`Willis Exhibit 1020 - 1
`Words that are believed to be registered trademarks
`have been checked with authoritative sources. No in-
`vestigation has been made of common-law trademark
`rights in any word, because such investigation is im-
`practicable. Words that are known to have cttrrent
`registrations are shown with an initial capital and are
`also identified as trademarks. The inclusion of any
`word in this Dictionary is not, however. an expres-
`sion of the Publisher‘s opinion as tn whether or not it
`is subject to proprietary rights
`Indeed, no definition
`in this Dictionary is to be regarded as affecting the
`validity of any ll’{l(iBll\.'«ll‘i(.
`I985 by Houghton Miftlin Com-
`Copyi'ight © I982.
`pany. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be
`reproduced or
`transmitted in any form or by any
`means, electronic or inechrinieal.
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`American Heritage dictionary.
`Rev. ed. of: American Heritage dictionary ofthe
`English language. New college ed c I976.
`I. English laiigiiage—l')ictionaries.
`I. Morris,
`William. I913-
`PEl625.A54 _ 1982
`ISBN 0-395-32943-4
`ISBN 0-395-32944-2 (thumb index)
`ISBN 0-395-33959-6 (deluxe edition)
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`Willis Exhibit 1020 - 2
`Willis Exhibit 1020 - 2
`proline prong
`prom~is-ing (pr1‘1111
`g) 11111 L1l.c|_v 111 develop 111
`11 1|e.111—
`uhle 111zu111er. ~prom ls-lng-Iy adv
`prom-' 5or(pr(1111‘1‘—~1‘1r‘)r1 Luw A11 mtltvttluztl who |‘I1tli\‘1ls‘Al
`prom-15-so-ry (pr1“1m’1'
`-<1'1r‘E-1 adj. 1. ('t>11t21i11i11g.
`111 hz1v'1g t|11: 1111111rt: of 11
`]’)l'(1ll1l\L7 2. ln1li1.11i11p_
`tins‘ ul LU1
`how the prtwi
`i11.~'ur11ncc L‘(\11lY‘L|L‘l will he L-1
`out ttllcr 1l
`1»‘ vtgnc _ [M1:d. L.1l_ /)/'UlIll\'\uI'l
`L111. [H'rIII11\‘—
`1'01‘, one who p1'n1‘11
`9 \ prwuirlurc,
`to pl'U|l1
`promissory note 11. A written 1711111113:
`111 pity 111
`repay .1
`111' 1111111ey .11
`21 Slkllctl
`time 111
`1111 1le111t1111l
`pro-mo 1p11'1'111O111.. pl. —mos.
`I11/11111111! A p1111111111n11.1|
`set1t'.1ti1111,suul1t1.s .1 televt
`1111 spot.11111111111111111111ee111u11I.111
`pe1's111'1.'1| alppcuruncc [Sl111rt
`F111 1'1uJM11'111)N.]
`prom-on-lo-ry t_pr1‘111
`'m-I1'11"1", —11’1r'1':)
`ries. 1. A hi1=_|1
`1'i(lger)|'l2111<|1s1 muk_111tli11g1>11t 1nt11 :1 31:11 ur other exp.111su
`111' w.1lcr. 2. /tum. A projccttttg hodilv p:11't. [V|c1l. L;1t
`:1|tc1;1ti(1n 111 1.111. /ll'()!IINN/1JI'I1(m.l
`pro-mol-a'bIe (pro-1111'1’ta-I131)
`ll;11.111g the t1LI.llIlIC.\
`ticccsstlry for 21t1v:1t1cc111enl
`tn .1 higher p11sit111n 111 1.1t1k.
`p1'mn1.1i11g. prmimtu/1/u 1111111};
`111111111111. 2.Sui1;1l3lc lot
`.sut11L:t ttttttkeluig 1lIl(l p1'1111t11l1ot1:
`11 /)I'rm1m(Il7/1' irum. —proA
`more-bII'i-ty 11.
