
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria1 Virginia 22313-1450
`Image Processing Technologies LLC
`75 Montebello Road
`Suffern, NY 10901
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)


`Commissioner for Patents
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Riexandria, VA 22313-1450
`NEW YORK, NY 10036
`PATENT NO. 6959293.
`ART UNIT 3992.
`Enclosed is a copy of the latest communication from the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office in the above identified ex parte reexamination proceeding (37 CFR 1.550(f)).
`Where this copy is supplied after the reply by requester, 37 CFR 1.535, or the time for filing a
`reply has passed, no submission on behalf of the ex parte reexamination requester will be
`acknowledged or considered (37 CFR 1.550(9)).
`PTOL-465 (Rev.07-O4)


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 2
`Art Unit: 3992
`Table of Contents
`DECISION ON REQUEST .............................................................. 3
`REFERENCES ............................................................................. 3
`References Cited by the Requester ...................................................... 3
`IDS ........................................................................................... 3
`PROSECUTION HISTORY .............................................................. 3
`Background ................................................................................. 4
`Reasons for Allowance at the time of Issuance of Patent ............................. 5
`Related Proceedings ....................................................................... 7
`CLAIMS UNDER REEXAMINATION .............................................. 7
`SNQs ALLEGED IN THE REQUEST .................................................. 8
`DISCUSSION OF SNQs .................................................................. 9
`Issue 1 (Pirim PCT and Siegel) (SNQs for proposed rejections based on Pirim
`PCT, p. l of Request) ..................................................................... 10
`Issue 2 (Pirim PCT and Hirota) (SNQs for proposed rejections based on Pirim
`PCT and Hirota, p. l of Request) ........................................................ 12
`Issue 3 (Hirota alone) (SNQs for proposed rejections based on Hirota alone, p. l
`of Request) .................................................................................. 14
`CONCLUSION ............................................................................. 15


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 3
`Art Unit: 3992
`At least one substantial new question of patentability (SNQs) affecting claim 1 of United
`States Patent Number 6,959,293 (hereinafter “293 patent) issued October 25, 2005 to Pirim of
`Holding B.E.V.S.A. is raised by the request filed December 15, 2017 for eX parte reexamination.
`References Cited by the Requester
`The requester alleges that substantial new questions of patentability (SNQs) have been
`raised by at least the following prior art references:
`lntemational Patent Publication W0 99/36893 (“Prim PCX”), published July 22,
`Siegei,1—1<_>ward.1., e1 :11 “PASM: A Partitionab}.e SiMD/MIR’ED System for
`Ema ge Processing and, Pattern Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Computers,
`Vol. (£30,110. 12 (December 1981} {"‘Siegei”;
`US. Patent No. 6,118,895 (“Hirota”), filed March 5, 1996, issued September 12,
`With respect to the Information Disclosure Statements (PTO/SB/08A and 08B or its
`equivalent) filed on December 15, 2017 and considered with this action, the information cited
`has been considered as described in the MPEP. Note that MPEP 2256 indicate that degree of
`consideration to be given to such information will be normally limited by the degree to which the
`party filing the information citation has explained the content and relevance of the information.


