corresponds to an independent, exhaustive partition
`of all users into named groups. At present, the standard
`Multics principal identifier contains three parts, corre-
`sponding to three partitions.
`1. The first partition places every individual user of the
`installation in a separate access control group by him-
`self, and names the group with his personal name. (This
`partition is identical to the simple mechanism of the
`previous paragraph.)
`2. The second partition places users in groups called
`projects, which are basically sets of users who cooperate
`in some activity such as constructing a compiler or up-
`dating an inventory file. One person may be a member of
`several projects, although at the beginning of any in-
`stance of his use of Multics he must decide under which
`project he is operating. A project administrator decides
`which users are to be in his project.
`3. The third partition places users in named groups
`called compartments. Any user may operate in any of the
`named compartments, by designating which compart-
`ment he wishes to use at the time he authenticates his
`identity. Compartments are useful when borrowing un-
`audited programs: a user may indicate that certain of
`his files can be accessed only by him, and further only
`when he is operating in compartment “a”. He can then
`be careful to utilize the borrowed program only when he
`is operating in compartment “b”; the borrowed program
`cannot access those files restricted to compartment “a”.3
`Although the precise description in terms of exhaus-
`tive partitions sounds formidable,
`in practice a rela-
`tively easy-to-use mechanism results. For example, the
`list corresponds roughly to a
`2 The Multics access control
`column of Lampson’s protection matrix [19].
`3 The third partition has not yet been completely implemented.
`The current system uses the third partition only to distinguish be-
`tween interactive and absentee use of the system. The Multics pro-
`tection ring scheme [28] provides an alternative method for safely
`executing borrowed programs.
`user named “Jones” working on the project named
`“Inventory” and designating the personal compartment
`named “a” would be assigned the principal identifier:
`Jones-Inventory- a
`Whenever his process attempts to access an object cata-
`loged by the storage system,
`this three-part principal
`identifier is first compared with successive entries of the
`access control list for the object. An access control list
`entry similarly has three parts, but with the additional
`convention that any or all of the parts may carry a spe-
`cial flag to indicate “don’t care” for that particular par-
`tition. (We represent the special fiag with an asterisk in
`the following examples.) Thus, the access control list
`Jones- Inventory- a
`would permit access to exactly the principal of our
`earlier example. The access control list entry
`would permit access to Jones no matter what project he
`is operating under, and independent of his personally
`designated compartment. Finally, the access control list
`* - Inventory- *
`would permit access to all users of the “Inventory”
`project. Matching is on a part-by—part basis, so there is
`no confusion if there happens to be a project named
`Using multicomponent principal
`straightforward to implement a variety of standard
`security mechanisms. For example, the military “need-
`to—know” list corresponds to a series of access control
`list entries with explicit user names but (possibly) aster-
`isks in the remaining fields. The standard government
`security compartments are examples of additional parti-
`tions, and would require a minor change in Multics,
`namely extending the principal identifier to four or more
`parts, each additional part corresponding to one com-
`partment in use at a particular installation. (Every per-
`son would be either in or out of each such compartment.)
`A restriction of access to users who are simultaneously
`in two or more compartments would then be easily
`We have used the term “object” to describe the en-
`tities cataloged by the storage system with the intent of
`implying that segments are not the only kinds of objects.
`Currently, four kinds of objects are implemented or
`l. Segments.
`2. Message queues (experimental implementation).
`3. Directories (called catalogs in some systems).
`4. Removable media descriptors (not yet implemented).
`For each object, there are several separately control-
`lable modes of access to the object. For example, a seg-
`ment may be read, written, or executed as a procedure.
`the ACM
`July 1974
`Volume 17
`Number 7

`Table I. Acceptable Combinations of Access Modes for a Segment
`Typical use
`access denied
`read-only data
`pure procedure
`writeable data
`rew impure procedure
`If we use the letters r, w, and e for these three modes of
`access, an access control list entry for a segment may
`specify any of the combinations of access in Table 1.
`Certain access mode combinations are prohibited either
`because there is no widely useful
`interpretation (e.g.