`pro-mole (prn—1n1'1t‘) Irv —mol-ed. —motA1ng, —mnIes. 1. 1. T11
`1111111 I111)I1!1I\’1[‘111J't:1t11 111
`[1111 111
`111111. b. '|11
`11t|v21111~u (11 s111:l1~.11t) tn the next htgltct g121<|c.2.'|ne1>11trih-
`the pmgr1‘..<\ or gr11\-/th 111;
`l't11'th1'1. 3.'l't1 urge I111‘
`.1:loptin11 of:
`4.'|'11 ztttctupl
`111 sell
`by £l(lVCl’l.l5ll1g1Vr I1),
`tring l’iu1111ci11| Sllppurl: /11-111111111‘
`Hunt p11uI11tI. prnrrintu :1
`[Mll p1‘m111m'11 -
`Lat. pI'1v/m>1’L7r‘1'.
`tn ;1t|v.111cc :
`pro-mot-er (pm-1111'1’tn1) 11 1. A11 1
`|1ve .\ll]'7DUI lCI'.
`2. A li11;1t1ci11l
`.1t11l pulvlieity 1111; 11/.e1'.11>t1|'.1l111x111g_1t111l1.l1.
`n (pm—m()’s|1o11)
`11. 1. The net of
`2. A11 tlLl\'l|l'lC(!I‘l1C1ll
`111 rtmk 11r 1esp1)usih1lil)' 3.
`1nt-.111; r1111ht-rnnec A. A11vt1r1is1111g or other puhlit-ity —pm-
`m<J‘llon-al ml/ —pro-mo’lior1-al-Iy (I:/l‘
`pro-mo~(ive (p1':1-t11(1’liv) ml].
`'l‘1:11(l1t1g 10 pr11n1(11e.
`mn‘tive-ness 11
`(11r1'J111pt) ml/' —er. —est. 1. 011
`2. Done without delay
`pmmpl-ed, prompt-ing,
`prompts. I. To pt-use into '.1cti11u:
`incite 2. "111 give I'l\C to;
`mspirc 3.'|'1111.\\1st with .1 r1:111i11(lc1; 11:111i11<|. 4.111 gix/1:21
`LUC tn,
`11 pldy — —I1. 1. a. The 211:1 of p1t1111pl111g 111
`giv111g'.1eue.b.'l'|1c111lnrn1t1tio11 .'~.|l.‘;gC%lL‘tl§ 1L'1
`11tle1 111 cue.
`2. a. /\ prompt
`1111te. b.Th1:
`tune limit stipttluted in L1
`pmtupt untc. [MI—',
`I 111. 11111111111111‘,
`.I'|. 11|
`[11 bring Fotth
`lurth —|—
`to llllskfll
`—pron1p'li-tude’ (pm111p’11—1o1'1.l’. -tytint). proInpl'ne5s 11.
`—prompl‘|y uzlv
`prompt-book (pr(1111pt’h1W1k’)
`11 A11 '.1111111tt1tet1 script usutl
`hy .1 theutur pr11111pter
`prompt-er(prt’1111p’1s1')11 1.011s whn p111111pt.s 2.01m whn
`givcx cues to .1c111r~.
`prompting (p11’11np’li11g) II. A cm11pt1ler |:111g11z1gc fI111cli1111
`ll1.1t alerts :1 L1“I' 111 the nceal I111 z1d(l1|.111n;1l 11111111 11111n1ert1>
`1:u11l1t1ue piueewtig tlL|l1I1
`prompt note ll
`/\ IlUll\.|I nt.'11l
`111 the pt11e|111se1'0l'g<111tl511s11
`11:111in1le1' 111' the 111111111111 [hill
`is (ll|C the seller 1111<|
`th.'11it1~ dim.
`prom-ul~gale (pru111’n|~gZtt’. pr1’1-1111’11’g;’1t') /r 1-. -gat-ed, -gal-
`ing, -gates. 1.T11 make known (:1 (lL.'L3ICC.