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 4
`Art Unit: 3992
`Application filed 02/23/2001: Claims 1—28 are the current claims 1—16 and 18—29 in
`the “293 patent which issued on October 25, 2005 from US. application serial no.
`09/792,436 (“the ‘436 application”) originally having claims 1—28 filed February 23,
`2001. Among those, claims 1, 3, 17, 21, 22, and 27 were independent claims.
`Non—final mailed 03/26/2004: In this non—final, claims 3—16 were rejected under 35
`U.S.C. 112 second paragraph for failing to particularly point out the subject matter
`and claims 1—2 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(b) as being anticipated by US.
`Patent Publication No. 5,359,533 of Ric Ka et a1. (“Ric Ka”); and claims 3—16 were
`allowed if rewritten or amended to overcome the rejection under 35 U.S.C. 112
`second paragraph proposed in that Office action.
`Amendment filed 08/30/2004: Applicants submitted claim amendments along with
`remarks on August 30, 2004. Applicant amended claims 1—4, 8 and 9; and newly
`added independent claims 29. Among those, claims 1, 3, 17, 21, 22, and 27 were
`independent claims.
`Telephone interView on 12/27/2004, and 04/27/2005: On 12/27/2004 Applicant
`initiated an interView and on 04/22/2005 the Examiner initiated an interView. It
`appears that during the interView on 12/27/2004, the Examiner agrees to allow the
`claims, and during the second interview the Examiner agrees to an Examiner’s
`amendment to correct a typographical error.
`Notice of allowance mailed 10/06/2004: In this notice of allowance, claims 1—29
`(corresponds to claims 1—16, 18—29 and 17 of the “293 patent) were allowed. Claim 29


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 5
`Art Unit: 3992
`and claims 17—28 were renumbered as 17 and 18—29 respectively. Examiner did not
`specifically state why the claims were allowed.

`Supplemental Notice of allowance mailed on 12/30/2004, and 04/27/2005: Two
`supplemental notice of allowance was issued, in the first one issued on 12/20/2004, it
`appears that the Examiner indicated the requirement of corrections to the drawings
`and in the second one issued on 04/27/2005, the Examiner indicated an Examiner’s
`amendment to correct a typographical error that was agreed during the interView of
`Reasons for Allowance at the time of Issuance of Patent
`Examiner did not specifically state why the claims were allowed. However, as noted from
`the file history and the rejection of independent claims 1 based on anticipation by Ric Ka, the
`Examiner explained that Ric Ka discloses a “data bus,” a “time coincidence bus,” and a
`“histogram unit.” It appeared that Applicant agreed that those elements were disclosed by Ric
`Ka, and thus made the following amendments to the claim:
`1. {Cnrreniiy Amended) A visnai perception processor for autoniatieetiy
`deteeiin an ovonioeourrin in emnitidimensienei s eee iii evoivin evertimewiin res eotio
`at least one dieiiized eremeiei‘ in “rite form of a dieiiei si net on a data bus said eii
`itei si riai
`bein in the form of a succession ei'T of binar‘ numbers associated with e nehrenizetion si nets
`enabiing to define a given instant (Ti of tne meitidirneneienai egaoe and the gesition (iii in inis
`space, the visuei oeroegiien processor comprising:
`[Lei] ine deie bus;
`61 eenirei unit
`a time eeineidenoos one «carrying at ioasi a time ooinoioienee signat: end at
`ieast two we histogram eeieuieiion units


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 6
`Art Unit: 3992
`Qaiametei1 teeteeeewe the
`. eeietaJeeeeheeeeeiy' ‘ '
`eiaeeitieatieninteneatiente—the eiheietime eeneeieeneeeeee
`the nietoerem eaicuietien units being eehtigured te term e. hietogrem
`re reeentetive of the eremeter as 3. function of e vaiidation einei end to determine
`by eieseitieetieh 8. binary eiee sitieetieh signai resniting tram e eomperieen et the parameter and
`e eeieetien criterion (3 wherein the ciaseiiieation 3i netis sent to the time coincidences hue
`and wherein the veiidatien eignei'is produced hem time eeineideneee eigneis train the
`time coincidence bue so that the caieniation of the histogram degende en the eiassitieation
`sicgnaie carried by the time eeihcidenee bne.
`(Emphases in original; p. 7 of the Amendment to the Claims mailed 08/03/2004 in the
`‘436 application)
`Therefore, based on the rejection of claims in the Office action dated 03/26/2004 and the
`amendment and remarks filed 08/30/2004, examiner found the alleged point of novelty for issued
`claim 1 relates generally to the two histogram calculation units form a histogram of a parameter,
`that was added by amendment to distinguish the known prior art. In specific, it appears that the
`application ‘436 was allowed because the Examiner found the point of novelty for claim 1 relates
`to the limitation that;
`(a) “at least two histogram calculation units for the treatment of the at least one
`parameter, the histogram calculation units being configured to form a histogram
`representative of the parameter as a function of a validation signal”
`(b) “to determine by classification a binary Classification signal resulting from a
`comparison of the parameter and a selection criterion C, wherein the classification signal
`is sent to the time coincidences bus, and wherein the validation signal is produced from
`time coincidences signals from the time coincidence bus so that the calculation of the
`histogram depends on the classification signals carried by the time coincidence bus.”
`Applicant presented similar argument in his Remarks filed on 08/30/2004, that Ric Ka
`failed to teach the above limitation.
`In view of the prosecution history, it is considered that a reasonable examiner would
`consider a prior art reference that teaches or suggests any of the above mentioned