`write access by itself) or correct implementation requires
`more sophisticated machinery than implied by the
`simple mode settings. (For example, granting execute
`access only, while appealing as a method of obtaining
`proprietary procedures,
`leaves unsolved certain prob-
`lems of general proprietary procedures, such as protec-
`tion of return points of calls to other procedures. The
`protection ring mechanism described later is used in
`Multics to implement proprietary procedures. The exe-
`cute-only mode, while probably useful for less general
`cases, has not been pursued.)
`In a similar way, message queues permit separate
`control of enqueuing and dequeuing of messages, tape
`reel media descriptors permit separate control of read-
`ing, writing, and appending to the end ofa tape reel, and
`directories permit separate control of listing of contents,
`modifying existing entries, and adding new entries. Con-
`trol of these various forms of access to objects is pro-
`vided by extending each access control list entry to in-
`clude access mode indicators. Thus, the access control
`list entry
`Smith- *- * rw
`permits Smith to read and write the data segment asso-
`ciated with the entry.
`It would have been simpler to associate an access
`mode with the object itself, rather than with each indi-
`vidual access control
`list entry, but
`the flexibility of
`allowing, for example, some users read-only access while
`others can read and write is a powerful capability. It
`also makes possible exceptions to the granting of access
`to all members of a group. In the case where more than
`one access control list entry applies, with different access
`modes, the convention is made that the first access con-
`trol list entry which matches the principal identifier of
`the requesting process is the one which applies. Thus,
`the pair of access control list entries:
`Smith-Inventory- * (none)
`*-Inventory- * rw
`would deny access to Smith, while permitting all other
`members of the “Inventory” project to read and write
`the segment.4 To insure that such control is effective,
`when an entry is added to an access control list, it is
`sorted into the list according to how specific the entry is
`by the following rule: all entries containing specific
`names in the first part are placed before those with
`“don’t cares” in the first part. Each of those subgroups
`is then similarly ordered according to the second part,
`and so on. The purpose of this sorting is to allow very
`specific additions to an access control list to tend to take
`precedence over previously existing (perhaps by de-
`fault) less specific entries, without requiring that the user
`master a language which permits him arbitrary ordering
`of entries. The goal is that most common access control
`intentions are handled correctly automatically, and only
`unusually sophisticated intentions require careful analy-
`sis by the user to get them to come out right. As men-
`tioned later, under the discussion of weaknesses, this
`goal has been achieved only partially.
`To minimize the explicit attention which a user must
`give to setting access control lists, every directory con-
`tains an “initial access control list.” Whenever a new
`object is created in that directory, the contents of the,
`initial access control list are copied into the access con-
`trol list of the newly created objects") Only if the user
`wishes access to be handled differently than this does he
`have to take explicit action. Permission to modify the
`entries in a directory implies also permission to modify
`its initial access control list.
`The access control list mechanism illustrates an inter-
`esting subtlety. One might consider providing, as a con-
`venience, checking of new access control list entries at
`the time they are made, for example to warn a user that
`he has just created an access control
`list entry for a
`nonexistent person. Such checks were initially imple‘
`merited in Multics, but it was quickly noticed that they
`represented a kind of compromise of privacy: by creat-
`ing an access control list entry naming an individual, the
`presence or absence of an error message would tell
`whether or not that individual was a registered user of
`the system, thereby possibly compromising his privacy.
`For this reason, a name-encoding scheme which required
`checking of access control entry names at the time they
`were created was abandoned.
`It is also interesting to compare the Multics access
`control scheme with that of the earlier CTSS system [6].
`In CTSS, each file had a set of access restriction bits, ap-
`plying to all users. Sharing of files was accomplished by
`permitting other users to place in their directories special
`4 This feature violates the design principle that selective exclu-
`sion is less desirable than selective permission (because of the risk of
`undetected errors), but has been provided nevertheless to avoid the
`clumsy alternative oflisting every nonexcluded project member.
`An earlier version of Multics did not copy the initial access con-
`trol list, but instead considered it to be a common appendix to every
`access control list in that directory. That strategy made automatic
`sorting of access control list entries ineffective, so sorting was left
`to the user. As a result, the net effect of a single change to the com-
`mon appendix could be different for every object in the directory,
`leading to frequent mistakes and confusion, in violation of the design
`principle that calls for naturalness and ease of use. Since in the pro-
`tection area, it is essential that a user be able to easily understand the
`consequences of an action, this apparently more flexible design was
`abandoned in favor of the less flexible but more understandable one.