`I111 cx.1mplL‘1 by
`pulilte (l|.‘Ll<ll£llllYll; ut111111111ee 11I'l1<.1;1l|\1 2.'|11 put
`iuttttttl pt1l1|1e;1111mt1t1
`1311-11, 1111-1211/I;;r:1— ] —pmm'11I-ga’tion (pt-1'1111’:1|—g1'1’:l1.'111, p11'1’—
`tnal-) 11 —prom’
`a’lur 11.
`pro-rta-tal~ism (p1'11-111’1t”1-
`/3111) /1
`.1\11:1ttilu(|c 111-po|1uyth:1t
`enc11u1;1ge.\ elnltll-1 .IrIng. as by cxulting <11
`11.-w;11'di11t; 17:11-
`et1l11uetl_ —pro-na’t
`-1stI1_ —pro-na'tal '5’!ic 1111/
`pro-nate(p1'1'1’11:’1t') 11
`' —nat'ed, -nat~ing. nales.
`I11 1u1'11(t|1u
`p21lm111'inue1 ~11t‘1“.1t't-ofl|11‘l1t1ntl111 l111t:|i111h) tlmvttwitttl or
`bz1ckw.1111. [LL;1l.
`[)I(JIl(I/‘L’, p1'1)1m/-,
`(11 hand F11t'\v211'tl
`- pm-
`1114\. Llll'l1C(l
`l11rw;11t|.] —pro-v1a’tio11 ll.
`pr0'na~lor (p1'1')’11‘.'1'lnI)
`11.. pl pro-na-lowes (_p1't'1’11n-l1'1t'C/.
`tt‘1r’—1. The |‘11ret111n 111 101e|i1nh n1usc|1.-
`111111 clfuuts p1011.'1—
`prone (préul m//_ 1. LV1I1}z with the lmut or fucc t|mv111\'t1t1|:
`pr11.»trz1t1:. 2.Ten1li11g: pmm 11; n11.\1‘l11ty.’ ——u1I11.
`I11 :1 pI'K)I1c
`tntmticr. IyI11gl111u1u 1111 //1:’ bud. [ME 1
`l11rwtutl.] —pmne’ly mitt —prone’r1ess I1
`Synonyms: 111-11114‘.
`/7l'1l\'ll'rH1', 1'('(lH7l/71.‘Ill
`.s 11'1cz1ns lying fate: Il()\’VI‘|\\1.11'Ll.
`the l11\11I
`111‘ [ha hntly
`the .~t11l.1ee it
`V 1111. Sllflllln‘ 11|~(1 1111:1111»
`lying tltiwn, hut ;1|\v.1_\'> 1
`1 11111.5 buck Pl'V‘\N'(l/L’ 1:.1u 111e;1n
`ing down 111 e1the1 111
`1:11. and sL1gg.e.\L\ 11 p1:1.~1111‘s pl;1e—
`g hintscll. hcmg th111wn.111 e<>ll:Ip.\1ng into this no
`Rm11111)1t-11: 111511115 lying Llt)\VIl hu1 l‘.|11|1l11’\‘~l7L.‘N 11 111141111111 of
`u11111|'nrt or rest.
`pro-neph-ros (prfi-11O1'1ns.
`-1115’) 11 A p1im1l1v1: kidney Ih'.1l
`11'ly 111
`t|1e e111h1y1111tL t1evel<11)t11u11l
`111' lughet
`(1'l<. 11.111111-111,
`i1|11e_v] —pro-ncph'rIc
`(-1110 ml;
`prong (pr1‘111g. pr1‘111g1 11 1. A \‘l1.‘1lply p11i11t1:d pull of -.1
`01 nstrtuncnl. <111:|121\z1 1i11c11l’t1|'0rk.2.A \l1t|l|)l_V‘ pointed
`prq ction ——n'.1' prunged. prong-itlg, prongs. To pierce
`lcrltlu 2.!'rntlt.1c1‘ng nhttndnnl worlt1s111'
`1? Mud. Lttl. pmlg.1'11:t1-r
`ply u< '.