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 7
`Art Unit: 3992
`limitation(s)/feature(s) important in determining the patentability of the claim 1 of the “293
`Related Proceedings
`Requester of the current Ex Parte proceeding has filed two petitions for Inter Partes
`Reviews (“IPR”), lPR2017—00336 filed on November 29, 2016, and IPR2017—01189, filed on
`March 30, 2017. However, neither the IPR2017—00336 nor the IPR2017—01189 reviews have
`been instituted with respect to claim 1.
`The present request alleges that claim 1 of the “293 patent is unpatentable.
`Since requester did not request reexamination of claims 2—29 and did not assert the
`existence of a substantial new question of patentability (SNQ) for such claims (see 35 U.S.C. §
`302); see also 37 CFR 1.510b and 1.515), such claims will not be reexamined. This matter was
`squarely addressed in Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc., et al. v. Jon W. Dudas, Civil
`Action No. 1:05CV1447 (E.D.Va. May 22, 2006), SlipCopy, 2006 WL 1472462. The District
`Court upheld the Office's discretion to not reexamine claims in a reexamination proceeding other
`than those claims for which reexamination had specifically been requested. The Court stated:
`"To be sure, a party may seek, and the PTO may grant
`review of each and every claim
`of a patent. Moreover, while the PTO in its discretion may review claims for which
`was not requested, nothing in the statute compels it to do so. To ensure that the PTO considers a
`claim for
`review, requires that the party seeking reexamination demonstrate why the PTO
`should reexamine each and every claim for which it seeks review. Here, it is undisputed that


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 8
`Art Unit: 3992
`Sony did not seek review of every claim under the 213 and '333 patents. Accordingly, Sony
`cannot now claim that the PTO wrongly failed to reexamine claims for which Sony never
`requested review, and its argument that AIPA compels a contrary result is unpersuasive."
`The Sony decision's reasoning and statutory interpretation apply analogously to ex parte
`reexamination, as the same relevant statutory language applies to both inter partes and ex parte
`reexamination. 35 U.S.C. § 302 provides that the ex parte reexamination "request must set forth
`the pertinency and manner of applying cited prior art to every claim for which reexamination is
`requested" (emphasis added), and 35 U.S.C. § 303 provides that "the Director will determine
`whether a substantial new question of patentability affecting any claim of the patent concerned is
`raised by the request..." (Emphasis added). These provisions are analogous to the language of 35
`U.S.C. § 31 l(b)(2) and 35 U.S.C. § 312 applied and construed in Sony, and would be construed
`in the same manner. As the Director can decline to reexamine non—requested claims in an inter
`partes reexamination proceeding, the Director can likewise do so in ex parte reexamination
`proceeding. See Notice of Clarification of Office Policy To Exercise Discretion in Reexamining
`Fewer Than All the Patent Claims (signed Oct. 5, 2006) 1311 OG 197 (Oct. 31, 2006). See also
`MPEP § 2240, Rev. 5, Aug. 2006.
`Therefore, claims 2—29 will not be reexamined in this ex parte reexamination proceeding.
`The requester raises the following issue in the request:


