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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. ~— Eleventh ed.
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`1. English language—Dictionaries. I. Title: Collegiate dictionary. II. Merriam-
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`police power 0 pollock
`police power n (1827) : the inherent power of a government to exer—
`cise reasonable control over persons and property within its jurisdic-
`tion in the interest of the general security, health, safety, morals, and
`welfare except where legally prohibited
`police procedural n, pl police procedurals (1967) 2 a mystery story
`written from the point of view of the police investigating the crime
`police reporter n (1834) : a reporter regularly assigned to cover police
`news (as crimes and arrests)
`police state n (1851) : a political unit characterized by repressive gov—
`ernmental control of political, economic, and social life usu. by an ar-
`bitrary exercise of power by police and esp. secret police in place of
`regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the govern-
`ment according to publicly known legal procedures
`police station n (1846) : the headquarters of the police for a locality
`po-lice-wom-an \po-‘lés—.Wu—mon\ n (1853) : a woman who is a mem-
`ber of a police force
`1pol-i-cy \‘pa-la-sé\ n, pl ~cies often arm’b [ME policie government, poli—
`cy, fr. MF police, policie — more at POLICE) (15c)
`1 a : prudence or
`wisdom in the management of affairs b : management or procedure
`based primarily on material interest 2 a : a definite course or method
`of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given condi-
`tions to guide and determine present and future decisions b : a high=
`level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable proce«
`dures espi of a governmental body
`2policy n, pl -cies [alien of earlier police, fr. MF, certificate, fr. Olt
`polizza, modif. of ML apodixa receipt, fr. MGk apodeixz's, fr. Gk, proof,
`fr. apodeiknynai to demonstrate w more at APODIC’I‘IC] (1565)
`1 : a
`writing whereby a contract of insurance is made 2 a : a daily lottery
`in which participants bet that certain numbers will be drawn from a
`lottery wheel b : NUMBER 7a
`pol-i-cy-hold-er \‘pa-la-sé-.hol—dar\ n (1846) : the owner of an insur«
`ance policy
`policy science n (1950) : a social science dealing with the making of
`high—level policy (as in a government or business)
`po-lio \'po-lé—.6\ n (1931) : POLIOMYELITIS
`po-lio-my-eli-tis \.po<le-(,)6—.mi-a"li—tas\ n [NL, fr. Gk palios gray +
`myelos marrow — more at FALLOW, MYBL-J (1878) : an acute infec-
`tious disease caused by the poliovirus and characterized by fever, mo—
`tor paralysis, and atrophy of skeletal muscles often with permanent
`disability and deformity and marked by inflammation of nerve cells in
`the anterior gray matter in each lateral half of the spinal cord —~ called
`also infantile paralysis
`po-lio-vi-rus \‘po-le~(.)o-ivi—ras\ n [NL, fr. poliomyelitis + virus] (1953)
`: an enterovirus (species Poliovlms) occurring in three distinct sero-
`types that cause poliomyelitis ~— compare SALK VACCINE
`po-lis \‘pa—los\ n, pl po-leis \‘pa-.las\ [Gk — more at POLICE] (1884) : a
`Greek city«state; broadly : a state or society esp. when characterized by
`a sense of community
`-polis n comb form ILL, fr. Gk, fr, polis] : city (megalopolis)
`1po-li—sci \‘pa-lé-‘sn n (ca. 1914) : POLITICAL SCIENCE
`polcish \'pa-lish\ vb [MEpolisshen, fr. AF poliss~, stern ofpolir, fr, L pr)-
`lire] vt (14c)
`1 : to make smooth and glossy usu. by friction : BURNISH
`2 : to smooth. soften, or refine in manners or condition 3 Z to bring to
`a highly developed, finished, or refined state : PERFECT ~ vi : to be—
`2 come smooth or glossy by or as if by friction -— pol-ish-er n
`polish n (1679)
`1 a : a smooth glossy surface : LUSTER b : freedom
`from rudeness or coarseness : CULTURE c z a state of high develop—
`ment or refinement 2 : the action or process of polishing 3 : a prop
`aration that is used to produce a gloss and often a color for the protec-
`tion and decoration of a surface (furniture ~> (nail ~>
`1Pol-ish \'po-lish\ adj [Pole] (1592) : of, relating to, or characteristic of
`2 Poland, the Poles, or Polish
`Polish n (1671) : the Slavic language of the Poles
`polish off vt (1829) : to finish off or dispose of rapidly or completely
`polit abbr political
`po-lit-bu-ro \'pa—lot-.byur-(.)6, ‘po~lot-, pa—‘lit-\ n [Russ politbyuro, fr.