`lit ':prfl’-‘|ll’l-ca-fly
`Ir:P[wt‘1‘lEr1'J. 1'ti’1*\lrI1 l1.|[l}l]n'(!":|IillJ. (E.',llq0;N. found lu
`. Fuudmg, [’[_|,
`1:15:11 ‘
`tr , pg-'31) :.J
`rtlrlikfi . pm Illu_‘l
`1. Wtirtly and lt:tlI(u.11<.
`tJr wrllt: nl grunt lcngtlt. [ME 1: OFL
`19.17.61 4 E111. ,1.11'111'1‘J1:.-.1, e1ttcntl::tl.] —nrn-I111’!-Iy [-lTl1’si-IE] 41.
`': ,,.','l:?1:ii1 1'1‘!-|6k'va-tar) 1:. ‘A prcsttltrig olhu:-.r or L'It[tll_'-
`1 1: Inwcr lmtme at 11 convnmttmn 1n III: Angl1-
`I'm”P' h IMF ~. L.1l.. :11lv1'1catc -1 pnlltrqtu. In «punk (Mil
`- 11
`it 1'rrqlrI,'lt;1 sputgtig '
`‘ n 1
`1119"‘ 93113.35? .,‘.”‘;‘»1‘.'§' 2.351;. 1..fi.’..'1’..1.m‘E.\'."..“.‘1i‘-l'13
`1}|lfi,_i."gr_Ell1$‘: 0F:r.pr1-lcrpeztlr C 1.111. ,nrol'n;:1u -< Til:
`' - (mg 4-
`I11 5 L-1111.1
`"'1‘i‘a"; {Pm-lungs -lI5I:|R,} 11".!-1 -lunged
`l0ilIfl‘ll!'9. —lunau.
`+ Ltll.J'u1:gtrI. It1Jtg.| —pro-lonfor ll.
`|E:_Fa".gg[a{p:‘-1-|l3ng'g.’|1. vl1‘1r1g'- pm-3 rr. V_ gal-ad gntv
`V19.-9:11:-. '|‘11 prolong. —prn Ian-ga'tInntptr-l1\ng-E.. Al - _ .
`111116 Im1’1r.|1:1n)
`1. A prcl1rn1nnr_-1 1:.-termse.
`Hm 1-_-;,.;.13- Writlcu 1111. 1: prcl't11:1.- to :1 111011: tlntailurl warlt
`1‘11d.«.-1-1-. tu f1l1'ly.I —r11-1o-1u’:1u-n1 1:-.-:9-re, -an-3 raft.
`rmir .
`11:“, (:n1l'11'111:1 -: prriiudcrtv.
`I1‘: practice h1:1'orch1t111.i
`1 fH’0‘.
`for :1
`19111 (prn11:1 11 A ball
`I‘1-rt11:t| LlllIll.'L‘
`‘fin,-,1 up 1:r1T|1:g: 1:I.1\s:-‘.
`|Sl111t't far l'1v\(>Mi1N.!l1l.- |
`A s:11lurles~.
`t.'l'y:n1t1llItIt: unn-
`"'.,[l,|p1t(1(|-V1.1 l
`mu "ml .1
`.111 113.1-i1:ultLt
`:1! install
`1: DH i)Ulllli.'Ic:6 111111
`1g111—e-nadet|111'1111 :-I'Iu'|t‘l. ~rlll.l.l
`'1 11'. 1. a.
`|c1sL1r1_:]_\' Wlllli.
`11:1-1111': or 1'-11c1w11 mg.
`§F‘:ro'11_;«,]111kcf1: In 111 puhllég |)lt;:c‘:I>;\1tfsnt:tt1‘|
`l:1:lti1v'1,ty.AI)f. /1
`ml marult
`|1_v Ihc gttcsls at
`lhc up;-111113 111 11 h. ll 3./\
`uirclt cxcculcll between the li
`'u1't:.~1 of :1 ht uttte tltutu: —1‘
`inad~ed. -nad‘ing, nadea.