`the ACM
`July 1974
`Volume 17
`Number 7

`entries called links, which named the original file, and
`typically contained further
`restrictions on allowable
`access modes. In modern terminology, these links were
`essentially a form of capability [1 1 J, and the CTSS scheme
`had several defects common to capability systems but
`not present in the Multics arrangement.
`1. Once a link was in place there was no way to remove
`it without modifying the borrower’s directory. Thus,
`revocation of access was awkward.
`2. A single user, using the same file via different links,
`could have different access privileges, depending on
`which link he used. Allowing access rights to depend on
`the name which happened to be used for an object cer-
`tainly introduced an extra degree of flexibility, but this
`flexibility more often resulted in mistakes than in use-
`3. As part of a protection audit, one would like to be
`able to obtain a list of all users who can access a file. To
`construct that list in CTSS, one had to search every direc-
`tory in the system to make a list of links. Thus such an
`audit was expensive and also compromised other users’
`Multics retains the concept of a link as a naming con-
`venience, but the Multics link confers no access privi-
`leges—it is only an indirect address.
`Early in the design of Multics [8] an additional ex-
`tension was proposed for an access control list entry:
`the “trap” extension, consisting ofa one—bit flag and the
`name of a procedure.“ The idea was that for all users
`whose principal identifier matched with that entry, ifthe
`trap flag were on, the procedure named in the trap exten-
`sion should be called,
`in the manner of an interrupt
`handler, before access be granted. The procedure, sup-
`plied by the setter of the access control list entry, could
`supply arbitrary access constraints, such as permitting
`access only during certain hours or only after asking
`another logged in user for an OK. This idea, like that of
`the execute-only procedure, is appealing but requires an
`astonishing amount of supporting mechanism. The trap
`procedure cannot be run in the requesting user’s address-
`ing and protection environment, since he is in control of
`the environment and could easily subvert the trap proce-
`dure. Since the trap procedure is supplied by another
`it cannot be run in the supervisor’s protection
`environment, either, so a separate, protected subsystem
`environment is called for. Since the current Multics pro-
`tected subsystem scheme allows a subsystem to have ac-
`cess to all of its user’s files, implementation of the trap
`extension could expose a user to unexpected threats from
`trap procedures on any data segment he touches. There-
`fore, at the least, a user should be able to request that he
`be denied access to objects protected by trap extensions
`rather than be subject to unexpected threats from trap
`procedures. Finally, if such a trap occurs on every read
`or write reference to the segment, the cost would be high.
`On the other hand, ifthe trap occurs only at the time the
`segment is mapped into a user’s address space,’ then the
`design principle that every reference be validated is vio-
`lated; revocation of access becomes difficult, especially
`if the system is operated continuously for long periods.
`The sum total of these considerations led to temporarily
`abandoning the idea ofthe trap extension, perhaps until
`such time as a more general domain scheme, such as that
`suggested by Schroeder [27], is available.
`Both backup copying of segments (for reliability)
`and bulk 1/0 to printers and other devices are carried
`out by operator—controlled processes which are subject
`to access control just as are ordinary users. Thus a user
`can insure that printed copies of a segment are not acci-
`dentally made, by failing to provide an access control
`list entry which permits the printer process to read the
`segment? Access control list entries permitting backup
`and bulk I/0 are usually part of the default initial access
`control list. Bulk input of cards is accomplished by an
`operator process which reads them into a system direc-
`tory and leaves a note for the user in question to move
`them to his own directory. This strategy guarantees that
`there is no way in which one user can overwrite another
`user’s segment by submitting a spurious card input re-
`quest. These mechanisms are examples of the design
`principle that every access to every object is checked for
`An administrative consequence of the access control
`list organization is that personal and project names, once
`assigned, cannot easily be reused since the names may
`appear in access control lists. In principle, a system ad-
`ministrator could, when a user departs, unregister him
`and then run a superprivileged program which examines
`every access control list of the storage system for in-
`stances of that name, and delete them. On the other
`hand, such a systematic search would not discover user
`programs which initialize access control lists and con-
`tain names of now-departed users. Thus, the alternative
`scheme was adopted, requiring all user names, once
`registered, to be permanent.
