Willis Exhibit 1019 -1
`Willis Exhibit 1019 - 1

`Copyright © I976 by (j. & C. Merriam Co.
`Philippines Copyright 1976 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`l_.ibrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Wehstefis new collegiate dictionary.
`Editions for l898—l948 have title: Webster's collegiate dictionary;
`l949—6l and l973—76 editions have title: Webster's new collegiate dictionary:
`l963—72 editions have title: Webster’s seventh new collegiate dictionary.
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`ISBN 0—87779-338-7 (plain)
`(l—87779—339—5 (thumb-indexed‘)
`0-87779-340-9 (Buksyn)
`Previous edition copyright © I973, I974, 1975 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`Previous edition Philippines Copyright I973, I974.
`I975 by G, & C. Merriam C0.
`COLLEGIATE is 2: registered trademark.
`All I'LL:/11.x'iwd. Nr» purl <>fII1i.\‘ work cuvcrezl by the rupyriglils Izzereun may
`be l'L’[)I'l)dl4c'L’t/ or cu/Jim! in any furrn ur hy any mmv1.\'—,::m/2/tic. clcvrm/1i¢~, or
`im‘Imlir1,t: p/mlum/zyi/ig,
`r(‘I,‘(Il‘t1iI1,[(, mp/rig, or i/1_/iH'n1m‘I'<m and n'—
`ll‘l(’l’(li .\‘y.\‘I:'ml\‘—wil/mu! wrillmi [I{’l'I?1l'A.\'[(}I1 ufl/IL’ publis/wr.
`Made in the United States of America
`Willis Exhibit 1019 - 2
`Willis Exhibit 1019 - 2