`'—1§ll7'. 1.T11 gig on 21
`111111.. 2. Tn cxmutc 11
`rntnenutlu in squ211'e dmietng. —/1'.
`1.To lake .1 prnntenagc ulong or through. 2. To take 11r
`tliaplny 011 Dr 11.» if on :1 promenade. [l‘I'. <
`take 11 w11|k '1 LL:1t. /vrzmiinuru.
`11) dnve ln1wurd : pru—, 1111-
`ward + 11111111113.
`to drive «T
`to tliretttcn rt mmuu.
`1hre.1I1.]—p1om'e-nar1’er 11.
`romenade deck 11. The upper deck or 21 5 ction of the
`upper deck on ‘.1 passengtir ship when:
`the pt1s.s1:ngcr»' can
`r;1A111e'111e~=111 ml. 1. l‘et'u11nin
`1:: (II'
`.<.u -
`lfllilit F.‘rPfDITII!?llPl\S 2. linltllv cliieativu-: n lE(Jfll%l.71'1‘. (3I§B
`11-711.1 it Prut111:t111::1tt in mtu-tn1:r ':1r tt1.'!lu1111.
`’lW!IIr|hB-us tp1:~mc*1h11-as.
`-llI._\rd.1§'l 11. C11. M1-rh. A T~
`W1.-Vfhn slnlt-1'11: [mm Olympus nnd 3111*: it to m:ttn. [Lnt
`alt -"ru111E.'I11-11.1.]
`l.'°"_“¢'"1l'\II'll (pr:-n1é'IltE-am) n.
`.5‘m1l'rrJ.’ Pm A rutlinn1:I1‘v1:
`111.1:-:11r|!1 1:11.-tn1:nI
`|}FI!‘|!:II'P[l hv 1
`In 111' untruttnt 111 by
`Wtlmn l11'1111b.1rrlr111:tt:
`11! nersnlvlntulrn.
`lltlvlllg I4 is-'1tupL-.-1
`lvlllt fmiss nttmhcrs 1-131131113 fratit H1 tn I54. 111111 used. :11-
`Egg Dfbct.-1 1'11y.\. Atnlnt.‘
`tut.-lltrtg |JnII11.
`n,d.m‘l.'3- htlllzng, poml 2..1'3U"L‘. 11‘111c-111:1: 3
`H T||;|IlIr:E ‘[1-_11'B:1n'a nan?) 111111 pram-I-ne_-n-cy 1-11an- 1)- '3 c1!h1l1I11.111 ur quttliw 11E l'IL'1|lg 1m1n111-11-:11. 2. Snlrlllk
`'l_|I1 is_n:11rni11c1u. 3. .-1.1-1-r1-in A llI1!gL1l:Ill(L' ulnurl 11F
`-H-“}°“l4‘EJL\ Ming from Iltc 511113 §tIrl’ncc. within: 115 WWI ‘*1
`km;l1'l:DNJl 111111113 11 tntul 11-tslur CCIIDSL‘.
`"nu “°'“ 1 1m1n'a—n:11'1t} 1111'}. 1.
`l'111_11:t:tt_ng titniwtnrcl [rum
`Mm-W Mir are‘. nrntuhcrnnL 2. lt.‘I1t1'lL:E.lI11[L‘l_\1 1111111. 1:tth|c‘.
`FW1|! 3.Wicl1:Iy knuwrt. 1-mincnt
`[I1 . pmiiifnmt.
`im"M"- P1'.p:1rt. (Jl pmtttrrt-Era. in jut t1t1t..] -—protn"l-nettl-
`1:}. —lies.
`I“ ‘in? Dr Clturrt
`El‘ t1l'hL-ing pmtnt
`'ut1Lt:1. 2. |"rt;1I115v
`M J?-\I.l111 intcrcnttrse. 3. A11
`Indmcritninntc rn1Ittt1rL=:
`‘T;-°\|'nus lpra-111'l.~:‘lcj1'EL—:s'1 mff. 1. Cunsi.-'.Iit1g 0|‘ tIi-
`ng Hflrcluletl r111rt.~.-ori dtvitiunl
`1:11nI‘11se1|. 2. Lack-
`mlflt-ls11l' ‘ic|1:ctlt>
`-. 3. l11:l1'.-1«criml11.-11:
`rt1nLlu'm. ILRL ;:r1-1111111111111-.11
`In rnix.] —1:m-mltI‘1'.1u-nus-1y (MN.