`limitation of the
`the one most apparent
`scheme as presently implemented is its “one-way” con-
`trol of access. With the described access control list or-
`lganization, the owner of a segment has complete control
`over who may access it. There are some cases in which
`users other than the owner may wish to see access re-
`stricted to an object which the owner has declared pub-
`lic. For example, an instructor of a class may for peda-
`gogical purposes wish to require his students to write a
`particular program rather than make use of an equiva-
`lent one already publicly available in the system. Alter-
`a project administrator concerned about
`security may wish to insure that his project members
`cannot copy sensitive information into storage areas
`belonging to other users and which are not under his
`control. He may also want to prevent his project mem-
`bers from setting access control lists to permit access by
`users outside the project. This kind of control can be ex-
`pressed in Multics currently only by going to the trouble
`of constructing a protected subsystem which examines
`all supervisor calls, thereby permitting complete control
`the ACM
`July 1974
`Volume 17
`Number 7

`over which objects are mapped into the address space
`and what terms are added to access control lists. For-
`tunately, there have so far appeared only a few examples
`in which such control is required, and the escape sug-
`gested has proven adequate for those cases. It would
`probably be appropriate to extend the standard protec-
`tion machinery to associate with the user’s process two
`constraining lists: a list of pathnames of directories
`whose contents he may access, and a list of access con-
`trol list terms which he is permitted to place on access
`control lists. These two constraining lists would be set
`only by the project administrator or security officer. The
`constraining lists would be especially useful in the mili-
`tary security environment since they would help in the
`construction of a list of items a defector might have had
`access to.
`As is evident, the Multics access control list mecha-
`nism represents an engineering tradeoff among three
`confiicting goals: flexibility of expression, ease of under-
`standing and use, and economy of implementation. Ad-
`ditional flexibility of expression was tried (e.g. the com-
`mon access control list mechanism previously noted)
`with the conclusion that the additional confusion which
`results from accidental misuse of the generality can out-
`weigh the benefits; apparently the correct direction is the
`opposite, toward simpler, less general, and more easily
`understandable protection structures.
`Hierarchical Control of Access Specifications
`Since in Multics every object, including a directory,
`must be cataloged in some directory, all objects are ar-
`ranged into a single hierarchical tree of directories. This
`naming hierarchy also provides a hierarchy of control of
`access, through the ability to modify the contents of a
`directory. Since a directory entry consists of the name of
`some object and its access control list, having access to
`modify directory entries is interpreted to include the
`ability to modify the access control lists ofall the objects
`cataloged in that directory. No further hierarchical con-
`trol is provided; for example, there is no ability to say,
`5 Versions of this idea have since been implemented by Hsiao
`[17] and Hotfman [14].
`7 Or, in traditional file systems, at the time the file is “opened.”
`3 Of course, another user who has permission to read the seg-
`ment could make a copy and then have the copy printed. Methods of
`constraining even users who have permission are the subject of con-
`tinuing research [26].
`9 Early versions of Multics provided a limited form of higher-
`level specification in the form of ability to deny all use of a directory,
`and therefore of the objects contained within it. For the reasons sug-
`gested, this feature has been removed.
`10 A locksmith would be an administrator who can provide ac-
`countable intervention when mistakes are made. For example, if an
`organization’s key data base is under the exclusive control of a
`manager who has been disabled in an automobile accident, the lock-
`smith could then provide another manager with access to the file.
`It seems appropriate to formalize the concept of a locksmith so that
`appropriate audit trails and authority lo be a locksmith can be well
`defined. The alternative of sending a system programmer into the
`computer room with instructions to directly patch the system or its
`data may leave no audit trail and almost certainly encourages sloppy
`“Allow read access to Jones for all segments below this
`node in the naming tree.” Such specifications are similar
`in nature to the “common access control list” mentioned
`before; they make it diflicult for a user to be sure of all
`the consequences of a change to the access specification.
`For example,
`removing a specification such as that
`quoted above, which perm

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