`politicheskoe byuro political bureau] (1925)
`the principal policy:
`making and executive committee of a Communist party
`po-lite \pa-‘lit\ adj po~lit-er; ~est [ME (Sc) poliz, L politus, fr. pp. of po—
`lire] (15c)
`1 a : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of ad—
`vanced culture b : marked by refined cultural interests and pursuits
`esp. in arts and belles lettres 2 a : showing or characterized by correct
`social usage b : marked by an appearance of consideration, tact, def—
`erence, or courtesy c : marked by a lack of roughness or crudities (~
`syn see CIVIL — polite-Iv adv — po‘lite-ness n
`po-li-tesse \.pa—li-'tes, ,po—\ n [F, fr. MF, cleanness, fr. Oltpulitezza, fr.
`pulilo, ppi of pulire to polish, clean, fr, L polire] (1713) : formal polite—
`pol‘i-tic \'pa-la-,tik\ adj [ME politik, fr. MF politique, fr. L politicus, fr.
`Gk politikos, fr. polités citizen —— more at POLICE] (15c)
`2 : characterized by shrewdness in managing, contriving, or dealing 3
`: sagacious in promoting a policy 4 : shrewdly tactful
`syn see EXPE»
`po-lit-hcal \pa-‘li—ti~kol\ adj [L politicus] (1551)
`1 a : of or relating to
`government, a government, or the conduct of government b : of, re-
`lating to, or concerned with the making as distinguished from the ad—
`ministration of governmental policy 2 : of, relating to, involving, or
`involved in politics and esp. party politics 3 : organized in' govern—
`mental terms <~ units) 4 : involving or charged or concerned with
`acts against a government or a political system <~ prisoners) —~ p0-
`lit-i-cal-ly \—k(a~)le\ adv
`political action committee n (1944) : a group formed (as by an indus‘
`try or an issue—oriented organization) to raise and contribute money to
`the campaigns of candidates likely to advance the group’s interests
`political economy n (ca. 1687)
`2 : the theory or
`study of the role of public policy in influencing the economic and so-
`cial welfare of a political unit - political economist n
`po-lit-i-cal-ize \po—‘li-ti—ko-,liz\ vl -ized; ~izing (1869) : POLITICIZE —
`po-lit~i-cal-i-za-tion \-.li-ti~ka—la-'za-shon\ n
`politically correct adj (1936) : conforming to a belief that language
`and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of
`sex or race) should be eliminated -— political correctness )1
`political science 72 (1606) : a social science concerned ch‘
`description and analysis of political and esp. government 118
`and processes ~— political scientist n
`pol‘i-ti-cian \ipéi-lthi—sham n (1589)
`1 : a person expefi
`art or science of government; esp : one actively engaged i e
`the business of a government 2 a z a person engaged in n C“
`as a profession b : a person primarily interested in politipa
`selfish or other narrow usu. short-sighted reasons
`po-lit-i-cise Brit var of POLITICIZE
`po-lit-i-cize \po-‘li—ta-.siz\ Vt ~cized; -ci2eing (1846) : to giv
`tone or character to (an attempt to ~ the civil service)
`za-tion \-.li—ta-sa-'zi~shan\ n
`pol-i-tick \'pa-lo~.tik\ vi [back—formation fr. politicking n-
`3—ing] (ca. 1934) : to engage in often partisan political disc’u
`tivity -— pol-i-tick-er n
`po.lit.i.co \pg.lli-ti~.ko\ n, pl ~cos also -coes [It politico or S
`ultim. fr. L politicus political] (1630) : POLITICIAN
`pom-tics \‘p'zi-lo—.tiks\ n pl but sing or pl in consn- [Gk Palitz‘k’a
`pl. of politikos political] (ca. 1529)
`1 a : the art or scien
`ment b : the art or science concerned with guiding 01- m
`governmental policy 0 : the art or science concerned Wit
`and holding control over a government 2 : political action'
`or policies
`3 a : political affairs or business; exp : Com
`tween competing interest groups or individuals for pOWer
`ship (as in a government) b : political life esp. as a princ
`or profession c : political activities characterized by artful
`dishonest practices 4 : the political opinions or sympath
`son 5 a : the total complex of relations between people li
`ety b : relations or conduct in a particular area of experien
`seen or dealt with from a political point of View (office N) <et