`"HI-oua-nous 11.
`111 _'g‘Tfin1'Is} 11. 1, A t.lt:L'lttrLtlltJn itssttnng th:1t one will
`|lI1 11t11nt:lhi11g; vuw. 2.St1rn1:ll1l11g prutru111:1J.
`. my... I111 11F l'u|ut-1: L'.\.L'i’.'llI!llI.'€ or success —1- «land. 43-
`'*'{r. 1. Tu plcilgt: or olft:r 1lSb|.[(l:tI
`W1" pmrrltxc
`- 0 rnnkt 11 prnnuse ml‘. 3 F11 11lTord :1 h1Lsi.1- Em’
`--11:12’ 1.‘l'1111:11l11-.:1p1'un
`.2. l'11t1|'l'11r1l1tI1.'1.\1'1.-
`rt fl1m1‘r ll':(1.t' pmJm.1'.' 11-1-If, [ME 1111111111)-1 1:
`"‘_"L""I. neuter
`art. nl‘ ,1-.-n,:a11:'rt.-run
`I11 protniss:
`‘ and 11. 1.111 lllc Old Ttssmntclll.
`ltuttl ul
`L ntttmw. In
`11.1.] —prom‘Iu-tn 11
`11:1 Abr11|11u11
`his dcsnuntlnnts.
`"l_l'l!l. A place 111.-1.11ti::1
`1:1! IlJ.lp[!lI'It.'-EI'i.
`1‘ lDr1fi1t1‘i-51!‘)
`1.11111. A11
`tliwrluazl to wltorn .1
`' '01};
`K \1:11.1t:C/xll slup, d1sh/ L l1ght/ lh Il1111. })£lIlI/ II1 this. l)z1tl11:/ [1 cut / 1"11 urgel v v.11vc/ 11' with/ V yes,’ /. ‘I.ehr;1, s’I‘l.C/
`' “bfiut. item. ediblr:,g11l|up. cirelts / 11: It. felt. Gar‘. :u|1ii1t/ ii
`lit. (for.
`1’ Kll (fur it'll. Stu/.
`lUl'l|/ N ["1"
` Prometheus
`|7|l1—ee11lt11v (i1.'1t111111
`Willis Exhibit 1020 - 3
` i
`Willis Exhibit 1020 - 3
` -W
`pronghorn propaganda
`Mani In Marlt ln Typo
`thegoed word
`lnlart indicated rnatarlal
`Let it atand @ thegood word
`Make capital @ the guard
`Make lower case @ The-Word
`Set in small capitals
`See Q.
`Set in italic type
`i Q) The word is V_V_0L_d.
`Set in roman type
`V w the@
`set in boldlaco type @ the entry 3/o‘r,d
`set in Iiqhilaco typa
`the entry
`@ \h
`Close up space
`the wo:rd
`Delete and close up ‘
`the wjord
`spell out
`lnserl: space
`quotation marks
`on dash
`ern dash
`superior type
`V interior type
`double dagger
`section symbol
`Stan paragraph
`Rim in
`This is the word,\
`wordsAwords, words
`"‘ ="/" I “ wordfitorkword test
`The following word§\
`Scan the words/‘skim the
`Johhs words
`3/{W the word/word“
`( I )/
`The wordhword is in
`He read from the Word
`_ii.= Bible‘
`The dictionary how
`often it is neecfcd
`belongs in every home.
`2'= 4
`‘7 word"
`a wordA
`words and words,‘
`‘Book Reviews
`“Where is it?"
`‘I A“lt's on the shelf."
`The entry word is
`printed in boldface.