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 9
`Art Unit: 3992
`Issue 1: Requester states that the teaching of Pirim PCT in combination with Siegel raises a
`substantial new question of patentability with respect to claim 1 of the “293 patent
`(Request p. 1).
`Issue 2: Requester states that the teaching of Pirim PCT in combination with Hirota raises a
`substantial new question of patentability with respect to claim 1 of the “293 patent
`(Request p. 1).
`Issue 3: Requester states that the teaching of Hirota alone raises a substantial new question of
`patentability with respect to claim 1 of the “293 patent (Request p. l).
`A prior art patent or printed publication raises a substantial new question of patentability
`where there is:
`(A) a substantial likelihood that a reasonable Examiner would consider the prior art
`patent or printed publication important in deciding whether or not the claim is patentable, MPEP
`§2242 (I) and,
`(B) the same question of patentability as to the claim has not been decided in a previous
`or pending proceeding or in a final holding of invalidity by a federal court. See MPEP §2242
`For any reexamination ordered on or after November 2, 2002, reliance on previously
`cited/considered art, i.e., "old art," does not necessarily preclude the existence of a substantial
`new question of patentability that is based exclusively on that old art. Rather, determinations on


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 10
`Art Unit: 3992
`whether a substantial new question of patentability exists in such an instance shall be based upon
`a fact—specific inquiry done on a case—by—case basis. See MPEP 2242.
`Issue 1 (Pirim PCT with Siegel) (SNQs for proposed rejection based on Pirim
`PCT in combination with Siegel, p. 1 of Request)
`The request indicates that Requester considers that claim 1 of the “293 patent is
`unpatentable over Pirim PCT in combination with Siegel.
`Pirim PCT is of record in the original prosecution history of the ’293 Patent (See “293 at
`cover) but was never discussed or used in rejecting any claim by the examiner. See section 6
`above and the discussion of “old art”.
`However, Siegel was not considered and/or used in rejecting any claim during original
`prosecution of the “293 patent.
`Pirim PCT discloses “a generic image processing systeti‘i” that is used to “detect
`drowsiness” in a driver by acquiring images ofthe driver and forming histograms to analyze
`opening and closing of the driver’s eyes Pirim PCT at i. As reflected in the Figure 14 from the
`Pirim PCT in comparison with Fig, 3 oftl‘re “293 patent, the Pirim PCT discloses and uses the.
`same histogram, calculation, unit disclosed 21ml claimed in the ’293 Patent.
`Siegel teaches achieving ““real—time” processing of an image by using multiple identical
`processors (called ““PEs”) in parallel to each process and form a histogram of ““the one
`parameter.” (gray level). See, Siegel at 944, and 934.
`As such Siegel teaches the limitation that;


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page ll
`Art Unit: 3992
`(a) “at least two histogram calculation units for the treatment of the at least one
`parameter, the histogram calculation units being configured to form a histogram representative
`of the parameter as a function of a validation signal. ”
`Comparison of Figure 14 of Pirim PCT with Fig. 3 of the “293 patent shows that the two
`disclosures are identical with respect to classifier 25b for comparing parameter data(V) to a
`selection criterion C, (See Pirim PCT at 27—28), and that the binary output of classifier 25b
`proceeds to a time coincidence bus 23 (Id. at 28), and that generating a validation [time
`coincidences] signal by validation unit which is communicated to its associated histogram
`formation block 24—29. ld.
`Therefore, Pirim PCT discloses the limitation that;
`(b) “to determine by classification a binary classification signal resultingfrom a
`comparison of the parameter and a selection criterion C, wherein the classification signal is sent
`to the time coincidences bus, and wherein the validation signal is produced from time
`coincidences signals from the time coincidence bus so that the calculation of the histogram
`depends on the classification signals carried by the time coincidence bus. ”
`The above two limitations are the same limitations that examiner found to be the point of
`novelty for issued claim 1, and Applicant argued about that.
`Since Pirim PCT in combination with Siegel, presents new technological teachings as
`indicated above and pointed out in the request (see Request pp. 15—24) that were not considered
`during prosecution of the “293 patent and is directly related to the subject matter considered as
`the basis for allowability/confirmation of the patent claims, a reasonable examiner would
`consider evaluation of Pirim PCT in combination with Siegel, as important in determining the