`pol-i-ty \'péi—la-té\ n, pl -ties [LL politia — more at POLICE]
`: political organization 2 : a specific form of political Organ
`: apolitically organized unit 4 a : the form or constitution
`ically organized unit b : the form of government of a
`pol-ka \‘pol-ka, 'po—ka\ n [Czech, fr. Polka Polish woman, fem
`Pole] (1843)
`1 : a lively couple dance of Bohemian origi
`time with a basic pattern of hop-step-close-step 2 : a lively
`Bohemian dance tune in 2A time — polka vi
`pol-ka dot \‘po—ka~.dat\ n (1857) : a dot in a pattern of regular
`uted dots in textile design — polka-clot or pol-ka—dot.ted\
`1 : HEAD 2 a;
`1pc“ \‘pol\n [ME pol, polle, fr. MLG] (MC)
`back of the head b : NAPE 3 : the broad or flat end of a st
`(as a hammer) 4 a (1) : the casting or recording of the votes 0
`of persons
`(2) : a counting of votes cast b : the place where
`cast or recorded -— usu. used in pl. (at the ~s) c : the pen
`during which votes may be cast at an election d : the total 11
`votes recorded (a heavy ~) 5 a : a questioning or canvassin
`sons selected at random or by quota to obtain information or
`to be analyzed b : a record of the information so obtained -
`2pc" vt (140)
`1 a : to cut off or cut short the hair or wool o
`SHEAR b : to cut off or cut short (as wool) 2 a : to cut of
`the top of (as a tree); Specif : POLLARD b : to cut off or out sh
`horns of (cattle) 3 a : to receive and record the votes of ,
`quest each member of
`4 : to receive (as votes
`poll 6 : to test (as several compute
`sequence for messages to be transmitted ~ vi : to cast one’s
`poll — poll-ee \poJle\
`pol-lack or pol-lock \'pa~lok\ n,
`1 : a commercia
`perh. fr. ScotGael pollag or Ir pollog] (15c)
`tant No. Atlantic food fish (Pollachius virens) related to and r
`the cods but darker 2 : a commercially important northe
`food fish (Theragra chalcogmmma) of the cod family that etc
`sembles the pollack ~— called also walleye pollack
`1pol-lard \'pa—lord\ n [Zpoll] (1611) : a tree cut back to the trunk
`mote the growth of a dense head of foliage
`2pollaml VI (1670) : to make a pollard of (a tree)
`polled \‘pold\ adj (1584) : having no horns
`pol-len \‘pa-lon\ n [NL pollin-, pollen, fr, L, fine flour] (ca. 1760
`mass of microsporcs in a seed plant appearing usu. as a fined
`dusty bloom on the body of an insect
`pollen basket n (1860) : a smooth area on each hind tibia of
`is edged by a fringe of stiff hairs and serves to collect and trans?
`len — called also corbicula
`pollen grain n (1835) :
`f the granular'microspores tha
`pollen and give rise to the male gametophytc of a seed plant
`pol-len-iz-er also pol-lin-iz-er \‘p'a~la-.ni—zor\ n [pollenzze to
`1 : a plant that is a source of pollen 2 : PoLLINATOR‘
`pollen mother cell n (1884) : a cell that is derived from the h
`mis of the pollen sac and that gives rise by meiosis to four cells
`which develops into a pollen grain
`pollen sac n (1875) : one of the pouches of a seed plant ant
`which pollen is formed
`pollen tube n (1835) : a tube that is formed by a pollen gram 3
`veys the sperm nuclei to the embryo sac of an angiosperm or
`gonium of a gymnospcrm
`pol-[ex \‘pa-.leks\ n, pl pol-li-ces \‘pa-la-rsém {NL polllcu .170”
`thumb, big toe] (ca. 1836) : the first digit of the forelimb :THU .
`pollin- cambform [NLpollin-, pollen] ' ollen <pollinate>
`pol-li-nate \‘pa-lo-.nat\ vt mat-ed; -na ing (1875)
`1 : tocar
`pollination of
`0 mark or smudge with pollen
`pol-li-na-tion \.p< —la~'na—shan\ n (1875) : the transfer of 13011511
`anther to the stigma in angiosperms or from the microspora“
`the micropylc ‘ gymnosperms
`poHi-na-tor \'pa-la-.na—tor\ n (1903) : one that pollinates: 813
`agent (as an insect) that pollinates flowers b : POLLENIZER 6
`pol-lin-i-um \pa— i-né-om\ n, pl ~ia \-né—o\ fNL, fr. pollzn-] (18
`herent mass of pollen grains often with a stalk bearing an adhes
`that clings to insects
`pol-li-no-sis or pol-len-osis \.pa-la-'no-sas\ n [NL Wm”
`pollin—] (1925) : HAY FEVER
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