` ( lhe pronunciation
`corrected Type
`the word
`the good word I
`the good word
`the Word
`the Word
`See won).
`The word is word-
`tlie word
`the entry word
`the entry word
`the good word
`the word
`the word
`two words
`the word
`This is the word.
`words, words. words
`word-for-word test_
`The following words:
`Scan the words; skim
`the words.
`- John's words
`the word “word"
`The word (word) is in
`He read from the Word
`[the Bible].
`The dictionary—how
`often it is needed-
`bclongs in every home.
`2’ = 4
`a word?
`words and words:
`§Book Reviews
`“Where is it?“
`“It's on the shelf."
`The entry word is
`printed in boldface. The
`pronunciation follows.
`with or as if with a prong. [Mliprortgta forked instrument]
`prong-horn (prong’horn'. prong’—)
`#1.,‘ pl. pronghorn or
`_h°ms. A small deer. Arililacupm amerlcuria, resembling an
`antelope and havingsmall forked horns, found on western
`North American plains.
`pro-riom-i-rial (pro-n6m’a-nal) adj. Gram. 1..0f. pertainin
`to. or functioning as a pronoun. 2. Resembling a pronoun,
`as by specifying a person. place. or thing. tvhile functioning
`primarily as another part of speech.‘ Hi‘: in his choice is a
`prononiinal adjective. [LLat. pmriomirmlm < Lat. prormmen,
`pronoun ; pm-, in place of + nameri. name.] —pro-nomq.
`nal-ly adv.
`pro-noun (pro’noun‘) n. Gram. One of a class of words ihai
`function as substitutes for nouns or nollfl Ph|'35€5_a_nd de-
`note persons or things asked for, previously specified, oi-
`understood from the context.
`pro-nounce (pro-nouns’) v. -nouncod. —nounc-mg, -noum:-
`es_ #1; 1. To articulate (a word or speech sound). 2. To
`iranscribe (a word) in phonetic symbols. 3. To state offi-
`cially and formally; declare, 4. To declpre to__be in a speci-
`fied condition. —inIr. 1. To declare one 5 opinion or make a
`pronouncement. 2. To articulate words. [ME pranauriceri <
`011 p,,,,,m,a'gr < Lat. pronuririare. to declare : pro-, forth
`+ nu/irfare,
`to announce <' mmIm.v', m€553g°-l —1Iro-
`nce'a-ble ad". —pro-nouric er ri.
`pr;g?nounced (pjra-nounSt') adj. 1. Spoken; voiced. 2. Dis-
`tinct; strongly marked: walks with a pronounced Imip. -—-pro-
`ncuncvecwy (-noun’sid—lé) adv. —pro-riounc'edrness n.
`pro-nounce-merit (pro-nouns’mont) n. 1. A formal declara-
`tion. 2. An authoritative statement.
`p,°.nounc.5.-.9 (pro-nounflsing) adj. Pertaining t_o._designed
`for. or showing pronunciation: a pronouncing dictionary.
`pron-to (pron'to) adv. Informal. Without delay; quickly. [Sp.
`< Lat. pramprus. —sce PROMPT.]
`_ _
`pro-nu-cle-us (pr(')—n0‘o’klE:—as. »nyéi'O'-) Ii._. pl. -cle-_l (-kle~i’).
`The haploid nucleus of a sperm or egg, prior to fusion of the
`nuclei in fertilization. —pro-nu’c|e'ar adj?‘
`pro-nun-ci-a-men-to (pr6~nt'in’sé-9-mén’to) .~i., pl.
`-tos or
`-toes. 1. An edict announcing a coup d‘état. 2. An authori-
`tarian pronouncement. [Sp. prnnundamienlo < prnnunciar,
`to pronounce < Lat. pronuriiiure.]
`pro-nun-ci-a-lion (pr:-nt'in’s&-i'i'shan) n. 1. The act or man-
`ner of articulating speech. 2. A phonetic transcription of a
`given word. —pro-nun'cl-a’tion-al adj.