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 12
`Art Unit: 3992
`patentability of the claims. Accordingly, it is agreed that the consideration of Pirim PCT in
`combination with Siegel, raises a substantial new question of patentability with respect to claim
`1 of the “293 patent which question has not been decided in the preVious examination of the “293
`patent. The claim 1 was not subject to a final holding of invalidity by a federal court over the
`same issue.
`Issue 2 (Pirim PCT with Hirota) (SNQs for proposed rejections based on
`Pirim PCT in combination with Hirota, p. 1 of Request)
`The request indicates that Requester considers that claim 1 of the “293 patent is
`unpatentable over Pirim PCT in combination with Hirota. Hirota was not considered and/or used
`in rejecting any claim during prosecution of the “293 patent.
`As described above and reflected in the EZ-‘igure l4 from the Pirim PCT in comparison
`with Fig. 3 of the “293 patent, the Pirim PCT discloses and uses the same histogram calculation
`unit disciosed and claimed in the ’293 Patent, therefore teaches all the limitation of claim 1,
`except two histogram calculation units.
`Hirota is generally related to a color copying. machine that scans a document and stores
`the image as digital pixel color values addressed by line and column {item the claimed l, j
`multidimensional space). Id. at 4:56» 59. Hirota teaches the use of multiple histogram calculation
`units to form histograms of the same image parameter (a composite color signal ““VH”) in order
`to perform a particular image processing task — i.e. , determine whether the scanned document is
`color or black and white. See Abs. and element 10 in Fig. l. Hirota also discloses data bus,
`control units, and the coincident bus as depicted in Fig. 13 as the bus carries the time coincident


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 13
`Art Unit: 3992
`signal input to element 222. Therefore, Hirota discloses two histogram calculation units in Fig.
`13 both treat the same parameter—color. Id. at 7:23—28.
`Therefore, Hirota discloses:
`(a) “at least two histogram calculation units for the treatment of the at least one
`parameter, the histogram calculation units being configured to form a histogram representative
`of the parameter as a function ofa validation signal. ”
`Hirota also discloses a classification signal (input to AND Gate 222) output from the
`classifier, which may include circuits 212, 214, 216 and 218 in Figure 13. Hirota at Certificate of
`Correction, Fig. 13. The classification signal is a binary signal that indicates Whether or not pixel
`is achromatic. See Hirota at 17:24—31. The output of the comparator 218 (along with the output
`of edge detection 220) are sent to the time coincidence bus, as explained above for Limitation [I
`c]. The calculation of the histogram depends on the time coincidences signal carried by the time
`coincidence bus because the pixel is only accumulated into the histogram if these signals satisfy
`the condition in the coincidence unit, Element 222 (an AND gate). Id. at 17:31—33 (“The output
`of the AND gate 222 is sent to the WE input of the second histogram memory 204.”).
`As such Hirota discloses:
`(b) “to determine by classification a binary classification signal resultingfrom a
`comparison of the parameter and a selection criterion C, wherein the classification signal is sent
`to the time coincidences bus, and wherein the validation signal is produced from time
`coincidences signals from the time coincidence bus so that the calculation of the histogram
`depends on the classification signals carried by the time coincidence bus. ”