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`Willis Exhibit 1019 - 3
`prom ptitude 0 proof
`promp-ll-tuds \'pr_iim(pJ-ta-.t(y}‘tid\ :1 [ME, ljr. MFor LL‘. M1=..l‘1-.
`LL pmmptirudn.
`Ir, l. pmmprrtr] :
`tltt: quttltty at habit of hang
`prompt tllda n_ 1 :
`the stale of_the sing: to the right til‘ un nntnr
`farting uh: audtnncc
`the stage adjacent
`2 :
`the !il£l(!
`to the
`|'Jmmptcr’s crn'ncq_
`_ _
`pro~n1_uI-gate \|-tram-.1]-.gnt:
`]1m— ma]-. pr.-I-.
`to make nuvrn
`rrtulgurus. pp. of pmrarulgarv.-]
`Lht: ‘1""’mm“"‘?fr “t.'.“‘r'.§‘!.‘ itJ;?t‘l..‘;$l”a3 ‘it.’ ll’.
`.i"i§.i‘§'ii."iE 2£.l‘J'n"'.!$
`force syn El? liECPARE — pro-trltuhga-tion \.
`lfirlé-._. r:..\ 1: ~ pra.mul-an-tor
`'nrllnt—: qgittvar:
`pro-‘nu.-tl-. pr:- . rm) 0'‘:
`pwrt abltr‘ 1 ftrqttoutt
`2 pronounced 3 |'ll'0l||.|I'lI:I&IIDI1
`ruttare rt
`: 0
`".::*"*"° ‘ '?"’t;£'.?t't‘r.,”h'?..'r'7i"P"‘i"}"'°"i""i"'i.iii.l=“i§3."i’»i3’3. rs
`or orearm} so as to bring lhe pnlnt facing l||)WI1WflI'l.i ttr bitckyvurd:
`In rotate (it uII1l(1fQflI'U.ibl'WiIl'd and tttwttrd Lhc, mtdltuc
`—pro»na-Ilon \|'t_rt’J- when n
`pm-na-tlor ‘\ qrtmnnt-ar\ N :
`st muscle that produces _mn:mqn
`prune \ ron adj [ME, lr. L pmnus horll l‘nrwt_trt1.tcai
`. akin to
`or nu ton :
`ism man Is ~ (I error
`is - in ow:
`it. K.-i)t_ t:rwnnlm— mgr: a1_mtt]'
`: hgvtgg ll
`tien t:ncr)l' air
`such things)
`2 : havin the front: at vctttrttl sttrface downward
`-—- prone adv — pI'I:IrlE- V adv - prone-nan \‘prdn-n:ts\ 2:
`ment : yin
`Fnlt)t_AF, sélPINr;. PROSTR-A'II£. Ill-Lt-_‘UMflENT shared trtmrtfttg ele-
`pro-neph-rm ('lpr0-'t1t:l'-tau. -.rits.\ u |NL. rr. Gk pn‘J- + rtrplrrut
`kidney —msm:ttl NEPIIMITIS]: a member ofthcnntcrinr pttlr uI'the
`nits nl‘ embryonic: N.‘.l‘L|1l nrgnns cl‘ hlgltcr V¢t‘I¢ht‘fl1I:£ —
`pro-nu;-h~rIc \;nl§_\ adj
`|}rm]\ _n |_ME. pmrrge]_ 1 :
`I—uttK 2: in tin: oI'a
`tonlh b: n point tat“ ttn .'t.nt|r:t' — rnrtned \ ré
`ender painted or prujecttng part: as l: ct fan of‘;
`up with ll prongcd doviu:
`‘pram: wt
`to stab.
`cruc. or_brt:u
`prong-horn \‘prt'1 u-nhol :>lrn.'pr'tu]- \
`N. pl prnnghom also pronu-
`rurrtinamt mammal
`(Arttffompra umerh-amt) or true-
`lcss parts til’ wtstcrrt Nn. Antenna
`rettontblcs an ttrllclflrlc —
`culled nlsu p!!JlPl'fl.I'l'£.'.Pl'J_-'.'fJJl_‘r.'tl't:lllN.'
`-‘nrlm-n:t]\ my [LL prtvmonrtnalrt.
`l'r. L
`rrgnomfn-. prorrnrynertj
`: ol‘. r nuns, to. or constituting a
`|1ronottn_ 2 :__r=_5t':rI1b|ing it_
`without descrihmg <fhE - ll
`ttoun In tdcnulytns or H|'l1‘.'cI'I‘lI1E
`in this do > — pro- -'
`norn-I-nal-Iy \-é\ _a v
`prcunnun \'prt‘)-.ttttut_1\ ll {Mb pm-
`I‘r. L pmnnmm-. pmrmttrrt.
`fr. pm-
`for + uominv. Homer:
`ttntc — more All Flu!-. NAME]
`: a word bclongins to one of the
`major forrn cla.-taut
`Ill any or n
`C5 noun
`II 9 or ll noun
`gienat tnlngertilrngun
`Ihttt ts USES:
`t L“
`tt L t: cntttt-ttl
`fnnitrnctiuns. and rofcrs to persons or things tmmttci or undcrstuod
`0 .
`r—- In
`pro-nuance \ ra-'naitntt)ea\ M pro-nounced: pro-nouncnlng ‘IMF.
`liT.‘i$’.‘r'i”"'T'.." :5‘ “it” r’°1ii1'.’.5ii"é Elsi: ”’£L"""""”aL"£'i~’It.5‘i".: *1
`to declare o tciuliy or ccmtiuniously (the minister pmnntmt-ed
`Ihcrr_t man and wife)
`2 :
`to declare uttthuntattivdy or us run
`: loanpoyt cur antto spent:
`to no one <-—t esawnr s>:-ttr
`opiutcm -lcdtsvitnrs prmtatlrttcad ‘him fitdto fetfllrltli dult:s)d
`3 n
`_to stty corrocllyg-(I cnrt‘t ~ his }:1amu>
`b :
`tn r
`printed churttctt-rs th: spoken counterpart or (an on ogrnphtc
`rcprc9tmtatlunl<hutI: dtctiunttrius -« clfqut the r3tttnc> 4: IlEl'_1TE
`- 1
`: 0
`l ncrt
`<5r.=-"“t'“=.:.*=:..t*‘;-';* ,~'tt;t:::."';* 'r'°"::a"°*“.'t:‘;:::=,,rS“:;*->r
`spnlutn lnngungt: a pro-nuance-ablg \-‘natinftl-ra.ha|\ adj —
`pru-nouncad-Iv \-ntmntt);
`-ta. - rtuun Ils~llé\ adv
`prmnounced '\-Il&1:tI|il_)9ll\ ad : strongly marked : DECIDED —
`It on
`: an nu on
`e nnnnunoe
`pill:-if.l:|.::_c$-Ijiiefll \.
`r.i-'nuuttfl1.'l~ttt_iltfl:l:_tI\. rt
`1 : B ufirténllormal decla-
`pin-rtounc:)ng aa_’/'
`: relating to or indicating pronunciation <a ~
`pron-to\'i:r'\ adv{Sp-._llr. Lpmmpmrfirampt]: Wlthmtt delay
`pro-nu-aln_~us \l"lp‘rc't-'n y
`rt [NL : Either of the gum:-lc
`nuclei Whl<_:h cdttlnbule to the formation (‘I
`lht: zygote nucluus and
`which M1: in thc stage u.I'tcr tzcumplclion nl‘ nttumttnn tmrl entry or
`a sperm into the egg — pro-nu-ole-tar \-klé-:r\ my
`pro-nun-cl-I-man-to \|_:rttl-.ttan(l)-5t':~:—'mcnl-f.}b\
`n. pl
`-Ios or
`-toes {Sp
`I'r. pronunciar to pronounce,
`fr. L
`pro-nun-oi-mtlort \pr:«.nan(t)-sé.'n—nh:m\ rt [ME pmutmclucron, fr.
`MF pmuortctbrlrarr.
`l'r. L mnrrnrfatfonv. prrarttmmrtia.
`fr. pmmtm
`p. of pmnurrriztqr
`lllt: act Dr manner nl‘ pronouncing
`' mot \'pr'tll\ it IME. 1!i.|I¥.0r{.'.l"HDR£. fr. OF rm-vi.-. fr. Lpmbn.
`saometh ng — pro-nun-ct-at-tlon-al \-shnal. —sh:m-=I\ anti
`r._ L pmbarr: to prov: — mun: ul
`a :
`the cogency ul‘
`cvulcrtct: thttt.compo|ts rtcccplattuc by tht: mind of in truth or II fact
`it :
`the process or nn instance of establishing the validity of ti
`alalcrnent esp. by durtvutmn front other staternent: in nccttrdanc:
`with acoeptt.-tt or sripulttlrd pn‘nt:ip]ca oi‘ rcasottin
`=.t-mt 3: an tn.-t. elfort. or operation design
`to establish
`or clisuover u Fact or trutlt :
`Ell‘ 4 arclrair :_ the quality or tune
`of having been [mud or ll'I|!d‘.
`: unyatzldln
`: evidence ctpnmllnx lu dctcrrninr: I c finding or udgmcnt o_l' rt
`3 ti
`.' an impression (15 from type) tnltert for cormcttnn
`Willis Exhibit 1019 - 3

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