`proot (pro‘of) ri. 1. The evidence establishing the validity of a
`given assertion. 2. Conclusive demonstration of something.
`3. The proving of something by experiment, test. or trial:
`pm one‘: be1r'r:f.r la the proof 4. Archaic. Proven impenetra-
`bility. 5. Law. The whole body of evidence that determines
`the verdict or judgment in a case. 6. The validation of a
`proposition by application of specified rules, as of induction
`or deduction, to assumptions. axioms. and sequentially de-
`rived conclusions, 7. The strength of a liquor with reference
`to proof spirit. 8. a. Printing. A trial sheet of printed mate-
`rial that is checked against the original manuscript and on
`which corrections are made, b. A trial impression of a plate,
`stone. or block taken at any of various stages in engraving.
`trial photographic print. -—zmj'. 1. Fully or successfully
`resistant; impervious: proof against fire. 2. Of standard al-
`coholic strength. 3. Used in proving or making corrections.
`~_v. prooted. proot-ing, proofs. —!r. 1. To run off (a
`printed or engraved proof). 2. To proofread (copy). 3. To
`work (dough) into proper lightness. 4. To make resistant.
`—mrr. To proofread. [ME prove < LLat. probu < Lat. pro-
`bure. to prove]
`-Df00l Suff impervious to; able to withstand: buileiproof [<
`D|'°0l_'|ike (pro’of’lik’) adj. Having the appearance of a coin.
`esp. its mint luster, that is not for circulation.
`D'00f'read (pr<i)f'réd') v. -read (—réd’). -read-ing, -reads.
`—Ir. To read (copy or a printer's proof) against the original
`for corrections. —iriir. To correct a printer's
`proof while
`reading against
`the original manuscript
`-—proot’read’er :1.
`P7001 sh_eet ll. A proof (sense 8.a.).
`D|'0_0_l spirit It. An alcohol-water mixture or a beverage con-
`taining 21 standard amount of alcohol. the US. standard
`bfigog 11:00 proof. or 50 per Cent, of ethyl alcohol by volume
`p£°8‘n(PT5P) H. 1. A device used to shore something UP-
`e that serves as a support or stay. —ir.v. prOPP°d'
`PI’0D'Dlng, props. To keep from falling; support.
`proppe, prob. of MDu. orig.)
`Drop‘ (prop) n. A property (sense 4).
`P|'0D"‘ (P7613) n. Informal. A propeller.
`PV0P- pref Related to or derived from propionic acid: Pm‘
`pane. [< PROPIONIC Acid]
`Pro-pae-deu-tic (pr6’pi-do‘o’tik. —dy6'o'-) adj. Pl’OVldll'lg '“'
`troductory instruction. —ri. Preparatory instruction. [<
`to teach beforehand : pro-, before 4' PW’
`deuein, to teach < pair, child.]
`Drop-a-gan-da (prop'e-gan’do) n. 1. The systematic PTOFT;
`gaiion of a given doctrine or of allegations reflE€!|“§ l
`views and interests: Marxist propaganda. 2. Matenfll da
`scminated by the advocates of a doctrine. 3. ProP39a."
`The Congregation of the Roman Curia that has aulhomy I
`Turn right side up
`Mm. ign
`Move right
`Move up
`Move down
`Straighten line
`Wrong font
`Broken woo
`E the word
`[E word
`thg word
`the word
`“he word
`the word
`@ thgwoi-d
`the ,word
`the word
`the word
`the word
`the word
`the word
`the word
`the word
`the word
`the word
`the word
`f"P“‘ / 5 P3Y/ 5FCIII‘E/ ii lather! bbib/ chchurch / d deed I E pet/ 6 be/ ffifel ggagl h hat /hwwhich/ipit /ipie/‘irpier;
`J judge I k kick/ I lid. needle / m mum / n no. sudden / ng thing / 6 pot I 6 toe / 6 paw, for / oi noise / on out / 60 took / <7’ b°°l
`Willis Exhibit 1020 - 4
`Willis Exhibit 1020 - 4