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 14
`Art Unit: 3992
`The above two limitations are the same limitation that examiner found to be the point of
`novelty for issued claim 1, and Applicant argued about that.
`Since Pirim PCT in combination with Hirota, presents new technological teachings as
`indicated above and pointed out in the request (see Request pp. 24—28) that were not considered
`during prosecution of the “293 patent and is directly related to the subject matter considered as
`the basis for allowability/confirmation of the patent claims, a reasonable examiner would
`consider evaluation of Pirim PCT in combination with Hirota, as important in determining the
`patentability of the claims. Accordingly, it is agreed that the consideration of Pirim PCT in
`combination with Hirota, raises a substantial new question of patentability with respect to claim
`1 of the “293 patent which question has not been decided in the previous examination of the “293
`patent. The claim 1 was not subject to a final holding of invalidity by a federal court over the
`same issue.
`Issue 3 (Hirota alone) (SNQs for proposed rejections based on Hirota alone,
`p. 1 of Request)
`The request indicates that Requester considers that claim 1 of the “293 patent is
`unpatentable over Hirota alone. Hirota was not considered and/or used in rejecting any claim
`during prosecution of the “293 patent.
`Hirota is generally related to a color copying machine that scans a document and stores;
`the image as digital pixel color values addressed. by line and column (i.e., the claimed l, j
`multidimensional space), Id. at 4:56- 59.
`Hirota teaches the use of multiple histogram calculation units to form histograms of the
`same image parameter (a composite color signal ““VH”) in order to perform a particular image


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 15
`Art Unit: 3992
`processing task — i.e., determine whether the scanned document is color or black and white. See
`Abs. and element 10 in Fig. 1. Hirota discloses a data bus (R, G, and B input to value generator
`200), and numerous control unit (for example Element 106, 152, 130, and printer controller I/F).
`The time coincident bus is depicted in Fig. 13 as the bus that carries the time coincidence signal
`input to element 222.
`Additionally, as stated above in analysis of Issue 2, Hirota discloses the two key
`limitations that examiner found to be the point of novelty for issued claim 1, and Applicant
`argued about that.
`Since Hirota alone, presents new technological teachings as indicated above and pointed
`out in the request (see Request pp. 29—36) that were not considered during prosecution of the
`“293 patent and is directly related to the subject matter considered as the basis for
`allowability/confirmation of the patent claims, a reasonable examiner would consider evaluation
`of Hirota alone as important in determining the patentability of the claims. Accordingly, it is
`agreed that the consideration of Hirota alone raises a substantial new question of patentability
`with respect to claim 1 of the “293 patent which question has not been decided in the previous
`examination of the ‘293 patent. The claim 1 was not subject to a final holding of invalidity by a
`federal court over the same issue.
`> Claim 1 will be reexamined.
`Extensions of Time


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 16
`Art Unit: 3992
`Extensions of time under 37 CFR 1.136(a) will not be permitted in these proceedings
`because the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136 apply only to "an applicant" and not to parties in a
`reexamination proceeding. Additionally, 35 U.S.C. 305 requires that ex parte reexamination
`proceedings "will be conducted with special dispatch" (37 CFR 1.550(a)). Extensions of time in
`ex parte reexamination proceedings are provided for in 37 CFR 1.550(c).
`Waiver of Right to File Patent Owner Statement
`In a reexamination proceeding, Patent Owner may waive the right under 37 C.F.R. 1.530
`to file a Patent Owner Statement. The document needs to contain a statement that Patent Owner
`waives the right under 37 C.F.R. 1.530 to file a Patent Owner Statement and proof of service in
`the manner provided by 37 C.F.R. 1.248, if the request for reexamination was made by a third
`party requester, see 37 C.F.R 1.550(f). The Patent Owner may consider using the following
`statement in a document waiving the right to file a Patent Owner Statement:
`Patent Owner waives the right under 37 C.F.R. 1.530 to file a Patent Owner Statement.
`Amendment in Reexamination Proceedings
`Patent owner is notified that any proposed amendment to the specification and/or claims
`in this reexamination proceeding must comply with 37 CFR 1.530(d)-(j), must be formally
`presented pursuant to 37 CFR § 1.52(a) and (b), and must contain any fees required by 37 CFR §
`1.20(c). See MPEP § 2250(IV) for examples to assist in the preparation of proper proposed
`amendments in reexamination proceedings.
`If the patent owner fails to file a timely and appropriate response to any Office action or
`any written statement of an interview required under 37 CFR § 1.560(b), the ex parte


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 17
`Art Unit: 3992
`reexamination proceeding will be terminated, and the Director will proceed to issue a certificate
`under 37 CFR §l.570 in accordance with the last Office action.
`Service of Papers
`After the filing of a request for reexamination by a third party requester, any document
`filed by either the patent owner or the third party requester must be served on the other party (or
`parties where two or more third party requester proceedings are merged) in the reexamination
`proceeding in the manner provided in 37 CFR 1.248. See 37 CFR 1.550(f).
`Notification of Concurrent Proceedings
`The patent owner is reminded of the continuing responsibility under 37 CFR 1.565(a) to
`apprise the Office of any litigation activity, or other prior or concurrent proceeding, involving
`US. Patent No. 6,959,293 throughout the course of this reexamination proceeding. The third
`party requester is also reminded of the ability to similarly apprise the Office of any such activity
`or proceeding throughout the course of this reexamination proceeding. See MPEP §§ 2207, 2282
`and 2286.
`Correspondence relating to this ex parte reexamination
`All correspondence relating to this ex parte reexamination proceeding should be directed:
`By Mail to: Mail Stop Ex Parte Reexam
`Central Reexamination Unit
`Commissioner for Patents
`United States Patent & Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 223 13— 1450
`By FAX to:
`(571) 273—9900
`Central Reexamination Unit


`Application/Control Number: 90/014,056
`Page 18
`Art Unit: 3992
`By hand:
`Customer Service Window
`Randolph Building
`401 Dulany Street
`Alexandria, VA 223 14
`Registered users of EFS—Web may alternatively submit such correspondence via the
`electronic filing system EFS—Web, at—registered. EFS—
`Web offers the benefit of quick submission to the particular area of the Office that needs to act
`on the correspondence. Also, EFS—Web submissions are “soft scanned” (i.e., electronically
`uploaded) directly into the official file for the reexamination proceeding, which offers parties the
`opportunity to review the content of their submissions after the “soft scanning” process is
`Any inquiry concerning this communication should be directed to Majid Banankhah at
`telephone number 571—272—3770.
`/Majid Banankhah/
`Reexamination Specialist
`CRU, Art Unit 3992
`/Ovidio Escalante/
`/Hetul Patel/
`Supervisory Patent Examiner, Art Unit 3992


`Control No.
`Patent Under Reexamination
` . 90/014,056 6959293
`Order Granting Request For
`A u _
`Ex Parte Reexamination
`H "'t
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address--
`The request for ex parte reexamination filed 15 December 201 7 has been considered and a determination
`has been made. An identification of the claims, the references relied upon, and the rationale supporting the
`determination are attached.
`Attachments: a)|:| PTO-892,
`C)I:I Other:
`1. IZI The request for exparte reexamination is GRANTED.
`For Patent Owner's Statement (Optional): TWO MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication
`(37 CFR 1.530 (b)). EXTENSIONS OF TIME ARE GOVERNED BY 37 CFR1.550(c).
`For Requester's Reply (optional): TWO MONTHS from the date of service of any timely filed
`Patent Owner's Statement (37 CFR 1.535). NO EXTENSION OF THIS TIME PERIOD IS PERMITI'ED.
`If Patent Owner does not file a timely statement under 37 CFR 1.530(b), then no reply by requester
`is permitted.
`/Majid Banankhah/
`Reexamination Specialist
`CRU, Art Unit 3992
`if third oart
`US. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-471G(Rev. 01-13)
`Office Action in Ex Parte Reexamination
`Part of Paper No. 20180112

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